Warhammer - Bretonnia Special Characters 1.2

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The Marshal of Bretonnia is responsible for defending POINTS: 145.

the Marches of Couronne which mark the frontier with
Marienburg and the Empire. This is disputed land and TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character, Hero).
much of it is marshy or thickly wooded. It is the scene
of many battles with Empire forces and other would-be EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, heavy armour, shield,
invaders. The Marshal himself seizes every opportunity barding.
to push the frontier a bit further east. Roland leads a
retinue of Knights and holds numerous castles, but the SPECIAL RULES: Blessing of the Lady, The
region is not yet large enough or stable enough to be
Knight's Vow, Lance Formation, Virtue of Stoicism.
made into a dukedom.
Marshal: All friendly units within 12" of Roland gain
M WS BS S T W I A Ld +1 Leadership when taking Rally tests. In addition, he
Roland 4 5 3 4 4 2 5 3 8
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5
counts as a musician in any unit he joins.

Falcon-horn of Fredemund (Enchanted Item)
Roland carries a huge warhorn carved from the tusk of
a monster slain by his remote ancestor in the Dark Age
of Bretonnia. This ancient horn was used by the Grail
Companion, Duke Fredemund of Aquitaine. When
blown, this horn emits a piercing cry and releases a
mighty spell, and the skies become filled with all
manner of birds, in memory of the great man. It drives
driving away flying creatures as if scared by an
awesome predator bigger and more ravenous than

One use only. The Horn may be sounded at the start of

any Bretonnian turn. Until the start of the next
Bretonnian turn, no enemy unit may use the Fly special

No one knows the true identity of this Knight. He The Perilous Lance: The Knight of the Perilous Lance
attends every tournament in Bretonnia and has never has earned this name because of his unique jousting
yet been unhorsed. He never lifts his visor and no skill. He has the uncanny ability to aim his lance at his
opponent has been able to take it off to see his face. On opponent's weakest point and dodge his opponent's
account of his amazing prowess at the tournament, shield at the moment of impact.
other Knights have nicknamed him "the Perilous
Lance". All attacks made by the Knight of the Perilous Lance
have the Ignores Armour Saves special rule when
M WS BS S T W I A Ld charging.
The Knight 4 6 3 4 4 2 6 3 8
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 The Parrying Shield: The Knight of the Perilous
Lance also has a unique technique of using his shield.
POINTS: 140. He is exceptionally good at parrying his opponent's
weapon in hand-to-hand combat.
TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character, Hero).
The Knight of the Perilous Lance has the Parry (6+)
EQUIPMENT: Lance, heavy armour, shield, special rule, even though he is mounted.

SPECIAL RULES: Blessing of the Lady, The

Knight's Vow, Lance Formation, Virtue of the

Slayer of Malgrimace
Jasperre is the foremost slayer of Dragons in the realm Helm of the Dragon Slayer (Magic Armour)
of Bretonnia. It was he who slew the Dragon Jasperre's helm is blackened with the fire of his many
Malgrimace and rescued Isabeau, the king's daughter, encounters, yet it carries the good wishes of the Lady
from its very jaws. This was just one of the monsters herself and will continue to protect him for so long as
slain by Jasperre in his never-ending quest for the grail. he keeps to his chivalric rows. Its bearer can stride
through a roaring inferno as if it were a pleasant
Jasperre rides a Pegasus which is a wise choice of summer breeze.
mount for one who seeks to slay Dragons and rescue
damsels from high towers! The Helm gives Jasperre a 6+ armour save. Jasperre
Ward Save from the Blessing of the Lady is increased
M WS BS S T W I A Ld to 5+ against close combat attacks. In addition,
Jasperre 4 6 3 4 4 2 5 3 8 Jasperre gains the Immunity (Flaming Attacks) special
Royal Pegasus 8 4 0 4 4 2 4 2 7 rule.

