Fungi Jammu, Kashmir: G.N. Qasba and A.M. Shah

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Prof. A. Ahmad


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@ Publishers. 1991.
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ISBN 81-7136-027-0
Published by M.P.Singh for Periodical Experts Book Agency

Compurerised By : Cautam Computers (The D.T.P.People)

62713-A/1, Patel Street Vishwas Nagar
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Printed at Jawahar Offset Press Delhi.
Fungi and men exist in an interesting love-hate association as
friends and as foes. Any information on these curious creatures of
evolution is boundto be important. In Jammu & Kashmir, fungi have
evolved under diverse macro and micro climatic situations and
have a vital relevanceto allpursuits of sustenance. The compilation
of information on fungal flda of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh is
ther~fnroa timolv and commendable job done by Dr. G.N. Qasba
and DR. A.M. Snah. The good effort of the authors is sure to win
them the admiration of scientists' communtty. I hope that the book
will be an useful aid as reference materialto students, teachers and
researchers. It is expected that the authors will continue to update
the compilation from time to time.

Camp Office, Jammu
April 12, 1990

Sher-i-Kashmir Universtty of
Agricuttural Sciences and Technology, Camp Office, Jammu
February 12, 1991.

1. List of Hosts and Substrata

2. Host Index
3. References
4, Important Periodicals
5, Glcssary
The Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh represent an interest-
ing and diverse habitat of rich and heterogenous life forms.
These three regions surrounded by North Western
Himalayas in Jammu and Kashmir form a transition region of
diverse physical features as well. On the basis of altitude
(ranges betyeen 215-7012 metres above mean sea level)
and climate, the entire region is represented by four zones,
i.e., subtropical zone (Jammu region), Intermediate zone
(Poonch, Rajouri & Doda), temperate zone (Kashmir valley)
and cold arid zone (Kargil, Leh and Gilgat)
Fungl of Jammu, Kashmlr & Ladakh
The book includes list of fungal species (in alphabetical
order) recorded from time to time from Jammu, Kashmir and
Ladakh regions mostly on plant species growing under nature
(wild) and manmade habitats (Agriculture, Horticultural and
Floriculture). The most of the fungal species reported in the
book cause diseases of varying incidence, besides quite a
good number of these live as Saprobes or in Symbiosis r with
other plant species. The information on fungi recorded from
Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh was scattered in various scien-
tific journals, books and other reference materials (most of
which are out of print). The authors have attempted to present
this voluminous and useful information under one cover. The
book presents following sections:
Section I List of fungal species in alphabetical order, with
brief texonomic information (i.e. class, order and
family). Besides information is also provided with
regard to hostlhabitat and place of occurrence
along with reference number which could lead the
reader to originalldethiled publication (Ref. Sec-
tion Ill).
Section I1 Presents the hostlhabitat index.
Section Ill Detailed references, referred in the Section 1, with
a particular number against a given fungal
Section IV Brief description of Technical terms used in study of
fungilplant patholoqy (Glossary)
Section V List of important Journals (Mycologylplant patho-
The information contained in this book would be useful to
experts in Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture and Forestry
in particular to mymlogists and plant pathologists. Authors
would welcome suggestions and criticism for improvement in
the future editions of the book.
List of hosts and substrata

1. Achorion Renlak., Deutro., Moniliales.

.4. uctorii Dcy and hlaplestone, Skin of Man, Kashn~ir."
A. seltoer~lcirli(Leb.) Rernak. Skin uC Man, Kashmir. '"
a. Acrodictys Ellis, Deutro., hloniliales
A. dcrvtissi Ellis, Dead herbaceous stem, Kangan,
~ a s h n i i r . ' ~. '
3. Aecdium pers. Basidio, Uredinales
.4., ir?frcquats Berclay. Leaves ol (;cranium nepalcsis,
Harwan, ~ i i s h ~ i ~ i r . " )
A. rltortturiilrll Butler. Bcrheris sp., Kashmir; B. zobelinrlu,
Ciilgat Road, Kashmir. 'O
A. rl~yriactidis(Berclay) Syd. Leaves oC Myicanis r~epulcrtsis
Harwan, ~ashirnr.'"
A. r a r t u r : c l u c e e ~ DC.
~ R(irti~rtc~i1us
Itlrielkts, Deosai plains,
Kashmir. 40
A. .str~.cwtiar;ur?~Ciunrnins. ficvucl~'lrrll car~dicurl.~,ncal-
Taubat. Gstienganga Valley, Kashmir. 4u
4. Agricus L. ex. Fr., Basidio. Agricales
1 1'1
A. curl;l)c.sti.s 1,. ex. Fr. soil, .i:~nimu
5.Albugo Yers. ex. S.F. G ~ ~ s y , Phyco.,
A. hlrti (Biv) K111lrz(C)l>iopii.sI~i'ili(Biv) dc Eas). Lcavi.5 01
hlitlult. Kashnlir ''
A cartdidu (pcl-s.) Kuntz ( = (jlslc)l)lis ca1rtiit1ii.v (Pcrs.) ~ ~ c v . ' ' ~
Leaves and Stems ol Brussicn corl!l~csf~isL.. ~asli~nil-.'.'
Erzrca sufica Afill., Sririogur: ''
A. il~ornoeac-yarrdrrr.atac (Schw.) Swinglz. 152 lyorlzoca
ericaryo Achabal, I. hc~lcrrrcca,Janimu. 118
A. po!ntlaccre (DC) Kunll., ( = C:)'stol>lr.~ po~ullucc (DC) .
Lev. '?). L,e;l~cof Pornrlocu olerucea, Srinagar.
A. trugopogor~is(DC). S.F. (;ray "'( = C j ~ ~ p ltrugol~o,qo/~i.\
(Pers.) Schroct 22. Leavcs ol' Sel~wnilayallida DC. Harwa~i.
o. Alternaria Nces ex. Wallr., Deutro., Moniliales
A. ~ l t c r ; ~ (Fr.)
~ ~ a Keisslcr
~a ( = Aller71ariu. tenriis Neeh) on
DLIIIOU innoxia .lammu." O n Fago11yl.lrr7t tala~icurliCiacrLn,
.I an1I l l 11.
A. cartltunli (Chowdhury 31). leaves ol' C U I ~ I ~ I ~ U I ~ ~
tinctonru., Srinagar. 15
A. crassa ( Sacc) Rands Datlrra lltelul L. Jammu.
A. ellissii Pandotra & Ganguly. Leaves of J~r.v~lirllirll
auriarkuhrrn, .lammu. I I3
A eriobotryrre seche~.,Living leaves of Eliobor~yuj(ipor1ii:tr
A rudieit~ri Meyer, Drechstcr and Eddy. Seeds of Dncus
carota, Jammu.
A. solarli (Ellis & Mart.) Leaves of So1anu111hrberusli~l:L.
Burzalla, Kashmir. 12 srinagar7'. Living leaves of
Hyoscramus niger L. Burzulla, ~ a s h m i r . ' ~
A. rertlris Auct. O n fruit of Pear and T o m a ~ o ,~rinagal.,'~".
leaves and buds of Rouwo!fia selper~lirluBcnth. & Kurl~r.,
Jammu 49; Seeds of Duclls cul.oru, .lammu. ""
(Nces ex Fr.). Wiltshire, Lcavcs ol' A L I I ) ~ ~ ( I
A. ter~~rissir~~u
hellodor~u. L., Yarikah- Kashmir and amm mu."'. Living
leaves of Datwv slrwllol~illnl L., .lamn~u.~'Living Icuvcs ol'
Moms delichos Luhlab L., amm mu.,"^. Living leavcs of
Monrs alba, ~ a n i n ~ u . "Living
~. leaves of Poptluriu L I N E I I I ~ U
(Forsk) Chior. Jammu. "
Altentana s p p . Leaves of Dutliru irrosiu Mill., .lammu c\;r
Kashmir. 'lY.'"seeds of Anethunl graveoleos L., .lammu. 50
7. Amohinema Karst., Basidio., Polyporales.
A. byssoidcs (pers. cx. Fr.) .I. Erikss. On ('e~11lr.vtlco~11.u
Loud., Gulmarg.
8. Ascochyta Lib., Deutro., Sphacropsidales
A. ufrqwc Bres. Living leavcs of A1n)pn uclrr11ir1cr~rr
ex Lindly.. Yarikah. Kashmir. "'
A. colcb~ookiucPandotra Sr Ganguly. On living 1c;ivch ol'
Sm. Riirsi, Jammu. ID
Colcbrookicr c~l~o.sif~(.~liu
A. gossjpii Syd. Leaves ol' Goss~pi~itii
sp., Kashmir. I"'

A. perg~ilal.iuc Yandolra and Sasstry I C ~ I V ~of

S Pe1;5plu1.1n
pullida W. & A., .Ja~nmu.
Secc. Leaves of P l ~ u s e o l i ~ vi~lgu~is,
A. ~~huseolo~ziril .~
Kashmir. I")
A. surllblici Pandotra and Sasslry Leaves of S u ~ ~ r h i r c r l ~
eblikis, L. Phalgam Knshmir 12"
9. Asgergillus spp. Asco. Seeds of Anetllunl
qravedolim L., Jammu. (IZ

10. Asterostrorna Massee., Besidio., Agaricales

A. 1i~~isicoli~ti1(Berk. & Currrl. ) Masseec. O n a logs ol
Abies ~ i ~ ~ d r Rhadarwah,
ow, .lammu I w
11. Auricularia Bull. ex Merat, Basidio.,
A , auricula (Hook.) on trunks etc., Sonrrmarg. Kashmir.
A, li~eserttrico(Dus.) Fr. Dead branches of Tcc~otirr~ t ' u t ~ d i s ,
Phalagam Kashmir ""
12. Auriscalopiuni Gray., Basidio., Aphyllophorales.
A. r)iilgufifl.F. Gray, Moist female cone o f P i t l ~ i . ~
wullicllinr~u,Sansar Kashmir lM
13. Bipolaris Shoern. Deutro., Monilirrles.
B. sl?iciJi!~i'lrr (Bain.) Subrram. On living leaves of Jliglu~tu
rcgia L. Sri~iagar.
14. Bovita Pers., Besides., 1,ycoperdales.
B. lycopcrtlioidcs (Cookc Pcrs ( = Bo~~i.siel/(iIv~.o/~c~virles
(Cookc) L.
Sclerode~~iiuc.ookc!i d c 'I'oni 72 O n moss, Soll;rrn;rrg.
Kashniir '.''
13. Bremia Rega I, Phyco., Personosl)orales.
B. 1ac.rirccrc' Regal ( = R1.011lirrg~irrglio~ri/;)l'~iti.~
(Cirsl)) S h i r \ ~
Flrrlgi qf Jiin~rtrlr,Kashlllir and Lahkll

leavcs of So~rchlrs olerl~cel,s L. Cliakrohi, Jammu. 22;

Lachrctr scnriolu Kashniir.
16. Caloscypha Boud., Asco., Pezizales.
C'. jiilgcrls (Pers., ex. Fr. ) Bound. Hun~icolous soil in
Coniferous torest. Kokiirn;ig, Anantnag, Pl~nlgam.~ a s h n i i ~ . ' ~ '
17. Calvatia Fr. Basidio., Lycoperdales.
C. gigallfeu ( B ~ L s c ~ex. pers) Llyod ( = LyCol~er.r!o~l
gigantlrnl Batsch. ex Pcrs. 22) On ground Sonarnarg
C saccul~(Va!il ex Fr.) Worg. ( = Lycopcrtlon S ~ I C C ~ L L I I ~ ~
Vahl 22). Grcbund Baramula Kashmir. '
18. Comarosporium Schuiz., lieu t ro.,
L. cliroricre W hcmcyer. Eriritiu ceraroidos ('.A. Mi~y.
kashmir. I"'
19. Capnodium Mont., Asco., Dothidiales.
C. pirli Berk. LECurt. Pitllrs c~celstr.22
20. Cercospora Fres. Deutro., Moniliales.
C. tryii Fr. var Curorne Pass. ledvcs or' Dalrc~is ca,.ota
Srinagar. Kinhmir. 'I"
C 1)arleri~olrrPayak ant1 Thirum. Lciivcs ol' Batic~iucri.~tr.wr
L. .larnm11 124
C. cololropitiis Ell. cYc Ev. Lcaves ol' (:Ll/ou.ol~isgigurltctr K.
Br., lammu. 12.3
C. ccrllesccrrs Ell. "G PrMirl. L.cavcs oi Ocirlzrirlr 11u.cilic~ir~r
C'. cardi111irlcs.Losa Espano. Leavca of C'NIYIUIIIIIIC~ I I I ~ I U ~ ~ ~ I ~ S ,
Srinagar, ~ a s h m i r . ' ~ '
C. cnvurue Silcc., P . L! D. Leaves o l C;l)~c,yr.r~l~izu
~ a r n m ~ ~ . ~
C. currorta Si~cc.L.caves of Plluseohrs IIlrirlgo var. r~diuhrsL.,
Gilgat, Kashmir.'"'
C. cryj~tolepidh Paqdotrrr. Living lcaves ob Ciyoplolcpi~
b ~ i c h ~ i tRoen.
~ ~ l i Sal;~l,~as1irnir.l~~'
C. diic/~cor.c!aeEllis sncl Mart. Leavcs of Dioscorcu spp.
Harwar?, Kasi~rnirlGl; of D. delbidca Wall, Pulwama,
C erlrodi Pandotra and Sastry. Leaves f PodoyliyliNu~r~
enlodi, Srinagar, K a s l ~ m i r . ~
C. fagopvbri Chupp. and Muller. Leaves of Fugo~~yr~irir
escrtlar1hir;i Moench, .la~nmu.'"
C. foerziciili Magn. Leaves, peduncles and stenis 01'
Foe~iicltlriritvulgare Mill, Harwan, ~ a s h n i i r . ' ~ ~
C Jiirfiirellu Speg. Leave of Bon;~aaviudij@su L., J a ~ n i n u12*
C.lrarniltortiac Munjal, Lal and Chelia. Leaves ot Haririlfortia
suuveolerts Roxb., am mu.^'
C. holrlrukioldiae Lall arid Gill. Living leaves o f '
Holri?skioldia s~rtyliirreaRetz. ~amrnu.""
C. lurltner~.sis Pandotrir. L,ea\es c,C Pol~tilus rtigt'rr L.,
amm mu.'^'
C Jtrsririr~icolu Muellcr & Chupp. Leaves of .lusr~~irrl~~tl
officiriale L., ~ a n i r i i i ~ . ' ~
C. krzibiulrti Muller i ~ n dChupp. Leaves of Buch~ireriurrivca
Gaud., ~ a n 1 r n u . l ~
C. podoyliylli Tclion and Daniels. Living leaves oi
oitodi Wall. Yarikhah, Tangmarg, ~aslimir.""
C. y~rrrjaber~sis Syd. Leaves of Va!lt~ris hevtrci, ~a~iimtl."'
C. rosicolu Pass. Leaves of Rostr spp., Srinagar, K;rshniir. 9
C: rzibi Sacc. Lerives of Ri~hlisspp., Vcrinag, ~ a s h m i r . ' " '
C. rzibrorirrcta Eill cYr Ev. Lcavcs ol' Przinus urii~~dullis Ba~ll.,
P. avilirlr L. (Sv!ecl C:licrry), ~ashmir.'"
C. .scrperrrii~trFantlo~raand Hussain. Lcaves of Ru[iwolJi(r
s r I ~ C ~ I ~ ~He~illl..
I I N .li~rnmu,"~
C .snriluci.r Thucm., Lcavcs of SIIIIIU~V trsl> L., Sal,~l,
C. stacl~yrarpltetae Ell & EV. Leaves of Sfacl~vrut~~l~crti
Jnr~tuicrrtiis Vah., . l a n ~ n ~ u . ' ~
123. 124
C. siibsessilis Syd. Leaves of Mclia a~vudirack,Jammu.
C tetrasfigl~riris Pandotra and Gangully. Leaves ol'
Tcrasiigtltu sulcntui~rGamble., am mu.'^'
C. fQ~osl>oraeH. S( P . Syd. Leaves of Titlospor~~
Miers. jam mi^.'^
C violae Sacc. Leaves of Viola pattiinti Ging., Phalgam;
C i:iticolu (Ces.) Sacc, Leavcs of pitis virtejcrcr, Achabal,
C. wifltartiae H . & P. Syd. Leaves of Widtuttiu sotltilteji!l.a
Dunal, ~ a ~ n m u . l ~ ~
21. Chrysposporium Corda. Deutro., Moniliales.
C Kerurir~opl~il~rr~t(Frey) Carmichael. Soils from the b;111k5
ol' water courses in Srinagar, ~ a s h m i r . ~ '
C'. lroyic~rrl~Carmichael. Rice tieltl soil in Srinagur
22. Cicinnobolus Ehrenb., Deutro., Spheropsidales.
C cesaris de Bary. Living leaves of Turu.vic~itttoj]icir~trlc
Wager, parzrsitizing Sl)l~uct~odteca
jirligirta (Schlech) Poll.
amm mu."'
23. Cintractia Cornu., Basidio., Ustilaginales.
C. caricis (Pers.) Magn. Ovaries of Curcv ccrrdiolcl>is,
Sonamarg, Kashmir; c. srer~ojJtylla,Drass, ~ i t ~ l l m i r . ' ~ '
C. discifot~ites Liro Ovaries ol' Cnrcv I t u e t ~ t r r t o s ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ r ,
Sonamarg. Kashmir.""
C. clyrtne Syd., Ovaries of Kobrcsia ctipryilifulin, Burziln
Chowk, ~ashmir."'
C. Kobresia~ Mundk. Ovaries of Kobr.e.sia I(istr, Si~tpuru.
Nulla. Kashmir."". In'
24. Circinotrichum Nees. ex. Pers. Dead leaves of
Pyrus malus. (Malus dornestica) Srinagar,
C. obsctrrus (Corda) Hughes. Dead leaves of Pynts nialus,
Srinagar. ~ a s h m i r . ' "
25. Cladosporium rink. ex. Fr., Deutro., Moniliales.
C. marliarioflrium Thuem. Leaves of populus alba Sopore,
C. spp. Clzrysarttl~er~t~irtcirterarifoliunt vis and Artefltlir~r
graveolerrs L., am mu.^'; Abelrnoschus esculenhls, Jamm u. ' "
26. Clasterosporium Scgw., Deutro., Moniliales.
C. carpophilur7r (Lev.) Adesh (Pnrrtirs arltygdahrs Baill
Almond, apricot (Prurttrs ar71tertica L.) and Peach (Ptirtus
persica L.)?Srinagr, ~ashmir."'
27. Clathrospora Rabenh., Ascomycetes, Spheriales.
C. bakeri Wehmeyer. Kobrcsia acltoertoides (Me) Stcnd, K.
rtirerts Clarke, ~ a s h m i r . ' ~
'a.Clavaria Vaill ex Fr., Basidio., Agricales.
C. lacquentor~tiiLev., Ground, ~ a s h m i r . " ~ ~ ~
c. muscoides = C. conticitlata ~ c h a e f f , Sonamarg,
29. Clavulinopsis Van. Overeem,, Basidio., Agricales.
C. coniiculafa (Fr.) ~ o r n e r ' ~= Calvana contictilu~o
~ c h a e f f . Sonamarg,
'~ Kashmir a
30. Coleosporiurn Lev., Basidi'o., Uredinales.
C. barclayertse Bagchee. Pirttrs cvcelsa Wall., ~ a s h m i r . ' ~ '
C. camounulae (Pers.) Lev. Needle of Pirllts lorrgifolia Roxb,
amm mu.'^
Leaves of Canrpariula coforafq Harwan, ~ a s h r n i r . ~
C. clemaridiis Barcl. Leaves of Clernatis morttana, Harwan,
C datiscrtc Tranz. Leaves o f Dafisca cartnabirta, Harwan,
31. Cc,lletotrichum Corda, Deutro., Moniliales.
C. capsici (Syd.) Butler & Bisby. On Bocrl~aaviudij$su,
C. dentntiur~t (Yers 2x. Fr.) Grove. Leaves of Doliclios
lablnb L., J a r n n ~ u . " ~
C. desltuctiut~~0. Gara. Leaves of Coccl~hisperidul[ra
(Forsk.) Diels., ~ a r n r n u . ' ~
C. gloesporoides Penz. P17irllisar.l?totiacaL., ~ r i n a g a r . ~
C. gan~irticola (Ces.) Wilson. Lcaves of C~~rttbol~ogor~
flenioslrs (Nees. ex Stend) Watz. .larnrn~."~
C. irtantdnrii Lall and Singh. Leaves of Cne;ssu opuca Sal;rf.,
C. rn~rtcuarr?l(Schw). Andres. ex Moore. Living leaves oC
C'occir1lr.iptrrltllrllrs (Forsk). Diels., .lammu."'

