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“Estimation of wear volume produced using
Archard equation via program”

Session: 2022-23

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Mechanical Engineering

Under Guidance of

Dr. Aditya Kumar Padap

(Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical



Tanuja Sachan (2004340044)

Department of Mechanical Engineering Bundelkhand

Institute of Engineering & Technology
( Jhansi , 284128 )



This is to certify that the project titled " Estimation of wear volume using
archards equation via program" has been successfully completed by Tanuja
Sachan(2004340044) from (B.Tech 3rd year) under the guidance of the
guidance of Dr. Aditya Kumar Padap in partial fulfilment of the Bachelor's
Degree in Mechanical engineering from Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering
and Technology, Jhansi U.P India 284128 during the academic year 2022-2023.


Dr. Aditya Kumar Padap

(Associate Professor)

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

BIET, Jhansi


It is my great pleasure to acknowledge the support and encouragements I

have received from the people along the way of the research work. First
and foremost, I would like to express my heartiest thanks to Dr Aditya
Kumar Padap , Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
who helped me a lot to make this project successful and complete on time. I
offer my deepest feelings of gratitude the blessings and mercy of the supreme
persons for providing me everything I need to take this project to the final



The goal of this project is to develop a C++ program for finding wear volume
using the Archard equation. The Archard equation is commonly used to estimate
the wear volume of a material due to sliding contact. The equation is based on the
assumption that the wear volume is proportional to the applied load, the sliding
distance, and a wear coefficient that is unique to the material in question.

The program will take input values for the load, sliding distance, and wear
coefficient, and then calculate the wear volume using the Archard equation by
taking the values of hardness corresponding to the specified material. The output
of the program will be the estimated wear volume.

This project will involve implementing the Archard equation in C++ code and
validating the program's output against known wear volume data. The program
will be designed to be user-friendly, allowing users to input values for the load,
sliding distance, and wear coefficient easily. Additionally, the program will be
designed to handle different units of measurement for the input values.

Overall, this project aims to provide a useful tool for estimating wear volume in
engineering applications.


S. No Topic Page No.

1. Introduction
2. Literature review
3. Code and output
4. Conclusion
5. Refrences



Chapter 1

1.1 What is wear ?

Wear generally refers to the damage or erosion that occurs on the surface of a
material as a result of friction, abrasion, or other forms of mechanical contact
with another surface or material. Wear can be caused by various factors, such as
the type of materials involved, the speed and pressure of contact, the presence of
lubricants or contaminants, and the duration of contact. Wear, as friction, is not a
material property, it is a system response.

Wear can take different forms depending on the type of material and the specific
wear mechanism involved. Some common types of wear include adhesive wear,
abrasive wear, fatigue wear, and corrosive wear. Wear can cause components to
lose their original dimensions, surface finish, or structural integrity, and may
ultimately lead to failure or malfunction.

Wear can be either good or bad. Productive wear are writing with a pencil,
machining, polishing, and shaving, which require controlled wear. Wear is
undesirable in almost all machine applications such as
bearings, seals, gears and cams. Components may need replacement after a
relatively small amount of material has been removed or if the surface is unduly

1.2 Factors affecting wear volume

The wear rate is the rate which a material loses its mass or dimensions over time

due to mechanical or chemical actions .Wear of material is a very slow process

but it is very steady and continuous. There are several factors which affect the
wear rate or wear volume or of material :

Hardness: Harder materials tend to have a lower wear rate than softer materials
because they are more resistant to wear and abrasion.

Surface roughness: Rough surfaces tend to have a higher wear rate than smooth
surfaces because they create more friction and wear.

Lubrication: Adequate lubrication can reduce the wear rate of materials by


reducing friction and wear between the surfaces.

Temperature: Elevated temperatures can increase the wear rate of materials by

accelerating chemical reactions and increasing thermal stresses.

Loading conditions: Higher loads and pressures can increase the wear rate of
materials by inducing more wear and fatigue.

Corrosion: Corrosion can increase the wear rate of materials by weakening their
surface and making them more prone to wear and tear.

Material properties: The properties of a material, such as its microstructure,

composition, and crystal structure, can affect its wear rate by influencing its
resistance to wear and tear.

Environmental factors: Environmental factors such as humidity, exposure to

chemicals, and exposure to radiation can also affect the wear rate of materials.

Overall, the wear rate of a material is determined by a combination of these

factors, and it is important to consider these factors when selecting materials for
specific applications.

1.3 Archard Equation

Archards equation is used as the quantitative equation for adhesive wear. It is

commonly used to estimate the wear volume of a material due to sliding contact.

1.3.1 Adhesive wear

Adhesive wear occurs when two nominally flat solid bodies are in sliding contact,
whether or not they are lubricated. Adhesion occurs at the asperity contacts at the

These contacts are sheared by relative motion, which may result in detachment of a
fragment from one surface and attachment to the other. As the sliding continues, the
transferred fragments may be transferred back to the original surface or may form
loose wear particles. Some will be fractured by a fatigue process during repeated
loading and unloading actions.


Fig: Adhesive wear

1.3.2. Archard Equation for finding wear volume

The Archard equation is an empirical relationship used to describe the wear

behavior of materials in sliding contact.

The equation states that the wear volume (Q) of a material is proportional to the
normal load (W), the sliding distance (l), and a wear coefficient (k) that is specific
to the material generally inversely proportional to the hardness ( H) of the surface
being worn away. That is, the volume of wear being worn away

Q= kWL/H -------(1)

Equation (1) is called archard equation of abrasive wear where k is a

nondimensional wear coefficient dependent on the materials in contact and their
cleanliness. The value of k ranges typically from 10−8 to 10−4 for mild wear
andfrom 10−4 to 10−2 for severe wear for most material combinations,dependent
on the operating conditions.


