Archive of SID: Removal of Surfactant From Industrial Wastewaters by Coagulation Flocculation Process

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Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., 3 (4): 327-332, 2006

M. A. Aboulhassan,
ISSN: 1735-1472 et al. Removal of surfactant from...
© Autumn 2006, IRSEN, CEERS, IAU

Removal of surfactant from industrial wastewaters by coagulation

flocculation process
M. A. Aboulhassan, 1S. Souabi, 2A. Yaacoubi and 3M.Baudu
Laboratoire de Génie de l’Eau et de l’Environnement, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, BP 146 Mohammedia,
Laboratoire de Chimie Organique Appliquée, Faculté des Sciences Semlalia, Marrakech, Maroc
Laboratoire de l’Eau et l’Environnement, Faculté des sciences de Limoges, France
Received 25 March 2006; revised 10 May 2006; accepted 7 September 2006; available online 1 October 2006

ABSTRACT: Surfactants are among the most widely disseminated xenobiotics that contribute significantly to the
pollution profile of sewage and wastewaters of all kinds. Among the currently employed chemical unit processes in the
treatment of wastewaters, coagulation-flocculation has received considerable attention for yielding high pollutant
removal efficiency. Jar-test experiments are employed in order to determine the optimum conditions for the removal of
surfactants, COD and turbidity in terms of effective dosage, and pH control. Treatment with FeCl3 proved to be
effective in a pH range between 7 and 9. The process is very effective in the reduction of surfactants and COD, the
removals are 99 and 88 % respectively, and increased BOD5/COD index from 0.17 to 0.41. In addition to precipitation
coagulation process, adsorptive micellar flocculation mechanism seems contribute to the removal of surfactants and
organic matters from this rejection.

Key words: Iron chloride, industrial wastewaters, surfactants, coagulation flocculation

