High Elves 8th Edition Army Book - Compress PDF

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The document provides details on army special rules, unique equipment, units, lords, heroes, monsters, and mounts for a High Elves army in Warhammer Fantasy Battles.

High Elves can re-roll failed psychology tests against Dark Elves and re-roll all missed hits in close combat. They also do not suffer from the Always Strike Last rule with great weapons.

Unique equipment includes Dragon Armour, Ithilmar Barding, Lion Cloaks, Magical Braziers, and Kraken Cloaks. These provide benefits like improved armor saves and special attacks.

High Elves

Army Book

- An Unofficial Update, for Warhammer Fantasy Battles 8th Edition, by Kris P; AKA Asurion Whitestar.
Version 1.2
Below are the special rules that apply to all High Elves in the army.
These rules only affect High Elves and not any mounts they may be Ithilmar Barding
riding, or any other creatures contained within the army. Ithilmar, which translates as Sky Silver in Eltharin. Is an extremely light,
flexible and resilient metal. When Ithilmar is made into barding, it offers all
Valour of Ages the protection of heavy steel without impeding the movement of the steed
When the Asur war with their sundered Druchii kin, there is not one amongst that wears it.
the host who does not give their all. Uncertainty, dread, dismay; all are Ithilmar Barding is barding (adding +1 to the models armour save),
banished from the mind until the dim of battle fades and weapons can be set
but doesn’t affect the models Move characteristic like normal
to rest once more.
barding. Therefore an Elven Steed with Ithilmar Barding has a 9”
High Elves may re-roll any failed psychology tests when fighting Dark Move instead of 8”, as would normally be the case.
Lion Cloak
Speed of Asuryan The Lion Cloaks of the Chracian hunters are worn as both a sign of
The Elves of Ulthuan possess a natural skill that far outstrips what ordinary status and protection. To wear a Lion Cloak, one must hunt and slay
mortals can ever hope to achieve. When combined with decades of martial a feral White Lion in single combat, the pelt of the slain beast is then
training, it creates a warrior elite the likes of which few can comprehend. made into a magnificent Lion Cloak, able to turn aside arrows and
Discipline and precision are the hallmarks of the High Elven warhost, every bolts with ease.
soldier knows their place and can trust those around them to do likewise.
A Lion Cloak adds +2 to the models Armour save from all shooting
High Elves may re-roll all missed hits in Close Combat. Also, when attacks.
armed with a great weapon they do not suffer from the Always
Strike Last special rule. Similarly, any missile weapons carried by Magical Braziers
High Elves benefit from the Quick to Fire special rule. Also called the Light of Lileath, these Magical Braziers are endowed with
In addition, no matter what weapons or equipment they wield, they powerful spells of everlasting fire. A single word is all that is needed for the
also benefit from a Parry Save, which is a special kind that stacks incandescent flames to empower the arrows and bolts of Archers and Eagle
with other Parry Saves in close combat. So when armed with a hand Claws, to rain fiery doom to the foes of the Asur.
weapon and shield (or if they have the Swordmaster special rule) Magical Braziers grant the unit Magical and Flaming Attacks.
their parry is improved to 5+.
Kraken Cloak
Kraken Cloaks of the seafaring Cothiquens are made from their namesake,
HIGH ELF ARMOURY mighty tentacled sea beasts covered in rows of spines and scales. Deathly
poison runs through their cold veins, emanating into their hides and covering
their body with a dark slimy ooze that is corrosive to the touch and poisonous
beyond measure. The High Elves of Cothique are able to magically bind the
The Elves of Ulthuan have many skilled artisans and weapon smiths, when poisonous blood within the hides of slain Krakens and when made into
their armies march to war, they bear the finest arms and armour. To protective cloaks, they offer immunity to all of the deadliest poisons from
represent this, many High Elf units and characters can take items of across the world to the wearer.
equipment not featured in the Warhammer rulebook. The rules for these
items are included below. A Kraken Cloak adds +1 to the models Armour save, it also gives
immunity to Poisoned Attacks and any other form of poisonous
Dragon Armour attack, like Dark Elf Manbane.
Forged in the heart of a volcano, this fine armour is enchanted to ward off
the effects of Dragons breath. Fiery, icy and even poisonous monstrous Harpoons
breath harmlessly bends around the warriors, with nothing but an aura of The harpoons of the fabled Sea Hunters of Cothique are designed to glide
mirage like air and pride left behind. through the scaly skin of the many sea beasts they encounter, but not to be
removed as easily. Some are even made from Sea Gold.
Dragon Armour is heavy armour (giving a 5+ Armour save), it also
confers a 2+ Ward save from any Breath Weapons or Flaming Harpoons are Javelins that have the Armour Piercing special rule.
Attacks. This Ward save affects the whole model.


Any High Elf Mage or Archmage that chooses their spells from the Lore of High Magic, will automatically know the spell Drain Magic – this is a ‘free’
spell, so a Level two High Elf Mage choosing from High Magic would know Drain Magic and two other spells.

 High Elf Wizards do not need to choose the Lore of Magic they  Whenever a High Elf Mage or Archmage (not a Dragon Mage)
will use until the battle begins. attempts to dispel an enemy spell, the dispel result is increased
by 1.
Drain Magic Cast on 7+
Manipulating the swirling tides in the Winds of Magic with a skill won through decades of practice, the Mage becalms the raging winds, making even the simplest
magical task an arduous labour.
Drain Magic lasts until the start of the caster’s next Magic phase. The casting values of all spells are raised by 3, whether cast by friendly or enemy
wizards. Further successful castings of Drain Magic in the same Magic phase are cumulative. The Wizard can choose to increase the effect of this
spell, to add 6 to all casting attempts instead of 3. If he does so, the casting value is increased to 14.
High Channelling (Lore Attribute)
THE LORE OF High Mages have a natural affinity with the Winds of Magic, even more so than any
other Elves. Easily able to draw in the winds as though they were themselves temporal
fulcrums of magic.

HIGH MAGIC A Mage or Archmage that knows spells from High Magic, that successfully
casts a Spell or Dispels an enemy spell, may immediately roll a D6 for each
dice used in the Cast or Dispel. Add a single Power or Dispel die to the army’s
Power or Dispel dice pool respectfully for each 5 or 6 scored.
True Magic, Lore of the High Elves, the Wind of Qhaysh.

Shield of Saphery (Signature Spell) Cast on 6+

As the Mage bends the Winds of Magic to his will, a shroud of shining magical energy descends upon his allies, protecting them from all assails. Arrows and bolts turn
to glittering dust as they pass the barrier whilst sword blows and spear thrusts land enfeebled.

Shield of Saphery is an augment spell with a range of 18”. The target unit gains a 5+ Ward save until the start of the caster’s next Magic phase.
The Wizard can instead choose to have this spell target all friendly units. If he does so, the casting value is increased to 12+.

1. Curse of Arrow Attraction Cast on 6+ 5. Apotheosis Cast on 15+

As the mage completes his intonations, the air around his foe warps and The secrets of the Aethyr are well known to High Mages and a skilled
twists as it shimmers with magical energies. Bolts and Arrows strike with practitioner is able to reach into the spirit realm and draw back the spirit of a
unerring precision as they pass through this blessed roiling field of sorcerous fallen comrade. A halo of glittering power flashes about the resurrected
power. hero’s head, pure magic sustained by the will of Asuryan.

Curse of Arrow Attraction is a hex spell that has a range of 24”. Any Apotheosis is a summoning spell with a range of 6” and can only be
missed shooting attacks directed at the target unit in the following cast if at least one High Elf character has been killed. The caster
Shooting phase may be re-rolled. chooses a single High Elf character that has been slain earlier in the
The Wizard may increase the range of this spell to 48”. If he does so, battle, the character is returned to life with his full wounds and all of
the casting value is increased to 9+. his equipment he had when he died (including his mount. But not a
Monster). The resurrected character also gains the Fear special rule;
2. Fury of Khaine Cast on 8+
or the Terror special rule if the character already caused Fear.
Calling on the dread might of Khaine, the mage launches a searing bolt of
brilliant white energy at his enemies. 6. The Tempest Cast on 15+
The High Mage unleashes an almighty magical tempest of terrifying intensity.
Fury of Khaine is a magic missile with a range of 24” and causes 2D6
Lurid polychromatic clouds swirl madly and a crackling rain of multi-coloured
Strength 4 Hits. The Wizard can choose to increase the range of this energy sizzles out from the vortex as all magic is drawn into the tempest.
spell to 36” and the number of hits to 3D6. If he does so, the casting Ongoing spells cease, ancient items of magical power dull and crumble, and
value is increased to 16+. The Wizard can choose to increase the unholy creatures are banished, never to return to the mortal realm again.
range of this spell to 48” and the number of hits to 4D6. If he does
so, the casting value is increased to 30+. Remains in Play. The Tempest is a magical vortex that uses the small
round template. Once the template is placed, the player nominates
the direction it will move. To determine how many inches the
3. Hand of Glory Cast on 9+ template moves, roll an artillery dice and multiply the result by the
Raising a hand surrounded by glowing light, the Mage speaks words of caster’s Wizard level. If the result on the artillery dice is a misfire,
power. An aura of harmonic energy flows out from him to his comrades, center the template on the caster instead; the template moves a
cleansing them of weariness and fear, steeling them to fight on against the number of inches equal to caster’s Wizard level in a random
most impossible odds.
direction (if you roll a hit, use the little arrow on the Hit! symbol).
Hand of Glory is an augment spell that targets all friendly units Any model under, or passed over by the template that has one or
within 12”. Any fleeing units immediately rally. All targets are more magic items, immediately has them destroyed or rendered
immune to Fear and Terror and gain the Stubborn special rule until useless. All magic items carried by the model cannot be used for the
the start of the caster’s next Magic phase. The Wizard may increase remainder of the game (Magic Weapons and Armour count as
the range of this spell to 24”. If he does so, the casting value is normal weapons and armour of their type). Any unit hit by The
increased to 15+. Tempest that has any spells affecting it (whether Remains in Play,
augment, hex or of any other type or continuous effect), has the
4. Flames of the Phoenix Cast on 11+ spell and/or effects removed, exactly as if the spell was dispelled. In
Pure white scented flames emerge from the air itself and envelope the target, addition, any wizards hit by the Vortex cannot attempt to Channel
immolating the unworthy foe. With every passing moment the flames grow power or dispel dice, nor can they use their Wizard level bonus
hotter, swiftly intensifying until they can turn flesh and steel to ash and when casting or dispelling until the end of the following turn.
liquid. Daemon and Undead units that are hit by the vortex must take a
Leadership test on 3D6. If they fail, they suffer a number of wounds
Remains in Play. Flames of the Phoenix is a direct damage spell with
for every point they lost the test by (with the same rules as
a range of 24”. Every model in the target unit suffers a Strength 3
described under the Unstable special rule).
hit, which also count as Flaming Attacks. The Strength of the hits
increases by +1 at the start of the caster’s subsequent Magic phases, In subsequent turns, The Tempest travels in a random direction and
to a maximum of Strength 10. The Wizard may instead choose to moves a number of inches equal to the roll of an artillery dice (if a
have the spell target all enemy units. If he does so, the casting value
misfire is rolled, the spell dissipates and is removed).
is increased to 25+.
The Wizard can infuse The Tempest with more power, so that it uses
the large round template instead. If he does so, the casting value is
increased to 25+.
High Elves may have up to two of each of the magic items, found in the Warhammer Fantasy 8th Edition Rulebook. On the following pages you will find
the magic items available only to High Elf armies.