32. Coniothecium Corda, Deutro., Moniliales.

(iordir. Twigs and fruits of Pyr.lrs r~trrilrs,
C cltor?tu~o.sporiirrrt
Srinagar, ~ashrnir."'
33. Coniothyrium Corda., Deutro.,
C. albae Pandotra and Hussain. Living leavcs of ~Morz~s
C olivucelu~tBon. Dcad brailches of Pyr~isrllclli~.s~ o ~ o r e . " '
C. pv:iruinl (Sncc.) Scheldon. On leaves of apple, ~ r i n a ~ a r . ' ' ~
34. Corticium Pers. ex Fr., Basiodio., Agricales.
C. solarli (Berk.) Kuntz. Root and Fool rot of Da[ irtoxia
Mill.. ~ a r n r n u . " ~
35. Corynespora Gussow., Deutro., Moniliales.
C. cussiicol(r (aerk. & Curl.) Wci. Ruuwolfi'a sopertrirta
Benth., .lammu."'
C. srt~itlrii(Berk t t Hr.) Ell. Dead Twigs, .lammu. Anant~iag,
List of hosts attd Substrata

36. Cryptocoryneum Fuckel, Deutro., Moniliales.

C. co~tdensalllrli (walk.) Hughes Sr Mason. Dead wood,
Phalgam, ~ a s h m i r . " ~
37. Ctenomyces Eidem., Ascomycetes, Eurotiales
C. serrahls Eid., Soil, Srinagar, ~ a s h m i r . ~
38. Curvularia Baedijrr., Deutro., Moniliales.
C. lurlata (Wakker) Boedijn). O n Cocukis yuldu1~i.s(Forsk.)
Diel, and Iyor~loeacoccirzia L., ~ a m r n u . ' Leaves
~, of
arverzsis var. yiyeruscerl.~,.I am mu."s
39. Cylindrocladium Morgan, Deutro., Moniliales.
C. scoyariur~~
Morg. Leaves of E;lcu(yptus 11lucut1zli1.iDeant.
and Miden, Jammu.125
40. Cylindrosporium Grev., Deutro., Melanconiales.
C. oxycarlfl~iae(Kuntz & schm.) Died. Leaves of Crerugz~s
sp., Harwan, Kashmi~.Ib7
41. Cytospora Ehrenb. cx Fr., Deutro.,
C. utra (Bon) Sacc. Branches of Morus alba, Harwan,
C. cltrysosyern~aPers. ex Fr., Branches of Poyilliis ci!iaru,
Harwan, ~ a s h m i r . ' 167
C salicis (Corda) Rabenh. Branches of Salk- ulba, Achabal,
Kashmir.56, 167
42. Daldinia Ces. and de Not., Ascomy., Sphaeriales
D. cor~cer~~rica (Boll. ex Fr.) Ces LQ de Not. Ro11cn wood,
Aru, ~ a s h m i r . " '
43. Dilophospora Desm., Deutro., ,Spheropsidiales.
D. a1oyec;~ri(Fr.) Fr. Leavcs of whcat, Chogal, Handwara,
Kashrnir ~ a l l e ~ . ~ ~ "
44. Denemasporium Lev., Deutro., Spheropsidiales.

D. grar7iirtelirtl (Berk.) Lcv. Cy~todort dacf.ylon Pers.,

45. Diplocarpon Wolf., Ascomy., Helotiales.
D. rvsae Wolf. Leaves of Rosa sps., amm mu.'^
46. Diplodia Fr., Deutro., Spheropsidiales.
D. atrobnrrirtea Wehmeyer. Cur~ryun~ila sp. ~ a s h m i r . ' ~ '
D. burleri Svd. Dead branches of Motus alba, Harwan,
D. eitticii Wehmeyer. E~itriclr~inistrichint DC., Kashmir,
D. Iierterospora Wehmeyer. Lcaves of Hedrera nepalensis
Koch., ~ a s h m i r . ~
D. luteo-bnirrnen Wehmeyer. Corlrpanlilr sps., ~ a s h m i r . ~ ~
D. tlresii Wehmeyer. Tltcsiurrl hirllalayerrsis Royle,
Zanaskar, Ladakh.
47. Diplodina Westend., Deutro., Spheropsidiales.
D. blltleri Dicd. leaves of Sfipu sp., Harwal;, ~ a s h m i r . ' ~ '
48. Discina (Fr.) Fr., Ascomy., Pezizales.
D. per.lutu (Fr.) Fr., Moist soil in Coniferous forest, Batote,
Udhampur, .lammu.'"'
49. Discosia Lib., Deutro., Sphel-opsidiales.
D. attocreus (Toda. ex. Fr.) Fr. Dead or fallen leaves of
W1.scontt~llirris,Srinagar, ~ a s h m i r . ~
50. Doassansia., Cornu., Sasidio., Ustilaginales.
D. alia~ratis (Nees.) Cornu. Leaves of Alisrna pularrrugo,
Achabal, Kashrnir.""
51. Doassansiopsis (Setch) Diet., Basiodio.,
D. manietloffiurta (Thieum) Diet. = Doussarlsia
n~urfia~~oflartu(Thieum ~ c h r o e t . Floating
~ leaves of
sp., Wular Lakc, ~ a s h m i r . " ~
52 Endophyllum Lev., Basidio., Uredinales
E. tlibercrilatrir~r(Ellis Sr Kellerman) Arth, and Fromrna. On
Lovatera Ku.rlrrtri~iurla, below Minimarg, Kishenganga
Valley, ~ a s h m i r . '"
List of hosts artd Substrata 11

53. Entomosporium Lev., Deutro., Melanconiales.'

E. nlaclilahlrlt Lev. Living leaves of @us ~01ltl7~illli.~,
Kashmir; 0 1 Pyr~isyasltia and Cydortia vulgaris, Achabal,
54. Epichloe (Fr.) Tul., Ascomy., Clavicipetales.
E. ryyltirlo (Pers.) Tul. Sripa sp. Harwan, Kashmir."
55. Erysiphe Nedw. f. ex Fr., Ascorny., Erysiphales.
E. cicl~oracear~ir~~ DC. O n Galilirlt vrr.rruttt, Harwa~i,
Kashmir ; Plarlrago-bracl?vyl~),lla, Srinagar , Kas hmir ; P.
ntajor, Harwan; fruits of Cllerroyodiunt anlbrosoides var.
Grev., Kashmir, Leaves of Mcrtdra at+ertsis J.
Sr K. (". "); Heliarrrlriis artt~ils Payvet. so11~rlijietzi1~1,
Kashmir.lo3;Leaves of Mcrirlra urverrsisL and M. piyeruruL.,
amm mu.'" Living leaves afid Stems of Hysalis yer~iviurriin~L.,
Srinagar.,87 of Slisnireu spp., ~adakh.".
E. cor~rr~rurris
(Wallr-) Link. Leaves and Stems ol' Lepidirlr1r
Schard., Sopore, Kashn~ir.'~'recorded earlicr
under E. clticoracerm~nrDC.'~
Leaves of Astragl~is sp. and nlrtrcv sp., Ladakh, and living
leaves of Alliaria offacirralis Andraz., ~ a s h m i r . ~ '
E. co~tvolviili D.C. Leaves of Convolvulus arvensis L.,
Shadipur, ~ a s h m i r . ~ '
E. galeopsidis D.C. Phlomis stewartii, Verinag, Kashmirz2,
Stacltya-sylvaticaL., Yusrnarg, ~ a s h m i r . " ~
E, grarltirris D.C. O n Sfipes siberica, Verinag, ~ a s h m i r l " ;
Leaves of Poa sp. ~ r i n a ~ a r . "
E. heraclei (D.C.) St. Am. Living leaves of apple, ~ r i 1 1 a ~ a r . l ~ '
E. yolygorti D.C. O n Berberis spp, Achabal, Verinag,
E~ytrgilirlrbillardieri, Harwan, lyor~roeusp. Uri; Lesyedziu
bicclor Harwan, Pislrrll sari~~utll~ e r i n a Polygonurn
i avicu-
larc Harwan, Rrrnru rrepulcrrsis and R. orierrlalis Harwan,
rllinris Harwan, cherroyodiunt ar~tbrosoidesSri-
nagar,'"; Eschscholrziu crisrara Wall., Bisaram, ~ h a l ~ a m ' ~ ' ,
Living leaves of Plv~orrrrruavictrlare L., ~ a r w a n ~ Living
leaves SL flowers of Coniumr~rac~~luti~r~r Srinagar, Kashmir.14"
Flrrtgi of Jar7tr7tu. Kasltrnir arid Ladakh

E. rettuttculi Greville. Leaves, Stems and floral stalks of

Sarnbucus vllbulus L., Phalgam ~ a s h m i r . ' ~
E., lrifolii Grev. Living leaves of Robirtia yseudoacuciu L.,
Harwanx~ a s h m i r . "
56. Exosporium Link. ex Wallr.
( = Helminthosporium Link.)., Deutro.,
E. errertsunt (Petch.) var. ir~dicaMunjal and Kulshreshtha.
Dead wood, am mu.'^
57. Fomes (Fr.) Kickx., Basidio., Polyporales.
F. urlgulahrs (Schaeff.) Sacc. Sonamarg, ~ a s h m i r . " ~
58. Fusarium Link, ex Fr., Deutro., Moniliales.
F. oxys~orzrrltf. rawolfii Janardhanan, Ganguly and Hussain.
O n Rauwolfia seyerttirta Benth., am mu.^
F. solarti (Mart.) App & Wollenw ( = F . viride (Lechm.)
~ollenw.'? (=-E. Solani var. medium Wollenw (95)) ON
Chrysarttltentunt cirteruriaefoliuri (Trev). Boce., Kashrnir
alley"^; Kocltia iricltophila. amm mu."^
F. udum Butler. On Crotalaria vernlcosa, amm mu.'^
Fusariuni sp. Rowolfia seyerilirta Benth., ec Kurtz. JammuJ".
59. Glomeralla Schrenk. & Spel., Ascomy.,
G. cirtgrluru (Stonem.) Spattld. Sr Schrenk. Living leaves ol'
oflcittale, am mu^; of Pergilutiu dueirtio
(Forsk.) Chiv., Jammu., 1W of Ocirltlull basilicllrll var.
purpurescens, am mu.'^
60. Gnomon,ia Ces. & de Not., Ascomy., Sphaerialles
G. Ieptosryla (Fr.) Ces & de Not. Causing leaf blotch disease
on leaves of Walnut trees, Kashrnir
61. Gymnosporangium Hedw. f., Basiodio.,
G. confiuunt Plowr. On Cretagus o ~ c a n r l t a ,Rupal Nullah,
Badwan, Kishenganga Valley, ~ashrnir,~'.
List of ltosts arid S~ibstrata 13

G. distorturn Arth. & Cummins. Leaves and twigs of

Cotorteaster-bacilluris, Tragbal, Kashmir."
Gyrophragium Mont., Basidio.,
G. delilei Mont. Sonamarg, Kashmir.'13
Helicosporium Nees. ex Fr., Deutro., Moniliales.
H. lumoricoides Sacc. Dead twigs, Srinagar, Kashniir.'"
Helicotrichum Nees & Nees., Deutro.,
H. obscllrur~r(Corda) Sacc. Dead leaves of Q n l s rnahis L.,
Srinagar, Kashmir.*
Helminthosporium Link. ex Fr. Deutro.,
H. turcicunt Pass. Leaves and Inflorescence of Zea rnays L.,
Srinagar, ~ a s h m i r . ' ~
Helotium Toda ex Leman, Ascomy., Helotiales.
H. Iutescerts (Hedw. ex Fr.) Sensu Bresdola. Dead
megasporopliylls of Cednts deodra Laud., Batote and
Bhadarwah, Kashmir.lW
Helvella L., ex St. Amans, Ascomy., Pezizales.
H. crispu (Scop.) Fr. Ground, Achabal, ~ a s h m i r . ~
Hendersonia Sacc., Deutro., Spheropsidiales.
H.asfrugali Karsl. Asfragulus olipites, ~ a s l i m i r . ~ " ~
H . hel~cleiSacc. Living leaves and slenis oC He~ucleiu~r
Harwan, ~ashn1ir.l~'
Heterospoium Kalotzsch, ex Cookka., Deutro.,
H . allii-cepae Ranojevi Causing blight of leaf and stem of
Alliun? cepa L., Shalimar, Srinagar, Kashmir."
H. variahilc Cooke. Leaves of Syirtucerr olerucea, ~ r i n a ~ a r . " ~
14 Frirrbi of Jar~iniu,Kaslzniir u ~ t dLadakh

70. Hydnellurn Karst., Basidio., Agricales.

H. ariratilc (Brits.) Mass, g. Soil under mixed forest,
Bhadarwah, ~amrnu.'"
71. Hydnum L., ex Fr., Basidio., Agaricales.
H. aitchesorii Berk. Gulmarg, Kashmir.I5 (Ver. name "Ryle
72. Hypoderma Wallr., Basidio., Agaricales.
H. pubera (Fr.) Wallr. Rotten wood of gymnosperm and
H. setlgenirn (Pers.) Dank. Wook of Conifers, Phalgam,
73. Iamprospora de Not., Ascomy., Pezizales.
~.'creeltq~ierarithi(Cronan) Boud. var. ntacrarttlta Boud.
Wet clay soil along a streamlet, Gulmarg, Kashmir.19'
74. Lasiobotrys Kunze. ex Fr., Ascomy., Erysiphales.
L. butleri Theiss. and Syd. Branches and leaves of Loriicera
sp., Harwan, ~ a s h m i r . ' ~
75. Lentinus Fr., Basidio., Agaricales.
L. lecorneti. Fr. Wood, Gulmarg, ~ a s h m i r . ' ) ~
L. strigosris Fr. on Shorea robusta Sonamarg, ~ a s h m i r . " ~
76. Leptothyrium Kunze ex Wallr., Deutro.,
L. porni (Mont & Fr.) Fruits of Mallis dotnesticu Fly speck
disease, Srinagar, ~ a s h m i r . "
77. Levesilula Arnaud., Ascomy., Erysiphales.
L. taliricu (Lev.) Arnaud (=Oidiopsis tuuricu (Lev.) Salm.)
causing Podery mildew of Ra~rwol/fiaserperrtirtu Benth. cYc
Kunze, am mu.'^
78. Lophodermium Chev., Ascomy., Phacidiales.
L. pir~astri (Schad.) Chev. Needles of Pirills evcelsu Wall.,
Achabal, ~ashrnir."
List of hosts and Substrata

79. Lycoperdon Pers. Basiodio., Lycoperdales.

L. pyrifo1711e Schaefl. Ground, Sonamarg, Kashmir.'"
L. rtrttbrirtlint Pers. Ground, Sonamarg, ~ a s h m i r . ~
80. Marssonina Magn., Deutro., Melanconiales.
M. Jlcglartdis (Lib.) Magn. Leaves o l Walnut trees (perfect
stage-Grlontortia leptosfyla lr. Ces. and de. Not.) Kashnlir

