Science - Annual Exam - Vii
Science - Annual Exam - Vii
Science - Annual Exam - Vii
(g) Write any two characteristics of flowers which are pollinated by wind.
(h) What did Newton demonstrate with the help of Newton's disc?
Q3. Complete the given analogy:- (½×4=2)
(a) Fish : Gills : : Insects : __________________ .
(b) Instrument used to : ______________ : : Instrument used : stethoscope
measure blood to listen the
pressure beat
(c) Clocks based on oscillations : Quartz clock : : Clocks based on : _____________
of crystal when it is subjected vibrations of
to small electric current. atoms for
measuring time
(d) Gradual and continuous : ___________ : : The continuous circulation : Water
lowering of water table of water from earth to cycle
atmosphere and from
atmosphere back to earth
Q4. Correct the following statements:- (½×4=2)
(a) Animals like birds, reptiles excrete ammonia.
(b) Percentage of carbondioxide in exhaled out air is 6.4%.
(c) The slope of a distance-time graph indicates the distance covered by the
(d) Every year 12th July is celebrated as the World Water Day.
Q5. Think and tell:- (2×4=8)
(a) Observe the figure and answer :-
(i) Identify the type of effect of electric current in the above figure.
(ii) What happens to the compass needle when the switch is turned on?
(i) Mention the advantage of using the method shown in the figure.
(ii) Identify X and Y.
(d) (i) A person standing 6m away from a plane mirror moves 1 m towards
the mirror. Can you tell the distance between the person and the
(ii) If you are given two lens-convex and concave to read a dictionary.
Which lens would you use and why?
Q10. Answer the following in detail:- (3×2=6)
(a) How can you distinguish between a plane mirror, a concave mirror and a
convex mirror without touching them.
(b) (i) Define fertilization.
(ii) What happens to the ovary and ovule after the fertilization.
(iii) Give one advantage of dispersal of seeds.
Q11. Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) questions:- (3×3=9)
(a) (i) Identify the machine shown in the figure.
(A) (B)
(ii) Explain, in terms of ribs and diaphragm, what happen when air is
inhaled and exhaled. (1+1)
(b) Identify A, B, C & D in the given figure. (2)
(c) Identify A in the given figure. Also name the technique. (1)
(d) What can we conclude from the activity shown in the figure. (1)