SWORD OF AGES 70 points
Magic Standard
Magic Weapon
This magnificent standard is emblazoned with the glowing image of Sarathai,
This ancient and powerful blade is said to have been forged by the the rune of the World Dragon – a symbol of Ulthuan herself. It is made of the
crippled god Vaul the Maker. It guides the arm of its wielder, striking at the finest silks and cloth of gold, with a thousand emerald Dragon scales that
enemy with unerring skill and power. sparkle in the firelight.
This Sword adds +2 Strength and +1 Attack to the wielder, it also The entire unit is completely immune to all enemy spell effects,
gives him +1 To Hit from all of his attacks in close combat. whatever their source. This includes attacks from Remains in Play
spells such as Flaming Sword of Rhuin that have been cast on an
BLADE OF DARDING STEEL 45 points enemy unit wishing to attack them. It also adds +1 combat
resolution to any Combat in which the bearer is involved.
Magic Weapon
Bright blue steel can be enchanted to hold spells of great speed and accuracy, FOLARIATH’S ROBE 45 points
and the Elves of Ulthuan are masters of such magic.
Arcane Item
The wielder gains Initiative 10, as well as the Armour Piercing and This ancient vestment shimmers with a twinkling light of a thousand stars. It
Always Strike First special rules. In addition, the wielder always hits was enchanted by the eccentric mage Folariath, who’s legend speaks of him
his target on a 2+. being able to walk between worlds.

Model on foot only. The wearer gains the Ethereal special rule.
Magic Armour
This finely wrought suit of armour is made in an unusual style, not seen since Arcane Item
the time before the Sundering. The wearer of this armour seems to shine with
an inner light and the untold glories of the gods. Dug from beneath the Annuli Mountains, this crystal has been shaped by the
magical vortex that swathes Ulthuan, so that it draws magical energy
Heavy Armour. In order to allocate close combat attacks against the towards it.
wearer, an opponent must first pass a Ld test. Test each Close
Combat phase. If the test is failed, the enemy may not attack. At the beginning of the enemy’s Magic phase (right after the Roll for
Winds of Magic but before any spell casting attempts have been
made), the Crystal allows the High Elf player to remove 1 dice from
SHADOW ARMOUR 30 points the opponent’s Power dice pool and add it to his own Dispel dice
Magic Armour pool.
Forged by the Nagarythii Shadow Mages, within their secret armouries high
in the Annulii. This armour retains a strong charge of magic which shifts the THE SEERSTAFF OF SAPHERY 35 points
wearer out of the real world and into the realm of magic.
Arcane Item
Heavy Armour. The wearer and his mount (if any. But not a Made from Starwood and crackling with powerful enchantments, the
Monster) treat all Terrain as Open Ground. In addition, all non- Seerstaff focuses the mind of the bearer, allowing them to recall all of the
magical attacks are at -1 Strength against the wearer. teachings of their tutors

The bearer receives the Loremaster special rule.

These filigreed golden bracers are said to have been found on the distant Enchanted Item
shores of Lustria. The glyphs inscribed upon them writhe with untold power.
This gem is normally kept in a black velvet bag, carefully hiding it’s brilliance
Gives the wearer a 4+ Ward Save. In addition, it also allows the from prying eyes.
wearer to re-roll any failed armour saves.
The bearer counts in all aspects as a Level 1 High Elf Mage, including
gaining the Asur Magistry special rule.
RING OF CORIN 35 points
The tiny size of this powerful artefact belies its true power. Enchanted Item
The magical weapons of enemy models have no special effects or The origins of this ring are steeped in mystery, and no other artefacts of this
rules whilst in base contact with the bearer. Treat the magic powerful mage survive. However, few are the loremasters, wizards or
weapons as normal ones of their type. This also affects any magical warlocks that have not heard of it.
attacks that a model might have, from a spell or other magic item,
Bound Spell (power level 4), the spell has a range of 24”. When cast,
but not if the model has natural magical attacks, for example a
the target unit must reveal all magic items within the unit, the High
Daemonic or Ethereal model.
Elf player then chooses one of the items to be nullified for the
remainder of the battle. Magic weapons and armour count as
normal ones of their type, all other items are completely nullified
and cannot be used at all.

Kingdom Prince 5 7 6 4 3 3 8 4 10
Court Noble 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Character).

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Martial Prowess (see page 6).

Archmage 5 4 4 3 3 3 5 1 9
Mage 5 4 4 3 3 2 5 1 8

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Character).

MAGIC: Archmages and Mages are Wizards, and use spells from the Lore of High Magic, or any one of the eight Lores of Magic
in the Warhammer rulebook.

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan.

Asur Magistry: A High Elf Wizard with Asur Magistry ignores the effects of Broken Concentration when casting spells.

Dragon Mage 5 4 4 3 3 2 6 2 8
Drake 6 5 0 5 5 5 4 4 7

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Character). Mounted on a Sun Dragon (Monster).

MAGIC: Dragon Mages are Wizards that use spells from the Lore of Fire, the Lore of Life, the Lore of Heavens, the Lore of
Light or the Lore of Death. The Lore of Magic Dragon Mages use depends on the type of Dragon they ride. This is described
later within the Dragons section (see page 13).

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Asur Magistry.

Reckless: When a Dragon Mage casts a spell, an extra ‘free’ Power dice is added to the casting attempt. This extra dice does
not count towards the maximum 6 dice a Wizard can use, but is otherwise treated as a normal Power dice in all respects.
Warrior Mage: Dragon Mages may cast un-boosted direct damage and magic missile spells whilst in close combat, but may
only target an enemy unit they are fighting.
Archer 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Hawkeye 5 4 5 3 3 1 5 1 8

TROOP TYPE: Infantry

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan.

Elven Volley: Models with the Elven Volley special rule may benefit from the Volley Fire special rule, even if they moved
earlier in the turn (but not Marched) or when making a Stand and Shoot charge reaction. Note that Skirmishing models with
Elven Volley may shoot with all of its models in the third and subsequent ranks instead of half the models like normal.
Note than Ellyrian Reavers may still benefit from the Volley Fire special rule when they Fire on the March.

Spearmen 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Sentinel 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8

TROOP TYPE: Infantry

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan.

Martial Prowess: Models with the Martial Prowess special rule have the Fight in Extra Ranks special rule and may make
supporting attacks in any direction, not only to the front. They may also make as many supporting attacks as they have
normal attacks, up to a maximum of three.
Note that Cavalry models with Martial Prowess do not benefit from the Fight in Extra Ranks special rule.

Seaguard 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Sea Master 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8

TROOP TYPE: Infantry

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Elven Volley, Martial Prowess.

Silver Helm 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
High Helm 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8
Elven Steed 9 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 5


SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Martial Prowess.

Shadow Warrior 5 5 5 3 3 1 5 1 8
Shadow Master 5 5 6 3 3 1 5 2 8

TROOP TYPE: Infantry

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Elven Volley, Martial Prowess, Strider, Skirmishers, Scouts.
Shadow Warriors: Any and all weapons carried by models with the Shadow Warriors special rule, gain the Armour Piercing
special rule. Also, instead of setting up like Scouts at the beginning of the battle, Shadow Warriors may elect to be Ambushers,
and will follow all the rules for them.
Nagarythe Hatred: Models with the Nagarythe Hatred special rule add +1 To Hit in the first round of Close Combat; this takes
effect in every turn when fighting Dark Elves. In addition, they also suffer from the Berserk Rage element of the Frenzy special
rule. Note that they do not gain an Extra Attack or Immune to Psychology.

A Note on Hatred:
Other models in the army (namely Eltharion and the Cothique Krakens) have Hatred, this is treated the same as Nagarythe
Hatred (except that it only affects To Hit rolls in the first turn of Close Combat), but with Berserk Rage against the hated
enemy of choice (ie: Orcs and Goblins).


Phoenix Guard 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 1 9
Keeper of the Flame 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 2 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Fear, Ward Save (4+).
Known Fate: Models with the Known Fate special rule and any characters that have joined their unit are Unbreakable.

Swordmaster 5 6 4 3 3 1 5 2 8
Bladelord 5 6 4 3 3 1 5 3 8

TROOP TYPE: Infantry

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan.

Swordmasters: Models with the Swordmasters special rule have the Always Strikes First special rule, they may also make
supporting attacks in any direction and as many supporting attacks as they have normal attacks, up to a maximum of three.
In addition, they also have a Parry Save (which stacks with their normal Speed of Asuryan parry, just as described on page 2).
Unlike a normal Parry Save, this save can be used from any attacks and in any direction, not just from Close Combat attacks
and not only to the front.
Kraken 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 1 9
Leviathan 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 2 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Martial Prowess, Hatred (Dark Elves, Warriors of Chaos).
Sea Hunters: Weapons of models with the Sea Hunters special rule gain the Armour Piercing special rule when fighting models
with the Large Target or Sea Creature special rule. If fighting models with both the Large Target and Sea Creature special
rules, their Armour Piercing becomes -2 instead of -1.
Mariners: Models with the Mariner special rule and any characters that have joined their unit have the Water Strider special

Tiranoc Chariot - - - 5 4 4 - - -
Tiranocian Crew - 4 4 3 - - 5 1 8
Elven Steed 9 3 - 3 - - 4 1 -


SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Fast Cavalry.

Ellyrian Reaver 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Harbinger 5 4 5 3 3 1 5 1 8
Elven Steed 9 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 5


SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Elven Volley, Fast Cavalry, Strider.


Dragon Prince 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 2 9
Drakemaster 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 3 9
Elven Steed 9 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 5


SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Martial Prowess, Devastating Charge.
White Lion 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 1 8
Guardian 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 2 8

TROOP TYPE: Infantry

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan.

Woodsmen: Models with the Woodmen special rule and any characters that have joined their unit have the Forest Strider
special rule.
Bodyguard: Models with the Bodyguard special rule are Stubborn and if their unit contains the General, they are also Immune
to Psychology.


Lion Chariot - - - 5 4 4 - - -
Chracian Crew - 5 4 4 - - 5 1 8
War Lions 8 5 - 5 - - 4 2 -


SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Fear, Stubborn.


War Lion 8 5 0 5 4 1 4 2 6


SPECIAL RULES: Fear, Forest Strider.

Lion Coat: War Lions have a Lion Coat that offers the same protection as a Lion Cloak, giving +2 to the models armour save
from shooting attacks.
The Lion’s Pride: Any characters that join a War Lions of Chrace unit may benefit from Look Out Sir!, even though they are not
the same troop type. In addition, they also gain the Forest Strider special rule as long as they stay with the unit.

Elven Steed 9 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 5


Maiden 5 5 5 3 3 1 6 1 9
Maiden Guardian 5 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Elven Volley, Martial Prowess, Magic Resistance (1), Ward Save (5+).


Bolt Thrower - - - - 7 3 - - -
Lothern Crew 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Eagle-eye 5 4 5 3 3 1 5 1 8

TROOP TYPE: War Machine (Bolt Thrower).

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan.

Eagles Claw: Repeater Bolt Throwers are Bolt Throwers but have a Strength of 7. They may also fire a volley instead of the
firing normally, this ignores the normal rules for a single Bolt Thrower shot, has a range of 48”, a Strength of 5 and has the
Multiple Shots (6) and Armour Piercing special rules. Note that a Repeater Bolt Thrower does not suffer the -1 to hit for the
Multiple Shots special rule.

Great Phoenix 4 5 0 6 5 4 4 4 9


MAGIC: A Great Phoenix is a Level 1 Wizard and uses spells from the Lore of Fire.

SPECIAL RULES: Fly, Large Target, Scaly Skin (5+), Terror, Regeneration, Flaming Attacks, Enchanted Attacks.
Phoenix Fire: Any model (friendly or enemy) in base contact with the Great Phoenix at the start of any round of Close Combat
takes an automatic Strength 4 hit with the Flaming Attacks special rule. Additionally, any non-magical attacks directed against
the Great Phoenix suffer a -1 penalty To Wound.
Born from Flames: A Great Phoenix cannot be wounded by spells from the Lore of Fire, nor from any Flaming Attacks. In
addition, if the Great Phoenix is the target of a successfully cast spell from the Lore of Fire, it immediately regains a single
Wound lost earlier in the battle.

 Rebirth: The models Regeneration is increased to Regeneration (3+).
 Swiftsense: The model gains the Always Strikes First special rule.
 Song of Fire: Grants the model a Strength 4 Breath Weapon.
 Phoenix Lore: Increases the models Wizard Level by 1. The model may also swap any spell for the Flames of the
Phoenix spell, from the Lore of High Magic.
Great Eagle 2 5 0 4 4 3 4 2 8

TROOP TYPE: Monstrous Beast


Swooping Shadow: The model cause Fear on the turn it charges.