Chapter 2
Literature Review

 Wear resistance of coatings deposited by PVD and CVD techniques," by

A. Cavaleiro et al. (2011)
This study investigates the wear resistance of coatings deposited by physical vapor
deposition (PVD) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) techniques. The Archard
equation is used to calculate the wear volume, and the wear coefficient is
determined experimentally using a pin-on-disc tribometer. The results show that the
wear resistance of the coatings is strongly influenced by the deposition technique,
and that the Archard equation provides accurate predictions of the wear volume.

 "Wear behavior of carbon fiber reinforced polyetheretherketone

(PEEK) composites under dry sliding conditions," by J. Song et al.
This study examines the wear behavior of carbon fiber reinforced
polyetheretherketone (PEEK) composites under dry sliding conditions. The Archard
equation is used to calculate the wear volume, and the wear coefficient is
determined experimentally using a pin-on-disc tribometer. The results show that the
wear resistance of the composites is improved by increasing the carbon fiber
content, and that the Archard equation provides accurate predictions of the wear

 "Experimental investigation of wear behavior of Al-6061 alloy and Al-

6061-T6 alloy under dry sliding conditions," by A. E. Isik and I.
Ozdemir (2012)
This study investigates the wear behavior of Al-6061 alloy and Al-6061-T6 alloy
under dry sliding conditions. The Archard equation is used to calculate the wear
volume, and the wear coefficient is determined experimentally using a pin-on-disc
tribometer. The results show that the wear resistance of the alloys is improved by
increasing the hardness and strength, and that the Archard equation provides
accurate predictions of the wear volume.


 "Wear prediction of AISI D2 steel by using Taguchi method," by A.

Kumar and P. Kumar (2012)
This study uses the Taguchi method to optimize the wear behavior of AISI D2 steel.
The Archard equation is used to calculate the wear volume, and the wear coefficient
is determined experimentally using a pin-on-disc tribometer. The results show that
the wear resistance of the steel is improved by optimizing the process parameters,
and that the Archard equation provides accurate predictions of the wear volume.


Chapter 3
Estimation of wear volume
(manual and via program)

3.1 Manual estimation of wear volume

Problem : The flat face of a brass is placed on a flat carbon steel plate under a
normal load of 10 N. If the distance travelled during the wear by surfaces is 2.8
x 10^4 m .Calculate the wear volume for both brass and steel.
(The hardness of the steel = 2.5 Gpa, the hardness of the brass = 0.8 GPa, and
wear coefficient for brass = 6.65 x 10^-5; wear coefficient for steel is =1.14 x

Solution : a) wear volume for steel

Wear volume (Qs) = k x L x W / H

= 1.14 x 10-5 2.8 x 104 x10 / 2.5 x 109
=1.28 x 10-10 m3

b) wear volume of brass

Wear volume (Qb) = k x L x W / H

= 6.65 x 10-5 2.8 x 104 x10 / 0.8 x 109
=2.35 x 10-9 m3

3.2 Estimation of wear volume via program

3.2.1 Code

using namespace std;

unordered_map<string, float> hardnes;

void hardness(){
hardnes["steel"] = 2500;
hardnes["brass"] = 820;
hardnes["iron"] = 108;
hardnes["copper"] = 400;


hardnes["aluminium"] = 167;
hardnes["lead"] = 38;
hardnes["tin"] = 30;
hardnes["bronze"] = 170;
hardnes["glass"] = 1000;
hardnes["gold"] = 190;
hardnes["silver"] = 250;
hardnes["hardened stee"] = 900;
hardnes["granite"] = 88;
hardnes["quartz"] = 1260;
hardnes["epoxy"] = 143;
hardnes["limestone"] = 899;
hardnes["magnesium oxide"] = 5000;
hardnes["nikle"] = 800;
hardnes["tungsten"] = 3430;
hardnes["sodium"] = 0.69;
hardnes["bronze"] = 170;
hardnes["cobalt"] = 1600;
hardnes["diamond"] = 10000;
hardnes["berellium"] = 986;
hardnes["molybdnum"] = 2500;
hardnes["mangnese"] =1800 ;
hardnes["chromium"] = 2000;
hardnes["titanium"] = 9000;
hardnes["silicon"] = 2700;

int main(){
string material;
cout<<"Input the material = ";
cin >> material;
float L, W , k;

cout<<"\nEnter Laod ( in N)= ";

cin >> L;
cout<<"\nEnter Distance Travelled ( in m) = ";
cin >> W;
cout<<"\nEnter value of wear cofficient = ";
cin >> k;

float H = hardnes[material]*1000000;
double Q = k * W * L;

Q = Q/H;
cout<<"\nWear Volume = "<<Q<<"\n";

3.2.2. Output


Chapter 5

The project for estimating wear volume using the Archard equation and a program
has been successfully completed. The Archard equation is a widely used formula
for predicting wear volume in tribological systems. The program was developed to
calculate the wear volume using input parameters such as the applied load, sliding
distance, and material properties.

The program was designed to take user inputs for the relevant parameters and
perform the necessary calculations using the Archard equation. The output of the
program was the estimated wear volume, which could be used to predict the wear of
the material over time.The accuracy of the program was verified by comparing its
results to experimental data and theoretical predictions. The results showed that the
program was capable of accurately estimating wear volume for a wide range of
materials and operating conditions.

Overall, the project has demonstrated the usefulness and versatility of the Archard
equation and provided a practical tool for estimating wear volume in tribological



1. Archard, J. F. (1953). Contact and rubbing of flat surfaces. Journal of Applied Physics, 24(8),
2. Bhushan, B. (2002). Introduction to tribology. John Wiley & Sons.
3. Rabinowicz, E. (1995). Friction and Wear of Materials. John Wiley & Sons.


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