AIF Annual Report 2017 18

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2017–18 American India Foundation |


From Our Leadership.................................................................... 5

AIF Programs:

Ability Based Livelihood Empowerment (ABLE)..................... 6

William J. Clinton Fellowship for Service in India................... 8

Digital Equalizer........................................................................ 10

Learning and Migration Program (LAMP)...............................12

Market Aligned Skills Training (MAST)....................................14

Maternal and Newborn Survival Initiative (MANSI)..............16

Rickshaw Sangh.........................................................................18

Our Coverage................................................................................ 21

Partnerships................................................................................. 23

Outreach and Engagement......................................................... 24

Financials - U.S............................................................................. 26

Financials - INDIA......................................................................... 28

People........................................................................................... 30

Supporters.................................................................................... 37

Photographs featured in this Report......................................... 45

from our leadership

Dear Friends,

India’s most precious resource is its people and the major challenge is how to ensure that all Indians have access
to the necessities of life such as education, health and dignified livelihoods. India’s demographic dividend is
wasted when a child is not able to learn in school, when a mother loses her child due to lack of adequate health
facilities, and when young people don’t have the skills needed for meaningful work. It doesn’t have to be this way.

The American India Foundation (AIF) is working with a range of partners, including various governments in
India, to build human capital so people living in poverty have the opportunity to realize their true potential. We
address this by building innovative systems that empower communities and leverage cross-sector partnerships
and by building bridges to connect people, cultures, and ideas between the world’s two largest democracies –
India and the United States.

Focused on women, children and youth and leveraging technology, during the last 18 years, AIF has contributed
to impact the lives of more than 4.6 million of India’s poor through innovative programs in education, public
health and livelihoods. The results indicate that there are good returns on our investments.

The public health program, Maternal and Newborn Survival Initiative (MANSI), has helped to reduce newborn
mortality by 46% and child mortality by 44% in the geographies it operates.

The Learning and Migration Program (LAMP), one of our education interventions, created learning improvement
by nearly 3 times in math, science and language and improved the high school transition rate by 93%.

The livelihood programs have provided employability skills to more than 134,000 unemployed people including
14,000 people with disabilities that are often left behind.

The William J Clinton Fellowship for Service in India has empowered around 450 young Americans and Indians
through an opportunity to serve organizations working to bring about lasting social change through replicable,
scalable and sustainable projects.

Working across the verticals of public health, education and livelihoods, AIF’s programs have holistically enriched
the lives of those we serve and strengthened and uplifted communities and eco-systems. All AIF programs and
activities contribute directly to the UN Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs, which are a universal call to
action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

As we look back at the past year, we are grateful to you, our supporters, who have made so much possible for
the people we serve. Our people and our Board colleagues are passionate advocates for putting our shoulder
to the wheel to enable all Indians, regardless of their circumstances, to have the best possible access to jobs
and quality of life. We look forward to a future where India is defined by harnessing its immense resources and
opportunities and not by its limitations.

Lata Krishnan Ajay Banga Nishant Pandey Mathew Joseph

Co-Chair Co-Chair CEO Country Director


Gokul’s dream has
come true and so
has ours, thanks
to his job. Before,
people ignored
him, almost like he
didn’t exist. Today,
he is respected,”
says Bharathi
Prasath, Gokul’s
mother with
great pride.

J. Gokul Prasath has a disability navigating his way through the bustling city
which prevents him from being able to confidently. He is financially independent and
comprehend, learn and problem-solve. In contributes to his family.
India, disability is met with dismissiveness,
avoidance, fear, and stigma especially in “He loves his job and feels he is contributing
employment. People with disabilities find to society. At Diwali, he spent his first salary
it difficult to get employment and care for of `3500 on celebrations with us,” says
themselves and their families. Of those who Gokul’s mother.
do find work, an overwhelming 98.5% work
in the informal economy, lacking access to At work, he efficiently packs and arranges
critical social and financial services. products and cleans the store. The skills

8,534 Gokul’s family income was a meagre `12,000

training he received at the ABLE program,
have enhanced his personality and improved
jobs for persons
with disabilities
a month. Despite this, when Gokul was his inter-personal skills, enabling him to
created five years old, his parents enrolled him in a communicate well with customers and store
special school hostel, where he showed an colleagues.
affinity and keenness for sports. Soon, he
began to excel in sports, worked hard, and Radhalakshmi Ganesan, Gokul’s manager at
won many prizes. His parents were convinced Gold Super Market is pleased with Gokul’s
that Gokul could do better by developing performance and says he is a good worker.
other skills, if he received the right guidance
and training. In keeping with the UN Sustainable
14,276 Development Goals (SDGs), through its ABLE
persons with Gokul enrolled in AIF’s Ability Based program, AIF promotes and advocates full
trained in Livelihood Empowerment (ABLE) program, and equal participation of Persons with
workplace which trains persons with disabilities and Disabilities (PwDs). The program offers an
readiness and facilitates their entry into the job market inclusive environment for empowerment,
industry skills
through advocacy, thus promoting inclusive skill development training and employment
growth in India. At the Anbalaya Special opportunities for sustainable livelihoods (SDG
School for the Intellectually Challenged, Gokul 8). And, through disability inclusion, AIF has
cleared his class 10 exams, learned to make been accelerating reduction in inequalities
paper cups and tried his hand at catering. (SDG 10).

With newly acquired skills, Gokul has

emerged as a confident young man. He works
as a store assistant at the Gold Super Market
in Chennai, travelling to work on his own,

clinton fellowship

This experience helped
me prove to myself
something I knew all
along: I am strong and
resilient. I can face
challenges on my own.
I am more than capable
of transforming
discomforts into
growth opportunities.”
— Crystal L Williams

Crystal is one of the 30 fellows in the AIF admires Crystal’s courage, perseverance
2017-18 cohort under AIF’s William J. Clinton and humility in addressing her personal and
Fellowship for Service in India. She believed professional challenges during her Fellowship.
that her life’s mission was to inspire people It applauds her success in making a positive
to use their gifts to create a positive impact impact on her host organization. Utilizing her
in the world. Working in a non-profit and skills and experience, Crystal added value to
government program, she utilized her skills to the Video Volunteers team. She developed
23 promote individual and community change. a ‘one stop shop’ employee handbook, a
states strategic fund-raising plan, training manuals
The Fellowship helps shape the next and a Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Tactics
generation of leaders committed to impactful (GOST) framework. She developed grant
change. It pairs a select number of highly proposals of which almost half were funded.
skilled young professionals with leading NGOs
and social enterprises in India, to accelerate AIF’s Fellowship program is aligned with UN

202 impact and create effective projects that are

replicable, scalable, and sustainable.
Sustainable Development Goals, as it provides
a framework for collaboration to talented
partners building
young professionals from America and
capacity to achieve
their missions During her ten months at Video Volunteers India to work with select non-governmental
in education, (VV) in Goa, Crystal developed solutions to organizations (NGOs) in India for a period of
livelihoods, public
strengthen human resource practices, and ten months.
health, and beyond
supported fundraising and strategic planning
for an education-based project. “I had to prove The program has been a strong model for
something to myself and this Fellowship would Partnerships for the Goals of SDG 17 as it
serve as my litmus test,” shares Crystal. The builds next generation of leaders committed
high point for her involvement was helping to lasting change for underprivileged
marginalized people, which was closely communities across India, while strengthening
aligned with her personal story and journey. the civil society sector with replicable and
452 scalable solutions in the field of education,
fellows in service During her journey, Crystal experienced an livelihoods and public health.
with NGO’s and unexpected personal tragedy, when she lost
social enterprises
across india her father. “I did not know how to handle
this, but I remembered why I was here and
how proud my Dad was that I was taking this
journey for myself,” she says.


Computers make
learning easy.
Before, I couldn’t
diagrams which
were explained
Now, with Digital
Equalizer, Science
is fun,” says

Srinivas is a grade 7 student of Zilla Besides quality education, Digital Equalizer

Parishad High (ZPH) Government School in focuses on the overall growth of students as
Karimnagar district, Telangana. Like many individuals. It empowers them to be more
government schools, ZPH struggled with lack self-reliant, boosts their confidence and
2,846,177 of finances, teachers and trainers, and poor
student attendance and retention rates.
helps them develop career goals and address
crucial topics like hygiene and sanitation.
children empowered
with interactive
stem learning Enter AIF’s Digital Equalizer program, Srinivas’ sister, Anjali appreciates his well-
which uses digital technology to bridge the rounded behaviour as a student, a teenager,
educational and digital divide in India. It and a brother. “He is good at his studies and
transforms under-resourced schools into helpful at home. He fetches water from a
dynamic places to teach and learn through nearby canal, buys vegetables, and cooks basic
collaborative, project-based learning. foods such as omelettes, rice etc,” she says.

The program equipped Srinivas’ school with Srinivas’ parents couldn’t afford to educate

15 a computer lab, edu-kits, flipped classroom

and digital content for Science, Mathematics,
their older children but want Srinivas to
complete his education. “I want to become an
Social Studies, English, IT literacy and engineer. My financial literacy classes will help
Financial literacy. The school and students me to save money and construct a house for
experience subjects through the digital lens. my family,” says a confident Srinivas.
This has improved their comprehension
and made learning an engaging and fun AIF’s Digital Equalizer program empowers
interaction. students like Srinivas to take small steps

towards their dreams. It bridges the digital
The students have access to quality education divide in government schools in India to
schools transformed
and a robust learning environment, usually ensure that quality education is accessible
through innovative
teaching and available only in private schools. Digital to them.
learning practices Equalizer has resulted in improved learning
outcomes and better retention rates amongst In keeping with the UN Sustainable
students of ZPH school. Teachers acknowledge Development Goals (SDGs), the focus
the positive impact of the integration of on quality education (SDG 4), the Digital
technology as a pedagogical tool. Equalizer program lays the foundation of
sustainable development by preparing
A. Venkateshwarlu has taught Science for students to be self-reliant. It boosts economic
131,930 eight years. “The Experi-fun Science Learning growth by enhancing their skills for better
teachers trained kits have enhanced the comprehension livelihood opportunities and promotes
in stem and abilities of students. They understand the gender equality (SDG 5).
more complex concepts and topics, because
of the hands-on experience,” he says.


I enjoy being at the
Hostel. I have made
new friends and am
learning new things.
I want to become a
doctor when I grow
up,” says Preeti.

Preeti’s parents are sugarcane cutters Through LAMP, Preeti and other children
from Zaran village in Dang, Gujarat, and like her have been able to boost learning
trapped in a cycle of poverty. For her and her outcomes dramatically. They have more
three sisters, a good education was impossible confidence, a greater sense of awareness
468,502 and the risk of being trafficked and forced into
child labor, very real.
about their future education and career
aspirations and are empowered to break
children impacted by
quality education traditional gender roles.
opportunities Every year at the end of monsoon season, the
family migrated to Bagumara, 120 kilometers At the LAMP Seasonal Hostel, Preeti explored
from their home, where sugarcane was her talent in sports and music and became a
abundant. Cutting sugarcane is seasonal and talented archer. “Preeti sings well and mingles
hard work, with insufficient return. The money with other children. Last year she cried and
Preeti’s family made barely put food on the refused to stay back in the Hostel, but this year
table and had to stretch for the entire year. she is adapting well,” says Mangalbhai, Preeti’s
12 Preeti’s mother, Sita, wanted a different and
states better future for her four daughters. “I didn’t Through LAMP, the Seasonal Hostels and
want them to have my kind of life. I couldn’t Learning Resource Centers (LRCs), several UN
study as I had to support my family. I want my Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are
daughters to study.” covered. For example, covering children at
risk of migration and promoting their good
Fortunately, AIF’s Learning and Migration health and well-being (SDG 3); empowering
Program (LAMP) was the opportunity Sita communities to take ownership for their
41,990 was looking for. It offered a Seasonal Hostel children’s quality education (SDG 4), and
community for children with caretakers and facilities to gender equality, especially girls (SDG 5) by
members trained
meet their needs while their parents migrated. promoting their increased participation
Children in the program stayed in their through enrollment drives, trainings for School
villages and benefitted from a familiar and Management Committee members and
positive environment, without a break in their creating volunteer groups in villages.

