Open RAN Risk Analysis

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In Cooperation with:


Open RAN Risk Analysis


Version: 1.2.1
Date: 21 February 2022
Authors: Stefan Köpsell (Barkhausen Institut)
Andrey Ruzhanskiy (Barkhausen Institut)
Andreas Hecker (Advancing Individual Networks GmbH)
Dirk Stachorra (Advancing Individual Networks GmbH)
Norman Franchi (Advancing Individual Networks GmbH)
Executive Summary
This study addresses the question of the security risks that arise from the O-RAN
implementation of a 3GPP RAN as specified by the O-RAN Alliance. It starts with a functional
description of a 3GPP RAN and the O-RAN architecture. The study then presents a risk
analysis that was undertaken on this basis while factoring in the protection goals of
confidentiality, integrity, accountability, availability and privacy. Three stakeholders are
considered in assessing the risks associated with a violation of these security objectives: the
user of a 5G network, the operator of a 5G network and the state as an entity representing
the societal perspective.
Since the existing O-RAN specifications still lack specificity in many areas and provide few
guidelines in the area of security in particular, two types of scenarios were considered in the
risk analysis. The worst-case scenario assumes that none of the optional security measures
have been taken, while the best-case scenario assumes that all the (optional) security
safeguards have been implemented.
For the risk analysis, various powerful attackers have also been considered, including an
external attacker, a 5G user, an “insider”, a cloud operator and a RAN operator.
The risk analysis has revealed that medium to high security risks can be identified in
numerous interfaces and components specified in the context of O-RAN. This is hardly
surprising, as the current development of the O-RAN specifications does not adhere to the
paradigm of “security/privacy by design/default”. It also fails to take account of the
principles of multilateral security (i.e. assuming minimal trustworthiness of all stakeholders).
In the course of the risk analysis, some potential improvements were identified that could
minimise risk. These can be found in the recommendations at the end of this study. It is
important that security improvements are included in the specification now to avoid the
security weaknesses that occurred in the development of the 3GPP standards.

This risk analysis was commissioned and financed by the Federal

Office for Information Security (BSI). The BSI had no influence on
the results.

Disclaimer: This English version of the risk analysis has been translated by a translation
agency, commissioned by BSI. While the authors proofread the English version to ensure best
possible correctness of technical details, we need to refer to the German version in case of
errors or ambiguity.

Table of contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 5
2 Next Generation Radio Access Network (NG-RAN) ....................................................... 6
2.1 Introduction and concepts ....................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Open RAN........................................................................................................ 7
2.1.2 O-RAN ............................................................................................................. 7
2.1.3 TIP ................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.4 Additional groups ............................................................................................. 8
2.2 NG-RAN architecture .............................................................................................. 8
2.2.1 Specification according to 3GPP ...................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Control/User Plane Separation ......................................................................... 9
2.2.3 Specification according to O-RAN ...................................................................11
2.2.4 Open RAN integration model...........................................................................14
2.2.5 RAN sharing concepts.....................................................................................15
2.3 Description of O-RAN interfaces.............................................................................18
2.3.1 O1 interface ....................................................................................................19
2.3.2 O2 interface ....................................................................................................21
2.3.3 A1 interface .....................................................................................................24
2.3.4 R1 interface .....................................................................................................25
2.3.5 E2 interface .....................................................................................................26
2.3.6 Open FH CUS interface ..................................................................................27
2.3.7 Open FH M-Plane interface .............................................................................28
2.3.8 Cooperative Transport Interface (CTI) .............................................................29
2.4 Optimisation aspects and machine learning ...........................................................30
2.4.1 RIC functions for RAN optimisation .................................................................30
2.4.2 xApps/rApps ....................................................................................................31
2.4.3 Machine learning (ML) .....................................................................................32
2.5 O-RAN software .....................................................................................................33
3 Methodology and Scope ................................................................................................35
3.1 General information and scope ..............................................................................35
3.2 Risk analysis methodologies ..................................................................................35
3.3 Protection goals considered ...................................................................................36
3.4 Attackers considered – attacker models .................................................................36
3.5 Perspectives...........................................................................................................38
3.5.1 Stakeholder perspective ..................................................................................38
3.5.2 Implementation of security safeguards ............................................................39
3.5.3 Summary.........................................................................................................39
3.6 Methodology applied for risk analysis .....................................................................40
4 Existing Studies .............................................................................................................43
4.1 ENISA Threat Landscape for 5G Networks ............................................................43
4.2 EU 5G risk analysis ................................................................................................43
4.3 EU Toolbox ............................................................................................................44
4.4 US studies and reports ...........................................................................................44
4.5 “The Prague Proposals” .........................................................................................45
4.6 O-RAN security threat modelling and remediation analysis ....................................45
4.7 GSMA mobile telecommunications security landscape ...........................................45
5 O-RAN Risk Analysis ....................................................................................................47
5.1 Attackers: cloud operators and 5G RAN operators .................................................47
5.2 O-Cloud risk analysis .............................................................................................48
5.3 O2 interface risk analysis .......................................................................................48
5.4 O1 interface risk analysis .......................................................................................50
5.4.1 Risk analysis of the general O1 interface ........................................................50
5.4.2 Risk analysis of the O1 interface between the O-DU and SMO .......................52
5.5 A1 interface risk analysis ........................................................................................54
5.6 R1 interface risk analysis........................................................................................55
5.7 E2 interface risk analysis ........................................................................................56
5.8 Open Fronthaul M-Plane risk analysis ....................................................................58
5.9 Open Fronthaul CUS-Plane risk analysis ...............................................................60
5.10 CTI interface risk analysis ......................................................................................61
5.11 Risk analysis of other interfaces .............................................................................62
5.12 Risk analysis for rApps ...........................................................................................62
5.13 Risk analysis for xApps ..........................................................................................63
5.14 Machine learning risk analysis ................................................................................64
5.15 O-RAN risk analysis summary ................................................................................65
6 Summary and Outlook ...................................................................................................66
6.1 Recommendations .................................................................................................66
6.1.1 3GPP ..............................................................................................................66
6.1.2 O-RAN ............................................................................................................66
7 Bibliography ..................................................................................................................69
8 List of Abbreviations ......................................................................................................73
Appendix A: 3GPP 5G RAN Risk Analysis .......................................................................77

1 Introduction
Fifth generation (5G) mobile networks offer a variety of new use cases, particularly those
relating to the networking of “things”. This gives 5G an increasingly central role in the area of
basic communications infrastructures – especially as a basic communications structure for
critical infrastructures such as those for power, water, logistics and transport. It is therefore
essential to be aware of the risks involved in implementing 5G as a communications
infrastructure in the context of IT security and data protection. This type of risk analysis is thus
the main focus of this study. By way of limitation, this study does not address an overall 5G
system, consisting essentially of a 5G radio access network (5G RAN) and the 5G core
network (5G Core). Instead, the risk analysis solely considers the 5G RAN, with the focus on
recommending a concrete 5G RAN implementation, which is specified by O-RAN Alliance1.
This recommended implementation is referred to as O-RAN.
The main objective of this study is therefore to analyse the risks associated with O-RAN. It
covers the threats and risks identified in the current specifications and can be used as a starting
point for deciding which measures are necessary in the future to minimise these risks.
The study starts with an overview of the next generation radio access network (NG-RAN) from
a technical and functional perspective. In particular, it examines the O-RAN architecture. This
is followed by a presentation of the risk analysis methodology used in the study. In particular,
it explains the protection goals and the underlying attacker model in detail. In chapter 4 the
study briefly considers other studies that have analysed risks or threats related to NG-RAN or
O-RAN. Of particular importance here are the analyses provided by the O-RAN Alliance itself.
This is followed by the main part of this study, which analyses the actual risks of O-RAN. A
related risk analysis with regard to NG-RAN in general can be found in Appendix A.
Background knowledge of general NG-RAN risks is essential to understanding the O-RAN risk
analysis. Readers who do not have this background knowledge are advised to read Appendix
A before the O-RAN risk analysis in chapter 5. The risk analysis starts with individual
components and interfaces of O-RAN in order to provide an evaluation of the security risks for
O-RAN as a whole.
This study concludes with recommendations on safeguards for improving O-RAN security.

2 Next Generation Radio Access Network (NG-RAN)
NG-RAN, Open RAN and O-RAN are the concepts and current components of the RAN area
under review. They appear throughout the entire document. The last two terms in particular
are often used erroneously as synonyms. This is understandable, as they not only sound
similar, but are also inextricably linked. For example, the “O-RAN Alliance” has been founded
to realise the concept of “Open RAN”. The introductory chapter 2.1 explains the context of all
three terms in relation to each other.
Chapter 2.2 delves deeper into the NG-RAN architecture, starting with the 3GPP standard and
continuing to the O-RAN specifications. Chapter 2.3 explains the interfaces introduced by
O-RAN that are essential for the security considerations in the later chapters. Chapter 2.4
deals with applications, focusing in particular on machine learning (ML) with O-RAN. Chapter
2.5 concludes with information on existing O-RAN software, which is open to anyone interested
in developing their own solutions.

Figure 1: Simplified representation of an Open RAN architecture (source: Nokia)

2.1 Introduction and concepts

A radio access network (RAN) forms the link between end devices and the core network in a
mobile radio network. For the fifth generation (5G) of mobile networks, 3GPP specified the
New Radio (NR) mobile air interface and the next generation RAN (NG-RAN) in Release 15.
NG-RAN offers access via both NR and E-UTRA (Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access),
the air interface of 4G/LTE (Long Term Evolution). Mixed operation of LTE and NR base
stations connected to a core network (4G or 5G) is called “non-standalone” mode (NSA mode);
operation based solely on NR and a 5G core network is called “standalone” mode (SA mode)
The first 3GPP studies on NG-RAN began in Release 14 and eventually led to the technical
report [2]. In addition to the possibility of operating in both SA and NSA mode, Release 14
already includes another characteristic feature of NG-RAN: the option of separating the 5G
base station into a centralised unit (CU) and one or more distributed units (DUs). This division
of the base station results in additional possibilities and flexibility for deployment, as outlined
in the example in Figure 1.

2.1.1 Open RAN2
In parallel to the NG-RAN work carried out by 3GPP, the concept of the “opening of the RAN”
(“Open RAN”) has been pursued for several years as an alternative to the traditional approach.
In the traditional approach to the provisioning of a RAN, as found in most public mobile
networks, a RAN is a monolithic solution. The internal interfaces within this solution are
proprietary and largely undisclosed to third-party vendors. The related hardware is an
independent solution that is not compatible with the equipment of other manufacturers. The
functions and proprietary interfaces of a monolithic RAN solution are highly optimised, but
inflexible as a result. Therefore, the goal of pursuing the Open RAN concept is to make the
RAN more independent of proprietary technology by defining specifications for open interfaces
and abstracting network elements and functions from the hardware.
There is a strong incentive for mobile network operators to realise the Open RAN concept
because it is very expensive to equip their networks and there is very little competition in the
market for RAN equipment. With each new generation of public mobile communications, the
entire technology has to be replaced or built in parallel – at costs running into billions. The
hardware grows more complex with every upgrade; more applications and features have to be
supported, and thus prices increase. The market is dominated by three main vendors:
Ericsson, Nokia and Huawei – and Huawei products are not allowed to be used by mobile
network operators in some countries. The usually gradual entry of new vendors is not possible
because the equipment for a RAN has to be supplied entirely by one vendor due to the
interdependence of the product solutions [3]. It is therefore intended that the Open RAN will
make it possible in the future to increase competition and reduce costs, enabling the RAN to
be built and operated using interoperable components from different manufacturers.
Furthermore, modularisation should open up the option of only replacing (software)
components when extensions to a RAN are required rather than the complete technology.
By referring to the elements already standardised by 3GPP, it is possible to identify the next
steps towards achieving the Open RAN concept. In addition to the already standardised
elements CU and DU, the Open RAN environment specifies the radio unit (RU), which is
integrated in or located near the antenna. This means that Open RAN defines the fronthaul as
the connection between the RU and the DU. The midhaul between the DU and the CU and the
backhaul for connecting the RAN with the core are already defined by the NG-RAN
standardised by 3GPP (see Figure 1).

2.1.2 O-RAN
Based on the idea of Open RAN, the O-RAN Alliance was founded in 2018 with companies
from the telecommunications sector, mainly including an international consortium of network
operators. The goal of this alliance is to standardise an NG-RAN that is largely based on
virtualised and interoperable components. The desired flexibility should enable tailor-made
solutions for individual applications, which can be quickly reconfigured and efficiently optimised
as required. These efforts have resulted in the development of the O-RAN architecture as an
extension of the RAN architecture standardised by 3GPP. The O-RAN architecture should be
seen generally as an enhancement to existing 3GPP standards. In the long term, the results
of O-RAN may be incorporated back into the 3GPP standards. Until then, the O-RAN
architecture will exist as an addition to the 3GPP architecture.
The O-RAN Alliance supports the O-RAN software community in a cooperation with the Linux
Foundation. In summer 2020, the alliance announced its intention to launch the 5G SD-RAN
(5G Software-Defined Radio Access Network) project together with the ONF (Open Network

2There are different spellings of this term (including with or without a hyphen or space) that are often
used synonymously. In this study the form “Open RAN” is used unless the link to a particular reference
specifies a different spelling.
Foundation) to promote and facilitate the creation of open-source software for mobile 4G and
5G RAN deployments.
The existence of the SD-RAN group does not mean that all components of the O-RAN
architecture will be open-source, or even that they have to be based on the open-source code
developed by the project group. However, the software community to be built around this open-
source project will influence the development of applications for configuration and optimisation.
One example is the involvement of RIA (RAN Intelligence and Automation), a sub-group of the
TIP (see chapter 2.1.3) in the 5G SD-RAN programme. The goal of the RIA is to develop and
implement AI/ML3-based applications for a variety of RAN use cases, including SON (self-
organising network), RRM (radio resource management) and mMIMO (massive multiple input
and multiple output) [4].

2.1.3 TIP
The Telecom Infra Project (TIP) was founded in 2016 as an engineering-oriented collaboration.
The goal of the project is to develop and provide a global telecommunications network
infrastructure that facilitates global access for all interested parties. TIP helps promote an
ecosystem of hardware and software providers, initiates plugfests and develops blueprints.
While it does not write specifications, it is involved in promotions, training and the
implementation of Open RAN solutions around the world.
In 2020, the TIP “OpenRAN” project and the O-RAN Alliance announced a liaison agreement
to ensure their alignment in the development of interoperable, disaggregated and open RAN
solutions [5].

2.1.4 Additional groups

Alongside 3GPP and TIP, there are other organisations involved in Open RAN or the O-RAN
specification and O-RAN development that also make important contributions. These include
the Small Cell Forum, the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) mentioned above and the
OpenAirInterface Software Alliance (OSA) [4].

2.2 NG-RAN architecture

This chapter explains the NG-RAN architecture in detail. It starts with the 3GPP specification
(chapter 2.2.1) and an explanation of the division of user and control planes (chapter 2.2.2),
which serve as a basis for the O-RAN architecture (chapter 2.2.3). Chapter 2.2.4 deals with
the challenges posed by integrating RAN components from different manufacturers, followed
by an explanation of the topic of RAN sharing (chapter 2.2.5) and a selection of options that
the O-RAN Alliance has identified based on the current concepts.

2.2.1 Specification according to 3GPP

Figure 2 shows an NG-RAN consisting of two 5G base stations (next generation nodeBs,
gNBs) and the interfaces for connecting the core and the end devices. The gNB is divided into
two logical functions: the CU and DU (see introduction in chapter 2.1).

3 Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of a computer to mimic human thinking; it is a generic term
for describing the performance of a machine. Machine learning (ML), on the other hand, describes a
range of methods used to gain insights from data for AI applications.
Figure 2: 3GPP architecture for 5G NR

The DU is the baseband unit in a 5G RAN. It handles the layer 1 and layer 2 processing and
fulfils critical functions such as coding/decoding, scheduling, MIMO processing and
beamforming. It makes sub-millisecond decisions about allocating radio resources within a cell
based on factors such as policies, interference conditions or the type and distribution of user
The CU is a new node in 5G that does not exist as a discrete function in 4G. In the 3GPP RAN
architecture, the CU offers layer 3 functions such as connection and mobility management. It
is divided into the CU-UP for user plane processing and the CU-CP for control plane
processing (see chapter 2.2.2). The E1 interface defined in [6] serves to exchange
configuration data and other information between the disaggregated units. The CU-CP and
CU-UP are each connected to the DU via the F1-C and F1-U interfaces, which are defined in
[7]. Connecting to the 5G core, there is the NG-C interface between the CU-CP and the AMF
(Access and Mobility Management Function) and the NG-U interface between the CU-UP and
the UPF (User Plane Function).
It should be noted that the 3GPP architecture does not specify the Remote Radio Unit (RRU),
i.e. the implementation of the interface between PHY and RF layers is left to the vendors.

2.2.2 Control/User Plane Separation

Control/User Plane Separation (CUPS) refers to the complete separation of the control plane
and the user plane in mobile radio networks. The control plane is responsible for functions like
managing user connections, defining QoS guidelines or user authentication. The user plane is
responsible for data traffic transport.
CUPS was first introduced for 4G in 3GPP Release 14 for the EPC (Evolved Packet Core) [8]
and extended to 5G systems in Release 15 [9]. The main motivation for this separation is to
be able to scale the user plane independently of the control plane, thus giving operators greater
flexibility in the dimensioning of their networks. For instance, the user plane can be extended
if the data traffic increases without changing the functions of the control plane.
CUPS allows for free configuration of the user plane to meet application-specific requirements
for routing, data encapsulation, traffic control or other tasks received as specified from the
control plane. This enables the implementation of different user data transmission solutions
that coexist in the same user plane and can be dynamically selected according to the needs

of a specific traffic situation. Furthermore, a separate user plane enables shorter delays in
transporting data traffic and thus makes it possible to meet higher latency requirements.
Figure 3 shows the protocols used in the user plane between the UE and the gNB on the Uu
interface and their conversion to the protocols used on the NG-U (N3) interface between the
gNB and the UPF in the 5G core. As usual, the physical layer L1 and the MAC layer L2 exist
for network access. The RLC (Radio Link Control) is mapped to IP. PDCP (Packet Data
Convergence Protocol) is converted in the gNB to UDP (User Datagram Protocol). UDP is a
connectionless and unreliable transmission protocol that is also neither secured nor protected.
SDAP (Service Data Adaptation Protocol) is converted to GTP-U (GPRS Tunneling Protocol –
User). GTP-U tunnels are used to transfer encapsulated user data packages (transport packet
data units, T-PDUs) and for signalling messages between a particular pair of GTP-U tunnel
endpoints. The tunnel endpoint ID contained in the GTP header specifies the tunnel to which
a particular T-PDU belongs [10].

Figure 3: Protocol layers of the user plane

Figure 4 shows the protocols used in the control plane and the conversion to the protocols in
the gNB that are used on the NG-C (N2) interface between the gNB and the AMF in the 5G
core. The lowest three layers are analogous to the layers in the user plane (see above). For
the control plane, PDCP is converted to SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol). Unlike
UDP, SCTP is a reliable, connection-oriented network protocol [11]. The Radio Resource
Control (RRC) protocol is converted in the gNB to NG-AP (Next Generation Application
Protocol), which is described in [12].

Figure 4: Protocol layers of the control plane

The NAS (non-access stratum) [13] describes a set of protocols that are used to transmit radio-
independent signalling messages between the UE and certain functions of the core network.
The two fundamental protocols are 5GS Mobility Management (5GMM) and 5GS Session
Management (5GSM). The 5GMM protocol is used between the UE and the AMF to transport
messages for UE registration, mobility and security. It also serves to transport the 5GSM
protocol, which supports the management of PDU session connectivity and is applied between
UE and SMF (Session Management Function) via the AMF.

2.2.3 Specification according to O-RAN

The O-RAN Alliance further divides the CU and DU network functions in accordance with the
3GPP definition. Figure 5 shows the architecture and highlights the division of functions and
interfaces between 3GPP and O-RAN [14]. The elements defined in 3GPP, CU-CP, CU-UP,
DU and eNB (evolved node B) are assigned the “O” prefix in the O-RAN specifications to clarify
the difference. This abbreviation stands for O-RAN. For example, O-DU is the shortened form
of “O-RAN Distributed Unit”.

