Internet As A Global Phenomena

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Department of Education

Division of Oriental Mindoro
Leido, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro

Customer Experience and Level of Satisfaction of

Online Shoppers of Senior High School Students in
Aurelio Arago Memorial National High School

A Quantitative Research
Presented to
Senior High School Faculty of

In partial fulfillment
Of the requirements
In Practical Research 2

Diaz, Marc Dave C.
Agabas, Lindsay Ann C.
Meran, China Marie O.
Chapter 1



In today's digital age, online shopping has become a mainstream

activity, with millions of consumers around the world using the internet to

purchase products and services. Online shopping offers a range of benefits,

including convenience, a wide selection of products, and often lower prices

compared to traditional brick-and-mortar stores. However, there are also

several potential drawbacks to online shopping, such as security concerns,

issues with delivery times and product quality, and difficulties in finding the

information needed to make informed purchasing decisions. Customer

experience and level of satisfaction are crucial components of online shopping.

The quality of the customer experience has a direct impact on the level of

satisfaction and loyalty of online shoppers. A positive customer experience

leads to increased customer satisfaction, repeat business, and positive word-of-

mouth recommendations. On the other hand, a negative customer experience

can result in negative reviews, decreased customer loyalty, and decreased

sales. It is important for online retailers to consistently evaluate and improve

their customer experience in order to maintain customer satisfaction and

retain customers in an increasingly competitive online marketplace.

Every business organization's success depends on the satisfaction of its

customers. Whenever a business is about to start, customers always come

"first" and then the profit. Those companies that are succeeding in satisfying

the customers fully will remain in the top position in a market. Today’s

business companies know that customer satisfaction is the key component for

the success of their business and, at the same time, it plays a vital role in

expanding their market value. In general, customers are those people who buy

goods and services from the market or businesses that meet their needs and

wants. Customers purchase products to meet their expectations in terms of

money. Therefore, companies should determine their pricing with the quality of

the products and services that attracts the customer and maintains the long-

term affiliation (Kabu Khadka & Soniya Maharjan 2017).

One of the things that can increase online shopping transactions is

consumer satisfaction. Consumer satisfaction illustrates an important thing,

especially for the existence, sustainability, and growth of every business,

including e-commerce. Many companies understand the importance of always

improving the company's strategy in meeting customer satisfaction. Consumers

who are satisfied with the services or products offered are able to build

harmonious relationships between companies and consumers. Not only that, if

consumers are satisfied, the company can make consumers make repeat

purchases which indirectly creates consumer loyalty (Novialeta, N. & Slamet, M


Based on a study conducted by Statista (2019), the Philippines ranks

third place in the world's fastest-growing e-commerce markets outlasting its

neighboring countries in Southeast Asia. In addition, this study found that

Filipinos shop online for the convenience of not having to go to and line up at

brick-and-mortar stores (58%), better prices (47%), and deals (46%). Here in

the Philippines, the April 2020 Digital Statshot reported by We Social and

Hootsuite reveals that 64% of Filipino Internet users are spending more time

on social media. Based on the same report, 23% of Filipino Internet users say

that they are spending more time online purchasing a product or service.

According to GlobalData’s E-Commerce Analytics, e-commerce transaction

value in the Philippines grew 11.8 percent in 2019, reaching P229.8 billion

($4.8 billion) in 2020. It increases to 15.1 percent in 2021, reaching P264.5

billion ($5.5 billion).

Internet has drastically changed the ideas of customers about

convenience, speed, price, and knowledge about products and services (Vasić

et al., 2019). Online shops need to take significant control of all determinants

of customer loyalty in their strategic plans in the online business environment

(Guo et al., 2012). On the contrary, online shopping is not trustworthy and safe

for certain customers, and online protection is a big concern for consumers,

particularly in terms of theft, privacy and hacking (Al Karim, 2013). Thus, for

customers when making online shopping orders, site design and delivery time

are not important (Uzun & Poturak, 2014).

