Compiled and Arranged - Aban
Compiled and Arranged - Aban
Compiled and Arranged - Aban
A dumpsite is a large area of land used for the disposal of waste and unwanted
covered with soil, with or without a liner at the bottom. Most of the time, this results in
frequently has a negative impact on the general condition of the environment and the
residents of the area. It is important to note that when dumpsites are not covered (are
open), they attract flies, insects, and other animals that can cause diseases or other
public health issues in people who live near such waste management facilities,
particularly scavengers (Dong et al. 2008). Solid wastes are disposed of or dumped in
barren lands in Nigeria and most other developing countries, and many are not properly
managed, if at all. There are two types of dumpsites: landfills and open dumpsites.
Landfills are properly designed to provide significant advantages over open dumpsites,
such as reduced environmental and health risks. However, they have been identified as
into the ground. This is a mixture of toxic contaminants with various chemical
components (Yang et al. 2013; Regado et al. 2012; Li et al. 2014). By gravity, leachates
move through the dump to the bottom and sides beneath the soil until they reach the
groundwater zone or aquifer. The contaminants in the leachate will first reach the
unsaturated zone, then move to the saturated zone's groundwater table. Thus,
source of environmental problem and concern (Singh et al. 2008), but lined dumps are
better in terms of contamination prevention; however, lined dumps can also be a source
of problem for groundwater quality if the liners fail (Banu and Berrin 2015). Groundwater
is an important and renewable source of water for human life and economic
formations known as aquifers. These are structures that can store and transmit enough
resources for food security. It is also an important source of quality water at a low cost
chemical disposal to the land surface by agricultural, industrial, and domestic dumps is
primarily caused by the contaminant potential of leachate from the waste body.
Chemical and biological byproducts of dump wastes are associated with dissolved or
suspended materials from leachate (Chian and Dewalle 1976). These leachates are
wastes flowing out of refuse dumps that have been saturated with rainwater flowing
through them (Kassenga and Mbluligwe 2009). Municipal solid wastes are primarily
made up of industrial and household deposits, resulting in leachate with high ion
concentrations and, as a result, very low resistivity. This has a significant impact on the
determined by its suitability for human and animal consumption, agriculture, industry,
and other uses (Babiker et al. 2007). As a result, proper dumpsite maintenance,
evaluation, and monitoring are critical in reducing leachate contamination and ensuring
electromagnetic induction have been found to be reliable and competent for such
environmental and engineering studies (Atekwana et al. 2000; Olafisoye et al. 2013;
Kassenga and Mbluligwe 2009; Ustra et al.2012). A geophysical method is one of the
best approaches for characterizing subsurface geology and hydrology without disrupting
the subsurface geology's natural arrangement. Pantelis et al. 2007 used this method to
their study. (Olafisoye et al. 2013; Igboama et al. 2021) conducted their research using
a Schlumberger electrical array and interpreted the field data obtained by using the
partial curve matching technique (Koefoed 1979) with master curves. Abdullahi et al.
municipal waste dumps, whereas Bayode et al. (2011) used two different geoelectric
southwestern Nigeria (2016). The findings of this study, when combined with the results
of existing hand-dug wells around the dumpsite, provided detailed empirical information
about the dumpsite as well as the extent of leachate plume migration (Ganiyu, et al.
2016). All of the preceding studies found groundwater contamination using various
dumpsites (Abd El-Salam and Abu-Zuid 2015; Armah et al. 2012; Afolayan et al.2012;
Badejo et al.2013; Igboama, et al. 2021). Oyelami et al. (2013) investigated the impact
samples were analyzed for physiochemical parameters such as ions, trace metals,
methods, multi parameter, and EC/pH meters in their study. For seven years, the landfill
was used to monitor and evaluate the water quality flowing into and around the landfill
site. Abd El-Salam and Abu-Zuid (2015) investigated the use of leachate samples to
In light of the preceding investigations, this study is intended to review various studies
the factors:
• Natural Sources: Some substances found in soils and rocks can dissolve in water and
contaminate it. Iron, copper, lead, manganese, mercury, uranium, chlorides, and arsenic
• Solid waste: This is a major source of groundwater pollution. These wastes can be
collected in dumpsites/landfills, and the degradation products and chemicals from them
percolate into groundwater via precipitation and surface runoffs. Manure, garbage, and
• Septic systems are another major source of groundwater pollution. Pollutants are
discharged from septic tanks, privies, cesspools, and other similar facilities. Leakages
When these are not properly designed, contaminants such as oils, nitrates, chemicals,
• Hazardous Waste Disposal: Hazardous waste includes wastes such as motor and
brake oil, cooking oil, photographic chemicals, paints, and chemicals from swimming
pools. When these are disposed of directly into the environment or through septic tanks,
pesticides can pollute groundwater. With the help of rainfall, these chemicals seep
• Petrochemicals. Petroleum products are stored in tanks that are either underground or
spilled chemicals seep into the ground with water, polluting groundwater.
