A Study On Investor Behaviour Towards Investment Decision With Special Reference To Myfino Payment World (P) LTD
A Study On Investor Behaviour Towards Investment Decision With Special Reference To Myfino Payment World (P) LTD
A Study On Investor Behaviour Towards Investment Decision With Special Reference To Myfino Payment World (P) LTD
Money and the idea of its exchange through payments have evolved a lot from the
time of its inception. From goods to grain, from metal coins to paper, from bank accounts to
e-wallets, money has taken various shapes, sizes, and forms. Payments evolved from a barter
system (exchange of goods for grains) to the token system (exchange of coins and cash on
paper) to cash pooling (bank accounts and deposits) to cashless payments (credit cards,
checks, e-wallets). Over the last decade or so, payment technologies have grown at a dizzying
Payments are now evolving at a rapid pace with new providers, new platforms, and
new payment tools launching on a near-daily basis. As consumer behavior evolves, an
expectation of omnicommerce emerges – that is the ability to pay with the same method
whether buying in-store, online, or via a mobile device. This shift precipitates a need for
retailers to adapt toward fast, simple, and secure mobile payments.
The payments industry would be in a transformational state in 2017. The ongoing war
with alternative payment channels will intensify and challenges in emerging markets would
force the incumbents to take drastic measures. Some key drivers would be:
1. Real-Time Payments: RTP represents a new phase of evolution within the payments
industry, with several key features that differentiate them from current payment methods,
specifically speed, value-added messaging capabilities, and immediate availability of
transaction status. RTP will provide FIs with the functionality/features to innovate and meet
customer demand.
2. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)/Blockchain: Blockchain has the potential to
completely change the financial transaction processing cost model amongst its various
applications. It also enables all processing to be done over a distributed system network or in
the cloud, avoiding the usage of costly data centers or mainframes.
Mono-Bank OBeP Scheme: Entails that a seller or Payment Service Provider has a separate
connection to each participating financial institution.
Multi-Bank OBeP Scheme: Entails that a seller or Payment Service Provider has one single
connection to the OBeP network in order to accept payment from any participating financial
institution (Ex.: the iDEAL scheme in the Netherlands and BankAxess in Norway)
Overlay OBeP Scheme: Similar to the Multi-Bank or Mono-Bank scheme, however, there is
a third party (the overlay provider) who sits between the payment network and the consumer.
The overlay provider requires the consumer to share their online banking credentials with
them in order to have access to the consumer’s bank account and to initiate the credit transfer
to the merchant. (e.g. SOFORT banking, or SOFORT Überweisung)
Three-Party Model
A three-party scheme consists of three main parties whereby the issuer – who has the
relationship with the cardholder – and the acquirer – who has the relationship with the
merchant – is the same entity. The three parties consist of the consumer, the merchant and the
Often the three-party model is a franchise set-up, whereby there is only one franchisee in the
market. There is no competition within the brand; however, there is competition with other
card brands and other alternative payment methods. Some examples of three-party card
schemes: Diners Club International, Discover, and American Express.
In the last few years, these schemes have also partnered with other issuers and acquirers to
ensure the issuance and acceptance of their card brand. These schemes could be seen as
‘premium’ card schemes as they tend to have a strong cardholder focus and to provide
additional privileges for cardholders. Merchants are often charged a relatively high merchant
commission rate.
Four-Party Model
In a four-party scheme, the issuer – who has the relationship with the cardholder – and the
acquirer, who has the relationship with the merchant, are different entities. The four parties
consist of the consumer, the merchant, the issuer, and the acquirer. These four-party schemes
are referred to as ‘open schemes’ as they allow banks and financial institutions to join, to start
issuing their cards, and/or to acquire merchants for card acceptance. In principle, there is no
limitation to who may join the scheme, as long as the scheme requirements are met. Some
examples of a three-party card scheme: Mastercard, Visa, Maestro, UnionPay, JCB, and
RuPay (India).
Capital Market is one of the significant aspects of every financial market. Hence it is
necessary to study its correct meaning. Broadly speaking the capital market is a market for
financial assets which have a long or indefinite maturity. Unlike money market instruments
the capital market instruments become mature for the period above one year. It is an
institutional arrangement to borrow and lend money for a longer period of time. It consists of
financial institutions like IDBI, ICICI, UTI, LIC, etc. These institutions play the role of
lenders in the capital market. Business units and corporate are the borrowers in the capital
market. Capital market involves various instruments which can be used for financial
transactions. Capital market provides long term debt and equity finance for the government
and the corporate sector. Capital market can be classified into primary and secondary
markets. The primary market is a market for new shares, where as in the secondary market
the existing securities are traded. Capital market institutions provide rupee loans, foreign
exchange loans, consultancy services and underwriting.
Let us get acquainted with the important functions and role of the capital market.
1. Mobilization of Savings: Capital market is an important source for mobilizing idle
savings from the economy. It mobilizes funds from people for further investments in
the productive channels of an economy. In that sense it activate the ideal monetary
resources and puts them in proper investments.