Figure 5: Logical O-RAN architecture, including Uu interface for O-RAN components and O-eNB [14]

The new functions defined by O-RAN are:

 The service management and orchestration (SMO) framework
 The RAN Intelligent Controllers (RICs) in their variants non-real-time and near-real-
time, abbreviated hereafter as “non-RT RIC” and “near-RT RIC”
 The Remote Unit (O-RU)
 The O-Cloud

The relevant interfaces are defined in accordance with the defined functions:
 A1 between non-RT RIC and near-RT RIC
 E2 between the near-RT RIC and the E2 nodes O-CU-CP, O-CU-UP, O-DU and O-eNB
 O1 between the SMO and the managed units near-RT RIC, O-CU-CP, O-CU-UP, O-DU
and O-eNB, as well as O-RU (which is still under investigation)
 O2 between SMO and O-Cloud
 Open Fronthaul between O-DU and O-RU, or between SMO and O-RU

In principle, each of these functions could be developed and provided by different suppliers
using conventional hardware while ensuring the data exchange between the components via
the open, specified interfaces. This would realise the goal of the Open RAN concept.
According to [15], by building its architecture on 3GPP's 5G NR architecture, the O-RAN
Alliance will benefit from the enhanced 3GPP security features introduced for 5G and
described in [16], including:
 Enhanced user identity privacy via Subscription Concealed Identifier (SUCI)
 Full protection of control/user plane traffic between UE and gNB (encryption and
integrity protection) over the air interface
 Full protection of the gNB interfaces, including the E1 interface between CU-CP and
CU-UP and the F1 interface between CU and DU
 Advanced home network control (authentication)
 Additional security for network slices based on service level agreements (SLAs) Service management and orchestration (SMO) framework

In the O-RAN architecture, the SMO framework is responsible for managing the RAN
domain[14]. This includes the following tasks:
 Supporting FCAPS via the O1 interface between SMO and the O-RAN network
functions or, in the hybrid model, via the Open Fronthaul M-Plane interface between
SMO and O-RU
 RAN optimisation via the A1 interface between the non-RT RIC in the SMO framework
and the near-RT RIC
 O-Cloud management and orchestration for platform resource provisioning and
workflow/workload management via the O2 interface between the SMO and the

A formal interface between SMO and non-RT RIC is not currently defined. The implementation
of SMO and the boundary to the non-RT RIC framework is therefore a free design decision.
Certain functionalities may be included or excluded in a non-RT RIC implementation.
Essentially, interfaces A1 and R1 are inherent to the non-RT RIC, while interfaces O1 and O2
are not. O-Cloud
The O-Cloud is a cloud-based computing platform that comprises a collection of physical
infrastructure nodes and hosts the following components [14]:
 The relevant O-RAN functions near-RT RIC, O-CU-CP, O-CU-UP and O-DU
 The supporting software components, such as an operating system, virtual machine
monitor, container runtime, etc.
 The corresponding management and orchestration functions RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC)

The RIC is specified by the O-RAN Alliance as an integral part of the O-RAN architecture. As
can be seen in Figure 5, the RIC appears in two forms, each of which is adapted to specific
control loop and latency requirements. A detailed introduction to the topic of RICs can be found
in [4].
The near-RT RIC has direct interfaces to the O-CU-CP, O-CU-UP and O-DU via the E2
interface. It enables their programmatic control in time cycles ranging from 10 ms to 1 second.
Due to strict latency requirements with control loops of less than 10 ms, real-time functions
such as the RRM remain on the DU [14]. In principle, the near-RT RIC can programmatically
configure the O-DU to improve its operation; this is also conceivable in the future. For example,
the near-RT RIC could be used to change the scheduler behaviour on the DU. In the O-RAN
Alliance, Working Group 3 (WG3) is responsible for the specification of the near-RT RIC,
including the E2 interface.
The non-RT RIC is specified for control loops of more than one second. It establishes policies
for the higher network layers. They can be implemented in a RAN either via the near-RT RIC
through the A1 interface or via the SMO connection to the RAN nodes through the O1 interface.
Conversely, the non-RT RIC collects data generated in standardised formats from the RAN
components via the O1 interface in order to serve traditional RAN optimisation functions. By
being placed higher up in the architecture, the non-RT RIC can access larger RAN data records

generated over longer periods of time to gain deeper insights into performance and identify
potential optimisations that are not visible in sub-second processing.
The non-RT RIC can also be connected to other network data sources (e.g. to jointly optimise
radio, IP network and edge cloud performance). In addition, it can access data sets outside
the network itself (those related to traffic, emergency services, weather, mass public events,
etc.) so that the network can prepare for or respond to real-world events.
Working Group 2 (WG2), together with the associated A1 interface, is responsible for the non-
RT RIC specification in the O-RAN Alliance. The O1 interface is part of Working Group 1
It should be noted that the control loops introduced by the RIC can potentially conflict with
results of other procedures, such as those implemented by the mobile network operators to
provide policy updates for the DU and CU functions. O-CU and O-DU

The RAN nodes O-CU-CP, O-CU-UP and O-DU correspond to the nodes CU-CP, CU-UP and
DU defined in 3GPP. As a result, the O-CU-CP and O-CU-UP serve the E1 interface and the
F1-C/F1-U interfaces for the O-DU, as being specified by 3GPP. As specified in [17], the O-CU-
CP implements the RRC and PDCP protocols and the O-CU-UP implements the PDCP and
SDAP protocols for connecting to the UE, while the O-DU implements the RLC, MAC and high-
PHY functions of the radio interface (see chapter 2.2.2).
The O-RAN architecture introduces the following changes [14]: The O-CU-CP, O-CU-UP and
O-DU terminate the E2 interface to the near-RT RIC and the O1 interface to the SMO
framework. The O-DU serves the Open Fronthaul interface, including the Open Fronthaul
M-Plane interface for the O-RU to support O-RU management either in the hierarchical model
or in the hybrid model (see [18] or chapter 2.3.7). O-eNB
The O-RAN architecture incorporates 4G/LTE via the O-eNB. The O-eNB can be an eNB
defined according to [17] or an ng-eNB (next generation eNB) defined according to [19]. The
associated interfaces and protocols must be supported accordingly. The E2 and O1 interfaces
must also be supported for O-RAN compatibility. O-RU
Compared to 3GPP, the O-RAN architecture also includes the antenna unit, which is called
the O-RAN Radio Unit (O-RU). It contains the antenna structure as well as the analogue radio
frequency (RF) and power amplifier. The O-RU is connected to the O-DU via the Open
Fronthaul (Open FH) interface. It maps low-PHY functions of the radio interface to the UE.
Compared to the other RAN nodes, this is a physical node. The virtualisation of the O-RU is a
topic for future studies [14].

2.2.4 Open RAN integration model

In a given RAN, the network operators have the largest share of costs in terms of CapEx
(capital expenditure) and OpEx (operational expenditure). Therefore, efficient structures and
processes for the deployment, integration and ongoing operation of a RAN are particularly
relevant. With the introduction of the O‑RAN architecture, integrating the various components
of potentially different manufacturers becomes even more important – for successful
commissioning and for secure operation and management of HW and SW upgrades. It is
expected that in most cases, it will not be the network operator itself that will be responsible
for the integration, but specialised system integrators (SI) or managed service providers

The costs of different approaches are widely discussed, but the complexity and the relevance
for security of the integration tasks are undisputed. New acceptance procedures and
interoperability tests are necessary and may even have to be certified. In the operational
concept, dedicated monitoring functions must be used that are exclusively directed towards
the permanent verification of operational and data security of the distributed RAN components,
especially if DevOps processes are used for automated software updates of the network
To illustrate a possible scenario, Figure 6 presents a case of a CU provider and several DU
and RU providers, each with different software versions that are to be integrated in an O-RAN,
assuming that the software is installed on COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) hardware.

Figure 6: Integration models for an Open RAN managed by operators or system integrators ([source: Parallel
Wireless], see [20])

It should be noted that in addition to the new NG-RAN functionality to be integrated, all the
network components that are already in operation have to be considered in these models –
including those of legacy technologies from 2G to 4G/LTE. Isolated campus networks are an
exception, provided they do not include a legacy network.

2.2.5 RAN sharing concepts

One major distinction in RAN sharing concepts is between passive and active sharing. Passive
sharing simply means the sharing of passive network elements. This includes the sharing of
sites, masts, power supplies and cooling, as well as the connections between the sites and the
respective concentration points all the way to the core network sites. It also includes site-
related services and costs, such as security, fire prevention or property monitoring. The joint
use of active network elements is called active sharing. Both of these concepts involve the
shared use of electronic network elements. MORAN and MOCN

Two RAN concepts [21] for active sharing are shown in Figure 7: Multi-Operator Radio Access
Networks (MORAN) and Multi-Operator Core Networks (MOCN). In a MORAN, all components
of the RAN (RAN system technology, antenna, mast, site, power supply) are shared by two or
more operators. Each operator uses dedicated radio frequencies. In this approach, they can
independently control the cell level (e.g. each operator can set its own optimisation parameters
and transmit power to control cell range and interference).

With an MOCN, two or more core networks share the same RAN (i.e. the operators also share
frequencies). The carriers are shared. Therefore, operators cannot control their networks at
the cell level. The existing core networks can be kept separate. An MOCN is the most resource-
efficient solution as it allows mobile operators to put their respective spectrum allocations into
a common pool. The MOCN concept is specified by 3GPP for 5G in [9] and for previous mobile
generations in [22]. It has been supported for UMTS since Release 6 and for LTE since
Release 8; support for GERAN was added in Release 11.

Figure 7: RAN sharing concepts MORAN and MOCN (taken from Techplayon)

In both approaches (MORAN and MOCN), mobile operators can choose to share transmission
lines or to use them separately (in the same physical link). Sharing concepts for O-RAN

There are many different designs for sharing the RAN components O-RU, O-DU and O-CU
and the fronthaul, midhaul and backhaul transport layers. The decisive factor in each case is
the placement of the individual elements in the RAN and the realisation in hardware, VMs or
in the cloud (see Figure 8). The O-RU is always located at the antenna (radio) site. The server
and software for the O-DU can be hosted at a dedicated site or in

Figure 8: Main options for RAN sharing of O-RU, O-CU and O-DU

an edge cloud (at a regional data centre or the headquarters). The server and software for the
O-CU can be co-hosted with the O-DU either at the radio site or in an edge cloud, or hosted
separately at a regional cloud data centre.
A detailed compilation of possible scenarios is provided in the requirements document [23]
prepared by Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica, TIM and Vodafone. Figure 9 shows
scenarios 9, 10 and 17. In scenario 9, virtualised RANs (CU and DU) of different vendors are
hosted on computing infrastructures provided at the radio sites (distributed vRAN on shared
infrastructure). In scenario 10, the virtualised DUs are distributed at the radio sites, while the
associated CUs are hosted on different edge clouds (distributed DUs, centralised CUs). Each
edge-cloud may be a vendor-owned computing infrastructure. Scenario 17 represents a typical
indoor scenario where, similar to scenario 9, the vRANs of different vendors are hosted at the
radio site (or in an edge cloud). The O-RUs are connected to the DUs via a multiplexer.

Figure 9: Selection of RAN sharing concepts: Distributed vRAN / Shared Infra (scenario 9), Distributed vDU,
Centralised vCU (scenario 10) and Multi-Op Shared Infra (indoor scenario 17). [23]

Infrastructure sharing is preferred by network operators rather than the sharing of O-RAN units.
Sharing the infrastructure for VMs or the cloud infrastructure is currently easier to coordinate
than the joint management of O-RAN units. Configuration management for shared RANs has
yet to be specified between operators.
For the user experience, RAN performance in terms of throughput, latency and reliability is
usually key. Therefore, in terms of RAN sharing, RAN network slicing is a critical part of end-
to-end network slices. The advantages are that slice-specific resource allocation, scheduling
and admission control enable differentiated traffic handling and separation of subscribers or

2.3 Description of O-RAN interfaces

This chapter explains the interfaces defined by O-RAN in more detail. Figure 10 shows the
O-RAN architecture with all its interfaces, but without the interface to the UE (see Figure 5). In
contrast, the fronthaul reference architecture for the O-RAN specification of

Figure 10: O-RAN interfaces

the CUS-Plane and M-Plane is extended by the Cooperative Transport Interface (CTI) and the
transport network. The interfaces for human-machine interactions, AI/ML, external enrichment
information and software updates are also added.

2.3.1 O1 interface
The O1 interface is the connection between all “O-RAN managed elements (MEs)” and the
actual “management entities” of the SMO framework. The aim is to ensure the operation and
management (e.g. FCAPS MGMT, software MGMT, file MGMT) of the O-RAN components
via this interface. In other words, the O1 interface is used to enable the management of all
O-RAN components that need to be orchestrated and the associated O-RAN network
functions. The components managed via O1 include the near-RT RIC, the O-CU, the O-DU (in
the case of 5G NR), and the O-eNB (in the case of O-RAN-compatible 4G/LTE networks). The
O-CU corresponds to a predefined combination of O-CU-CP and O-CU-UP. Figure 11 shows
an extract from the logical O-RAN architecture to illustrate the O1 interface and its influence
on O-RAN MEs, including the ME O-eNB. The O-RU termination of the O1 interface towards
the SMO is currently under investigation. For this reason, the interface connection is shown

Figure 11: Network management and operation: O1 interface as connection between SMO and O-RAN managed
elements (MEs), taking into account the ME O-eNB for O-RAN-compatible 4G/LTE RAN components (ref. [14])

O1 enables the SMO framework to access the O-RAN network functions. Network
management is supported in line with the FCAPS model. FCAPS corresponds to the ISO
model for network management, which describes and comprises the five functional areas of
fault, configuration, accounting, performance and security management. Thus, the O1
interface plays a central role in the overall O-RAN architecture and network operation. O1
supports typical FCAPS and other management functions, including the following functions

 Discovery/registration
 Configuration of addressing
 Versioning
 Monitoring

In detail, the following management services (MnS) can be supported via the O1 interface (see
also [18], [25]):
 Provisioning management services
- General NETCONF requirements
- Creating, modifying and deleting MOIs (managed object instances)
- Reading MOI attributes
- Notification of changes to MOI attribute values
- Subscription control
 Fault supervision management services
- Fault notification
- Fault supervision control
 Performance assurance management services
- File reporting and streaming of performance data
- O-RAN-defined performance measurements and control of measurement jobs
 Trace management services
- Call trace and streaming trace
- Minimisation of Drive Testing (MDT)
- Radio Link Failure (RLF) and RRC Connection Establishment Failure (RCEF)
- Trace control
 File management services
- File readiness notification
- List available files and file download
- Bi-directional transfer of files (e.g. configuration files for beamforming,
certificates, ML files) between the client (File Management MnS Consumer) and
the file server (File Management MnS Provider)
 Communication surveillance
 Heartbeat management services
- Heartbeat notification
- Heartbeat control
 Start-up and registration management services for Physical Network Functions
- PNF plug-and-play
- PNF registration
 Software management services for PNFs
- Software package naming and content
- Download, pre-check and activation of software
 Instantiation and termination of a virtualised network function (VNF)
 Scaling management services for VNFs

The management functionalities are realised by using standard protocols (e.g. SSH, TLS,
NETCONF) and data models (e.g. YANG). For example, with the help of the provisioning
management service, the SMO framework can receive information (updates) from the MEs via
the O1 interface (e.g. on the current resource utilisation) and in return initiate an optimised
configuration of the MEs.
In O-RAN-based mobile networks supporting AI/ML approaches, the O1 interface is used to
collect (training) data that can be used for ML purposes from the MEs O-DU and O-CU. The
(ML-based) non-RT RIC located in the SMO can offer policies to be considered in cell-level
optimisation by providing (time-varying) optimal configuration sets for cell parameters via the
O1 interface.
The O-RAN architecture allows the collection, access to and management of data records
(history) relating to the traffic transferred over the RAN, the selected routing and the handover
operations carried out. For this purpose, the data is transmitted via the O1 interface.
In the case of RAN sharing imagine the following scenario: an external operator (“guest
operator”) gets access to the RAN infrastructure and computing resources of the actual
network operator (home operator) by means of virtual RAN functions (VNF). Then, options for
remote control and remote configuration of these VNFs must be made possible. In such a
scenario, “remote interfaces” (O1, O2) can also be introduced to enable the guest operator to
transmit the desired configuration for the respective VNF at the home operator's location. The
VNFs each represent a logical implementation of the O-CU and O-DU functionalities. The
O-RAN architecture can provide a number of open interfaces as remote interfaces, including
O1, to monitor the performance of remote users. This enables different optimisation strategies
in terms of radio resource allocation and adaptation of QoS parameters.
There is currently a joint work item (JWI) in the O-RAN standardisation between the Working
Groups WG1 and WG4 to define how exactly O-RU components can support management
services in the RAN via the O1 interface. The decisions resulting from the JWI will be
incorporated into future revisions and updates of the O1 interface specification.

2.3.2 O2 interface
The O2 interface is an open, logical interface within the O-RAN architecture and, like the O1
interface, is used as a vehicle for running open management and orchestration services. Its
purpose is to ensure secure communication between the SMO framework and the O-Cloud
platform. Depending on the deployment scenario selected within an O-Cloud instance, the
O-Cloud platform can virtualise various network functions (NFs) and thus take over RAN
functions within the overall architecture. The SMO framework provides the ability to manage a
large number of O-Cloud instances in parallel. It is able to support the orchestration of available
platform and application elements/resources, as well as workflow and workload management.
The O2 interface is needed and used to implement these SMO tasks. It enables centralised
management of the cloud infrastructure and cloud resource utilisation by the RAN, along with
deployment life cycle management for the virtualised network functions (VNFs) running in the
O-Cloud. The VNFs, the virtual machines (VMs) and container instances are to be managed
via O2. However, the dependencies on cloud instantiation and the software applications (apps)
to be executed in the could instances are not fully specified in the standard so far. The
specification of the O2 interface, which is taking place in WG 6 (“The Cloudification and
Orchestration Workgroup”), is only available in outline (see [26]).

Figure 12: Management and operation of the O-Cloud platform by the SMO framework and influence of the
O-Cloud on network operation: O2 interface as a connection between the SMO framework and the O-Cloud
platform, taking into account the ME O-eNB for O-RAN-compatible 4G/LTE-RAN components (ref. [14])

To illustrate the O2 interface and its influence on the O-Cloud, it is highlighted in Figure 12
along with the MEs managed via the O1 interface (including the O-eNB).
Network operators can gain access to the network via the O-Cloud platform and operate and
maintain the RAN using the O2 and O1 interfaces. For example, system updates/upgrades
can be handled and network elements/MEs can be (re)configured.
The O-Cloud platform offers various services and functions to the SMO framework via the O2
interface. The current version of the O-RAN architecture description in [14] defines the
following exemplary functions that are to be mapped via O2 and indicates that the scope of the
functions does not have to be limited to those listed. In relation to the O-Cloud infrastructure,
these functions are:
 Discovery and administration of O-Cloud resources
 Scale-in/scale-out of O-Cloud
 FCAPS (especially performance, configuration and fault management, as well as
communication surveillance) of O-Cloud
 Software management of O-Cloud platform

In relation to software deployments on the O-Cloud infrastructure, these functions are:

 Create/delete deployments and associated allocated O-Cloud resources
 FCAPS (especially performance and fault management) of deployments and allocated
O-Cloud resources
 Scale-in/scale-out of deployments and allocated O-Cloud resources
 Software management of deployments

In addition, the O-Cloud platform sends notifications via the O2 interface to the SMO framework
when problems or changes are identified in the usage of O-Cloud resources. Furthermore, O2
should enable the management of hardware acceleration in the O-Cloud platform.
The lists above already show that the O2 functions can be categorised into two logical groups
of services – one that addresses the O-Cloud infrastructure itself, and one that addresses
software implementations (deployments) on the cloud infrastructure:
(1) Infrastructure management services (IMS)
(2) Deployment management services (DMS)

For IMS, the O2 interface provides functions that are responsible for the deployment and
management of cloud infrastructures. For DMS, the O2 interface provides a set of interface
functions responsible for the management of virtualised/containerised deployments on the
O-Cloud infrastructure. O2 is therefore divided into two service-based interfaces (SBIs)
between the SMO framework and the O-Cloud platform, each comprising its own set of
functions. Figure 13 illustrates this division [26].

Figure 13: Division of the O2 interface into service-based interfaces (ref. [26])

Figure 14 is meant to provide a better understanding of the relationships and functions

explained above in relation to the O2 interface in interaction with the relevant components of
a RAN and the O-Cloud architecture. The overview shows the core components of an O-Cloud
instance and the interaction between the SMO framework and the O-Cloud instances. This
interaction takes place using the O2 interface and the O2 management services IMS and DMS.

