00250600BCST49050 Cdfe03 32
00250600BCST49050 Cdfe03 32
00250600BCST49050 Cdfe03 32
Contract N.
Vendor logo and business name Vendor Document ID
Order N.
Facility Name Location Scale Sheet of Sheets
ONSHORE n.a. 1 of 32
1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................... 5
1.1 General....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Objective..................................................................................................................................... 5
2 DEFINITION AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................. 6
2.1 Language and unit of measurement .......................................................................................... 6
2.2 Definition..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Abbreviations.............................................................................................................................. 8
3 CODES AND STANDARDS AND REFERENCE.......................................................................... 11
3.1 International Telecommunication Union (ITU).......................................................................... 11
3.2 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) ............................................................ 11
3.3 International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC) ....................................................................... 11
3.4 ENI Standards .......................................................................................................................... 12
3.5 Reference Project Documents ................................................................................................. 12
3.6 Environmental conditions ......................................................................................................... 14
4 TELECOMMUNICATION WORKS OVERVIEW ........................................................................... 15
4.1 General..................................................................................................................................... 15
5 CIVIL WORKS ............................................................................................................................... 16
5.1 Hand-holes and conduits laying ............................................................................................... 16
5.2 Poles foundations ..................................................................................................................... 16
5.3 Cable trays and conduits laying inside buildings ..................................................................... 17
6 CABINETS AND EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION .......................................................................... 18
6.1 Cabinets Installation ................................................................................................................. 18
6.2 Equipment Installation .............................................................................................................. 18
6.2.1 Equipment Installed Inside Cabinets ............................................................................... 18
6.2.2 Equipment Installed Outside Cabinets ............................................................................ 19
7 CABLES LAYING AND TERMINATION....................................................................................... 21
7.1 Cables Laying........................................................................................................................... 21
7.1.1 FOC for Process CCTV System ...................................................................................... 21
7.1.2 Power Supply Cable for Process CCTV System............................................................. 21
7.1.3 FOC for WAN/LAN System.............................................................................................. 22
7.1.4 FOC for FOPIMS ............................................................................................................. 22
7.1.5 Multi-pair copper cable for Telephone System outdoor telephone sets.......................... 22
7.1.6 Power Supply Cable for Telephone System outdoor telephone sets.............................. 23
7.1.7 UTP Cables for LAN and Structured Cabling System ..................................................... 23
7.1.8 Feeder Cable for radio link to remote FACILITIES equipment antennas........................ 23
7.2 Cables Termination .................................................................................................................. 24
7.2.1 FOC for Process CCTV System ...................................................................................... 24
7.2.2 Power Supply Cable for Process CCTV System............................................................. 24
7.2.3 FOC for WAN/LAN Systems interconnection to DGS ..................................................... 24
7.2.4 FOC for FOPIMS ............................................................................................................. 25
7.2.5 Multi-pair copper cable for Telephone System outdoor telephone sets.......................... 25
7.2.6 Power Supply Cable for Telephone System Outdoor Analog telephone sets accessories
7.2.7 UTP Cables for LAN and Structured Cabling System ..................................................... 25
7.2.8 Feeder Cables for radio link to remote FACILITIES equipment antennas ...................... 26
7.2.9 Cable Termination Verification ........................................................................................ 26
8 EQUIPMENT CONNECTION......................................................................................................... 27
8.1 Equipment to Power Supply Connection.................................................................................. 27
8.1.1 Cabinet Power Distribution Unit....................................................................................... 27
8.1.2 Process CCTV junction boxes, cameras and accessories.............................................. 27
8.1.3 Analog Outdoor Telephone Sets accessories ................................................................. 28
This document is property of Eni S.p.A. Exploration & Production Division.
It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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00250600BCST49050 022026-2506-HA-E-
e & p division 49050 CD-FE 03
1.1 General
ENI has been awarded the Zubair project for the development of an oil field
(ZUBAIR FIELD) in joint venture with Occidental, Korea Gas and Missan Oil
COMPANY (as state partner), with Eni as operator.
