12 Evolution RN
12 Evolution RN
12 Evolution RN
Origin of life
o Evolutionary biology is the field of science that deals with the study of evolutionary
development of life forms on earth
o According to Oparin and Haldane, the primitive atmosphere was reducing as it lacked
oxygen. The atmosphere was rich in methane, water vapour, ammonia and carbon dioxide.
o Urey and Miller experimentally confirmed that formation of life was preceded by chemical
o Branching descent and natural selection are the key concepts of Darwin’s theory.
Evidences of evolution -
o Fossils
o Homologous organs
o Analogous organs
o Vestigial organs
o Comaprative anatomy and morphology
o Embryological evidences
o Molecular evidences
Adaptive Radiation
The slow and gradual process of change of one organism into another is known as Organic
The occurrence of evolution has been supported by various theories put forth by biologists.
In 1809, Jean Baptiste Lamarck a French zoologist put forth the theory of inheritance of
acquired characters; also known as Lamarckism.
He stated that according to their need, organisms put some organs in their bodies to
maximum use while some of the organs were not used. The part of the body put to
maximum use will have the tendency to grow larger and stronger while the part less used
will become less prominent and ultimately disappear altogether. Thus, the organisms
acquired new characters. For example, giraffe have developed long necks as a result of
attempts to eat leaves high up on trees.
Another aspect of natural selection is the survival of the fittest, where nature selects the
individuals, which are most fit, to adapt to their environment.
It states that the total gene and allele frequencies in a population are stable and constant
from generation to generation.
Evolution of Plants
Cellular life forms occurred on earth about 2000 million years ago.
Some of these cells had the ability to produce oxygen.
Slowly, single-celled organisms became multicellular.
Evolution of animals
Animals evolved about 500 million years ago. The first of them to evolve were
The modern fishes have probably evolved from jawless fishes, amphibians evolved into
reptiles, while reptiles evolved into birds and mammals.
During continental drift North America joined with South America, the primitive mammals
suffered whereas pouched mammals of Australia survived due to lack of competition.
Evolution of man