Surfactants are in widespread use throughout the health regulatory authorities have fixed stringent limits
world. The use of surfactant is gradually increased day for anionic detergent as standard 0.5 mg/L for drinking
by day; the world surfactant production was 1.7, 1.8 water and relaxable up to 1.0 mg/L for other purposes
and 9.3 million tons in the years 1984, 1987 and 1995, (Rao, 1995). Surfactants removal operations involve
respectively. A wide range of these products are processes such as chemical and electrochemical
actually synthesized and used in several domains such oxidation (Lissens, et al., 2003; Mozia, et al., 2005),
as textiles, fibbers, food, paints, polymers, cosmetics, membrane technology (Sirieix-Plénet, et al., 2003;
pharmaceuticals, microelectronic, mining, oil recovery, Kowalska, et al., 2004; Fernández , et al., 2005), chemical
pulp-paper industries, etc. Anionic surfactants are the precipitation (Shiau, et al., 1994; Talens-Alesson, et
major class of surfactants used in detergent al., 2002), photocatalytic degradation (Rao and Dube,
formulations and represent about 59 % of surfactants 1996; Ohtaki, et al., 2000; Zhang, et al., 2003),
used in 1989 (Mathis, 1992). Surfactants are among the adsorption (Ogita, et al., 2000; Lin, et al., 2002; Adak,
most widely disseminated xenobiotics that may enter et al., 2005) and various biological methods (Matthew
waste streams and the aquatic environment (Sigoillot and Malcolm, 2000; Dhouib, et al., 2003; Chen, et al.,
and Nguyen, 1992; Margesin and Schinner, 1998; 2005). Each has its merits and limitation in application.
Eichhorn, et al., 2001, 2002). They are harmful to human Surfactants containing wastewaters treatment by
beings, fishes and vegetation; and are responsible to biological processes such as activated sludge is
cause foams in rivers and effluent treatment plants and problematic due to the low kinetics of degradation and
to reduce the quality of water. Surfactants cause short to foam production (Dhouib, et al., 2003). Among the
term as well as long-term changes in ecosystem. Due currently employed chemical unit processes in
to all these reasons, many environmental and public wastewater treatment, coagulation-flocculation has
*Corresponding author, Email: received considerable attention for yielding high
Tel.: +2126 7517 817 ; Fax: +2122 3315 353 pollutant removal efficiency. This process can be
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directly applied to wastewaters without being affected is determined. A known volume of prepared ferric
by the toxicity in the wastewater and could constitute chloride solution is added to a jar containing 1 L of
a simple, selective and economically acceptable wastewaters at different pH values adjusted with H2(SO)4
alternative. The objectives of this study are the and NaOH. To investigate the optimum coagulant dose,
examination of coagulation precipitation process the pH value of the wastewater is maintained at an optimum
efficiency for the treatment of industrial wastewaters pH as determined above; and varying doses of iron are
with high surfactants content, especially in terms of then added. After 60 min settling, the supernatant is
organic matter and surfactants removals. More withdrawn for analyses. To asses the efficacy of iron on
specifically, the aim is the determination of the most wastewater treatment, the following are determined:
appropriate iron chloride dose, the examination of pH turbidity, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and surfactants.
effects on removal capacity and the identification of Turbidity: the turbidity is determined by turbidity meter
optimum experimental conditions for the efficient (HI 93703 Microprocessor turbidity meter).
application of this process. Chemical oxygen demand: COD and other
physicochemical parameters (BOD, NTK, Pt….) for
MATERIALS AND METHODS wastewater characterisation measurement are performed
Sampling procedures according to Standard Methods (AFNOR, 1999).
Samples of effluent are collected from outfall of a Surfactants: detergent compounds are determined using
microelectronic factory situated in an industrial park solvent extraction-spectrophotometric with Ethyl Violet
of the Casablanca city, Morocco. The generated method (Motomizu, et al., 1982).
effluent is discharged into the sea without any
treatment. Sampling of the wastewater is carried out RESULTS
according to standard methods for the examination of Fluctuation range of the measured values for COD,
wastewater. BOD, NTK, surfactants, total phosphorus….etc, are
given in Table 1. The wastewater is characterised by
Chemical coagulation and analysis substantial organic matter and high surfactants
Laboratory scale evaluation of chemical coagulation contents. The company uses a liquid anionic surfactant
and flocculation is performed using a four-place jar test on the manufacturing process, it is a mixture of
apparatus. The experimental process consisted of three ammonium nonylphenol ether sulphate (60 %), ethanol
subsequent stages: initial rapid mixing stage at 160 rpm (15 %), water (25 %), dioxane (<0.1%) and ethylene
took place for 5 min, followed by a slow mixing stage oxide (<0.0015 %). In fact, the wastewaters did not meet
for 20 min at 30 rpm, and the final settling step lasted the proposed Moroccan effluent standards. In order
for another 1 h. Four equal volume polyethylene to meet these trade-related demands and to respect
beakers are used to examine the four different dosages acceptable environmental standards, it is necessary to
of coagulant or initial pH values in each run. Sample subject effluents to an appropriate treatment. BOD/
bottles are thoroughly shaken, for resuspension of COD ratios indicate that a biological treatment seems
possibly settling solids and the appropriate volume to be not suitable (Metcalf and Eddy Inc, 1985; Al-
of sample is transferred to the corresponding jar test Momani, et al., 2002), and then a physicochemical
beakers. First, the optimum pH for the function of iron process is required.

Table 1: Microelectronic plant wastewater characteristics

Parameters Fluctuation range Average Moroccan guide level
pH 7.00 – 7.60 7.3 ± 0.25 6.5 - 8.5
Conductivity (ms/cm) 0.60 – 0.75 0.66 ± 0.06 2.7
Turbidity(NTU) 15.91 – 34.50 24.35 ± 7.75 -
Sulphate (mg/L) 45.6 – 58.2 52.2 ± 5.89 -
Pt (mg/L) 1.27 – 1.42 1.335 ± 0.06 10
NTK (mg/L) 65.38 – 72.58 69.24 ± 3.19 30
COD (mg/L ) 5 253.62 – 6 333.44 5846.76 ± 508 500
BOD5 (mg/L) 951.21 – 1 051.45 998.16 ± 41.28 100
Surfactants (mg/L) 915.32 – 956.51 935.45 ± 17.31 3
BOD5/COD 0.16 – 0.18 0.16 ± 0.008 -

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M. A. Aboulhassan, et al. Removal of surfactant from...