It was difficult for Sita to leave her daughters

1,873 at the Seasonal Hostel. However, she knew
villages impacted Preeti and her sisters would be safe and taken
by migration
care of, have access to quality education,
resources and activities and be empowered
with skills they needed to thrive.


My mother gave me
confidence that I
could do something
in life. Right now, after
sending `4000 home
and paying off my
monthly expenses of
`5000, I manage to save
`2000 every month,”
shares an ecstatic

But this was not always so. Mohammad of the training, qualified candidates are placed
Abdul Shukoor’s father passed into entry-level jobs, thus creating a path to
away in 2012 and he and he, his mother financial independence. MAST curricula aligns
and sister were dependent on his uncles with the framework of the National Skills
for financial support. This lasted for a year Development Corporation (NSDC).
89,804 and despite his degrees in Commerce and
Computers, Shukoor lacked appropriate skills After completing his three-month vocational
jobs created
across retail, IT, for the job market. training in retail, Shukoor was placed through
Hospitality, electrical, the MAST program at a Lifestyle store,
automative and other He took on jobs with low salaries and kept Inorbit Mall.
switching to earn a little extra to support the
family. He worked as a salesman earning Mr. Ratan Roy, Store HR Business Partner, says
`5000 a month for a year, and then worked as “In the beginning he found it difficult, but he is
a data collector at a Veterinary Hospital for six hardworking and willing to learn new things.
months. We hope that Shukoor will have a long career
with us.”
His search for a better paying job brought
119,739 him from Nizamabad to Hyderabad, where Through the MAST program, AIF has
disadvantaged young he heard about AIF’s Market Aligned Skills contributed to furthering the UN Sustainable
people trained on Training (MAST) Program, which trained Development Goals (SDGs). This includes
workplace readiness
and industry skills
disadvantaged youth in skills needed for promoting increased participation of women
successful employment. in the workforce (SDG 5), creating inclusive and
sustainable livelihoods (SDG 8), and reducing
The MAST program begins with a labor market inequalities (SDG 10).
scan in each region, working closely with
employers to develop the market-aligned The MAST program empowers underprivileged
training curricula that forms the heart of the youth with skills training and access to formal
program’s skills training. employment opportunities. Additionally, job
202 creation and promoting an entrepreneurship
centres The three-month training combines culture is crucial to achieving economic growth
foundational, workforce readiness skills in India, which further accelerates the progress
with industry-specific skills, ranging from towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
retail, basic IT, healthcare to hospitality,
creating multi-sector job opportunities for
marginalized young people. Upon completion


According to our
local custom, a
mother should eat
only once in a day. But
MANSI has helped me
break this taboo. I now
eat more meals and
nutritious foods as
explained by
ASHA Didi,” says
Dhanlakshmi Korra.

ASHA K. Kondamma performs the many roles empowering local communities to care for
of a health activist, educator and a their mothers and children, while improving
care provider. She is a ray of hope for the the local health systems. ASHA Killo trained
mothers like Dhanlakshmi, who in Home-Based Maternal, Neonatal and Child
live in the remote tribal area of Paderu in Care (HBMNC) under MANSI, acts as the link
Andhra Pradesh. between the tribal community and the public

65,165 ASHA is the Accredited Social Health

health system.

Activist scheme, implemented by the Indian Dhanlakshmi lived with her husband and
government, under its National Rural Health mother-in-law in Rangaseela village of Paderu.
Mission. Women are selected from villages, They survived on the meager income of `800-
trained to work as an interface between the 1500 per week that Dhanlakshmi’s husband,
community and the public health system, and K Mohan Rao earned by driving an auto.
are accountable to the villagers.
“My mother-in-law starved me. ASHA
Most of the tribal population in Paderu Kondamma helped me understand that I
live below the poverty line. There is poor must eat a balanced diet to ensure good
81,300 connectivity and infrastructure, poverty, and health for me and the baby. I wash my hands
pregnant women illiteracy, as they struggle to meet the basic before feeding my baby to keep him safe from
requirements, including good healthcare for infections and diseases. I feed him at regular
mothers and babies. intervals and vaccinate him. I will have only
two children and ensure that they get the best
The most affected are women and girls who of everything, especially health and education,”
face socio-economic inequality in a highly says Dhanlakshmi.
patriarchal system. They are restricted to their
gender-based roles which keep them from In keeping with the UN Sustainable
making choices in and outside their homes. Development Goals (SDGs) the MANSI
3,657 With the help of ASHA workers like Killo, AIF’s
Maternal and New-born Survival Initiative
program stresses the significance of a
clean and hygienic environment (SDG 6),
asha (community
health workers) (MANSI) is saving lives of mothers and babies breaking taboo of gender roles (SDG 5). The
trained in these rural and impoverished areas of India. communities have healthier behavior practices
(SDG 3). such as eating a balanced and
MANSI utilizes a public-private partnership nutritious diet.
model to reduce maternal and child mortality
by providing resources and support, thus


The rickshaw
business helps
me to support my
family and pay my
school fees,” says
Pavel Kumar.

Eighteen-year-old Pavel is a busy young uniform. They mobilize drivers into collectives
man. In the mornings he attends classes and link them to credit facilities in the formal
at the R.M.P. Inter College in Sitapur, Uttar financial sector. Rickshaw collectives take joint
Pradesh. In the afternoons he is transformed responsibility for a group of loans, guaranteed
into a small businessman, selling saris from a by AIF, repaying them in weekly repayments,
rickshaw in the neighboring villages of Sitapur. over a period of one year. And, most
important, they own the rickshaws.
Neelam Devi, Pavel’s mother is the brain
behind the business idea. She buys the saris “Our lives have been transformed. I have never
at wholesale prices from the nearby town of owned anything. Now I jointly own a rickshaw
Biswan. “We sell saris in remote rural areas, with my son,” says Neelam Devi.

120,859 where women do not have access to them,”

she says. Each sari sells for `250, which earns With joint ownership, the Rickshaw Sangh
rikshaw drivers
them a small profit, but is a huge support for provides women an equal chance to launch
with asset
the family. their own micro-enterprise. It has empowered
Neelam Devi to overcome gender-based roles
Once the family depended on the daily wage that earlier defined and controlled her life.
of Pavel’s father, Swaminath Kumar, who She enjoys her new identity of being a small
works as a motor mechanic earning `300 a businesswoman.
day. They could barely meet their basic needs,
so education for the three sons was out of Rickshaw Sangh creates a sense of security
question. and economic freedom among the joint
604,295 borrowers of the vehicle. After paying the
total Swaminath and Neelam Devi felt helpless instalments on the loan, Pavel pays his and his
beneficiaries in the face of high rates of illiteracy and brothers school fees.
unemployment in their area. Sitapur has an
average literacy rate of 61%, way behind the “I own the rickshaw, have the freedom to focus
national average of 74.04%. With a female on my studies, and earn with dignity,” says
literacy at 50%, women were further subjected Pavel.
to socio-economic inequality and gender bias.
In the spirit of the UN Sustainable
Swaminath and Neelam Devi learned about Development Goals (SDGs), through Rickshaw
the AIF program of rickshaw collectives in their Sangh, AIF creates economic freedom
community. The Rickshaw Sangh program and sustainable livelihoods (SDG 8, 10),
secures an identity for individual rickshaw and ensures a dignified profession while
drivers through key social benefits – an promoting gender equality (SDG 5).
identity card, driver’s license, permit and a

ABLE = Ability Based Livelihood Empowerment
CFP = William J. Clinton Fellowship for Service in India
DE = Digital Equalizer
LAMP = Learning and Migration Program
MAST = Market Aligned Skills Training
MANSI = Maternal and Newborn Survival Initiative
RS = Rickshaw Sangh

Our Coverage

16 3 12. JAMMU & KASHMIR
17 9 7 6
10 DE / MAST

20 22 ABLE / CFP / DE / LAMP / MAST
19. GOA

partnerships 2017-18
ABLE • Lokmitra (confirmed from Annual Report)
• ACE Social Foundation • Nidan (confirmed from the website)
• Cheshire Homes India- Mumbai • Organisation for Early Literacy Promotion
• Leonard Cheshire Project Nagapattinam • Prayas (Organisation for Sustainable Development)
• Livelihood Resource Centre– Cheshire Homes India (Bangalore) • Samerth Charitable Trust
• National Association for the Blind (India) • Shikshan ane Samaj Kalyan Kendra
• NAB Centre for the Blind Women and Disability Studies • St. Xavier’s Nonformal Education Society
• SNS Foundation • Swadeep Shikshan Vikas Sanstha
• Trust for Retailers and Retail Associates of India (TRRAIN) • Swapath Trust
• Youth 4 Jobs Foundation • Unnati- Organization for Development Education


• Avani (confirmed from the Annual Report) • Aide - et -Action South Asia (AEAI-SA)
• Bempu Health (confirmed from the website) • Aman Public Charitable Trust (confirmed from
• Bhasha Sanshodhan Praskashan Kendra the website)
• Foundation for Social Transformation Enabling North East India • Anudip Foundation for Social Welfare (confirmed from
• Fair Trade Forum- India the website)
• IFMR Lead (confirmed from the website) • Association for Promoting Social Action (APSA)
• Indus Action Initiatives (confirmed from the Annual Report) • Bhartiya Micro Credit (BMC)
• Jaipur Rugs Foundation (confirmed from the website) • CAP Foundation (confirmed from the website)
• Kattaikuttu Sangam (confirmed from the website) • iDaa Foundation
• Keystone Foundation • I-Succeed
• Lok Sahabhagi Sansthan (confirmed from the website) • Medha Learning Foundation
• Medha Learning Foundation (confirmed from their financials) • Mount Valley Development Association (MVDA)
• Naz Foundation India Trust • Rural Education and Action for Liberation (REAL)
• Nizamuddin Urban Renewal Program- Aga Khan Trust • SAATH Charitable Trust
for Culture • Social and Development Research and Action Group
• North-East Affected Area, Development Society (NEADS) (SADRAG)
• Project Potential (confirmed from the website) • SNS Foundation
• Shaishav Child Rights Trust (confirmed from the website) • Sparsha Trust
• Snow Leopard Conservancy India Trust (SLC-IT) • Udayan Care
• Srijan Foundation (confirmed from the website) • Garware Institute of Career Education & Development,
• Switch On (confirmed from the website) University of Mumbai
• The Goat Trust (confirmed from the Pan card on their website)
• Turn Your Action Into Concern Foundation (TYCIA) MATERNAL AND NEWBORN SURVIVAL
• VAAGDHARA (confirmed from the Annual report)
• Video Volunteers
• Anchal Charitable Trust
• Youth 4 Jobs Foundation
• Gram Utthan Samiti
• Government of Odisha
Digital Equalizer • Government of Jharkhand
• Government of Delhi
• Government of Uttarakhand
• Government of Gujarat
• Integrated Tribal Development Agency, Paderu,
• Government of Haryana
Government of Andhra Pradesh
• Government of Karnataka
• Society for Education, Action and Research in
• Government of Maharashtra
Community Health (SEARCH)
• Government of Odisha
• Srujana Welfare Association, Andhra Pradesh
• Government of Rajasthan
• Tata Steel Rural Development Society
• Government of Uttarakhand
• Village Development Society
• Government of Telangana
• Government of Tamil Nadu
• Bharatiya Micro Credit (BMC)
LEARNING AND MIGRATION • Centre for Rural Development (CRD)
PROGRAM (LAMP) • Centre for Rural Entrepreneurship and Technical
• Agha Khan Rural Support Program Education (CREATE)
• Cohesion Foundation Trust • Jeevan Jyoti Kala Kendra (JJKK)
• Lokadrusti • Sahara Utsarga Welfare Society (SUWS)

