This chapter presents the Review of Related Literature and studies from different authors of
books and internet websites. This portion presents the related literature and related studies
According to Gyaltsen and Prakasam (2018), the experiences that influence customers
to prefer physical stores include financial experience, buying experience, and in-store
experience. By running principal component analysis tool for the comparison of online and
physical stores experience, the authors found that there are three major components for each
online store as major loadings. Each part of the customer experience is important, and the
most important ones were found to be information experience, service experience, and
spending experience in online stores and financial experience, buying experience, and in-
Based on the study to Desmet, Bordenave, and Traynor (2018), they discovered that
in-store shopping behavior and attention to price differ between online stores and physical
stores, especially for regular buyers of the brand. Since detailed product information and
better customer service make online shopping more appealing, more people are switching
from traditional shopping to it. Online shopping has become increasingly popular among
students due to the rapid development of the internet and digital economy. The availability of
detailed product information and improved services on websites has led to a shift in consumer
towards online vs. physical retail shopping, they suggested that the right strategy for efficient
buyers are still physical store selling. Despite the technology advancements and upside turn
in digital and web capabilities the consumers still want sense of touch offered by physical
stores. Shopping in stores is better for some people than shopping online because they can
feel and touch the goods and take them home right away.
expanding and it also affects different market segments. Therefore, Marketing impacts us
without our awareness. Users discuss product reviews and issues on social media today. The
manufacturer encourages user evaluations on social media to improve the product and match
customer expectations. Consumers now routinely read reviews before purchasing products.
Consumers choose low-cost perishable foods and daily necessities from local markets. Users
According to Sajannavar, Dharwad and Tandele (2021), there are many reasons why
more and more people are shopping online. There are outside factors, like rising petrol costs,
that make it harder to get to traditional stores, and the hassles that come with shopping malls
and other traditional stores, that make people more interested in shopping online. Customers
can learn everything they need to know about a product by reading reviews written by people
who have already used it. People who want to buy something don't have to ask their friends
and family for advice; there are now many product reviews on the web that show what other
people who have used the product think about it. There are a lot of different kinds of things
According to Huei Lok (2022), the factors influencing the consumers' online store
preferences between Shopee and Lazada includes customer satisfaction, information quality,
and performance expectancy can influence the consumers’ online stores preferences. These
days, many people all over the world shop online. People can quickly buy things and services
over the internet through a website or an app. People think that buying online is safer and
more convenient than going to stores to get what they need or want, which is why online
stores are working hard to grow their businesses. This is especially true since the COVID-19
outbreak. The paper focuses specifically on the comparison between Shopee and Lazada in
Malaysia and does not provide a broader analysis of online store preferences or include other
According to Hermes et al. (2022), the effects of personality, trust, and desire to touch
a product before purchasing it on willingness to purchase and how those effects vary between
online and in-store shopping were explored. "Across both the willingness to purchase in-store
and online, a higher level of e-vendor trust is a significant, positive predictor." "Trust
Conscientiousness are significantly positively related to in-store, but not online, purchase
willingness." These findings suggest that trust plays a crucial role in customers' willingness to
make purchases, regardless of the retail channel. Additionally, personality traits such as
purchase willingness compared to online purchase willingness. These insights highlight the
and Technology (2022), a study by Treesa Antony analyses the influence of online shopping
sites on youth and how shopping sites are influencing the students in different ways by
identifying influencing factors on the online buying behavior of the youth. In today's world,
online shopping has gained immense popularity and is now an integral part of our daily
routines. This study examines the attitudes of young individuals towards online shopping,
considering that the majority of online shoppers are from this demographic. The study aims
to examine the impact of shopping websites on young individuals and the various ways in
which these platforms influence students. The study aims to investigate the factors
preferences in online stores include product quality, convenience, information quality, and
consumer trust. Shopping orientation and online store trust predict impulsive purchases in
students. The predicted rate of impulsive purchases is 52.9%. This means that more than half
of the impulsive purchases made by the students can be explained by their shopping
orientation and trust in online stores. The study suggests that these factors play a significant
According to Tan et al. (2022), the authors studied the factors that may influence
impulsive buying behavior and found that customers are more likely to purchase unplanned
products due to the attritional value from the marketing activities. Shoppers are more inclined
to make purchases from a store with a pleasant ambiance. This can be achieved through
effective marketing, highly skilled employees, and promotions that evoke strong emotional
connections. These attributes most likely apply to physical stores rather than in online stores.
Norbu, Gyaltsen., Karthigai, Prakasam, .C. (2018). Buying experience in physical stores and
T., Jukariya., R., Singhvi. (2018). A Study of Factors Affecting Online Buying Behavior of
Vasudev, Garg., Amrita, Kaur. (2018). Has Physical Retail Lost its Relevance in E-
Ramachandran, S., & Basariya, S. R. (2020). Consumers’ Preference and Their Buying
S., Sajannavar, J., Dharwad, & P., Tandele. (2021) - International Journal of Computer
Yee, Huei, Lok. (2022). A Study on Consumers' Online Stores Preferences: Comparison
Online and In-Store Purchase Willingness: Associations With the Big Five
Personality Traits, Trust, and Need for Touch. Frontiers in Psychology, 13 doi:
Treesa, Antony. (2022). A Study on Influence of Online Shopping Sites on Buying Behaviour
and Trust in Online Stores Towards Impulse Buying. Indonesian Journal of Business
Tan, Rich, Sun., Rashad, Yazdanifard. (2015). The Review of Physical Store Factors That