The study focuses on identifying the customer experiences and levels

of satisfaction of online shoppers in ABM-12 executive to help the online

businesses improve the quality of their products or services that they offer in

order to have an excellent customer experience that leads to meeting the

satisfaction of their customers. It is also to build a good relationship between

companies and customers and to maintain the customer's loyalty. More

importantly, this study is for the success of the business.


The study aims to identify the customer experience and level of satisfaction of

online shoppers of Senior High School Students in Aurelio Arago Memorial

National High School.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the customer experiences of online shoppers of Senior High

School Students in terms of:

a. security

b. quality; and

c. shipping

2. What is the level of satisfaction of online shoppers in Senior High School

in terms of:

a. Security

b. quality; and

c. pricing
3. Is there a significant relationship between customer experience and

customer satisfaction of online shoppers of Senior High School Students?


There is no significant relationship between customer experience and

customer satisfaction of online shoppers of Senior High School Students.


The study will be beneficial to the following:

Online Shoppers. Knowing one's level of satisfaction with the products

or services they purchase will help them to know if the products or

services are worth the purchase.

Online Businesses. Upon knowing their customers' level of satisfaction

with their business offers, it will be a help for the business to know what

to improve to make them quality in order to meet the customers'


Business Owners. Having a high level of customer satisfaction will

encourage repeat purchase customers, which can lead to higher sales of

the business, and the business owners will mostly benefit from it.
Employees. Maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction makes the

business succeed and expand, which can provide more job opportunities

and a better salary.

Future Researchers. If future researchers were looking for a reference

related to the customer experiences and level of satisfaction of online

shoppers, they may use this study as their guide.


The study aims to identify the customer experience and level of

satisfaction of online shoppers in terms of security, quality, and shipping of

Senior High School Students in the academic year of 2022-2023 in Aurelio

Arago Memorial National High School.


The following are theories derived from scholarly studies of philosophers which

could justify in conducting the present study.

TAM is a theory put forward by Davis in 1986. Davis (1986) explains

that TAM is used to see the understanding of individuals who are continuously

using information technology in their activities. Davis (1986) states that this

model states that information system users will be affected by the usefulness

variable which supports that the availability of information and the price of a

product offered by the seller can provide benefits for consumers in choosing

products where this can affect consumer satisfaction. The time savings in
shopping online provide benefits that greatly benefit consumers, this can

indirectly increase customer satisfaction. Davis (1986) explains in TAM theory

that the theory has another variable, ease of use. The convenience can be felt

by consumers through timely and expected delivery, thereby increasing

customer satisfaction.

Motivation theory is a theory that was coined by Abraham in 1943, the

theory is quoted in the book Management of human resources by Bangun

(2012). Abraham states that this theory divides the 5 needs of human life

based on a hierarchy of needs, starting from the basic needs to the highest

needs. The fifth hierarchy of needs include the first, physiological needs,

namely basic human needs. Second, security needs, namely the need for a

sense of security against various threats. Third, social needs, namely the need

for family and friends. Fourth, the need for appreciation that can be interpreted

as a sense of wanting to be appreciated by others. The five needs for self-

actualization are the needs to fulfill self-ambition. Abraham also mentioned

that security needs are very necessary for consumers, which is directly able to

influence consumer satisfaction.

Expectation disconfirmation theory (EDT) is a theory put forward by

Oliver (2015). This theory Oliver (2015) states that consumer satisfaction and

dissatisfaction is the result of a comparison between expectations and pre-

purchase or selection and decision making (pre purchase expectation). This

theory explains that one way to encourage customer satisfaction is in terms of

quality. One feature of customer satisfaction can be seen from consumer

loyalty to the products produced by the company. Based on these theories the

company can increase customer satisfaction by growing the quality of products

and services in accordance with consumer expectations.


Customer experience of online Level of customer satisfaction of
shoppers in terms of: online shoppers in terms of:

a. security a. security

b. quality; and b. quality; and

c. shipping c. price

Customer Awareness Program

and Company Development

The figure above shows the framework of the study which represents

the dependent and independent variable.

