Class 12 Biology
Important Questions
Chapter 7
1 Marks Questions
1.Name one fish like reptile that evolved from land reptile about 200 million years ago?
Ans. Ichthyosaurs.
2. For a long time, it was believed that life originated from decaying matter. What is
this theory known as? Name the scientist who experimentally disproved this theory.
3. If abiotic origin of life is in progress on a planet other than earth, what should be the
conditions there?
Ans. Very high temperature, volcanic storms, Reducing atmosphere containing CH4, NH3, H2
and water vapours.
4. Name the person who proposed that population tends to increase geometrically
while food production increases arithmetically.
Ans.Thomas Malthus
5. Name the scientist who had also come to similar conclusion as that of Darwin about
natural selection as a mechanism of evolution. Which place did he visit to come to
Ans.Vermiform appendix, wisdom teeth.
Ans.Genetic Drift.
9.Name the two scientists who set up a special experiment to prove Oparin’s theory of
origin of life?
Ans.Carboniferous period.
Ans.Very high temperature due to lightening or uv – rays provided energy for a biotic
Ans.Louis Pasteur
Ans.Gene pool refers to sum total of different kinds of genes pooled by all the members of a
Ans.Jurassic period.
16.Name the species of human beings which is most closely related to modern man.
2 Marks Questions
Ans.The first life form could have come from the pre-existing, non-living organic molecules
(like RNA, Proteins, etc.) and the formation of life was preceded by chemical evolution.
2. Distinguish between convergent and divergent evolution giving one example of each.
3. What is adaptive radiation? Explain with an example.
Ans. Adaptive radiation is an evolutionary process that produces new species from a single,
rapidly diversifying lineage. This process occurs due to natural selection. An example of
adaptive radiation is Darwin finches, found in Galapagos Island. A large variety of finches is
present in Galapagos Island that arose from a single species, which reached this land
accidentally. As a result, many new species have evolved, diverged, and adapted to occupy
new habitats. These finches have developed different eating habits and different types of
beaks to suit their feeding habits. The insectivorous, blood sucking, and other species of
finches with varied dietary habits have evolved from a single seed eating finch ancestor.
Ans.Louis Pasteur showed that in pre-sterilized flasks, life did not come from killed yeast
while in another flask open to air, new organisms arose from ‘killed yeast.
5.Define homologous organs? Give one example of organ homologous to hand of man?
Ans.Homologous organs are those organs which are similar in basic structure & embryonic
developments but perform different functions. e.g. bones of forelimbs of whales, bat, birds
and human beings.
7.Describe one evidence which decisively proves that birds have evolved from reptiles?
Ans.Missing link between birds & reptiles called. Archaeopteryx showed that “Birds have
evolved from reptiles”. These are organisms which show the characters of both birds (e.g.
presence of wings & feathers in the body) as well as of reptiles (e.g. gong tail & jaws with
identical teeth).
8.What is the study of fossils called? Mention any three points how the fossils throw
light on past life?
→ Cross-section of the earth’s crust indicates the arrangement of sediments one over the
other during the long history of Earth.
→ Different sediments contain different life forms which probably died during the formation
ofparticular sediment.
Ans.Sickle cell anaemia is not eliminated during natural selection because in some cases,
sickle cell anaemia is beneficial as it provides natural defense against malarial parasite.
10.Life originated from the earth’s inorganic atmosphere in the post, but this no longer
happens today. Give two reasons?
(i)The temperature of present day atmosphere is much less than that of primitive
(ii)The present day atmosphere is oxidizing & not reducing due to presence of oxygen.
11.If you discovered a fossil bird with scales on the body & teeth in the beak. What
would youconclude about its position in the animal kingdom?
Ans.Since this fossil bird has both avian characters & reptilian characters e.g. scales on body
& teeth in beak it would be considered as a connecting link between reptiles & bird.
12.What is speciation? List any two events that lead to speciation?
Ans.Speciation refers to the origin of new species or the phenomena of development of new
speciesfrom pre-existing one.
The two factors which lead to speciation are – Genetic drift, mutation & natural selection.
13.Would you consider wings of butterfly & a bat as homologous or Analogous & why?
Ans.Wings of butterfly & bat are said to be analogous because they have originated from
different parts – e.g. in butterfly wings are originated from skin and feather & in bats wings
are originated from forelimbs but both of them performs the same function of flying.
14.Define natural selection? Who else along with Charles Darwin proposed it as the
mechanism of evolution?
15.A chimpanzee can hold objects by its hand & an elephant by trunk. Are these organs
Analogous or homologous?
Ans.These organs are analogous organs as they are performing the same function of holding
objects but are originated from different parts eg forelimbs in chimpanzee & nose in
Divergent Evolution Convergent Evolution
Ans. (i) Mutations are large heritable changes in the characteristics of a population that
arisesuddenly. & cause speciation in single step while evolution for Darwin is gradual &
occurs due tovariations over number of generations.
