Lesson Plan M3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Lapu-Lapu City
District 5
Marigondon, Lapu-Lapu City
Tel: 236-1396
Name: Lore Jane T. Galleto Position: Student Teacher
Learning Area: English Grade: 8 Date:
iPlan No.: 3.2 Quarter: 3 Duration: 2 hours February 22-24, 2023
Learning Competency/- Code:
● Analyze intention of words or expressions used in
ies En8V-IIIg26
Propaganda Techniques
Key Concepts to be
Developed Intended to cause people to draw their own interpretations rather than simply presented with a
clear idea. Figure out the propaganda, the audience forgoes judgment of the ideas presented

Topic Propaganda Devices

K ---Identify the different propaganda devices
Learning Objectives S —Apply appropriate propaganda strategy to promote a product;
A— Recognize the types of propaganda used in an advertisement;
V--- Makatao: Show respect to each other’s opinions or ideas.

Resources Materials Needed:

- Quarter 3 – Module 2, Visual aids, activity sheets
-SLM English 8 M2, Internet


Activity (Introductory) I. Preliminaries:

a. Prayer before the class
b. Greetings
c. Setting of Class Rules:
Code 0 – Tidy your area and arrange your chairs
Code 1 – Fix your I.D, your uniform, your hair
Code 2 – Sit and listen
d. Checking of Attendance
f. Word of the Day by the assigned student
f. Recap by the chosen student

I. Motivational Activity
The teacher will let the students answer the following task.
Instructions: Guess the name of the product or service based on a given tagline.

1. May pasobra dahil special ka.

Answer: Rebisco
2. We find ways.
Answer: BDO
3. Hanggang saan aabot ang 20 pesos mo?
Answer: Corneto
4. Mura, mabilis at walang kuskus balungos.
Answer: Palawan Pawnshop
5. Para kanino ka bumabangon?
Answer: Nescafe
6. Filipino People.
Answer: ABS-CBN
7. Masarap kahit walang sauce.
Answer: Chooks to go
8. May liwanag ang buhay.
Answer: Meralco
9. Pasalubong ng bayan.
Answer: Dunkin donuts
10. Bida and sarap
Answer: Jollibee.

● Have you bought the product based on its way of advertising?

● How do you decide which product to buy or what idea to support?

Sometimes our choices and preferences depend on how these advertisers promote their
products. In this activity, we knew that advertisers use Propaganda devices by creating a tagline
that will catch our attention will likely make us buy the product and avail or use their services.

Based on our activity, in today's discussion, you will learn the nature of propaganda, as well as its

The teachers will read the objectives of the discussion.

Activity (Presentation)
The teacher will ask the students’ idea about what is propaganda?


Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a

community toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument.
Propaganda is usually repeated and dispersed over a wide variety of media in order to
create the chosen result in audience attitudes.

Propaganda is intended to make us accept or approve something without looking closely at

the evidence. Most propaganda devices utilize emotion and avoid critical thinking. Here are
some of the common propaganda devices:

1. Card Stacking: The strategy of showing the product‘s best features, telling half-truths, and
omitting or lying about its potential problems.
Ex. Drug manufacturers do this frequently in ads in which they skim over the possible
harmful side effects of their products. Facts are Selected and presented that most effectively
strengthen and authenticate the point of view of the propagandist.

2. Name calling: The use of names that evoke fear or hatred in the viewer. The name-calling
technique links a person, or idea, to a negative symbol. The most obvious type of name-
calling involved bad names.
Ex. Racist, dictator, communist, etc.

3. Plain Folks: The use of everyday people to sell a product or service. Speakers and ads
appear to make the person to be ―one of the people.
Ex. America‘s recent presidents have all been millionaires, but they have gone to great
lengths to present themselves as ordinary citizens. Bill Clinton eats at Mcdonald's. Ronald
Reagan chops wood.

4. Glittering Generalities: The act of referring to words or ideas that evoke a positive
emotional response from an audience. Virtue words are often used.
Ex. Food products will quickly label their foods as low fat hinting that they are more healthy,
when, in fact, the product might be high in calories. Advertisers will sometimes give an
incomplete comparison like ―better tasting. Better tasting than what? Spam? Dirt?

5. Soft soap: Flattery or insincere compliments designed to get the audience on the side of
the speaker.
Ex. "I love visiting your folks in Bohol where the people are wholesome, hardworking, and
family-centered. You all know what works in your province better than in Metro Manila.
6. Bandwagon - persuading consumers by telling them that others are doing the same thing.
Ex. Everyone is going to get the new smartphone when it comes out this weekend. Why
aren’t you?