2. Capital Formation: Capital market helps in capital formation. Capital formation is
net addition to the existing stock of capital in the economy. Through mobilization of
ideal resources it generates savings; the mobilized savings are made available to
various segments such as agriculture, industry, etc. This helps in increasing capital
3. Provision of Investment Avenue: Capital market raises resources for longer periods
of time. Thus it provides an investment avenue for people who wish to invest
resources for a long period of time. It provides suitable interest rate returns also to
investors. Instruments such as bonds, equities, units of mutual funds, insurance
policies, etc. definitely provides diverse investment avenue for the public.
It is the investment for every month or quarter. Then on the day of your choice, that
amount is automatically transferred from your checking or savings account. Investments must
be in amounts of $100 or more. There is no additional fee for this service and you can
terminate it at any time.
Commodity markets are markets where raw or primary products are exchanged. These
raw commodities are traded on regulated commodities exchanges, in which they are bought
and sold in standardized contracts.
This article focuses on the history and current debates regarding global commodity markets.
It covers physical product (food, metals, and electricity) markets but not the ways that
services, including those of governments, nor investment, nor debt, can be seen as a
Myfino Payment world pvt Ltd, incorporated in 18th October of the year 2005 as
Probity Research & Services Private Limited at Salem. The Myfino Payment world is a one-
stop shop for information, advice as well as transaction execution of financial services. MPL
along-with its subsidiaries caters to entire gamut of financial services including equities and
commodities broking, portfolio management, distribution of mutual funds, life insurance
products, home loans, personal loans, etc. Broking services are offered under the 5paisa
brand (offers broking services in the Cash and Derivatives segments of the NSE as well as the
Cash segment of the BSE). The company has proven research capabilities and was rated by
the Forbes as the best of web' and must read for investors'. A network of 758 business
locations spread over 346 cities across India, facilitates the smooth acquisition and servicing
of a large customer base.
Myfino Payment world 's research is available not just over the Internet but also on
international wire services like Bloomberg (Code: MPL), Thomson First Call and Internet
Securities where it is amongst the most read Indian brokers. The Company identified the
potential of the Internet to cater to a mass retail segment and transformed its business model
from providing information services to institutional customers to retail customers. Hence
MPL launched its Internet portal, www.myfinopaymentworld.com in May of the year 2009
and started providing news and market information, independent research, interviews with
business leaders and other specialized features.
In the year 2010, MPL leveraged its position as a provider of financial information
and analysis by diversifying into transactional services, primarily for online trading in shares
and securities and online as well as offline distribution of personal financial products, like
mutual funds and RBI Bonds.
These activities are carried on through the wholly owned subsidiaries. The broking
service was launched under the brand name of 5paisa through our subsidiary, Myfino
Payment world Securities Private Limited and www.5paisa.com, the e-broking portal, was
launched for online trading in June of the year 2000. It combined competitive brokerage rates
and research, supported by Internet technology. Besides investment advice from an
experienced team of research analysts, also offer real time stock quotes, market news and
price charts with multiple tools for technical analysis.
In December of the year 2010, Myfino Payment world Insurance Services Limited
(subsidiary) became a corporate agent for ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited.
In the year 2014, the company launched commodities broking through its subsidiary Myfino
Payment world Commodities Private Limited. Also received a license for Portfolio
Management Services from SEBI for broking subsidiary. During the year 2016, the company
received the requisite prior approval from
The Securities and Exchange Board of India for its proposed merger of Myfino
Payment world Securities Private Limited (IISPL), a wholly owned subsidiary with itself. It
had earlier received in-principle approval from National Stock Exchange and The Stock
Exchange, Mumbai. In January of the year 2017, the company entered into an alliance with
Bank of Baroda for providing Brokerage Platform, besides research and analysis services to
the bank's customers. Myfino Payment world awarded the Best Broker in India' by Finance
Asia. This was a result of Finance Asia's annual look at the best financial services firms in
each country around Asia for the period from June 2017 to May 2018. During March of the
year 2018, Myfino Payment world 's institutional broking arm MPFL, partnered with
Auerbach Grayson & Company, Inc., a New York-based brokerage firm to offer US investors
premium access to investing in India's capital markets. Auerbach Grayson specializes in
providing global trade execution and exclusive research to U.S. institutional investors. As of
July 2018, the company received the in-principle approval for the insurance broking license
from IRDA.
In today’s competitive world there are many goods chasing few customers some are trying it
expands their size and share of existing market. As a result there are loser and winners.
Winner’s are those who carefully analyze needs identify opportunities and create aloe rich
offers for target customer. The objective of the market research to determine the demand and
supply and use of the product and competitors s t u d y s o a s t o g e t t h e t o t a l m a r k e t
s c e n a r i o o f t h e p r o d u c t f o r a n a l y z i n g market problem research is needed. A firm
can obtained market research in a n u m b e r o f w a y s . I t c a n h i r e m a r k e t r e s e a r c h
f i r m o r i t c a n a s k s t u d e n t t o design and carry out market research project. These
marketing problems and opportunities if entrust to the student of marketing. Especially when
they seek the same during the project g i v e s o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o a p p l y t h e i r
t h e o r e t i c a l k n o w l e d g e a n d m a n a g e r i a l knowledge.