 Feathers of the Iron Phoenix: The model gains the Scaly Skin (5+) special rule.
 Swiftsense: The model gains the Always Strikes First special rule.
 Blood of the Phoenix: The model gains +1 Strength to its profile and the Flaming Attacks special rule.

Great Stag 9 5 0 5 4 3 4 2 7

TROOP TYPE: Monstrous Beast

SPECIAL RULES: Ward Save (5+), Impact Hits (D3), Immune to Psychology.
Enchanted Attacks: All of the models attacks count as Magical.

Deepwood Unicorn 10 4 0 3 3 1 5 1 8
Avelorn Unicorn 10 5 0 4 4 3 5 2 8

TROOP TYPE: War Beast (Deepwood Unicorn). Monstrous Beast (Avelorn Unicorn).

SPECIAL RULES: Ward Save (5+), Magic Resistance (2), Immune to Psychology, Enchanted Attacks
Impale: The model gains +2 Strength on the turn it charges.

Chomp Attacks Tail Attacks

A model with a Chomp Attack has an additional Attack to A model with a Tail Attack has an additional Attack to
the Attacks shown on its profile (this should be rolled for the Attacks shown on its profile (this should be rolled for
separately), any special rules that may apply to the separately, in addition to any Chomp Attack).
Chomp Attack are included within its entry. In addition, Tail Attacks gain +1 To Hit against models
In addition, Chomp Attacks gain +1 To Hit against models within its rear arc.
with the Large Target special rule.
On this page are the models that do not have an individual entry in the army list, but have available upgrades. The costs of
these are presented next to each of the upgrade entries, instead of being in the army list, which would normally be the case.
Star Dragons also have an option to be Wizards, this cost is presented within their Magic entry, found on the next page.

Hippogryph 8 4 0 5 5 4 4 4 8


SPECIAL RULES: Fly, Large Target, Terror.

 Shredding Talons: The model gains the Armour Piercing special rule. - 15 points
 Serrated Beak: The model gains a Chomp Attack with the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule. - 15 points
 Fiercely Loyal: The model gains the Stubborn special rule and any Monster Reaction test it is - 20 points
required to take is treated as a GRRRRR result.
 Swooping Strike: The model gains +1 Strength on the turn it charges and the Devastating - 20 points
Charge special rule.

Pegasus 8 3 0 4 4 3 4 2 6

TROOP TYPE: Monstrous Beast


 Serrated Horn: The model gains +1 Strength on the charge. - 10 points
 Radiant Aura: The model gains a Strength 2 Breath Weapon. - 15 points

Griffon 6 5 0 5 5 4 5 4 7


SPECIAL RULES: Fly, Large Target, Terror.

 Lash Tail: The model gains a Tail Attack. - 15 points
 Strike Talons: The model gains the Armour Piercing special rule. - 15 points
 Razorbeak: The model gains a Chomp Attack with the no armour saves allowed. - 20 points
 Swiftsense: The model gains the Always Strikes First special rule. - 20 points
 Bloodroar: Enemy units in base contact with the model must roll an extra D6 and discard the - 25 points
lowest result, when taking Ld tests for Fear and Terror.
Sun Dragon 6 5 0 5 5 5 4 4 7
Moon Dragon 6 6 0 6 6 6 3 5 8
Star Dragon 6 7 0 7 7 7 2 6 9


MAGIC: A Star Dragon can be a Level 1 Wizard for +35 points and will use spells from the Lore of Fire, the Lore of Life, the Lore
of Heavens, the Lore of Light or the Lore of Death. The Lore of Magic they use depends upon the type of Dragon they are, as
described below.

SPECIAL RULES: Fly, Large Target, Scaly Skin (3+), Terror, Dragons Breath (see below).
Dragon Bond: When taking a Monster Reaction test, re-roll any results of UH?, on the Monster Reaction Table.
In addition, when randomising hits against a Dragon and its rider, the rider will only be hit on a 6, instead of a 5 or 6 as

Each Dragon must be a type from below. These are the different special rules that apply to each kind of Dragons Breath
Weapon and which Lore of Magic Star Dragons (and Dragon Mages) can use.

Red Dragons
Red Dragons have a Strength 4 Breath Weapon with the Green Dragons
Flaming Attacks special rule. In addition, any unit that Green Dragons have a Strength 2 Breath Weapon, with a -
takes casualties from Red Dragons Breath must take a 3 armour save modifier. In addition, roll a D6 for every
Panic test. model hit, on a 6 the model is Wounded automatically
Red Star Dragons and Dragons Mages that ride a Red Sun (this counts as a type of Poison, so models that are
Dragon always use spells from the Lore of Fire. immune to poison are also immune to this effect, but
suffer the hits as normal).
Green Star Dragons and Dragon Mages that ride a Green
Black Dragons Sun Dragon always use spells from the Lore of Life.
Black Dragons have a Strength 4 Breath Weapon. In
addition, any unit that takes casualties from Black Dragons
Breath must take a Ld test to charge in their following Blue Dragons
Movement phase (Models that are Immune to Psychology Blue Dragons have a Breath Weapon that always wounds
are not affected by this extra effect, but still suffer damage on a D6 result equal to the targets armour save. If the
as normal). target has no armour save, count the Breath Weapon as
Black Star Dragons and Dragon Mages that ride a Black Sun Strength 1, or if the model has the Fly special rule count
Dragon always use spells from the Lore of Death. the Strength as 3 (unless the target has an armour save
that would make the To Wound roll better).
Blue Star Dragons and Dragon Mages that ride a Blue Sun
White Dragons Dragon always use spells from the Lore of Heavens.
White Dragons have a Strength 3 Breath Weapon. In
addition, any unit hit by Black Dragons Breath suffers from
the Always Strike Last special rule until the end of the
following turn.
White Star Dragons and Dragon Mages that ride a White
Sun Dragon always use spells from the Lore of Light.
What to call a Dragon
The Dragons of Ulthuan have earned a grand reputation throughout the world as Sun, Moon and Star Dragons, but it is
perfectly alright to call a young Sun Dragon a Drake, a Moon Dragon simply a Dragon and a Star Dragon an Elder Dragon.
Although there are literally dozens of names for each kind of Dragon, below are some of the most well-known.

Red Dragons
Are also called Fire, Flame, Burning or Blazing Dragons, the greatest of their kind are sometimes known as Doomfire, or
Firestorm Dragons.
Red Dragons can be found all over Ulthuan, but tend to live near the volcanic areas in the Annulii, most frequently in and
around Caledor, but also in the heated wastes of the Blighted Isle. Most are hues of red, but some can be found in shades of
yellow and even orange, some of the strongest can be found in shades of blue. These blue fire Dragons are the most coveted
in Ulthuan as they are rare beyond comprehension and have a mighty and legendary reputation. The Red Dragons of Ulthuan
seem to grow lighter in colour as ages pass and some Red Star Dragons are said to be almost white, save for their scales which
never alter in colour.

Black Dragons
Are also called Shadow, Night, Dark or Death Dragons, the greatest of their kind are sometimes known as Nightmare Dragons.
Black Dragons are hardly ever truly black in Ulthuan. They are more often found in sombre dark greys and can sometimes
even have a purple tint. These Black Dragons grow darker in shade as time passes with them. They live within the darkest and
deepest caves of the Annulii and can often be found in the more heavily dense and dark terrain of Nagarythe.

White Dragons
Are also called Frost, Ice, Snow or Light Dragons, the greatest of their kind are sometimes known as Timefrost, or Frostfire
Only within the snow-capped Annulii are where the White Dragons live, as they need the constant cold to grow strong and
when the warmer seasons near, they become much less active. White Dragons always seem to have a glow about them, just
like snow or ice on the tip of a mountain at first dawn. They are always white, but many have hues and subtle tones of all
manner of different colours, while some have an aurora of colours. In Ulthuan, White Dragons glow brighter and gather more
colour as they grow ancient.

Green Dragons
Are also called Forest, Tree, Poison or Life Dragons, the greatest of their kind are sometimes known as Venomend Dragons.
Green Dragons are most frequently found in the forests of Avelorn, but are also found in the forests of Chrace and Cothique.
They range from a yellowish green, to a deep dark moss in colour and some can have a blend from yellow to green. The Green
Dragons of Ulthuan tend to darken in contrast and in colour as they age.

Blue Dragons
Are also called Storm, Lightning, Thunder, or Electric Dragons, the greatest of their kind are sometimes known as Heavenstar
Blue Dragons can be found wherever there are lightning storms, but most live around and in the stormy mists off the coasts of
Yvresse and Cothique. Many Blue Dragons have been said to flock to a site where the Azyr Winds pool and even follow the
impetuous young heaven Mages of Eataine, Ellyrian and some of the other outer Kingdoms. Blue Dragons can range from a
deep azure to the brightest blue, some even have pure white scales and wings, like clouds before the storm. Some Blue
Dragons grow dark in hue as the centuries and millennia pass, while others grow lighter.


Tyrion 5 9 7 4 3 4 10 5 10
Malhandir 10 4 0 4 3 1 5 2 7

TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character).

Malhandir: Tyrion rides Malhandir, the greatest and noblest Elven steed since Korhandir, the father of all horses.

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Martial Prowess, Always Strike First, Devastating Charge, Fast Cavalry,
Defender of Ulthuan: Prince Tyrion is renowned across the island continent of Ulthuan as the finest warrior of the Elven race.
Even Finubar, the Phoenix King bows to Tyrion’s incredible wisdom in matter of warfare. If you field Tyrion in your army, he
must be the army’s General. In addition, his inspiring presence range is increased to 18” and he may benefit from “Look Out
Sir!” from Infantry models, as if himself was an Infantry troop type.
Martial Defence: Tyrion is an expert at turning aside his foes’ attacks and deftly avoiding strikes that would decapitate a
lesser warrior. Tyrion is immune to the effects from the Killing Blow special rule, this includes Heroic Killing Blow.
Mighty Stomp: Malhandir is literally a creature of legend, the largest and greatest living Elven steed. Malhandir has a special
Stomp attack that deals D3 hits instead of the usual one.

Magic Weapon
This ancient sword, forged to do battle against the Daemons of Chaos burns with the captured fires of the sun. The white hot runes along its length
smoulder with incredible power destine blazing ruin for its victims.
Sunfang increases Tyrion’s Strength by +3 and gives him the Flaming Attacks special rule. It also grants him a Strength 4
Breath Weapon. In addition, when fighting any Daemon model, Tyrion also gains the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule.
Dragon Armour of Aenarion
Magic Armour
This mighty armour was forged on Vaul’s Anvil long ago to protect Aenarion, the first Phoenix King during the great wars against Chaos.
Dragon Armour. This armour grants Tyrion a 1+ Armour save which can be re-rolled if failed, this save cannot be improved in
any way. It also gives him a 4+ Ward save.
Heart of Avelorn
Enchanted Item
This highly polished ruby glows with an inner light and is warm to the touch. It was a gift from the Everqueen to Tyrion that protects against evil
magic. It is said that it also grants the bearer the power to cheat death.
The Heart of Avelorn grants Tyrion Magic Resistance (2). In addition, the first time Tyrion is killed, the Heart of Avelorn returns
him to life with D3 Wounds. When this happens do not remove him as a casualty, simply leave him where he is and note the
D3 Wounds on his profile.
Alarielle 5 5 5 3 3 3 8 1 10

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character).

Alarielle is a Level 4 Wizard and uses spells from the Lore of Life and the Lore of High Magic.