outreach and engagement
United stateS

new york chicago richmond

For its annual Gala, AIF’s New York Chapter

brought together over 500 attendees to Pier
60 at Chelsea Piers to honor the Community Ashwini inspired supporters at AIF’s 12th Annual Dr. Bela Sood was honored at the Virginia
Health Workers of MANSI and celebrate the Chicago Gala on November 4th, 2017 at the Chapter’s 4th Annual Gala on September 17th,
accomplishments of Rohit Kapoor, Vice Chairman Field Museum. An ABLE beneficiary, Ashwini 2017, which raised over $60,000 and attracted
& CEO of EXL Service Holdings Inc., and Krishna was born differently-abled - now she has her 80 guests. From left to right: Rupa Agnihotri,
Veeraraghavan, Partner at Sullivan & Cromwell dream job at Dell, and owns her own home. Anupama Agarwal, Dr Bella Sood, Sunita Gupta,
LLP, who received the Corporate Leadership The event attracted 400 guests, and honored Sanjay Mittal.
Award and Emerging Leader Award respectively. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., and Keith
The event took place on June 21st, 2017, Williams, company President and CEO. It
and raised $1.3M. From left to right: Krishna raised $850,000 to support AIF’s work in India.
Veeraraghavan, Rohit Kapoor, Sahiya Mamta Clockwise from left: Mukta Purohit, Suma
Mahato, Ajay Banga. Shastry, Ritu Jain, Ashwini Ramesh.

washington philadelphia

On March 24th, 2018, the Bay Area Chapter

held its 17th Annual Gala at the Hilton Union
Square in San Francisco, CA. The evening was
attended by more than 500 guests and raised
more than $1.3M. The Gala honored Vijay
The Washington, D.C. Chapter closed out the AIF’s 2nd Annual Philadelphia Gala took place Goradia, Founder and Chairman of Vinmar
calendar year with its Annual Gala on November on February 25, 2018 at the National International and Lynne Twist, Founder and
10th, 2017, which brought together over 180 Constitution Center. The Gala honored President of the Soul of Money Institute.
guests at the Congressional Country Club in Chintu Patel and Chirag Patel, Co-Founders, From L to R: Nishant Pandey, Pradeep Kashyap,
Bethesda, MD. Pradman Kaul, President and CEO Co-Chairmen, and Co-CEOs of Amneal Vijay Goradia, Lata Krishnan, Ash Lilani,
of Hughes Network Systems, LLC. was honored. Pharmaceuticals. It raised over $190,000 and Vimal Bahuguna, Swati Narayan, and
The Gala raised over $300,000 for the William highlighted AIF’s Maternal and Newborn Survival Diaz Nesamoney.
J. Clinton Fellowship for Service in India. From Initiative (MANSI). From left to right: Senator
left to right: Pradeep Kashyap, Pradman Kaul, Vin Gopal, Raj Gupta, Chintu Patel, Steven
Ambassador to the United States Navtej Sarna, Collis, Chirag Patel, Consul General Sandeep orange county
Mahinder Tak. Chakravorty, Kavita Gupta, Rani Emandi.

new england

Kevin Parikh, Global CEO and Senior Partner at

Avasant, was honored at the Orange County
Chapter’s 5th Annual Gala on March 17th,
2018 at the Paséa Resort in Huntington Beach,
CA. More than 250 supporters attended the
event, raising more than $500,000 to support
The New England Chapter held its 12th Annual Gala on March 31, 2018 at the Renaissance Boston AIF programs. The gala was chaired by MS
Waterfront Hotel. The event featured the theme ‘Connect: Connect with a Cause, Connect with International, Inc and Tarsadia Foundation.
Ideas, Connect with the Community’. It attracted 400 guests and raised $850,000 to support From left to right: Shiv Grewal, Nita Parikh,
AIF’s work in India. Tinnie Grewal, Kevin Parikh.

outreach and engagement

able clinton fellowship

AIF Clinton Fellow Priya Charry during the

Gender, Livelihoods and Environmental
Conference with Jagori Grameen in
Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh.


Walk to Freedom organized at India Gate in New Delhi on the occasion of World Disability Day by AIF,
National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP) and Oil and Natural Gas
Corporation (ONGC).

Digital equALIZER

Shri Bhupendrasinh Manubha Chudasama,

Hon’ble Education Minister, Government of
Gujarat, received a memorandum from SMC
Federation members for recommending
specific changes in RTE rules of Gujarat during
4th State Level SMC convention.


The Support My School “Mission Recycling

Campaign” launched in Delhi on 14 December,
2017. The Phase 2, under AIF’s Digital Equalizer
(DE) Program focuses on “Recycling” and will
work with children and teachers of 5000 schools
across 10 states.
Mathew Joseph, Country Director, AIF, presented graduation certificates to students trained under
AIF’s MAST & ABLE programs at SNS Foundation in Gurgaon.
rickshaw sangh

The Deputy Commissioner of Saraikela-

Kharsawan district, Shri Chhavi Ranjan (IAS)
felicitated Sahiya Sathis for their active
participation in AIF’s MANSI program in
Jharkhand. Nishant Pandey, CEO, AIF, launched 500 rickshaws at an event in Kolkata.

United stateS


as of March 31, 2018 for the year ending March 31, 2018
2018 2017 2018 2017

Cash & Cash Equivalents 13,24,996 16,97,392 Contributions & Grants 24,63,600 16,23,343
Investments 45,85,304 43,21,889 Benefit Events Income (net) 53,40,960 43,33,020
Unconditional Promises to Give 18,90,431 4,32,418 Investment and Other Income 3,26,418 92,067
Prepaid and Other Assets 1,95,095 3,73,322 TOTAL SUPPORT & REVENUE 81,30,978 60,48,430
Property and Equipment (net) 18,577 39,298 UTILIZATION

TOTAL ASSETS 80,14,403 68,64,319 Program Expenses

LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Education 11,61,305 13,39,260

Grants Payable Livelihood 11,07,983 13,60,438
Accounts & Other Payable 10,18,350 4,63,128 Public Health 8,75,294 6,91,373
TOTAL LIABILITIES 10,18,350 4,63,128 Digital Equalizer 13,00,050 11,25,832
NET ASSETS Clinton Fellowship 9,43,307 8,82,520
Unrestricted 17,47,972 15,91,074 Education, Awareness & Engagement 6,50,632 6,20,762
Temporarily Restricted 46,48,081 42,10,117 Program Services - Total 60,38,571 60,20,185
Permanently Restricted 6,00,000 6,00,000 Management and General 5,12,786 5,54,404
TOTAL NET ASSETS 69,96,053 64,01,191 Fundraising Expenses 9,84,759 10,02,531
TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS 80,14,403 68,64,319 TOTAL EXPENSES 75,36,116 75,77,120
INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS 5,94,862 (15,28,690)

support & Revenue utilization

Investment & Management and

Other Income General
3,26,418 5,12,786

Contributors Fundraising
& Grants Expenses
24,63,600 9,84,759

Benefit Events Income Program Services

(net) Total
53,40,960 60,38,571

The combined revenue for AIF in the US and AIF Trust (AIFT) in India was $ 10.9mm.
The breakup between AIF and AIFT was as follows:
AIF: $8.1mm   AIFT: $2.8mm   Total: $10.9mm

eighteen year revenue and Expenses






































Financial Year Income Expenses
2001 65,66,682 32,21,916
2002 49,06,374 33,93,706
2003 33,97,630 32,13,441
2004 56,53,276 54,03,197
2005 79,13,760 68,75,704
2006-2007 1,00,29,646 1,01,68,280
2007-2008 92,51,271 97,82,873
2008-2009 95,84,062 86,75,947
2009-2010 79,63,333 83,76,686
2010-2011 73,64,056 71,40,853
2011-2012 71,23,923 71,76,917
2012-2013 70,32,832 70,22,358
2013-2014 62,46,216 61,49,698
2014-2015 67,89,325 58,39,126
2015-2016 68,13,551 62,23,435
2016-2017 60,48,430 75,77,120
2017-2018 81,30,978 75,36,116
12,08,15,345 11,37,77,373



APRIL 1, 2017 - MARCH 31, 2018
Amount in INR

PARTICULARS FY 2017-18 FY 2016-17

Cash and Cash Equivalents 7,76,45,041 6,49,28,037 14,25,73,078 6,78,38,159 3,41,58,267 10,19,96,426
Investments - 1,28,85,000
1,28,85,000 - 5,79,85,000
Prepaid Expenses & Other Assets 45,23,756 68,33,965 1,13,57,721 67,87,756 76,17,713 1,44,05,469
Property & Equipments (net) 14,81,114 2,05,202 16,86,317 1,85,63,443 2,14,01,607 3,99,65,050

TOTAL ASSETS 8,36,49,911 8,48,52,204 16,85,02,116 9,31,89,358 12,11,62,587 21,43,51,945


Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses 14,41,493 14,79,481 29,20,974 8,43,744 1,10,000 9,53,744
Other Payables 84,16,062 80,44,238 1,64,60,300 51,35,027 6,77,672 58,12,699

Total Liabilities 98,57,555 95,23,719 1,93,81,274 59,78,771 7,87,672 67,66,443

Unrestricted Funds 2,14,59,255
2,14,59,255 2,65,95,865
Temporarily Restricted 7,37,92,356 5,38,68,230 12,76,60,586 8,72,10,587 9,37,78,050 18,09,88,637
Permanently Restricted 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

TOTAL NET ASSETS 7,37,92,356 7,53,28,485 14,91,20,842 8,72,10,587 12,03,74,915 20,75,85,502

TOTAL LIABILITES AND NET ASSETS 8,36,49,911 8,48,52,204 16,85,02,116 9,31,89,358 12,11,62,587 21,43,51,945

statement of financial position

Total Liabilities Total Assets

1,93,81,274 16,85,02,116

Total Net Assets


STATEMENT OF activities
APRIL 1, 2017 - MARCH 31, 2018
Amount in INR

PARTICULARS FY 2017-18 FY 2016-17

Contribution and Grants 26,98,74,050 8,67,98,568 35,66,72,617 28,61,76,976 8,62,95,299 37,24,72,275
Benefit Events Income (net)
Investment and Other Income 41,86,942 61,55,060 1,03,42,001 66,52,725 34,86,661 1,01,39,386