7. Testimonial - when a product is sold by using words from famous people or authority
Ex. Burmese celebrities promoting brands

8. Transfer - when a product is sold by the name or picture of a famous person or thing but
no words from the said person or thing.
Ex. Billboard, magazines and newspaper

9. Repetition - when the product‘s name is repeated at least four times in the ad

10. Emotional Words - words that will make a consumer feel strongly about someone or
something are used.

After the discussion, the students will be asked Higher Order Thinking Skills questions. Students
will be requested to raise their hands if they want to answer. Every participation of student will be
given 5 points for their oral recitation.

Process Questions:

1. What is propaganda?
Spreading of information with the purpose of influencing feelings or actions. It’s not so
important whether the information is true or false or if the cause is just or not.
Propaganda is always biased and can be negative or positive.
2. What is the purpose of propaganda?
It is used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda, which may not be
objective and selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis or
perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational
response to the information that is being presented.
3. Why is it important to know the different propaganda techniques?
Propaganda can be very effective in influencing people's opinions. For this reason, it is
important to be aware of the techniques that are used in order to avoid being
4. How does the propaganda technique help us in decision-making?
This technique hopes to simplify the decision-making process by using images and words
including interjection words to tell the audience exactly what actions to take, eliminating
any other possible choices.
5. What propaganda devices you will use to make your product known?
I will use soft soap, I will influence or persuade the consumer with pleasing words or

Abstraction Through the concept notes taken from the module or presented in the visual aid, the teacher will
Introduce students to the history of propaganda, identify current uses of propaganda in the


Students will be group into 4.

Each group will make their own commercial that uses propaganda devices.
Each group will present a maximum of 3-5 minutes.

Group 1: Name Calling & Plain Folks

Group 2: Soft Soap & Bandwagon
Group 3: Testimonial & Transfer
Group 4: Emotional Words & Card Staking
The rubrics for scoring.

8- 5- 1-
10 7 4

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Assessment Test I

Instruction: Identify what words or phrases in the given tagline or statement in the propaganda
which are used to convince the audience to buy the product or accept the idea. Write your
answer on a sheet of paper.










Test II
Instructions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. An art of persuasion; it is the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of
helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person.
Commercial B. Propaganda C. Bandwagon
2. It seeks to convince people that “everyone” is doing something or likes something and you
should, too.
Transfer B. Testimonial C. Bandwagon
3. A famous person (athlete/celebrity) endorses a new product.
Testimonial B. Glittering Generalities C. Plain Folks
4. What type of propaganda uses negative words or feelings against an idea, product, or person?
Name calling B. Transfer C. Glittering generalities
5. A presidential candidate running for office develops a televised commercial in which he shakes
the hands of local farmers.
Testimonial B. Plain Folks C. Bandwagon
6. When the ad continues to use the same phrase over and over—it is repeated.
Card Stacking B. Emotional Words C. Repetition
7. Sprint is the network for all of your technology needs. It’s the number one network and
everyone uses its services. What are you waiting for? Join everyone else and get Sprint now!
This is an example of what type of propaganda technique?
TransferB. Bandwagon C. Soft Soap
8. Words that will make a consumer feel strongly about someone or something are used.
Emotional Words B. Testimonial C. Glittering generalities
9. The strategy of showing the product‘s best features, telling half-truths, and omitting or lying
about its potential problems.
Plain Folks B. Card Stacking C. Name Calling
10. When a product is sold by the name or picture of a famous person or thing but no words
from the said person or thing.
Testimonial B. Name Calling C. Transfer

Test III
Instructions: Identify the kind of propaganda technique used in the sentences below.

____________________1. My opponent is a flip-flop man who cannot make up his mind.

____________________ 2. The president eats at Bee Jolly restaurant.
____________________ 3. Gatorade always wins.
____________________ 4. I love visiting your folks in Bohol where the people are wholesome,
hardworking, and family-centered. You all know what works in your province better than metro
____________________ 5. Ann Curtis gives testimony of how effective Vicky Belo products are.

Test IV
Instructions: Give 1 of the Propaganda Devices and give an example/scenario.

Assignment Instructions: Choose at least 2-3 propaganda devices, research some pictures of your
chosenpropaganda devices and make a collage picture using any editor apps. Send it to
the groupchat.

(Concluding) The students will complete the statement below.
I have learned that __________________________________________________________
Exit Slip __________________________________________________________________________.

Prepared by:


Student Intern

Mentored by:
Teacher III

Checked by: Monitored by:


Master Teacher I Master Teacher 1

Recommending Approval: Approved:


Principal II Curriculum Implementation Secondary School Principal IV

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