81. Massaria de Not., Ascomy., Sphaeriales.

M. r~turlpirtata Fuckel. Twigs of Rosa sps., Harwan,
82. Melampsora Cast., Basidio., Uredinales
M. ciliata Barclay. Leaves of Poplihis ciliala, Dubgaon,
83. Microdiplodia Allesch., Deutro.,
M:irtdica Syd. Living leaves of Iris sp., Srinagar, ~ a s h r n i r . ' ~ '
84. Monochaetia (Sacc.) Sacc., Deutro.,
M. depuzeoides (Otth.) Sacc. Living leaves of Rosu
r~tosclralu,Achabal, ~ a s h m i r . " ~
85. Morchella Dill. ex Fr., Asco., Pezizales.
M. deliciosa Fr. Ground, ~ashrnir."'
h4. esarlarrru (L.) Pers. Ground, Kashmir.
M. gigasl)ora Cooke. Ground, ~ a s h n i i r . ' ~
M. rohrrtdu (Pers.) Boud. ( = M. esclclartra (L.) Pers.),
Ground, .lammu.'"
86. Mucor spp. Seed of Atropa belladona L.,
Hyocyamus niger L., Chrysanthemum cinerari-
folium vis., Antheum graveolens, Jammu.
87. Mycoacia Donk., Basidio., Polyporales.
M. ulhoviride (Morg.) Miller cYr Boyce. O n dead wood,
Bhadnrwah. .I CQ K.'"
Mycosphaerella Johanson., Ascomy.,
M. fraganeae (Tul.) Lindnau. Leaves of Fragaliu sp.,
Hanvan, Kashrnir."'
M. ntacrospoora (Kleb.) Jorstad. Living leaves of Iris
rtepaleruis D. Don., srinagar.Ilb
M. nirlticis (Desrn.) Grove. Leaves of Rtinta rtepalensisi,
Gulrnarg, Kashrnir,"'
Naucoria Fr., Ascomy., Hypocreales.
N. cerodes Fr. Leh and Indus Valley, ~ a d a k h . ' ~
Nectria Fr., Ascomy., Hypocreales.
N. cittnabaria~ia (tode.) Fr. Branches of Popithis ciliata.,
Achabal Kashmif6
Verinaga, Kashrnir, Arrrll~sanl~e.~iaca
Neocosmospora E.F. Smith, Ascomy.,
N. vasirl/ecru Smith. On Crofolana nt~icrortufu Desv.,
Odontia Pers. ex Gray ( = Caldesiella) Basidio.,
0.aurgafu (fr.) Quel. Berbelis sp., Wood and Dung, J.&K.""
Omphalia (Fr.) Staude. Basidio., Agaricales.
0. cantpariella (Batsch.) Fr. Sonarnarg,,~ashrnir."'
Otidea Fuckel, Ascomy., Pezizales.
0. ahrtacea (Fr.) Massee var. fypica, in coniferous forest
Udharnpur, an Bhadarwah, Jarnrnu.lPb
0. kaufr~ranii Kanouse. Hurnicolous Soil in Coniforous
forest. Udhampur, and Bhadarwah, ~ a r n r n u . ' ~ ~
Passalora Fr. & Mont., Deutro., Moniliales.
P. kirchneri (Hegy) Petrak. Leaves of A~tethllntgraveolensL.,
Penicillium Link ex Fr., Deutro., Moniliales.
P. pubenihu~t.Seeds of Dac~rscarota, ~arnrnu.'"
List of liosfs ar~dSubslruta 17

P. spp. Seeds of Digitalis yriyurea L., H),oscyrltns NigerL.,

-cirtreyrarifoli~int vis., and Anrlzeun~
grar~eolensL., ~ a m r n u . ~ ~
97. Periconia Tode ex Schw., Deutro., Moniliales.
P. circirtata (Mangin) Sacc. Dead twigs, Srinagar.
P. cookei Mason Sr Ellis; 011 dead twigs, ~ a s h m i r . ' ~
98. Peridermium Link., Basidio., Uredinales.
P. piceae (B;irclay) Sacc., Leaves of Piceu r~~orir~du
sntitltina), Kashn~ir,'~'
99. Peronospora Corda. Phyco., Peronosporales.
P. aestiyalis Syd. ex ~ a u r n . ' =~ R. P. trfolionlrlt de ~ a r ~ . "
Leaves of G!ycirle hispida. Larkipur, Kashmir.
P. brassicne Gaum. 52 O n Brassica cortll~estris and its
cultivated v a r i e t i e ~(as
. ~ P. parasilica (Pers.) de Bary.)
P. desfr~ictor(Berk.) Casp. Leaves o l Allilirn cepa L.,
Shalimar, ~ a s h m i r . ~ ' . ~ '
P. ntanshr~rica(Naoumoff) Syd. Leaves of Glycirie Itisyidu,
Larkipur, ~ a s h r n i r . ' ~ . ~
P. variabilis Gaum. O n clterlopodi~ir~t albu111.'~.~~
as P. eJjfuso)
Various parts of North India.
100. Peziza Dill. ex Fr., Ascomy. Pezizales.
P. lirltrtaca Mass, G. Muddy bank of streamlet amid mosses
and Liverworts in DalL grove, Phalgam, ~ a s h m i r . ' ~ "
P. rliiclteli (Boud.) Dennis. Humicolous Soil in Coniferous
forest and wet clayey soil in n~ixedforest, ~ d h a ~ n ~ u r . ' ~ '
101. Phellinas Quel., Basidio., Agricales.
P. corttib~uls (Pers. ex Fr.) Boud. & Gaiz. 011stut~ipsof
Q~lerclrsirrcurta Roxb., Bhadarwah, am mu.'"
lola Phaeoramularia (Ram & sacc.) Deutro.,
P. maculicola (R c ! S) on leves of Poplihrs delloides
Srinagar ~ashrnir."""
18 Furtgi of Ja~?tnlu,Kashntir and Ladukl~

102. Phialea (Fr.) Gill., Ascomy., Iielorla~es.

P. cyatl~oidea (Bull ex Fr.) Gill. Dead stems of Sulvia
glutirtosa L., Basti, Badxwah, Shakhargarh and ~ a t 0 t e . l ~
103. Phleospora Wallr., Deutro., Spheropsidales.
P. cassiae Thirum. Sr Naras. Leaves of Cussiu fishilu,
am mu^^
P. n~ori (Lev.) Sacc. Leaves of Monis albu, Dubgaon,
104. Phoma Desm., Deutro., Spheropsidales.
P. ar~aphalidis Wehmeyer. O n Attapltnlis royleatta D.C.,
Lidder Valley, ~ a s h m i r . ~
P. betae (Oudem) Frank. Leaves of Sugar beet, J Sr K . ~
P. salicina Westend. Branches of Salk sp., Achabal,
105 Phragmidium. Link., Basidio., Uredinales.
P. barclayi Diet. Leaves of Rubus lasiocarous, Achabal,
Harwan ~ a s h m i r , ' ~
P. egertukrnr Syd. Sr Butler. Leaves of Rosa webbiana.
Verinag, Kashmir.lb7
P. kanttschatka (Anders.) Arth. & Curnmins. O n Rosa
webbiana, Gangabal ~ a k e . ~
P. potetitillue (Pers.) Karst. Leaves of Polerlriullu
fragarioides. Acliabal, Kasltt~~it;P. agyrtteu, N.W.
P. rosae-t~~oschataeDiet. Leaves of Rosa rtioschalu,
Harwan, ~ a 2 h m i r . l ' ~
P. nrbi (Pers.) Wint. Leaves of Rlibus fniticosus, Harwan,
106. Phragmotrichum Kunze apud Kunze Schmid.
(TBMS 48 :357, 1965), Deutro., Melanconiales.
P. clrailletii Kunze. O n cone of Pisea sn~itltcartu,Phalgani,
107. Phyllachora Nits., Asco., Sphaeriales.
P. desmodii P. Henn. Leaves of Desnlodiurn sp., Harwan,
P. erebiae Syd., Leaves of Caragarla sp Harwan, Kashmir.I6'
108. Phyllactinia Lev., Ascomy., Erysiphales.
P. corylea Pers.) Karst. Leaves of Irtdigofera gerpdiurta and
Jlcglarts regia. Verinag, Kashmir, Monrs alba, Dubgaon,
Kashntir; Sporldias rttartigifer~ Willd., Manthal, Jammu,
P. fiaxirti (D.C.) Hornma. Leaves of Jliglarts regia L.,
Yarikhah, Kashmir. l u
P. gzittata (Wallr. ex Fr.) L., Leaves of Przirtus arttygadulus
(L.) Stokes., Mandel, ~ a s h m i r . ~ '
P. chertopodii Sacc. Leaves of Cltenopodilirlt ur~tbrosioides
Grev., amm mu.'^^
var. artltelrttirttic~u~i
P. cortcgitieae Pandotra and Ganguly. Leaves of Iporttaea
coccirtea Linn., ~ a r n r n u . ' ~ ~
P. cyarltopsidis Rao, V.G. Leaves of Cyarttopsis
telragonolobu D.C., j am mu.'^
P. glycirtes Thuem. Leaves of Glycirie hispidu, Verinag,
P. hortorzir~tSpeg. Leavs of Solun~lr~t
P. lturttlili Sacc. Sr Speg. Leaves cf Hlirttuhu I ~ ~ p ~ i l ~ i s ,
Dubgaon, ~ a s h m i r . ' ~
P. irtenttis Pandotra and Ganguly. Leaves of Clerodertdrort
irterntae (L.) Gaertn ~ a n ~ m u . ' ~ ~
P. rt)~ctarttltedisPandotra and Sastry. Leaves of N)lctarttltes
arbortristis L., Nandani, J a m n ~ u . ' ~
P. ocirlticola Pandotra and Ganguly. Leaves of Ocirntint
. Y ~ l t C h i l l l L., amm mu."^
P. pr~rrlicola (Opiz) sacc. Leaves of Przutlrs ur~~tertiuco,
Achabal, Kashmir,
P. pltddirr?~Vcril~ap,and P. yc~sicuAchabal, ~ a s l i m i r . ~ ~ '
109. Phyllostictina Syd., Deutro., Sphaeropsidales.
P. calanlag.oslidis Wehmeyer. O n Calan1og.asti.s colnpacra
Hook ex Paulsen, Ruphshu, ~ a s h r n i r . ~
P. cnlellia (Fr.) Petrak. & Syd. Leaves of Polyyogo11 sp.,
Harwan, ~ a s h r n i r . ' ~ "
110. Physarum Pers. em Rostaf., Myxomycetes.
P. globulije~zuli (Bull.) Pers. Decaying log o l wood under a
mixed forest, Patni Top, ~ a r n r n u . ' ~
111. Piricularia Sacc (=pyricularia Sacc.) Deutro.,
P. oryzae Sacc. On Olvzu sutir~u causing blight of rice
Srinagar, ~ a s h r n i r . "
112. Platycarpium Karst., Deutro., Moniliales.
P. cyperacear.zt~nWehmyer. On Kobresia schoenoides Boeck.
and Curer ~iiibigenuDon., ~ a s h m i.m
113. Pieocheta Sacc and Speg. (=Uncinula Lev.)
Ascomy., Pleosporales.
P. shiraiana (Henn.) Klmbr. cYr Krf. Leaves of Celtis austrilis
Linn., Chashmashahi, ~ a s h m i r . ' ~
114. Pleospora Rabenh. ex Ces & de Not., Ascomy.,
P. lierbanirlt (Pers.) Rabenh var. hel.barzt~nWehrnyer. On
Veronica lalriosu Royle and Apll~ag~llils stewuliu Dunn,
P. Irerbuninl var. occidcliralis Wehmyer O n Silcrle fetluis
Willd. and Orlosonru Kashtllirialnl 1.M.~ o h n s t . ' ~
P. lactucicola Eil. Si Ev. On Dmba ~ u s h r ~ ~ i r i c u " ~
P. rrjeg~isensisBuback. On Galiiirll horulc L., and Lirizitll
pererilie. ""
P. riclitop7llenis Ell & Ev. On C l ~ ~ y s u ~ t f l lic1tle1.i~
Benth. ex Hook ~ashmir.")
P. scropli~rlariae (Desm.) Hohn. var. Scroyhuluriue
Whemyer. O n Drabalanceolata Royle, Kashmir.lw
List of liosts artd S~rbstratu 21

P. scrophr~lariae(Desm.) Hohn. var. ~01tlp0Sihi1tt

O n Lirturtt perertrtc L., ~ a s h m i r . ' ~ ~
P. spirtarzrrtt Syd. O n spines of Astragahu cp., Achabal,
115. Pleurotus (Fr.) Kummer, Basidio., Agaricales.
P. sp. Dead \vood, ~ a m r n u . ' ~ '
116. Podosphaera Kunze. ex. Lev. Ascomy.,
P. le~icorrichu(Ell. & Ev.) Salm. Causing mildew of apple
(Malus dorncs~ica),Srinagar, ~ a s h m i r . "
117. Polyporus (Mich.) Fr. ex Fr., Basidio.,
P. adrutus (Willd.) Fr., Nilgris, Sonamarg, Kashmir.'
P. hlspidirs (Bull.) Fr. Living trunks_ of Aiorz~s,Pynls ntulus,
Pr~irtiisanncrtica, and Pluni trees, ~ a s h r n i r .2 '~. "'. ".
P. yici1)c.s Fr ~ o n a n i a r ~ . ' '~I 3 ~ " , ~ ~
118. Polystictus Fr. ( = Coltricia), Basidio.,
P. cinnabarirtlr,~(.lacq.) Fr. Old logs, Sonamarg, Kashmir."
119. Polystigmina Sacc., Ascomy., Sphaeropsidales.
P. rzihru (Desm.) Sacc. Leaves of Prztrtr~s dontesticu var.
irtsififia.Harwan, Kashn~ir.'"'
120. Psathyrella (Fr.) Quel., Basidio., Agricales.
P. gracilis Fr. Ground, Kursar in thc Nubra Valley,
121. Pseudohelotium Fuckel, Ascomy., Helotiales.
P. pirteti (Balsch. ex Fr.) Fuck. Dead needles of Cedrzl~
deodru Laud., Bhadarw;ih, .I LYr K . ' ~
122. Pseudopeziza Fuck., Ascomy. Helotiales.
P. radiarts ( R u b . CQ Desrn.) S ~ C CLeaves
. of Carttpartula
colorata, near Batotc. d a n i ~ n u . ~
P. skir~rrniaePatlw~ck.Living leaves of Skirltrt:in Iu~rreolu,
Aru, ~ a s h r n i r . ~
P. rrifolii (Biv.) Fuck. Leaves of Trijoliiirlt yrutense, Verinag
123. Puccinia Pers., Basidio., Ureclinales.
P. absirttl~iiD.C. Lc;rvgcs oC A~le~llesia
sp., Harwan, 160; ol'
Upper m und;r, Kasl~mir.' I 7
P. anrltistili~itic~Bi~rcl. I,cirves, clunis and gl umcs ol'
H a ~ w a n Kashtnir.'"'
A~~rhisrririuurrt~rltc~~u, ,

P. ar.tert~isiellaSyd. Leirvcs of Afl~rttesiuvlrlgalis, ~arwan.'"'

P. calfltcie (Grev.) Link. On C'uldra ptrliistris var. crlbu,
Phalgarn. '. 'O
P. carchlo~zrrl~.lacky. Lcilvcs ol' C(/rdlius I I U ~ U I I ncar .~ Aru,
P. centulrrcue Mart. Le;rves of Ce~tnir.eocarutrapu, Harwan,
P. chru~~so/>u,yi Barclay. Accitlia on Jasrr~irluntsp., Harwan,
Telauto s h g c 911 leaves of C l ~ ~ ~ s o l ~ o pylliis,
g o r t Hnrwan,
K a s h ~ i i i r .If'' ~ ~
P. chq~so~~ogorris Barclay. Leaves of Clrrvsoyopr~sp., ~ u d . " "
P. c.ichorii (D.C;) Bcllynck. Leaves of Cicho~iiirrrirllyblrs,
Harwan, Knshmir.""
P. c.or.olluru Corcl;~.Uretlo and lelcuto stages on leaves of
Pou J7c.vriosu urrd Agrol?\lr.orr sp., Harwan, Kashmirlw. Ibb;
Bc~ltenrriir li~tc*ir~tr, above Uri Si~irl Valley, ~ashmir".
Accidi;~on leaves of Rhcrrrrrrris pllrj~~rlau.
P. crepidis-.sibericnc Linclr . On C1q1i.s~ibericu,~ u n a m i r r ~ . " '

P. dac!)~lidirtrr Bubak. Lci~vcs oC Dacl!~lis ,qlor~ta~irtcr.

P. epilobii-rctr(rgoni (D.C.) Winr. Lcaves of Ej~ilobilrrrrsp.,
Harwan, Kasliniir.'"'
P. feshictre Ylowr. On L o r ~ i c u u yarirvjiloru, Gulnlarg,
P. geturtii-silvutici arst. Leaves and stems of Gerur~i~rrit
~ r e l ~ a l e t ~Verinag,
se Kaslimir. 13. 14. 46. lW>, G. yrafertse, Nallga
P. gil~rtlatzirlt (Schw.) Erikss. & P. Henn. O n wheat and
barley, Ladakh, ~ a s h n i i r . ' ~
P. gutlri~lisPers. Glumes of Festlica gigarttea Harwan, F.
Kashn~iritrr~a and Brxicli)y~odiliri~ sylvaticutit Harwan
~ a s h m i r . ' ~ ~O n Iri~iclirlt vlrlgare, T. .sativ~rrit Lam. and
Loli~rrripere~trre,~ a n i n i u . ~ ~
P. b~u~izirtis-~?'tici(Pers.) Eriks Sr P. Henn. On Tritic~rt~~
sutivur~~Lam., .I & K.IW.
P. heliu~r//riScliw. On lcavcs of Heiiar~rl~~rs a~l~tlis,Pulwama,
P. heruclei. (;rev. 011Heruclelrltl c u r ~ d i c u ~ Sonaniarg,
~s, CQ

