Blue Print

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Introduction :

The term “blueprint” is derived from the domain of architecture which means
“detailed plan of action . In simple terms, blueprint links assessment to
learning objectives. It also indicates the marks carried by each question. It is
useful to prepare a blueprint so that the faculty who sets question paper
knows which question will test which objective, which content unit and how
many marks it would carry. It was first used at construction and industry. In
education , by the teachers, researcher, administrators.

Definition :

Blueprint is a map and a specification for an assessment program which

ensures that all aspects of the curriculum and educational domains are
covered by assessment programs over a specified period of time .


Blue print provide students an interactive approach for education planning to

meet the curriculum expectation and learning objective.

Need for the Blue print:

 It makes the assessment clear, explicit and transparent to everyone

involved in the process of learning

 It helps to match various competencies with the course content and

the appropriate modality of assessment. Effective assessment is
possible only when the three elements (Course content, Competencies
to be tested & Method of assessment) attain the 'Best fit' .

 It makes assessment 'fair' to the students as they can have clear idea
of what is being examined and can 1 direct their learning efforts in that
direction .

 It helps the teachers in designing the instruction as per the guidelines

expected in the curriculum . ·

 Ensures that the selected test items “give appropriate emphasis to

thinking skills” as “Faculty writing test questions without a blueprint
often find that questions asking for simple conceptual knowledge are
easier to write than those asking students to interpret, infer, analyze, or
thinking other ways.” Subsequently, examiner may have intended to
test higher order thinking, but the questions overemphasize the ability
to recall correct facts or 5 recognize correct answers . ·

 Blueprint deals with the sampling content, competencies and tools for
the assessment in a rational and balanced manner. The aim of
blueprinting is to reduce the two major threats to validity .

Features of Blue Print :

 It is a matrix or chart repoting the number and type of test questions.

 The questions represent the topics in the content area .

 The questions are based on the learning objective from each topic.

 It also identifies the percentage [%]weighting of cognitive dimensions.

Purpose of blue print :

Type of measurement tool for assessing the items weighting the respective
coloumn of learning objectives.

 Provide conceptual map of examination format and the content area.

 Blueprint is seen as readily available document,which contains the list ot
topic covered under each module with its identified learning objectives.

 Content validity of assessment.

 To satisfy the blooms taxonomy of educational objective.

Steps to prepare blue print :

 Content analysis

 Determination of learning objectives.

 Determination of no. of items for each topic based on learning


 Determining the types of question

Content analysis :

It is a means to divide the whole content of the syallbus or course into a

systematic tabular form .

Unit Sub unit

Topic -1.1

Lesson -1 Topic-1.2


Lesson -2 Topic- 2.1

Determining of learning objective

Learning objective is based on bloom`s taxonomy

 Knowledge level

 Understanding level

 application level

Sub-topic Knowledge Understanding application

Topic-1.1 2 1 1

Topic -1.2 2 2 1

Topic-1.3 2 1 0

Determination of no. of items for each topic

Unit Sub topic Knowledge Understandi Application Total

ng items

Lesson -1 Topic1.1 2 2 1 5

Topic1.2 2 2 1 5

Topic 1.3 2 1 0 3
Lesson -2 Topic2.1 3 2 1 6

Topic2.2 2 1 1 4

Topic 2.3 1 2 1 4

Lesson -3 Topic 3.1 2 1 1 4

Topic 3.2 2 1 0 3

Total 17 items 13 items 7 items 37


In this way no. of items for other lesson could be constructed for example:

Determining the types of items :

Determining the type of items in each module and also providing weightage to
each type .

Item types

Subjective types:

 essay type

 Short answer

 Very short answer

Objective types:
 Real

 Recognition

Benefits of Blue Print :

 Give feedback on student`s progress and teachers delivering the


 From students point how well they attain the objective.

 Provides a guide to both to students and teacher .

 Determining the reliability and validity of the examination.

 Blooms taxonomy helps in developing the entire written and some

aspect of practical questions .

References :

Adkoli B. Attributes of a Good Question Paper .In .R.Sood [Ed], assessment

in Medical Education:Trends and Tools New Delhi.

En. Wikipedia .org.

www.slidesshare . net

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