Figure 14: Interaction between SMO framework and O-Cloud instances and overview of O-Cloud core components
(ref. [27])

Finally, it should be noted that the O2 services and the associated interfaces are still being
specified. The writing and publication of a dedicated O2 specification is planned.

2.3.3 A1 interface
The A1 interface is being specified in the O-RAN Working Group 2 [28]. It is used for
communication between the non-RT RIC and the near-RT RIC. To illustrate the A1 interface
and its influence on the functions outside the RICs, Figure 15 shows the extract from the
O-RAN architecture relevant for this chapter.
The non-RT RIC transmits the information captured in the SMO framework from various
internal and external O-RAN sources to the near-RT RIC via the A1 interface. This information
 Policy-based guidelines in declarative form (A1 policy) that contain statements on
objectives and resources applicable to UEs and cells
 ML model management information (training, updating, deployment of ML models)
 A1 enrichment information from internal or external O-RAN data sources, where its
availability or use is not critical for the task fulfilment of a unit, but only for its

The near-RT RIC is to use this information to complete the configuration of the E2 nodes via
the E2 interface. In this way, it will be possible to optimise a RAN under defined conditions
(e.g. the RRM).

Figure 15: Extract from the O-RAN architecture: the A1 interface as a connection between the non-RT RIC and
the near-RT RIC, taking into account the impact on other functions (ref. [14])

The declarative form of A1 policies means that the concrete implementation must take place
in the near-RT RIC. The A1 policies are valid until modified or deleted by the non-RT RIC. The
near-RT RIC has the task of informing the non-RT RIC about the status of the enforcement of
an A1 policy by providing feedback via the A1 interface. It should be mentioned that the A1
policies are non-persistent, i.e. do not survive a restart of the near-RT RIC. Therefore, the task
of the non-RT RIC is to check the presence of A1 policies.
If an A1 policy is related to a UE (or a group of UEs), the UE is identified by the UE Id. The UE
Id is to be formed using the RAN UE Id known to the RAN and defined for the E1 interface [6]
and the F1 interface [7]. The objective is to identify measurements associated with UEs in
order to calculate correlations of O1-PM data with the objectives of a service (e.g. in the case
of complaints about the service) and to assess the policy compliance. Neither hardware
equipment nor user data is identified.
A1 enrichment information can be searched, requested and submitted via the A1 interface.
When providing data from external sources, the non-RT RIC will be responsible for the source
authentication and security of the connection. At this time, it has not been clarified how the
connections to the external sources will be handled, nor is the search for and provision of
external data defined.
For the differentiation of enrichment information, the standard defines the use of enrichment
information types (EI types). However, apart from the generic term, no definitions of specific
types exist to date.

2.3.4 R1 interface
The R1 interface is specified in O-RAN Working Group 2 in conjunction with the non-RT RIC
[29]. Defined in the non-RT RIC, it is the connection between the inherent framework functions
and the applications (rApps) running in the non-RT RIC. Figure 16 shows the R1 interface via
the representation of the functions of the non-RT RIC. The functions in the non-RT RIC's
framework include the management of rApps, support for rApps via access services (R1
Service Exposure Function), functions for the A1 interface, the AI/ML workflow, and potentially
other functions of the non-RT RIC. Presumably due to its internal use as an API for rApps, the
R1 interface is also called “Open APIs for rApps”.
rApps are designed to use the functionalities of the non-RT RIC exposed via the R1 interface
to provide added value to the operation and optimisation of a RAN. These functions include:
 Providing policy-based guidelines and enrichment information via the A1 interface
 Performing data analysis, AI/ML training and data mining for RAN optimisation or for
use by other rApps
 Recommending configurations that can be sent via the O1 interface

Figure 16: Illustration of the R1 interface using the functional view diagram of the non-RT RIC architecture (ref. [29])

As part of the SMO framework, the non-RT RIC has access to the SMO functions. This includes
influencing the information transmitted via the O1 interface. The non-RT RIC needs this access
to optimise RAN resources. However, the current O-RAN definition merely implies that the
non-RT RIC may only access the SMO framework functionality for this purpose. Accordingly,
the non-RT RIC should only be allowed to influence transmissions via the O2 interface if the
O-Cloud is considered a RAN resource.

2.3.5 E2 interface
The E2 interface, which is being specified in O-RAN Working Group 3 [30], connects the near-
RT RIC with the E2 nodes. An E2 node is a collective term for all units to be controlled by the
near-RT RIC, namely O-CU-CP, O-CU-UP and O-DU in the case of 5G NR and O-eNB in the
case of 4G/LTE (see Figure 17). Accordingly, the E2 nodes are to support all the protocol
layers and interfaces defined in 3GPP radio access networks, including eNB for LTE/E-UTRAN
[17] and gNB/ng-eNB for NR/NG-RAN [19].
The near-RT RIC is connected to one or more E2 nodes via the E2 interface, i.e. in the case
of NR to one or more O-CU-CPs, one or more O-CU-UPs and one or more O-DUs. Similarly,
in the case of LTE, it connects the near-RT RIC to one or more O-eNBs. While a near-RT RIC
has a one-to-many relationship with its E2 nodes, an E2 node can only have a one-to-one
relationship with a near-RT RIC. Each O-CU-CP, O-CU-UP, O-DU and O-eNB can only be
connected to one near-RT RIC at a time, just as a near-RT RIC can only be connected to one
non-RT RIC.

Figure 17: Extract from the O-RAN architecture: the E2 interface as the connection between the near-RT RIC and
the RAN functions designated as E2 nodes (ref. [14])

As a critical interface between the radio nodes standardised by 3GPP and the functions
specified by O-RAN, the first of the general principles listed in the specification states that this
E2 interface must be open. This is an essential requirement for achieving interoperability. An
important test of O-RAN support will be the extent to which the E2 interface is supported by
RAN equipment vendors [4].
Another general principle in the O-RAN specification is that the functions of the near-RT RIC
and the E2 nodes are fully separated from the transport functions. The addressing scheme
used in the near-RT RIC and the E2 nodes shall not be tied to the addressing schemes of the
transport functions. Furthermore, the protocols of the E2 interface are based exclusively on
protocols of the control plane. Any kind of access to the user plane is not part of the
specification. The goal is to control and optimise the E2 nodes and the resources they use.
The xApps hosted in the near-RT RIC use the E2 interface to collect information in real time
(e.g. on the basis of UEs or radio cells) to provide value-added services like the rApps do. For
these purposes, the RIC services REPORT, INSERT, CONTROL and POLICY are used by
the near-RT RIC to request measurement reports based on specific trigger events or to send
new policies to E2 nodes.

Due to the one-to-many relationship between the near-RT RIC and the E2 nodes, the E2
interface must support failure handling and improved resilience. Even in the event of a
malfunction on the E2 interface or in the near-RT RIC, an E2 node must be able to perform its
function. However, failures may occur for certain value-added services that can only be
provided via the near-RT RIC (e.g. when resource optimisation takes place on an O-CU with
calculations performed by xApps and these calculations are based on measurement data
regularly reported via E2). A cycle of this kind would not be able to continue in such a failure

2.3.6 Open FH CUS interface

Figure 18: Excerpt from the O-RAN architecture: the Open fronthaul interface as a connection between the
functions O-DU and O-RU or SMO and O-RU (ref. [14])

The Open Fronthaul Interface connects the functions O-DU and O-RU or, in the hybrid model,
the SMO framework with the O-RU. The Open Fronthaul includes the CUS-Plane (Control,
User and Synchronisation) and the M-Plane (Management). The M-Plane and its relation to
the Open FH M-Plane interface is explained in chapter 2.3.7. Figure 18 shows the extract from
the O-RAN architecture with the functions and interfaces relevant for the Open Fronthaul.
The interfaces for the C-, U- and S-Planes are described in the specification [31]. These
interfaces are used to transmit the user and control plane data of the Uu interface and to carry
out time synchronisation. C-Plane (control plane)

Messages that determine the processing of user data are exchanged via the control plane.
They include:
1. Information on scheduling or beamforming, if this information is not exchanged via the
M-Plane (see chapter 2.3.7). These messages are transmitted separately for uplink
and downlink.
2. UL- and DL-specific information on numerology, i.e. slot and subcarrier definitions
3. If pre-coding is used in the O-RU, the configuration data is transmitted from the O-DU.
4. Information for functions such as Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS)

Either eCPRI or the IEEE 1914.3 protocol is used for C-Plane messages.

27 U-Plane (user plane)
Messages containing actual user data are transmitted via the user plane (also known as data
plane). The focus is on efficient transmission, especially under the tight latency requirements
in various 5G numerologies. The main functions provided are:
1. I/Q transmission of payload data, where each symbol is transmitted in a U-Plane
2. Data compression, where different methods can be defined per physical resource block
(PRB), which are specified in associated control messages
3. Downlink data precoding

It should be noted that I/Q data transmission is also possible without the C-Plane (e.g. via the
Packet Random Access Channel, PRACH). In that case, the corresponding configuration must
be exchanged via the M-Plane.
The supported methods for compression vary between O-RU and O-DU. It can be assumed
that different O-RUs implement only one method in order to keep the complexity low.
Accordingly, the O-DU must implement several methods to be interoperable with different
O-RU manufacturers.
As on the C-Plane, either eCPRI or the IEEE 1914.3 protocol is used for U-Plane messages. S-Plane (synchronisation plane):

The synchronisation requirements between O-DU and O-RU are an essential and critical part
of the implementation of TDD operations, as well as for mMIMO or carrier aggregation across
multiple O-RUs. Synchronisation can occur via the S-Plane using frequency, phase or common
base time to align the clocks. Topologies for exchanging synchronisation information include:
 Network as master for the O-RU
 O-DU as master for the O-RU
 O-RU with local GNSS receiver as master

Protocols such as PTP and SyncE are used according to the O-RAN fronthaul specification.
In case of loss of synchronisation by the O-DU, all RF connections of the connected O-RUs
are terminated (“FREERUN State”).

2.3.7 Open FH M-Plane interface

According to the specification [32], the M-Plane provides the following major functionalities to
the O-RU:
 “Start up” installation of procedures for commissioning
 Software management for upgrades in the operational phase
 Configuration management for initialisation and configuration of operating parameters
 Performance management and reporting via measurements and counters
 Fault management for configuration and transmission of alarms
 File management for uploads to the O-RU controller

Figure 19: M-Plane architecture

The M-Plane interface can be implemented hierarchically or in a hybrid manner, as shown in

Figure 19. In the hierarchical model, the O-RU is controlled by one or more DUs, (e.g. for
redundancy). In the case of the hybrid model, there are simultaneous logical connections from
the O-RU to the O-DU and to the SMO layer, possibly using the same physical connections.
In the hybrid case, the functions for managing the O-RU can be shared between the O-RU
controllers. For example, software management can be located in the SMO framework.
Typically, the configuration for the O-RU is performed initially as well as during operation, for
which the following functions are used via the NETCONF protocol, for example:
 Uploading, committing and cancelling a new configuration
 Lock/unlock operations
 Rollback to a previous configuration in case of errors
 Notification of success/failure of actions

A number of market-standard functions are also available for the configuration and its
triggering, as well as for the transmission of performance measurements and alarm
notifications from the O-RU. These will not be discussed in detail here.

2.3.8 Cooperative Transport Interface (CTI)

CTI is an interface between the O-DUs and transport nodes of a packet-based transport
network. It serves to connect the O-DUs with a large number of O-RUs [33]. CTI specifically
targets transport nodes that manage a common point-to-multipoint access network. Transport
nodes (routers and switches) that only manage point-to-point connections do not exchange
CTI messages with the O-DUs. CTI consists of a Transport Control (TC) layer and a Transport
Management (TM) layer.

Figure 20: Relationship between CTI and the transport network used for the fronthaul (ref. [33])

CTI is intended for use in packet-based transport networks that contain transport nodes (TNs)
terminating one or more common distribution networks, where each distribution network (a port
on a TN) aggregates a large number of transport units (TUs; see Figure 20). This implies that
the bandwidth of a distribution network is shared by multiple TUs. In the upstream direction,
the TN manages the sharing by scheduling bandwidth allocations to the TUs. There are two
ways to determine the allocated bandwidth: either statically or dynamically.

2.4 Optimisation aspects and machine learning

2.4.1 RIC functions for RAN optimisation
The RIC has been planned as an essential component in the O-RAN architecture. Functions
embedded in the processing units of traditional base stations will be extracted in the course of
the virtual split and become part of the RIC. This will enable access to the management
interfaces, such as for RRM or SON functions that control radio resources and network
To customise the RAN functionality, the RIC optimises the radio resources according to
operator policies, thereby affecting RAN performance in three main areas [4]:
 Network intelligence: By measuring and reporting on the performance of the RAN, data
is generated in standardised formats that can be analysed (e.g. using AI/ML
techniques) to create new algorithms and policies.
 Resource assurance: The goal is to ensure that devices/users and services are
provided with the required performance (e.g. by optimising radio link control, handover
optimisation or prioritisation).
 Resource control: to ensure that the RAN system works efficiently when multiple user
groups compete for adequate resources

In principle, it can be said that the intelligence envisioned by the O-RAN concept is located in
the RIC. This intelligence is to be realised in the future through ML models for self-optimisation
and radio network automation. The required data will be collected by the non-RT RIC from the
RAN components in standardised formats via the O1 interface. First, traditional SON
optimisation functions are addressed. In subsequent stages, this will enable model training by
means of AI/ML so that new ML approaches for RAN optimisation can be developed and
deployed. Based on this, the near-RT RIC derives policies and implements them in the CU-
CPs and CU-UPs via the E2 interface. Alternatively, it applies dynamic controls in its E2 nodes.
For example, certain devices (such as motor vehicles) may have high mobility requirements
for which a different, superior handover management algorithm may be appropriate.

2.4.2 xApps/rApps
In addition to its function as a RAN controller, the RIC is an open platform that can host
applications for RAN control. These applications are developed by specialised software
providers that do not have to be part of the RIC provider itself. These “xApps” (in near-RT RIC)
and “rApps” (in non-RT RIC) are intended to enable innovation in the form of RAN control
algorithms and to attract software innovators to the mobile sector. xApps and rApps have the
ability to process data from a RAN much faster than today's vendor-proprietary systems or
centralised SON methods. As a result, a differentiated network experience can be created,
with performance tailored to specific service types, user groups or locations.
Conversely, the services provided by a RIC consist of either xApps or rApps, or a combination
of both. There is no definable limit on the types of xApps or rApps that can be built, and it is
expected that more than one xApp or rApp will be executed in a RAN at a time.
The examples of xApps/rApps proposed so far include [4], [24]:
 Context-based dynamic handover management for vehicle-to-everything (V2X)
 Dynamic radio resource allocation for unmanned aerial vehicles
 Traffic steering
 Quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) optimisation
 Massive MIMO beamforming optimisation
 RAN sharing
 QoS-based resource optimisation
 Service assurance for RAN slices
 Multi-vendor slice performance management
 Dynamic spectrum sharing
 Optimisation of resource allocation for network slice subnet instances (NSSIs),
 Local indoor positioning in the RAN

[4] states that the first xApps will focus on “health check” functions (e.g. the operational
readiness of RAN nodes). In a second phase, xApps will drill deeper into observations by
capturing more granular data from RAN nodes for analysis. xApps that make changes in near-
real time (i.e. time cycles of less than one second) are expected in later phases. In terms of
control plane decisions, an initial approach will be to complement the current RRM functions
implemented in the CU and DU, where policies from a RIC could change or override local RRM
logic. A more aggressive approach of moving the RRM function entirely to the RIC is a longer-
term exercise.
Initial rApps hosted in the non-RT RIC will resemble today's centralised SON applications at
first. They have the potential to evolve rapidly when RAN data collection is paired with ML
techniques to create algorithms that enable new forms of optimisation for the RAN.
One component of the near-RT RIC platform is the E2 Manager, which is sometimes referred
to as “xApp zero”. It is used to initiate E2 connections with the RAN nodes and then store RAN
configuration information that was learned during connection setup (and kept updated over
The first releases of the RIC specifications are available in [29] and [30]. O-RAN Working
Group 3 will continue the development to add more features, such as the E2SM (E2 Service
Model) specifications. The important work currently underway according to [4] includes the
standardisation of E2SMs to enable traffic steering and QoS/QoE optimisation through the
RIC. Traffic steering targets idle-mode mobility load balancing (MLB), inter-intra-frequency
MLB, carrier aggregation and dual connectivity. QoS/QoE optimisation enables the RIC to
control network functions related to QoS control, radio resource allocation, radio access
control, mobility functions and connection management.
Operators such as AT&T, Deutsche Telekom, KDDI and China Mobile have publicly stated that
they are testing RIC solutions [4].
2.4.3 Machine learning (ML)
The availability and high performance of AI and ML have driven the specification of architecture
and processes for O-RAN in WG2. For network operations in particular, ML-assisted use cases
are versatile and can therefore be deployed reasonably at various points in the O-RAN
architecture. The location for the components of the ML workflow varies depending on the
required response times, the availability and amount of data for ML training and ML inference
(i.e. automated or computer-aided derivation of conclusions), as well as the computational
complexity. The general workflow and components for ML processes are shown in Figure 21.
The assignment of the ML components, the data flows and the actions regarding network
functions is given as an example.
Initially, an implementation of the ML training host – primarily in the non-RT RIC – is expected,
with data being transmitted via O1 and A1. In the non-RT RIC, actions are derived from the
model inference and forwarded via the A1 interface (policies, configuration) to the near-RT RIC
or via E2 (configuration) to O-CU, O-DU and O-RU. For processes and decisions that require
shorter control loops, ML model inference is executed in the near-RT RIC to derive actions for
the near-RT RIC itself or to transfer instructions/policies to the O-RAN components via E2. The
intention for the future is that ML processes will also be specified for the O-DU/O-RU control

Figure 21: General procedures in AI/ML [34]

Training data is gathered by data collectors from all O-RAN components via E2, A1 and O1
and provided to the training process via aggregation and filter components. Particularly
relevant is the data from the E2 interface being made available in different granularities
regarding location and time. Enrichment data can be provided via all available interfaces or
internally in the SMO layer. The latter is of importance in the security considerations, given that
functions in the SMO layer can also have proprietary interfaces to raw data sources.
A typical application for ML-assisted processes is RAN optimisation. Due to the large amounts
of data usually fetched for such a task and the resulting complex processing of these data sets,
the non-RT RIC is suitable for both training and inference. In addition, enrichment data drawn
from external operations support systems (OSS) can be correlated.
For secure continuous operation of the ML processes, a number of functions must also be
available that monitor the components, processes and actions with regard to activity,
performance, timing, resource consumption and consistency. KPI definitions are usually
utilised for this purpose, on the basis of which changes may have to be triggered. These tasks
could be assisted by ML, as well.
Based on the corresponding feedback from the model inference host, decisions can be made
in the SMO layer, including about the following:
 The model selection to be changed
 Additional training for the model
 The scheduling of the model

System manufacturers and third-party providers are increasingly developing ML-based

algorithms that are in operation on O-CU and O-DU and generate actions in the range of

Figure 22: Deployment scenario for AI/ML [34]

milliseconds in order to react with optimisation measures in a UE-specific manner (i.e.

they have a direct effect on the user experience and functional security). This makes it all the
more important for O-RAN architectures to further develop not only new integration and
acceptance procedures, but also operational concepts that address internal processes of the
operator in a multi-vendor environment. As an example, a deployment scenario is given in
Figure 22 in which the ML components and ML processes are embedded in the O-RAN
functions as follows:
 Model management in the SMO
 Preparation of training data, training and the processes for continuous operation in the
non-RT RIC
 The ML inference process in the near-RT RIC

2.5 O-RAN software

In addition to the specifications, an open-source reference implementation for the operation of
an O-RAN is being developed by the O-RAN Alliance in cooperation with the Linux Foundation.
The organisation responsible for the development is the O-RAN Software Community (OSC)4.