• Surface impoundments: These are shallow dishes that are used to store liquid waste
from factories. They are intended to have clay liners or leachates to prevent leaching;
• Injection points Injection wells can be used for a variety of purposes, including the
collection of disposable water from industrial and commercial effluents. The lack of
proper regulation governing its use can result in hazardous chemicals being injected. In
developing nations like Nigeria, where there is rapid increase in population, increase in
lifestyles and consumption patterns, the administration and coordination of solid waste
has become a big challenge Some industrial wastes in a dumpsite may contain heavy
metals such as arsenic, lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and nickel
(Ni). The concentration of these heavy metals varies from dump to dump and is affected
by the source of the waste that makes up the dump, as well as the natural soil content
of the area. Solid waste from industrial zones dumped in a dumpsite reacts with
the product of the reaction of percolating rainwater, ions, trace elements, and other
degradable dump constituents transferred to the water level. Some dumps and landfills
in developing countries, such as Nigeria, are designed and built without engineered
facilities. The lack of these, combined with an ineffective solid waste management
system and uncoordinated dumping of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in an open dump,
are the primary causes of ground and surface water contamination in various locations
(Kumari et al. 2017; Rajkumar et al. 2010). Several studies have found that groundwater
near or adjacent to dump sites is more prone to contamination. One example is the
findings of (Oyelami et al. 2013; Saarela 2003; Abd El Salam and Abu-Zuid 2015), who
The data for this study came from peer-reviewed studies on the delineation and impact
twenty-one (21) peer-reviewed studies used. The cited studies are from various
dumpsites/landfills. The metal index (MI) relationship was used to assess the drinking
water quality in each of the study areas. Tamasi and Cini created the formula (2004).
Geophysical information
This section of the research aims to review studies that used geophysical methods to
due to contamination, and the porosity of the materials. Data analysis is an important
part of geophysical research and can take the form shown below for an investigation
using the electrical resistivity method. A preliminary interpretation of the initial resistivity
and thickness values of the various geo-electric layers at each VES point or location
was performed at the end of each geophysical survey using Schlumberger electrical
array. Resist software was used to iterate these geoelectric parameters (Vander Velpen
2004). On VES data, the partial curve matching technique was used, and various
layered models were revealed. Olafisoye et al. (2013), for example, discovered a 3-
layered model in their research. The geo-electric section demonstrated the vertical
three to five layers of topsoil, laterite, Peat, dry sand, and sandstone. The geo-section
revealed that profiles 1 and 2 had low resistivity values of 16.4-36.0m with a depth of
4.6-5 m, indicating the presence of leachate pollution in VES 1 and 2 that can directly
infiltrate into groundwater via the highly porous and permeable (aquiferous) sandstone
in the subsurface layer. The over-limit ratios of heavy metals with their pollution index
were calculated using WHO (2011), water quality standards, and an over-limit ratio
value greater than one indicates slight contamination, according to Zhaoyong et al.
(2015). Over-limit ratios of Mn, Pb, Cr, Ni, Fe, and Cd were found in the majority of the
water samples tested. were greater than one, rendering the water samples unfit for
drinking, while only Cu and Zn had values that were within the allowable limit.
The studies revealed that any or a combination of two or more of the following
dumpsite: electrical resistivity, electromagnetic induction using very low frequency, and
subsurface structural properties has greatly aided in the characterization and consistent
migration pathway.
This manner without any proper Engineered lining, the leaching process contaminates
1) Use the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) formula to reduce waste generation.
waste management.
3) Using engineered landfills will prevent groundwater, soil, and air contamination.
4) Adequate awareness should be raised about waste disposal and its impact on
adsorption methods.
This study discovered a number of pollutants in groundwater near dumpsites or landfills
as a result of leachate leakage, with the presence of these pollutants contaminating the
latter. The consumption of such water is hazardous to human health. The study also
revealed that the age of the dumps and the migration distance of the leachate are
important factors to consider because the closer the dumpsite, the higher the
contaminant concentration. Finally, it has been established that leachate leakage from
dumpsites is a major source of groundwater pollution, with organics, salts, and heavy
metals as pollutants.