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Asur Magistry, Loremaster (Life & High).
The Boon of Isha: The Everqueen is able to harness the power of Isha that flows throughout the world, and focus it to
invigorate the pure of heart. Once per turn in either the Shooting phase or the Close Combat phase, Alarielle may grant a
single High Elf unit within 12” +1 To Hit with all of its attacks. All of the units attacks also count as magical for that phase.
Chaos Bane: Alarielle radiates harmony and order, her power is that of Isha herself. All that is Chaos is anathema to her.
Daemons which approach her feel this power. It dissolves the magic that binds them together and holds them to the mortal
plain. They feel their energies dissipate and the Realm of Chaos draw them back to mindless oblivion. Any Daemon model or
unit within 6” of Alarielle at the start of the Magic phase suffers D6 Strength 5 hits, which count as magical attacks and allow
no saves of any kind. In addition, any Daemons of Chaos, Warriors of Chaos, Beastmen, Vampire Counts or Skaven model that
is in base contact with Alarielle or her unit at the start of the Magic phase must roll a D6 for each magic item they have, on a
roll of 6 the item is destroyed and cannot be used for the remainder of the game.
Touch of the Everqueen: The Everqueen is the embodiment of harmony and peace, she abhors violence and would not harm
a soul. Though at her merest touch, her would be assailants find themselves momentarily incapable of fighting, dazzled by the
will of Isha. Alarielle has the Always Strike First special rule, but will still hit first even if the enemy also has Always Strike First.
Also, if she hits her target, no To Wound roll is made, instead the model may not attack that turn and any other model’s
attacking it hit automatically that phase. In the case of a split profile model (such as a Chariot, ridden Monster or War
Machine), use the highest Weapon Skill, but if she hits, the entire model is affected.
Handmaidens of the Everqueen: The Handmaidens of the Everqueen are not mere courtiers and attendants, but an elite
warrior guard whose duty is to serve and protect their mistress. It is an incomparable honour to serve the Everqueen and only
those with great natural gifts are chosen, the most talented singers and musicians, the most beautiful, the fleetest and most
graceful, but above all the most loyal. If you field Alarielle in your army, you must include at least one unit of Maidenguard of
Avelorn, which must have both the Horn of Isha and the Sacred Banner of Avelorn (This unit counts in all respects, as
Alarielle’s Handmaidens). Alarielle must set up with her Handmaidens and she will not voluntarily leave them, the whole unit
gains the Unbreakable special rule while Alarielle is with the unit.
In addition, if Alarielle is ever killed, all units of Maidenguard suffer from the Hatred special rule (see page 9).

Stave of Avelorn
Enchanted Item
The Stave of Avelorn is the symbol of Alarielle’s rule over the land of Avelorn. This ancient heirloom absorbs the magic that flows through the land
and gathers it up, enabling Alarielle to direct it as she wishes. In ancient times the Stave accomplished great deeds of sorcery. Today its power is
diminished because so much of the magic of Avelorn is drained away by the Vortex created during the great Chaos War. None-the-less it remains a
potent reminder of the days when Elven mages bestrode the world like colossi and all nature bent to their will.
Once per Magic phase, Alarielle may cast one of her spells like a Bound spell. This can be a spell she has already cast during
this turn and has a power level of 2.
Shieldstone of Isha
Enchanted item
Upon her breast Alarielle wears a gem of unsurpassable workmanship. This is the Shieldstone of Isha, as old as Ulthuan herself and pulsing with
inner energies. It is magically attuned to the Everqueen’s aura and only she may release the magical power it contains. The stone wards away harm
from the pure-hearted, deflecting blows and dashing arrows to the ground.
The Shieldstone of Isha grants Alarielle a 4+ Ward save.
Star of Avelorn
Enchanted Item
About her brow the Everqueen wears a light diadem of Ithilmar in which is set a single radiant gem, which Aenarion gave in tryst to Astarielle. This
is no ordinary gem, but is said to be a star taken from the heavens by Isha and bound within a magical crystal.
At the start of the High Elf turn, Alarielle may attempt to heal a wounded High Elf character within 12”. If there are no
wounded characters within range, she may use the Star to heal herself. Roll a D6 for each wound the character has suffered;
on a roll of 4+ the wound is restored.
Teclis 5 3 3 2 3 3 5 1 10

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character).

Teclis is a Level 4 Wizard and can use any one of the eight Lores of Magic or the Lore of High Magic.

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Loremaster.

Ascended Asur Magistry: Teclis is a mage of prodigious power, able to stand against any other wizard in the world. Teclis has
the Asur Magistry special rule. In addition, he is not bound by the effects of Not Enough Power! when casting. Similarly when
dispelling, it is not an automatic failure when the natural dice total equals 3 or less, just like with Not Enough Power!.
High Loremaster: Teclis is the most powerful mage in this age of the world. He is master of the foremost mages of the High
Elves and has studied in their libraries for countless human lifetimes. Teclis may use more than six Power Dice when casting
spells, and may dispel an enemy’s spell that is cast with Irresistible Force if his dispel attempt is also an Irresistible Force.
Additionally, he may re-roll any dice involved in a casting or dispelling attempt, as well as any dice for the spell’s effects (ie:
Teclis tries to cast the boosted Flames of the Phoenix spell, on a 25+ and uses 7 dice, he rolls a 6, 5, 4, 4, 2, 2 and 1, for a total
of 24. He chooses to re-roll the 2, 2 and the 1, giving him a 5, 3 and 1, for a new total of 28. He may then also re-roll any dice
that fail to wound any models in the unit). This may cause or prevent a spell being cast with Irresistible Force and may cause a
dispel attempt to be made with Irresistible Force in the same way. Teclis’ Channelling attempts succeed on a roll of 4, 5 or 6,
instead of the usual 6.

Sword of Teclis
Magic Weapon
This sword was forged by Teclis, a weapon to protect himself as he began his perilous quest to rescue his brother Tyrion and the Everqueen.
All hits from this sword wound on a 2+. Armour saves cannot be taken against wounds caused by it either.
Moon Staff of Lileath
Arcane Item
The Moon Staff of Lileath is imbued with the power of the goddess. This power flows through Teclis, invigorating his feeble frame and filling him
with magical energy.
The Moon Staff of Lileath adds +1 to Teclis’ Toughness, this is included in his profile already. It also gives him an additional D3
power/dispel dice in each Magic phase. These dice may be added at any time during the Magic phase, and also count as
Teclis’ Channelling attempt.
Scroll of Hoeth
Arcane Item
Though clearly ancient and fragile, this well-worn heirloom has seen a thousand battles and will see many more.
One use only. When an enemy Wizard casts a spell, Teclis may use the scroll in the same way as a Dispel Scroll with the same
effect. In addition, both Teclis and the caster roll a D6 and add their respective Leadership values, if Teclis scores higher, the
spell is removed from the caster’s mind and may not be used for the remainder of the game.
War Crown of Saphery
Arcane Item
The War Crown of Saphery was created by the awesome High Archmages of Saphery in the time of the first Chaos incursions. It enables Teclis to
unleash his full magical potential in battle. It is seldom seen outside the walls of the White Tower unless in times of peril. It was gifted to Teclis by
the former High Loremaster on the eve of the young mage’s departure on the quest to find his brother, Tyrion.
The War Crown of Saphery gives Teclis an additional Magic level, making him a Level 5 Wizard. In addition, he may ignore the
effects of any miscast on a D6 roll of 2+.
Belannaer 5 8 4 3 3 3 9 3 10

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character).

Belannaer is a Level 4 Wizard, and always uses the Lore of High Magic.

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Asur Magistry, Martial Prowess, Loremaster (High), Swordmaster.
Glamour of Hoeth: Belannaer is surrounded by a shimmering magic that confuses and disorientates, so deeply is the old
Loremaster imbued with magic. Enemies find it inexplicably hard to judge the distance to their foe, seeing their targets
receding before their eyes. Any unit wishing to charge Belannaer or any unit he joins, must roll 2D6 and subtract the
difference between the two dice scores from their total charge distance (ie; if the two dice scores are 2 and 5, subtract 3 from
their total charge distance). If the unit has insufficient movement to reach him or his unit, it counts as having failed its charge
like normal. You must also include at least one unit of Swordmasters in your army when you field Belannaer.

Blade of Bel-Korhadris
Magic Weapon
This sword was the weapon of Bel-Korhadris, the Phoenix king who ordered the construction of the White Tower of Hoeth. The Blade of Bel-
Korhadris is usually attached the highest pinnacle of the Tower of Hoeth, where the setting sun catches its tip at the hour of Dragon. The magic of
the blade catches and entraps the rays of the sun and makes the sword blaze throughout the night. When the Swordmasters go to war, Belannaer
takes the sword with him and vows to use it only for good, faithful to the principles of the great Scholar-King.
This Blade bestows the Flaming Attacks special rule and allows no Armour saves to be taken against Wounds caused by it. In
addition, once per battle during a single Close Combat phase, Belannaer can fight with an additional D6 Attacks.
Cloak of Stars
The Cloak of Stars is thickly woven with enchantments, sapping the power of blows struck against it.
All Shooting and Close Combat Attacks directed at Belannaer are resolved at -2 Strength.
Book of the Phoenix
Enchanted Item
The Book of the Phoenix tells the ancient legend of Asuryan, an allegorical story of the fate of all civilizations, of birth, growth, glory, decline and
eventual destruction.
One use only. When used, the book endows Belannaer with one of the following effects. The effect lasts for the entire game,
even if the Book is destroyed.
Verse of Rebirth: The first time Belannaer is killed; all models in base contact with him suffer a Strength 5 hit with the
Flaming Attacks special rule. He is then returned to life with 1 Wound. When this happens, he may be placed in any
friendly High Elf unit on the battlefield. If there are no eligible units, he is removed as a casualty.
Verse of Flame Eternal: Belannaer generates D3+1 Power dice in each friendly Magic phase. These dice can only be
used on a single spell of his choosing. The chosen spell cannot be cast with Irresistible Force.
Verse of Destruction: Belannaer has Strength 6.
Staff of Cyeos
Arcane Item
The old High Loremaster left just one mighty artefact as an heirloom to his most beloved pupil Belannaer, a magic staff created by his own hand.
The staff adds +1 to all of Belannaers spell casting attempts.
Alith Anar 5 7 7 4 3 3 9 4 10

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character).

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Nagarythe Hatred, Martial Prowess, Sniper, Skirmishers, Strider, Scouts.
The Shadow King: Alith Anar is the rightful ruler of Nagarythe, he is the Shadow King and all Nagarythii follow his rule with
earnest. Alith Anar has the Shadow Warriors special rule. Also, if Alith has joined a unit of Shadow Warriors, they may claim
rank bonuses, be steadfast and disrupt enemy units with flank and rear charges.

Magic Weapon
The Moonbow is an exquisite weapon forged from a pale metal that glitters in the moonlight. The Shadow Warriors claim it was handed to Alith
Anar by the goddess Lileath. This bow has been the bane of countless Dark Elves and its reputation is legendary. The merest whisper of the arrows
shot by the Moonbow strike fear into the hearts of the Druchii.
Longbow. The Moonbow has a range of 36”. Each shot from this Bow is treated like a single shot from a Repeater Bolt
Thrower (Strength 7 and rank piercing as normal). Any Dark Elf unit that takes casualties from the Moonbow must take a
Panic test.
Shadow Crown
Enchanted Item
The Shadow Crown is the symbol of the rightful rulers of Nagarythe, a simple silver circlet set with a single diamond. The Witch King covets this
crown greatly, for without it his claim to the throne of Nagarythe is a hollow one. By speaking the name of his kingdom and defiantly claiming his
rulership, Alith Anar can freeze time for an instant, allowing him to slip away from danger. The magic of the crown does not allow Alith to harm
anyone while they are frozen in time.
If Alith Anar (and any unit that he joins) breaks from close combat, any opponents pursuing him must halve the distance they
roll (rounding up) for pursuing.
Stone of Midnight
The Stone of Midnight was a gift to Morathi from Aenarion, the first and mightiest of the Phoenix Kings. It was stolen from her palace by Alith Anar,
the enigmatic Shadow King of Nagarythe, who made a mockery of the sorcerous wards that protected it, and deftly evaded the guardians of the
Hag Queen. The Hag Sorcerous has promised the gift of eternal youth and a night of debauchery with the most beautiful of her Witch Elves to
whomever can return her treasure.
The stone gives Alith Anar a 4+ Ward save. In addition, any shooting at Alith Anar (or a unit he has joined) suffers a -1 To Hit
Aislinn 5 8 6 4 3 3 8 4 10

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character). May be mounted on a Griffon or a Dragon (Monster).

