6.4 Local Search For CSPS: Section 4.1 Section 4.1.1

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4 Local Search for CSPs

Local search algorithms (see Section 4.1) turn out to be very effective in solving many CSPs. They use a

complete-state formulation (as introduced in Section 4.1.1) where each state assigns a value to every variable,
and the search changes the value of one variable at a time. As an example, we’ll use the 8-queens problem, as

defined as a CSP on page 183. In Figure 6.8 we start on the left with a complete assignment to the 8 variables;
typically this will violate several constraints. We then randomly choose a conflicted variable, which turns out to be

Q8, the rightmost column. We’d like to change the value to something that brings us closer to a solution; the most
obvious approach is to select the value that results in the minimum number of conflicts with other variables—the
min-conflicts heuristic.

Figure 6.8

A two-step solution using min-conflicts for an 8-queens problem. At each stage, a queen is chosen for reassignment in its column. The
number of conflicts (in this case, the number of attacking queens) is shown in each square. The algorithm moves the queen to the min-
conflicts square, breaking ties randomly.


In the figure we see there are two rows that only violate one constraint; we pick Q8 = 3 (that is, we move the queen

to the 8th column, 3rd row). On the next iteration, in the middle board of the figure, we select Q6 as the variable to

change, and note that moving the queen to the 8th row results in no conflicts. At this point there are no more
conflicted variables, so we have a solution. The algorithm is shown in Figure 6.9.
2 Local search can easily be extended to constrained optimization problems (COPs). In that case, all the techniques for hill climbing and simulated annealing can be
applied to optimize the objective function.

Figure 6.9

The MIN-CONFLICTS local search algorithm for CSPs. The initial state may be chosen randomly or by a greedy assignment process that
chooses a minimal-conflict value for each variable in turn. The CONFLICTS function counts the number of constraints violated by a
particular value, given the rest of the current assignment.

Min-conflicts is surprisingly effective for many CSPs. Amazingly, on the n-queens problem, if you don’t count

the initial placement of queens, the run time of min-conflicts is roughly independent of problem size. It solves
even the million-queens problem in an average of 50 steps (after the initial assignment). This remarkable
observation was the stimulus leading to a great deal of research in the 1990s on local search and the distinction

between easy and hard problems, which we take up in Section 7.6.3. Roughly speaking, -queens is easy forn

local search because solutions are densely distributed throughout the state space. Minconflicts also works well for
hard problems. For example, it has been used to schedule observations for the Hubble Space Telescope, reducing
the time taken to schedule a week of observations from three weeks (!) to around 10 minutes.

All the local search techniques from Section 4.1 are candidates for application to CSPs, and some of those have
proved especially effective. The landscape of a CSP under the minconflicts heuristic usually has a series of
plateaus. There may be millions of variable assignments that are only one conflict away from a solution. Plateau
search—allowing sideways moves to another state with the same score—can help local search find its way off
this plateau. This wandering on the plateau can be directed with a technique called tabu search: keeping a small
list of recently visited states and forbidding the algorithm to return to those states. Simulated annealing can also
be used to escape from plateaus.

Another technique called constraint weighting aims to concentrate the search on the important constraints. Each
constraint is given a numeric weight, initially all 1. At each step of the search, the algorithm chooses a
variable/value pair to change that will result in the lowest total weight of all violated constraints. The weights are
then adjusted by incrementing the weight of each constraint that is violated by the current assignment. This has
two benefits: it adds topography to plateaus, making sure that it is possible to improve from the current state, and
it also adds learning: over time the difficult constraints are assigned higher weights.

Constraint weighting

Another advantage of local search is that it can be used in an online setting (see Section 4.5) when the problem
changes. Consider a scheduling problem for an airline’s weekly flights. The schedule may involve thousands of
flights and tens of thousands of personnel assignments, but bad weather at one airport can render the schedule
infeasible. We would like to repair the schedule with a minimum number of changes. This can be easily done with
a local search algorithm starting from the current schedule. A backtracking search with the new set of constraints
usually requires much more time and might find a solution with many changes from the current schedule.

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