TOTAL SUPPORT & REVENUE 27,40,60,991 9,29,53,628 36,70,14,619 29,28,29,701 8,97,81,960 38,26,11,661

1. Education 4,85,72,780 33,98,001 5,19,70,781 5,38,16,864 31,07,805 5,69,24,669
2. Livelihood 5,05,07,484 3,17,66,569 8,22,74,053 6,70,52,139 93,70,159 7,64,22,298
3. Public Health 3,78,81,054 3,15,506 3,81,96,560 2,64,57,233 2,64,57,233 10033598
4. Digital Equalizer 7,29,88,071 6,41,41,871 13,71,29,942 9,19,21,997 3,65,53,748 12,84,75,745
5. Clinton Fellowship 1,54,61,451 7,75,974 1,62,37,425 1,19,27,333 25,98,924 1,45,26,257
6. Communication, Awareness 1,36,15,700 24,28,389 1,60,44,089 77,12,377 77,12,377
& Engagement

TOTAL PROGRAM EXPENSES 23,90,26,540 10,28,26,310 34,18,52,850 25,88,87,942 5,16,30,636 31,05,18,578

Management and General 3,46,65,405 59,18,313 4,05,83,718 2,56,26,153 97,987 2,57,24,140

Fundraising Expenses 32,86,286 13,89,707 46,75,993 44,69,170 - 44,69,170

TOTAL EXPENSES 27,69,78,231 11,01,34,330 38,71,12,561 28,89,83,265 5,17,28,623 34,07,11,888



40,00,00,000 Expenses 2017-2018 36,70,14,619 38,71,12,561
2016-2017 38,26,11,661 34,07,11,888
2015-2016 30,86,21,313 27,18,85,759
2014-2015 21,57,39,769 17,55,94,576
2013-2014 16,25,81,080 14,93,03,270
1,43,65,68,442 1,32,46,08,054














Jay Tambe
BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Partner, Jones Day
FY April 1, 2017-March 31, 2018
Victor Menezes
Ajay Banga, Co-Chair Retired Senior Vice Chairman, Citigroup Chairman Emeritus
President & Chief Executive Officer, Master Card American India Foundation

Lata Krishnan, Co-Chair

Chief Financial Officer, Shah Capital Partners COUNCIL OF TRUSTEES*
Pradeep Kashyap, (Vice Chair through November 2017) Honorable William J. Clinton (Honorary Chair)
42nd President of the United States of America
Venkat Srinivasan, Vice Chair
Founder & CEO, Rage Frameworks Arjun Aggarwal
Managing Director, Healthscape Advisors
Alex Counts
Anuradha Aggarwal
President & CEO, American India Foundation
through October 23, 2017 Ravi Akhoury
Akhoury Foundation
Vimal Bahuguna
Ginny Akhoury
President, Drona Group, LLC
Rani Bahadur
Ashish Dhawan (Board member as of January 16, 2018)
Michigan-based Philanthropist
Founder and Chairman, Central Square Foundation
B N Bahadur
and Ashoka University
Vimal Bahuguna
Rohit Kapoor (Board Member as of Jan 16, 2018)
President, Drona Group LLC
Vice Chairman and CEO, EXL
Bulbul Bahuguna
Ash Lilani
Managing Partner & Co-Founder, Saama Capital Raj Bhatia
Managing Director—Wealth Management,
Kumar Malavalli (Board member through December 2017) The Bhatia Group, Merrill Lynch Private Banking
Co-founder, Chairman & Chief Strategy Officer, and Investment Group
Glassbeam Inc. Seema Bhatia
Swati Narayan (August 15, 2017 to May 22, 2018) Satjiv Chahil
Past President, EkDisha Foundation Innovation Advisor to President Sony Electronics, Ltd

Diaz Nesamoney Navneet S. Chugh

President & CEO, Jivox Corporation Attorney, C.P.A. The Chugh Firm
Ritu Chugh
Nishant Pandey, CEO, American India Foundation
as of October 24, 2017 William Comfort
Managing Partner, Court Square Capital Partners
Arvind Raghunathan, (Board member through Nathalie Comfort
December 2017)
Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Tushar Dave
Officer of Roc Capital CEO & Co-Founder, Enlighted, Inc.
Reshma Dave
Anjali Sharma
Chairperson, Philanthropic Engagement, Vinod Dham
American India Foundation Founder and Executive Managing Director,
IndoUS Venture Partners
Raj Sharma Sadhana Dham
Managing Director and Private Wealth Advisor,
Head of Sharma Group at Merrill Lynch Private Banking Jasvir Gill
and Investment Group CEO, Alert Enterprise, Inc.
Kaval Kaur
Michael Steinberg CFO, Start Up Farms, Inc.
Managing Partner, Steinberg Asset Management
Anil Godhwani
Harit Talwar, (Vice Chair as of November 2017) Co-Founder, Green Era Capital
Managing Director, Goldman Sachs Mrs. Jyoti Godhwani

Vijay Goradia Bharat Desai
Chairman & CEO, Vinmar International Co-Founder and Chairman, Syntel Inc
Marie Goradia
Ajay Shah
Tinnie Grewal Managing Partner, SilverlakeSumeru
Lata Krishnan
Vinod Khosla
Chief Financial Officer, Shah Capital Partners
Founder, Khosla Ventures
Neeru Khosla Rupesh Shah
Santhana Krishnan President, MS International, Inc.
Founder, Asian Art Gallery & Managing Partner, Mona Shah, JD, MPH
Om Ventures Health Policy Consultant and Former Staff Director,
Namita Krishnan US Senate Subcommittee on Children and Families
Engineering Manager, Red Hat Inc. Dave Sharma
Kumar Malavalli Chairman, TTA Group of Companies
Co-Founder, Chairman, & Chief Strategy Officer, Glassbeam Raj Sharma
Vijaya Malavalli Managing Director and Private Wealth Advisor
Victor J. Menezes Head of Sharma Group at Merrill Lynch Private Banking
Retired Senior Vice Chairman, Citigroup and Investment Group
Chairman Emeritus, American India Foundation Nalini Sharma
Tara Menezes
Vivek Sharma
Tania Mirchandani CEO, Piramal Critical Care
Vice President, Private Wealth Management (PWM) Group, Vandana Sharma
Goldman Sachs
Venkat Srinivasan
Dinesh Mirchandani
Founder & CEO, Rage Frameworks
President and Co-Founder, Sindulge
Pratima Srinivasan
Anil Monga
Sanjay Subhedar
CEO, Victory International (USA), LLC
Managing Director, Storm Ventures
Rajni Bala Monga
Suniti Subhedar
Diaz Nesamoney
Harit Talwar
President & CEO, Jivox Corporation
Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
Usha Nesamoney
Reena Talwar
Bhikhubhai Patel
Ravi Tilak
Chairman, Tarsadia Foundation
Co-Founder & CEO, ALMEX USA
Pushpa Patel
Vandana Tilak
Mukesh Patel President, Bombay Pictures, Inc.
Managing Partner & Founder, Invati Capital
Raj B. Vattikuti
Harsha Patel
Chairman, Vattikuti Ventures & Foundation
Nimish Patel Padmaja Raj Vattikuti
Vice Chairman, Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP
Nancy Patel Krishna Veeraraghavan
Partner, Sullivan & Cromwell
Brian J. G. Pereira, MD Sejal Shah
President & CEO, Visterra Dermatologist
Sunita Pereira, MD
Tufts Medical Center Romesh Wadhwani
CEO & Managing Partner, Symphony Technology Group
Ravi Reddy Kathy Wadhwani
Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Think Capital LLC
V. Prem Watsa
Neerja Sethi Chairman & CEO, Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited
Co-Founder and Vice President, Syntel Inc. Nalini Watsa

Ambassador Frank G. Wisner Carl Pope
International Affairs Advisor, Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP Former Chairman & Executive Director, Sierra Club
Judy Cormier
Kavita Ramdas
*As of 2018-19, this volunteer group has been replaced Senior Advisor to Ford Foundation’s President
by Founder’s Circle
Srinath Reddy
INDIA TRUSTEE BOARD President, Public Health Foundation of India

Nishith Desai Nitin Sacheti

Founder, Nishith Desai Associates Senior Analyst, Charter Bridge Capital

Anuranjita Kumar Chirag H. Shah

Managing Director of Human Resources, Royal Bank Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management
of Scotland International
Nirupama Rao Chairman & CEO, Alyx Technologies
Former Ambassador of India to the United States
Harjiv Singh
Ajay Relan Co-Founder and Co-CEO,
Founding Chairman, CX Advisors LLP Gutenberg Communications, LLC
Shankar Venkateswaran Shraysi Tandon
Advisor, Corporate Sustainability & CSR News Reporter, CCTV America

U.S. ADVISORY COUNCIL Professor Amartya Sen (Chair Emeritus)

Thomas W. Lamont University Professor,
Ambassador Frank G. Wisner (Chair) Professor of Economics and Philosophy,
International Affairs Advisor, Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP Harvard University
Maya Ajmera
Founder, The Global Fund for Children INDIA ADVISORY COUNCIL
President & CEO, Society for Science & the Public
Deepak Parekh
Marshall M. Bouton Non-Executive Chairman, HDFC Limited
President Emeritus, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Isher Ahluwalia
Lincoln Chen
Chairperson, Indian Council for Research on International
President, China Medical Board, USA
Economic Relations
Kamran Elahian
Chairman And Co-Founder, Global Catalyst Partners Sushmita Ghosh
Chair, Changemakers; Former President, Ashoka
Maneesh K. Goyal
Founder and President, MKG & Live In The Grey Pramit Jhaveri
CEO, Citi India
Raj Goyle
Co-Founder, Bodhala Vijay Mahajan
Founder & Chairman, Basix, A “Group Of Livelihood
Bakul Joshi
Promotion Institutions”
Founder & President, Multiple Access California
Corporation R. A. Mashelkar
Kailash Joshi President, Global Research Alliance
AIF Co-Founder, Retd. IBM Gen. Mgr.
Sanjay Nayar
Tarun Khanna CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR), India Advisors
Director of South Asia Institute, Harvard University Private Limited

Neil Lachman, CPA,CGMA Ranjit Pandit

Senior Advisor, Finance, American India Foundation Owner, Bambolli Holdings
Jacqueline Lundquist
Priya Paul
VP Corporate Affairs and Chief Serendipity Officer,
Chairperson, Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels
Waterhealth International

Founder & Chairman, Value and Budget Housing Hitika & Abhinav Anand
Corporation; Earlier Founder of Mphasis Jasma & Rahul Ghai
Savera & Mayur Gupta
Rajiv Tandon
Varsha & Ashish Kaura
Technical Director for Mnchn+A, Path India
Mukta & Kailash Purohit
Adil Zainulbhai Rahul Roy
Chairman, Network 18, Chairman, Quality Council of India, Masha & Rohan Sajdeh
and Senior Advisor, McKinsey & Co. India Arvind & Neeta Singh
Parita & Alex Singla
Mani Venkataram & Vinita Subramani
Actor and Director Aditya Badlani
Deepak Chopra Maya Behl
Founder, The Chopra Center for Well Being Pranav Doradla
Anchal Kumar
Gurcharan Das Arjun Kaura
Author Arun Lal