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Martial Prowess, Hatred (Warriors of Chaos).
Master Tactician: Sea Lord Aislinn is a phenomenal tactician beyond compare, under his control the High Elf fleet has gained
scores of impressive victories. Any army that includes Aislinn may add +1 to the roll to see which player gets the first turn.
Master of the Mists: The Sea Lord is a veteran of centuries of hit and run, ship to shore warfare. He takes an almost cruel
delight in using the sea mists summoned forth by the Lothern Sea-Mages to make demoralising attacks upon his enemies
before they can form a coherent battle line. If the army also contains a High Elf Wizard, all Lothern Seaguard units (including
any characters that join them) and Aislinn himself (if he is deployed as a lone character, including his mount, if any), may
make a Vanguard move before the game in the normal manner.

Blade of Sea Gold
Magic Weapon
This gleaming blade is made from the finest sea gold, found in the dark depths of the sea and honed by crashing waves. It strikes with the
unstoppable power of the sea itself
Hand weapon. Armour saves cannot be taken by wounds caused by this sword.
Bow of the Seafarer
Magic Weapon
This longbow was made from a single piece of rare silverwood, and gifted to Ulanor of the Sea Guard by Finubar himself. It is a mighty weapon and
some say it can even sink ships.
Longbow. Each shot from this bow is treated like a single shot from a Repeater Bolt Thrower, hitting at Strength 7 and piecing
ranks as normal.
Helm of Fortune
Magic Armour
A helm of Ithilmar and sea gold, bordered with tiny letters in intertwining runic script. These form a prayer to invoke Asuryan’s protection upon the
Sea Lord.
The helm adds +1 to Aislinn’s Armour save. In addition, Aislinn may re-roll any failed Armour saves.
Imrik 5 8 6 4 3 3 9 4 10
Minaithnir 6 8 0 7 7 7 3 6 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character). Mounted on a Dragon, or Minaithnir the Blue Fire Star Dragon (Monster).
Minaithnir: Imrik may ride the majestic Dragon Minaithnir, who is one of the last of the great Dragons of ages past.

MAGIC: Minaithnir is a Level 1 Wizard who uses spells from the Lore of Fire.

SPECIAL RULES (Imrik): Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Martial Prowess, Devastating Charge.
Dragon Kin: For millennia Imrik, the last of the true Dragon Princes has learnt the lore and languages of Dragons. He has
walked the deep caves where the great beasts sleep and dream, and even the most proud and ferocious Dragons obey his
every word. Minaithnir is fanatically loyal to his master and will protect him at any cost. Any Dragon ridden by Imrik will
automatically pass any Monster Reaction Test it is required to take. In addition, Minaithnir will be subject to the special rules
of Frenzy and Hatred, should Imrik be slain.
Also, no Dragon will attack Imrik, whether directly or indirectly, while in Close Combat, in the Shooting phase or in the Magic
phase. If they are in base contact with other models in Close Combat and not in a Challenge then they fight them instead,
otherwise they may do nothing. Note that a Dragon may of course attack his Dragon if it is still alive.

SPECIAL RULES (Minaithnir): Fly, Large Target, Scaly Skin (3+), Terror, Dragon Bond, Dragons Breath (Red, Strength 5).

Star Lance
Magic Weapon
The tip of this deadly weapon is forged from the heart of a fallen star. With a blade of such keenness no armour can protect Imrik’s foes.
Lance. The Star Lance adds +3 Strength instead of +2 on the turn Imrik charges. In addition, no Armour saves can be taken
against wounds caused by this Lance.
Armour of Caledor
Magic Armour
The ruling line of Caledor has passed this suit of armour from father to son for more than four thousand years.
Dragon Armour. The Armour of Caledor gives Imrik a 2+ Armour save, that cannot be decreased to less than a 5+ Armour save
from modifiers from Strength or special rules. The save will still be negated by spells as normal, and cannot be improved in
any way.
Enchanted Item
This war horn was made from the horn of an ancient Dragon, gifted to Imrik’s distant ancestors in elder days. The dying firedrake summoned all of
his remaining power to enchant his remaining, unbroken horn as he lay bleeding in the aftermath of the Battle of the Glade of Tears. No Dragons
can ignore its sound, but rise from their slumber, ready to fight for Caledor once more.
One use only. At the start of any Close Combat phase, Imrik may sound the Horn. All friendly High Elf Dragons on the
battlefield gain +D6 Attacks, and any Dragon Princes of Caledor (including himself) gain the Extra Attack special rule until the
end of the turn.
Eltharion 5 8 6 4 3 3 8 4 10
Stormwing 6 6 0 5 5 5 7 4 8

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character). May be mounted on Stormwing the Griffon (Monster).
Stormwing: Eltharion may ride his mighty Griffon Stormwing, one of the strongest and fleetest Griffons ever borne to
the skies.

SPECIAL RULES (Eltharion): Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Martial Prowess, Hatred (Orcs and Goblins).
Blood Oath: Grom the Paunch of Misty Mountain led the Waaagh! Than ravaged much of Yvresse, wiping out almost all of
Eltharion’s family and leaving his ancestral lands burned and defiled. Few feel a hate as intense as the utter loathing Eltharion
reserves for Grom. When fighting Grom the Paunch, Eltharion receives +1 To Hit in every round of Close Combat and all of his
Attacks directed at Grom also receive a +1 Strength bonus.
Defender of Tor Yvresse: For his valour during the Siege of Tor Yvresse, Eltharion was elected its warden. Although he was a
dour, forbidding ruler, the citizens of that fair city loved their grim guardian. Wherever Eltharion wars, his famed soldiers that
stood alone at the defence of Tor Yvresse will always stand by his side, always at the ready. If you field Eltharion the Grim in
your army, you must include at least one unit of Spearmen, which are the Defenders of Tor Yvresse. This unit gains +1 Ld and
the Stubborn special rule.

SPECIAL RULES (Stormwing): Fly, Large Target, Terror, Lash Tail, Strike Talons, Razorbeak, Swiftsense, Bloodroar.
Griffon Bond: Stormwing is incredibly loyal to Eltharion, he always has and always will defend him with his life. When taking a
Monster Reaction test, re-roll any results of UH?, on the Monster Reaction Table.
In addition, when randomising hits against Stormwing and Eltharion, Eltharion will only be hit on a 6, instead of a 5 or 6 as

Fangsword of Eltharion
Magic Weapon
Eltharion always wield the Fangsword in combat, striking down his foes from the back of his faithful mount Stormwing. The Fangsword is a rune-
encrusted longsword which has been passed through Eltharion’s family for generations.
The Fangsword gives Eltharion +2 Strength on the turn he charges. In addition, no Armour saves can be taken against wounds
caused by this Sword.
The Helm of Yvresse
Magic Armour
The Helm of Yvresse is a symbol of the Warden of Yvresse. Made from shining ithilmar and gold, and decorated with majestic feathers, the Helm of
Yvresse provides protection from harm, as well as imbuing the wearer with a clarity of thought unmatched by mere mortals.
The Helm adds +1 to Eltharion’s Armour save. In addition, it also gives him (and Stormwing) a 5+ Ward save.
Talisman of Hoeth
Enchanted Item
Created by the first Warden of Tor Yvresse, a mighty and wise sorcerer, the Talisman of Hoeth allows its wearer a measure of the original Warden’s
knowledge. Any who wear the Talisman of Hoeth find themselves imbued with incredible magical powers, able to command the Winds of Magic as
if born to it.
This Talisman makes Eltharion a Level 2 High Elf Mage. He also gains the Asur Magistry special rule and may use any of the
eight Lores of Magic or the Lore of High Magic.
Eltharion 5 8 6 4 3 3 9 4 10

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character).

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Martial Prowess, Fear (Dark Elves), Hatred (Orcs and Goblins, Dark
Swordmaster Elite: In the White Tower, Eltharion is now second only to Belannaer himself, and often commands the army of
Hoeth. Eltharion has the Swordmaster and Killing Blow special rules. If you field Eltharion the Blind in your army, he must be
the army’s general, unless you also field Tyrion, in which case Eltharion will defer to Tyrion’s superior battlefield knowledge
and skills. You must also include at least one unit of Swordmasters in your army, and any unit of Swordmasters that is joined
by Eltharion gains the Stubborn special rule. In addition, all of Eltharion’s Attacks count as magical.
The White Sword: Eltharion has been taught by the Master of the White Tower of Hoeth, and wields one of the long two-
handed blades of the Swordmasters. Clad in the pure white robes of the Order and cutting through the foe with ease,
Eltharion is now called the White Sword by many Dark Elves who have seen him. So great is Eltharion’s skill, he can use a
number of fighting styles, each of which has a different effect on his rules. At the start of each round of Close Combat,
Eltharion must declare a different fighting style. Each fighting style lasts for a single Close Combat phase.
Way of the Willow Branch: Eltharion’s body twists and contorts like a reed in the wind, and his sword deflects
incoming blows with astounding speed, making him virtually impossible to hit. Any Attacks directed at Eltharion
require 6s To Hit before any other modifiers.
Way of the Winter Breeze: Weaving his sword in a bewildering swirling arc, Eltharion is able to guide his blade
through even the most steadfast defence. Eltharion will always hit his opponent on a 2+, regardless of any other
modifiers and no armour saves may be taken from his Attacks.
Way of the Swooping Eagle: Eltharion summons all of his speed and might into a few deadly blows. Eltharion’s
Attacks are reduced by -1, but are resolved at +2 Strength.
Way of the Breaking Storm: Unleashing his speed and strength in a flurry of blistering attacks, Eltharion rains down
blow after blow upon the enemy. Eltharion gains an additional +2 Attacks.
Great Leap: Eltharion is immensely acrobatic, and is able to jump high through the air to reach his foes. Eltharion has the
Strider special rule. Also, at the beginning of any round of combat, before attacks are allocated and challenges issued, he may
be positioned anywhere in the same combat, even leaving one unit to join another, or even becoming a lone character. He
may not be moved in such a way that he would be unable to fight, or if he is already involved in a challenge.
Impenetrable Defence: Eltharion’s senses and foresight are so keen, he can now react even faster than when he could see,
enabling him to predict the enemy’s attacks and has been known to dodge aside from an incoming magical bolt or cannonball.
Eltharion has a 4+ Ward save and is immune to the effects from the Heroic Killing Blow and Killing Blow special rules.
The Dark Within: Eltharion is a fearless warrior with a deeply troubled soul, and his thirst for vengeance can drive him to rash
acts. Eltharion always suffers from Berserk Rage, and is also Immune to Psychology.
Korhil 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character).

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Martial Prowess, Woodsman.

Hunter Captain: Korhil slew the Great Lion Charandis in single combat, none are the beasts that can stand in his path without
first earning his respect. Korhil has a +1 To Wound modifier, when fighting Large Targets.
Sworn Bodyguard: Korhil is the sworn bodyguard of the Phoenix King and at his request, will gladly lay down his life for those
chosen by Finubar, as any White Lion would. Korhil has the Bodyguard special rule. In addition, if the general is also in Korhil’s
unit, the following rules apply. When the general suffers a Wound (before saves) roll a D6. On a 1, the Wound is resolved as
normal, but on a 2+ the Wound is intercepted and re-allocated at Korhil instead. No more than one Wound can be re-
allocated to Korhil in each phase. Korhil cannot intercept any Wounds caused during a challenge. Korhil has a 6+ Ward save
from any Wounds re-allocated towards him.

Magic Weapon
Chayal is a unique magic weapon, carried by the Captain of the White Lions since their founding. Lighter than a child’s wooden toy, a warrior of
sufficient skill can wield Chayal with incredible speed, effortlessly hacking off heads and limbs with every stroke.
Paired Weapons. Chayal adds +2 to Korhil’s Strength and gives him the Killing Blow special rule.
Pelt of Charandis
Magic Armour
When Korhil slew the Great Lion Charandis he afterwards skinned the animal and wore its fur proudly upon his broad shoulders. Years later it was
remade into a magnificent cloak, enchanted by the Loremaster Finreir and presented to Korhil as a gift from Finubar himself.
Lion Cloak. Adds an additional +1 to Korhil’s Armour save. In addition, Korhil is completely immune to the effects of any
Poison, whatever its source.
Caradryan 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character).