Srinagar, ~ a s h m i r . ' "

P. heru!eicolu Cummins. O n He~uclelirii ~ho~ilsotliivar.
glubrio~;Ascent Lohan C;i~li,Near Telbal, ~ a s l i ~ i i i r . ~ ~
P. hielucii (Roehling.) Mart. Leavcs of Hrox~ciluitc~~ocururi~,
Harwan, Kas!i~iii~.~' of H. vrrlguf~rr~r, Chowderah lo Burzila
Chowk, Zqjila Pass Ladakh ~ o a d . " '
P. hiri1u1e11si.s(Barclay) Die[. Aecidia on leaves of Hrari~r~lis
dahlirica, Harwan, ~ a s h m i r . ' ~
P. itidis (D.C.) Wallr. Lca\cs of Itis kashr~ririarlaHarwan,
Kashmir, of Itis sp., ~ r i n a ~ a r , lof
' * 1. rreyaler~sis,. ~ a m r n u . ~ ~
P. liborti Magn. On Prur~gospuh~iluriu, N.W. Hinlalayas,
Jawahar Tunnel, ~ a s h n 1 i r . I ~ ~
P. rltclasririoides Tranz. Stems, Leaves and petioles of
Aqllileqitr v~ilguriAru, Kaslimir, of A. ~~ulgaris var. ayir~a,
K u ~ Pathcr,
i Chillan bclow Zojila P;ISS."
P. ~i~etrrkae Pers. Lcaves of Origatr~~rrll r~lrlgarvHarwan L%
Vcrini~g, of Cblorrlirrllrn clirro~~dili~l~ Harwan, of Merlrliu
s)~ll-~cs/risSliadipur, ~ a s l i m i r , "'".~ "*' a variety of Merrrlln
otvc! L., Suhspccics haplocalyx Brig. Var. pipcrcsce~is
I-lolnics. Chiikrolii. ~ a s l ~ ~ i i i ~ ~ . " . " ' . ~ ~
P. Ntpalensis Barclay & Diet. Lcaves of Rrrnra otie~~talis,
Harwan Kashmir.". J6. 16'
P. nitida Barclay. Leaves of Polysortrrr~~ sp., ~ e r i n a g ,of
P. polysracl~yrrrttBanihal of P. afi~le, amm mu.'"
P. oligocarpa Syd. & Butler. Leaves of St~ipasy. Harwan,
P. pir~tpirtellae sfrmrss. Rochling. Leaves of Pirtipirlellr
diversijolia, Hanvan h as hmir .I3. la
P. plicata Kom. On Prurtgos yabularia, 1-ohangalli, near
Purana Tilel, above Minimarg, Gilgit ~ o a d . ~ '
P. pol~gorti-ur~tphibii Pres. Leaves of Po:?gor~rirlt pe~lvicur.iu,
Harwan, of P. hititclonir~t~rinagar."'
P. polygorti Alb. LYL Schw. Leaves of Polygortirrlt otiettfulis L.,
amm mu.^
P. yruecos Bubak. Lcaves of Crepis kush~ltiricuSonamarg,
Kashmir, of C oligoccphnla, Banihal pass, ~ a s h n ~ i r . " . ~ ' .
P. yrosrii Mong. Lcavcs o l Tiilipo siellafu Rook, Ba~oate,
amm mu.'"'
P. prusrti-spirrosue Pres. Leaves of P~~irtliscortlrltiulis
Verinag ~ashmir.'").
P. prllsatillue Kalchbr. On Acorlifiir~rr~toscha~u~~r and A.
tetrasepalu, Tragbltl, Gulmarg, Banihal Pass, Sonamarg.' ''
P. yulvirrata Rabenh. Leavbes of Ecltirtops contigenrs
Verinag ~ a s h r n i r . ' ~
P. ribwii-cancis Klcb. On Ribes rtigt~rrirChilla~i,Gilgit
P. nrbigo-vcra (DC.) Wing. On Aqrlilegia sp., Pahalgam, on
l71alicfnr1ir rnirtris Sonamarg," lo, Anetltone rerrasel~ula,
Rajdhianganj Pass, Gilgit Road. Aquilegia viilgaris subsp.
pubiflora, Keran, Clenlatis orientalis, <;urikot, Astor
valley.,'" Tlialic~r~i~il ritrrtiis var. ntajiis, ~ h e l - ~ a u b a t . ' "
P. sclrirajen~sh-iiTranz. Leaves of Sc~r~urrila pullidu, Harwan
P. scirpi DC. Accidii~on lcavcs ol' Lirirrtcrrtrlterit~~~~t b p . Wi~lar
Lake ~;lshrnir.''' ""
P. sil\~e~icel/(~ Arlli. & C:uni ni ins. O n Tarnsicllrl~oj'jicirrcrle,
Gulniarg Kaslimir."
P. sortchi Roberge. Leaves of Lrrtut~eurrrrdiclic:utrli.sSri~ii~gar
P. solg11i Schw. Leaves o l Zcu I ~ I ~ J~Sa ,s h m i r . "Iu."
P. siiur~eoler~s (Link.) Rostrup. Leaves ol Ciisirc~rr
a~~~rucurtrltus, Shadipore, ~ a s h n ~ i r . ' ~
P. sweriiuc Win1. O n S~vcr~iu pcliokula, S. s l ~ c c i o ~MI.
Apharwal 'SL G u l n i a r ~ ' .l o o f S. Llror~tso~~i,
Road and Sn~er~iu sp. Pir Panchal range.'"
P. tunaceti DC. On Arierltisiu vlilguris, A. gr(11u Wall.,
P. rarascrci Rebent. Plowr. Lcaves of Turavictir~~ officirtu!e
~arwan."".I M
P. ~liolaeSchm. DC. Leaves of Kolu sp., Harwan, of P'.
S L ' I ~ ~ I~;1rwan.".
IS ",'I1'

P. wauicrnu Bi~rclrry,Lcaves & pclioles of C1~~1~1uti.s C~IIIINIU,

Harwan., ol' C. gtnlu Naranag, Wangat Valley, K;rsll~iiir."'
124. Pythium Pringsch., Phyco, Peronosporales.
P. Dtrlleri subram. 0 1 1 Alr,ol~ubeludortu L., Drug, Farm .I
P. dclerlsc M c t ~ r i ~C'uusing
. Sle~iiburn disease and wilt of
Tel~ltrositrrlagelii Hook. f.. .Ia ~ mu.12"
125. Rarnularia Sacc., Deutero., Moniliales.
R. ornlorucirrcl Fuckel. O n Alluriu paiolulu, <;ulniarg."l'
R. arorlrarici (Sacc.) Hoehn cx. Linduau. Leaves ol'Acor~is
ccrlarltlrs L., .la~iiniu.'~'
R. dcxil~iorsEll. & EL Living leavcs of Rrrrrrirrurlt~s.scler~c~rrr.s
R. Polvprti P;indo~r;~
;~ntl Ganguly. Lcii\le ol' Polvgorr~ir~~
D. Don Kuk;~rnrrg.122
R. Vuriahilis Fuck. Le;~vcs o f Diqitulis I)trrprrrwrr linn.,
125(b). Rhabdospora (Sacc.) Sacc., Deutero.,
R. sisyrnbri rai, Saxena Sr Tewari. Stem of Sisj~11tb1iu1tt
loeslii, Gulrnarg ( ).
126. Rhizoctonia D. ex Fr., Basidio, Tilasnellales..
R. bafuficolu (Taub.) Butler. stolen of Ale~ilhaun~elt~is, A//.
sl>icalu & M. co~zliuca,Jarnrnu ~ a w i . M ' ~ arver~is;; J 51).
hal11ocaly.v Briquet. var. yiyerascelts Holrns, Jammu.
Rhizocforiiu spp. On Digitalis ylilp1 ., ~ a r n n ~ i l . " ~
127. Rhizopus Ehrenb. ex Corda, Yhyco., Mucorales.
R. u~rllizirsFishcher. Seetls of Dolicus ctrrulu ~ a m r n u . ' ~ "
128. Russula Pers. ex S.F. Gray, Basidio., Agaricales.
R. alutacea Fr. Wootlb, ~ u l m a r ~ . ' ~
129. Sarcodon Quel., Basidio., Thelephorales.
S. scabroslis (Fr.) P . Karst. soil under Cedrzis deodala
130. Sarcoscypha (Fr.) Sacc., Asco., Pezizales.
S. coccir~co(Scop ex Fr.) Lamb. Dead angiosperrnic [wig
partly burried in soil in mixed forest, Udhampur,
Bararnulla, Srinbagar "Q Pahalgarn. 101
131. Schroeteria Winit., Basidio., Ustilaginales.
S. delustrina (TuI.) Wint, ovaries of Ve1~11ictrve/.llu,
Nauigarn (135).
132. Sclerospora Schroet., Phyco., Peronosporales
S. qrar~lirlicolu.(Sacc.) Schroel. Leaves irnd inl'lorcsccnsce
of Seluriu italicu Kashniir, on Pe~trliselli~~~

133. Sclerotinia Fuckel., Asco., Helotiales.

S. cirlcru ( B o n . ) schrocl. O n P1~111i.r
P ~ I : Y IKaslim
C U , ir (48).
134. Scierotium Tocle ex Fr., Mycelin sterilia.
S. rwlj'sii Sacc. O n hle11f11~
d111ilufo1zi111 .l;i~ii~iii~. .roo1 rot ol'

rye (Secale ccreitlc L.) .lammu ~ i i w i . ' "

List of liosts and Substrata 27

135. Scolecotrichum Kunze ex Fr., Deutero.,

S. lachrcae Munjal & Kapoor. Leaves .of Lacn!cu sp.,
Harwan, ~ a s h m i r . " ~
136. Scytinostrorna Donk., Basidio, Aphyllophorales.
S. drrri~rrzilu (Berk & Br.) Donk. O n Querc1r.s sp.
Berbieris Bhadarwah, Batole, Nengal wallah,
137. Septocylindrium Bon ex Sacc., Deutero.
S. ~n~tlrrtclrliPeck. Living leaves v l Rurtlurcrilrrs SCIL'IUII~S,
138. Septoria Sacc., Deutero., Sphaeropsidales
S. acicrrlosu Ellis Sr Everh. Leaves of Fr.aqur.iu sp. ~ a r w a n . " "
S. apii-g.avcolcnlis dorogin. Living lcavcs of API'IIIII
S. blrlleli Died. Living leaves of Vih~1.111rri1 sp. Harwan and
S. diversiri~ac~ilurrsDied. Leaves of Ciicrrs u~qyruc~tll~rrs,
Shadipur, ~ashmir.""
S. e l ~ l t ~ l t i iPandotra
~c and Ganguly. Leaves of E l . ~ l t ~ l [ i i ( ~
crisrala Willd. P l ~ a l ~ a r n . ' ~ ~
S. &qlWiU Mirakhur, Tahir and Dhar on Ace/. cuesilrrn Wall.
ex Brand, Shalimar, ~ a s h m i r . " ~
S. qypsopl~ilu~ Died. var. rltuuo.vl,or.a Padwick and Merh.
living leavcs of Gypsophila ceruslioidcs, ~okarnag."'
S. It~irrt~tliWent. I ~ ~ I V C of
S Hr~rlrrrlushrpullis, ~ r i n a ~ a r . ' ~ "
S. laclrrcu~Peck. Icavcs ol Lucarcu sp. ~ a r w a n . " "
5. llryilirru Ellis cYr Kcllcrnan. Lcavch of Hlrrirlrlc.\ L r y ~ i l c ~ ,
S. 1rur~1~rhi.r sp. Shalimiir.'"
S. riq)riac~idis Syd. Lcavcs of M~ir.iuclis ~ t e ~ ~ u l a r s i . ~ ,
S. yelrisi!lirti Dcs~ii.Livili~lcaves of Pe~roseli~irl~ aisl1rir11
S. plartfagit~euPrcss. Lcilvcs ol'Plurt~ugospo. (P. Irrrrceolr~lu).
S. p"or~icolu (Lsasch.) Sacc. Leaves of Po1)~gonrirltsp.,
S. rosarzlrir Wcstcntl, lcaves oC Rosa sp. ~ a r w a n . ' "
S. nibi Westend. Lcaves of Rlrbris 1rsiocar.oris Harwan
S. scro~~ltrtluriac
Pcck. Leaves of Scr~o~~lt~iluriu
sp. Harwan &
S. siqn~oideu Wehn~cyer. O n Priccirtielln ~lislurts Parl.,
Rupsu, Kashniir C ! Kohrcsin 1a.v~~ o e c k . ~ '
S. soiue Syd Sr Bultcr. Living or fatling leaves of Glvcirie
soja Verinag & ~chabal.""
S. sripirto Died. Lcaves of Slil>u sp. ~ a r w a n . ' " '
S. vcrbertue Rah & Dcsm. Lcavcs of Ver1)orer ojjiic.irruli.s,
S. ~iBrir71iWcst L.C;IVCS 01' l/j.h11r~tri11r
sp. H ~ I . \ v ; ~ I ~ . ' " ~
5. r~illul?'.scrc~
Dcsm. Lcirvcs of LirlrrrurrrIrc'~~ti~~~r
$1). Kashmir,
of 1.r~v~~tplroitle.~
S. wrrll:~kilk;tc Pirntlo~r;~
CU Gianguly. Lcaves ol' M / ~ ~ ~ l c r k t ~ l i t /
volrihilis (Linn.) Stapl', .Ii~mniu.
139. Sordaria Ces. L. de Not; Ascorny. Sphneriales.
S. (Fuck.) Wint. Decaying Clicrry Fruits, ~asliniir."'
I&. Sphacelotheca de Bary., Basidio., Ustilaginales.
S. c1e.srnier1.s (Schicct.) Slzvcnson cYr A.G. .lolinson.
lnfloresccnce o f Pr~rricli!vrr r~riliceririt Larkupur, Kiislimir,
Kangan, Sind Valley ~ a r l a k h . ' ~ ~ . ' ~ '
S. It~1rlrul)iper.i.v(Schum.) dc Bar);, Ovariucs ol' Po!\#ortri~rr
semi/uh~rir,h ~ i i ~ ~ ~ a n c I . ' " '
S. .slurver~ii Mi~nik. Ovirrics ol' Pottti.\clrirl~ j7trc~cidrrr~r.
Ballistan, Liltl;~kh~o;~tl.l""l'"
List o ~ l t o s t arld
s Subrrl.atu 29

141. Spheronaema Fr., Deutro., Sphaeropsidales.

S. hir11alayeruis Wehmcycr. On Lj~cunisItirlt-1u.yetrsis Edgw.
142. Sphaeropsis sacc., Deutri., Sphaeropsidales.
S. Sorurrllrii Cliona, Munjal LC Kapoor. Living l'allcn Icavch
o l Lorandrlis sp. Parasitising Pl(~titrl~s
orientulis L. Kirngirn.
Indus Valley, ~ashmir.''
143. Sphaerothcca Lev. Ascomy., Erysiphales.
S. cussiue Pantlotra & Ganguly Icavcs, stems and pods ol'
Cassia occiderrltllis L. .l i t i l l m 11.I LS
S. etil111oti)iae (Cast.) Salm. O n Elil)horhiu pilosu, ~ a r \ v i r n . ~ '
S. jliligincu (Schlech~) Pollacci. Poletrrilu etiocurptr Wall.
Sonamarg rr~itl~rinagar.~."
Leaves and stenis 01 L(~geriuris lerrcatrllru (Duch) Ilus.,
sopore, LC~IVCS of Cuaubiln 111usi1~tu Dal ~;rke.")',
Tarasic~rrllofjicirrr~leWeb., . l a ~ i i m u . Leavcs
'~ iirltl stems of
Bidetrs bitcr~rulnLour, ~;rrwan."
S. Letresrriris I-lcrkh. Leaves of Qtietrrr.~dilrlur(llu Lindl.
S. trruclrlrr~is (Wall ex Fr.) W.B. ~ o o k e . " (O n Agr.irlrorricr
S. r~racrr1nti.s (Wall, ex Fr,) W.B. Cooke \lai. F~~li,q/iircs
(Schcchtex Fr.) W.B. Cooke: '"

S. (W;lIIr.) Lcv. 0 1 1 sp. C:ulr. Srin;rg;rr,

Acliabul Sc liarwan, O n Pt71rrti.<- a~nygalus Ii;r~.w;~n.1'.
pc~.sicii,Harwan. Vcrinag, Sri~lirgar:'"
144. Spilocaea Fr. l)culro., R/lonili;~les.
S.~ ) O / ~ IFr.
I SC:II> 01.
C ~ I U S ~ I I ~ K:ISII~I~I..'~ ~IIICI
i 1 1 ) l ) I ~ .S ~ . i ~ i i ~ g i ~ r ,
145. Stereurn Pers. ex S.F. Gray, Hasidio., Agaricnlcs.
S. lrirslrrr~r~r
(Willtl.) Fr. Dci~cl\vootl, Son;r~ii;rrg.
I,,, 5'1. hi
14. Stigmina Sacc., L)eutro., Monililales.
S. curpopl~~llu ( 1-cv.) Ell is ( = Clu.ster.osyor;i~111
c a ~ p o p l ~ ~ l l ~(Lcv)
r r l t Adrch.). Leaves and [wigs. fruits of
almond, aprico~L! Pcacli, ~ r i n a g a r . " ~
147. Strbilomyces Eerk., Basidio., Agricales.
S. srrobilacars (SCop). Berk., Sonamarg, ~ashmir."'
149. Synchytrium de Bary & Woron., Phyco.,
S. unerlto~tcs ( D C . ) Woron. Lcaves of Artetltotte sp.
S. browrzii Karling. On oe~torlrernd~zrrltottdii H k . (Qasba,
G.N. in press).
S. dolcltii (Cooke) G ~ U I I I On
~ I ~Glycirle
. rllus. Shalimar. ""

S. gei Padmick. Living leaves and petioles of Gelrnz elulirtlt

Aru, ~ a s h m i r . " '
Synchytriutn sp. A r t u l ~ o ~sp.
lc ~ a s h m i r . ~
140. Taphrina Fr., Ascomy., Taphrinales.
T. btrlltrfu (Berk.) Tul. Lcaves ol'F17r.s11u.rhiu ; T. defot.r~lc~tt.s
(Berk.) Tul. Lcaves of' P17rrrlr.r l)o.sicrr Kashnir4" P.
url~gduhrs,~rrini1~i1r.I I.'

zso. Teloconia Syd., Basidio, Uredinales.

