FLAT CoursePlan - Jan 2024
FLAT CoursePlan - Jan 2024
FLAT CoursePlan - Jan 2024
Semester : IV
1. Method of Evaluation
Quizzes/Tests, Assignments (30%) Quizzes/Tests, Assignments, seminar (50%)
Mid Examination (20%) End semester (50%)
End examination
2. Passing Criteria
Scale PG UG
Out of 10 point scale SGPA – “6.00” in each semester SGPA – “5.0” in each semester
CGPA – “6.00” CGPA – “5.0”
Min. Individual Course Grade – “C” Min. Individual Course Grade – “C”
Course Grade Point – “4.0” Course Grade Point – “4.0”
*for PG, passing marks are 40/100 in a paper
*for UG, passing marks are 35/100 in a paper
3. Pedagogy
Flipped Classroom sessions
Think-Pair-Share Activities
Video Lectures
Year : 2024 (Jan-May)
Semester : IV
4. References:
Instructions to Students:
1. Go through the 'Syllabus' in the Black Board section of the web-site(https://learn.upes.ac.in) in order to
find out the Reading List.
2. Get your schedule and try to pace your studies as close to the timeline as possible.
3. Get your on-line lecture notes (Content, videos) at Lecture Notes section. These are our lecture notes.
Make sure you use them during this course.
4. Check your blackboard regularly
5. Go through study material
6. Check mails and announcements on blackboard
7. Keep updated with the posts, assignments and examinations which shall be conducted on the blackboard
8. Be regular, so that you do not suffer in any way
9. Cell Phones and other Electronic Communication Devices: Cell phones and other electronic
communication devices (such as Blackberries/Laptops) are not permitted in classes during Tests or the
Mid/Final Examination. Such devices MUST be turned off in the class room.
10. E-Mail and online learning tool: Each student in the class should have an e-mail id and a pass word to
access the LMS system regularly. Regularly, important information – Date of conducting class tests,
guest lectures, via online learning tool. The best way to arrange meetings with us or ask specific
questions is by email and prior appointment. All the assignments preferably should be uploaded on
online learning tool. Various research papers/reference material will be mailed/uploaded on online
learning platform time to time.
11. Attendance: Students are required to have minimum attendance of 75% in each subject. Students with
less than said percentage shall NOT be allowed to appear in the end semester examination.
This much should be enough to get you organized and on your way to having a great semester! If you need us
for anything, send your feedback through e-mail to your concerned faculty. Please use an appropriate subject
line to indicate your message details.
There will no doubt be many more activities in the coming weeks. So, to keep up to date with all the latest
developments, please keep visiting this website regularly.
Year : 2024 (Jan-May)
Semester : IV
Perform system and application programming using computer system concepts, concepts of Data
PSO1 Structures, algorithm development, problem solving and optimizing techniques.
Year : 2024 (Jan-May)
Semester : IV
Apply software development and project management methodologies using concepts of front-end
PSO2 and back-end development and emerging technologies and platforms.
Apply computing knowledge to assess, design and propose cyber security solutions and perform
PSO3 forensic procedures on digital systems and cyber world using tools and technologies in the area of
cyber security and cyber forensics.
Apply formal mathematical methods to prove properties of languages, grammars and automata.
CO2 3 3 2 2 3 1
CO3 2 2 2 1 3 1
CO4 2 3 2 1 3 1
CourseComponents Assign - - Quiz Quiz Quiz Quiz Quiz Test Mid End
Outcomes ment 1 ment 2 1 2 3 4 5 Semester Semester
Year : 2024 (Jan-May)
Semester : IV
1. CO1
3. CO2, CO3
NO. OF Assignme
Addressed /Quizzes/
UNIT 1: Introduction to Finite Automata 5
Construction of FA Machines L4
Construction of NFA L6
Construction of NFA with E-moves L7
Universal TM L30
Assignment 2 | Test/Quiz 2
*9 lectures may be used for revision and doubt classes by the subject
faculty as per requirement.