The Zubair Field is located in the southern area of Iraq, 20 km from Basra city.
The structure of the Zubair Field is a relatively gentle anticline oriented NNW -
SE, approximately 60 km long and 10-15 km wide.
The Zubair project is a “brown field project” in which two main phases can be
1.2 Objective
• WAN System;
• LAN System;
• Telephone System;
• CCTV Process System;
• Pipeline Monitoring System (FOPIMS);
• Radio Link to Remote Facilities System;
2.2 Definition
CONTRACTOR ITEMS Means any and all itemised and non itemised
equipment and materials, including construction
spares, special tools, commissioning spares and
consumables to be incorporated into the
FACILITY or used during the plant
commissioning, start up or operations and
necessary for the due performance of the
WORK/SERVICE, in order to allow the complete
2.3 Abbreviations
AC or ac Alternating Current
ACS Access Control System
ACSR Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced
ATEX Atmospheres Explosive (Directive 94/9/EC)
BOPD Barrels of Oil per Day
BSTB Billion of Stock Tank Barrels
Cat-6 Category 6
CCD Charge Coupled Device
CD Compact Disc
CCR Central Control Room
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
CED Contract Effective Date
CLI Calling Line Identifier
CMCS Central Monitoring Communication System
COE Common Operating Environment
CPI Corrugated Plate Interceptor
dB Decibel
DC or dc Direct Current
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DISA Direct Inward System Access
DVR Digital Video Recorder
DGS DeGassing Station
DTMF Dual Tone Multi Frequency
DVD Digital Versatile Disc
EExe European Area of Use Standard – Increased Safety EN50019
EIA Electronics Industries Alliance
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction
Fps Frames Per Second
FAX Facsimile document transmission
FIDS Fence Intrusion Detection System
FO Fiber Optic
FOC Fiber Optic Cable
FOD Field Operation Division
FOPIMS Fiber Optic Pipeline Monitoring System
GUI Graphic User Interface
Ex Certification for Hazardous Area
HF High Frequency
HMI Human Machine Interface
HOFR Heat and Oil Flame Resistant
This document is property of Eni S.p.A. Exploration & Production Division.
It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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00250600BCST49050 022026-2506-HA-E-
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Hz Hertz
I/O Input/Output
ICSS Integrated Control & Safety System
IDF Intermediate Distribution Frame
IDS Intrusion Detection System
IEC International Electro technical Committee
IEEE Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers
IP Internet Protocol
IPTV Internet Protocol TeleVision
IR Infra-Red
IS International System
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISP Internet Service Provider
ISS Integrated Security System
IT Information Technology
ITU International Telecommunication Union
kHz Kilo Hertz
kV Kilo Volt
LAN Local Area Network
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCR Least Cost Routing
LED Light Emitting Diode
LER Local Equipment Room
LS0H Low Smoke Zero Halogen
LSB Logistic Support Base
LSC Life Support Camp
LSR Local Security Room
Mb/s Megabits per second
MAC Media Access Control
MDF Main Distribution Frame
MF Medium Frequency
MHz Mega Hertz
MLV Main Valve Line Station
MPEG Moving Pictures Expert Group
MPS Main Pumping Station
MSDC Main Supervisory Dispatching Centre
MSR Main Security Room
MTBF Mean Time Before Failure
MTG Main Telecom Ground
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
NMS Network Management System
NTP Network Time Protocol
NTSC National Television System Committee
NVR Network Video Recorder
OHL Over Head Line
OPGW OPtical Ground Wire
OSI Open System Interconnection
PAGA Public Address & General Alarm
PAL Phase Alternation Line
PoE Power over Ethernet
PS Pump Station
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PTZ Pan Tilt Zoom
RF Radio Frequency
RFI Radio Frequency Interference
RP Rehabilitation Phase
CONTRACTOR ITEMS and systems should normally comply with the relevant
national and international recommendations of the ITU and should be type-
approved by the national authority for use in the application proposed.