T. rosccr (Barclay) Sycl = Piiccirlcr wsue arcl la^.^^.
Trulliotliyces rr),suc (Barclny) Ulbricli (4087). Lcavcs and
Branches of Rosu webbiur~cr,Gilgal, ~ashniir.""'
151. Tetraploa Berk. & Br., Deutro., Moniliales.
7. rrrisiuru Berk. c\i tlcatl culu~nsof Graniineae, Srinagar. 10.4
152. Thelophora Ehrhart ex Fr., Uasidio., Agaricales.
7.culrrtura (Scop.) Fr. Grountl, ~ o n a r n a r ~ . ' " . ~ ~
153. Thyrostroma Hoehnel, Deut ro., Moniliales.
T. rrlori (Noniura) Hoehnel. Branches of Monrs albrr (yL
Cclris crri.vrr~ulisK a ~ h r n i r . ' ~
List of ltosts artd Subsfratu 31

154. Tilletia Tul., Basidio., Ustilaginales.

T. Caries (DC.) Tul. Ovaries of Eitiuirtl viilgare,
T. foetidurtt (Wallr.) Liro. Ovaries of Eilic~irt~ villgare,
~ashrnir"~. lo" causing bunt of wheal, ~ r i n a g a r . ~ ' . ~ ~

155. Trachyspora Fuckel, Basidio, Uredinales.

T. irltrzisa (Grev.) Arth. Leaves of Alcltert~illuvlilga;.is Aru,

156. Trametes Fr., Basidio., Polyporales.

T. pirli toda ex Fr. On Ccdrzis (leodura var deodaru,
Kashmir21. "I. 15"

157. Tricholoma (Fr.) Quel., Basidio., Agricalcs.

T. nteluleucunl (Pers.) Fr. Sonamarg., ~ a s l i m i r . ~ ~ "
T. Subpulverzllerl~llrlt (Pers.) Fr. Ground Near Sassar,

158. Trichoscyphella Nannf., Ascomy., Helotiales.

T. calycina (Schurn ex Fr.) Nnnf. Dead bark of Abies
yirldrow, Spach, Phalgam, Sanasar, ~ a t o 1 e . l ~

159. Trichothecium Link ex Fr., Deutro., Moniliales.

T. roseurtl Link ( = T. roseurlt (Pers.) Lin ex Fr.), Jliglarls
regia, ~ a s h r n i r . " ~

160. Tubulicrinis Donk., Basidio., Agaricales.

T. cltaetopltora (Hehn.) Donk. Rotting wood of c o ~ i i f e r . ' ~
T. Karslerlii (Bres.) Donk. Slumps and fallen leaves of
conifers (Cednis dcodrcr Roxb.)
7.s~rbulala (Boud. & tialz.) Donk. Coniferous wood,
Basarum, ~ h a 1 ~ a n i . l ~

161. Uncinula Lev. Ascomy., E~ysiphales.

U. udlrrlcrr (Wallr. ex Fr.) Lcv. Living Icaves ol' Pol)ulirs
balsar~iifera, Sulk cuptea L. ~rinagar," a~itl Salis
Flutgi of Ja~~tnru,
artd Ladaklt

U. necator (Schow.) Burr. Conidial stage on Vitis rinefera,

Srinagar.". Iv
U. pnirtastri (DC.) Sacc. Leaves of Azrrtirs dor7tw~icuLinn,
162. Uncinulopsis Sawada., Ascomy., Erysiphales.
U. ppolycltaeln (Berk Sc Curt.) Wei. O n Celtis ulutralis,
163. Uredo Pers. Basidio., Uredinales.
U. yuspali Pandotra. Leaves of Puspukr~tt corlle~xututi
klmk.,am mu."^
164. Urocystis Ra ben h., Bsidio., Ustilaginales.
U. upopogi (Preyss.) Schroet. O n Poa sp., Aru, Kashmir.lw
U. artentones (Pers.) Wint. Stems and petioles of
Rarturtcrrlirs sp. Marpola Pass, ~ a s h m i r . ' ~
U.carcirtodcs (Berk. Sr Curt.) Fisher, Stenips and petioles
of Cirltcijiigafoelida, Gulmarg, ~ a s h m i r . ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~
U. arvzopsidis Padrnick & Azmatullakhan. Leaves of
O~yzopisntunroi, ~halgani.'~"'"'
U. stipar MACLP. Leavcs and leaf sheaths of Sriyu sibetica,
165. Uromyces (Link.) Unger., Basidio., Uredinales.
U. acortiti Fuckel. Leaves of Aconi~1r11t lycocio1tli111,
U. andropoptis Tracy. Leaves of Arrdroj~o~ortsp. Kund,
U.behettis (DC.) Ungcr. Levcs of Lychni.~i~tdicuHarwan,
U. fritillariae (Schlecht) Thurm. Leaves of Fr~i~illuriu
U. g e ~ ~ r t i(DC.)
i 01th. & Wastm. Leaves of Geruttiiitli
wallichiartrrt~t,Harwan, of
G. acorti~ijr,lirirrt,above Chorwan, Gilgit Road, ~;rclakh.'"'
U. hedvsari-obsctiri (DC.) Lev. Leaves of Hedysarzin~
Sortan~arg,Ladakh ~ o a d . ~ " '
U. hohsorti Vize. Leaves of Jasr~rirtiirr~t
sp. Kashmir,
U.leptoder71tus Syd. Leaves of Setaria glaucu (L.) Bainer,
U.fespedzae-pr.oci1111berttis(Schw.j Curt. Leaves of L q e d z a
yicolor; Harwan.Iw
U. fycocforti (Kalchbir) Trott. O n Acortillrr~t laeve near
Gulmarg, below Kim Patrler Kasl~n~ir."'~
U. yolygorti-acicularis (Pers.) Karst. Leaves of Polygorlirrlt
ariciifarv, ~ a r w a n . ' ~
P. ~~ur.ortychioicles,
Charwan to Burzil Cl~owki."~
U. r.olrbo(?lliuc Al-111. Lcavcs of Rottbo~lliu speciosu,
U . (rifolii (Hcdw.f.) Lev. Leaves ol' Trijbliir111 ylu(erjse,
T.rcyense, Ganclerbal, ~ashrnir."'
166. U. stilago (Pers.) Roussel., Basidio.,
U. aaorltafa Kunze var. Cordi (Liro.) Savile. Ovaries of
sp., Kangan, Gund, K a s l ~ n ~ i r . ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "
U. dehiscer~s Ling. Ovaries of Po1)gortirrlt ur~tplcsicuirle,
U.rltaydis (DC.)Carda, Inflorescence, Leaves and clullls of
Zeu n:ays, ~arwan.'~,'.""
U. rl~urirtcre Padmick Sr Azmatullaha Khan. Ovaries of
Morir~aclongi/ofia, Aru, ~ashmir.'~""'
U. rtlida (Jens.) Roslrup. Ear head of T r i ~ i c ~ i rsn(i\~rirtt
Lam., ~ a s h ~ n i r . " "
U. reric~rlrr/c!Liro. Ovitrics and flower buds of Polygo~~iint
sp.. Phalgaln. 101
U. striijonlles (Weslcnd) Nicssl. Leavcs of an
undcr~crm;nctlgrass, ~ o n a r n a r ~ . "
U. ieac Ungcr. Maizc ~ashrnir."
167. Vararia (Karst). Karst.
V. ochrolc~rcu (Boud. Sr ( j a l ~ . ) Donk. S ~ u m p sof Abics
yirt~irowRoyle, ~u!rnarg.'~'
168. Venturia Sacc. Ascomy., Sphaeriales.
V. ir~aequalis(Cooke) Wint. O n Mahis sylvesbis, ~ashmir'"
apple, Kashmir ~ a l l e ~ .and
" cotoneaster sp.I4&
169. Verpa Swartz ex Fr., Ascomy., Pezizales.
V. bor~entica (Krombh.) Schroet. (=Morchella borter~~ica
Krombh). Ground, ~ a s h m i r . ~
Host Index

Abelmoschus esculentus
Clado-sporiunt sp.
Abies pindrow
Asrrostrona nursicohu7t
Varana ochroleuca
Acer caesium
Seproria grireze
Aconitum leave
Uron~yceslycocfort i
Aconitum lycoctonum
Acorus calamus
Rantularia arontafici
Adoxo moschatellina
Puccirtia argertlafa
Agrimonia eupatorium
Spltaeratlteca n~acularis
Agropyron sp.
Pilccirtia corollafa
Alchemilla vulgaris-~rach~s~ora
Allaria officinalis
Erysiplte cont~ltrtrtis
Allaria petiolata
Rantularia ar7?toraciae
Alisma plantago
Allium cepa
Hetersyoriurn ullii-ccpue
Amaranthus blitum
Alblrgo bliti
Anapllalis royleana
Anemone sp.
Syltcllylriul?1 sp.
Andropogon sorghum
Glonterella cincllrtatn
pcricort iu digitatu
Anethum graveolens
Cladoosporiunr sp.
Mircor sp.
Passalora kirchr reti
Anthistinia anatherin
Alccirlia ar~rhisliriae
Aphragmus stewaria
Pieospora herbanrrr I
Apiurn qraveolens
Septoria apii-p-uvcolcrr/is
Aquilegia vulgaris
Arccirtia n~elas~~rioid~'s
Artemisia grata
Host Index

Artemisia vulgaris
P. tanaceti
Astragalus olipites
Henderosortia astropli
Astragalus sp.
Pleospora sl~irtarzrnt
Athyrium filix-foemina
Hyalospora pol ypodii
Atropa acurninata
Atropa belladona
4,tkitirl1 b~itleri
Baehmeria nivea
Cercospora knrgiar~a
Berberis sp.
Aeciditrrn r t ~ o r ~ t a ~ ~ u r ~ t
Erysiplre polvgor~i
Scyrir~ostror~ta dririunilu
Berchenuia lineata
Ptrccirria corortata
Berleria crustata
Cercospora barlcricola
Bidens biternata
Baerhaavia diffusa
Corcospora firrfirrella
C o l l ~ ~ o r r i ccapsici
38 Ftrr~giof Jar~~nrii,
naslirr~irartd Ladnkl~

Brassica campestris
Alblrgo cattdida .

Calotropis quigantea
Cercospora cnlootropidis
Calamagrostis compacta
Calmintha umbrosa
Riccitria r~rir~tlrae
Caltha palustris
Comoanula colorata
C O I ~ J O S /~ (~1 1 O
Pselidopeiiza radiclrts
Campanula sp.
Diploodia hrteo-bur7rt1ca
Caraganrr sp.
Cardamine impatiens
Ccrcospora curd an^ irlos
Cardus nutans
Carex cardiolepis
Cirrtrucrin curicis
Carex haernatostoma
Carex stenophylla
Host Index a

Carissa opaca
Carthamus tinctorius
Alteraria car-lhant i
Cassia jistula
Plileospora cassiae
Cedrus deodara
Ainphineina byssoide:
kielotiunt 11c.tescens
Pse~idoltelori~iritpirtete (Dead necdles)
Sarcodon scabroslis
Celtis australis
Helicoceros celtidrs
Pleoelt era sltiraina
~ l ~ ~ r o s f r ornori
Uinciniilopsis po(ychacfu
Centaurea calcitrapa
Pliccirtia centaliicae
Cerataegus sp.
Chenopodium ambrosioides
Erysiplie cichoracean~rn
E. polygoni
PltyNosticfa clt er I opodii
Chrysanthemum cinerariflium
Cladosporiunt sp.
Atsarirrnt solarti
Chrysanthemum richteria
40 Frrrlgi o/ Jar~tr~tlc,
Kashrilir artd Ludttkh

Chrysopogon gryllus
Prrccirria cltrysoyogi
Cichorium intybus
Pllccilliu cicllol~i
Cimieifuga foetida
Urocvsris carcirtodes
Cireaea alpina
Clematis connata
hrccirlia walriarlu
Clematis grata
Pltccirtia wattiana
Clematis monotana
Co1eospon;r111 clert latidis
Coicus argyracanth ~ i s
Septoria diversirttuc~rlarts
Coceulus pendulus
C. tnrrtcahrnt
Co!sbrokkia oppositifolia
Ascocl#yta colehrookiue
Conuim maculatum
ElysilJre yolygoiti
Convolvulus arvensis
E~ysioltecolt voh~;rli
Cotoneaster aitchinsonii
Verrluna irlueql~alis
Cotoneaster bacillaris
Clematis connata
Host Index

Clematis grata
Puccirtia wattiarla
Clematis monotana
Coleosporiunt clerttatidis
Cretagus oxycantha

Crepis siberica
Arccitria crepidis-sibericae
Crisium argyraeanthus
Aiccirtia syaveolerts
Crotalaria mucronata
Neocosit t ospora vasblfacra
Crotalaria verrucosa
Crytolepis buchanani
Cercospora crytolepidis
Cyamopsis tetragonaloba
Pl~yllostictscyartt opsidis
Cydonia vulgaris
Cynodon dactylon
Puccirtia cyl~odorttis
Docus carota
A. fertuis
Cercospora apii
PerticiNilirlt ytrbenihrr~t
Dactylis glomerata
Plrccirria cklcfylidinu
Datisca cannabina
Cok~osponrrr11 datiscae
Datura innoxia
Alrentaria ultenruta
Altenranu sp.
Coriicirrnt solurri
Datura metel
Altenruria crassu
Datura stromonium
Dead herbaceous stem
Acrudictyu dertr I isii
A u n c ~ ~ l u rurtric~rln
Contesporu srtr~flrii
Dead wood
Daldirria cor~cerrt~icn
Exosporiurit cvrcrrs~rrlr
Helicosl~orirI I i I 11111I bricoidcs
Hypltoclcnilu puberu
H. scrigen~nr
Lycopcrclori pvriJur7ite
Mycoacia ulhovin~lc
Odnrltia atyrlu
Pcricorriu cir-cirlurrr
Host lndex

T. kunrer~ii
T. slll~lllrlu
Deschampsia koeleroides
Hcttcicrsotricr jiicklii
Desmodium sp.
desr lrodii
Digitalis purpurea
Delichos lablab
Allcr7rutiu ~crl~iissiottu
Dioscorea sp.
Dioscorea deltoidea
die.\ c orcucl
C'c~tro.\l~oru I --

Draba lanceolata !j AMERICAN ALPINE CLlJH L IBR

1 I 710 10th S T , SUllE 15
Pleasl~oruscni,~Irlislutiue I - a*
I a>&. GOL[IFN CO SO401
Elsholtzia cristata r (303) 384 01 12
Ftrngi of Jantntu, Kashrltir artd LudaW~

Epilobium sp.
Puccirlia epilobiitetragorti
Erioboyrya japonica
Altc.ntana eriobotryae
Eritrichum strictum
Diplodia eitncltii
Eryngium billardieri
Eruca sativa
Albugo cartdida
Erysimum sp.
Pleosporu lachicicoln
Eucalyptus macarthuri
Euphorbia dracunculoides .