According to the white paper “O-RAN Minimum Viable Plan and Acceleration towards
Commercialization” published on 29 June 2021 [35], the goal of the OSC developments is “to
achieve a solution that can be utilised for industry deployment”. To achieve this goal, reference
implementations are being developed for the various O-RAN components. These
developments are coordinated by the Requirements and Software Architecture Committee
(RSAC) and the Technical Oversight Committee (TOC)5.
The TOC has 12 voting members. Currently, 10 of these positions are filled. The TOC
members come from telecommunications companies (AT&T, China Mobile, Deutsche
Telekom, NTT Docomo, Orange, TIM), equipment vendors (Ericsson, Nokia) and suppliers
(Radisys, Wind River Systems). The meeting minutes (including recordings of the online
meetings) are publicly available on the TOC website.
In addition, synergy effects with other projects are being sought. To be mentioned here, in
particular, are the developments within the framework of the ONF6 and the Open Network
Automation Platform (ONAP)7.
The plan is to publish a new release every six months. The releases are marked with letters
and corresponding words. The fourth release (D, Dawn) is currently being published.
In principle, participation in the open-source software development is open to anyone
interested. Anyone wishing to participate must agree to the Contributor License Agreement
(CLA). Contributions are made under the Apache licence, version 2.08.
For source code management, git is used. Gerrit is used for the management of change
proposals. The corresponding web page accessible to the public can be found at:


3 Methodology and Scope
This chapter provides an overview of the methodology used for O-RAN risk analysis in this
study. Existing procedure models for risk identification are described very briefly. Key
principles and assumptions are also presented.
3.1 General information and scope
The risk analysis carried out in this study is limited exclusively to the 3GPP RAN in its
implementation variant O-RAN. The considerations made are thus limited to the RAN
interfaces to the user equipment (Uu interface) and to the 5G core. Risks for the 5G system as
a whole that result from insecure user equipment (including user equipment related
components such as USIM) and from an insecure 5G core do not play a role in this study.
Furthermore, this study only considers a 5G RAN (NG-RAN). In particular, this means it is
assumed that the RAN is connected to a 5G core.
The information on which the risk analysis is based comes from publicly available documents.
This applies in particular to the documents provided by 3GPP (standards, reports, etc.) and
those provided by the O-RAN Alliance. In each case, the current, publicly accessible versions
of the documents in the period in which this study was prepared (May–September 2021) were
used. When referring to the standards and specifications used, the exact version of the
respective document is cited. Any deviating systems actually used in practice or concrete
implementations of the standards and specifications were not taken into account. Similarly,
this study does not factor in the actual operation of a RAN by a network or RAN operator. It is
therefore possible that a radio access network rolled out in practice is actually exposed to
fewer security risks than those identified by this study because the operator may have
implemented additional security measures to minimise risk.
The risk analysis essentially only considered threats and vulnerabilities that are specific to
3GPP or O-RAN. Generic IT risks that are more generally attributable to the field of information
and communication technology (such as faulty implementations or configurations) are only
explicitly mentioned and considered in a few instances. This is mainly because a large number
of risk analyses exist for the IT sector that will not be repeated here, but which must of course
be taken into account in the overall risk assessment of a specific RAN deployment.
3.2 Risk analysis methodologies
In the context of this study, a risk is considered to be an “effect of uncertainty on objectives”
[36]. Since the “effect on objectives” is understood as damage, positive effects on objectives
are not considered in the context of this study. “Uncertainty” refers to the probability of specific
events occurring that would result in damage (sources/causes of risk [36]). To describe the
level of a given risk in quantitative or qualitative terms, the usual formula is used:

Risk = Likelihood ⋅ Impact

There are a number of procedure models regarding risk identification (ISO 27005 [37], ISO
31000 [36], IEC 31010 [38], BSI-Standard 200-3 [39], etc.). The procedure is often similar and
follows the following steps:

1. Determination of the attacker to be considered

2. Determination of sensitive assets
3. Determination of the criticality of failures to meet protection goals with regard to the
assets (i.e. the damage that could occur)
4. Determination of threats to protection goals and assets
5. Identification and assessment of vulnerabilities in relation to the threats determined
under consideration of existing security measures
6. Determination of risk on the basis of the vulnerabilities and the potential damage

7. Assessment of risks, including the planning of measures to deal with them

The following chapters describe the protection goals and attacker model that are relevant to
the study. They also explain the different scenarios considered. On this basis, the concrete
procedure model chosen for this study is described.
3.3 Protection goals considered
In this study, the usual three protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and availability are
considered, along with accountability and privacy. Brief explanations of the significance of
these protection goals in the context of this study are provided below.
Confidentiality means that data and information can only be accessed by authorised persons.
Integrity means that data and information are complete, correct and current, or that this is
detectably not the case. In the latter case, this means in particular that unauthorised
manipulation of data and information can be detected. The formulation “complete, correct and
current” refers to the perspective within the IT system under consideration; in other words, it is
explicitly not considered whether the data and information are complete, correct and current
with regard to the real world.
Accountability means that actions (e.g. the sending of data) can be verifiably attributed to a
given entity (e.g. the sender) and proven to third parties. It should be noted that the risk analysis
with regard to confidentiality, integrity and accountability does not take into account security
measures that may be taken within a given use case at the application layer; such measures
are taken outside the 5G RAN system under consideration.
Availability generally means that data, information and services are available to authorised
persons where and when they are needed. In the context of this study, this protection goal also
includes unauthorised impairments of quality of service (QoS) and an increase in the costs
associated with providing data, information or services – for example, an increase in delay
time, a reduction in throughput or an increase in energy consumption. Analyses regarding the
protection goal of availability are of particular importance because generally speaking – and in
contrast to the protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and accountability – the enforcement
of this protection goal from the application perspective is only possible at considerable cost, or
not at all if the communication system used (in the case of this study: 5G) is not reliable in
terms of availability.
In this study, the protection goal “privacy” includes protection goals that are usually associated
with data protection, such as anonymity, unlinkability or unobservability. The considerations
regarding privacy are thus concerned with the extent to which metadata is generated that could
be used to violate the confidentiality of the communication circumstances in question. This
could include metadata that makes it possible to link several communication processes and
thereby profile communication behaviour (frequency, duration, location, etc.). Furthermore,
metadata in connection with location information can be used to create movement profiles or
generally determine who communicates with whom (although those involved may be
pseudonymised). Like availability, privacy is a protection goal that cannot be achieved (or only
with considerable effort) without corresponding support from the communication network in
3.4 Attackers considered – attacker models
Potential attackers and the capabilities they are assumed to possess are an essential part of
carrying out a risk analysis of this kind. These aspects are usually summarised in an attacker
model. In the context of this study, five different attacker models are considered based on the
following roles (see Figure 23):
 Outsider: An attacker who can only carry out attacks using the interfaces defined in
the system; they initially have no control over components involved in the system. With
regard to 5G RAN, this means that the individual can attack via both the wireless air
interface and the interfaces specified by 3GPP or the O-RAN Alliance. It is assumed
that the attacker has full control over the transport medium used in each case; in other
words, they can eavesdrop on all exchanged data and manipulate it as desired
(modification, delay, deletion, generation, etc.) through both the radio connection and
the (IP-based) connections used between the 5G or O-RAN components.
 User: An attacker who is an end user of the 5G system, meaning they have control
over one or more instance of UE that can legitimately use services of the 5G system.
In the context of this study, this attacker is also assumed to have the capabilities of the
“outsider”. The “user” attacker essentially differs from the “outsider” in that they possess
and are capable of using credentials/secrets that are necessary for the legitimate use
of the 5G network.
 Cloud operator: An attacker who has physical and logical control over the (edge) cloud
infrastructure used by the 5G RAN. This affects all cloud components that are not
explicitly 5G RAN components (as specified by 3GPP or the O-RAN Alliance) and
includes both hardware and software components. The attacker also has all the options
available as the “user” attacker.
 Insider: An attacker who has control over exactly one 5G RAN or O-RAN component
and also has the capabilities of the “user”. This attacker is particularly interesting as a
means of investigating whether O-RAN's more granular separation into components
can be a security benefit compared to the (at least conceptually) rather monolithic
3GPP-RAN. As detailed below, the risk analysis is first carried out individually for the
relevant O-RAN interfaces and then used as a basis for a summarised overall
assessment. For the risk analysis of individual interfaces, it is assumed in each case
that the insider controls a component that is connected to the interface (i.e. has access
to the interface). This is essentially a question of the extent to which an insider's
additional knowledge or rights present new risks compared to the “user” attacker.
 RAN operator: An attacker who has full control over the 5G RAN. This attacker is
particularly interesting as a means of assessing the risks posed by a compromised
RAN. A “RAN operator” attacker possesses capabilities beyond those of the “insider”
and “user” attackers.

All the attackers considered are based on the following common assumptions:
 The availability of considerable, although not unlimited, resources (computing power,
storage space, money, etc.). This is intended to cover cases involving state-supported
attackers or financially strong cybercriminals.
 Active, modifying attackers who are prepared to break rules outside the parts of the
system they control (e.g. by manipulating transmitted data).
 Cryptography is secure, meaning it is assumed that the attackers are not able to break
cryptographic algorithms and protocols that are currently considered secure.
 Cryptographic secrets are secure, meaning it is assumed that the attackers initially
have no knowledge of cryptographic secrets (cryptographic keys, etc.) that they do not
already know due to their role (see above).

Figure 23: Hierarchy of the attacker models considered

3.5 Perspectives
The analysis of the risks regarding 5G RAN and its implementation O-RAN takes into account
different perspectives that are explained in more detail below. This concerns different
stakeholders and the implementation of security measures.
3.5.1 Stakeholder perspective
With the help of the stakeholder perspective, the risk analysis seeks to factor in different
interest groups, each of which has specific interests and requirements with regard to the
security of the 5G RAN or the 5G system as a whole. This enables a differentiated
consideration of the 5G RAN risks. End user
An end user is understood as an entity that has one or more devices (UE) connected to a 5G
network and uses the services of the 5G network in question accordingly. The primary interest
of the end user is assumed to be that the protection goals listed above (confidentiality, integrity,
accountability, availability and privacy) are met with regard to the transmitted user data
(including voice communication) and the use of the 5G network. Since no specific type of end
user is assumed, the assurance of security properties concerns all types of 5G services and
all use cases in which a 5G network is involved. It must therefore be assumed that any failure
to meet one of the protection goals listed above is critical and can potentially cause very

significant damage. This applies in particular to the protection goals of availability and privacy,
since an end user can only counter a corresponding failure with considerable effort. Societal / governmental perspective (state)
As detailed in the introduction, mobile networks already represent important communication
infrastructure. Their importance is likely to grow significantly in the coming years, with critical
services or critical infrastructures (electricity, water, health care, logistics and transport, etc.)
also becoming increasingly dependent on functioning 5G infrastructure. As a result, the
security, trustworthiness and reliability of 5G networks are of great social relevance. This
should be taken into account by governmental stakeholders.
Since this perspective is based on a large number of concrete – and also crucial – use cases,
it must be assumed with regard to the societal/governmental perspective that any failure to
meet the mentioned protection goals is very critical, as well. A failure of availability is
considered particularly relevant here. 5G network operator / telco
A 5G RAN represents an essential component of a 5G system. Depending on the operator
model, the operation of a 5G RAN may have been transferred to a third party and may therefore
not be under the direct physical or logical control of the 5G network operator. In particular, 5G
components (hardware, software) may be shared by different 5G network operators (RAN
sharing). At the same time, a 5G RAN has the intended interfaces to the 5G core network.
It is therefore necessary for a 5G network operator9 to know the risks posed by a potentially
untrusted 5G RAN to the overall operation of the 5G network and to the associated assets. It
should be noted that the 5G network operator perspective primarily considers risks related to
the Control Plane; risks related to the transmitted user data are secondary, as corresponding
analyses are already carried out within the framework of the end-user perspective.
3.5.2 Implementation of security safeguards
The information on which the risk analysis is based is essentially taken from the standards and
specifications published by 3GPP and the O-RAN Alliance. The risk analysis is therefore not
based on a concrete 5G RAN implementation with precisely specified properties. The
standards and specifications rather provide a certain framework within which compliant
implementations of a 5G (O-)RAN can operate. Of particular relevance to these studies are
the intended security measures and mechanisms and whether their implementation is
mandatory or merely optional. In order to adequately consider the optional security measures
in particular in the risk analysis, two scenarios are assumed:

 Worst case: none of the optional security measures have been implemented.
 Best case: all the optional security measures have been implemented.

It should be noted here that only the security measures that are at least mentioned as optional
in the standards and specifications are taken into account. It is assumed that all the
conceivable additional security measures that a 5G RAN operator could implement have not
been implemented.
3.5.3 Summary
The three stakeholder perspectives listed above each analyse the 5G RAN risks from a
different angle. In simplified terms, the end-user perspective analyses User Plane risks, the
5G network operator perspective focuses on Control Plane risks and the government
perspective combines User Plane and Control Plane risks. The worst-case / best-case
considerations reflect extreme circumstances with regard to the protective measures

9In the context of this study, the term “telco” is also used synonymously with the term “5G network
operator” for better readability.
3.6 Methodology applied for risk analysis
In accordance with the explanations given in the previous chapters, the methodology explained
below was applied within the framework of the risk analysis. With regard to the risk formula, it
should be noted that the risk calculation only takes into account the likelihood of occurrence,
as the impact depends on the specific 5G use case and, generally speaking, can be very high
(see chapter 3.5.1).
With regard to the likelihood of occurrence, no precise quantitative analysis is carried out
because no related data is available and precise quantitative analysis also depends on the use
case in question. Within the framework of the study, qualitative assessments are made on the
basis of three levels:
 High: A high probability of occurrence exists if it is possible for a given attacker to
exploit a vulnerability with little effort and thereby exploit a risk that leads to
corresponding damage. This applies in particular if the exploitation of a vulnerability is
within the scope of the capabilities clearly attributed to the attacker. For instance,
sensitive data may be transmitted unencrypted via an interface or a transport medium
to which the attacker has access according to the attacker model. It should be noted
that additional efforts, such as those related to the spatial distribution of the attacker,
are not taken into account here. For example, an unsecured radio interface in a cellular
mobile network could mean that an attacker would have to expend a great deal of effort
to conduct area-wide mass surveillance, which could be used as an argument for an
overall assessment as more of a medium risk. Nevertheless, the risk of targeted attacks
on individual devices or geographically limited regions remains high. One particular use
case here involves attacks on campus networks. Furthermore, the prerequisite of
accessing transmitting/receiving equipment distributed over a large area does not
necessarily mean that this equipment must be physically set up by the attacker. Rather,
the attacker can exploit insecurity in end devices (UE) to gain access and then use
them for attacks. In this context, it is particularly important to consider that the number
of end devices will continue to grow strongly in the future – with a high proportion of
insecure end devices likely to come from the IoT sector, for example. Since a
meaningful consideration of the spatial distribution aspect of an attacker is only really
feasible for a concrete use case, this (possibly risk-reducing) aspect is not considered
within the scope of this study.
 Medium: A medium likelihood of occurrence is assumed if a risk can be exploited in
principle according to the attacker model, but generally only with considerable effort on
the part of the attacker if no further assumptions are made. A “user” attacker could, for
example, connect a large number of devices (which may be located in different
geographical positions) to the 5G network in order to overload the network.10
 Low: A low probability of occurrence is assumed if the exploitation of a given risk is
beyond the capabilities defined in the attacker model, or would only occur with
negligible probability or extreme effort. An example of the former might involve the
undetected manipulation of data transmitted securely with the help of cryptographic
procedures; an example of the latter would be the guessing of secret cryptographic
The risk analysis presented herein is thus about assessing how likely a breach is for each
attacker (chapter 3.4), perspective (chapter 3.5) and protection goal (chapter 3.3).

10 In some of the existing risk analyses on 5G, this attack scenario is associated with the Internet of
Things. An attacker (hacker) gains access to a large number of IoT devices connected to the 5G network
and then uses them to attack the network (especially its availability). This example also illustrates the
difficulty of assessing how costly it actually is for an attacker to exploit risks, and that it depends on many
factors. In this specific case, the attacker does not need their own devices for the attack because they
can make use of third-party devices.
It should be noted that the analysis of the probability of breaches of protection goals takes into
account not only known threats and vulnerabilities, but also the risk-reducing security
safeguards to be applied in accordance with standards and specifications. Here, the overall
risks related to 5G RAN are a combination of the threats and security safeguards implied by
the 3GPP standards and the threats and security safeguards implied by the O-RAN
specifications. The best-case/worst-case considerations introduced in chapter 3.5.2 are
applied in the process. It also should be noted that the best-case/worst-case considerations
can be applied to the 3GPP standards and the O-RAN specifications respectively. This results
in four possible combinations:
 Best-case assumptions regarding both 3GPP and O-RAN (abbreviated as bb)
 Worst-case assumptions regarding both 3GPP and O-RAN (ww)
 Best-case assumptions regarding O-RAN combined with worst-case assumptions
regarding 3GPP (bw)
 Worst-case assumptions regarding O-RAN combined with best-case assumptions
regarding 3GPP (wb)
In particular, best-case and worst-case assumptions have been combined to determine the
extent to which the O-RAN specifications have an influence on the overall risk with regard to
the 5G RAN. The results can be summarised in Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht
gefunden werden..

Perspective (stakeholder)
End user State Network operator
Protection goals Protection goals Protection goals
Attacker C I A Z P C I A Z P C I A Z P
bb bw
wb ww

Table 1: Scheme for the overview of the risk assessment. The cells in the table reflect the likelihood of occurrence
of a breach of the protection goal with regard to a given attacker and a given perspective (stakeholder) in the best
case (b) or worst case (w). Green means low; yellow, medium; and red, a high likelihood of occurrence, while a
white field means that no statement is possible at present. The abbreviations for the protection goals represent
confidentiality (C), integrity (I), availability (A), accountability (Z) and privacy (P).

In order to prepare a (summary) risk analysis for an (overall) system, in some cases (especially
with regard to O-RAN) a risk analysis is first carried out with regard to the individual
components of the (overall) system. These individual assessments are then combined in the
risk determination for the (overall) system in the sense of a “per security” strategy. This means
that the overall risk with regard to a stakeholder, attacker and protection goal is usually at least
as high as the highest individual risk with regard to this stakeholder, attacker and protection
goal. If additional risks arise from the composition of the components, the overall risk can also
be higher than each individual risk. In this case, appropriate justifications are given in the
description of the risk analysis for the (overall) system. It should be noted that a reduction of
the overall risk cannot occur through composition, since the analysis of the individual
components already takes into account their role in the (overall) system (in particular the
consideration of safeguards as explained above). For example, if only end-to-end secured data

is exchanged via an unsecured interface, a low risk (in terms of confidentiality and integrity) is
Finally, it should be pointed out again that the concrete assessments regarding high, medium
or low risk cannot be “mathematically proven” and often contain a certain subjective evaluation.
This also results from the fact that not every conceivable scenario could be analysed in detail
with the time and resources available. This applies, for example, to the “insider” attacker, which
represents an oversimplified generalisation in that a more detailed examination of each
individual O-RAN component could determine which security risks arise if precisely the O-RAN
component in question is malicious. The reader is therefore required to consider the textual
comments on the individual risks. In case of doubt, these are authoritative with regard to the
risk assessment.

4 Existing Studies
A number of studies exist that deal with threats, vulnerabilities and risks with regard to the 5G
system as a whole and its individual components, such as the 5G RAN. A selection of these is
summarised below. Particular mention should be made of the threat analysis published by the
O-RAN Alliance.
4.1 ENISA Threat Landscape for 5G Networks
In December 2020, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) published an
update of its threat analysis [40] of 5G from November 2019 [41]. The current threat analysis
presents a variety of threats to 5G systems and groups them by 5G component and 5G
function. There is also a threat analysis specific to the 5G RAN, but it does not include O-RAN.
The main threats identified are:
 Degradation of quality of service with respect to ultra-reliable low-latency
communication (URLLC) use cases. This threat is briefly mentioned, but it is unclear
from which concrete and detailed threats the assessment is derived.
 Interference with radio transmissions by means of jamming.
 “Failure to meet General Security Assurance Requirements: a set of weaknesses will
arise through the update requirements of various elements of RAN due to
implementation of migration steps and the ability of early-deployed systems to comply
with specification updates regarding security functions.“ It is still unclear what exactly
is meant here. It is also not clear how this threat was derived from the threats listed in
detail. It is assumed that reference is being made to the fact that, in practice, newer
systems must also be downwardly compatible with older, insecure standards and that
vulnerabilities are therefore also found in these newer systems and components.
 Attacks on the F1 interface due to security safeguards that are only optional

In addition, a variety of more or less general threats are listed that are therefore – although
specifically illustrated for the 5G RAN – not specific to 5G RAN. These include, for example,
implementation errors (in the various components, including the hardware/software used),
configuration errors, failure to apply intended (cryptographic) security safeguards and
unauthorised access to secrets used, for example, in the context of cryptographic security
measures (secret cryptographic keys). The identified threats are listed in Annex E of the ENISA
document, although it is noticeable that most of the stated threats are also relevant without the
5G context (for example: “Improper authorisation and access control policy: The authorisations
for accounts and applications shall be reduced to the minimum required for the tasks they have
to perform.”)
4.2 EU 5G risk analysis
In October 2019, the NIS Cooperation Group published a report on 5G risk analysis [42]. The
report is based on a survey of the EU member states with regard to the assessment of 5G
risks. It only lists very general risks; a more detailed threat analysis will be provided by ENISA
in the report described in chapter 4.1.
The risk for the Radio Access Network was assessed as “high”, the second-highest level (after
“critical”). Concrete information on how this assessment was reached cannot be found in the
With regard to the general risks dealt with in the report, the lack of diversity and the associated
dependence on a few manufacturers is particularly relevant for the present study, since Open
RAN in particular can be understood as an approach to countering this risk. In addition, the
risk analysis refers at various points to the risk posed by state attackers who could try to
manipulate manufacturers of 5G components into supplying malicious 5G components. Here,
too, Open RAN could be a sensible component of the countermeasures.