Author and Actress Rajesh & Krisan Swaminathan
Amiya Setu & Richa Aparajita
Mira Nair Lina Shah
Filmmaker, Mirabai Films Seema Deshpande
Author and Activist Rick Pal
Swati Narayan
Amitabh Sharma (Chair) Venkat & Pratima Srinivasan
Jagdish Sheth Dr. Brian J.G. Pereira & Sunita Pereira
Beheruz Sethna Vivek & Vandana Sharma
Lani Wong Santhana & Namita Krishnan
Jeffrey A. Rosensweig Andy Gupta
Swati Advani Nimit Nathwani
Lata Krishnan & Ajay Shah Sangita Thakore
Bakul Joshi Srini Ambati
Ash Lilani Vikram Mahidhar
Usha & Diaz Nesamoney Rohit & Shikha Kapoor
Renuka Pullat Pradeep Kashyap
Rohan Shah Victor & Tara Menezes
Cherra Singh Arvind Raghunathan
Saurabh Tandon Anjali Sharma
Riaz Taplin Krishna Veeraraghavan & Sejal Shah
Salima Taplin Harit and Reena Talwar
Leigh Wasson Frank G. Wisner
Bulbul & Vimal Bahuguna Tinnie & Shiv Grewal (Chairs)
Seema & Raj Bhatia Mike Colaco
Lewis Rosenbloom & Elizabeth Kaplan Sona & Anand Gala
Reena & Harit Talwar Nithin Jilla

Nita and Kevin Parikh John Hayden
Jessie Patel Staff Accountant, New York
Maya & Sunil Patel
Pushpa & BU Patel Bhupendra Jadav
Nivedita Pidaparty & Murthy Simhambhatla Assistant Finance Controller, New York
Sandhya & Ram Rao
Sarah J. A. Koclar
Mona & Rupesh Shah
Development Associate, Washington D.C
Rika & Manu Shah
Suchitra Krishna
Outreach and Events Associate, Boston
Kavita & Sanjay Gupta (Chairs)
Rani Emandi & Danny Hirji Katja Kurz
Anita & Pankaj Paul Program Officer, William J. Clinton Fellowship for Service in
Prema Roddam & Karun Pothacamury India, New York


Sunita Gupta & Sanjay Mittal (Chair) Outreach and Events Manager, California
Nupa Agarwal & Amit Acharya
Chiranth & Janani Nataraj Arnaz Patel
Ajoy & Vasudha Ranga Human Resources and Administrative Associate, New York
Venkatesh Raghavendra & Arathi Kashipathi
Joshua A. P. Patel
Rupa & Sahil Tak
Manager Annual Giving, New York
Peter & Julie Woo
Jasleen K. Singh*
Human Resources and Administrative Associate, New York
Sudhakar Shenoy
Suresh & Neena Shenoy Preena Soni
Geoffrey Stewart Development Associate, California
Mahinder & Sharad Tak
Ranvir & Adarsh Trehan Pratibha Srinivasan
Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer, New York

US STAFF Venkatesh Raghavendra*

Senior Director Philanthropy and Development, Richmond
Alexander M. Counts*
President and CEO (through October 23, 2017), New York Barbara T. Weber*
Senior Advisor Philanthropy and Organizational Development,
Nishant Pandey Seattle
CEO (as of October 24, 2017), New York
Mandy Wong
Nandini Ansari Database Administrator, New York
Senior Operations Manager, New York
Nicole R. Asbury* Nishant Bhushan, New York
Database Administrator, New York Tamanna Chhibbar, New York

Bhawna Chawla *Staff that left during the year

Deputy Director, Development, California

Shelby Crowell INDIA STAFF

Development and Communications Associate, New York
Nishant Pandey (through Oct 23, 2017)
Andrew C. Foxman* Country Director
Senior Director, Marketing and Communications, California
Mathew Joseph (as of 19 March, 2018)
Mugdha Gangopadhyay Country Director
Deputy Director Development, New York
Aamir Aijaz
Nirmala V. Garimella* Program Manager, Rickshaw Sangh, Livelihoods
Head of Development, New England
Aishwarya Durgia
Program Associate, Livelihoods

Ajay Rajpal Dr. Amit Chatterjee
Project Manager, Public Health M&E, Uttarakhand Director, Public Health

Akhila Betsy George G. Srinivasa Rao

Project Officer, MAST, Livelihoods MEL Assistant, Public Health (Paderu- Andhra Pradesh)

Aman Rathore* Garima Gautam

Accountant Program Associate - William J. Clinton Fellowship for Service
in India
Amanpreet Kaur
Program Officer- William J. Clinton Fellowship for Service in India Gaurav Sharma
Accountant (Dehradun)
Amit Shukla*
Accounts Officer Geeta Ram Chamoli
District Coordinator, Public Health Uttarakhand
Amol Parmar
Program Assistant, LAMP Gurvinder Singh
Sr. Manager – Finance
Anindya Dutta Gupta
Program Officer, LAMP Hanumant Rawat
Sr. Advisor Livelihoods
Anshul Jain*
Program Officer- Livelihoods Harinder Singh*
State Coordinator, DE Punjab
Anuj Srivastava*
Officer- Strategic Partnerships Ishika Kumar
Manager- Learning, Evaluation and Impact
Anupam Sarkar
Program Manager, Public Health J Sundar Krishnan*
Director- Digital Equalizer
Arjun Sanyal*
Director, Education Jagdeep Singh
Program Associate, MAST, Livelihoods
Arpita Saxena*
Program Manager- William J. Clinton Fellowship for Service in India Katrina Dikkers
Director- William J. Clinton Fellowship for Service in India
Ashish Chandra*
State Program Manager, DE Krishnendu Sengupta
Strategic Partnerships Manager
Asif Alam Mazumdar
Associate Communications Manish Kumar
Program Manager, ABLE
Avinash Suryawanshi
Program Manager,DE Manoranjan Bhoi
Associate, DE Odisha
Azhad Ali
Manager, Learning, Evaluation and Impact Medini Nautiyal
District Coordinater- MANSI, Uttarakhand
Baskaran D
State Program Manager, DE Tamil Nadu Meenu Anand
Manager - Human Resources
Bharti Dangwal
State Program Manager, Public Health, Uttarakhand Meenu Sharma
Program Officer, ABLE
Bholanath Sangram
Office Assistant Mrinalika Dhapola
Operations Director, DE Punjab & Haryana
Biswanath Senapati
Accountant Nafees Ahmed
Associate, DE Telengana
Dharmendra Kumar
Project Coordinator Nawaz Hussain
Associate, DE Telengana
Divya Murali
Regional Coordinator, DE Tamil Nadu Neeraj Kumar
Program Associate, DE Delhi

Niresh Kumar Shanker Dayal Sharma
Director- Strategic Partnerships State Program Manager, DE Gujarat

Pratim Basu Sheryl Shankar

State Program Manager, DE Punjab Program Officer, Strategic Partnerships

Pratyush Das Shilpa Sharma

Senior Program Manager, DE Delhi Associate, Human Resources

Puneeth T. Shivangi Sharma

State Program Manager, DE Karnataka Associate, Strategic Partnerships

Raj Rishi Siddiq Ahmed

Sr. Program Associate, DE Haryana Associate, DE Telengana

Rajvinder Kaur Sona Grover

Program Associate, ABLE Program Officer, DE Delhi

Rakesh Verma SrikrishnaPaleru

MIS Officer Program Manager, Public Health, Andhra Pradesh

Renuka Bhagat Subrat Sarkar

Program Associate, ABLE Operations Director, DE Odisha

Richa Dobhal Sudhakar R. Bhandari

District Coordinater, MANSI Uttarakhand Regional Coordinator, DE Karnataka

Robin Satyarthi Sudhir Chillarega

Accountant State Program Manager, DE Uttarakhand

Rohini Roy Sunil Kumar

Program Officer, DE Uttarakhand Program Associate- DE Delhi

Rowena Kay Mascarenhas Sunil Seth

Director, Communications & Advocacy Director, Finance and Administration

Sajit Menon Tamana Salathia*

Head of Programs Assistant, Human Resources

Santanu Mishra* Tapas Satpathy

Sr. Associate, DE Odisha State Program Manager- LAMP Gujarat

Santosh Singh* V. Alexander

Program Manager, DE Punjab Regional Coordinator, DE Tamil Nadu

Sanyukta Chaturvedi Varna Sri Raman

Director, Digital Equalizer Director, Learning, Evaluation and Impact

Saranya Suresh Vinay Sanam

Program Associate, DE Karnataka Sr. Program Associate, DE Telengana

Sarla Yadav Vivek Wandhile

Finance Manager Project Manager, LAMP Gujarat

Sarmistha Pattanayak *Staff that left during the year

Project Manager, DE Odisha

Shama Shanmugam
Administrative Officer

APRIL 1, 2017 - MARCH 31, 2018

Jones Day Capital IP

US DONORS JP Morgan Chase Caterpillar Inc.
Deepak and Christina Kamra Anonymous
LEADERSHIP Rohit and Shikha Kapoor Krishnan Chandershekhar and Erica
($100K AND ABOVE) Seema and Somesh Khanna Oahler
Ajay and Ritu Banga Kirkland & Ellis, LLP Naveen and Alka Chandra
Sumir Chadha KPMG LLP Carrie Chatterjee
Vijay and Marie Goradia Santhana and Namita Krishnan Drs. Sanjiv and Amita Chopra
The Hans Foundation Joe and Ann Marie Macrae The Clinton Family Foundation
Lata Krishnan and Ajay Shah Mahadeva Family Foundation Cognizant US Corp
Kumar and Vijaya Malavalli Vikram Mahidhar and Kunjan Anjaria Sean Collins
Diaz and Usha Nesamoney MasterCard Worldwide Comerica Bank
Pramod and Roshni Patel McKinsey & Company, Inc. Kelly and Monty Corley
Rural India Supporting Trust Merck & Co., Inc Crawford & Company
The Sarva Mangal Charitable Trust MicronTechnology, Inc. Dinyar and Aashish Devitre
Anonymous Sundari and Samir Mitra Dhanam Foundation
Venkat and Pratima Srinivasan Anil and Rajni Monga Sanjay and Anjali Dhawan
Harit and Reena Talwar Morgan Stanley & Co. The Dow Chemical Company
Riaz Taplin and Salima Taplin Anonymous DowDuPont
Tarsadia Foundation Anonymous EK Disha Non-Profit Inc.
George and Karen Oliver Ernst & Young
BENEFACTORS ($50K - 99,999) The Ostler Family Charitable Fund EXL Service
Bank of the West PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP FedEx
The Fascitelli Family Foundation Qatar Airways FICO
The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Arvind Raghunathan and Sribala Final Mile Consulting LLC
Charitable Trust Subramanian First Manhattan Consulting Group
Victor and Tara Menezes Sumit Rajpal and Deepali Arvind Desai Matthew Fleming
Carl Pope and Shahnaz Taplin Harvey Schwartz Anand and Sona Gala
Julian Salisbury Raj and Nalini Sharma Deepak Garg
Anonymous Sullivan & Cromwell GEP
Saxena Family Foundation TD Bank, N.A. Charles and Dianne Giancarlo
Silicon Valley Bank Trans Union, LLC The Glades Foundation
Sanjay and Suniti Subhedar Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Gautam Godhwani
VISA, INC. The Vattikuti Foundation Shiv and Tinnie Grewal
Whirlpool Corporation Romesh and Kathy Wadhwani HSBC Bank USA, N.A.
Wipro Limited Huge
PATRONS ($25K - 49,999) IWCO Direct
Abbott Laboratories VISIONARIES ($10K - 24,999) Rama and Sonia Jager
Acxiom Corporation Accenture Ajit and Tinku Jain
Amneal Pharmaceuticals Anindya and Deepa Acharya-Gupta Ashish and Ritu Jain
Avasant Foundation Vijay and Swati Advani JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Bain Capital Ventures Anilesh and Tania Ahuja K&L Gates LLP
Kishore K. Bopardikar Akhoury Foundation, Inc. Pradeep and Reena Kashyap
Lisa Brighton Rummana Alam and Nadeem Yunus Ashish and Varsha Kaura
CA Technologies American Express Foundation The Kaye Family Foundation
Capgemini AmerisourceBergen Services Sajal Kohli and Rohini Dey
Satjiv S. Chahil Corporation The Kolluri Family Fund
Tasneem Chipty and Aleksander Franz Anonymous Mahantesh and Mamta Kothiwale
Citi Sunisha and Neeraj Arora Sankar Krishnan
James and Patti DeWaele The Arun I & Asmita Bhatia Family Sandeep and Purvi Kunwar
EdgeVerve Systems Foundation Matthew and Minyoung Kustel
Anil and Jyoti Godhwani Atlassian Leo Burnett
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Vimal and Bulbul Bahuguna Leo J. Shapiro & Associates
Program Bahwan Cybertek Inc. Levi Strauss & Co.
Harman International Industries, Inc Shiv and Nandita Bakhshi Ash Lilani
Roger and Stephanie Hochschild Anu and Kapil Bhavnani Raja A. Mahajan
Hollister Incorporated BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. Naitry and Rick Marini
Icon Medical Holdings LLC Bonfare Markets Charitable Foundation Market Strategy Group