Euphorbia emodi
Melantpsora l~elioscopia
Euphorbia helioscopia
Mclantpsora eupltorbiae
Euphorbia pilosa
Fagopyrum esculantum
Festuca gigantea
Puccirtia grar~~ir~is
Festuca kashmiriana
, Host Index

Foeniculum vulgare
Fragaria sp.
Mycosph aereNa frugariae
Fritillaria roylei
Urotltyces fnlillatiae
Galium verum
Elysiplte cichoraceunu?~
Geranium aconitifolium
Urotlrjlces gerar I ii
Geranium nepalense
Aecidirutr irrfreqlierrs
htccir~iagerat~ii- silvatici
Geranium wallivianum
Urorityces gerarr ii
Geum platum
Glycine sojae
Seplroia sojae
Glycine max
Glycine hispida
Perorlospora aeslivulis
Peronospora manshurica
Plryllosticta glj~citres
Glycyrrhiza gla bra
Cerrospora cavurae
Gossypium sp.
Ascoclryta gossyl~ii
Gypsophila cerastioidcs
Seyroricr g~soplrilue
Hamiltonia suaveolens
Hedysarum cachemirianum
Urorr yces hedvsariobsclrri
Hedera nepalensis
Diplodia Iterausl~orcr
Helianthus annus
hrccirtia ltclicrrtdli
Helianthus sp.
a plruscoli
Heracleum candicans
Aecidillrit ~lew(r11i1111111
Heracleum crocatum
P~rccirti(rIt ierncii
Heracleum sp.
Hot dersoriia It eraclei
Heracleum thornsonii
Arccirtiu Ircrutcicolu
Holmskioldia sanguinea
Cercosl>oru Itolr~tskioltliuc
Hordeum sp.
hrccirtia gltrntunrnt
Humulus sp.
Humulus lupulus
Scproriu Iturit~lli
Host Index

Indigofera gerardiana
Plr yllactirt ia cotylea
Ipomoea sp.
Eysiplie yolygort i
lpomoea ericarpa
Alb~rgoipont oeae-parI dlrratae
Ipomoea coccinea
Iris sp.
Iris kashmiriana
Iris nepalensis
r ?rau.ospora
Jasmium auriculatum
Altentoria ellissil
Jasmium oflicianale
Cercospora jasr 1 r irr icola
Glonrerella cirrgr lufu
Jasmium sp.
hrccirr ia cltr?~.ropogi
Juglans regia
Bipoluris spicifiru
Marssonirru J I I ~ I U ~ I ~ I J
Trichotcciritir roserrrrt
Kobresia capillifolia
Citrfratis elytae
Kobresia laxa
Cirtimria kobresiae
Kobresia schoenoides
Clullrrosyura bukeri
Platycaryitir~tcyperuceunui I
Kochia trichophila
Frrsatilmt solorti
Lactuca scaniola
Lactuca sp.
S ~ ~ l c ~ ~ t r i cIucrlrcac
Sepiotiu lactircuc
Lagenaria leucant ha
Lavatera kashmiriana
Ertdopltyllrrtit t~rbcrcirlnfirtrr
Lepidium densiflori~rn
Elysiylte c~itittiriirtis
Lespedza bicolor

Limnanthemum sp.
Scptoriu r.illatsine
Linum perenne
Pleosyom triegr.~atsis
Pleospora scropl~r~llariuc.
Host Index

Linum usitatissimum
Melunysora lirli
Liquesticum thomsonii.
Eryysiplre yolygorli
Lolium perenne
Puccirlia grartrirlis
Lonicera sp.
Lasiobottys britlen
Lonicera parviflora
Aiccirria festucae
Lychnis himalayensis
Splraerorterlra hit~ralyerls
Lychnis indica
Urorttyces belt err is
Lycopersicon esculantum
Altenraria tertiiis
Melia azadirachta .
Cetrospora suhse.~silis
Melilotus albe
Erysiplle polygort i
Mentha arvensis
Curwrlaria lunuru
Erysiplte cicltoracuenirt~
Puccirria r~terrllrae
Rhizoctorria batalicola
Mentha dumatorum
Sclerotiirrlt rolfsii
Mentha piperata
Mentha spicata
R I ~ i z ( x ~ o rbnruricoln
Ment ha sylvestris
Morine longifoliae
Usrilngo 11torirtuc
Morus alba
C O I I ~ O I ~I I(11hue
Diplodiu blrl1er.i
PItlcospora rl~ori
7l1yro.w-orltu 11~ o r i
Morus sp.
iu coq~leu
Pollpon r s Aisl~i(lis
Boviru lvcoperdioides
Myriectis nepalensis
Seploriu ~~~yriaclidis
Mycanthus arbortristis
Ocimum basilicum
cu1I c.vcc11.3
Ocimum sanctum
Pl~yllosricru~ K Ilticolu

Onosoma kashmiricurn
Pleospru hcr6anr I I I
Host Index

Organum vulgare
Piccitria r ~ ~ e t ~ l l ~ a e
O q z a sgtiva
Piriclrlaria oyze
Oryzopsia munroi
Urocyslis oryzop.sidis
Panicum maliacum
Papaver somniferum
Elysiylre cicl~oruceut~~t

Paspalum commersoni i
Uredo yaspali
Pennisetum flaccidum
Sphuerodtecu slovnrlii
Petroselium crispuni
Perigularia daemia
Alrertratiu retttiissi~t~a
Pergularia pallida
Phagnalon nivenum
Diplodia attobnirt~~cu
Phaseolus vulgaris
Ascoclryla phaseolonirt I
Cercmpora cnienta
Phoenix dactylifera
Picea smithians
Pimpinella diversifolia
hlccirtiu pirr~yir~ellu
Pinus excelsa
Cap11odi11I 11 pir I i
1111 barcluyen se

Pinus longifolia
Colcosponrrnt car~~partl~lae
Pinus wallichiana
Auns culpilrnt-vrrlgarc
Pisum sativum
E~ysiyltepolygor i i
Plantago sp.
Seporiu ylu~ttugi~tec~
Plantago brachyphylla
Erysiplze ciclzornc:eurz~m
Platinus orientalis
Splt ueropsis lorartllr i
Plectranthus rugostrs
E ~ y i p h epolygort~
Poa sp.
Erysiplte ~ ~ u n ~ i r r i s
Urocystis agropogi
Poa flexuosa
Podophyllum emodi
Cercospora erltodi
Cmospora yodoplrylli
Host Index

Polygonum atfine
Puccirtja ~iitida
Polygonum aviculare
Evsiphe polygoni
Uromyces polygorr ia - avicularis
Polygonum polystachyum
Puccirtia nitida
Polygonum serrulatum
Spltacelotlzeca lzydropiyeris
Polygonum sp.
Puccirtia rritida
Septoria plygonicola
Ustilago anomala
Ustilago raticulata
Populus alba
Cladosponunt niartiarro~rturtr
Populus balsamifera
Uricinula adunca
Pupulus deltoides
Populus ciliata
Cytospora clrrysospentza
Malarnpsora ciliaia
Necfna cirt~rabari~~a
Populus niger
Cercospora janruensis
Portuluca oleracea
Albugo poHulacae
Potamogeton sp.
Doassarrsiopsis nrc~nia~toJiurla
Potentilla fragarioides
Potentilla eriocarpa
Syltuerolltecu jilligirt ea
Prangos pabularia
Prunus armeniaca
PoIyl>or7rnt ltispidrrs
S I I ~ I P I ~calpopl!,'llu
Prrlnus amygdalus
Cercospra nrbro(irrclu
a cc~rpopltslla
Tepltnrtu deJ'or7rturt.s
Prunus avium
Stiprlinu c~urpq~lt~~lltr
Prunus domestica
Poly.rriortirtn I-1rbr.u
U I I ~ I I ~ I/>nrrtu\tri
Prunus sp.
Sordrrria Itr~rttc~rtu
Prunus persica
Host Index

Stigrttirtu carpoyltyllu
Tepltrirtu defor7ttatts
Pucciniella distans
Seporia sigrtroidea
Pyrus comrnunis
Altentaria tertuis
Discosia artocreas
Etttornosporiwn ttraculanint
Qrus rnalus syn (Malus dornestica)
Circirtotricltuttr tttactiliforntae
C. obsc~rnu
C. olivacewtt
C. pyrirlunt
Eysiphe lteraclei
Helicotriciturtt obscururtt
Podosphaera lelr cottic11u
Spilocaea yortri
Vinniria itt aeq~ialis
Pyrus pashia
Taplrnna blillala
Quercus sp.
Scytinosrrortra dlrrirrniln
Quercus sp.
~ u e r c u dilatata
Spltaerorlrecu lat~estns
Quercus incana
Ranunculus diffusa
Etysiplt e yo@gotri
Ranunculus hirtellus
Aecidiunl r~~rrt~rtarlnceanlrr~
Ranunculus lactus
Ranunculus nluricatus
Ranunculus scloeratus
Ranrrrluna dccipiet 1s
Ranunculus sp.
Erysipltc polygort i
Urocystis anet1rones
Rhamnus dahurica
Rheum webbiana
Ustilago stewmlii
Robinia pseudoacacia
Etysiylte rrifolii
Rosa moschata

Rosa webbiana
Host Index

Telecottia rosae
Rosa sp.
Cercospora rosicola
Diplocapott rostre
Massana t?~argirt
Septona rosatut?t
Sp/taer6tlieca .pattttosa
Rot tboellia speciosa
Urontyses rott boelliae
Rouwol Wa serpentina
Akentana lett~lis
Cercospora set y ett 1it I u
Cotyttespora cussiicola
Le,*eilkila tautica
Rubus sp.
Cercosyora nibi
Rubus fructicosus
Rubus lasiocarpus
Seproria nibi
Kumex xp.
Etysiplte cott~nt~cr~is
Rumex maritimus
Cercosl>oranit P ticis
Rumex nepalensis
MycosphclereIla nrr~~icis
Rumex orientalis
Prrccitriu nel~crletlsis
Sclerof irrrlr rolfsii
Plrorlra betae
Salix sp.

Salix alba
Cvtospora sulicis
Salix babylonica
Salix caprea
Uttcitrrrla ad~rrrcu
Salix hastata
Salvia glutinosa
Sambucus ebulus
Ascocvla samb~rci
Etysiplre sat~rhrrci
Saussurea sp.
Elyiphe cichoraceanrt71
Scrophularia sp.
Sept proria .rcrol~hrrlariae
Seigeshekia erientalis
Splruero/hccu ~~taclrluris
Hbst Index,

Serratula phallida
Albugo rragopogonis
Setaria glauca
Uromyces leptodemus
Shorea robusta
Lentinus strigosus
Sisymbrii loeslii
Rhabdospora sisymbrii
Skin of man
Achorian actoni
A. scheonleirti
Smilax macrophylla
Cercospora smilacis
Agn'cus campestris
Caloscypha fulgens
Calyatiagigen tea
C. snccale
Chyrosporiurn sp.
C. tmpicum
C. nluscoides
Discirta perlara
Elvela crispa
Fomes urtgulatus
Gympharagium delilei
Helvella crispa
H ~ ~ c I I I c a~iratilc
H ~ ~ I I Iaitchcsort
Lanr]~rosporacreehqrreruntlr i
Ljroperdolr ~~III~I~IIIIIII

Morclrclla deliciosa
M. mnirrdu
0 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ hcar~~parrclla
Otidea alrrtaceu
Peziza lirtrrrueu
P. 11tic11eli
PoOponu athr.rnis
P. r~~~tbcl/urrrs
Sarcocyplru coccitrca
Tncholonra ~~relalericrir~~
T. srrbpril~~enilerrtrrr~r~
Vetpa bol~er~tica
Solanum melenogena
Solanum tuberosum
Alternuria ferrrris
Sonchus oleraceus
Bmrria lactrrcae
Spinacea oleracea
Host Indkx

Spondias mangifera
Pliyllosticta corylea
Stachytarpheta indica
Cercospora stoclryrarphetae
Stachys sylvatica
Erysiphe galeopsidis
Stipa siberica
Etysiphe grornirt is
Urocystis stripae
Stipa sp.
Diplodina butleri
Epicllloe yplriria
Scptoria stripir la
Tectona grandis
Auncularia rtlesc~llrica
Tephrosia vagelii
Pythilrnl dclerrsc
Teraxacum officinale
Pucciriea taraxaci
Tetrastigma sulcatum
Cenzospora tetrosligr11 atis
Thesum himalayense
Diplodis tliesii
Trifolium pretense
fscr 1dopezira rrifolii
Urorttyces trifolii
Trifolium repens
Tinospora cordifolia
Cercospora tirlosporae
Tinospora malabarica
Cercosporu firI osporue
Triticum sp.
Dilopltosporu stiperba
Alccirta gl~rntenu~t
Tilletia canes
I. foetidtu~t
Triticum sativum
Aiccirtii grarltirtis
P. grant irtis-lritici
Ustilago rttida
Triticum vulgare
Tilleria canes
Vallara heynei
Cercospora prrngaber~sis
Verbena offxinalis
Septoria verbertue
Veronica verna
Schroetena delastrirta
Vibernum sp.
Septotia brrtleri
Viola sp.
Host Index

Viola partrinii
Cercospora violae
Viola serpens
Pltccirlia violae
Vitis vinefera
Cercospora viticrda
Urrcirtula tiecator
Wattakaka volubilis
Septoria wattakakue
Wikstroemia canescens
Melantpsora yosltinagai
Withania somnifera
Cercospora witltar~iae
Zea mays
Ustilago rilaydis
Ustilago zeae

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182. Thind, K.s. and Lakhanpal, T.N. 1968. the Myxomycetes of
India XXII. Mycolgia 60: 1080-1085.
183. Thind, K.S. and Ratlan S.S. 1068. The Thclephoraceae of North
Westcrn Hinialay;~~. Scn. BtlN. 4: 15-24.
Irrd. Pl!\~ro~~rrllr.
184. Thind, K.S. and Ra~tan,S.S. 1870. thelephoracene of India-111.
The genus T~ihlicrirtis urtcl H\y~hodcr~t~s
irt Irldia. Proc. Irtd
Acnd. Sci. 71B: 118-133.
185. Thind, K.S. and Rallirn, S.S. 1971. The Polyp~raccaeol' India-
VI11. I~tdiutrPl~vlopi~llt.2: 290-293.
186. Thind, K.S. and Raltan, S.S. 1973. The Thelephoraceae of India
VI. Itldia~tPltytoputh. 26: 528-536.
187. Thind, K.S. and Rattan, S.S. 1973. The Thelephoraccae of India
26: 485-494.
V11. Irtdian 0lt)~~oycrtIt.
188. Thind, K.5.and Singh, H. 1970. The Helotiales of India XIV.
Proc. Irtd. Acad. Sci. 70B: 171-178.
lS9. Thind, K.S. and Singh, H. 1971. The I-Ielotialcs of India. XV. i
Irld. Bot. Soc. 50: 201 -208.
'30. Thind, K.s. and Waraitch, K.s. 1974. Thc Pezizales ol Intlia
XIII. Proc. Nut. Acad. Sci. 44B: 13-21.
101. Thind, K.S. and Warailch, K.S. 1974. The Pezizales of India.
XV. Aoc. Nut. Acad. Sci. I ~ ~ d44B;
i a 27-35.
192. Thirumalachar, M.J. 1943. Ergot on Sugar-cane. Ciu.,: Sci. 12:
193. Thirumalachar, M.J. 1943. Musscellu l)~.cyrriac,a new spccics of
rust. New Plt~~),lopu~hol.
42: 45-48.
194. Tilak, S.T. and Rao, R. 1968. Second supplement ol' l'uugi ol
India (1962-67).
195. Ulbrich, E. 1938. The lungi collccleil by German Hi~iialay~i
Expedition of 1937. Norizhl. Bot. GUII.Bc1.I. 14: 139-i50.
196. Ulbrich, E. 1030. New Arlen Van Nanga Parbar by C . Troll
Fungi Naclilrug Zu Pucciniaceae (Ncw specics from Na~iga
Parbat Collected by C. Troll. Fungi addcndum to Pucciniace;~c)
Notiibl. Bof. Guri. Bed 14: 343-344.
197. Uppal, B.N. and Patcl, M.K. and Kamat, M.N. 1935. Thc fungi
of Bombay VIIT: 1-56.
198. Wajid Khan M., Akrani, M and Khan, A.M. 1972. Perilliccial
stages of some powdery mildcws including sonie ncw recol tls
Irtdiun Pltylopallt. 25: 220-224.
1'99. Wchmeyer, L.E. 1963. Some Himalayan AscOmycetes of
Punjab and Kashmir. Mycologia 54: 313-335.
200. Wehrneyer, L.E. 1964. Some Fungi Impcrfecti from Punjab and
Kashmir. hi)lcologiu. 55: 323-333.

1. Acta Phytopathologica
2. Advances in Botany
3. American Journal of Botany
4. Annales des Epiphytes
5. Annals of Applied Biology
6. Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan
7. Annual Review of Microbiology
8. Annual Review of Phytopathology
9. Annual Review of Plant Physiology
10. Biochimica et Biphysica Acta
11. Biological Abstrats
12. Botanical Gazette
13. Botanical Review
14. Boyce Thompson Institute, Contributions
25. Canadian Journal of Botany
16. Canadian Journal of Plant Science
17. Canadian Plant Disease Survey
18. Current Science
19. Hilgardia
20. Indian Photopathology
21. Indian Journal of Mycology & Plant Pathology
22. Indian Journal of Plant Pathology
23. Journal of Agricultural ~ e s e a r c h
24. Journal of Bacteriology
25. Journal of Cell Biology
26. Mycologia
27. Nature
78 Flutgi of'Ju~ltrttlc,Kaslt17tirurtd Laduklt

28. Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology

29. Phytochernistry
30. Phytopathologische Zeitschrift
31. Phytopathology
32. Plant Disease Reporter/ Plant Disease (frorn 1980)
33. Plant Pathology
34. Plant Physiology
35. Plant Prodtection Bulletin (FAO)
36. Review of Applied Mycology
37. Science & Culture
38. Science
39. State Experiment Station Bulletins, Technical
Bulletins, Memoirs, Annual Reports, etc.
41. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bulletins
42. Zeitschrift fiir Pfl-anzenkrankheiten
A (Angstro1n)-A unit of length equal to 1/10 millimicron (mu) or
1/10,000 micron (u).
Abscission layer-A zone of delicate, thin-walled cells surrounding a
lesion of a leaf, the breakdown of which disjoins the affected
area from the rest of the leaf.
Acemlus-A subepidermal, saucer-shaped, asexual fruiting body
producing short conidiophores and conidia.
Actinomycetes-A group of microorganisms apparently intermediate
betiveen bacteria and fungi,and classified as either.
ADP (Adenosine diphosphate)-A compound which upon
phosphorylation (addition of phosphate and energy) forms high
energy bonds as ATP.
Etiolation- Yellowing of tissue and elongating of stems caused by
reduced light or darkness.
JGclusion- Control of plant disease by excluding the pathogen or
infected plant material from disease-free areas.
Exudate- Liquid discharge from diseased or.heakhy plant tissue.
Facultative parasite- An organism that is usually saprophytic but
which under certain conditions may become parasitic.
Fccultative saprophyte- An organism that is usually parasitic but
which may also live as a saprophyte.
Fermentation- Oxidation of certain organic substances in the
absence of molecular oxygen.
Fertilization- The sexual union of two protoplasts resulting in
doubling of chromosome numbers.
Filamentous- Threadlike; filiform.
Filifom- Threadlike; filamentious.
Flagellum- A whiplie structure projecting from a bacterium or
zoo-spore and functioning as an organ of locomotion. Also
called a cilium.