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Martial Prowess, Fear, Magic Resistance (3), Ward Save (4+), Known
Mark of Asuryan: Though Caradryan has taken a binding vow of silence, he is privileged to know the secret words that will
unleashed the fury of Asuryan. Should he suffer a mortal blow, he will call upon the Lord of the Gods to avenge him. If
Caradryan is killed in Close Combat, the model (or unit) that inflicted the last wound upon Caradryan suffers D6 wounds, with
no saves allowed.

The Phoenix Blade
Magic Weapon
This ancient halberd was enchanted for the Captain of the Phoenix Guard Kor-Baelan.
Halberd. This halberd gives Caradryan the Multiple Wounds (D3) and Flaming Attacks special rules.
Eolaran 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character).

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Martial Prowess, Hatred (Dark Elves, Warriors of Chaos), Mariner.
Supreme Sea Hunter: Eolaran is the undisputed hunting master of the Shifting Isles. Every sword swing and every harpoon
throw seem to find their mark, as if guided by the wrath of the sea itself. Eolaran has the Sea Hunters special rule and may re-
roll any missed hits with his Harpoons, this includes Khaerybdis’ Fang. In addition, Eolaran and his unit (if any), is Immune to
Psychology when fighting a model with the Sea Creature special rule or that is a Monster troop type.

Khaerybdis’ Fang
Magic Weapon
After slaying Khaerybdis, the dreaded Black Leviathan that was ravaging the coastal towns of the Shifting Isles with titanic whirlpools and
maelstroms, Eolaran cut out one the beast’s great fangs, and had it fashioned into a harpoon by Daetiel, one of the blind priests of Vaul. Thanks to
the enchantments of Daetiel, it still secretes poison capable of killing the greatest beasts known to the wolrd.
Harpoon. One use only. This harpoon has the Heroic Killing Blow special rule, but will automatically slay Eolaran’s target on a
5+ instead of a 6+. When thrown at a Large Target, the Fang’s Heroic Killing Blow will automatically slay the model on a 4+.
Note that this will only take effect on models with the Large Target special rule.
Mask of the Merlord
Magic Armour
Discovered by Admiral Giladis, the gold surface of this mask ripples with magical power.
The mask adds +1 to Eolaran’s Armour save. Also, while Eolaran is within a Water Terrain piece, he and any Cothique Kraken
unit he is with (if any), counts as being in soft cover.
The Gem of Courage
Enchanted Item
Gifted to Eolaran by the Phoenix King, for his unwavering bravery in defending the coastal settlements of the Shifting Isles from the monsters of the
deep. This small gem is one of many that were enchanted by Celaer, during the reign of Bel-Korhadris.
One use only. The Gem allows Eolaran and his unit (if any) to take any one Psychology based test on 3D6, choosing the lowest
two dice scores.
Arandir 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9
Elven Steed 9 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 5

TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character).

SPECIAL RULES: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Martial Prowess, Fast Cavalry, Strider.

High Harbinger: Arandir has earned the title of High Harbinger of Tor Elyr, and with good cause. He has been the forerunner
of countless battles and has returned with invaluable knowledge that has turned the tide of many more. After both armies
have been set up, but before the first turn, the High Elf player may choose two friendly units. The units swap their respective
positions but must stay in the same facing, if the selected units cannot be placed because of intervening models or terrain,
they may not be chosen. In addition, Arandir and his unit may re-roll any missed shooting attacks.

Reaver Bow
Magic Weapon
Some believe this wondrous bow is the same one that was forged for Prince Arathion of Ellyrion a thousand years ago.
Longbow. This Bow gives Arandir the Multiple Shots (3) special rule. All Hits are resolved at Strength 5. Note that he does not
suffer the -1 to hit for the Multiple Shots special rule.
Cerion 5 5 4 3 3 2 6 2 8
Kargos 6 5 0 5 5 5 5 4 7

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character). Mounted on Kargos the Red Sun Dragon (Monster).
Kargos: Kargos was once known as the Destroyer, a fearsomely wild Fire Drake that plagued the villages of Caledor.
The young and reckless Fire Mage Cerion sought to befriend the beast, and fought him in a fiery duel that lasted from
dawn till dusk. When the young Mage exited Kargos’ cave, he did so with Kargos by his side, since then he and Cerion
have been inseparable. Some think that they complement each other well, but others think it is unwise for such fiery
and uncontrollable beings to coheres as they do.

Cerion is a Level 2 Wizard and always uses spells from the Lore of Fire.

SPECIAL RULES (Cerion): Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, Martial Prowess, Asur Magistry, Reckless, Warrior Mage, Frenzy.
Dragon Blades: Cerion is famed for the use of his fiery bound Dragon Blades, he has perfected his spells for these conjured
weapons, and they can last for months on end without need of a single chant to keep them materialized. Cerion has the Extra
Attack and Flaming Attacks special rules. Additionally, his Attacks are resolved at +1 Strength and also count as magical.

SPECIAL RULES (Kargos): Fly, Large Target, Scaly Skin (3+), Terror, Dragon Bond, Dragons Breath (Red), Frenzy.

The Gem of Sunfire
Arcane Item
This ochre gemstone glows with the light and fury of the Sun even on the coldest of days. Only a Mage whose mastery of the most destructive
sorceries can hope to tame its power.
The Gem adds +2 to all of Cerion’s spell casting attempts with the Lore of Fire.
Ring of Fury
Enchanted Item
The Elves are justly famed for their magical rings, and the black iron Ring of Fury is one of the most feared.
One use only. Bound Spell (Power Level 3). The Ring contains the Fury of Khaine spell from the Lore of High Magic.
The army list is used alongside the ‘Choosing Your A High Elven army may have double the normal amount of
Army’ Section of the Warhammer rulebook to build a Duplicate Unit Choices. Being up to 6 Special and 4 Rare
force ready for battle. Over the following pages you will duplicate choices in a normal army and up to 12 Special
find an entry for each of the models in your army. and 8 Rare duplicate choices in a Grand Army.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Tyrion 5 9 7 4 3 4 10 5 10 Cavalry (Special Character)
Malhandir 10 4 0 4 3 1 5 2 7 -

Mount: Special Rules:

 Malhandir, the Legendary (Elven Steed).  Valour of Ages  Fast Cavalry
 Speed of Asuryan  Strider
Equipment:  Martial Prowess  Defender of Ulthuan
 Hand weapon  Always Strike First  Martial Defence
 Sunfang  Devastating Charge  Mighty Stomp (Malhandir)
 Dragon Armour of Aenarion
 Heart of Avelorn


Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Alarielle 5 5 5 3 3 3 8 1 10 Infantry (Special Character)

Magic: Special Rules:

 Alarielle is a Level 4 Wizard  Valour of Ages  The Boon of Isha
 Speed of Asuryan  Chaos Bane
Equipment:  Asur Magistry  Touch of the Everqueen
 Hand weapon  Loremaster (Life and High)  Handmaidens of the Everqueen
 Stave of Avelorn
 Shieldstone of Isha
 Star of Avelorn


Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Teclis 5 3 3 2 2 3 5 1 10 Infantry (Special Character)

Magic: Special Rules: Option:

 Teclis is a Level 4 Wizard  Valour of Ages Teclis may take a single Arcane item for its
 Speed of Asuryan allotted value.
Equipment:  Ascended Asur Magistry
 Hand weapon  Loremaster
 Sword of Teclis  High Loremaster
 Moon Staff of Lileath
 Scroll of Hoeth
 War Crown of Saphery
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Belannaer 5 8 4 3 3 3 9 3 10 Infantry (Special Character)

Magic: Special Rules:

 Belannaer is a Level 4 Wizard  Valour of Ages  Swordmasters
 Speed of Asuryan  Loremaster (High)
Equipment:  Asur Magistry  Glamour of Hoeth
 Hand weapon  Book of the Phoenix  Martial Prowess
 Blade of Bel-Korhadris  Staff of Cyeos
 Cloak of Stars


Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Aislinn 5 8 6 4 3 3 8 4 10 Infantry (Special Character)

Mount:  May be mounted on one of the following:

 May be mounted on a Griffon, a Sun Dragon, a Moon - Griffon 150 points*
Dragon or on his Blue Fire Dragon (Red Star Dragon). - Sun Dragon 235 points
- Moon Dragon 300 points
Equipment: Special Rules: - Blue Fire Dragon (Red Star Dragon) 390 points
 Hand weapon  Valour of Ages
 Heavy armour  Speed of Asuryan
 Shield  Martial Prowess
 Blade of Sea Gold  Hatred (Warriors of Chaos)
 Bow of the Seafarer  Master Tactician
 Helm of Fortune  Master of the Mists


Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Alith Anar 5 7 7 4 3 3 9 4 10 Infantry (Special Character)

Equipment: Special Rules:

 Two hand weapons  Valour of Ages  Skirmishers

 Heavy armour  Speed of Asuryan  Scout
 Moonbow  Martial Prowess  Strider
 Shadow Crown  Nagarythe Hatred  The Shadow King
 Stone of Midnight  Sniper
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Imrik 5 8 6 4 3 3 9 4 10 Infantry (Special Character)
Minaithnir 6 8 0 7 7 7 3 6 9 Monster

Mount:  Must be mounted on one of the following:

 Must be mounted on a Sun Dragon, Moon Dragon or Star - Sun Dragon 235 points
Dragon, or alternatively on Minaithnir, the Great Blue Fire - Moon Dragon 300 points
Dragon (Star Dragon). - Star Dragon 390 points
- Minaithnir 445 points
 Hand weapon Special Rules (Imrik): Special Rules (Minaithnir):
 Star Lance  Valour of Ages  Fly
 Armour of Caledor  Speed of Asuryan  Large Target
 Dragonhorn  Martial Prowess  Terror
 Devastating Charge  Scaly Skin (3+)
 Dragon Kin  Dragons Breath (Red, Strength 5)
 Dragon Bond


Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Eltharion 5 8 6 4 3 3 8 4 10 Infantry (Special Character)
Stormwing 6 6 0 5 5 5 7 4 8 Monster

Mount: Options:
 May ride Stormwing, the Mighty  May ride his Griffon, Stormwing 255 points
Special Rules (Eltharion): Special Rules (Stormwing):
Equipment:  Valour of Ages  Fly
 Hand weapon  Speed of Asuryan  Large Target
 Heavy armour  Martial Prowess  Terror
 Longbow  Hatred (Orcs and Goblins)  Lash Tail
 Fangsword of Eltharion  Blood Oath  Strike Talons
 The Helm of Yvresse  Defender of Tor Yvresse  Razorbeak
 Talisman of Hoeth  Swiftsense
 Bloodroar


Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Eltharion 5 8 6 4 3 3 9 4 10 Infantry (Special Character)

Equipment: Special Rules:

 Hand weapon  Valour of Ages  Great Leap
 Light armour  Speed of Asuryan  Impenetrable Defence
 Great weapon  Martial Prowess  Fear (Dark Elves)
 Swordmaster Elite  Hatred (Orcs and Goblins, Dark Elves)
 The White Sword  The Dark Within
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Prince 5 7 6 4 3 3 8 4 10 Infantry (Character)

Equipment: Options:
 Hand weapon  May be armed with one of the following:
- Lance 6 points
Special Rules: - Spear 3 points
 Valour of Ages - Great weapon 8 points
 Speed of Asuryan - Halberd 6 points
 Martial Prowess - Additional hand weapon 6 points
 May be equipped with one of the following:
- Light armour 3 points
- Heavy armour 6 points
- Dragon armour 9 points
 May take one of the following:
- Lion cloak 6 points
- Kraken cloak 5 points
 May take a shield 3 points
 May take a longbow 8 points
 May be mounted on one of the following:
- Elven steed 16 points
- Ithilmar barded Elven steed 22 points
- Tiranoc Chariot (replaces 1 of the crew) 85 points
- Lion Chariot of Chrace (replaces 1 of the crew) 140 points
- Pegasus 45 points*
- Great Eagle 50 points*
- Great Stag 65 points
- Hippogryph 145 points*
- Griffon 150 points*
- Sun Dragon 235 points
- Moon Dragon 300 points
- Star Dragon 390 points
 May take magic items up to a total of 100 points

ARCHMAGE 225 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Archmage 5 4 4 3 3 3 5 1 9 Infantry (Character)

Magic: Options:
 An Archmage is a Level 3 Wizard  May upgrade to a Level 4 Wizard 35 points
 May be mounted on one of the following:
Equipment: - Elven steed 16 points
 Hand weapon - Ithilmar barded Elven steed 22 points
- Tiranoc Chariot (replaces 1 of the crew) 85 points
Special Rules: - Pegasus 45 points*
 Valour of Ages - Great Eagle 50 points*
 Speed of Asuryan - Deepwood Unicorn 30 points
 Asur Magistry - Avelorn Unicorn 60 points
- Sun Dragon 235 points
- Moon Dragon 300 points
 May take magic items up to a total of 100 points
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Caradryan 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9 Infantry (Special Character)
You can only include Caradryan within a unit of Phoenix Guard. You may only include one Caradryan in a High Elf army. Caradryan
cannot voluntarily leave the Phoenix Guard unit he is bought with.