In addition, general risks mentioned in the report, such as misconfigurations and insufficient
access control, are also relevant for the Radio Access Network and for O-RAN in particular.
4.3 EU Toolbox
Based on the reports on risks and threats related to 5G that are mentioned in chapters 4.1 and
4.2, the NIS Cooperation Group presented a proposal on general countermeasures to mitigate
the risks in January 2020 [43]. This proposal is known as the “EU Toolbox”. The
countermeasures are divided into three groups: strategic, technical and supportive.
The strategic countermeasures are particularly relevant in the context of this study:
 SM05: Diversity of manufacturers of 5G components
 SM08: Diversity in future network technologies; building EU expertise in this field
Increasing diversity and reducing dependency on individual manufacturers is mentioned in
many different places and contexts, which underlines the role of diversity as a very important
As mentioned above, Open RAN can contribute to the implementation of these two strategic
countermeasures. In this respect, it is important to evaluate the new risks posed by Open
RAN/O-RAN in order to ultimately assess whether Open RAN/O-RAN is part of the solution or
part of the problem and determine what measures must be taken so that the former is the case.
The 11 technical countermeasures recommended in the EU Toolbox essentially concern the
full application of standard IT security measures. It is therefore also important to analyse the
extent to which O-RAN implements these recommendations regarding technical
With regard to the supporting countermeasures, measure SA03 (“Participation in 5G
standardisation”) should be mentioned here, as one of the goals it pursues is to increase
diversity by creating well-defined interfaces.
4.4 US studies and reports
In the US, there are a number of initiatives and reports that address 5G risks and
corresponding measures. They include:
 “CISA 5G Strategy” [44]
 “Potential Threat Vectors to 5G Infrastructure” [45]
 “National Strategy to Secure 5G” [46]
 “National Strategy to Secure 5G Implementation Plan” [47] (includes annexes
published as a separate document [48])

In addition to the “usual” risks and threats, which can also be found in a large number of
documents from other countries and organisations, two types of risks and associated
measures stand out that are also related to the investigations of this study:
 Supply chain risks, especially because the US is currently dependent on international
manufacturers for the 5G RAN (the “National Strategy to Secure 5G Implementation
Plan” names the following manufacturers: Huawei, Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung and
ZTE, whereby Huawei and ZTE are classified as untrustworthy and thus effectively
excluded as suppliers)
 Risks due to the influence of standardisation

To minimise these risks, a large number of countermeasures are described. Taken together,
they serve the following two goals:
 Increasing diversity in 5G component manufacturers, ideally with a high proportion of
US manufacturers
 Leadership in the field of standardisation in order to influence the development of
standards according to US interests

In turn, Open RAN/O-RAN is seen as a concrete way to achieve the two goals mentioned
above or to promote their implementation.
4.5 “The Prague Proposals”
“The Prague Proposals”11 is a document that resulted from the first Prague 5G Security
Conference12. It contains some general recommendations regarding the security and roll-out
of 5G networks. It should be noted that the recommendations are so general that they are not
restricted to 5G networks, but apply in principle to any IT infrastructure (“Communication
networks and service should be designed with resilience and security in mind.”; “Stakeholders
should regularly conduct vulnerability assessments.”; “Risk management framework... should
be implemented”, etc.) Furthermore, supply chain risks and the need for diversity in terms of
manufacturers of 5G components are emphasised. The Prague Proposals are worth
mentioning mainly because they are referenced as a basis in a number of US documents and
reports (see chapter 4.4).
4.6 O-RAN security threat modelling and remediation analysis
As mentioned previously, the O-RAN Alliance recently (July 2021) published its own document
dealing with threats and risks related to O-RAN [49]. The analyses are based on a procedure
in line with ISO 27005. While binding measures for risk minimisation are not defined in the
current version of the document, this is planned for a future version.
The document does list numerous threats, some of which were also considered in the risk
analysis conducted in this study. As the authors of the O-RAN Alliance study are aware,
however, many of the threats listed are also of a more general nature and not (O-)RAN specific.
This means that only a subset of the threats is O-RAN specific, and there is little focus – at
least at present – on the Open Fronthaul interfaces (CUS, M-Plane) and other interfaces (O1,
O2, etc.)
A major difference between O-RAN's own risk analysis and the one presented here is their
understanding of what a risk is in the first place. In the current O-RAN document, only the
“impact” of a risk is identified, rather than the likelihood of its occurrence. In this study, the
opposite approach is taken: only the likelihood of occurrence is considered. However, a future
version of O-RAN's own risk analysis will also consider the likelihood of occurrence
The impact classes are classified as low, medium and high, and the number of compromised
components (O-DUs, O-RUs, etc.), the severity of the threat to the respective protection goals
(privacy, confidentiality, integrity, availability) and the impact on possible synchronisation
topologies (clock model) are taken into account.
As a result, the O-RAN Alliance identifies 32 threats as high, 16 as medium and 5 as low in
terms of their impact. It remains to be seen how the O-RAN Alliance will assess the likelihood
of occurrence13 of these threats and the extent to which the other existing interfaces (O1, O2,
etc.) will be examined.

4.7 GSMA mobile telecommunications security landscape

The report [50] published in March 2021 by the GSMA (Global System for Mobile
Communications Association) dealt with what it considered to be important (and in some
cases, new) changes in the security landscape of the mobile industry. The report covered the
following subjects:
 “Signalling & Inter-connect”
 “Supply Chain”
 “Software & Virtualisation”

13 These are already being discussed in internal ORAN documents that have not yet been published,

which is why no reference is made to them here.

 “Cyber & Operational Security”
 “Security Skills Shortage”
 “Device & IoT”
 “Cloud Security”
 “Securing 5G”
Most of the risks derived from these thematic areas are mitigated by general measures in the
report, such as the advice given to mitigate the risks from the area of “Cyber & Operational
Security”: “Good security practices can mitigate this risk through secure networks, strong
authentication, least privilege practices alongside strong privileged access management
(PAM).” [50] However, these only represent general guidelines (as already mentioned) and are
therefore less suitable for concrete threat prevention, which must be much more specific to the
domain at hand.
With regard to 5G, the report points out that although 5G has closed many vulnerabilities
through its architecture, the corresponding security safeguards have not always been fully
implemented in practice. In this regard, the authors point out that most 5G architectures do not
yet have a 5G core: “At present Non Stand Alone deployments are not making full use of the
standards based security, as much of this only comes when a 5G core (5GC) is deployed.”
As in the previous studies, the report also highlights the risks pertaining to supply chains, not
least because of increasing national interventions: “In 2020, we saw an increasing trend
towards national responses to supply chain threats.”
As a general guideline, the GSMA recommends examining components from different
manufacturers individually with regard to the risks they pose. In particular, it recommends
making concrete plans to remove a specific vendor and its component from a network should
this prove necessary: “Build business continuity plans that consider the removal of critical
vendors; understand the impact if one were to be removed.” [50] The GSMA also recommends
considering open network solutions and trying them out in test environments.
In general terms, none of the risks presented in the report are specific to 5G RAN. They do not
include any concrete risks presented by interfaces or components in a 5G network, for
example. The guidelines mainly deal with risks that are generally found in many infrastructures,
even outside of mobile networks.

5 O-RAN Risk Analysis
The following chapters consider the risk analysis in terms of O-RAN. In this context, chapter
5.1 summarises “cloud operator” and “RAN operator” attackers with regard to O-RAN as a
whole. This is mainly due to the prominent position of these two entities/attackers.
For the other attackers, the risk analysis is first carried out separately with regard to the
individual interfaces and basic modules specified in O-RAN. An overall risk analysis is then
derived from this in chapter 5.15. In each case, the highest risk from the respective individual
considerations is taken as the overall risk (see also chapter 3.2), since from the attacker's point
of view it is sufficient to be able to successfully exploit a vulnerability in the system for attacks.
Simply put, the weakest link in the chain is the decisive one with regard to a risk analysis.
It should also be noted that the results of the risk analysis regarding 3GPP RAN (Appendix A:)
have been incorporated into the risk analysis for O-RAN, since O-RAN (as an implementation
of a 3GPP RAN) “inherits” some of the security risks resulting from the 3GPP standards along
with the positive effects of the 3GPP security measures.
5.1 Attackers: cloud operators and 5G RAN operators
The “cloud operator” and “5G RAN operator” attackers have prominent positions. Both
ultimately have full control over the RAN: the 5G RAN operator by design, and the cloud
operator because the current O-RAN specifications do not provide for security measures
regarding untrusted cloud operators. It simply assumes that cloud operators can be trusted:
“Administrators, integrators, operators and orchestrators must be trustworthy, ...” [49].
As a result, there are no differences in the O-RAN-related best-case/worst-case considerations
with regard to “cloud operator” attackers. The same applies to “RAN operator” attackers, who,
among other things, have full control over the O-RAN security safeguards. Therefore, only
worst-case (ww) and best-case (bb) considerations are generally made below.
Worst case: If none of the 3GPP or O-RAN security safeguards specified as optional are
implemented, the risk of a breach is to be assessed as high for all protection goals and for all
stakeholders, since in this case the cloud operator/5G RAN operator has full access to all
processed data and full control over the data processing itself. The only exception here is the
end-to-end protection of the Control Plane data with regard to integrity. This improves the
situation for the 3GPP Control Plane data, but the internal O-RAN configuration and
management data are unprotected, which results in a medium risk overall.
Best case: Even the best-case situation is only negligibly better. For all stakeholders, failure
to meet the protection goal of availability represents a high risk. From their perspective, end
users must also assume a violation of the protection goals of confidentiality, integrity, privacy
and accountability, since the cryptographic keys for securing the air interface (Uu) are known
to the RAN. Since such an attack is easy to carry out across the board, a high risk is also seen
with regard to “state” stakeholders and the violation of the protection goals of confidentiality,
integrity, accountability and privacy. For the “telco” stakeholder – specifically from the Control
Plane perspective – the situation is slightly better, as the corresponding Control Plane
messages (NAS) between UE and the core network are end-to-end secured (between UE and
the 5G core). However, manipulations of the O-RAN-specific configuration and management
data are possible, resulting in the assumption of a medium risk overall.

Perspective (stakeholder)
End user State Network operator
Protection goals Protection goals Protection goals
Attacker C I A Z P C I A Z P C I A Z P
Table 2: Risk assessment for the attackers "Cloud operator" and "RAN operator" with regard to the entire O-RAN

5.2 O-Cloud risk analysis

The O-Cloud is the central execution environment of the O-RAN components. As mentioned
above, an untrustworthy cloud operator results in very high security risks. The same applies in
the case of an O-Cloud compromised by an attacker. This is why effective security safeguards
such as access control and separation are crucial. The O-RAN specifications only make a few
stipulations here and even contain security-critical requirements.
For example, the “Security Requirements” specification [51] contains only a recommended
requirement for access control: “User should be authenticated and authorized.” On the positive
side, isolation mechanisms certainly are required: “Means of isolation of control and resources
among different users shall be implemented” – although such isolation mechanisms are
ineffective without mandatory user authentication.
In the O-RAN worst case, a risk situation arises with regard to “outsider” attackers that is
comparable to the situation involving “RAN operator” attackers, since a compromised O-Cloud
is essentially equivalent to full control over the O-RAN components.
The best-case scenario from an O-RAN perspective cannot be assessed at present, as there
are practically no security requirements for the O-Cloud.

Perspective (stakeholder)
End user State Network operator
Protection goals Protection goals Protection goals
Attacker C I A Z P C I A Z P C I A Z P



Table 3: Risk assessment of the O-Cloud

5.3 O2 interface risk analysis

As described in chapter 2.3.2, the O2 interface is used to configure the O-Cloud and deploy
the RAN components of O-RAN, i.e. the VNFs. The O2 interface can be considered very
powerful in that it can be used to determine the entire execution environment and the software
components that are executed. This is all the more true since the deployment scenarios and
use cases found in the O-RAN documents provide for a great deal of flexibility, and the O2
interface must therefore be powerful enough to support this dynamic. Unauthorised access to
the O2 interface has the potential to compromise the RAN, i.e. to give an attacker complete
control over the entire RAN.
A detailed risk assessment is currently difficult since requirements are only described or
specified in terms of the services to be made available with the help of the O2 interface. The
exact details of how the interface is designed, however – that is, which concrete protocols are
used, and so on – are not specified (“The O2 services and their associated interfaces shall be
specified in the upcoming O2 specification”. [27])
The authors of the O-RAN specifications are well aware that the O2 interface must be secured,
as they have defined the general requirement REQ-O2-GEN-TLS-FUN-1 and REQ-SEC-
O2-1. However, these are formulated in fairly “soft” terms: “Management Service providers
and consumers that use TLS shall support TLS v1.2 or higher” [26]. The use of security
protocols (specifically TLS) is therefore not prescribed in principle; only a minimum TLS version
is specified if TLS is used. The associated explanatory description, “Communications between
SMO and O-Cloud are secure”, [26] can thus be described as misleading, as it represents
more a wish than a fact or requirement that can be derived from the specification.
In addition to simply securing the connection (e.g. with the help of TLS), it is also important to
define exactly which components or roles are allowed to use which management and
deployment services. Based on this, corresponding rights management and access control
must be implemented. It is important that the O2 interface has to be designed to support
implementation of the least privilege principle in a natural way, i.e. that the interface offers well-
defined functions with well-defined parameters that enable sufficiently granular rights
management. The opposite of this would be more of a general interface – remote access via
SSH, for example. Here, a clear determination of the capabilities of a principally authorised
person and the implementation of corresponding restrictions on said capabilities are very
complex and error-prone.
As mentioned, the exact design of the O2 interface is unclear, but the O-RAN software
community does provide a reference implementation. This is based on a number of existing
software components, such as OpenStack, Kubernetes and ONAP. These basic components
are highly complex on their own, which makes misconfigurations likely [52] and in turn
represents a vulnerability to potential attacks (e.g. privilege escalations) in the case of a less
restrictive O2 interface.
With regard to the defined perspectives, attackers and protection goals, the overall
assessment is as follows:
O-RAN worst case/3GPP worst case (ww): Since no security mechanisms are mandatory,
even an outsider can access the powerful O2 interface and take complete control of the RAN.
This may result in a failure to fulfil the protection goal of availability for all the stakeholders
considered. With regard to the end user, a failure to meet the protection goals of confidentiality,
integrity and accountability of transmitted data must also be assumed, since the attacker can
gain control over the relevant encryption keys. With regard to the 5G network operator/telco,
failures to fulfil the protection goals of confidentiality, accountability and privacy are to be
expected. This affects all data relevant to the O-RAN, such as configuration data (including
cryptographic keys), machine learning models, O-RAN software components (including rApps
and xApps), log files, etc. Since a corresponding attack can easily be carried out on a large
scale, a high risk with regard to all protection goals can also be assumed for governmental
(“state”) stakeholders. However, integrity is an exception from the network operator's point of
view: even if a RAN is completely taken over, the Control Plane data between UE and AMF
should be secured by the mandatory integrity assurance measures using 3GPP mechanisms.
O-RAN worst case/3GPP best case (wb): Here, the assessment of the risks is analogous to
that of the worst-case/worst-case scenario. However, the Control Plane data is encrypted by
the 3GPP specifications between UE and AMF in the best case, which means that the risk to
the confidentiality protection objective can be classified as “medium” with regard to the “telco”
stakeholder because the other O-RAN-specific Control Plane data is unprotected.
O-RAN best case/3GPP best case (bb): Since all the optional security safeguards are
implemented in this case, a low probability of successful attacks by outsiders and users
seeking to exploit the O2 interface can be assumed. With regard to “insider” attackers, on the
other hand, a high probability can be assumed. Since there are no concrete statements on

rights management or granular access control to the O2 interface, it can currently be assumed
that insider attackers can expand their rights with relative ease. This is especially true if the
component compromised by the insider is the SMO framework.
By securing the O-RAN area, the risk of a failure to fulfil the availability protection goal should
decrease, since incidental access to the O2 interface from the outside and by the user should
no longer be possible.
O-RAN best case/3GPP worst case (bw): The risks of failures to meet the protection goals
should be assessed here in the same way as the best-case/best-case scenario. The only
difference is that no Control Plane data is encrypted between UE and AMF, which raises the
risk from “medium” to “high”.