APRIL 1, 2017 - MARCH 31, 2018

Samuel and Shanti Mathan fund of Silicon Valley Community Harit and Parul Doshi
Sanjay and Sangeeta Mehrotra Foundation Thomas and Gayane Ebling
Aashish Mehta and Emily Shamsuddin The Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati eHealthObjects
Karl Mehta Foundation Emandi Law Firm P.C.
Siddharth and Swati Mehta Winston & Strawn LLP Vish Emani
Ivan and Shibani Menezes XL Catlin Karen and Andy Fisher
Michael E. Marks Family Foundation FMC Corporation
Nalin Miglani CATALYSTS ($5K - 9,999) Gems Holdings, LLC
Mlegal Consulting, Inc. Abel Noser Corp. Biri and Sukhjit Gill
Neal and Hema Mohan Adobe Systems Incorporated Justin Gmelich
NB Ventures, Inc Geetha Agadi Bruce Goldberg
The Nima Taghavi Foundation Ajay and Kate Agarwal Google Inc.
Nuveen Investments Holdings Anupama Agarwal Mark and Rebecca Graf
Arun and Neeru Oberoi Rajesh Alva Leo and Emilia Greenstein
Mukesh and Harsha Patel Abhinav and Hitika Anand Mandeep Grewal and Sudeep Dhillon
Namrata Patel Hazim Ansari Anita and Ashwini Gupta
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Aptinyx, Inc. Rajiv and Kamal Gupta
Garrison LLP Brian Arcara Gupta Family Foundation
Drs. Sunita and Brian J.G. Pereira Arch Telecom Inc. Hite Hedge Asset Management, LLC
Priya Living LLC Mir Arif and Suki Kim Hughes Network Systems, Inc.
Renuka Pullat and Krishna Pillai Pavan Bagar Irfan Kathwari Foundation, Inc.
Kailash and Mukta Purohit Bank of America Charitable Foundation Nickhil Jakatdar and Sudnya Shroff
Vish S. Ramakrishnan and Anuradha Bank of America Matching Gifts Rajive and Indrani Johri
Chitrapu Barclays Adam and Rita Kablanian
Realize, LLP Vasudev and Virinda Bhandarkar Rajiv and Susan Kamilla
The Reddy Foundation Srini and Smita Bharadwaj Santosh Karande
SAP America, Inc. Biogen Idec Nitin Karnani
Schlumberger BitWise Inc. Sudha Kashyap
Gaurav and Elizabeth Seth BMO Capital Markets Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors
Anil and Preeti Shah William and Joan Boecke Foundation
Riyad and Aarifa Shahjahan Anirban and Manjari Bose Tarun and Ruhi Khanna
Anjali and Deven Sharma The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. Deepak Krishnan
Anonymous Mike and Susan Boush Anonymous
Silicon Valley Community Foundation Terrence and Cynthia Brady Narindar Kumar
Silver Lake Technology Management, Edward Breen Ash Lilani
LLC Bryan Cave LLP Preeti and Anu Mahajan
Simran Foundation David and Helene Buchen Ajay and Suhani Mody
Ashok Singh Seema Byahatti and Samir Shah Madhukar and Radhika Namburi
SMART Modular Technologies, Inc. Canaccord Genuity Corp. Barbara Nash
Garen and Sharalyn Staglin Rashmy Chatterjee Navigant Consulting
Michael Stark Anshul Chaturvedi Una M. Neary
Shivan and Jyothi Subramaniam Rahul Chaudhary Gary and Trudy Neilson
Jayant and Priya Tambe Rohit and Sonal Chopra Nitin Nohria and Monica Chandra
Suzanne Tanajerski The Chugh Firm Krish and Nina Panu
Nainoor and Sangita Thakore Amy Cline Jiten Parikh
Trehan Foundation, Inc. Steve and Toni Collis Geeta Pasi
UBS Financial Services Christopher and Cindy Combs Amol and Mansi Patel
Ujala Foundation ConAgra Foods Raju Patel
Unilog Content Solutions LLC Thomas and Laura Connolly Pimco Investments LLC
Sheena and Vijay Vaidyanathan Edith Cooper Rajiv Prabhakar
Akshay and Alison Vaishnaw Rahul Danodra Prism Healthcare Partners, LTD
Krishna and Sejal Veeraraghavan Hemang and Theresa Dave Priya Harbert Fremont LLC
Robin and Liselotte Vince Raj Desai Anil and Asha Punyapu
Vijay Vishwanath and Gita Iyer Andrew DeYoung Zainul and Lubaina Raj
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz Vinod and Dolly Dham Madhavan Rangaswami and Constantin
Warburg Pincus LLC Arjun and Diana Divecha Delivanis
Western Digital Corporation, an advised Dominion Energy Richard Friedman Family Foundation

Robert W. Baird and Co. Incorporated Shazeen Ali William and Lea Bowmer
Roopa and Subhash Makhija Nahid Aliniazee Bright Funds Foundation
Foundation, Inc. W. Sanford and Madhur Allen Bruner Family Charitable Gift Fund
S&P Global Ronaldo Ama Ronald and Barbara Bukovac
Vinod and Gail Sahney Ashutosh Aman Geoff Burkholder
Masha and Rohan Sajdeh Gunjan Amarnani Marcelo Camberos
Vincent and Ellen Sakowski Srini and Nikhila Ambati Ram Capoor and Fereshteh Shahabi
Prakash Sakraney American Express Gift Matching Yvonne Carrasco Program Cheryl and Larry Carter
Manoj and Monica Saxena Mitesh Amin Christopher Cartwright and Elisa
Mark and Lara Scarborough Neil and Amishi Amin Giacomelli
Stephen and Susan Scherr Shoham Amin Craig and Suzanne Castelein
Sequeira Family Charitable Trust Harold Andersen Paul Cate
Kamal Shah James and Karen Ansara Paroon Chadha
Jai Shekhawat Joseph Arbeely Robert and Shital Chatwani
Ragini Shekhawat Mason Argiropoulos Angela Chaudhari and Alpesh Patel
Ashmeet S. Sidana Maximillian and Louise Armour Faiz Chawdri
Silicon Valley Capital Partners L.P. Michael Aubrey Prashanth Cherukuri
Silicon Valley Community Foundation Peter Aynsley-Hartwell Ahunawar Chhapgar
Murthy and Nivedita Simhambhatla Zaid and Rana Ayoub Dimple and Vishal Chhibbar
Ajay and Nidhi Singh Anita Bafna Rena Choe
Harmit and Cherra Singh Baird Foundation, Inc. Paritosh Choksi
Rajesh Singh Nandita Bakhshi Ameet Chopra
Sinha Kikeri Foundation Esha Bandyopadhyay Aneesh and Rohini Chopra
Esta Stecher Alka Banerjee Ash and Shaili Chopra
Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth Pratip and Aleena Banerji Ratika and Puneet Chopra
Mahinder and Sharad Tak Bank of America Employee Giving Anil and Sri Choudhary
Gopal Tampi and Shub Mukherjee Campaign Anil and Shahenaz Churiwala
Tech Mahindra (Americas) Inc. Arun Bansal Ram and Anjali Chuttani
Viran Toor The Barry Friedberg and Charlotte Citizens Bank
TTF Foundation Moss Family Foundation Christopher Clark
Utopia Global Inc. Bartech Group Dustin and Steffani Cohn
Rajeev and Dipti Vachani Harbans Bawa Vernon and Stephanie Colaco
Venkat Subra Mani Venkataraman Behram Baxter Cooper-Horowitz Inc.
Anonymous Nicholas and Divya Behl Alexander and Emily Counts
Sean Wambold Ashok Belani Daniela Crofton
Padmasree and Mohandas Warrior Belkin Burden Wenig & Goldman, LLP Jeffrey and Carol Cullen
Leigh Wasson Michael Bender and Sheridan Prior Balamurugan Cumaresan and Vaithehi
Susan Whitehead Nancy Z. Bender Muttulingam
Elisha Wiesel Amarjeet Bhachu and Sanjana Sharma Anisa Daftari
Lisa and Ted Williams Anita and Arjun Bhagat Jaleh Daie
YFS Foundation, Inc. Ravnish Bhalla Udit Dalal
Jonathan Young Guninder Bhalla The Dalal Charitable Trust
Kim Young Mohit and Supria Bhalla Kesav Dama and Somya Kaushik
Harish and Seema Bhandula Ranjan and Veena Damodar
CHAMPIONS ($1K - 4,999) Anil Bhatia and Sushma Singh Ira Dang and Joy Dasgupta
The 2001 Kariat Revocable Trust Sadhna and Raj Bhatia Lisa Daniels
Alison Abbo T.T. Bhatt Anil Daryani
Fairuz Abdullah Vinod Bhutani Krishnakshi Das
Gagan Agarwala Vijay and Anita Bist Avijit and Meena Datta
Alok and Sangeeta Aggarwal BNY Mellon Madhukar and Saira Dayal
Sahil Aggarwal BNY Wealth Management Praveen Dayalu
Guirish and Rashmi Agni Raja Bobbili Prafulla Deori
Bharat and Sudha Agrawal The Boeckli Family Fund Samir and Nilima Desai
Mahesh Madhav and Ruchika Agrawal Syed and Sabina Bokhari Desai Family Foundation
Sanjiv and Anju Ahuja David Boone Desai Family Foundation c/o Aditi, Inc.
Kamesh and Geeta Aiyer Raj and Sonia Boveja Rembert DeVilla

