.J .J I LJ - Jk:i11: "E-Services E-Transactions Development Knowledge Society at MOFA: Phase #2"

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"e-Services & e-Transactions Development & Knowledge Society

at MOFA : Phase #2"


"e-Services & e-Transactions Development & Knowledge Society
at MOF A: Phase #2"

Project Documentation Revision

Project Extension Justification

In order to increase the efficiency and productivity of MOF A activities, and

according to the directives of His Royal Highness Prince / Saud al-Faisal, the Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the General Meeting of the Heads of Saudi missions abroad on
4/12/1427 towards a global strategy for transformation to electronic services and
transactions of the services provided by the Ministry for MOF A employees and for the
general users at home and abroad, and in reference to the dissemination of the President
of the Royal Council of Ministers No. 7708 / 18/9/1430 to the government agencies to
ensure the implementation of the National Plan for Communications and Information
Technology, it is requested that the project" e-Services & e-Transactions Development
& Knowledge Society at MOF A " is to be extended to phase#2 for another three years
(2010-20120) to allow MOFA objectives using ICT for development.

1. E-Service and e-Transactions
1.1 Scope
a. Employ Digital Signature and Digital Certificate Systems.
b. Extend advanced e- Visa system.
c. Government Resources Planning System and interactive e-Forms
d. Develop Local and global e-Payment System.
e. Adopt BPM, BPI and BPR for effective paperless office.
r Connected employees for all MOF A units locally and globally.
g. Contiguous technical support 24X7 for all users.
h. Users Accessibility technologies.
1.2 Output
a. Productivity and Efficiency increase.
b. Spread of penetration of integrated e-Service and e- Transactions,
c. High quality G2E, G2C, G2G and G2B governmen! services.

2. Human Capacity
2.1 Scope
a. Contiguous training for Employs on IC3.
b. E-Learning on the MOFA's Portal for ITC specialists.
c. ICT Awareness campaigns.
d. Information sharing circles on MOFA's Portal.
2.2 Output

a. Enhance human capacity index.

b. Minimum resistance to Change management.
c. Knowledge employees and society.
d. More success of e-Government Transformation.

3. Infrastructure
3.1 Scope
a. Provide and update hardware, software and secured networks.
b. Broadband Networking.
c. GPSN complete implementation
d. Teleconference using GPSN
e. IVRJCA TI systems.
f. Integration of SMS
g. ICT security plan.
h. Data Center Project.
i. SSG Project.
3.2 Output
a. Increase of infrastructure index.
b. High standard of e-Service and e-Transactions availability.

4. Connectivity
4.1 Scope
a) Connecting to Government Procurement program.
b) Connecting to Government Messaging System.
c) Connecting to Government Integration Bus.
d) Connecting to the National Center for Digital Certificates.
e) Connection to PKI providers.
£) Connecting to online Information and learning resources
g) Connecting to relevant private sector and financial centers
4.2 Output
a) Secure information, e-Service, e- Transactions.
b) Paperless office.
c) E-Governance.
c. Interactivity and Increase of connectivity index.

5. The Web
5.1 Scope
a) Update web content (lCT).
b) Integration of new interactive services.
c) Accessibility.

5.2 Output
a) Web index increase
b) User Satisfaction index increase
c) E-Government index increase
d) E-Governance introduced
e) Accessed users increase.

6. Quality
6.1 Scope
a) Apply International Quality Standards and models such as ISO,
b) Periodic Users satisfaction measurement.
c) Periodic E-Government index measurement.
6.2 Output
a) Improved e-Government transformation.
b) Continuous Feedback and corrective actions.

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