Perspective (stakeholder)
End user State Network operator
Protection goals Protection goals Protection goals
Attacker C I A Z P C I A Z P C I A Z P



Table 4: Risk assessment of the O2 interface

5.4 O1 interface risk analysis

As described in chapter 2.3.1, the O1 interface is used to manage all O-RAN components
(except the management component itself). Access to this interface thus affords an attacker
far-reaching possibilities that are only slightly less powerful than unauthorised access using
the O2 interface.
However, several specifications exist for this interface: [17], which deals with the O1 interface
in general, and [53] which examines in detail the connection between the O-DU and SMO with
the help of the O1 interface. The latter is particularly relevant in the context of this study
because it goes beyond the general O1 interface description in terms of security requirements
and safeguards. A corresponding distinction is made in this case below.
5.4.1 Risk analysis of the general O1 interface
Optional security safeguards are provided for the O1 interface in the current specification
documents. Specifically, SSH and TLS are cited here [25]. The implementation of the least
privilege principle is also mentioned.
It should be noted that the Security Requirements document [51] makes more strictly
formulated statements compared to the actual O1 interface specification: “O1 interface will
enforce confidentiality, integrity, authenticity through an encrypted transport, and least privilege
access control using the network configuration access control model”. However, some of the
concrete requirements only use the phrase “shall support”, whereas the same document's
notes on the security controls to be used are stricter: “As defined in the previous chapter, the
O1 will use TLS 1.2 or higher to enforce confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity; and will use
NACM [10] to enforce least privileged access”.
The O1 interface description generally refers to the Security Requirements document – but
only with regard to least-privilege access control and not to transport layer protection. Overall,
however, positive tendencies towards securing the O1 interface can be observed here.
Due to the partly unclear wording, it is still assumed with regard to the general O1 interface
that the security safeguards are not implemented in the worst-cast scenario. In particular, this
decision has been made because the considerations made in chapter 5.4.2 on the more

specific specification of the O1 interface to the O-DU will clearly show that the security
safeguards must also be applied here in the worst case. Depending on one's point of view, this
assessment can also be adopted as a general assessment of the O1 interface as a whole.
With regard to TLS and SSH as security options, the use of SSH must be considered more
risky. This is due to the potential power of SSH, which was already mentioned in chapter 5.1.
Specifically, the O1 interface uses the NETCONF protocol, which is why NETCONF-over-SSH
[54] is used in the case of a combination with SSH. The SSH connection protocol [23] is
explicitly used with a “session” channel type. In principle, this channel type allows the execution
of any programme. From a security point of view, it is therefore necessary to implement or
configure the associated SSH service in such a way that only the NETCONF subsystem can
actually be started. A misconfiguration vulnerability arises here, especially when corresponding
restrictions have to be implemented by means of configuration.
The explicit obligation to also support insecure cryptographic algorithms results in a further risk
with regard to SSH: “O-RAN and 3GPP interfaces that implement authentication, confidentiality
and integrity using SSH shall: … Enable an O-RAN deployer to configure SSH to offer less
secure ciphers using standard SSH configurations to enable backward compatibility with older
SSH implementations” [55].
Based on the SSH-based risks outlined, the recommendation is to support only NETCONF-
over-TLS [56] for the O1 interface. In this respect, it is assumed with regard to the best-case
analysis that the O1 interface is secured with the help of TLS 1.3 using cryptographic
algorithms that are considered secure, as well as mutual authentication.
The NETCONF Access Control Model (NACM) should also be used as an option to enforce
least-privilege access control. The following groups are defined in [51]:
 O1_nacm_management – allows access rights to be changed
 O1_user_management – allows the creation and deletion of users for the O1 nodes
 O1_network_management – allows reading, writing and executing on the NETCONF-
<running> database, i.e. the NETCONF database that stores all configuration
parameters currently in use. The same applies to the NETCON-<candidate> database
(if present), i.e. the NETCONF database that contains parameters that have been
configured but not yet activated.
 O1_network_monitoring – allows the reading of configurations
 O1_software_management – allows installation of new software

However, the optional nature should also be explicitly noted in the specifications:
“Management Service providers and consumers that use NETCONF SHALL support the
Network Configuration Access Control Model (NACM) [...]” [56].
O-RAN worst case/3GPP worst case (ww): Since no security mechanisms are mandatory
and the O1 interface – at least with regard to the (O-)RAN core functionality – is similarly
powerful to the O2 interface, the considerations from chapter 5.1 apply in the same way.
However, the risk of an integrity violation is classified as medium from the network operator's
point of view. Due to the mandatory integrity assurance of the Control Plane data (only NAS
signals) on the part of 3GPP, it should not be possible for even an insider to change the Control
Plane data exchanged between UE and AMF without being noticed. However, an insider still
has access to the Control Plane data in the O-RAN, which is why the integrity violation is
classified as medium.
O-RAN worst case/3GPP best case (wb): Here, the consideration is similar to the worst-
case/worst-case scenario: since integrity assurance of the Control Plane data exchanged
between UE and AMF is mandatory, the 3GPP best case does not offer improvement
compared to the 3GPP worst-case scenario. Although the UE's User Plane data is now
encrypted and its integrity secured, an attacker can access the corresponding keys via the O1
interface, so the risk remains unchanged. An important difference, however, is that the Control

Plane data between the UE and AMF is encrypted from end to end in this case. From the
network operator's point of view, the risk here is therefore assessed as medium because
regardless of all the other considerations, the O-RAN-specific Control Plane data is
O-RAN best case/3GPP best case (bb): As in the case of the O2 interface, the circumstances
regarding the O1 interface look better in the best case due to the (optional) security safeguards
provided. In relation to “user” and “outsider” attackers, the risk of a breach of the protection
goals of confidentiality, integrity and accountability is assessed as low for all stakeholders. In
the case of availability, the risk for all stakeholders is rated as medium. An attacker could target
the availability of the O1 interface to prevent configuration changes and status messages. This
in turn can lead to impairments of the quality of service of the RAN – that is, to successful
availability attacks on the RAN itself. It should be noted here that, in contrast to the specification
of the E2 interface, a failure of the O1 interface is currently not explicitly considered in the
specification documents.
Since the O1 interface allows software management, an insider with access to this interface
can in principle manipulate the executed O-RAN components and thus, as already detailed,
gain access to stored cryptographic keys (for example) in the case of the O-CU. The decisive
factor here is how strictly the least privileged principle is implemented and what rights a given
insider actually has as a result. The risk an insider poses to the protection goals of
confidentiality, integrity and accountability with regard to the “user” and “state” stakeholders is
therefore assessed as medium. A similar assessment is made for the “telco” stakeholder.
Although parts of Control Plane communication are secured from end to end (and thus
protected against insider access), the O1 interface provides access to a great deal of network
management information that is sensitive from the network operator's point of view (in terms
of both confidentiality and integrity/accountability).
O-RAN best case/3GPP worst case (bw): Although the safeguards provided by the 3GPP
protection measures are not effective here, the same risks arise as in the best-case/best-case
scenario, since “outsider” and “user” attackers have no access to the O1 interface in the
O-RAN best case. With regard to “insider” attackers, on the other hand, the fact that the 3GPP
security safeguards no longer apply has no negative impact because they were also not
effective in the 3GPP best case.

Perspective (stakeholder)
End user State Network operator
Protection goals Protection goals Protection goals
Attacker C I A Z P C I A Z P C I A Z P



Table 5: Risk assessment of the general O1 interface

5.4.2 Risk analysis of the O1 interface between the O-DU and SMO
In [53], the O1 interface between the O-DU and SMO is used for “start up” installation and the
management of software, configurations, performance, faults and files.
For the security of the connection, the use of TLS is to be mandatory for the authentication of
the O-DU, although the mandatory nature is usually rarely found in the specifications in this
way. In addition to this, securing the NETCONF data exchange by means of TLS is supposed
to be mandatory: “In this version of O1 Interface Specification, the security of the NETCONF
protocol is realized using TLS” [53].
Use of the NETCONF Access Control Model (NACM) is also supposed to be mandatory to
enforce least-privilege access control. In general, the specification mainly covers the
mandatory implementation of security mechanisms in contrast to the security mechanisms in
Although the enforcement of the protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and accountability
is not mentioned with the usual terminology using “shall”, the formulation: “[...] the O1 interface
will enforce confidentiality, integrity, authenticity [...] and least privilege access control [...]”. [56]
leads to the conclusion that the same meaning is intended.
O-RAN worst case/3GPP worst case (ww): Since the interface is secured even in the worst
case by the mandatory nature of the security safeguards, there is hardly any possibility (at
least for “outsiders”) to gain read, and especially write, access to this interface. However, the
basic availability attacks that prevent certain status and configuration messages cannot be
As in the general assessment of the O1 interface, it can also be said that “user” attackers pose
a low risk of violating the protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and accountability.
An insider, on the other hand, can breach the protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and
accountability in the worst case, since the O-RAN protection measures cannot compensate for
the 3GPP safeguards that do not apply here. Here, the O-DU is assumed to be an “insider”. In
addition, an insider may be able to install their own software on the O-DU in the worst case
(depending on their membership in rights groups) and thereby gain control of it. This results in
a high risk to availability.
In spite of all this, however, an insider cannot break the integrity of the Control Plane data
between UE and AMF, as it is secured by the mandatory 3GPP measures.
O-RAN worst case/3GPP best case (wb): Since all the measures to secure the protection
goals are mandatory, the risks should be the same as in the “ww” case. From the perspective
of 3GPP security, the confidentiality of the Control Plane data between UE and AMF is assured
along with its integrity, which means that the risk posed by insiders can be classified as
O-RAN best case/3GPP best case (bb): With regard to the best-case scenario, the
assessment of “outsider” and “user” attackers is consistent with that of the worst-case scenario
due to the mandatory nature of the O-RAN security safeguards. The 3GPP security safeguards
can be said to prevent a violation of the protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and
accountability only in cases involving “insider” attackers. With regard to availability, it can be
argued that even in the best-case scenario, an insider cannot inject malware through NACM,
as they do not have the necessary rights. Depending on one's point of view, however, they
themselves can be O-DU, which means they can easily restrict availability.
O-RAN best case/3GPP worst case (bw): Here, the assessment of the risks is the same as
in the previous “bb” case. In this scenario, only confidentiality is not secured by 3GPP in the
Control Plane between UE and AMF, which is why the risk is assessed as “medium”.

Perspective (stakeholder)
End user State Network operator
Protection goals Protection goals Protection goals
Attacker C I A Z P C I A Z P C I A Z P



Table 6: Risk assessment of the O1 interface between O-DU and SMO

5.5 A1 interface risk analysis
As described in chapter 2.3.3, the A1 interface is primarily used to communicate guidelines to
the near-real-time RIC regarding the configuration/optimisation of the RAN. These guidelines
are designed as declarative policies. They express what is to be achieved, but not how it should
be achieved. The concrete implementation decisions are thus part of the near-real-time RIC
and the xApps.
The A1 interface is meant to provide options for enforcing confidentiality, integrity and
authenticity (including protection against replay attacks) [51]. For this purpose, TLS is provided
as an option for securing communications [57], [51], [49]. One threat to the A1 interface arises
from the fact that, in order to implement bidirectional communication, it is intended that both
end points (non-real time RIC, near-real time RIC) of the A1 interface act as servers [57]. The
attack surface resulting from the open ports necessary for this should be minimised by having
only one endpoint act as a server and carrying out bidirectional communication via an existing
connection. To implement this, additional techniques such as reverse connections can be
With regard to the best-case/worst-case analysis, it should be noted that the corresponding
risks here are essentially dependent on the best-case/worst-case situation pertaining to the
O-RAN specifications. In contrast, due to the functionality of the A1 interface, the resulting risk
is largely independent of the best-case/worst-case situation regarding the 3GPP standards.
Worst case: Since the A1 interface is unsecured in the worst case, it is possible for outsiders
to gain read and write access to it. By manipulating policies accordingly, an impairment of
availability (reduction of service quality) is possible at the very least. A high risk to availability
is thus assumed for all stakeholders.
With regard to the protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and accountability, a low risk is
assumed for the user perspective even in the worst case, as no current attacks could be
identified that would allow an attacker with access to the A1 interface to read or manipulate
the User Plane data.
It should be noted here that more in-depth analyses are needed to actually rule out the
possibility that no User Plane data is transmitted via the A1 interface. Particularly in future
versions of the specifications, it will be essential to check which services are actually offered
via the A1 interface and whether User Plane data is transmitted there.
With regard to the “telco” perspective, this risk assessment changes to “medium”, since
sensitive network management information (with regard to confidentiality and integrity) is
transmitted via the A1 interface. This assessment was also adopted for the “state” perspective.
Best case: Due to the protection with TLS in the best case, neither an outsider nor a user can
successfully attack the confidentiality or integrity of the A1 interface. Only availability attacks
on the A1 interface are conceivable. Due to the functionality of the A1 interface, it can be
assumed that intelligent availability attacks on this interface can impair the availability of the
RAN – at least in the sense of a reduction in quality of service. This applies in particular
because a failure of the A1 interface is not explicitly considered in the specifications. A medium
risk is therefore assumed for all stakeholders here.
Since the security safeguards only provide protection against outsiders (connection
encryption) and a rights and role concept regarding access control to the A1 interface can be
inferred between the lines of the specification at best, it is currently assumed that an insider
has full access to the A1 interface even in the best-case scenario. The situation pertaining to
insider attackers is therefore similar to that of the worst case involving an outsider. On the
other hand, no current attacks could be identified that would enable an insider to gain a
significant advantage with regard to the protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and
accountability based on access to the A1 interface. The comments made above regarding the
need for a more in-depth analysis should be noted here.

Perspective (stakeholder)
End user State Network operator
Protection goals Protection goals Protection goals
Attacker C I A Z P C I A Z P C I A Z P



Table 7: Risk assessment of the A1 interface

5.6 R1 interface risk analysis

As explained in chapter 2.3.4, the R1 interface is used by the rApps to access non-real-time
RIC functions and other services that an rApp needs to fulfil its tasks. Here, the following is
envisaged: “The R1 interface is the sole interface between an rApp and the functionality of the
Non-RT RIC and SMO. Therefore, the R1 interface should be defined to meet all functional
needs of rApps, with appropriate interface extensibility capabilities as needed.” [29]. The R1
interface is thus to be regarded as very powerful. At the same time, it is currently largely
unspecified. There are some general statements and some requirements, but no concrete
design. The following information is relevant from a security point of view:
 “It would be useful for the O-RAN Alliance to define an open and standard interface
through which the Non-RT RIC exposes SMO Framework functionalities to 'rApps' via
the R1 Services exposure functionality. We will refer to this as the 'R1' interface” [29]
 “Capabilities are offered for consumption and usage through the R1 services. Such
services include, but are not limited to: A1-related services, O1-related services, O2-
related services, …” [29]
The way in which the interface is designed is also unclear. A certain assumption can be made
that the API calls are internal and do not take place via a network interface between different
computers. Among other things, this assumption arises from the fact that the R1 interface is
not mentioned in various O-RAN documents regarding the new, open interfaces. Conversely,
based on the general definition of the R1 interface – “R1 Interface: Interface between rApps
and Non-RT RIC framework via which R1 Services can be produced and consumed” [58] – it
cannot be ruled out that the R1 interface is implemented as a network-based interface. Within
the framework of this study, it is therefore assumed with regard to the best-case scenario that
the R1 interface only deals with internal APIs; in the worst-case consideration, it is assumed
that the R1 interface is accessible via the network.
Security safeguards are not currently specified for the R1 interface. It is only mentioned with
regard to rApps that access to R1 services should only be possible after authentication and
authorisation. Details on how this is to be implemented are also not specified at present.
Due to the principle connection of O1, O2 and A1 services and the lack of current restrictions
regarding the use of these interfaces, the risk analysis for the R1 interface is based on the
results for the O1, O2 and A1 interfaces. The highest risk for one of these interfaces is regarded
as the lower bound of the respective risk for the R1 interface. From a risk perspective, the R1
interface cannot be better than the O1, O2 or A1 interface (in the worst case).
It should also be noted that for the best-case/worst-case considerations, the situation regarding
the O-RAN specifications is decisive. In the O-RAN worst case, the O1/O2 interface can be

used to take control of the O-RAN components. Therefore, any 3GPP security safeguards
implemented in this case can barely take effect, or they can be circumvented. Conversely, in
the O-RAN best case, misuse of the R1 interface is prevented, which is why the implementation
of 3GPP protective measures is less crucial. One exception here is the telco perspective with
regard to the protection goal of confidentiality: in the best case, the Control Plane is afforded
end-to-end protection, which also offers protection in the O-RAN worst case.

Perspective (stakeholder)
End user State Network operator
Protection goals Protection goals Protection goals
Attacker C I A Z P C I A Z P C I A Z P



Table 8: Risk assessment of the R1 interface

5.7 E2 interface risk analysis

As detailed in chapter 2.3.5, the E2 interface is primarily used to manage the E2 nodes. In the
course of this, a service (“RAN Function Network Interface (NI)” [59]) makes it possible to
observe and change all data traffic on the network interfaces of the E2 nodes with the help of
the E2 interface. Among other things, the following specific services are offered:
 “Copy of Complete message with header providing network interface type, identifier
and direction with optional network interface timestamp”
 “Injection of Complete message with header providing target network interface type,
identifier and direction and optional RIC Control Message Priority”
These services present a high risk potential from a security perspective.
Meanwhile, the security safeguards provided for in the specification are currently considered
optional. One specific requirement states that the E2 interface “shall support confidentiality,
integrity and replay protection” [30]. A similar statement is also found in [51]. IPSec is proposed
as a means of protection in [49]: “IPSEC: Should be used to protect E2 traffic” (similarly in [51]:
“For the security protection at the IP layer on E2 interface, IPsec shall be supported”).
Based on the functional capabilities of the E2 interface and the corresponding security
safeguards, the associated risks are assessed below.
O-RAN worst case/3GPP worst case (ww): Since no security safeguards are implemented
in the worst case – apart from integrity protection of the Control Plane data – and the E2 inter-
face allows full access to all 3GPP data traffic on the E2 nodes, a high risk to confidentiality,
availability and accountability is essentially assumed for all stakeholders. With regard to “telco”
stakeholders, a medium risk is assumed due to the 3GPP integrity assurance of the Control
Plane data, as O-RAN-specific (configuration) data is unprotected at the same time.
O-RAN worst case/3GPP best case (wb): The situation changes here, as the 3GPP security
safeguards offer protection related to the protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and
accountability. The only question here is the extent to which “insider” attackers can gain access
to the keys for securing the User Plane or to the unencrypted User Plane data. In principle, the
corresponding keys are available in the CU. Further analyses are required to be able to exclude
such risks with certainty, which is why the risks at hand are assessed as “medium”.
O-RAN best case/3GPP best case (bb): In the best case, the E2 interface and the 3GPP
interfaces are secured. An outsider can therefore essentially only carry out denial-of-service

attacks on the E2 interface. A low risk to confidentiality, integrity and accountability is therefore
assumed for all stakeholders.
“Stupid” DoS attacks only have a limited effect here, as the O-RAN specifications stipulate that
the RAN should be functional even if the E2 interface fails. However, it must be assumed that
the RAN is functional with a limited quality of service – otherwise there would be no need for
an E2 interface. Furthermore, the effects depend on the concrete design of the E2 node in
question. By cleverly manipulating data traffic on the E2 interface, an attacker can achieve a
high computing load at an E2 node due to the cryptographic operations associated with IPSec.
In extreme cases (if separation is not implemented well), this could lead to insufficient
computing power being available for the actual tasks of an E2 node. The extent to which
“intelligent” DoS attacks can lead to a more severe impairment of quality of service also
remains unclear. Attacks that deliberately delay data packets in such a way that the detection
mechanisms regarding a failure of the E2 interface (timer, etc.) are not yet triggered are
conceivable in this context. Furthermore, the extent to which it is possible to assign encrypted
data traffic to individual E2 services or E2 functions in spite of IPSec encryption (for example,
through traffic analyses regarding specific service communication traffic patterns) must also
be investigated. This would enable the targeted disruption of individual E2 services or E2
functions and could lead to more severe effects compared to a complete “failure” of the E2
interface. Overall, the risk outsiders pose to availability is therefore considered medium with
regard to all stakeholders.
At present, the position of “user” attackers is only slightly better. One new risk/threat stems
from a user's ability to generate data traffic pertaining to the User Plane and Control Plane that
can be regarded as legitimate in principle. The user can cleverly design this data traffic in such
a way that it is included in the analysis and evaluation functions provided by the E2 interface
(with regard to the 3GPP interfaces). Depending on how concrete these analysis and
evaluation functions are, this influence can be seen as a springboard for further attacks. This
is especially the case if the corresponding systems were not developed on the premise that
recorded analysis and evaluation data should be regarded as potentially malicious in principle.
For example, cleverly crafted User Plane or Control Plane data could be used for buffer
overflow or injection attacks (SQL injection, etc.). It is also possible to influence the training of
machine learning based on recorded data. Overall, such attacks are likely to primarily impact
availability at first. However, since it is assumed in principle within the framework of the best-
case analysis that all systems work without errors, the overall risk assessment is not higher
than in the case of an “outsider” attacker.
In the context of an insider, the attacker is assumed to have access to the E2 interface. A good
example of this is an xApp. There is general talk of “policies” and “authorisations” with regard
to xApps here and there in the specifications, but since there is no differentiation at all and no
rights management is apparent with regard to the current specification of the E2 interface, it is
currently assumed that an xApp can use the E2 interface without restriction, even in the best-
case scenario. If this is not the case for an xApp, it is very likely to be for the near-real-time
RIC component.
Due to the assumed access to the E2 interface, availability attacks are easily possible for an
insider, resulting in a high risk for all stakeholders. In terms of confidentiality, integrity and
accountability, the perspective of an end user depends on which component the insider
controls. If this component has both access to the E2 interface and knowledge of the keys
used to secure the Uu interface, the risk is high. If the insider cannot access the cryptographic
keys, the risk is low. As a general consequence, a medium risk is assumed here. This risk
assessment is also adopted for the “state” stakeholder. With regard to the “telco” stakeholder,
the situation is somewhat better on the one hand, since the Control Plane data traffic is secured
from end to end. On the other hand, the E2 interface enables the “exposure of selected E2
Node data (e.g. configuration information (cell configuration, supported slices, PLMNs etc.),
network measurements, context information, etc.) towards the Near-RT RIC” [30]. This data is
regarded as sensitive trade secrets and, since it forms a basis for network operation, the data's
integrity is considered important. A medium risk to the protection goals of confidentiality,
integrity and accountability is therefore assumed with regard to the “telco” stakeholder.
O-RAN best case/3GPP word case (bw): Since the E2 interface is secured in the O-RAN
best case, there are no direct options for “user” and “outsider” attackers to use the E2 interface
for attacks. For an insider, accessing an E2 interface with no 3GPP security safeguards makes
it possible to successfully breach almost every protection goal from nearly any perspective
(again, with the exception of the integrity protection of the Control Plane data, which is also
present in the 3GPP worst case). This results in a correspondingly high risk.