4.1 General
The above list is only preliminary. CONTRACTOR shall carry out all necessary
activities for good work execution
All telecommunication works shall be executed by CONTRACTOR according to
Civil works will be executed according to specification no.00250600BASG10007
“General specification for concrete works” and 00250600BASG10006 “General
specification for site preparation/earthworks”
Geotechnical data are not necessary since the telecommunication works are
minor concrete works.
In case hand-hole dimension results not enough to house all related conduits,
installation of man-hole shall be needed.
For hand-holes and conduits positioning, routing and dimensions please refer to
cable routing documents.
CONTRACTOR shall provide adequate cables path between pole and related
hand-hole in order to minimize cable route issues.
Cable trays and conduits shall be installed inside buildings for all
Telecommunication Systems equipment cables interconnection. Cable
installation without or outside cable tray/conduit is not allowed.
Cable trays shall be laid along room/area walls below false floor (where possible)
or above ceiling/false ceiling (leaving reasonable space between tray and ceiling
in order to allow cable laying activities).
Cable trays shall allow internal segregation from different systems cables or from
power supply cables to other cables (if needed).
Cable trays quantity shall be determined during detail design in order to obtain a
50% spare minimum in each tray.
Minimum two different conduits on the same path shall be laid in order to
segregate power supply cables from other cables (if needed).
Conduits quantity shall be determined during detail design in order to obtain a
50% spare minimum in each conduit pipe.
Cable trays, conduits and all bulk ITEMS necessary to above mentioned activities
execution shall be provided by CONTRACTOR (include typical drawings for
Cable tray design and installation).
Cabinets shall be installed as per positioning that will be provided during detail
design phase.
Equipment installed inside cabinets shall be, but not limited to, the following:
• Power Distribution Units;
• Optical Distribution Frames for WAN and LAN systems FOC backbone
and distribution terminations, Process CCTV FOC terminations, FOPIMS
dedicated FOC terminations;
• WAN equipment (Core-Switch, SDH over FOC, Synchronization
equipment, Data Distribution Frames and patch-panels);
• LAN and Structured Cabling System equipment (LAN switches and CAT6
• Telephone System central equipment (Analog Gateways, Main
Distribution Frames, Field copper cable terminations);
• Process CCTV Systems Central Equipment;
• FOPIMS Central Equipment;
• Radio link to remote FACILITIES central equipment (Base station);
• Network Management System servers;
• Dedicated workstations (if any);
All equipment shall be suitable for rack mount, where not possible, rack mounted
trays shall be provided to accommodate them.
Equipment installed outside cabinets shall be, but not limited to, the following:
• Process CCTV cameras, junction boxes, poles and accessories;
• Analog Outdoor Telephone Sets with accessories (acoustic hood,
sounder, beacon);
• Structured Cabling System RJ-45 Outlets;
• FOPIMS dedicated FOC termination units (if any);
• Antenna for radio link to remote FACILITIES central equipment (where
• Workstations for systems management/monitoring
FOPIMS dedicated FOC termination units (if any) shall be installed as per
SUBCONTRACTOR indications. Units will be provided by SUBCONTRACTOR,
while CONTRACTOR shall provide installation bulk materials (i.e. screws, tie-
wraps, etc.).
Antennas for radio link to remote FACILITIES system shall be installed on the
radio tower at DGS SITES. Antennas shall be installed by CONTRACTOR using
For all equipment and ITEMS, positioning will be provided during detail design
For all cable types, where applicable, CONTRACTOR shall provide dedicated
cable routing which shall be submitted to COMPANY for approval.
FOC for Process CCTV System shall be laid in conduits between Control
Building and dedicated hand-holes and/or camera installation points indicated
locations at Process areas (where required).
