Week2&3 DLP English

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


“Use of Mass, Count, Possessive and Collective Nouns”
Week 2

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
a. define mass, count, possessive, and collective nouns
b. differentiate mass, count, possessive, and collective nouns
c. use mass, count, possessive, and collective nouns in sentences.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Use of Mass, Count, Possessive and Collective Nouns (EN4G-Id-33)
B. Reference: Quarter 2 – Module 2 Who Owns? What Counts? Pg. 5-17
C. Material: TV, Laptop, Slide-presentation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance
4. Discussing the Health and Safety
protocols of IATF
5. Discussing New Normal Classroom
B. Preparatory Activities
1. Review
Last time, we talked about context clues,
exemplification clues and definition
Kindly differentiate an exemplification
and a definition clues?
Yes, Nicole?

Exemplification Clues are words in the form

Excellent, Nicole! of examples while Definition Clues are words
or phrases that directly define the unfamiliar
word in the sentence.

2. Motivation
Now, let’s have a game that is related to
our new lesson for today.
Raise your two arms if your answer is
COUNT and stand if your answer is
NON-COUNT. Understood, class?

Are you ready? Yes, Ma’am.

(Show slide presentation)
hair All pupils say “YES”
Did you enjoy, class?

3. Setting of Objectives
Okay, who wants to read the objectives
for this lesson.
Yes, Prince?

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

a. define mass, count, possessive, and
collective nouns
b. differentiate mass, count, possessive,
and collective nouns
c. use mass, count, possessive, and
collective nouns in sentences.
Thank you, Prince!

C. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
In our activity a while ago, those are
examples of a NOUN. Ma’am!
Who among you can recall what is a noun?
A Noun refers to the name of a person, place,
Yes, Jazlene? thing, animal or idea.

Very good, Jazlene!

In your previous lesson also, you have
learned the two basic kinds of nouns which
are proper nouns and common nouns. In this
lesson you will know the other kinds of
Uncle Joel’s Pansit
Before we continue, let’s read this short by: Syrelle France S. Paterter
story. Uncle Joel owns a canteen near the plaza. Our
group usually goes there after class to have
some snack. Uncle Joel’s pansit is one of the
most delicious meals we have in town. Aside
from the pansit, his fried rice in a bowl taste
good as well. No wonder why his food is so
loved by the crowd.

Kindly look for the noun used in the story.

Write them on your notebook and
afterwards I will call somebody to write
their answers on the board. I will only give
you 7 minutes to find for the nouns. Your
timer starts now. Yes, Ma’am (everybody answered)

Time’s up. Are you all done?

Okay, so we will classify those nouns
2. Discussion
First, let’s discuss the other kinds of nouns.
1. Count Nouns
2. Mass Nouns
3. Possesive Nouns
4. Collective Nouns Ma’am!

Who wants to read the meaning of count Count nouns are nouns that we can count.
nouns? There can be more than one of them.

Yes, Ayesha?
In the story of Uncle Joel’s Pansit, who
wants to come on the board and identify Canteen, bowl, plaza, and town
the count nouns used.
Yes, ma’am!
Yes, Edrian? Because Canteen, bowl, plaza, and town
can be counted Ma’am!
Is he, correct?
Why do you say so?
That’s right!
Mass nouns are nouns that cannot be counted,
Okay, lets proceed to mass nouns. Who Generally, they do not have plural forms. We
wants to read? do not use number to count them. We use
counters instead.
Yes, Edward?

Thank you, Edward!

For example:
bottle of milk
strands of hair
Let’s go back to Uncle Joel’s Pansit.
Rice, meals, food, snack, pansit
Who can now go to the board and write
the mass nouns.

Yes, Reign?
Very good!
Let’s proceed on defining possessive
Possesive nouns are nouns that show
who or what owns something.
Reign’s house Ma’am!
Roger’s Car
Uncle Joel’s Pansit, Ma’am
Who wants to come to the board and
find the possessive nouns?

Yes, Alvin?
Excellent, Alvin!
Collective nouns are nouns referring to groups
Let’s proceed to Collective nouns. Who of people, animals or things
wants to read?

Yes, Airob?

Last, let’s classify the nouns that are Group and crowd
considered collective. Kindly please
write it on the board?
Yes, Ma’am (they all answered)
Yes, Janelle?
Very good, Janelle!
None. Ma’am. We are now ready for our
Did you understand the other kind of
noun class?
Do you have any question before we
proceed to your activity?