POINTS: 180. Claw of Malgrimace (Talisman)

Cut from the corpse of the ferocious dragon
TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character; Hero). Malgrimace, the Dragon's Claw has been scrimshawed
by the artisan Ellabeau and enchanted by Damsels of
EQUIPMENT: Heavy armour, shield, barding. the Lady. Jasperre wears about his neck the talon of
Malgrimace, the ferocious Dragon from whose
SPECIAL RULES: Blessing of the Lady, Fly (9), clutches he rescued the king of Bretonnia's daughter.
The claw has the power to protect Jasperre against
The Knight's Vow, Virtue of Audacity.
lesser beasts – for Malgrimace was the greatest
Dragon of his time, and his power lingers on after his
The Virtuous Lance (Magic Weapon)
When Jasperre set out on his grail quest, be took the When fighting Monsters, Jasperre may deduct D3
Virtuous Lance from the grail chapel of Sancerre, Attacks from his opponent (not including any rider), to
fancying that its long steel shaft and keen tip would a minimum of 1.
make it an ideal weapon to employ against Dragons.
He was well guided by the Lady in his choice, for the
weapon has never failed him and many are the
Dragons who have felt its sharp point piercing their
scales. The lance is festooned with ladies' favours tied
on by grateful damsels rescued by the dashing

Lance. This lance gives Jasperre the Strength Bonus (1)

and Multiple Wounds (D3) special rules when he
charges. When fighting Monsters, once you have
established how many wounds have been inflicted, roll
a D6 and add the number of wounds caused to the
score. If the total is equal to 6 or more the Virtuous
Lance has pierced the monster's heart and slain it –
remove the model as a casualty. Note that Jasperre
must cause at least one Wound for this rule to take

Reynard is known far and wide throughout Bretonnia SPECIAL RULES: Blessing of the Lady, The
for his passion for hunting. Reynard has become so Knight's Vow, Lance Formation, Virtue of
expert with his great boar spear that he prefers to use Audacity.
this in battle rather than the traditional Knightly lance.
He rides with a hawk perched on his wrist and he is Groffe and Griffe: Reynard's two wolfhounds Groffe
always accompanied by his faithful wolfhounds Groffe and Griffe always stay by their master's side in battle
and Griffe, whose savagery and loyalty are unmatched and viciously defend him in hand-to-hand combat.
by any hunting hounds in Bretonnia. Reynard likes
nothing better than to track down a warband or Orc Reynard and his wolfhounds always move and fight
raiders and set the dogs on them! together as a unit. If Reynard joins a unit, so will
Groffe and Griffe.
Reynard 4 5 3 4 4 2 5 3 8 If Reynard is slain, Groffe and Griffe will run savage
Groffe 8 4 0 4 3 1 4 1 5 and run amok over the battlefield. They will sniff out
Griffe 8 4 0 4 3 1 4 1 5 large beasts and other strong-smelling creatures in a
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 savage rage. They will be subject to the Frenzy special
rule for the remainder of the game.
POINTS: 125.
If both his beloved wolfhounds are slain, Reynard
TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character, Hero). immediately becomes subject to Hatred for the
Groffe & Griffe: War Beast. remainder of the game.

EQUIPMENT: Heavy armour, shield, barding. Reynard's Hawk: Reynard has a hunting hawk
perched on his wrist.

The hawk always attacks anyone who engages Reynard

in close combat, giving Reynard an extra Strength 3
Attack. In addition, Reynard may use his Hawk in
during the Shooting phase. The Hawk can be directed
against any enemy unit within line of sight, regardless
of range. The enemy unit must take a Weapon Skill test
or suffer a Strength 3 Hit.

Hunting Party: Reynard often chooses to lead his

Mounted Yeomen in battle rather than join the other
Knights. Indeed, he is well known for regarding battle
as a hunting expedition!

If Reynard joins a unit of Mounted Yeomen, the unit

will follow Reynard's example and become subject to
The Knight’s Vow for as long as he remains with it.

Reynard's Boar Spear (Magic Weapon)
Reynard's boar spear is a huge weapon as big as a
lance. The boar spear has a big broad spearhead with
a crossbar to stop it plunging so far into the prey that
Reynard cannot pull it out! The spear is especially
useful at holding monsters at bay.

Lance. If Reynard's opponent is wounded by the boar

spear, it may not Attack that turn as a result of being
transfixed and held at bay by the spear. In addition, no
Natural Armour saves may be taken against Wounds
caused by the spear.

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