Perspective (stakeholder)
End user State Network operator
Protection goals Protection goals Protection goals
Attacker C I A Z P C I A Z P C I A Z P



Table 9: Risk assessment of the E2 interface

5.8 Open Fronthaul M-Plane risk analysis

The Open Fronthaul M-Plane interface makes it possible to manage the O-RU components as
described in chapter 2.3.7. Particularly relevant from a risk perspective is the possibility of
using the Open Fronthaul M-Plane interface to perform a software update with regard to the
O-RU components. In principle, this enables an attacker to take full control of the O-RU by
importing appropriately manipulated software. In accordance with the O-RAN specification,
software protection is not strictly defined: “The use of compression and ciphering for the
content of the software build is left to vendor implementation. The only file which shall never
be ciphered is the manifest.xml file” [32]. However, the manifest in particular contains
information that should be protected from manipulation. A special risk arises from the fact that
with the help of the Open Fronthaul M-Plane interface, the download URL can be freely
specified with regard to the software to be installed. It would be better to provide for restrictions
here so that the configured host in the O-RU (for example) is “fixed”, which would limit the
negative effects of possible manipulations in the transmission of the download URL (
In addition, it is assumed that access to the Open Fronthaul M-Plane interface facilitates
successful attacks on availability, since the configuration data stored in the O-RU can be
changed with the help of the Open Fronthaul M-Plane interface. This in turn can be used to
impair quality of service or cause a complete functional failure of the O-RU.
In contrast to almost all other interfaces, the considerations for securing the Open Fronthaul
M-Plane interface are comparatively extensive and could even be seen as mandatory
depending on one's interpretation. Specifically, the use of SSH (for which support is
mandatory) or TLS (optional) is possible here. To minimise risk, the use of SSH should be
dispensed with in favour of TLS (as already detailed in connection with the O1 and O2
interfaces). With regard to security, mutual authentication is mandatory.
The room for interpretation regarding mandatory applicable security mechanisms is mainly due
to the unclear wording in the specification documents, such as in the statement: “The M-Plane
provides end to end security as a mandatory feature.” [32] However, a “feature” is a property
or capability of a component and therefore does not have to be applied. In contrast, a

subsequent table states that the protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and accountability
are implemented – however, the reason given here only refers to the basic support for SSH or
TLS, but not to their mandatory use. As listed later in the table “Mandatory and Optional
Features for O-RU Authentication”, all authentication mechanisms are marked as “optional to
use”. It would be better to clarify here – if this is the intention of the specification – that although
each individual mechanism is optional, at least one is mandatory.
Overall, however, the Open Fronthaul M-Plane interface contains many considerations with
regard to security. It should be noted here that the description of the Open Fronthaul interfaces
is also significantly more extensive overall compared to the other interfaces.
With regard to security, it should also be mentioned that a rights/roles concept is provided.
There are six roles mentioned in the specification:
 sudo
 smo
 hybrid-odu
 nms
 fm-pm
 swm

With regard to the rights, a distinction is made between read, write, and execute. The rights
for various functional groups (referred to as “namspace” in the specification) are then
determined on the basis of the role in question. The role “sudo” has the most privileges. It is
intended as an administrative role and thus grants full access to the O-RU, including the option
to create users and assign roles to them.
The fact that a default user with a default password and “sudo” rights is provided for out-of-
the-box is not considered advisable with regard to the current specification. In the literature, it
is frequently reported that default access of this kind is a starting point for successful attacks
– no matter how strongly users are advised to change their default access data during initial
setup. Here, mechanisms should be provided that enable initial setup without a known default
user name and password – for example, by randomly generating this data and attaching it to
the O-RU as documentation.
O-RAN worst case/3GPP worst case (ww): Assuming that the O-RAN security safeguards
are also mandatory in the worst case, “user” and “outsider” attackers pose a low risk to the
protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and accountability for all stakeholders. However,
due to the unclear formulations and the associated uncertainty as to whether the O-RAN
security safeguards really have to be implemented, they are upgraded to a medium risk.
Similarly, a medium risk is assumed with regard to availability, since availability attacks on the
Open Fronthaul M-Plane interface are possible as previously described for the other interfaces.
Since no explicit statements regarding the tolerance of a failure of the Open Fronthaul M-Plane
interface could be found, it is also assumed with regard to the Open Fronthaul M-Plane
interface that cleverly executed availability attacks can lead to an impairment of RAN service
With regard to “insider” attackers, the situation is somewhat different. An insider with access
to the Open Fronthaul M-Plane interface can update the software on the O-RU components,
which in turn gives them access to the User Plane and Control Plane data transmitted via the
Uu interface. As this data is not protected further in the worst case, it is fully exposed to
manipulation – hence the assessment of the corresponding risk as “high” for all stakeholders.
Only the integrity of the Control Plane data exchanged between UE and AMF is unaffected by
this. Since this data has mandatory integrity protection, the related risk is low. However, it is
assumed that there is also (network management) data in the O-RU that is sensitive from the
telco point of view (with regard to confidentiality, integrity and accountability) and can be
accessed by an insider. Therefore, a medium risk is assumed overall.

O-RAN worst case/3GPP best case (wb): Here, the assessment is similar to the worst-
case/worst-case scenario. There are some improvements due to the User and Control Plane
data, which is secured by the 3GPP measures in this case. As a result, an insider cannot break
the confidentiality or integrity of the Control Plane data, which is why the risk here is also
assessed as medium overall. It is also assumed that the User Plane data is protected, since
insiders are assumed to be the O-RU or O-DU and neither has access to the cryptographic
keys used to secure the User Plane.
O-RAN best case/3GPP best case (bb): The assessments regarding “outsider” and “user”
attackers follow from the already very positive risk assessment in the worst case. In the case
of an insider, the attacker does have access to the Uu interface, but the data (as explained
previously) is protected by the 3GPP measures in the best case, which is why the risk of
violating the protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and accountability is rated as low.
O-RAN best case/3GPP worst case (bw): With regard to “user” and “outsider” attackers, the
O-RAN security safeguards prevent successful attacks on the confidentiality, integrity,
accountability and privacy of User and Control Plane data. The corresponding risk is thus low.
With regard to “insider” attackers (who have access to the O-RU), a high risk arises due to the
non-existent protection of the User Plane data. For the network operator, the risk to
confidentiality is the same, whereby integrity is again secured by the mandatory safeguards
on the Control Plane data between UE and AMF. The same does not apply to the management
data in the O-RU or O-DU.

Perspective (stakeholder)
End user State Network operator
Protection goals Protection goals Protection goals
Attacker C I A Z P C I A Z P C I A Z P



Table 10: Risk assessment of the Open Fronthaul M-Plane

5.9 Open Fronthaul CUS-Plane risk analysis

The User and Control Plane data of the Uu interface is transmitted via the Open Fronthaul
CUS-Plane interface. In addition, time synchronisation takes place between the O-DU and O-
RU. Security is explicitly not provided for this interface (“security requirements: no
requirements” [31]). This is justified on the one hand by the fact that the high requirements for
delay time and bandwidth do not permit security. On the other hand, it is assumed that the
transmitted data is already secured by security safeguards provided for in the 3GPP standards.
Since security safeguards are not provided for, the O-RAN worst-case/best-case
considerations do not differ. The 3GPP security safeguards are therefore an essential
determinant of risk (see also Appendix A). As a result, only the distinction between the 3GPP
best and worst cases is made below.
3GPP worst case (ww): Access to the Open Fronthaul CUS-Plane interface enables an
attacker to gain full access to the unprotected User and Control Plane data of the Uu interface.
“Outsider” attackers thus pose a high risk for all stakeholders. A lower risk can only be
assumed for the integrity of the Control Plane data due to the end-to-end protection between
UE and AMF. However, this does not affect the integrity of the O-RAN-specific management
data or, in particular, that of the very important time synchronisation data (see also chapter

3GPP best case (bb): For the “user” perspective, the situation improves in the best case with
regard to the protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and accountability, since the Uu
interface is secured by 3GPP security safeguards. In the case of accountability, the risk is
assessed as medium, since 3GPP does not provide any protective measures in this regard
and a user (in contrast to an “outsider” attacker) can import User Plane messages into the
system that are recognised as correct during integrity checks.
Availability attacks on the Open Fronthaul CUS Plane interface also impact the usability of the
5G system as a whole, which is why a high risk to availability is assumed even in the best-
case scenario.
The 3GPP protections ensure that “insider” attackers also pose a low risk to the User Plane
data transmitted on the Uu interface, since the symmetric keys used for protection are located
in the O-CU.
The Control Plane data exchanged between UE and AMF is secured by the safeguards
provided in the 3GPP best case, resulting in a lower risk for the network operator. However,
the time synchronisation data (S-PLANE) is not secured in the 3GPP best case either, so that
there is at least a medium risk here overall with regard to the protection goal of integrity.

Perspective (stakeholder)
End user State Network operator
Protection goals Protection goals Protection goals
Attacker C I A Z P C I A Z P C I A Z P



Table 11: Risk assessment of the Open Fronthaul CUS-Plane

5.10 CTI interface risk analysis

The CTI interface facilitates capacity reservation in the transport network that is used for the
Open Fronthaul CUS plane. This is meant to ensure sufficient resources are always available
to meet the high bandwidth and latency requirements of the Open Fronthaul CUS plane,
especially in the case of a transport network shared with other services. It is currently assumed
that reconfiguration of the network paths themselves (using the CTI interface) is not planned.
In this respect, attacks on or access to the CTI interface do not result in any violations of the
protection goals of confidentiality, integrity, accountability or privacy. It should be noted that
only a digital signature is currently provided as a safeguard for the CTI interface, and its exact
specification will only be defined in the future (“The full details of the CTI Signature will be
specified in a future version of this specification.”) [33] This makes it possible to ensure integrity
and accountability. Confidentiality, on the other hand, is not guaranteed. An attacker may thus
be able to obtain information about network management and related strategies by
eavesdropping on the CTI interface, which must be taken into account in particular with regard
to the “telco” stakeholder. It should be noted that the aforementioned digital signature is
optional. Furthermore, it is unclear how the mechanism is to function in concrete terms. A bit
is provided in the CTI header that signals whether a digital signature is being used. Since this
bit itself is not protected, it remains unclear whether the intended digital signature can actually
have a meaningful protective effect.
Since the availability of the 5G RAN (especially with regard to the Uu interface) is to be ensured
with the help of the CTI interface, availability attacks on the CTI interface itself enable
corresponding attacks on 5G RAN availability. In the worst case, “outsider” attackers are

assumed to pose a high risk to all stakeholders. The best-case scenario, meanwhile, may
indeed be somewhat better due to the digital signature. Since it is unclear whether the current
design of the digital signature can actually have a meaningful protective effect, a medium risk
is assumed – especially because attacks that suppress CTI messages are possible despite
the digital signature and the current specifications do not explicitly take into account a failure
of the CTI interface.

Perspective (stakeholder)
End user State Network operator
Protection goals Protection goals Protection goals
Attacker C I A Z P C I A Z P C I A Z P



Table 12: Risk assessment of the Cooperative Transport Interface

5.11 Risk analysis of other interfaces

In particular, the other interfaces include those used for accessing/downloading external
“enrichment information”, the AI/ML interfaces and the human-machine interface intended for
SMO. The exact design of these interfaces is largely unspecified at the moment.
With regard to access to enrichment information, it is envisaged that this should only take place
via secure connections. In any case, this interface and the AI/ML interface represent a security
risk in that untrusted providers of the associated information and data can influence
management and configuration decisions of rApps/xApps. At the very least, this makes an
impairment of availability possible. It is currently not assumed that a direct violation of the
protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and accountability is possible with regard to the
3GPP User Plane and Control Plane data.
However, it should be noted here that the data provided by potentially untrustworthy external
sources can also be cleverly generated to exploit possible security vulnerabilities (buffer
overflow, etc.) in the processing components (especially in the rApps/xApps) and thereby take
control of the affected components. The effects of this depend to a very large degree on the
component compromised, the rights it has and the extent to which an escalation of privileges
is possible. In principle, this can also result in a high risk for the other protection goals.
The human-machine interface is designed to enable a person to influence the SMO
components (e.g. in terms of their configuration). The concrete security risks associated with
this depend very much on the – currently essentially unspecified – possibilities offered by this
user interface. If, for example, it allows software updates to be applied to the various O-RAN
components, then it is possible in principle to compromise these O-RAN components, which
leads to security risks comparable to those stated in chapter 5.1 in terms of “RAN operator”

5.12 Risk analysis for rApps

According to the specification, the R1 interface should be the only interface available to rApps.
In this respect, the risk analysis for the R1 interface is an essential basis for the risk analysis
of rApps. The only point to note here is that the specifications generally speak of access
restrictions of individual rApps with regard to the R1 interface; how exactly this is to be
implemented, the associated rights and role concept and, in particular, how granular a possible
rights management system can be in restricting access to the R1 interface is currently unclear.
Besides the R1 interface, further threats arise from the fact that it can be assumed that a given
rApp will be executed in a common hardware/execution environment together with other rApps
and SMO functionalities. In the specifications at least, there is no indication that strict (physical)
separation is planned with regard to rApps. Insufficient separation and isolation thus represent
a possible vulnerability. This is especially true since one planned approach for implementing
rApps is to use container-based separation (for example, with the help of Kubernetes). It should
be noted that the original objective of separation using containers was not necessarily isolation
for security reasons, but rather to avoid dependencies on the runtime environment provided
by the operating system. This is why the separation mechanisms implemented and applied in
current container solutions are relatively weak. As a result, there is a danger that an rApp could
break out of isolation and thereby escalate the privileges granted to it.
From the “user” attacker perspective, it is conceivable to carry out parser attacks with the aim
of exerting influence on an rApp through cleverly manipulated user data; in extreme cases this
can lead to a compromise of the rApp. However, the data basis (in terms of message formats)
for a risk assessment is not available, which is why this is only pointed out here.
Furthermore, the specification does not specify the programming languages to be used for the
implementation of an rApp. In principle, this allows the use of rather “insecure” programming
languages such as C or C++, where the probability of vulnerabilities that can be exploited by
attacks (e.g. through buffer overflows) is significantly higher than with “secure” programming
languages such as Rust. Since the communication between rApps is an essential design
element of the overall architecture, a malicious rApp could exploit programming errors in other
rApps to gain control of a vulnerable rApp and then carry out malicious activities using the
privileges granted to that rApp.
In general, it should be noted that the risk analysis presented in the table only refers to the
rApps themselves and thus does not take into account attacks on the rApps or the RAN using
the rApp interfaces and other interfaces. Corresponding analyses can be found in the chapters
on the individual interfaces (especially in the chapter dealing with other interfaces). This
explains the low risk attributed to “user” and “outsider” attackers”, since these attackers have
to attack an interface in order to compromise an rApp or to introduce a compromised rApp into
the system.
In the case of an insider, on the other hand, it is assumed that the attacker has compromised
an rApp. Due to the non-existent or very limited O-RAN security mechanisms, there is no need
for a deeper distinction between the best and worst cases for O-RAN at this point. Incidentally,
the risk assessment is derived from the risk assessment of the R1 interface with regard to
“insider” attackers.

Perspective (stakeholder)
End user State Network operator
Protection goals Protection goals Protection goals
Attacker C I A Z P C I A Z P C I A Z P



Table 13: Risk assessment for rApps

5.13 Risk analysis for xApps

For the risk analysis for xApps, the same considerations apply as for rApps. The main
difference is that the xApps have access to the A1 and E2 interfaces. In this respect, the risk

analyses regarding these interfaces form the basis of the assessment. In addition, the xApps
are “closer” to the 3GPP interfaces (Xn, NG, X2, E1, F1) because the xApps are part of the
Central Unit (CU). Should an xApp succeed in breaking through the isolation mechanisms
(assuming these are in place), there is a more immediate danger of the 3GPP User Plane or
Control Plane data being accessed (in contrast to rApps14). Whether a higher security risk can
be derived from this in general compared to rApps depends on the future, more concrete
design of the respective frameworks and interfaces, since unlike xApps, rApps have the
“advantage” of being able to access the O1 and O2 interfaces. In the following, it is
conservatively assumed that both types of apps face the same risks with regard to the relevant
security objectives.

Perspective (stakeholder)
End user State Network operator
Protection goals Protection goals Protection goals
Attacker C I A Z P C I A Z P C I A Z P



Table 14: Risk assessment for xApps

5.14 Machine learning risk analysis

Machine learning is another essential design element of the O-RAN architecture. There are
different implementation variants regarding the training of the associated models. Some
variants provide for training within the O-RAN components, whereby external data is to be
accessed in addition to measured values that originate from the O-RAN components
In addition to the general uncertainties resulting from the use of machine learning (where
decisions are based on correlations, not causalities), from a security perspective there is the
particular problem that numerous attacks are known that negatively influence the trained model
with the help of manipulated input data. The result is a trained model that either generally
delivers incorrect results during inference (application of the model) or – and this can be the
greater risk for some use cases – delivers a correct result in almost all cases and only delivers
the incorrect result desired by the attacker in situations that can be determined by the attacker.
Based on the potential attacks described and the way in which machine learning is to be used
in O-RAN according to the current specification – which is still quite general and unspecific
with regard to machine learning – it is assumed that there is a medium risk to availability (i.e.
quality of service may be negatively affected). Depending on which parameters are specifically
included in the training of a model, legitimate RAN users always present a certain minimum
level of risk, adding to the risk already posed by outsiders.
From the operator's (telco's) point of view, another security risk is that the confidentiality of the
trained model itself may be compromised. The assumption here is that trained models
represent sensitive assets, i.e. they should not become known in the sense of a trade secret.
In the literature, there are corresponding “model stealing” attacks that can allow an attacker to
derive the parameters of the model or at least to (strongly) restrict their respective range of
values by means of clever queries or by manipulating the system either on the basis of the

14 The risk analysis of the O-RAN Alliance describes that both types of apps are equally capable of
violating the protection goals. However, it does not explain how the O-RAN Alliance arrived at this
assessment, which is why it is only mentioned here.
answers or generally on the basis of the reactions of the system. Whether such attacks can
actually be carried out successfully in the case of O-RAN depends to a large extent on the
concrete application scenario of a given model. Due to the current lack of clarity, a medium
risk for the telco is assumed here because even outsiders could carry out successful attacks,
and at minimum, (supposedly) legitimate RAN users certainly could as well.
Finally, the possibility of attacks on the confidentiality of User or Control Plane data should be
kept in mind if this data is used as input for the training of models. This is another area where
attack strategies are known from the literature that make it possible to use a trained model to
draw conclusions about the input used to train it. Whether this is possible, the consequences
it has in the case of O-RAN and which concrete security risks result from this cannot be
assessed meaningfully on the basis of the specifications currently available.
Overall, it should be noted that the attacks listed above must be taken into account in the
progressive specification of the use of machine learning in O-RAN in order to minimise the risk
of successful attacks whenever possible through appropriate design decisions regarding the
O-RAN architecture.

5.15 O-RAN risk analysis summary

The summary assessment of the overall security risks associated with the O-RAN architecture
is the result of the risks identified for the individual interfaces and components and their
aggregation according to the “per security” approach described in chapter 3.6. With regard to
insiders, it is assumed that an attacker has control over the CU, which gives them access to
the cryptographic keys used to secure the User Plane in 3GPP.
In the table below, some entries are marked with a “+”. This is to express that the authors are
quite sure that the assessments of the risk in question are correct, especially based on actual
attack scenarios.

Perspective (stakeholder)
End user State Network operator
Protection goals Protection goals Protection goals
Attacker C I A Z P C I A Z P C I A Z P
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Cloud + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
operator + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
RAN + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
operator + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Table 15: Summary assessment of the overall security risks associated with O-RAN

6 Summary and Outlook
The O-RAN specifications are currently not being developed according to the paradigm
“security/privacy by design/default”. It is therefore not surprising that the result is a system that
contains multiple security risks. The creation of the threat and risk analysis and the first attempt
made to define security mechanisms that should be applied offer the first signs that the O-RAN
Alliance could devote more attention to the topic of security in the future. The extent to which
this will actually happen remains to be seen. In any case, experience has shown that adding
security safeguards late in the process leads to either very high costs or insecure solutions –
or, in no shortage of cases, to both. The developments of the 3GPP standards are a good
example of this. The initial neglect of IT security has led to an insecure system. Attempts to
correct these errors in subsequent versions of the standard have involved a great deal of effort
and often lead to solutions that continue to be insecure, especially due to compatibility
requirements that must be observed. In fact, in the real-world operations of many public mobile
networks, the safety-critical legacy issues lead to uncertainties in modern 5G networks, as
well. It is important to prevent a development like this with O-RAN. The O-RAN specifications
should therefore be revised with a much stronger security focus before the first productive
applications of O-RAN take place.
With regard to the feasibility of security solutions for risk minimisation, it is currently estimated
that there are a large number of known security safeguards that can be implemented without
great effort and expense to effectively counter individual threats. However, it is also estimated
that in order to reduce some security risks, some – possibly even considerable – effort is
required to adapt the specifications and implement the corresponding security safeguards.
The following chapter includes some suggestions for risk minimisation.