3. Activity
Tell whether each noun is a count noun,
mass noun, possessive or collective
1. Equipment-count
2. Book-count
3. Table-count
4. Milk-mass
5. Sugar-mass
6. Kuya Juan’s bicycle-possesive
7. A herd of cows-collective
8. Class-collective Ma’am!
9. Bus-count
10. Antie Rosel’s Store-possesive Count nouns are nouns that can be counted
while mass nouns cannot be counted ma’am
D. Generalization
Who can differentiate what is count and ma’am!
mass nouns?
Collective nouns are nouns referring to groups
Yes, Angelo? of people, animals or things. Possesive nouns
are nouns that show who or what owns
How about a possessive noun and collective something
Yes, Angel?

Excellent! I hope you do understand our

lesson for today.

E. Application
Compose a five-sentence paragraph about
the things you usually do during family
reunions. Use appropriate possessive,
collective, mass, and count nouns. Do this
on your 1 whole sheet of paper. I will only
give you 10 minutes to finish your work.

IV. Evaluation
Use the nouns below to complete the sentences.
cup milk army slippers dog’s

1. The ______ leash is tight.

2. The baby wants to drink ______.
3. We saw an ______ by the base.
4. I received a cute ______, with my name on it, on my birthday.
5. I forgot my ______ at the beach. Now, I’m walking back on bare foot.

V. Assignment

Directions: Choose the correct noun to be used in each sentence. Write the answer on your notebook.
1. (Maria, Maria’s) dress is lovely.
2. The (bottle, bottle’s) beside the door is used for fetching water.
3. There are plenty of (sand, sands) at the beach.
4. The (orchestra, orchestra’s) performance is superb.
5. I saw a (flock, flocks) of goat by the hill

Prepared by: Checked:


Teacher-Aide/LSB Head Teacher I

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
“Using Personal Pronouns in Sentences”
Week 3

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. Define personal pronouns;
b. Use personal pronouns in sentences effectively;
c. State the significance of personal pronouns.

II. Subject matter

A. Topic: “Using Personal Pronouns in Sentences” EN4G-IIa-4.2.1
B. Reference: English Quarter 2 – Module 3: You and I Across the Sea, pg. 1-11
C. Material: Laptop, TV, slide-presentation, ball,
D. Value: Appreciate the significance of Personal pronouns

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance
4. Discussing the Health and Safety
protocols of IATF
5. Discussing New Normal
Classroom rules
B. Preparatory Activities
1. Review
Let us have a review of our
previous lesson first,
Anyone who can tell our previous

Yes, althea? Our previous lesson ma’am is all about noun and
the kinds of noun.
Okay, very good.

For a second time noun is a kind

of word that is usually the name
of something such as person,
place, thing, quality or an idea. In
English, nouns can be singular or
plural. Nouns often used need a
word called an article or

2. Motivation
Let’s have a “BALL Game”. I
have a ball here all you need to do
is form a circle. You will pass the
ball to your classmate, once the
music stop, the pupil who holds
the ball will say a sentence with
at least one personal pronoun in
it. Once you complete the task,
pass the ball again to your

C. Lesson Proper/Developmental (all students will form a circle).

1. Presentation
Today our topic is all about Personal
pronouns. Before we proceed to the
discussion, let’s read our objective
for today’s lesson.

Who wants to read?

Yes, Angelo? Ma’am!

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be

able to:
a. Define personal pronouns;
Thank you, Angelo. Who among you b. Use personal pronouns in
sentences effectively;
knows what is a personal pronoun?
c. State the significance of
personal pronouns.
Yes, Ivy?
That’s right!
Now, as we start our discussion I
A Personal pronoun is a pronoun that identifies or
want you to listen carefully because refers to someone
after this you will have an activity
and quiz.

2. Discussion
What is Pronouns? (Pupils will listen attentively).
-It is a word that replaces the noun in
a sentence. It is a very useful part of
speech because pronouns are used to
(Pupils will raise their hands and share their
avoid having the same nouns being thoughts).
used repeatedly in a paragraph. The
noun that the pronoun replaces is
called the antecedent.

Very good! There are different kind

of pronouns. Each pronoun is used to
replace different kinds of nouns.
Incorrect usage of the appropriate
pronoun can result in confusion and
bad grammar. Now we start to tackle
one of the types of pronoun which is
the personal pronoun.

Personal pronouns are used to

substitute the names of people,
places, animals, or things.
(1 pupil will read)
Number. This is whether the subject
is singular or plural.
Persons. This refers to the person
speaking (first person), the person has (1 pupil will read)
spoken to (second person), or the (1 pupil will read)
person, place, or thing spoken about
(third person), feminine or neutral.
Case. The case of a pronoun varies
according to its purpose to replace the
subject (subjective pronoun), to
replace the recipient of the action (1 pupil will read)
(objective pronoun), or to show
possession (possessive pronoun).