(ii) Mutation are random & directionless while variations are small & directional.
3 Marks Questions
(iii) According to this principle, what is the sum total of all allelic frequencies?
Ans. (i) The allele frequency in a population are stable and constant from generation to
(ii) Evolution.
(iii) One.
2. Classify the following as examples of homology and analogy
Ans. (i) Homology (ii) Analogy (iii) Analogy (iv) Analogy (v) Analogy (vi) Homology
(ii) In what forms was the energy supplied for chemical reactions to occur?
(III) For how long was the experiment run continuously? Name two products formed.
4.Study the figures given below & answer the following question.
i) Under the influence of which type of natural selection would graph (a) become like
graph (b).
(ii) Because individuals at the extremes contribute more offspring compared to those in the
centre&produces two peaks in distribution of a trait.
5. Fill up the blanks left in the table showing Era, period and organism.
6. (i)In which part of the world, Neanderthal man lived?
(iii) More brain capacity, use of hides to cover body and burial of dead.
(a) Mention the specific geographical area where these were found.
(b) Name and explain the phenomenon that has resulted in the evolution of such
diverse species in the region.
(b) Adaptive radiation - The process of evolution of different species in a given geographical
area starting from a point and literally radiating to other areas of geography (habitats) is
called adaptive radiation.
8. Give examples to show evolution by anthropogenic action.
Ans.Excess use of herbicides pesticides etc. has resulted in selection oresistent varieties in a
much lesser time scale. Same is true for antibiotic or drug resistant microbes.
9.By taking industrial melanism as on example, explain the concept of natural selection
by evolution?
Ans.Theory of natural selection states that due to survival of fittest, the species change
readilyowing to preservation & transmission of minute variation & gradually give rise to
new forms.
Example – In collection of moths in 1850 it was observed that there were whiter winged
moth than dark winged but after industrialization there were darker wringed moth. This is
due to the reason that During post industrial period trees trunk become dark due to
industrial smoke under this condition, white winged moth do not survive due to predators
dark winged moth survived Before industrialization sets in, thick growth off white colored
lichen covered trees in that background white winged moth survived but dark – colored
moth were picked out by predators hence nature selects which species is suitable.
10.Who were the two scientists that conducted an experiment to synthesise organic
molecule abiotically? How did they provide the probable condition of the primitive
earth in this experiment?
Ans.Urey & miller tried to create in the laboratorythe similar conditions which might have
existedin early primitive atmosphere. A mixture of watervapours methane, ammonia &
hydrogen is exposedto electric discharge in a closed chamber, this fluidthus formed is
allowed to stand for several week as aresult, amino acids e.g. glycerine& alanine areformed
from fluid. They suggested that electric discharge produced during lightening in
primitiveatmosphere of earth might have resulted in formation of organic compound.
11.What is Biogenetic law? How does comparative embryology provides evidences for
Ans.It has become evident from embryological studies that there was one developmental
In all organisms life begins with a unicellular structure. The embryo of fish, frog, turtle, bird
& manresembles one another so closely that it becomes difficult to distinguish them.
Mammalian embryoparses through fish – like, amphibian-like, reptiles like & bird like stages
during development of anorganism (ontogeny), some of the evolutionary steps (phylogeny)
are repeated in different group oforganism. This leads Ernst Haeckal to formulate famous
12.Chemical insectides remain useful only for a limited time. Explain with reference to
evolution with a suitable example.
Ans.“Chemical insectides remain useful only for a limited time” because of the phenomena
ofnatural selection with the course of time when chemical insecticides are excessively used
to killinsects, some of the resistant varieties of the organism would have been created which
are notkilled lay the insect icicle such resistant varieties of the unseats are selected lay
nature & theymultiply after sometime population of this resistant variety increases & the
chemical insecticidewould lee ineffective to control these insects for example DDT is a
common insecticide formosquitoes lout is now ineffective because DDT – resistant
mosquitoes have appeared & selected innature.
13.What are the facts that support Darwin’s theory of Natural selection?
1. Overproduction: - All organisms tend to multiply at high rate but it is not possible for
allorganisms to survive.
2. Struggle for Existence: - Because of limitation of space & food all the offspring of the
result ofoverproduction will not survive & they will compete with one another to grow
this develops struggle for existence not only among individuals of different species but
also among same species.
3. Variations :- No two individuals of same species are exactly alike even coming out from
sameparent al stock.
4. Survival of fittest :- The individuals with useful variation will survive during struggle of
existencewhile those with less fortunate variation would perish.
14.Trace the important events or stages of human development?
Ans.The common ancestor of apes & man is a primate Dryopithecus that lived about 15
millionyears ago the human evolution is as follows :-
1. Australopithecus :- They are 4ft, with brain capacity – 500 to 650 cc. They have bipedal
locomotion, omnivorous &has erect posture. They hunted with stone weapon & lived in
2. Homo Erectus :- They showed increase in brain size They are good hunters, ate meat
domesticate animal & discover fire.