APRIL 1, 2017 - MARCH 31, 2018

Vikram and Priti Dewan Anita Gupta Art and Ellen Kapoor
Arnab Dey Anita and Mayank Gupta Namit and Nidhi Kapoor
Gautam and Ritu Dhingra Anuj Gupta Ramesh and Susan Kapur
Discovery Communications, Inc. Dinesh and Anita Gupta Suraj Kapur
Ramesh and Veena Dolwani Adi and Rutti Guzdar Saila Kariat
Marshall M. Dorr Carey and Jason Halio Sandhya and Sneha Kasera
Steven Dostart Ian Hall Vinay Kashyap
Sean Dowdall and David Landis Russ and Deborah Hall Imtiaz and Farida Kathawalla
Matthew Driver Anuradha and Vivek Hans Sameer and Priyanka Katiyar
Anil and Jennifer D’Souza Rahul Harkawat Katten Muchin Rosenman Foundation,
Apurba and Jayashree Dutta Thomas Harney and Dorothy Wholihan Inc
John and Christine Edwards Grace and Taylor Harris Jeffrey Katz
Rani Emandi James Hawes and Ellen Hanson Maria-lnes Kavamura
Emerson College Haywood Securities Sandesh Kaveripatnam
Osborn S. Erickson Healey Family Foundation Christian and Jill Kemp
Aaron and Mona Erter Bradley and Lisa Henderson Robert and Stacey Kertsman
Karishma Rao and Sunil Etha Thomas Henderson The Ketan and Sheila Kothari Family
Christine Evans Kunal Hinduja and Jessie Patel Fund
Evercore Partners Services East LLC Wanda Holland Greene Scott Kettle
Excel Asset Management Corporation Michael and Gail Horwath Akhil Khanna
Les Fagen David Hultman Shiv Khemka
Kathleen Farrell Matthew Hurd Neal Khosla
FBR & Co. Avner Husen James and Susan King
Federated Investors, Inc. IBM Corporation Employee Services Ujjal and Sarita Kohli
Michael Ferris Center Anurag Kondapalli
First Bank ICC Chemical Corporation Sam and Harsh Koppula
Fortress Investment Group Prathima Iddamsetty Michael Krauss
Inayat Fridosey Infinite Computer Solutions, Inc. Vasu and Mary Krishnamurthy
Matthew Friestedt Intel Kroger
Dayal and Meeta Gaitonde International Rubber Products, Inc. Akshya and Shalini Kumar
Shruti Gandhi International Services, Inc. Heimant and Shilpa Kumar
Amit Garg and Sonali Agarwal Garg Omer Ismail Monica Kumar
Rajesh and Madhu Garg Ivy Funds Distributors Anupam and Ying Ladha
Sarika Garg Eva and Ravi Jacob Vinod Lakhani
Kenneth Gayer Keith and Jennifer Jacobson Ashish and Amrita Lakhanpal
Genus Lifesciences Inc. Matthew Jacobson Rajiv and Suruchi Lal
Meril Gerstenmaie Mahendra Jain Ranjan Lal and Sunita Mohapatra
Jasma Ghai Kaikeya Jangbahadur and Srividhya Prithvi Legha
Harinder P. Gill Ramakrishnan Jason Leibowitz
Pranav Gill Romal Jasser Jill and Joe Lervold
Raj-Ann and Pavan Gill Uma Jayaram Lincoln International
Milind Godbole and Mona Bhoyar Indu Jindia The London Company
Goldman Sachs & Co. Chetan Joglekar Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
Rakesh Gopalan Michael and Chris Johnson Georgie Lowe
Subba Gopavarapu Johnson & Johnson Steven Lundeen
Aruna and Dinesh Goradia Allen Jordan James and Joan Lynch
Daniel and Alexandra Gourvitch Jason Jurgens Macquarie Group Foundation Limited
Sanjay and Vidya Govil JustGiving Manju Madhavan
Paul and Dedrea Gray Ravi and Anisha Kacker Rajiv Mahadevan
Jeffrey Green Alpesh and Rajul Kadakia Mahal Family-Hemkund Foundation
Jas Grewal and Suren Dutia Rupinder Kalia Ravi Mahalingam
Arthur Groo Meena Kamath Andrew Malik
David Gruenstein Aditi Kamdar Suvin Malik
The Guardian Life Insurance Company Kim Puloma Kamdar Mahadeva Mani
of America William Kane Vijay and Sumita Manwani
Samidh Guha Tara Kangarlou Marti Family Fund, an advised fund of
Sameer and Punita Gupta Akash and Rana Kapoor the Brooklyn Community Foundation

Megan Martin James and Kathleen O’Hara Rajeev and Joan Ranadive
Kedar Mate Arun and Shashi Ohri Ramgopal and Sandhya Rao
Goran Matijasevic Stephen Older Soma and Rekha Rao
Forrest Worthy McCartney Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP Tejas Raval
McGuireWoods Karin Orsic Karthik Ravula and Anjana Sukumar
Karen Mecker Mark D. Otto Viresh and Karuna Rawal
Neelu Mehrotra Pacwav LLC Wendell Reilly
Chirag and Chhayal Mehta Asutosh and Rita Padhi Maxim Reshulskiy
Guvantray and Ila Mehta Pavan Pamidimarri The Richard and Helen Greenberg
Justin and Purvi Mehta Paranjape Family Trust Family Charitable Fund
Ruhsabh and Ruchi Mehta Amit and Reena Parekh Norbert and Loan Riedel
Sarah and Punit Mehta Ashish Parekh Scott A. Romanoff
Vivek Mehta Roopa Parikh James and Sarah Rosen
Melvyn Menezes Suneil and Rohini Parulekar Rahul and Anuradhika Roy
Ryan Merchant Amit and Urvi Patel Ranjith Roy
Yitzhak Meyers Anil Patel Paul Rufo
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Arvind Patel Nicholas Rytting
Raymond J. Milchovich Atul Patel Mona Sabet
Maureen Miles Bhadreskum and Amida Patel Vinay Sabharwal
Nandini and Rajeev Minocha Bhanvin Patel Nitin Sacheti
Mintz Levin Dinesh Patel Sumit Sadana
Rajat Mishra Divyesh Patel Salil and Hema Sakhardande
Vish Mishra Kiran B. Patel Ravinder and Rohini Sakhuja
Mission Hills Family Dentistry, Inc Manish Patel Mathew Salter
Nidhi and Sanjeet Mitra Minesh and Jayana Patel Nancy Saltzman
Anjan and Emily Mitra Munira Patel Jasbir and Kiran Saluja
Jasvant M. Modi Padmanabh and Sheetal Patel The Samarth Foundation
Nikhil and Rahat Modi Purnima Patel Ranjit and Kuldip Samra
Tejas Modi Rakesh Patel Balvinder S. Sangha
Saurabh and Namrata Mohanty Roger and Chetna Patel Mythili Sankaran and Shekar Ayyar
Saeed and Assal Mohasseb Sanjay Patel Ashok and Geetanjali Sathe
Mondelez International Foundation Ushirkumar Patel and Ranjini Malavalli Sanjay Sathe
Sean Monga Pranat and Naila Pathak Save The Date, Inc.
Brian Monks and Eamon O’Grady Chandar Pattabhiram Taher Savliwala
Gary Moon Mr. and Mrs. Bill Patton Arjun Saxena
Ananta and Kumkum Mukerji Annette Philip Surya Kumar Selvam
Jan Muralitharan Jay Phillip Mehmet Sezgin
Paul and Cynthia Murray Adam and Dana Phillips Anish Shah
Saranjit and Gurinder Mutti Rodney Pierce Divyesh and Priti Shah
Jatinder Narang Douglas Pitman Himat and Asha Shah
Rajaram Narayanaswamy Kevin Pleasant Kirit and Mrudula Shah
Bhaskaran Natarajan and Teresa Chick Todd Pleune Neha Shah
Rajeswari and G. Natesh Anurag Poddar and Nancy Virdi Rohan Shah
Nimit Nathwani John and Shannon Porro Sabera and Ameer Shah
Natixis Global Asset Management Porus Prakash Salim Shaikh
Sandeep and Bulbul Nayyar Punjabi Heritage & Cultural Society Michael Shankman
Ryan Nece Seth and Julie Rachlin Abhishek Sharma
Brian and Kasia Neinhaus Venkatesh and Arathi Raghavendra Annu Sharma and Dev Ghose
Prashanth Nekkalapudi Mandar Rahatekar Anupendra Sharma
New York Life Foundation Manohar K. Raheja Ravi and Juhi Sharma
New York Life Insurance Co Shanthini Rajendram and Ranajoy Sandeep Sharma
Cosmos and Evelyne Nicolaou Sarkar Varun and Megha Sharma
Atish and Ambika Nigam Anand Ramakrishnan and Deepa Jack Sheridan
Vinit and Deepti Nijhawan Kartha Jagdish N. Sheth, Ph.D
North Realty LLC Ravi and Meena Ramamurti Nandan Sheth
Kathy O’Donnell Jayan and Vibha Ramankutty Rohan Sheth
Adam Oestreich and Joselyn Cruz Arun and Kelly Ramappa Sheth Family Foundation Inc.

APRIL 1, 2017 - MARCH 31, 2018

Snehal and Pallavi Shinde Anil Tummalapalli Vandana Badlani

Swapnil Shinde Peter and Kim Turek Ketan Patel Bali
Ritu and Poonam Shrivastava William Bennet Turner Amit and Savita Banerjee
Alexander and Irina Shubat The U.S. Bank Charitable Giving Aniruddha and Manju Banerjee
Sidoti & Company, LLC Programs Siddhartha Banerjee
Ravi Simhambhatla and Savi Ricardo and Julie Ugarte Rima and Amit Bansal
Devarakonda Madhvesh Upadhya and Vishal Kalavar Anuradha Behari
Arjan Singh Nakul Uppal and Ramita Chawla Brad Berstein
Arvind and Neeta Singh Vacovec, Mayotte & Singer LLP Gordon Bhadra
Ekta and Ashwini Singh Bindiya Valavil and PV Narayan Ashee and Seema Bhan
Manny and Jennifer Singh Jacki VanEvery Sandeep and Anu Bhat
Nithya and Navjot Singh Jensen and Chinnu Varghese Puneet Bhatia
Tejinder Singh Sandeep Varma Sunil Bhatia and Faten Amireh
Umesh and Niraj Singh Anita Varma Hart and Sarah Billings
Vijay Singh Nisha Varma Veronica Brakus
Vikram Singh Krishna and Uma Veeraraghavan Sunil and Anita Budhrani
Yashpal and Anita Singh Ram Vemireddy Madanlal Goenka Chari
Anupy Singla and Sandeep Gupta Satyaprakash Venkatarama Ranjit and Tonima Chatterji
Atul and Parita Singla Abraham Verghese Priyanka Chaudhary
Kiran Sinha Ashwin Verma Sonya Chawla
Prabhakant and Anita Sinha Deepak and Nidhi Verma Tara Chklovski
Jagadha Sivan Priya and Sandeep Vij Raj and Jhansi Chowdary
Michael Snyder and Christine Costigan Kamala Kant Vijai and Girija Vijay Lyse Anne Clark
Inder and Priya Sodhi Elizabeth Vilardo-Morgan Ganesh Rao
T.K. Somanath Monica Virk Jai Dev Dasgupta
Amirapu and Monisha Somasekhar Vincent Visceglia Rajesh Dash
Somkum LLC VMware Foundation Pragna and Vivek Dave
Vimal Soni Manjiv and Poonam Vohra Dharti Desai
Rakesh Sood The Wadher Family Foundation Vikas and Nitigna Desai
Carrie Soyland Ask Shilpa and Yogesh Wadhera Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Srinivas and Sonali Srinath Hardeep Walia Kunal Doshi
Ohm and Anandini Srinivasan Ranjit Walia Bryan Eckelman
Sheryl Srivastava Waters Corporation Sara Edward
Rajeev Srivastava Ryan Welch Dean Edwards
Ankur Srivastava Wendell Family Foundation Kamal El-Wattar
Nagaraja Srivatsan Daniel Wenzel Sheila Emami
Brian Stephenson West Coast Consulting LLC Claire and Dwight Emanuelson
Lakshmi Stockham Western Resourcing Inc. EOG Resources, Inc.
Anand Subramanian and Yamuna Western Union Foundation Tom Falcone
Ramachandran Keith and Kaori Williams Zafira Firdosy
Sundar and Meena Subramanyam Paul Winum David and Marie Fredrick
Lalit Sudan Frank Wisner and Judy Cormier Prasad L. and Jyothi Gadde
Ike Suri M. Sue Woodward Kavitha Gandhi
Rajesh and Krisan Swaminathan Walter and Elizabeth Wright Mala Gaonkar
Garret Swart Mohib and Shifa Yousufani Manaswini Garimella
Hem and Deepka Takiar Ostap Zagorodnyy Chandrani Ghosh
Saurabh Tandon Ted and Amy Zook Vinay and Sanjili Gidwani
Anand Tati Achint Goel
Mary Rose Taylor INNOVATORS ($500 - 999) Kuntal Goradia
Sam Thakkar Acorn Holdings Keith Greenfield
Chetna and Ambrish Thanawala Neil Agnihotri Neal Gupta
Robert Thomas Rafi and Lala Ahmed Vijay and Penny Gurbaxani
Rebecca Tillet Anjali Ahooja Justin and Rebecca Gwilt
Naveen Todi Maya Ajmera and David Hollander Mitch Hochberg
Transtech Infrastructure, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Alexander Rimmi Hundal
Andrew Tsao Joseph Alvarado Intel Charitable Match Trust
Kelly and Brian Tufts Applied Materials, Inc. Shubha Iyengar