Equipment: Special Rules:

 Hand weapon  Valour of Ages  Magic Resistance (3)
 Heavy armour  Speed of Asuryan  Ward Save (4+)
 The Phoenix Blade  Martial Prowess  Known Fate
 Fear  Mark of Asuryan


Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Korhil 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9 Infantry (Special Character)
You can only include Korhil within a unit of White Lions or riding a Lion Chariot. You may only include one Korhil in a High Elf army, whether he be
included within a unit of White Lions or riding in a Lion Chariot, you may only take him once. Korhil cannot voluntarily leave the unit he is bought

Equipment: Special Rules:

 Hand weapon  Chayal  Valour of Ages  Woodsman
 Heavy armour  Pelt of Charandis  Speed of Asuryan  Hunter Captain
 Martial Prowess  Sworn Bodyguard


Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Eolaran 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9 Infantry (Special Character)
You can only include Eolaran within a unit of Cothique Krakens. You may only include one Eolaran in a High Elf army. Eolaran cannot voluntarily leave
the Cothique Krakens unit he is bought with.

Equipment: Special Rules:

 Two hand weapons  Fang of the Black Leviathan  Valour of Ages
 Harpoons  Mask of the Merlord  Speed of Asuryan
 Light armour  The Gem of Courage  Martial Prowess
 Kraken Cloak  Hatred (Dark Elves, Warriors of Chaos)
 Supreme Sea Hunter
 Mariner


Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Arandir 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9 Cavalry (Special Character)
Elven Steed 9 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 5 -
You can only include Arandir within a unit of Ellyrian Reavers. You may only include one Arandir in a High Elf army. Arandir cannot voluntarily leave
the Ellyrian Reaver unit he is bought with.

Mount: Equipment: Special Rules:

 Ithilmar barded  Hand weapon  Valour of Ages  Fast Cavalry
Elven Steed  Spear  Speed of Asuryan  Strider
 Light armour  Martial Prowess  High Harbinger
 Shield
 Reaver Bow
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Cerion 5 5 4 3 3 2 6 2 8 Infantry (Special Character)
Kargos 6 5 0 5 5 5 4 4 7 Monster

Magic: Special Rules (Cerion): Special Rules (Kargos):

 Cerion is a Level 2 Wizard  Valour of Ages  Fly
 Speed of Asuryan  Large Target
Mount:  Martial Prowess  Terror
 Kargos, the Fiery (Red Sun Dragon).  Asur Magistry  Scaly Skin (3+)
 Reckless  Dragons Breath (Red)
Equipment:  Warrior Mage  Dragon Bond
 Hand weapon  The Gem of Sunfire  Frenzy  Frenzy
 Dragon armour  Ring of Fury  Dragon Blades

COURT NOBLE 85 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Noble 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9 Infantry (Character)

Equipment: Options:
 Hand weapon  May be armed with one of the following:
- Lance 4 points
Special Rules: - Spear 2 points
 Valour of Ages - Great weapon 6 points
 Speed of Asuryan - Halberd 4 points
 Martial Prowess - Additional hand weapon 4 points
 May be equipped with one of the following:
- Light armour 2 points
- Heavy armour 4 points
- Dragon armour 6 points
 May take one of the following:
Battle Standard Bearer - Lion cloak 4 points
- Kraken cloak 3 points
One Noble in the army may be upgraded  May take a shield 2 points
to the Battle Standard Bearer for 25  May take a longbow 8 points
points.  May be mounted on one of the following:
He may carry a Magic Standard (with no - Elven steed 12 points
points limit), but if he carries a Magic - Ithilmar barded Elven steed 16 points
Standard he may not carry any other - Tiranoc Chariot (replaces 1 of the crew) 85 points
Magic Items. - Pegasus 45 points*
- Great Eagle 50 points*
- Griffon 150 points*
 May take magic items up to a total of 50 points
MAGE 100 points
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Mage 5 4 4 3 3 2 5 1 8 Infantry (Character)

Magic: Options:
 A Mage is a Level 1 Wizard  May upgrade to a Level 2 Wizard 35 points
 May be mounted on one of the following:
Equipment: - Elven steed 12 points
 Hand weapon - Ithilmar barded Elven steed 16 points
- Tiranoc Chariot (replaces 1 of the crew) 85 points
Special Rules: - Deepwood Unicorn 25 points
 Valour of Ages - Pegasus 45 points*
 Speed of Asuryan - Great Eagle 50 points*
 Asur Magistry  May take magic items up to a total of 50 points

DRAGON MAGE 350 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Dragon Mage 5 4 4 3 3 2 6 2 8 Infantry (Character)
Sun Dragon 6 5 0 5 5 5 4 4 7 Monster

Magic: Options:
 A Dragon Mage is a Level 1 Wizard  May upgrade to a Level 4 Wizard 35 points
 May be armed with a Dragon Staff 4 points
Mount: (Halberd)
 Sun Dragon  May be equipped with one of the following:
- Light armour 2 points
Equipment: - Heavy armour 4 points
 Hand weapon - Dragon armour 6 points

Special Rules (Dragon Mage): Special Rules (Sun Dragon):

 Valour of Ages  Fly  May take magic items up to a total of 50 points
 Speed of Asuryan  Large Target
 Asur Magistry  Terror
 Reckless  Scaly Skin (3+)
 Warrior Mage  Dragons Breath
 Dragon Bond
First Among Equals
A single Core unit Champion (either a Hawkeye, Sentinel, Sea Master or High Helm) in the army may be given magic items worth up to 25 points.

ARCHERS 9 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Archer 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 Infantry
Hawkeye 5 4 5 3 3 1 5 1 8 Infantry

Unit Size: 10+ Options:

 May upgrade one Archer to a Hawkeye 10 points
Equipment: - The unit may take a Magical Brazier 15 points
 Hand weapon  May upgrade one Archer to a musician 10 points
 Longbow  May upgrade one Archer to a standard bearer 10 points
- May have a magic standard worth up to 25 points
Special Rules:  Entire unit may take light armour 1 point per model
 Valour of Ages
 Speed of Asuryan
 Elven Volley

SPEARMEN 8 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Spearman 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 Infantry
Sentinel 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 Infantry

Unit Size: 10+ Options:

 May upgrade one Spearman to a Sentinel 10 points
Equipment:  May upgrade one Spearman to a musician 10 points
 Hand weapon  May upgrade one Spearman to a standard bearer 10 points
 Spear - May have a magic standard worth up to 25 points
 Light armour  Entire unit may have heavy armour 2 points per model
 Shield

Special Rules:
 Valour of Ages
 Speed of Asuryan
 Martial Prowess
LOTHERN SEAGUARD 10 points per model
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Seaguard 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 Infantry
Sea Master 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 Infantry

Unit Size: 10+ Options:

 May upgrade one Seaguard to a Sea Master 10 points
Equipment:  May upgrade one Seaguard to a musician 10 points
 Hand weapon  May upgrade one Seaguard to a standard bearer 10 points
 Spear - May have a magic standard worth up to 25 points
 Bow  Entire unit may take shields 1 point per model
 Light armour  Entire unit may have heavy armour 2 points per model

Special Rules:
 Valour of Ages
 Speed of Asuryan
 Elven Volley
 Martial Prowess

SILVER HELMS 20 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Silver Helm 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 Cavalry
High Helm 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 Cavalry
Elven Steed 9 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 5 -

Unit Size: 5+ Options:

 May upgrade one Silver Helm to a High Helm 10 points
Equipment:  May upgrade one Seaguard to a musician 10 points
 Hand weapon  May upgrade one Seaguard to a standard bearer 10 points
 Lance - May have a magic standard worth up to 25 points
 Heavy armour  Entire unit may take shields 2 points per model
 Ithilmar barding (Elven Steed)

Special Rules:
 Valour of Ages
 Speed of Asuryan
 Martial Prowess
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Phoenix Guard 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 1 9 Infantry
Keeper of the Flame 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 2 9 Infantry

Unit Size: 5+ Options:

 One unit may include Caradryan 180 points
Equipment:  May upgrade one Phoenix Guard to a Keeper of the Flame 10 points
 Hand weapon - May have magic items worth up to 25 points
 Halberd  May upgrade one Phoenix Guard to a musician 10 points
 Heavy armour  May upgrade one Phoenix Guard to a standard bearer 10 points
- May have a magic standard worth up to 50 points
Special Rules:
 Valour of Ages  Ward Save (4+)
 Speed of Asuryan  Known Fate
 Fear

SWORDMASTERS OF HOETH 15 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Swordmaster 5 6 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 Infantry
Bladelord 5 6 4 3 3 1 5 3 8 Infantry

Unit Size: 5+ Options:

 May upgrade one Swordmaster to a Bladelord 10 points
Equipment: - May have magic items worth up to 25 points
 Hand weapon  May upgrade one Swordmaster to a musician 10 points
 Two-handed sword  May upgrade one Swordmaster to a standard bearer 10 points
(Great weapon) - May have a magic standard worth up to 50 points
 Heavy armour - One unit may have The Banner of Sorcery (see below) 50 points


 Valour of Ages Magic Standard
 Speed of Asuryan The Loremasters of Saphery presented this banner to king Finubar the Seafarer upon his coronation.
 Swordmaster The Banner adds +D3 Power dice in each friendly Magic phase.

TIRANOC CHARIOT 85 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Tiranoc Chariot - - - 5 4 4 - - - Chariot (Armour Save 4+)
Tiranocian Crew - 4 4 3 - - 5 1 8 -
Elven Steed 9 3 - 3 - - 4 1 - -

Unit Size: 1 Equipment (Crew): Special Rules:

 Hand weapon  Valour of Ages
Crew: 2 High Elves of Tiranoc  Spear  Speed of Asuryan
 Bow  Fast Cavalry
Drawn by: 2 Elven Steeds
WHITE LIONS OF CHRACE 14 points per model
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
White Lion 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 1 8 Infantry
Guardian 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 2 8 Infantry

Unit Size: 5+ Options:

 One unit may include Korhil 145 points
Equipment:  May upgrade one White Lion to a Guardian 10 points
 Hand weapon - May have magic items worth up to 25 points
 Woodsman’s Axe (Great weapon)  May upgrade one White Lion to a musician 10 points
 Heavy armour  May upgrade one White Lion to a standard bearer 10 points
 Lion Cloak - May have a magic standard worth up to 50 points
- One unit may have the Lion Standard (see below) 25 points
Special Rules:
 Valour of Ages LION STANDARD
 Speed of Asuryan Magic Standard
 Woodsmen An aura of courage fills the hearts of those who serve under this banner, making them
each as fearsome as a lion!
 Bodyguard
The unit is immune to Fear and Terror.