6.1 Recommendations
6.1.1 3GPP
As an implementation of a 3GPP RAN, O-RAN benefits directly from security improvements to
the 3GPP standards. On the one hand, it bears mentioning that the many optional security
mechanisms should be made mandatory. In addition, end-to-end security between UE and the
5G core should be introduced for the User Plane data in a manner similar to the provisions of
the Control Plane data. In general, the 3GPP standards should also be developed more
strongly according to the paradigm “security/privacy by design/default”, in particular by leaving
behind the current perimeter security model in favour of the principles of multilateral security15
(i.e. with minimal trust assumptions regarding all stakeholders and components). This could
greatly reduce the security risks currently posed by a compromised RAN or an untrusted RAN
operator, or by untrusted RAN components.

In summary, this study offers the following proposals:

 Mandatory implementation of currently optional security safeguards
 End-to-end security of User Plane data between UE and the 5G core
 Stronger consideration of the paradigm “security/privacy by design/default”
 Consideration of the principles of multilateral security
6.1.2 O-RAN
One of the most important measures to reduce O-RAN security risks is a serious
implementation of the paradigm “security/privacy by design/default”, taking into account the
principles of multilateral security. The O-RAN specification development processes should be
adapted accordingly – for example, by involving security experts in the development of the

15 This concept is also known by the misleading marketing term “zero trust”.
standards and making security considerations and assessments a mandatory part of each
specification, as is the case with IETF RFCs (for instance) [60], [61].
Security safeguards that are currently only optional should be made mandatory. At the same
time, support for outdated security protocols or cryptographic algorithms that are considered
insecure should be explicitly excluded. In particular, clear and unambiguous formulations
regarding the mandatory application of the security safeguards must be included in the
standards. Their mere mention is not sufficient here. The specification for the O1-O-DU
interface, for example, shows that improvements are possible.
When selecting security protocols, care should be taken to ensure that these protocols
themselves include as few new threats and security risks as possible. For example, instead of
using SSH, it is better to use TLS for transport security. It should also be taken into account
that data (including programmes) needs to be secured not only during transmission (“in
transit”), but also “at rest”, i.e. during persistent storage. At minimum, the protection goals of
confidentiality, integrity, accountability and availability should be met.
In addition, a clear rights and roles concept should be implemented for all interfaces and
rApps/xApps. The usual security principles (least privilege, need to know, etc.) should also be
implemented here. The prerequisite for this is that the interfaces (O2, R1, etc.) are specified
as concretely as possible and the basic security mechanisms enable access control that is as
fine granular as possible. This also applies in particular to interfaces that currently only play a
marginal role, such as those for enrichment information or human-machine interaction. In this
context, interfaces that are currently not secured, such as the Open Fronthaul CUS interface,
should also be secured. Furthermore, the interfaces should be designed to offer as little attack
surface as possible by design. In particular, availability attacks on the interfaces should be
taken into account, since negative effects cannot be prevented here simply by applying
transport security. The protocols and the overall system should therefore be designed to limit
the harmful effects of availability attacks on the interfaces. In addition to restricting functions
to those that are actually necessary, this concerns design decisions that influence the number
of open ports, for example. In order to have a solution that is as easy to configure and monitor
as possible from a security management perspective, there should be as few service access
points as possible.
Regarding xApps/rApps, a concept of strong separation and isolation should be implemented
so that if one xApp/rApp is compromised, it does not result in other O-RAN components or
other apps being compromised. The communication between the apps should also be secured
from end to end, and there should be app specifications or implementation guidelines. These
should prescribe the use of secure programming languages, for example.
Special attention should be paid to securing the O-Cloud, i.e. the underlying cloud
infrastructure. In this regard, measures should be implemented that enable the highest
possible level of security, even in the case of untrustworthy cloud operators. In particular, the
assumption that cloud operators are trustworthy should be avoided. This also includes the
consideration of potentially compromising components of cloud infrastructure. On the one
hand, the O-RAN architecture should thus be (re)designed to minimise negative effects as
much as possible. On the other, specifications in the sense of security requirements should be
made for the components of cloud infrastructure. The extent to which current standard cloud
solutions (such as containers) and their implementations (e.g. Kubernetes) meet the security
requirements in principle should also be evaluated. The extent to which Trusted Execution
Environments (TEEs) are suitable for enabling secure O-RAN operation even in the case of
untrusted clouds should be investigated, and the use of TEEs should be made mandatory if
The risk and security analysis presented here has shown that the combination of the 3GPP
standards and the O-RAN specifications results in a complexity that no longer makes a reliable
assessment possible simply by “taking a closer look”. Formal verification of the specifications
(and ideally of related implementations, as well) should therefore be relied on as an essential
element in the development of secure systems. This should also be done in the case of O-RAN.
In order to avoid an excessive amount of resulting effort for formal verification, it makes sense
to first determine the amount of critical minimum functionality and use this as a basis for
deriving the minimum functionality necessary for implementation, which in turn will determine
the minimum trustworthy components required. These should then be subjected to formal
verification. In doing so, the system as a whole should be designed to support the inclusion of
untrusted components in the minimum system if required without jeopardising the secure
operation of its minimum functionality. This procedure can thus be compared, for example, to
the concepts of a microkernel-based execution environment (operating system, etc.). This is
another case where potentially untrustworthy software components can be integrated without
affecting one's ability to make determinations or guarantees with regard to security. Overall, a
more formal approach can identify security risks that are typically not discovered by a “sharp
eye” alone due to the complexity of the specifications.

In summary, the following recommendations can be made:

 Implement security/privacy by design/default
 Actually implement “zero trust” / multilateral security
 Require security that is currently optional at the transport layer
 Use clear wording and avoid ambiguity in clarifying the mandatory use of security
 Replace SSH2 with TLS
 Prohibit outdated protocols and insecure cryptographic algorithms
 Secure files “at rest” (encryption, integrity protection)
 Define a clear rights/role concept regarding interfaces and services
o Especially for the R1 and E2 interfaces (rApps, xApps)
 Clearly specify the O2 interface (cloud management)
 Clearly specify the R1 interface
 Secure the Open Fronthaul CUS interface
 Limit the impact of DoS on interfaces
 Implement firewall-friendly design
o Minimise access points and server endpoints
 Specify security of connections to external data sources
 Clearly specify a separation concept for xApps/rApps, at least with regard to related
 Secure communication between rApps
 Ensure xApps/rApps use secure programming languages (Rust, etc.)
 Provide for security safeguards (TEEs, etc.) to protect against untrustworthy cloud
 Prescribe security mechanisms with regard to O-Cloud, making user authentication in
particular mandatory
 Prepare (and, ideally, implement) formal verifiability

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[52] Red Hat, ‘State of Kubernetes Security Report’, E-book, Jun. 2021. Accessed: Jul. 27,
2021. [Online]. Available:
[53] O-RAN ALLIANCE e.V., ‘ORAN O1 Interface specification for O-DU’, ORAN Open
F1/W1/E1/X2/Xn interface Workgroup, V02.00, Technical Specification
O-RAN.WG5.MP.0-v02.00, Aug. 2021.
[54] M. Wasserman, ‘Using the NETCONF Protocol over Secure Shell (SSH)’, IETF,
Proposed Standard RFC 6242, Jun. 2011.
[55] O-RAN ALLIANCE e.V., ‘Security Protocols Specifications’, O-RAN SFG: Security Focus
Group, V02.00.06, Technical Specification O-RAN.SFG.Security-Protocols-
Specifications-v02.00, Jul. 2021.
[56] M. Badra, A. Luchuk, and J. Schoenwaelder, ‘Using the NETCONF Protocol over
Transport Layer Security (TLS) with Mutual X.509 Authentication’, IETF, Proposed
Standard RFC 7589, Jun. 2015.
[57] O-RAN ALLIANCE e.V., ‘A1 interface: Transport Protocol’, O-RAN WG2: Non-real-time
RAN Intelligent Controller and A1 Interface Workgroup, V01.01, Technical Specification
O-RAN.WG2.A1TP-v01.01, Mar. 2021.
[58] O-RAN ALLIANCE e.V., ‘Non-RT RIC & A1 Interface: Use Cases and Requirements’,
O-RAN WG2: Non-real-time RAN Intelligent Controller and A1 Interface Workgroup,
V04.00.03, Technical Specification O-RAN.WG2.Use-Case-Requirements-v04.00.03,
Jul. 2021.
[59] O-RAN ALLIANCE e.V., ‘RAN Function Network Interface (NI)’, O-RAN WG3: Near-real-
time RIC and E2 Interface Workgroup, V01.00.00, Technical Specification ORAN-
WG3.E2SM-NI-v01.00.00, Jan. 2020.
[60] H. Flanagan and S. Ginoza, ‘RFC Style Guide’, IAB, Informational RFC 7997, Sep. 2014.
[61] E. Rescorla and B. Korver, ‘Guidelines for Writing RFC Text on Security Considerations’,
Network Working Group, Best Current Practice RFC 3552 / BCP 72, Jul. 2003.
[62] 3GPP, ‘Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) specification’, 3GPP, V16.3.0,
Technical Specification TS 38.323, Mar. 2021.
[63] 3GPP, ‘Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for 5G System (5GS)’, 3GPP, V17.3.1,
Technical Specification TS 24.501, Jun. 2021.

8 List of Abbreviations

3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project

5G 5th Generation
5G SD-RAN 5G Software-Defined Radio Access Network
5GC 5G core
5GMM 5GS Mobility Management
5GS 5G system
5GSM 5G session management
AI Artificial intelligence
AMF Access and Mobility Management Function
API Application programming interface
CapEx Capital expenditure
CLA Contributor License Agreement
CN Core network
COTS Commercial (or components) off-the-shelf
CP Control Plane
CTI Cooperative Transport Interface
CU Centralized Unit
CU-CP Centralized Unit Control Plane
CUPS Control and User Plane Separation
CUS-Plane Control, User, Synchronisation Plane
CU-UP Centralized Unit User Plane
DMS Deployment management services
DSS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing
DU Distributed Unit
E2E End-to-end
E2SM E2 Service Model
eCPRI Enhanced Common Public Radio Interface
EDGE Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution
EI Enrichment information
eNB Evolved Node B
EPC Evolved Packet Core
E-UTRA Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access
FCAPS Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security
FH Fronthaul
FM Fault management
FOCOM Federated O-Cloud Orchestration and Management
GERAN GSM EDGE Radio Access Network
gNB Next Generation Node B
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
GTP-U GPRS Tunneling Protocol - User
HF High-frequency
HW Hardware
ID Identifier
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IMS Infrastructure management services
IP Internet Protocol
ISO International Organization for Standardization
JWI Joint work item
KPI Key performance indicator
L1/L2/L3 Layers 1/2/3 in the OSI model
LTE Long-Term Evolution
MAC Medium Access Control
MDT Minimisation of Drive Test
ME Managed Element
MIMO Multiple Input/Multiple Output
ML Machine learning
MLB Mobility load balancing
mMIMO Massive MIMO
MnS Management Service
MOCN Multi-Operator Core Network
MOI Managed Object Instance
MORAN Multi-Operator Radio Access Network
M-Plane Management Plane
MSP Managed service provider
NAS Non-Access Stratum
NAS-MM NAS Mobility Management
Near-RT RIC Near-real-time RAN Intelligent Controller
NETCONF Network Configuration Protocol
NF Network Function
NFO Network Function Orchestrator
NG-AP Next Generation Application Protocol
ng-eNB Next Generation Evolved Node B
NG-RAN Next Generation RAN
Non-RT RIC Non-real-time RAN Intelligent Controller
NR New Radio
NSA Non-standalone
NSSI Network Slice Subnet Instance
OAM Operation, administration and maintenance
O-Cloud O-RAN Cloud
O-CU O-RAN Centralized Unit
O-CU-CP O-RAN Centralized Unit Control Plane
O-CU-UP O-RAN Centralized Unit User Plane
O-DU O-RAN Distributed Unit
O-eNB O-RAN Evolved Node B
ONAP Open Network Automation Platform
ONF Open Network Foundation
Open FH Open Fronthaul
OpEx Operational expenditure
O-RU O-RAN Radio Unit
OSA OpenAirInterface Software Alliance
OSC O-RAN Software Community
OSS Operations Support System

PDCP Packet Data Convergence Protocol
PDCP-C Packet Data Convergence Protocol - Control
PDCP-U Packet Data Convergence Protocol - User
PDU Packet Data Unit
PHY Physical Layer
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network
PM Performance management
PNF Physical Network Function
PRACH Packet Random Access Channel
PRB Physical Resource Block
PTP Precision Time Protocol
QoE Quality of experience
QoS Quality of service
RAN Radio Access Network
RCEF RRC Connection Establishment Failure
RIA RAN Intelligence and Automation
RIC RAN Intelligent Controller
RLC Radio Link Control
RLF Radio Link Failure
RRC Radio Resource Control
RRM Radio Resource Management
RRU Remote Radio Unit
RSAC Requirements and Software Architecture Committee
RT Real-time
RU Radio Unit
SA Standalone
SBI Service-based interface
SCTP Stream Control Transmission Protocol
SDAP Service Data Adaptation Protocol
SD-RAN Software-Defined Radio Access Network
SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol
SI System integrator
SLA Service level agreement
SMF Session Management Function
SMO Service Management and Orchestration
SON Self-organizing network
SSH Secure Shell
SUCI Subscription Concealed Identifier
SW Software
SyncE Synchronous Ethernet
TC Transport Control
TDD Time Division Duplex
TEID Tunnel endpoint ID
TIM Telecom Italia Mobile
TIP Telecom Infra Project
TLS Transport Layer Security
TM Transport Management
TN Transport Node

TOC Technical Oversight Committee
T-PDU Transport Packet Data Unit
TU Transport Unit
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UE User equipment
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
UPF User Plane Function
V2X Vehicle-to-Everything
vCU Virtual Centralized Unit
vDU Virtual Distributed Unit
VM Virtual machine
VNF Virtual Network Function
vRAN Virtual Radio Access Network
WG Working Group (of the O-RAN Alliance)
YANG Yet Another Next Generation

Appendix A: 3GPP 5G RAN Risk Analysis
The following summary of a risk analysis for a standardised RAN based on 3GPP is the result
of an evaluation of relevant 3GPP standards and the inclusion of existing threat and risk
analyses, as well as of potential attacks known from the related scientific literature. An
understanding of the security risks inherent in RANs and potential countermeasures is
essential to better assess and understand the risks associated with O-RAN as a concrete RAN
According to [62], [16], the User Plane data of the Uu interface is secured within the PDCP
layer. Both symmetric encryption and symmetric integrity assurance (message authentication
codes) are used. Due to the symmetric integrity protection, fulfilling the protection goal of
accountability is not possible. The symmetric keys used here are known to the gNB. There is
therefore no end-to-end security between UE and the 5G core. The transmission of User Plane
data between the gNB and the 5G core via the NG-U interface is secured with the help of
IPSec. Overall, it should be noted that securing both the Uu and the NG-U interface is optional:
“Confidentiality protection of user data between the UE and the gNB is optional to use. […]
Integrity protection of the user data between the UE and the gNB is optional to use, and shall
not use NIA0.” [16].
Whether security should be implemented is specified in the 5G core, specifically by the locally
responsible SMF. In the best-case scenario, it is assumed that the security mechanisms are
activated; in the worst case, it is assumed that the User Plane data is transmitted unsecured.
Similar to the User Plane, security safeguards are also provided in principle for the Control
Plane [62], [16], [63] – although the security safeguards regarding confidentiality are only
optional for the Control Plane: “Confidentiality protection NAS-signalling is optional to use.”
[16] The integrity of the Control Plane data, on the other hand, is mandatory: “All NAS signalling
messages except those explicitly listed in TS 24.501 [63] as exceptions shall be integrity-
protected with an algorithm different to NIA-0 except for emergency calls.” [16] The cases listed
in [63] are as follows:
a) for an unauthenticated UE for which establishment of emergency services is allowed;
b) for an W-AGF acting on behalf of an FN-RG; and
c) for a W-AGF acting on behalf of an N5GC device. [63]
This means that the edge cases in which no integrity assurance takes place are both well
defined and truly marginal (for example, emergency calls). A significant difference compared
to the transmission of the User Plane data is that the messages of the Control Plane are
transmitted with end-to-end security (with regard to UE and the 5G core). This reduces
corresponding risks posed to the protection goals of confidentiality and integrity by the 5G
“Cloud operator” attackers are not taken into account in the risk analyses, as the 3GPP
specification does not make any concrete specifications for the implementation of a 5G RAN.
A cloud-based solution can thus be used here, as can a cloud-free, monolithic implementation.
With regard to the following analyses, it should be noted that overall, they represent the “best
case” from a security perspective, as not all possible attack scenarios could be analysed in
depth due to time constraints. The unanswered questions here include:
 Can a RAN influence the security mechanisms chosen for Control Plane protection and
potentially result in successful attacks by a malicious RAN despite the end-to-end
security provided?
 What risk arises from the lawful interception interfaces?

Worst case: Based on the statements made above, the worst case is that no security
safeguards (except integrity protection with regard to the Control Plane) have been
implemented. As a result, an “outsider” attacker poses a high risk of violating the protection
goals of confidentiality, integrity, accountability and availability from the “user” perspective. The
same applies to the perspective of the network operator. Due to the high risk for these two
stakeholders, a high risk is also assumed for the “state” stakeholder. Integrity is the only
exception here, which is why the risk is assessed as low.
Best case: In the best case, the situation improves through the application of the planned
security safeguards. For “outsider” attackers and all stakeholder perspectives, a low risk of a
breach of the protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and accountability is assumed. With
regard to “user” attackers, the only difference is that the risk of violations of the protection goal
of accountability is assessed as medium, since a user can generate “valid” messages that
make it impossible for third parties to determine whether they originate from the user or from
the RAN. With regard to the protection goal of availability, a medium risk is assumed for both
“outsider” and “user” attackers. The literature here outlines potential attacks based on a “user”
attacker gaining control of a large number of (IoT) devices connected to a 5G RAN and using
them for a distributed availability attack (DDoS) on the 5G RAN. With regard to “outsider”
attackers, there are indications in the literature that Uu interface transmissions can be severely
impaired by the intelligent broadcasting of radio signals (jamming attacks). Both the User Plane
and the Control Plane are affected by availability attacks. It is therefore assumed that both a
5G user and the 5G network operator can be affected, which consequently implies a medium
risk for the stakeholder “state”.
With regard to “RAN operator” attackers, a high risk is also assumed in the best-case scenario
for the user perspective, since the keys for securing confidentiality and integrity are known to
the RAN and these security safeguards therefore do not protect against a malicious RAN
operator. The 3GPP standard should be revised so that end-to-end security between UE and
the 5G core is also possible for the transmission of User Plane data. With regard to the
“network operator” stakeholder, the assessment of the situation is somewhat better, since at
least the Control Plane messages are secured from end to end. For all stakeholders, there is
a high risk with regard to availability, as the functional and orderly RAN operation is crucial for
the availability of a 5G network.
The risk posed by an insider (i.e. a compromised component) is assessed similarly to the risk
regarding an untrusted RAN operator. If the attacker has access to the 5G RAN component
that manages the keys for securing communications, the insider can also successfully attack
the protection goals of confidentiality, integrity and accountability with regard to User Plane
data. At the same time, the attacker can incidentally restrict availability by applying or making
available false keys for decryption.
For the protection goal of privacy, a low risk was assumed with regard to “outsider” and “user”
attackers, since a series of measures are provided by 3GPP to prevent UE tracking. It should
be noted here that attacks using wireless fingerprinting of UE were not taken into account. If
this type of attack is taken into account, a medium risk can be assumed. The privacy risk in
the case of “insider” and “RAN operator” attackers cannot be reliably assessed. The potential
attacks are mentioned in the literature, but extensive further analyses are needed to arrive at
a well-founded assessment.

Perspective (stakeholder)
End user State Network operator
Protection goals Protection goals Protection goals
Attacker C I A Z P C I A Z P C I A Z P




Table 16: Risk assessment of the 3GPP 5G RAN


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