Within buildings FOC shall be laid until Optical Distribution Frame cabinet and at
junction box fixed to the pole/structure (through hand-hole located near
pole/structure) at cameras location.
Cable access from inside buildings to outside shall be via conduits to cable
entrance hand-hole/man-hole and transit glands, which shall form complete seals
for all cabling.
Power Supply Cable for Process CCTV System shall be laid in conduits between
power supply distribution panel within buildings and junction box fixed to the
pole/structure (through hand-hole located near pole/structure).
Power Supply Cable and FOC for Process CCTV System shall be laid in different
Cable access from inside buildings to outside shall be via conduits to cable
entrance hand-hole/man-hole and transit glands, which shall form complete seals
for all cabling.
FOC for WAN/LAN System shall be laid in conduits between SITE buildings, until
Optical Distribution Frame cabinets.
Cable access from inside buildings to outside shall be via conduits to cable
entrance hand-hole/man-hole and transit glands, which shall form complete seals
for all cabling.
Different cable routes shall be followed where path redundant is required.
Cable access from inside buildings to outside shall be via conduits to cable
entrance hand-hole/man-hole and transit glands, which shall form complete seals
for all cabling.
FOC for FOPIMS shall be laid by Others along main pipelines and trunklines and
shall be left a reasonable FOC spare length in proximity of termination cabinet
within Security Buildings. CONTRACTOR shall not involved in FOPIMS cable
laying activities along pipelines but only for FOPIMS cable laying inside main site
and relevant termination.
7.1.5 Multi-pair copper cable for Telephone System outdoor telephone sets
Multi-pair copper cables for Telephone System Outdoor Analog telephone sets
shall be laid in conduits between Control Building TER and dedicated hand-holes
at Outdoor telephone set locations.
Within buildings, multi-pair copper cables shall be laid until Main Distribution
Frame cabinet, outside shall be laid until junction box fixed to the telephone set
pedestal (through hand-hole located near pedestal structure) at telephone set
Along the cable path between Main Distribution Frame and phone set junction
box, it should be possible that different cable modularity are used,
CONTRACTOR shall provide installation of Intermediate Distribution
Frames/junction boxes to manage different cables.
Cable access from inside buildings to outside shall be via conduits to cable
entrance hand-hole/man-hole and transit glands, which shall form complete seals
for all cabling.
Multi-pair copper cables for Telephone System Outdoor Analog telephone sets
shall be provided by system SUBCONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR shall provide
bulk materials for cable laying and fixing to cabinet, distribution frames and
junction box.
This document is property of Eni S.p.A. Exploration & Production Division.
It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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00250600BCST49050 022026-2506-HA-E-
e & p division 49050 CD-FE 03
7.1.6 Power Supply Cable for Telephone System outdoor telephone sets
Power Supply Cable for Telephone System Outdoor Analog telephone sets shall
be laid in conduits between power supply distribution panel within buildings and
junction box fixed to the telephone set pedestal (through hand-hole located near
pedestal structure) at telephone set location.
Power Supply Cable and Multi-pair copper cables shall be laid in different
Cable access from inside buildings to outside shall be via conduits to cable
entrance hand-hole/man-hole and transit glands, which shall form complete seals
for all cabling.
Power Supply Cable for Telephone System Outdoor Analog telephone sets shall
be provided by CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR shall provide bulk materials for
cable laying and fixing to power distribution panel and junction box.
UTP Cables for LAN and Structured Cabling System shall be laid in
conduits/cable trays between LAN cabinet (RJ-45 Patch Panels) and RJ-45
Outlets at indicated locations within buildings.
UTP Cables for LAN and Structured Cabling System shall be provided by system
SUBCONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR shall provide cable trays, conduits and
bulk materials for cable laying and fixing to cabinet, patch panels and outlets.