Agdw. G.N.(1988) plmt Ph~hology.Aodsnic h

F l ~ ~ t t gThe
- loss of rigidity and drooping of leaves and tender
shoots preceding the wilting of a plant.
Fleck- A minute spot.
Fl~roresceirt- A fluorescent substance adsorbed to anitibodies in
order to facilitate their detection and location on a tissue.
Free-livirlg- Of a microorganism that lives freely, unattached; or a
pathogen living in the soil, outside its host.
Frlrcfificutiott- Production of spores by fungi. Also, a fruiting body.
Fnritittg body- A complex fungal structure containing spores.
Fnritirlg bod))- A complex fungal structure containing spores.
F~rr~tigar~t- A toxic gas or volatile substaiice that is used to disinfest
certain areas from various pests.
Flrmigatiott- The application of a fumigant for disinfestation of an
Flrttgicide- A compound toxic to fungi.
Flrttgistatic- A compound that prevents fungus growth without
killing the fungus.
Ftutgu- An undifferentiated plant lacking chlorophyll and
conductive tissues.
Gall- A swelling or overgrowth produced on a plant as a result of
infection by certain pathogens.
Gan~efattgi~rnr-A male or female reproductive cell or the nuclei
within a gametangium.
Gel- A jellylike colloidal mass.
Gerte- A material substance in the chromosome which determines
or conditions one or more hereditary characters. The smallest
functioning unit of the genetic material.
Genorype- The aggregate of genes in an organism.
Genn tube- The early growth of mycelium produced by a
germinated fungus spore.
Gerntittatiott- The beginning of growth of a spore or seed.
Giant cell- A multinucleate mass of protoplasm formed by
coalescence of several adjacent plant cells. Also called a
syncytium. Found in plants infected by certain nematodes.
Glossary 81

Gibbcrellirts- A group of plant growth-regulating substances with a

varicty of functions.
G@colysis- T h e breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid.
Grajlirtg- A method of plant propagation by transplantation of a
bud or a scion of a plant on another plant. Also, the joining of
cut surfaces of two plants so as to form a living union.
Growtlt irthibitor- A natural substance that inhibits the growth of ii
Crowd; reb~ilalor- A natural ssbstance that regulates thc
enlargel~ien~, division or activation of plant cells.
G'iir~t- Cornp!ex polysaccharidal substances fornied by cells in
reaction to wounding or infection.
Gurltrltosis- Production of p n i by or in a plant tissue.
G~inutiorr- Exudation of water from plants, particularly along the
leaf margin.
Hubitat- The natural place of occurrence of an organism.
Haploid- A cell or an organism whose nuclei have a single
co~iiplcteset of chrornosonies.
Halcltir~gfuclor- A material produced by the roots of certain plants
that is believed to illcrease the hatching of eggs of certain
Has~rrori~rnt-A projection of hyphae inlo t . cells ~ which acts as a
penetration and absorbing organ. A group of polysaccharides rese~nbli~ig cellulose
and occurring in thc cell well.
Herbaceolrs pl(~rtr- A higher plan1 [ha[ does not devclop woody
Hc.171tul>Itrodi~e- An individual bearing 110th functional malc ant1
fcn~alcreproductive organs.
Hercr~~cciolr~- Requiring two dilferent kinds of hosts to complctc its
lilc cycle. Pertaining parlicularly to rust fungi.
Hcrerokur~osis- The condition in which a nlyccliuni con~ainstwo
gcnctically dilfcrcrlt nuclci pcr ccll.
klcfer.olhallic fiirrgi- Fungi producing co~nl>;rtiblenialc and femalt
gdniclcs on ~)liy~iologically distinct ~nycclia.
Helerou.ophic- Depending on an ourside course for organic nutrients.
Herero;~yorrs- Having a dominant and a recessive gene of a pair in
thc same ccll or organism.
Hot~rolhullicfirng~rs- A lungus producing compatible male and
female gametes on Lhc sanie mycelium.
H O I I I O ~ ~ OOf
~ I aS -cell or organism having both genes of a pair
dominant or rcccssive.
Hontrorle- A growth regulator. Frequently referring particularly to
yost- A plant that is invaded by a parasite and from which the
parasite obtains its nutrients.
Hosr rarlgc- The various kinds of host pli~ntsthat may be attacked
by a parasite.
Hvalitte- Colorless, transpnrcnt.
Hybrid- The offspring of two individuals differing in one or more
heritable chajacteristics.
Hybrilliznliort- The crossing of two individuals tliffering in one or
morc heritable characteristics.
Hydatl~odcs- Structures will1 one or more openings that discharge
water from the interior of the leal to its surface.
Hydro!ysis- The enzymatic breakdown of a compound through tlie
addition of water.
Hvperplusiu- A plant overgrowth d ~ toc increased cell division.
Excessive sensitivity of plant tissues to certain
pathogens. Affected cells are killed quickly, blocking the
advance of obligate parasites.
Hvyertrol~lty- A plant overgrowth due to abnormal cell enlargement.
Hypha- A single branch of a mycelium.
Hvpodertllis- The c~,llularlayer beneath tlie cuticle of a nematode.
Hypoplasia- Untlerdevelopment of a tissue or plalil due to
decreased cell division.
Hypostaric gettc- A gclic whosc propertics ;Ire supprehscd in rhc
prescncc 01' another (epista~ic)gene.
Hypotroply- Undcrtlcvcloprncnt o l a h u e or plant due lo
i~bnorn~ally retluccd ccll cnlargerncnt.

I~ltnllrrte- Exempt from infection by a givcn pathogen.

Ir~~~~t~in i r ystate
The - .
of being immune. - .
I~ltpcrfecrfiirtgis- A fungi~sthat is not known to produce sexual
111tl~1ject sfuge- The part of the life cycle o l a fungus in which no
sexual spores are produced.
I~tc~ibatio~t per.iod-- The period of time between penetration of ;I
host by a pathogen and tlle first appearanse of sylllptonis on
the host.
l~tdevirtg- A procedure to determine whether a given plant is
infected by a virus. It involvcs the transfer o l a bud, scion, sap,
etc., from one plant top one or niorc kinds of (indicator) plants
that are sensitive to the virus.
I~tdicutor- A plant that reacts to certain viruses or environmental
factors with production of specific symptoms and is used f& \
detection and identification of thcsc factors.
I~tfectiort- The establishment of a parasite within a host plant.
Irtfecrious diseuse- A disease that is caused by a pathogen which
can sprcad fro111a diseased to a healthy plant.
Irtfesred- Containing great numbers of insects, mites, nematodes,
ctc., as applied to an area or field. Also applied to a plant
surface or soil conti~niinatedwith bacteria, fungi, etc.
Itzjrrrv- Damage of a plant by an animal, physical, or cheniical
agent .
Irtoc~ilaic- T o bring a pathogen illto contact wit11 a host plant or
plant organ.
Irroclilario~t- The arrival or transfer of a pathogcn onto a host.
I~tocrrllir~t-The pathogen or its p;u.ts 111i1t can cause disease. That
portion o l individual pathogens that arc brought illto contact
with the host.
Irtrcrculary- For~iiecl along and within the myce1iun1-not at the
hyphal rips.

Irtlcrjc. , t I ~ e - The interfcrcncc of one virus with the multiplica~ion

or thc discasc-p~oducingcapahililics of :I sccond, unrelated
84 Fiu~giof Jur~in:ir,Kasltrltir. urrd Ludukli

Ir~lracclh~iur-Within or through the cells.

Irtvasiort- The sprcad of :I pathogen into the host.
hi111vitro- In culture. Outsidc Lhu I~ost.

Isolntc- A singlc sporc or culiurc and ~ h subcultures

c derivetl from
it. Also uscd to intlicatc collections ol' a piithogen madc at
different times.
Iso1atio11- The separation of n pi~thogen from its host and its
culturc on a nutrient medium.
Isoclccrric precipitaliort- The prccl itation from suspension of a
virus or a protein when the p is at the isoelectric point, i.e.,
when there is no positive or negative surface charge on the
virus or protein.
Krebs cycle- A cyclical series of steps in which pyruvate is oxidized
through the mediation of several organic acids.
Lan~a- A nematode betwccn the embryo and the adult; an
immature nematode.
Virus that does not induce symptom development in its host.
L,-af~pot- A self-limiting lesion on a leaf.
Lertticel- A structure of the bark, some fruits, etc., which permits
the inward and outward passage of gasses.
Lesion- A localized area of discolored, diseased tissue.
Lge cycle- The stage or successive stages in the growth and tlevelop-
rnent of an organism that occur between the appearance ant1
reappearance of the same stage (e.g., spore) of the organism.
I-ig~r$cutiort- Impregnation of cell walls with lignin.
L1grtir1- A complex organic substance or group ol' subs~anccsthat
impregnates the cell walls of xylem vcssels and ccrlain o ~ h e ~
plants cclls.
Ligr~iriuse- An cnzymc that I3rcahs down lignin.
Lipuse- An enzylnc that breaks rats into glyccrin and krtty acids.
Lipids- Substariccs whose molecules consist of glycerin and fatty
acids and sometimes certain additional types of compounds.
Locul lesiort- A locali~edspot produced on a leaf upon meclianical
inoculation with a virus.
Llinicrt- Tlic ca\,iLv 01' tlic ccll within the ccll wirlls.
L ! ~ r ~ ~ ~ l t i l i i u ~ iLong-lcrni
o/t- prescrvalion of microorg;rnisnis or
tissuca by quick Creezing at low lclnperilrures and clesicaliorl
untlcr high vacuum.
L! A brcakdo\\n or tlissolution o l cclls I>yenzymes or viruses.
u ( I ~ I ~ C I . O I ZA) - unit or length cqi~alto 1/1000 of a millimelcr.
1 1 1 11 (1iti1lir)ri~olr)-A unit of Icnglh equal to 1/1000 of a micron.

1 1 1 r i r (rizi1lirircr~cr~)-A unit of length equal to 1/10 of a centimeter

(cm) or 0.03937 of ;ui inch.
r\ltrc~~~o.ccol~ic- Visible willlout the aid of a magnifying lense or :I
A/rrlig~lrrrzl- Used ol' II cell or tissue that diviclcs and e~llargcs
iru~ononiously,i.c., ils growth call no longer bc controlled by
the organism on which i t is growing.
l\lc~.sked.y.lirl~ro~li.s-Virus-intluccd plir~itsymptoms that are absen~
untlc~ccr.lirin cllvironnicnt:~lconditions bur ;Ippcirr when lhe
host is cxposctl to ccrti~inco~itlitiorisof light and tcmlxrir~irrc.
Alcclia~riculilroc~~lri~iolr- Inoct~lalionof a plnnl with ;I tli~.ougli
lrarisfcr of sap I'roni ii virus-infccrcd platit lo a Iiei~ltliyp l a ~ ~ ~ .
~\,lciosis- The first L\vo divisions oC :I zygote that produce the
g a ~ i i c ~ cor
s haploid individuirls. In meiosis the chroniosomc
riunil~cris halved and genetic rccombina~ionsoccur.
hlcl~i\lo11- Tlic untliffcrentiirtccl tissi~ctlic cclls of which can divide
continu:rlly and tliI'rcrcn~i;r~c into specialized tissucs.
Mcsol~l!\~/l-Thc Ic,rl l,,~rcncli!ni;~cclls I~cr\vcc11 cpidcrmal Iirycr.
hlc.s,sc~l~,qor RNA- I\ cl1;1i1101' ril~onuclcotidcs that codcs for ;I
s l ~ c i r i c~wo~cin.
Mclu/~oli.wir- Tllc pr~occss h y \vliich cclls or organisms utilize
nurriti\c mntcri;rl to build living nisrtcr i111d structural
c o n i l ~ ~ i c ~ iorl s , break down cellular niirterial into simple
subsranccs to ~,crfor~ii spcci;~lfunctions.
Alicr~c?fi/ A bu~idlc 01' cellulose molcculc chains irrranged in
crvst;rllinc ;~ndill i ~ n ~ o ~ ~ pregions.
Aiiddlc lantellu- The cementing layer between adjzcenl cell walls; it
generally consists of pectinacco~!~ malerials. except in woody
tissues, where pectin is replaced lignin.
Miparoq)- Migrating Cro~nplant lo plant.
Mildew-. A fungal disease of plants in which the mycelium and
spores of the fungus are seen as ;I whitish growth on the host
Mitoc11o11drior1- A small cytoplasmic particle associated will1
inlracellular respiration.
Mitosis- Nucleirr division in which the chromosomes duplicate
longitudin;rlly and arc eclually dividetl and dis~rihu~ctl
to the
daughter nuclei.
Aiold- Any profuse or woolly l'u~igusgrowth on damp 01. clccaying
matter or on surl'acc of plant tissue.
hloli- The shcdtling or casting off of the culiclc.
hlo~tokur~oric-Containing onc nucleus.
Mosaic- Symptom of certain viral cliscascs of plants chirrirterizccl by
interniinglctl pcrtches of norniirl and liglit grccn or yellowish
Monle- An irrcgt~larpiittern of indistinct light and dark areas.
hflrt~tny- A dricd, shriveled fruit.
ivl~lru~tr- An intlividual possessi~iga ncw, heritable characteristic as
a rcsull of a mutation.
Muttrriorl- An abrupt appc:lr:uicc of a licw ch;rracleristic in an
individual as thc result o i an accidental change in genes or
r\fyceliririt- The hypliir :)r m;rss ol' hyphac lliat make up the botly of
a fungus.
very small, bircteria-likc microogiinisrns. i~itcrnictliate between
viruses and bacteria.
~ W ~ ~ o ~ ~ lA
t i symbiotic
io- associirlion of a fungus will1 the roots of :I
NAD (Nicorirrantidc crdcrrinc dir~liclcoridc)- Thc oxicli~ed I'orni of
the coenzymc of an enzymc in\rolvcd in respiiirtion. NADH is
the reduced form of the cocnrymc. NAD was iornierly calfcd
DPN (diphosphopyridinc nuclcotidc).
Glossary 87

N A D P (Nicofirtarrtidc. adelrirlc dirzliclcoridc 1 1 o s l c ) - A

coenzyme involvcd in respiration. NADPtIz is its reduced f'orm.
NADP was prc\riously known as T P N (triphospliopyridi~ic
Nal~iruloperiir~gs- Stomata, Icnticcls, and hydathodes.
Neauric- Dead and discolo~.ed.
Nectar~/lzode- An opening at the base of a Ilower from which nectar
compound or physical agent thitt kills or inhibits nemalotlcs.
Rllicroscol)ic, wormlike i~ni~n;rls that live saprophvtically in water or.
soil. or as pi~rasitesof plants and aniniiils.
Ncutralizafiort- A serological test in which a virus in suspension is
neutralized by specific antibodies added to the suspension and
loses its infectivity.
Nor~irzfcctious discasc- A drsease that is caused by an
environmental factor, 1101b y a pathogen.
No~rscytutc- Without cross walls
N~icleicncid- An acidic substance containing pentosc. phosphorus,
and pyrimidine and purine bases, Nucleic i~cidstlctern~incthe
gcnctic properties oC organisms.
Nzicleohis- A dense protoplasmic body within the nucleus.
Referring to viruscs: consisting oC nucleic ncid and
N~iclco.ridc- The combination of a sugar and a base molecule in a
nuclcic acid.
N~rclcotidc- The ~)liosl)lioriccstcr of a nuclcoside. Nuclcotidcs are
the I)uilding blocks of DNA irntl RNA.
A:~~c~lezr.s-The tlcnsc 1)rotopliisniic body round in all celll~li~r
orgiuiisnis ant1 bcing cs5cntial in ;ill synthetic i11it1
dcvclopmcntel activities of a cell.
Ohligur(?17ar~n.sirc- A parasitc lhat in nature can grow ; ~ n dmultiply
only on 1ivi1:g orgi~nisms.
Oo~~orti~rrrt-Tlic fcmalc g:imetangium of sorne pliycomycctcs
(Ooniycctcs) containing onc or niorc g;~mctcs.
Onr?tycc.te- A fungus that protluccs oospores. An or;ler o i !hc
Oosporc- A sexotll spore prorluced by the union ol' two
morphologically different girmeti~ngia (oogonium and
Osntosis- The dirfusion of a sol\lent through a differentially
pcrrncable nicmbrane.
Osriole- A porelike opening i l l pcritheciir :rnd phcniclia through
which the spores cscapc from the frui~ingbody.
O,~ciri- The fcni;rle rcproiluc~ivestructure th;rt produces or co~ilains
thc eLg.
Orillrrcr- Thc portion of ~ h cfc~iilrlcrcproiluctive systeiil between
the ovary and thc utcrus.
Ovovipal.orrs- Protlucing eggs that hirtrh within the uterus.
Osidurion- A chcniical reiiclion in which oxygen a>nlbincs with
another suhstancc or in which hydrogen atonis or clcclrons are
re~novcdfrom a strhst:rncc.
O.vrtlative yhos~~ho~ylurro~~-
Thc ittili~ationof energy relcascd by tlic
oxidative reactions of rcsl)i~,~tionto lorn: high energy ATP
\ ~ ~ of oxygcn hat in rcli~~ively
Ozolte (0,)- A highly r c i ~ r t i form high
concenlrirlions ma!; injurc [)li~nts.
Pulr.vrrrle ptrr~~~~tcl~~rr~cr-
E I o ~ ~ g i rt.clls
~ ~ i found
l ills1 hcnc,ttli the upper
epidermis of leitvcs ;cntl coot,t~ningchlorol)lirsts.
PAN ( P c r ~ ~ . ~ ~rtirrurcr)-
~ c r c ~ ~ l Air pollutants prorlr~cctlirs by-products
in tlic exliaus~sof intcr~~;rl coml~us~ion erigincs and inju~.iouslo
Pul~illrlrc- Bcaring ii papilla, i.c., a l~unipor swelling.
Pural~ltysiv- A sterilc hypha present in sonic fruiting bodies of
faru.~c:17ruli.s1it- A mechanism wlicrcby rccon~bin;llionof liercditi~ry
properties is hascrl on milosis.
Pumsirc- An organism livi~rson or in anothcr living organism
(host) and obtaining its fooil I'rom tlic la~tcr.
P~irrrtcl~~rA a - tissue composctl OC thin-walled cells which usually
lcave intcrcellular sp;iccs bclwccn them.
Glossary 89