The independent variables are the customer experience of online

shoppers which includes the security, information availability, quality, pricing,

shipping, and time while the dependent variables are the level of customers

satisfaction which also includes the security, information availability, quality,

pricing, shipping, and time.

The one headed arrow indicates the hypothesized relationship between

the customer experience and customer satisfaction of online shoppers. The

double headed arrow indicates the hypothesized difference in the customer

experience and level of customers satisfaction of online shoppers.

Based on the findings of the study, the researcher will formulate a

customer awareness program and company development training.


Customer experience. Customer experience is the impression your

customers have of your brand as a whole throughout all aspects of the

buyer's journey.

Customers satisfaction. Satisfied consumers are those whose

expectations relate to online commerce are fulfilled or exceeded.

Online shopping. It is a form of electronic commerce which allows

consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the

Internet using a web browser or a mobile app.

Pricing. From the consumer’s perspective, price is what is delivered or

submitted to obtain a product.

Quality. Quality is defined as the customer’s estimation of the overall

excellence and value of the delivered product and shipping conditions.

Security. Security is defined as the ability of the website to protect

consumers’ personal data from any unauthorized disclosure of

information during electronic transactions.

Shipping. Shipping refers to the delivery of a right product in a right

packaging, having an adequate amount and quality, to the set time and

set place with minimum expense.

Chapter III


This chapter presents the research methodology which includes the research
design used in conducting the study. It also includes the sources of data, locale
of the study, population or sampling and the instrumentation and the data

Research Design

Descriptive research design was used in the study to determine the

customer experience and level of satisfaction of senior high school students.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at Aurelio Arago Memorial National High

School. It has a total population of 617. Of these, 280 are grade 11 students
and 337 are Grade 12 students.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were were Grade 11 & 12 students of

Aurelio Arago Memorial National High School, enrolled this year 2022-2023.

Student Respondents Population Number of Samples

Grade 11

Grade 12

Sampling Technique

The respondents were selected using purposive sampling where it is a

form of non-probability sampling in which researchers rely on their on
judgement when choosing numbers of population to participate on the study.
Research Instrument

The main instrument of the study was a self-made questionnaire. It is

composed of items that they need to determine the customer experience and
level of satisfaction of online shoppers of senior high school students in Aurelio
Arago Memorial National High School.

Validation of the Instrument

Validation of the research instrument was done through the validation,

suggestions, and comments by the teachers of Aurelio Arago Memorial National
High School. Their comments and suggestions were considered to improve the

Reliability of the Instrument

Test-retest reliability was used in the study to measure of reliability

obtained by administering the same test twice over a period of time to a group
of individuals. This was administered to 20 (twenty) respondents of the study of
Aurelio Arago Memorial National High School. After 1 (one) week of interval, the
same set of questionnaires was administered to the same set of students-

Data Gathering Procedure

A letter requests was endorsed by the researcher adviser and was sent to
the school principal and assistant principal to secure permission for the
conduct of the study. Upon its approval, the researcher, likewise asked
permission to the adviser of Grade 11 and 12 students to allow them to
administer to questionnaire and gather the needed data.

In the administration of the questionnaire the direction was explained to

the respondents to guide guide them in answering. After an hour, the entire
questionnaires were collected.
Scoring and Quantification of Data

Scale Statistical Limits Description

4 3.50-4.49 high

3 2.50-3.49 average

2 1.50-2.49 low

1 1.00-1.49 lowest

Statistical Data

This data was gathered was tested using descriptive statistics such as
frequency counts, percentage and mean.

The hypothesis of the study was tested using Spearman’s rho to test the
relationsip between the customer experience and level of satisfaction of senior
high school students in Aurelio Arago Memorial National High School.

Spearman’s rho is a non-parametric test use to measure the strength of

association between two variables, were the value r=1 means a perfect positive
correlation and value r=-1 means a perfect correlation.

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