WAR LIONS OF CHRACE 16 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
War Lion 8 5 0 5 4 1 4 2 6 War Beast

Unit Size: 2-20 Special Rules:

 Fear
Equipment:  Forest Strider
 Claws and fangs (Hand weapon)  Lion Coat
 Light armour  The Lion’s Pride

LION CHARIOT OF CHRACE 140 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Lion Chariot - - - 5 4 4 - - - Chariot (Armour Save 3+,
Chracian Crew - 5 4 4 - - 5 1 8 2+ from shooting attacks)
War Lions 8 5 - 5 - - 4 2 - -

Unit Size: 1 Option:

 One Chariot may include Korhil (he replaces one of the crew) 135 points
Crew: 2 White Lions of Chrace
Special Rules:
Drawn by: 2 War Lions  Valour of Ages
 Speed of Asuryan
Equipment (Crew):  Fear
 Hand weapon  Stubborn
 Woodsman’s Axe
(Great weapon)
DRAGON PRINCES OF CALEDOR 30 points per model
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Dragon Prince 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 2 9 Cavalry
Drakemaster 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 3 9 Cavalry
Elven Steed 9 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 5 -

Unit Size: 5+ Options:

 May upgrade one Dragon Prince to a Drakemaster 10 points
Equipment: - May have magic items worth up to 25 points
 Hand weapon  May upgrade one Dragon Prince to a musician 10 points
 Lance  May upgrade one Dragon Prince to a standard bearer 10 points
 Dragon armour - May have a magic standard worth up to 50 points
 Shield - One unit may have the Battle Banner (see below) 45 points
 Ithilmar barding (Elven Steed)
Special Rules: Magic Standard
 Valour of Ages This heavily woven banner is embroidered with detailed scenes of High Elf victories, and
twinkles with the light of a thousand gemstones.
 Speed of Asuryan
The unit adds +D3 to the combat resolution of any combat in which it is involved.
 Martial Prowess
 Devastating Charge

ELLYRIAN REAVERS 16 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Ellyrian Reaver 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 Cavalry
Harbinger 5 4 5 3 3 1 5 1 8 Cavalry
Elven Steed 9 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 5 -

Unit Size: 5+ Options:

 One unit may include Arandir 155 points
Equipment:  May upgrade one Ellyrian Reaver to a Harbinger 10 points
 Hand weapon  May upgrade one Ellyrian Reaver to a musician 10 points
 Spear  May upgrade one Ellyrian Reaver to a standard bearer 10 points
 Light armour - May have a magic standard worth up to 25 points
- One unit may have the Banner of Ellyrian (see below) 25 points
Special Rules:  The entire unit may have one of the following
 Valour of Ages - Bow 3 points per model
 Speed of Asuryan - Swap spear for bow 1 point per model
 Elven Volley  If the unit has spears, the entire unit may also have shields 2 points per model
 Fast Cavalry  The entire unit may have ithilmar barding 4 points per model

Magic Standard
This small pennant of Korhandir, the father of all horses, imbues steeds with tireless energy to traverse the
densest terrain.
The unit has the Strider special rule.
COTHIQUE KRAKENS 13 points per model
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Kraken 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 1 9 Infantry
Leviathan 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 2 9 Infantry

Unit Size: 5+ Options:

 One unit may include Eolaran 160 points
Equipment:  May upgrade one Kraken to a Leviathan 10 points
 Hand weapon - May have magic items worth up to 25 points
 Light armour  May upgrade one Kraken to a musician 10 points
 Kraken Cloak  May upgrade one Kraken to a standard bearer 10 points
- May have a magic standard worth up to 50 points
Special Rules:  Entire unit may take additional hand weapons 2 points per model
 Valour of Ages  Entire unit may take harpoons 2 points per model
 Speed of Asuryan
 Martial Prowess
 Hatred (Dark Elves, Warriors of Chaos)
 Sea Hunters
 Mariners


Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Shadow Warrior 5 5 5 3 3 1 5 1 8 Infantry
Shadow Master 5 5 6 3 3 1 5 2 8 Infantry

Unit Size: 5+ Options:

 May upgrade one Shadow Warrior to a Shadow Master 10 points
Equipment: - May have magic items worth up to 25 points
 Hand weapon  Entire unit may have one of the following
 Longbow - Additional hand weapons 1 point per model
 Light armour - Shields 1 point per model

Special Rules:
 Valour of Ages  Skirmishers
 Speed of Asuryan  Scouts
 Elven Volley  Shadow Warriors
 Martial Prowess  Nagarythe Hatred
MAIDENGUARD OF AVELORN 18 points per model
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Maiden 5 5 5 3 3 1 6 1 9 Infantry
Maiden Guardian 5 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 Infantry

Unit Size: 5+ Options:

 May upgrade one Maiden to a Maiden Guardian 10 points
Equipment: - May have magic items worth up to 25 points
 Hand weapon  May upgrade one Maiden to a musician 10 points
 Spear - One unit may have the Horn of Isha (see below) 35 points
 Longbow  May upgrade one Maiden to a standard bearer 10 points
 Light armour - One unit may have the Sacred Banner of Avelorn (see below) 30 points

Special Rules: HORN OF ISHA

 Valour of Ages Enchanted Item
 Speed of Asuryan Made from a single pearl-coloured conch shell, the Horn of Isha summons the blessing of Isha, the Elven
Mother Goddess.
 Elven Volley
 Martial Prowess One use only. The horn can only be used at the beginning of either the Shooting phase
 Magic Resistance (1) or the Close Combat phase. When used it grants the Handmaidens the Multiple Shots
 Ward Save (5+) (2) special rule, though they do not suffer the -1 to hit for Multiple Shots (if used in the
Shooting phase), or an Extra Attack (if used in the Close Combat Phase).


Magic Standard
Woven from living leaves and the hair of the fairest Elven maidens, the Sacred Banner of Avelorn is a
stunningly beautiful creation of the Elves of Avelorn, which inspires awe in all who see it.

Enemy units that declare a charge on the Handmaidens must pass a Ld test, or the
charge is treated as a failed charge. If they pass the test they may complete the charge
as normal. The Handmaidens must declare their charge reaction before this roll is made.

REPEATER BOLT THROWER 100 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Repeater Bolt Thrower - - - - 7 3 - - - War Machine (Bolt Thrower)
Lothern Crew 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 -
Eagle-eye 5 4 5 3 3 1 5 1 8 -

Unit Size: 1 Options:

 May upgrade one Crew member to an Eagle-eye 10 points
Crew: 2 High Elves - The unit may take a Magical Brazier 15 points

Equipment (Crew): Special Rules:

 Hand weapon  Valour of Ages  Eagles Claw
 Light Armour  Speed of Asuryan
GREAT EAGLES 50 points per model
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Great Eagle 2 5 0 4 4 3 4 2 8 Monstrous Beast

Unit Size: 1 Special Rules: Options:

 Fly May take any of the following:
Equipment:  Feathers of the Iron Phoenix 5 points
 Talons (Hand weapon)  Swiftsense 10 points
 Blood of the Phoenix 15 points

GREAT PHOENIX 240 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Great Phoenix 4 5 0 6 5 4 4 4 9 Monster

Unit Size: 1 Options:

May take any of the following:
Magic:  Rebirth 20 points
A Great Phoenix is a Level 1 Wizard. Who always uses spells from the  Swiftsense 25 points
Lore of Fire.  Song of Fire 30 points
 Phoenix Lore 40 points
 Giant talons and beak (Hand weapon)

Special Rules:
 Flaming Attacks  Regeneration
 Fly  Phoenix Fire
 Large Target  Born from Flame
 Terror
 Scaly Skin (5+)
Aislinn 5 8 6 4 3 3 8 4 10 In (SC) 20 Cothique Kraken 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 1 9 In 8
Alarielle 5 5 5 3 3 3 8 1 10 In (SC) 16 - Leviathan 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 2 9 In
Alith Anar 5 7 7 4 3 3 9 4 10 In (SC) 19 Dragon Prince 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 2 9 Ca 8
Archmage 5 4 4 3 3 3 5 1 9 In 5 - Drakemaster 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 3 9 Ca
Belannaer 5 8 4 3 3 3 9 3 10 In (SC) 18 - Elven Steed 9 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 5
Eltharion the Blind 5 8 6 4 3 3 9 4 10 In (SC) 23 Ellyrian Reaver 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 Ca 8
Eltharion the Grim 5 8 6 4 3 3 8 4 10 In (SC) 22 - Harbinger 5 4 5 3 3 1 5 1 8 Ca
- Stormwing 6 6 0 5 5 5 7 4 8 Mo - Elven Steed 9 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 5
Imrik 5 8 6 4 3 3 9 4 10 In (SC) 21 Lion Chariot - - - 5 4 4 - - - Ch 9
- Minaithnir 6 8 0 7 7 7 3 6 9 Mo - Crew - 5 4 4 - - 5 1 8
Kingdom Prince 5 7 6 4 3 3 8 4 10 In 5 - War Lions 8 5 - 5 - - 4 2 -
Teclis 5 3 3 2 2 3 5 1 10 In (SC) 17 Phoenix Guard 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 1 9 In 7
Tyrion 5 9 7 4 3 4 10 5 10 Ca (SC) 15 - Keeper o/t Flame 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 2 9 In
- Malhandir 10 4 0 4 3 1 5 2 7 Shadow Warrior 5 5 5 3 3 1 5 1 8 In 7
- Shadow Master 5 5 6 3 3 1 5 2 8 In
Swordmaster 5 6 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 In 7
HEROES M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type Pg - Bladelord 5 6 4 3 3 1 5 3 8 In
Arandir 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9 In (SC) 27 Tiranoc Chariot - - - 5 4 4 - - - Ch 8
- Elven Steed 9 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 5 - Crew - 4 4 3 - - 5 1 8
- Elven Steeds 9 3 - 3 - - 4 1 -
Caradryan 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9 In (SC) 25
Cerion 5 5 4 3 3 2 6 2 8 In (SC) 28 War Lions 8 5 0 5 4 1 4 2 6 WB 9
- Kargos 6 5 0 5 5 5 5 4 7 Mo White Lions 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 1 8 In 9
Court Noble 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9 In 5 - Guardian 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 2 8 In
Dragon Mage 5 4 4 3 3 2 6 2 8 In 5
- Sun Dragon 6 5 0 5 5 5 4 4 7 Mo
Eolaran 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9 In (SC) 26 RARE M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type Pg
Korhil 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9 In (SC) 24 Bolt Thrower - - - - 7 3 - - - WM 10
Mage 5 4 4 3 3 2 5 1 8 In 5 - Crew 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
- Eagle-eye 5 4 5 3 3 1 5 1 8
Great Eagle 2 5 0 4 4 3 4 2 8 MB 11
CORE M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type Pg Maiden 5 5 5 3 3 1 6 1 9 In 10
Archer 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 In 6 - Maiden Guardian 5 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 In
- Hawkeye 5 4 5 3 3 1 5 1 8 In Great Phoenix 4 5 0 6 5 4 4 4 9 Mo 10
Seaguard 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 In 6
- Sea Master 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 In
Silver Helm 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 Ca 6 MOUNTS M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type Pg
- High Helm 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 Ca Avelorn Unicorn 10 5 0 4 4 3 5 2 8 MB 11
- Elven Steed 9 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 5 Deepwood Unicorn 10 4 0 3 3 1 5 1 8 WB 11
Spearman 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 In 6 Elven Steed 9 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 5 WB 9
- Sentinel 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 In Great Eagle 2 5 0 4 4 3 4 2 8 MB 11
Great Stag 5 5 5 3 3 3 8 1 10 MB 11
Griffon 6 5 0 5 5 4 5 4 7 Mo 12
Troop Type Key: In = Infantry, WB = War Beast, Ca = Cavalry, MI = Monstrous Hippogryph 8 4 0 5 5 4 4 4 8 Mo 12
Infantry, MB = Monstrous Beast, MC = Monstrous Cavalry, SC = Special Moon Dragon 6 6 0 6 6 6 3 5 8 Mo 13
Character, Mo = Monster, Sw = Swarm, Un = Unique, WM = War Machine. Star Dragon 6 7 0 7 7 7 2 6 9 Mo 13
Sun Dragon 6 5 0 5 5 5 4 4 7 Mo 13
Pegasus 8 3 0 4 4 3 4 2 6 MB 12

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