Classification Sheet
Classification Sheet
Classification Sheet
TOPIC: Artificial Classification
AIM: To observe and classify organisms in an area around the home based on
their observable characteristics.
Notebooks, pencils, hand lenses, forceps, gloves, paper tape, aerated containers,
white tile, identification keys, photographs and textbooks.
Field visit
1. Arranged yourselves into groups already determined by the teacher.
2. Each group took a specified area of the school compound as their sample area.
3. Used hand lens where appropriate to observe the observable characteristics of at
least 5 plants and 5 animals in their habitats within the sample area (e.g. under
stones, on plants under dry leaves, flying etc) and recorded the observations in
pre-prepared tables.
4. Identified the organisms using provided keys (online).
5. Recorded names of organisms and observations in tables.
6. Made a labeled drawing of ONE animal ( preferably an insect) that was
observed. Used the observable characteristics recorded in the tables to
classify the organisms.
Name of Where
organis found Observable characteristics
ms They may Colour No. of Appendages Locomoti
Ant nest Their body Ants have two pairs on
undergrou color segment of appendages on ( flying
nd, inside varies s their head: the etc)
trees, or in from an ant's mandibles, used for moving
the walls yellow- body is grabbing or fighting, their legs
and voids brown to divided and maxillae, used in two
of a house brown into for breaking up food groups of
or and red- three into small bits for three
building. black to main swallowing.
all black. parts
No No. of No. of
. wings antenn
of 2 ae
leg (usuall 2
s y)
Butterfl butterflies blue, A 6 2 2 When
y are found purple, or butterfly this
all over white 's three happens,
the world. orange, body the
yellow, parts are butterfly
and black the will
head, move its
thorax wing
(the muscles
chest), ever so
and slightly
abdome in
n (the different
tail end). directions
so that
'warm up'
enough to
take off.
Worm They live Watermel The 0 Most 2 Moveme
anywhere on Red earthwor adult nt
there is Green m is worms involves
moist soil Pumpkin made of have 2 extending
and dead Black and about pairs the body,
plant Blue 100-150 of anchoring
material. segment wings it to a
s surface
setae, and
g body
Classification is the arrangement of organisms into orderly groups
based on their similarities. Classification is also known as taxonomy.
Taxonomic entities are classified in three ways. They are artificial
classification, natural classification and phylogenetic classification. There
are seven major levels of classification: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order,
Family, Genus, and Species. The two main kingdoms we think about are
plants and animals.
The organisms have been observed and classified in an area around the home based
on their observable characteristics into groups which are namely animal and plant.