2500 100

Turbidity 80

Turbidity (NTU)
1500 60
COD (mg/L)

1000 40

500 20

0 0
5 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11

Fig. 1: Effect of coagulation pH on FeCl3 efficiency


COD (mg/L)





0 640 720 800 880 960 1040

FeCl3 (mg/L)
Fig. 2: Effect of FeCl3 on COD reduction

Table 2: Characteristics of raw and treated wastewaters in Fig. 1. It can be seen that turbidity and COD removals
Parameters Raw wastewaters Coagulated wastewaters are most effective at a pH range between 7 and 9. The rate
pH 7.3 ± 0.25 2.4 ± 0.25 of turbidity and COD removal decreased if the pH was
BOD5 / COD 0.16 ± 0.008 0.408 ± 0.01
Surfactants (mg/L) 935.45 ± 17.31 4.6 ± 1.25 lower than 7 or higher than 9. Experiments were carried
out to determine the optimum dose of iron. The
Coagulation flocculation process is examined for the coagulation flocculation of wastewater is investigated
treatment of the effluent. Numerous jar tests are carried using iron doses of 600–1100 mg/L at coagulation pH = 8.
out in order to establish a practical understanding of the Coagulated wastewater samples are tested for residual
coagulation performance for this application. Initially the COD and surfactants. The removal rate is shown to
tests are carried out to determine the optimum pH for the increase with the FeCl3 dosage (Figs. 2 and 3).
function of iron. A fixed dose of iron is added to the effluent
wastewater and the pH of the mixture is then adjusted DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
with sodium hydroxide and sulphuric acid. The effects of Figs. 2 and 3 indicate that a minimum dosage of FeCl3
pH on turbidity and COD removal from jar tests for of 900 mg/L is required on the reduction of COD and
coagulation of wastewater using ferric chloride are shown surfactants load from the wastewater by coagulation

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Surfactant (mg/L)

0 600 680 720 760 840 880 1000

FeCl3 (mg/L)
Fig. 3: Effect of FeCl3 on surfactant removals


Surfactant removal (mg/L)

R2 = 0,996



4450 4500 4550 4600 4650 4700
COD removal (mg/L)
Fig. 4: Correlation between COD and surfactants removals

to an acceptable level. At this optimum dosage, the matters. Thus the conditions for precipitation
COD removal reach 88 % and it is reduced to coagulation of the surfactant correspond with the
approximately 400 mg/L, and then the treated conditions for precipitation coagulation of the other
wastewaters respect the Moroccan acceptable substances. Talens-Alesson, et al. (2002) report that
environmental standard in terms of COD (500 mg/L).The Fe3+ can be used as an alternative to Al3+ in adsorptive
process is also effective in the reduction of surfactants micellar flocculation (AMF). They concluded that the
which reached 99 %. However, residual surfactants in pH range of Fe3+ solutions resulting from flocculation
treated wastewaters (Table 2) are slightly above than of anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulphate
this recommended by Moroccan legislation (3 mg/L). solutions with Fe3+ is 1.8-2.5. On the basis of the results
Then, a further treatment is necessary to allow the obtained on surfactants and COD removals and on the
surfactants guide level. The effect of iron on pollutants pH of coagulated wastewaters at pH = 2.4 (Table 2), it
reduction shows that there is a comparable evolution seem that, in addition to precipitation coagulation
between COD and surfactants removals. Fig. 4 shows process, AMF mechanism contributes to the removal
positive correlation between COD and surfactants of surfactants and organic matters from this rejection.
removals, R2 = 0.99. It indicates that there exists similar The cations Fe3+ binds itself to a micelle, causing two
mechanism for the removal of surfactants and organic simultaneous effects: it suppresses repulsion between

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Aboulhassan, M. A., is a doctor, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, Hassan II Mohammedia
University, Mohammedia, Morocco. Email:

Souabi, S., is a professor, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, Hassan II Mohammedia

University, Mohammedia, Morocco. Email:

Yaacoubi, A., is a professor, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech,

Baudu, M., is a professor; Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, Limoges University,

Limoges, France. Email:

This article should be referenced as follows:

Aboulhassan, M. A., Souabi, S., Yaacoubi, A. and Baudu, M., (2006). Removal of surfactant from
industrial wastewaters by coagulation flocculation process. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., 3 (4),


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