The study has been undertaken to analyse the saving pattern and investment
preferences of individual.
The main reason behind the study is to study the demographic factors like age,
gender, income, education qualification and Employment.
The percentage of Indian investors investing in Indian equity market is very less as
compared to the bank deposits.
This project contains the investor’s preferences as well as the different factors that
affect investor’s decision on different investment avenues; all investors are the
individuals of Hyderabad city.
The finding relates to the out-performing products and investor’s risk taking ability
while investing in different avenues.
The present study is concerned with the following major constraints.
Since the present city covers only salem city, the result may not be
applicable to whole universe.
The collected data for the present study was confined with the responses of
50 respondents. Hence result may not be an accurate one.
The investment pattern of the investors change from time to time and this
study may not be applied for all circumstances.
The attitude of the respondents is always not a constant one. Hence the
various opinions given by the sample respondents towards investments
may not be true
In spite of all these limitation, the present study is very much helpful for offering
suggestions and recommendations on privatization of public sector banks.
The study comes under the Descriptive research includes survey and fact finding
enquired of different kinds the major purpose of descriptive research is the descriptive of the
state of affairs as it exists at present.
Data constitute the foundation of the research. Hence the first step was to gather the
required data. The study was conduct at Myfino payment ,the data or information collected
from the various sources were divided in to two parts.
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources
The primary data means directly collected by the researcher himself or by investigator
appointed by him from the original sources.
A questionnaire is a printed list of question related to particular enquiry.
The secondary data is information which already exists. The secondary data was
collected from journals, magazines, books. The research specific information was less
available more emphasis was given on primary data.
One of the unit in to which an aggregate is divided or regulated as divided for the
purpose of sampling.
The Sample of 50 respondents was selected using simple random sampling method.
Chi – square test is applied in statistics to test the goodness of fit to verify the
distribution of observed data with assumed theoretical distribution. Therefore, it is a measure
to study the divergence of actual and expected frequencies. It has great use in statistics.
Especially in sampling studies, where we expect a doubted coincidence between actual and
expected frequencies and the extent to which the difference can be ignored because of
fluctuations in sampling.
If there is no difference between the actual and expected frequencies 2 is zero. Thus,
the chi-square test describes the discrepancy between theory and observation.
The 2 may be defined as
2 = (O – E)2
O = Observed frequencies
E = Expected frequencies
E =
Row Total x Column Total
Grand Total
Grand Total
Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation is the most widely used method of measuring
the degree of relationship between two variables. Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation
formula comes below
∑(X) 2 ∑ (Y) 2
The correlation analysis studies the joint variation of two or more variables for
determining the amount of correlation between two or more variables. Karl Pearson’s
coefficient of correlation (or simple correlation) is the most widely used method of measuring
the degree of relationship between two variables. This coefficient assumes the following.
That there is linear relationship between two variables.
That the variables are casually related which means that one of hte variables is
independent and the other one is dependent; and
A large number of independent causes are operating in both variables so as to
produce a normal distribution.
Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation is also known as the product moment correlation.
The value of ‘r’ lies between +1. Positive values of r indicate positive correlation between the
two variables (i.e., changes in both variables take place in the statement direction), whereas
negative values of ‘r’ indicates negative correlation i.e., changes in the two variables taking
place in the opposite directions. A zero value of ‘r’ indicates that there is no association
between the two variables. When r = (+) 1, it indicates perfect positive correlation and when
it is (-)1, it indicates perfect negative correlation, meaning thereby that variations in
independent variable (X) explain 100% of the variations in the dependent (Y). We can also
say that for a unit change in independent variable, if there happens to be a constant change in
the dependent variable in the same direction, then correlation will be termed as perfect
positive. But if such change occurs in the opposite direction, the correlation will be termed as
perfect negative. The value of ‘r’ nearer to +1 to -1 indicates high degree go correlation
between the two variables.
Personal details
(Personal details are kept highly confidential; these details will not be revealed to any third
Name: _________________________________________
Designation: ___________________________
Organization: ___________________________________
1. Age Group
o Below 20
o Between 20 – 30
o Between 30 – 40
o Above 40
2. Qualification:
o H.Sc
o Under Graduate
o Post graduate
o Other: ______________________
3. Occupation:
o Salaried
o Business
o House wife
o Student
o Professional
o Retired
o Other: _____________________________
4. Annual income:
o Below Rs.200000
o Rs. 200000 – Rs. 400000
o Rs.400000 – Rs. 600000
o Above Rs. 600000
5. Do you have a financial advisor?
o Yes
o No
o Children’s Education
o Retirement
o Home Purchase
o Children’s Marriage
o Healthcare
o Other________________________________________
16. Do you having a savings and investment target amount you aim for each year?
o Yes if yes : Amount------------------------------------------------------
o No
If yes: imagine that stock market drops after invest in it then what will you do?
o Withdraw your money
o Wait to increase
o Invest more in it
23. Can you take the risk of losing your principal investment amount?
o Yes
o No if yes :what percentage--------------------------------