(Pick 2 students who will read the


2 pupils will read the examples.

Explanation in Example 1:
In the sentence. He is used as the
pronoun to replace the noun Jimmy Example
1. Jimmy Page is a great blues guitarist. He
Page because: is a member of the seminal a rock and a
 It was singular in number. roll band Led Zeppelin.
 It was in the third person
(because Jimmy Page was the
one being talked about)
 It was a masculine noun;
 It was the subject of the

Explanation in Example 2:

2. Tessa’s Classmates decided to give her a

Notice that her is used to
surprise birthday party. They decorated her
replace Tessa because she is: room with pink balloons and stuffed toys
 Single in number and waited her to arrive.
 Feminine in gender;
 She receives the action given.
On the other hand, the pronoun
they are used to replaced Tessa’s
Classmates for they are:
 The plural in number;
 Neutral in gender; and
 The doer of the action

Please refer to the table below in order to see the

examples of personal pronoun.

Singular Plural
Subjective I we
Objective me us
Possessive my, mine our, ours
Pronouns (pupils will look to the chart)
Singular Plural
Subjective you
Pronouns yours, yours
(pupils will look to the chart)
Singular Plural
Subjective he, she, it they
Objective him, her, it them
Possessive his, her, their, theirs
Pronouns hers, its
(pupils will look to the chart)

D. Application
Read the story below then answer the
questions that follow

Arnel’s father is a fisherman. Sometimes, he

helps him catch fish in the sea. One day, while
they were fishing in the vast ocean, they came
across a pod of dolphins. The sea creatures were
happily playing with each other in the water.
One of them even swam near their boat and let
Arnel touch its head. Arnel was indeed happy
with his experience that day. He hopes to see his
sea friends again.

1. What is the story all about?

a. Arnel and the dolphins
b. Arnel’s father
2. Who are the characters in the story?
a. Arnel, his father and the dolphins
b. The pod of dolphins
3. List down the words that are used to substitute
or replace nouns in the story.

Write your answers on your notebook. Do that in

5 minutes. The time starts now.

(We will check their work by answering the

questions on the board and give a reward to the
pupils who got the highest score.)

Amazing job, you all did great!

E. Generalization
What is the importance of a personal
pronouns in a sentence?

Yes, Alia?

What is the use of a personal

Yes, Xian? Personal pronouns are important because it was

used as a way to identify or refer to someone.
Very good!

Personal pronouns are used to substitute the

names of people, places, animals, or things.
Common Personal Pronouns include: I, me, he,
she, it, him, her, you, we, they, them

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Replace the underlined noun with personal pronoun.

1. Please give the receipt to Jane so she can file it away.

2. I watched as the five brown-spotted puppies slid through the kitchen.
3. Harry, could Harry. Please vacuum the living room rug for mom.
4. This evening, Ken, Bob and I, are going to play basketball at the park.
5. Chef Carl made a dozen donuts for Althea, Ayesha, Reign and Jazlene.
6. Dr. Nicole went skiing with her daughter and friend Janelle.
7. I think Airob is going to go grocery shopping at the party today.
8. James gave the DVD to Edrian to place in to the player.
9. Zhedrick got to the movie early so he sat and waited for Mhiko and Lance.
10. I wrote my name, Wendy, on my papers after Ashley gives it to Wendy.

V. Assignment

Use each personal pronoun in a sentence. Write the answers on your notebook.
1. They
2. I

Prepared by: Checked:


Teacher-Aide/LSB Head Teacher I

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


“Using Adjectives—Degrees of Comparison and Order in Sentences”
Week 4-5

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. Identify adjectives in the sentence and kinds of adjectives;
b. Use adjectives to describe a person or place;
c. Participate to the discussion attentively.

II. Subject matter

A. Topic: “Using Adjectives—Degrees of Comparison and Order in Sentences
B. Reference: English Quarter 2 – Module 4: Drawing Order
C. Material: TV, ppt,
D. Value:
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance
4. Discussing the Health and Safety
protocols of IATF
5. Discussing New Normal Classroom rules
B. Preparatory Activities
1. Review
Who can recall our lesson yesterday?
Yes, Althea?
Our topic yesterday is about personal
Very good! pronouns ma’am.

2. Drill
This morning we are going to have a
game. I will divide you in to 4 groups.
What are you going to do is to arrange the
scrambled letters that will best described
it’s given pictures. then paste it on the
The group that has correct answers will
declare a winner.

Given words to each group with a picture.

clown-funny (fnnuy)
fish-fresh (fsreh)
girl-lovely (lveoly)
boy-handsome (soemhnad)

3. Motivation
Who among you has received a gift that is
still used and hidden even though it is

Why did you keep it?