Seth and Merrie Jaffe Moblize - AKM Enterprise Inc. Timothy and Mary Rivelli
Niraj Jain Gitanjali Mohindra Anupam and Aruna Sachdev
Sharad Jain Raj Sarkar and Madhubanti Mukherjee Gautam Sain
Carleigh Jaques Yatin Mundkur Krishna and Pamela Sawhney
Meghan Jasani Sara Mutti Dennis and Christina Self
Vishal Jatav Sudhir and Raji Nagarkar Chirag H. Shah
Mishita Jethi Shamal Nagia Mehul and Falguni Shah
Vivek Jetley Vibhu Nagral Moorari Shah
Nithin Jilla Ramesh and Deeta Nair Neil and Puja Shah
Pervinder Johar Vikram S. Nangia Suresh and Indira Shah
Seebu John Akin Odutola Susie Shah
John Hancock Karen O’Malley Paddy Sharma
Tapan and Smita Joshi Opus Bank Rakesh Sharma
Alexander Kablanian Gouri Orekondy Emil Sheth
Goutham Kadhaba Chandra Pabba Rajen Sheth
Bill Kalra Avi Pai Anant Shukla
Vinod Kapoor Surajit Pal Greg and Dilshad Simons
Ashish Kapur Pankaj Pant Arjan Singh
Teddy M. Kapur Pavan and Amee Pant Vijay P. Singh
Kailesh Karavadra Pravin and Pallavi Parekh Priya Singhal
Arun and Inder Karla Rasiklal and Hemalatha Parekh Biswajit Sinha and Swati Pal
Harneet Kaur The Parekh Family Trust Pradeep Sinha
Lakshmikant Keskar Chitrang Parikh Rajat Sinha
Roma Khanna Nimesh Parikh Ade Sofolarin
Ashish Khera Mahesh Parlikad Santhanakrishna Srinivasan
Chaitan Khosla Atul Parvatiyar Mr. and Mrs. Nilendu R. Srivastava
Pavan Kochar Ajay Patel Janet Szikszai
Pooja Kondabolu Akash Patel Rupika and Sahil Tak
The Kothari Saura Family Fund Arnaz Patel Rajendra K. Talluri
Martin N. Krasney Bakula Patel Vidush Talwar and Valerie Liarikos
John Krenitsky Chirag Patel Pradip and Roshni Tandon
Krishna Kandarpa Fund Dhruvish Patel Doug and Cynthia Tapley
Raghu Krishnamoorthy Haresh and Vina Patel Gaurav Tewari
Mahesh Krishnan Joshua Patel Raj Thaker
Bala and Mukta Kuchinad Julie Patel Himanshu Thakkar
Anil Kumar Minish Patel Jean-Marc Torre
Kaplesh Kumar Naren and Meghna Patel Nirmal Trehan
M. S. Vijay Kumar Ramesh and Sheela Patel Tri State Accreditation
Manesha Lakhiani Reshma Patel Thara Trivedi
Anonymous Roshani Patel Chad and Kathy Tsitovich
Avis Y. Lee Sumati Patel- Pareek Tudor McLeod Asset Management LLC
Coline Son Lee Sarina Pattar Ubertal Inc.
Woodrow Levin Arun and Rachna Paul Bijal Vakil
Gerald Lowe Kshemendra and Nina Paul Sreekanth Vemuri
Matthew and Anne Lynde Karun Pothacamury and Prema Vinay Venkataraghavan
Rajendra Majithia Rodham Shameer and Inderjit Virk
Mark Malatasra Power Integrations, Inc. VOYA c/o FRONTSTREAM
Manju Malkani Qualcomm Jitu Vyas
Nidhi Mastey Rudra and Amrita Rai Rahul Wadhavkar
Thomas and Kathy McCabe Varun Raisinghani Komal Wadhwa
Ila and Leena Mehta Jenifer Rajkumar Neal Wadhwani
Madhuker Mehta Reena Ram Prashant and Meeta Walia
Ravi Mehta Ramesh and Shanti Rastogi Paul Watson
Shilpa Mehta Pranav Raval
Metasys Technologies Inc. Apurba Kanti and Krishna Ray
Muira Mishra Prashanth Reddy
Samir Mittal Medha Rishi

APRIL 1, 2017 - MARCH 31, 2018

Patrons ($25K - 49,000)

India Donors Cognizant Foundation
EXL Service
Leadership ($100k and above) PayPal India Private Limited
DELL Arrow Electronics
Citi Foundation VSO
The Hans Foundation
The Coca Cola Foundation Visionaries ($10K-24,999)
Hero MotoCorp Limited ACC Cement
Oracle India (through Charities Aid Foundation) Jindal Stainless Limited
Franklin Templeton Asset Management Rage Frameworks Private Limited
American Express Hexaware Technologies
Boston Consulting Group

Benefactors ($50K - 99,999) Champions (1K - 4,999)

Capgemini Technologies Services India Ltd Coimbatore Corporation
AT&T Global Network Service Private Limited
DELL EMC Corporation
TATA Chemicals Society for Rural Development
Nalanda Foundation
Amazon India Private Limited



LAMP – Gujarat Large Photo: Md. Abdul Shakoor, beneficiary of AIF’s MAST
Preeti, an LRC student under AIF’s LAMP program in program, at his workplace, the Lifestyle store in the InOrbit
village Zaran, district Dangs, Gujarat, implemented by AIF’s Mall, Hyderabad.
partner Swapath. Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, November 2017
Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, November 2017 Small Photo: Md. Abdul Shakoor, beneficiary of AIF’s MAST
program, at his residence which he shares with 3 others
flat-mates. He received his training at the LEAP-MAST-BEST
Rickshaw Sangh
training centre at Toli Chowky, Hyderabad and now works
JLG Meeting at AIF’s partner BMC Centre in Muslim Nagar,
in the Lifestyle store in the InOrbit Mall.
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, November 2017
Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, May 2017
FROM OUR LEADERSHIP: Large Photo: K. Dhanalaxmi with her 13-day old child at
Maternal & Newborn Survival Initiative the Anganwadi Centre in Rangaseela village, Paderu ITDA,
ASHA workers and MANSI community mentors walk Andhra Pradesh.
together during a training session in Y Sonaba village, Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, October 2017
Paderu ITDA, Andhra Pradesh.
Small Photo: MANSI mentor Nirmala Sagri with the
Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, October 2017
ASHA K. Kondamma and the Anganwadi worker at the
ABILITY BASED LIVELIHOOD EMPOWERMENT: Anganwadi Centre in Rangaseela village, Paderu ITDA,
Large Photo: Gokul Prasad at his home in Thiruvottriyur, Andhra Pradesh.
Chennai. He is an alumnus of Anbalaya Special School Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, October 2017
for the Intellectually Challenged, trained under AIF’s ABLE
program, Tamil Nadu.
Large Photo: Beneficiaries of AIF’s Rickshaw Sangh, in
Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, November 2017
partnership with BMC, in village Akoiyya, Sitapur, Uttar
Small Photo: Gokul Prasad, trained under AIF’s ABLE Pradesh.
program, at his work place, Gold Super Market, in Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, May 2018
Thiruvottriyur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on Nov 5, 2017.
Small Photo: Neelam, a beneficiary of AIF’s Rickshaw
Photograph by Prashant Panjiar
Sangh (in partnership with BMC) sells sarees from her
CLINTON FELLOWSHIP: rikshaw trolley in village Akoiyya, Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh.
Large Photo:AIF Fellow Crystal at her workplace, host Her son Pavel drives the rickshaw trolley.
organization Video Volunteers, in Goa. Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, May 2018
Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, May 2018
Small Photo: AIF Fellow Crystal during a Spoken Word Student Sumaya during a DE computer class being
performance in Goa. conducted in the computer lab at the Zilla Parishad High
Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, May 2018 School, Jillela village, Telangana. This school is covered
under AIF’s DE program.
Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, November 2017
Large Photo: Student Srinivas during a DE class in the
computer lab at the Zilla Parishad High School, Challur PARTNERSHIPS:
village, Karimnagar, Telangana. This school is covered A DE class at the Zilla Parishad High School, Challur village,
under AIF’s DE program. Telengana. This school is covered under AIF’s DE program.
Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, November 2017 Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, November 2017
Small Photo: Student Srinivas with his classmates at the
Zilla Parishad High School, Challur village, Telangana. Pages 46 & 47
Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, November 2017 Children at an LRC run under AIF’s LAMP program in
village Jamanyamal, district Dangs, Gujarat.
LEARNING AND MIGRATION PROGRAM: Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, November 2017
Large Photo: Preeti, a student under AIF’s LAMP program,
run by implementing partner Swapath, with her mother at BACK COVER
their home in village Zaran, district Dangs, Gujarat. Baby Nandini with her mother Pramila, ASHA Padma Killo
Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, November 2017 and MANSI mentor K Bhavani at a community meeting
conducted under the MANSI program in Tokuru village,
Small Photo: Preeti, a student of the LRC under AIF’s LAMP
Paderu ITDA, Andhra Pradesh.
program, with implementing partner Swapath, in village
Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, October 2017
Zaran, district Dangs, Gujarat.
Photograph by Prashant Panjiar, November 2017

with compliments


—distinctively different.

216 E. 45th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10017
530 Lytton Avenue, 2nd Floor, Palo Alto, CA 94301
1003-1005, DLF City Court, M.G. Road, Gurgaon, India 122 002 @AIFoundation

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