7.1.8 Feeder Cable for radio link to remote FACILITIES equipment antennas
Feeder Cable for radio link to remote FACILITIES base station equipment
antennas shall be laid between radio link to remote FACILITIES central
equipment, (located in dedicated cabinet within radio shelter at radio tower site)
and related antenna mounted on the pole/bracket fixed to the radio tower.
Feeder Cable access from inside shelter to outside shall be via wall mounted
frames with modular sealing modules (i.e. Roxtec technology), which shall form
complete seals for all cabling.
From cabinet to sealing modules, Feeder Cable shall be laid on cable trays
(provided by other within shelter), while from sealing modules to antenna
CONTRACTOR shall fix the cable to cable rack and cable ladders on radio tower
(at DGS site) or to shelter walls and roof (at remote FACILITIES shelter).
FOC for Process CCTV System shall be terminated both at Optical Distribution
Frame in cabinets within Control Building (and at all buildings where CCTV FOC
shall be terminated) and at junction box fixed to the pole/structure at cameras
Power Supply Cable for Process CCTV System shall be terminated both at
dedicated terminals at Power Supply Distribution Unit in cabinet within Control
Building (and at all buildings where CCTV Power Supply Cables shall be
terminated) and within junction box fixed to the pole/structure at cameras
7.2.5 Multi-pair copper cable for Telephone System outdoor telephone sets
Multi-pair copper cables for Telephone System Outdoor Analog telephone sets
shall be terminated at Main Distribution Frame cabinet within Control Building
TER and at junction box fixed to the telephone set pedestal at telephone set
location. CONTRACTOR shall also provide multi-pair copper cables termination
at each Intermediate Distribution Frames/junction boxes installed along cable
7.2.6 Power Supply Cable for Telephone System Outdoor Analog telephone sets
Power Supply Cable for Telephone System Outdoor Analog telephone sets
accessories shall be terminated both at dedicated terminals at Power Supply
Distribution Panel within Control Building TER (and at all buildings where
Telephone System Outdoor phone sets Power Supply Cables shall be
terminated) and at junction box fixed to the telephone set pedestal at telephone
set location.
UTP Cables for LAN and Structured Cabling System shall be terminated at RJ-45
Patch Panels in LAN cabinet within buildings and at RJ-45 sockets in LAN
7.2.8 Feeder Cables for radio link to remote FACILITIES equipment antennas
Feeder Cables for radio link to remote FACILITIES base station equipment
Feeder Cables shall be terminated both at radio link to remote FACILITIES
central equipment, (located in dedicated cabinet within radio shelter at radio
tower site) and related antenna mounted on the pole/bracket fixed to the radio
Equipment shall be connected to power supply units/distribution panels (only for
active equipment) and interconnected each other.
Following are the details for above described connections.
CONTRACTOR shall provide adequate power supply cable (if not provided by
others) and connection to building/room Power Distribution Panel.
Equipment that shall be interconnected each other shall be, but not limited to, the
• Optical Distribution Frames (WAN and LAN systems FOC backbone and
distribution terminations, Process CCTV FOC terminations, FOPIMS
dedicated FOC terminations);
• WAN equipment (Core-Switch, SDH over FOC, Synchronization
equipment, Data Distribution Frames and patch-panels);
• LAN and Structured Cabling System equipment (LAN switches and CAT6
• Telephone System central equipment (Analog Gateways, Main
Distribution Frames, Field copper cable terminations);
• Process CCTV System Central Equipment;
• FOPIMS Central Equipment;
• Radio link to remote FACILITIES central equipment (Base station);
• Network Management System servers;
• Dedicated workstations (if any);
Optical Distribution Frames shall be connected each other (for optical links
transit) or to different Systems equipment by means of optical patch cords.
Interconnection cables type and quantity will be defined during detail design and
shall be provided by others.
CONTRACTOR shall provide SITE assistance to systems SUBCONTRACTORS
during test and commissioning activities of each Telecommunication system