3. Netherlands man :- They were short with heavy brows retreating forehead large jaws &
stooped postures They wore clothes, good hunters & tool makers.
4. Cromagnonman :- They were completely erect & 6ft tall. He used bones as tools & was a
cave dweller. They are excellent tool makers & fine artists.
5. Homo sapiens :- They have brain capacity 1450cc. & skull much thicker. His intelligence
has enabled him to adapt & control environment. He started agriculture.
15.What are the three different ways in which selection may occur.
Ans.The three different ways in which selection may occur are as below:-
(iii) Disruptive Selection :- individuals with either of both extreme of heritable phenotypic
characteristics have advantage over individuals with intermediate phenotype.
Ans. i) A fluid containing mixture of methane, ammonia, hydrogen & water vapour in a
closed flask.
ii) Energy source during origin of life was sun. This energy in the experiment is provided lay
electricdischarge using electrode.
iii) Organic molecules formed during experiment are amino acids.
Ans.The branch of geography which deals with the study of pattern of distribution of plants
&animals in different parts of earth is called Biogeography.
Example Galapagos islands – group of 14 islands in Pacific Ocean on west coast of South
America.Charles Darwin during his voyage found that animals of these is lands resembles
with those of SouthAmerican is lands. E.g. birds of Galapagos Island called Darwin’s finches
do not resemble birds ofSouth America so he concluded that finches were derived from
ancestral stock that had emigratedfrom mainland to island & has undergone profound
changes under environmental conditions.
18. How did louispasteur successfully demolish the popular theory of spontaneous
Ans.Louis Pasteur used a special swam-necked flask for his experiment. He took mixture of
sugar &yeast powder & filled about half of it with water in this flask. He then boiled the
content of flask till asteady current of steam rushed out from s-shaped tube –causing death of
all microorganisms. Afterthis flask remains unchanged. But when neck of flask was cut-off
showed thick growth ofmicroorganisms this is presumed that are contains microorganisms
which in first case could notreach the flask whereas in second case they comes in direct
contact with solution.
5 Marks Questions
1. What does Hardy weinberg’s principle states? What are the factors which affects
Hardyweinberg’s equilibrium?
Ans.Acc. to Hardy Weinberg’s principle, allele frequency in a population are stable & is
constantfrom generation to generation i.e. total gene pool remains constant. This is called
Geneticequilibrium e.g. In a diploid organism, suppose ‘p’ represents frequency of allele ‘A’ &
“ “ Aa =pq
“ “ aa = q2
AA + 2Aa + aa = 1
P2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
(p + q) 2 = 1
(i)Gene flow :- when migration of a section of a population to another place occurs, gene
frequency changes in original as well as in new population.
(iii)Mutations:- which are sudden changes in the genotype which are carried over
(iv)Genetic Recombination:- Sometimes changes in allele frequency is so different in new
sample of population that they become a new species.
Ans.Darwin : Darwinian variatious are gradual, small and directional Hugo deVries : put
forth idea of mutations, mutations are sudden random and directional
Ans. Natural selection is one of the basic mechanisms of evolution, along with mutation,
migration, and genetic drift.
Darwin's grand idea of evolution by natural selection is relatively simple but often
misunderstood. To find out how it works, imagine a population of beetles:
1. There is variation in traits.
For example, some beetles are green and some are brown.
2. There is differential reproduction.
Since the environment can't support unlimited population growth, not all individuals get to
reproduce to their full potential. In this example, green beetles tend to get eaten by birds and
survive to reproduce less often than brown beetles do.
3. There is heredity.
The surviving brown beetles have brown baby beetles because this trait has a genetic basis.
4. End result:
The more advantageous trait, brown coloration, which allows the beetle to have more
offspring, becomes more common in the population. If this process continues, eventually, all
individuals in the population will be brown.
If you have variation, differential reproduction, and heredity, you will have evolution by
natural selection as an outcome. It is as simple as that.
Ans.According to Oparin& Haldane’s Biochemical origin of life; origin of life occurs in three
5.What is Chemogeny?
Ans. CHEMOGENY / CHEMICAL EVOLUTION :-Acc to them most of the primitive form of life
would have generated spontaneously from some inorganic matter as a result of action of
special external forces e.g. electric charge, uv-light etc.
1. Many saturated & unsaturated hydrocarbons were feasted when temp cooled to 900 c or
2. From hydrocarbons small chain compounds of C, H, O are formed which condense to
form sugar.
3. Ketones & aldehydes condenses&polymerises to form fatty acid.
4. Ammonia, hydrocarbon & H2 O reacted together to form amino acid.
5. Hot sea water which was rich in primary organic compound reacted to form nucleotides.
6. What is biogeny?
7. Whai is Cognogeny?