Parrlicnogc~iesis- Reproduction from eggs without fertilization by

sperm cells.
Pastcur effect- The phenomenon in respiration in which, in the
presence of oxygen, fermentation is suppressed.
Patltogert- An entity that can incite disease.
Paflrogcnici&- The relative capability of a pathogen to cause
Pcctirr- A methylated polymer of galacturonic and found in the
middle lamella and the primary cell wall.
Pcclirlase- An enzyme that breaks down pectin.
Perletratiott- The initial invasion of a host by a pathogen.
Perttose yathwaj~- Oxidation of glucose by elitnillation of one
carbon atom as C 0 2 and formalion of five-carbon sugars.
Pere~triiult~~jlceliurlt-Mycclium overwintering.such on or in a host
Perjcct stage- The sexual stage (e.g., fruiting bodies) in [lie life cycle
of a fungus.
Pcricycle- Tissue generally found in [he root and bound externally
by the endoder~iiisand internally by the phloem.
Peridiiint- The cxlernal covering of ccrtai~ifruiting bodies of some
Peritltecirrrrt- Thc globular or flask-shaped nscocarp of the
Pyrenoniycctes, having an opening or pore (osliolcj.
Pltage- A virus that attacks bacterii~;also called bacteriophage.
Pltasntid- One of a pair of latcral caudal swellings of a ne~natode
believed to be chemorecep~ive.
Pltellogcrt- Also called cork cambium; it is cambium giving rise
externally to cork and in sollie plants i~iter~ially
lo phelloderm.
Pllcriolic- Applied to a compound thal contains one or niore
phenolic rings.
P l t c t t o ~ j ~ ~The
c - cxlcrnal visible appcrancc of an organism.
Pl~loent- Food-conducling tissuc, consisting of sieve tubes,
companion cclls, phlocm pi~rcnchyma,and fibers.
Pliospltoryluliort- The addition of phosphate to a compound.
Pl~oroperiod- Thc optim uni durnlion of light and tlarkness for the
normal growth and maturity of a plant in nature.
Plrotosy~rdtesis- The process by which carbon dioxide and water are
combined in the presence of light and chlorophyll to form
Pl1~~ortlycetes-A group of I'ugi whose myceliuni has no cross walls.
'Plt~siologric~.ucc.- One ol' a group of microorganisnis like in
morphology but unlike in certain cultural, physiological,
pathological, or other characters.
Pl~y~oulevir~- A substance which inhibits the development ol' a
fungus on hypersensitive tissue, formed only when host plant
cells come in contact with the parasite.
Pl~ytopatcltoger~ic- Term applicable to a microorganism that can
incite disease in plants.
Pltytoto.ric- Toxic to plants.
*Pistil- The central organ of flowers, typically consisting of ovary,
style, and stigma.
Pit- A small membranous area of membranous area of a generally
thick cell wall.
Pith- The parenchymatous tissue in the central area of a stem.
Plus~nulenul~a-The cytoplasmic membrane found on the outside of
the protoplast adjacent to the cell wall.
P l a s ~ ~ t o d e u (Plltrul
~~u = ylusntociesnta~a)- A fine protoplasmic
thread connecting two protoplasts and passing through the wall
which separates the two protoplasts.
Plasnlodirrnt- A naked, slimy mass of protoplas~n containing
numerous nuclei.
Plas~trolvsis- Thc shrinkills and separation of thc cyioplasm from
thc ccll wall. duc to removal of water from the protoplast.
Plusrid- A specialized cytoplasmic structure.
Pleronle- The plant tissues insidc the cortcx.
or crystal with many plane faces.
Polysacchuride- A large organic molcculc consisting of many units
of a simple sugar.
Po/\?ron~e (or polyriboso~lrc.)- A cluster of ribosomes associated
with a messenger RNA.
Glossary 91

Preciyitirt- An antibody that causes precipitation of soluble antigens.

Predator- An organism which lives by prcying upon animals.
Prirltary irtfecliort- Thc first infection of a plant in the spring by the
overwintering pathogen.
Prirllary irtocril~ir~t-The overwintering pathogen ?r its spores that
cause primary infections.
Proliferatiort- A rapid and repeated production of new cells, tissues,
or organs.
Prontyceliur~l- The short hypha produced by the teliospore; the
that multiplies in its insecr vector.
Protcctun~- A substance that protects an organisn~againbt inleclion
by a pathogen.
Proleirt- A high ~nolccularweight conlpound consisting of anlino
acids. IL may be a structural protein or an enzyme.
Pr.oteirt s~~blrrtit-A small protein moleculc that is the structural and
chemical unit of the proteh coat of a virus; a capsomere.
Proto~~l~loent- Thc conductive tissue of actively growing parts of the
plant. Its sieve tubes function for a bricf period, and are
replaced by metaphloc~i~ elements.
Protol~last- The organized living unit of a single cell; everything
inside the cytoplasmic membrane.
yroto.~ylcnt- The conductive tissue that appears at the beginning of
vascular differentiation and usually matures before the organ
completes its elongation; it is followed by formation of
metaxylem which matures after tissue elongation is finished.
in the life cycle of insects between the larva and the adult and during
which the insect is usually enclosed in a case or cocoon.
Alrificatiort- The separation of virus particles in a pure form free
from ccll components.
Aislt~1,e- Small blisterlike elevation of epidermis as spores emerge.
~crlidiurlr- An asexual, spherical or flask-shaped fruiting body
lined inside with conidiophorcs and producing conidia.
P),cniosl~orc- Also called a spcrtna~ium.A ,spore produced iu a
92 Furlgi of Ja~~tnru,
k s l t n i ~ a11d
r Ladakh
7 . I ' > I . - . ' . , * . . .""FT ..I. <" ..

Pycttiunt- Also called a spermagonium. A fruiting body of the rust

fungi that produces small spores called pycniospores or
spermatia which cannot infect plants but function as ganletes or
Quararrtir~e- Control of i~ilportand export of plants to prevent
spread of diseascs and pcsts.
Race- A genetically and often geographically distinct mating group
within a species; also a group of pathogens with distinct
pathological or physiological properties.
Receptive Itypha- A specialized hypha protruding out of a pycnium
and functioning as a female gamete or gametangium.
Recessive- A heritable character or gene which is expressed only
when present in an organism in the hymozygous condition and
which in a heterozyous condition is suppressed by the dominant
allele of the pair.
Red~rctio~l-Any chemical reaction involving the removal of oxygen
from or the addition of hydrogen to a substance; it occurs with
concomitant expenditure of energy.
Resistance- The ability of an organism to overcome, completely or
in some degree, the effect of a pathogen of other damaging
Resistant- Possessing qualities that hinder the development of a
given pathogcn.
Respiratiort- A series of chcmical oxidations within the cell
controlled and catalyzed by enzymcs in which carbohydrate ant1
fats are broken down, releasing energy to be used by the cell or
organism in its various functions.
Resting stage- An inactive stage of a fungus, usually a thick-walled
Restirtg spore- A sexual or other thick-walled spore of a fungus that
is resistant to extremes in temperature and moisture and which
often germinates only after a period of time from its formation.
Reticlrlate- Covered with netlike ridges.
Rltizoid- A short, thin hypha growing in a rootlike fashion toward
the substrate.
Rhizosphere- The soil near a living root.
Glossary 93

Ribosor~te- A subcellular particle involved in protein synthesis.

Rirtgspor- A circular area of chlorosis with a green center; a
symptom of many virus diseases.
RNA (Ribortucleic acid)- A nucleic acid involved in protein
synthesis; also, the only uncleic acid (genetic material) of many
RNase (Ribortuclcase)- An enzyme that breaks down RNA.
Rosette- Short, bunchy habit of plant growth.
Rot- The softening, discoloration, and often disintegration of a
succulent plant tissue as a result of fungal or bacterial infection.
Russet- Brownish roughened areas on skin on fruit as a result of
cork formation.
Rust- A disease giving a "rusty" appearance to a plant and caused
by one of the Uredinales (rust fungi).
Saltirtg out- Precipitation and crystallization of a virus out of
suspension. by the atldition of a salt such its arn~noniunlsullate.
* $
Sariitatiort- The removal and burning of infected pla~it parts,
decontamination of tools, equipment, hands,'etc.
Sapropltyte- An organism that uses dead organic material for food.
Scab- A roughened, crustlike diseased area on the surface of a
plant organ. A disease in which such areas form.
Sciort- A piece of lwig or shoot inserted on another in grafting.
Sc1erertcli)~nta- A strengthening tissue composed of cells with thick
and ofien heavily lignified cell walls.
Sclerofilrr~t- A compact mass of hyphae with or without host tissue,
usuallv with a darkened rind, and capable of survi\fing under
unfavourable environmcnlal conditions.
Scorch- "Burning" of lcaf niitrgius as n result of i~lfcctio~i or
u~ifavorableenvironmental conditions.
Sclrrelhlrlt- The singlc cotyledon of grass embryo.
Sccortdary ir~fcctiort- Any infcction caused by incoculum produccd
as a rcsulr of primirry or a subsequent inl'cclion: itn infection
c--~sedby scc(')ndaryinoculuni.
S~~cori~Iary irroc~ril~r~~t-I~ioci~lu~ii
protlucctl I>y inl'ccrions t h i ~ t took
placc during I llc strnlc qtr\viny sc;tso~i.
94 Firrigi of Jart~rt~lr,
Kashniir arid Ludukll

Sedetrtary- Staying in onc place; stationary.

of the male reproductive tract in which sperm is stored temporarily.
Septatc- Having cross walls.
Sephrrli- A cross will1 (in a hypha or spore).
Serolop- A method using the specificity of the antigen-antibody
reaction for the detection and identification of antigenic
substances and the org:ulisnls thirl carry them.
Sessile-- Permanently and directly attached; a leaf lacking a petiole
or a flower or fruit lacking a pediccl.
Smral- Participating in or protluccd as a result of a union of ~iuclei
in which meiosis takes placc.
Sltock sunlpfonis- The severe, often necrotic synlptorns produced
on the first new growth following infection with some viruses;
also called acute symptoms.
Slaot-holc- A symptom in which small cliseased lragment of leaves
fall off and leave small holes in their place.
Sie\~eplute- Pcrforirted wall area betwcen two pholem cells through
which thcir protoplasts are connected.
Sievc nrhc- A series of phloem cells forming a long cellular tube
through which food niatcrials prc: transported.
Sigri- The pathogen or its parts or products seen on a host plant.
Sr?rlrt- A disease caused by the smut fungi (Ustilaginales); it is
characterized by masses of dark, powdery spores.
Sootv rnold- A sooty coaling on foliage and fruit formed by the
dark hyphe of fungi that live in the honeydew secreted by
insccts such ;IS aphids, mealybugs, scalcs, and whiteflies.
Sonrs- A compacl Inass of spores o r I'ruiting structure Sound
especially in rhc rusts i ~ n dsmuts.
Syerr~rcrgo~~irfr~~( o r /!\~uriir~~~)-A fruiting body of llic rust lungi in
which tht: ganictcs or gan~etitngi;~ arc: protluccd.
Sperr?~alirurr(orpvcr~io.vpo~a)- Thc malc gilmclc or gamctangium 01
the rust fungi.
Spikkles- Small, localized swellings on lcavcs of ccrtain plants
infected with Dirylcrtclrlrs d i l ~ a c i .
Glossary 95

S'o~.anbiophore- A specialized hypha bearing one or more
Sl~orartgiospore- Nonmotile, asexual spore borne in a sporangium.
Syomtgiurll- A container r;r casc of asexual spores.
Syola- The reproductive unit of fungi consisting of one or Inore
cclls; it is analogous to the seed of green plants.
Sl)oridili~tl- The basidiospore of the smut fungi.
Sporodochi~ir~~- A fruiting stl.ucture consisting of a cluster of
conidiophores woven togcther on a mass of hypliac.
Sporol~hore- A hyplia or fruiting structure bearing spores.
Sponrlate- T o produce spores.
S ~ L L IA- s h o r ~twig on which much of the fruit oC nialiy trees is
Srarch- A polysaccliaridc consisting of glucosc units: the principal
food storagc s ~ ~ b s t a n of
c c plants.
Stele-- The central cylinder, inside the cortex, of roots and stems of
vasculrir plants.
Stcrlt-pi~tirrg- A symptom of some viral diseases characterized by
depressions of thc ~ l a n t .
Stcrig~na- A slrndcr pro~rubcranccon a basidiuni that supports the
Src~ilejrrngi- A group of fungi that are not known to produce any
kind of sporcs.
Sterilizutiorr- Tlic elimination of pathogens from soil by liieans of
heat or chemicals.
Stolo~r- A hyplia of some fungi that grows horizontally along the
surface of the substrate.
Slollta (phuul = srol1rura)- A minute, organized opening on the
surfacc of leaves or s t c ~ n sthrough wliicli gasses pi1ss.
Slrultd- A tilanicnt. Also, tlic si~iglcor each ol' the two chains of
nuclcotitlcs t l i i ~ tmake up RNA and DNA.
S~roirt- Thc dcsccntli~nt~ of ;I single isoli~tionin pure culturc; irn iso-
Intc. Also a group of sirnilar isol:ttcs; ;I racc. In plant viruses: a
group or virus isoli~tcshiltling most of their irn~igcnhin coninion.
Strorna- A compact niycelial structure on or in wLkh fructilications
are usually lormed.
Slrberirt- A waxy material found in the walls of cork cells.
Substrate - The material or substance on which a microorganism
feeds and develops. Also, a substance acted upon by an enzyme.
S~rcc~rlertt-A plant having tender, juicy, or watery tissues.
S~rscept- Any plant that can be attackcd by :i given pathogen; a host
Susceptible- Lacking the inherent abili~yto resist disease or a~tack
by a given pathogen; nonimmune.
S~rsccptibility- Tlie inability 01' a plant to resist the el'lect of a
pathogen or other dirmagaing fi~ctor.
Syrttbiosis- A mutually beneficial association of two dill'erent kinds
of organisms.
Syr~~ytor~ ~ - external and inlernal reactions or alterations of a
plant as a result of a disease.
S~~r~tptor~~less c ~ r ~ . i c ! -A plant wliicli although inl'ecled with a
pathogen (usually ;I virus) produces no obvious symplonls.
Syrtcyti~u~r-A multinucleale mass ol' protoplasm surrountled by :I
common cell wall.
Sytergrun- Tlie concurrent parasitism of a host by two patlioge~isin
which the symptoms or other effects produced ;Ire o l greater
magriitude than the sum of the ellccts of each pathogen acting
Syster~ric- Spreading inlcrnally throughout the plrint body; said of a
pathogen or a clicniical.
Teiiospore- The sexual, thick-walled resting spore of the rust and
smur fungi.
Tclirrril- Thc fruiting structure in vhich teliosporcs are produced.
Tcn~tirtc~lo.ridutiort- The oxidation of rcspiratorv substrates and
interrnediatcs by the transfer of electrons (plus FI' ions) via
various carriers to compounds (cytocliromcs) which are
capable of yielding electrons of 02, forming H20.
Tissrre- A group of cells o l similar structure which perfornis a
special function.
Glossary 97

Tolerance- The ability of a plant to sustain the effect of a disease

without dying or suffering serious injury or crop loss. Also, the
amount of toxic residue allowable in or on edible plant parts
under the law.
Toxicity- The capacity of a compound to produce injury.
Tm'n- A compound produced by a microorganism and being toxic
to a plant or animal.
Tracheid- An elongated, tapering xylem cell, with lignified pitted
walls, adapted for conduction and support.
Transduction- The transfer of genetic material from one bacterium
to another by means of a bacteriophage.
Transfer RNA (tRNA)- The RNA that moves amho acids to the
ribosome to be placed in the order prescribed by the messenger
Trunsformuh'on- The change in the DNA of a bacterium by
absorption and incorporation of DNA fragments released .by
another bacterium. Also, the change of a normal to a mahpant
Translocation- Transfer of nutrients or virus through the plant.
Transmission- The transfer of spread of a virus from one plant to
Transovarial transmission- Transmission of a virus from an adult
organism to its progeny through the ovaries and eggs.
Tranpimtion- The loss of water vapor from the surface of leaves.
Tumor- A malignant overgrowth of tissue or tissues.
Tylosis- An overgrowth of the protoplast of a parench+a cell into
an adjacent xylem vessel.
Uredium- The .fruiting structure of the rust fungi in which
uredospores arc produced.
Uredospore- A biudleate, repeating spore of the rust fungi.
Vacuole- A cavity in thk cytoplasm filled with a watery solution of
various substances.
VmMobilify--The property or ability of an organism to change its
characteristics from one generation to the other.
98 Fungi of Jammu, Kashmir culd Ladakh

Vasculur- Term applied to a piant tissue or region consisting of

conductive tissue; also , to a pathogen that grows primarily in
Ithe conductive tissues of a plant.
Vector- An &a1 able to transmit a pathogen.
Vegetutive- Asexual; somatic.
Yeinbunding- Retention of bands of green tissue along the veins
wMe the tissue between the veins has become chlorotic.
Veinclewing- Destruction of chlorophyll adjacent or in the vein
tissue as a result of infection by a virus or other pathogen.
Vesicle- A bubblelike structure produced by a zoosporangium and
in which the zoospores are released or are differentiated.
Vessel- A xylem element 'or series of such elements whose furction
is to conduct water and mineral nutrients.
Vimscent- 4 normally white or colored tissue that develops
chloroplasts and becomes green.
Virulence- The degree of pathogenicity of a given pathogen.
Virulent- Capable of causing a severe disease; strongly pathogenic.
Xylem- A plant tissue consisting of tracheids, vessels, parenchyma
cells, and fibers; wood.
Wlt- Loss of rigidicy and drooping of plant parts generally caused
by insaicient water in the plant.
Wtches' bruom- Broomlike growth or massed proliferation caused
by the dense clustering of branches of woody plants.
W d - A mass of desiccated nematodes of Dirylenchus dipsaci
found in or on some plant tissues.
Yellows- A plant disease characerized by yellowing and stunting of
the host plant.
Zoospomngium- A sporangium which contains or produces
Zcnupon- A spore bearing flagella and capable of moving in water.
-2 The sexual or resting spore of zygomycetd produced by
the fusion of two morphologically similar gametangia.
Zwe- A diploid cell resulting from the union of two gametes.

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