Yes, Jazlene? Ma’am!

Very good Jaz, thank you for sharing! Because they are from my mother ma’am.

4. Lesson Proper
1. Presentation
Now, let’s read a story.

Anyone from the class?

Yes, Prince

Grandfather’s Old Watch

by: Syrelle France S. Paterter

Back when we were still young, my sister

and I used to go to our grandparents’ house
to play with our cousins. I could still
remember the two old rusty swings by the
garden. Kuya Anton, the eldest among us,
used to sway both Alyana and me until his
arms got more tired than before. One day,
while we were playing inside the big house,
I saw my grandfather looking at his watch.
It was quite old, but he seemed to treasure
it. “Lolo, your watch is already old. Don’t
you want to replace it with a new one?” I
used to ask him then. But he just smiled at
me and tapped my shoulders using his
calloused big hands. When my grandfather
Thank you, Prince. Did you understand died, we put the watch in his casket and
buried it with him. My father said that it was
the story?
my Lola’s wedding gift to him. That’s when
I realized how important that old watch is to
Who owned the old watch? my Lolo.

Why is the watch important?

Yes, Reign? Yes, Ma’am! (they all answered)

Lolo/Grandfather ma’am (pupils answered)

Absolutely correct!

What words or series of words are used to Ma’am!

describe an object or a person in the
because it was a gift from his wife.

Great Job, everyone! (pupils raise their hands)

Expected answers:
2. Discussion
Those words are what we call young, eldest, more tired, and old
Adjectives. Who among you can give
the meaning of an adjective?
Yes, James?

Excellent, James! Ma’am!

Adjectives describes a noun and a Adjectives describes someone or something

pronoun. ma’am.

There are degrees of comparison in


The POSITIVE degree is used when

we are simply describing a person or

Example: The ipil-ipil tree is tall.

Based from the example, what

adjective used in the sentence?

Very good!
Who can give another example?

Yes, Reign?
Very good, Reign1 Tall!

Next, let’s discuss the

COMPARATIVE degree is used Ma’am!
when we are comparing two persons
Ayesha is beautiful.
or things. We usually add –er at the
end of the adjective or use word like
“more” before the adjective.
Taller, teacher!
Example: The coconut tree is taller
(they all answered)
than the ipil-ipil tree.

What adjective used in the sentence?

That’s correct!
Mila is shorter than Nica.
Who can give another example?
Yes, Ivy?

Great job, Ivy! In Comparative

degrees of comparison, just add +er
or more to the adjective. If you
encounter adjectives that ends with y,
just simply change “y” to “i” and

Let’s proceed to the SUPERLATIVE

degree is used when comparing three
or more persons or things.

Example: The narra tree is the tallest tallest ma’am!

of the three.
What adjective used in the sentence?
That’s correct!
Mila is the shortest among the Grade 4
Who can give another example? pupils.

Yes, Alvin?


3. Developing Activity
Write the words that show degrees of
1. The boy is taller than his little
2. This book is thicker than the one
you’re holding.
3. Lisa is a sweet girl.

Use the correct degree of comparison

of the adjectives inside the

1. The umbrella is (big). Adjective describes a noun and a pronoun.

2. Anna is (short) than Maria.
3. Joel is the (strong) among the three
Positive, Comparative, and Superlative
boxers ma’am.

4. Generalization
What is adjective? None, Ma’am! We understood the lesson
What are the three degrees of

Good job class! Is there any questions

about our topic for today?

Good to hear, class. Hoping for your

active participation again in our next

5. Application

Class, I have here a sentences. Let us

find the adjectives of each sentences.

Direction: Underline the adjectives in

each sentence.
1. They live in a beautiful house.
2. Lisa is wearing a sleeveless shirt
3. She wore a beautiful dress.
4. He writes meaningless letters.
5. This shop is much nicer.

IV. Evaluation
Class, let us see how far have you learned.
Get one whole sheet of paper and answer this one.

Direction: Underline the adjective that used in the following sentences.

1. The movie was not too terribly long.

2. A person smarter than me needs to figure this out.
3. The final exams were unbelievably difficult.
4. This pie is very delicious and extremely expensive.
5. Everyone was extremely delighted when the winner was announced.
6. The new outfit was very pricey but really beautiful.
7. Mom said the cost of a car is way too high.
8. Faster than the speeding bullet, Superman was finished in no time.
9. Students upset about the rising cost of tuition staged a rally.
10. That complex has quite small but cheap apartments.

V. Assignment
Describe each part of your house. Make a sentences that describes each part and then encircle the
adjectives and underline the noun.

Prepared by: Checked:


Teacher-Aide/LSB Head Teacher I

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