CISCE_Gr 10_Physics_Prelim 2_QP
CISCE_Gr 10_Physics_Prelim 2_QP
CISCE_Gr 10_Physics_Prelim 2_QP
AY 2024-2025
Grade: X Max. Marks: 80
Date: Time Allowed: 2 Hour
a) Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
b) You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
c) This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
d) The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the
e) The intended marks for the questions or parts of questions are given in
f) This paper contains 13 printed pages.
(Attempt all questions from this Section)
Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the [15]
given options. (Do not copy the question, write the correct
answers only).
(i) The centre of gravity of a hollow cone of height h is at a [1]
distance x from its vertex where the value of x is :
(a) h/4 from the bottom
(b) h/3 from the bottom
(c) 2h/3 from the bottom
(d) 3h/4 from the bottom
(ii) If the angle between force and displacement is 0o, then work [1]
done is
(a) 0
(b) Fs
(c) F/s
(d) None of these
(iv) 19 K and 4020Ca are: [1]
(a) Isotopes
(b) Isobars
(c) Radioactive substances
(d) Isotones
(v) The ray AO is shown in the figure given below. The path of [1]
refracted ray and emergent ray will be:
(vi) The correct differences between a convex and concave lens [1]
are :
(i) convex lens is thin in the middle and concave lens is thick in
the middle.
(ii) convex lens converges the incident rays towards the
principal axis whereas concave lens diverges
(iii) convex lens has a virtual focus, and concave lens has a
real focus.
(a) (i)
(b) (iii)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(d) (ii)
(vii) The unit of quantity on which pitch of the sound depends is: [1]
(a) hertz
(b) metre
(c) metre/ second
(d) second
(a) Infrasonic
(b) ultrasonic
(c) amplitude
(d) Zero
(xii) The graph given below shows heat energy supplied against [1]
change in temperature when no energy is lost to the
surrounding. The slope of this graph will give
(xiii) The cold air blows from the land toward the sea during- [1]
(a) day
(b) afternoon
(c) night
(d) morning
(xiv) When a ray of white light falls on a prism,which of the following [1]
statements are correct?
(a) The dispersion of white light occurs at the first surface of the
(b) The deviation of light rays occurs at both the surfaces of the
(c) The prism does not produce colours, but it only splits the
various colours present in the white light.
(d) All the above.
(xv) The speed of light in water is 2.25 ×108m/s then refractive index [1]
of water is
(a) 2.32
(b) 1.03
(c) 1.33
(d) 2.33
Question 2 [10]
(i) Complete the following by choosing the correct answers from [6]
the bracket:
(a) An object is Vibrating at 4000 Hz. The time period of sound
produced is ____________.
(0.0025 sec, 0.025sec, 0.00025sec, 0.0005 sec)
(b) A metal requires 4000J heat energy to raise its temperature
by 10K. The heat capacity of metal is_____________.(100JK-1,
150JK-1, 350JK-1, 400JK-1)
(c) When sound waves travelling in air enter the medium of
water, the quantity which remains unchanged is
______________. (Wavelength, Velocity, Frequency, None)
(d) The specific heat capacity is maximum for
____________. (copper, Zinc, iron, hydrogen)
(iii) An object is placed 12 cm away from the optical centre of a lens. [2]
Its image is formed exactly midway between the optical centre
and the object.
(a) What is the nature of the lens?
(b) Is the image formed erect or inverted?
Question 3 [15]
(i) (a) What is the use of a fuse wire in an electric circuit? [3]
(b) State any two characteristics of the fuse wire.
(ii) With reference to the term mechanical advantage, velocity ratio, [2]
and efficiency of a machine, name the term that will not change
for a machine of a given design? Define the term stated by you.
(iii) Water has a refractive index of 1.33 and alcohol has a refractive [2]
index of 1.36. Which of the two mediums is optically denser?
Give reason for your answer.
(v) Give an example for each of the following uses of a machine: [2]
(a) To change the point of application of the force.
(b) To obtain gain in force.
(vii) When does a body rotate? State one way to change the [2]
direction of rotation of a body.
(Attempt any four questions from this Section)
Question 4 [10]
(i) An object is placed between 2F1 and F1 on the principal axis of [3]
a lens as shown in the figure below. Copy the diagram and
using three rays starting from point A, obtain the image of the
object formed by the lens.
(a) Does the object appear taller, shorter or of the same size to
the diver?
(b) Copy the diagram and show the path of two rays AC & AD
starting from the tip of the object as it travels towards the
diver in water and hence obtain the image of the object.
(iii) Name any two electromagnetic waves which have a frequency [4]
higher than that of violet light. State one use of each.
Question 5 [10]
(i) [3]
(a) What is the work done by the gravitational force on the moon [1]
that revolves around the earth?
(b) State when moment of force is positive and when it is negative. [2]
(ii) [3]
(a) State the work-energy theorem. [1]
(b) A ball of mass 0.20kg is thrown vertically upwards with an [2]
initial velocity of 20m/s.Calculate the maximum potential
energy, it gains as it goes up.
(iii) In the following diagram of a wheel barrow, mark the fulcrum (F) [4]
and indicate the directions of load (L) and effort (E) with arrows.
What class of lever is it?
Question 6 [10]
(i) The diagram shows a coil wound around a U-shaped soft iron [3]
bar AB.
(a) What is the polarity induced at the ends A and B when the
switch is pressed?
(b) Mention one way to strengthen the magnetic field in the
(c) What will be the polarities at A and B if the direction of
current is reversed in the circuit?
(a) the equivalent resistance of the circuit.
(b) total current in the circuit.
(c) potential difference across the 7.2 Ω resistor.
(iii) The figure below shows two bulbs with switches and fuse [4]
connected to mains through a three-pin socket by means of a
three wires cable.
(a) Identify all three wires and state the colour of insulation for
(b) What would happen if the switch were connected in wire 1
instead of wire 3?
(c) How are the two bulbs connected: in series or in parallel?
Question 7 [10]
(i) A certain sound has a frequency of 256 hertz and a wavelength [3]
of 1.3 m.
(a) Calculate the speed with which this sound travels.
(b) What difference would be felt by a listener between the
above sound and another sound travelling at the same
speed, but of wavelength 2.6 m?
(ii) An atomic nucleus A is composed of 84 protons and 128 [3]
neutrons. The nucleus A emits an alpha particle and is
transformed into a nucleus B.
(i) What is the composition of B?
(ii) The nucleus B emits a beta particle and is transformed into
a nucleus C. What is the composition of C?
(iii) What is mass number of the nucleus A?
(iii) [4]
(a) Displacement distance graph of two sound waves A and B, [2]
travelling in a medium, are as shown in the diagram below.
Question 8 [10]
(i) [3]
(a) After emission of nuclear radiation, the atomic number of the [1]
daughter nucleus increases by 1. Identify nuclear radiation.
(b) Write a nuclear reaction indicating the nuclear change [1]
mentioned in (a).
(c) What is the special name given to the parent and daughter [1]
nucleus when this radiation is emitted?
Question9 [10]
(i) A certain amount of heat Q will warm 1 g of material X by 3° C [3]
and 1 g of material Y by 4°C. Which material has a higher
specific heat capacity?
(iii) A magnet is released along the axis of a copper coil as shown [4]
in the diagram.
(a) State the polarity at the top end of the coil when the magnet [1]
enters the coil.
(b) What will be direction of the current is from A to B when [1]
magnet enters the coil. What will be the direction of the current
when the magnet leaves the coil.
(c) Name the law used to determine the direction of the induced [1]
current in the coil?
(d) State one way to increase the magnitude of the induced [1]
current in the coil?