Investment Pattern of Peoples
Investment Pattern of Peoples
Investment Pattern of Peoples
The developing countries in world, like India face as seen the enormous task
of finding sufficient capital to utilize in their development efforts. Most of countries
find it difficult at stage to get out of the vicious circle of poverty that is prevailing of
low income, low saving, low investment, low employment etc and the list goes on.
With high capital output ratio, that is observed India needs very high rates of
investments that would take and make leap forward in her efforts continues of
attaining high levels of growth. The major features that are seen in an investment are
safety of principal amount, liquidity, income and its stability, appreciation and lastly
easy transferability. A different variety of investment avenues in abundance and
types are available such as shares, bank, companies, gold and silver, real estate, life
insurance, postal savings. All the investors invest who wish to invest, invest their
surplus money in the above mentioned avenues that are available based on their risk
taking attitude and capacity bearing.
Key Differences between Savings and Investment: The differences between savings
and investment are explained in the following points:
1. Savings means to set keep aside a part of your earned income for future use.
Investment is often defined as the act of putting funds into the productive uses, i.e.
investing in such investment vehicles which can reap money over a period of time.
2. People often save money, to fulfill their unexpected and sudden expenses or
urgent money requirements. Conversely, investments are made or done to generate
returns over the period so that it can help in capital formation of an individual.
3. With an investment, there is follows always a risk of losing money. Unlike savings,
there are comparatively fewer chances of the losing the hard-earned money.
4. Investment provides higher returns than savings, as there is a assured and nominal
rate of interest on savings. However, the investments in turn can earn money more
than the invested amount, if invested wisely.
5. You can have easily have access to your savings, anytime because they are highly
liquid and flexible, but in the case of investment you cannot have easy access to
money as compared , because the process of selling the investments and making
liquid takes some time. Investment Option Available: There are a large number of
investment instruments available today. The people has to choose proper avenue
among those available, depending upon their specific need, risk preference, and
return that are expected.
Different Investment avenues can be broadly categories under the following heads.
1. Equity
2. Debt
3. Mutual Funds
4. Corporate
5. Debentures
7. Fixed Deposits
12. Gold/Silver/Others
Any action that is performed today in order to yield profit at a later stage is
described as an investment. It is also described as the link between having savings
and harvesting returns. It has the potential to transfer the surplus funds of one
person to another who needs those funds. The significance of investment varies in
finance and economics. Finance investment means investing money into something
and expecting gain in return in a specific period of time. It is done with thorough
analysis and has a high degree of security for the principal amount as well as return
with the help of an analyst. The analyst analyzes securities on behalf of the firm and
its clients to provide valuation advice apt for the firm’s holdings or portfolio. The
analysis that is used for making investment decisions regarding specific securities are
provided in the form of reports. Investments are made indirectly through
intermediaries, e.g. banks, brokers, credit unions, insurance companies and lenders.
Money invested in the right instrument at the right time for the right tenure will
mean financial success. Investment is an art and a science, key to successful
investment is focused and effective investment planning. Recently, the study of
dynamic relation between savings and investment has received considerable
attention especially in emerging economies like India.
The general belief is that investment is a male dominated area and hence more men
than women actively invest. This study has tried to understand if there has been a
change in the investment patterns of females. With more and more women working
and becoming independent, it is important to understand how educated they have
become in taking investment decisions. The next matter being addressed is with
regard to the level of income of the respondents. It would be interesting to know
which income group invests more and in what. Also have they done any investment
at all - that’s another area of this study. The occupation of people is another factor
which influences people in taking investment decisions. The study also aimed at
understanding the investment attitude of people across a wide range of industry. Age
is another demographic which influences the investment decision of people.
Generally younger people are considered to be risk takers than the aged ones. There
is no idea what kind of investment sentiments have been triggered in the minds of
the people during this pandemic. Also, the current employment status was
considered since the pandemic has resulted in job cuts or salary cuts to few. The
employment status is another major factor which influences investment decisions.
Investment is the employment of funds with the aim of getting return on it. In
general terms, investment means the use of money in the hope of making more
money. In finance, investment means the purchase of a financial product or other
item of value with an expectation of favorable future returns. Investment of hard
earned money is a crucial activity of every human being. Investment is the
commitment of funds which have been saved from current consumption with the
hope that some benefits will be received in future. Thus, it is a reward for waiting for
money. Savings of the people are invested in assets depending on their risk and
return demands. Investment refers to the concept of deferred consumption, which
involves purchasing an asset, giving a loan or keeping funds in a bank account with
the aim of generating future returns. Various investment options are available,
offering differing risk-reward tradeoffs. An understanding of the core concepts and a
thorough analysis of the options can help an investor create a portfolio that
maximizes returns while minimizing risk exposure.
Elements of investments are Risk and Return relationship, Time, Liquidity, Tax
savings. Diversification of funds is an important principle of investment for earning
higher rate of interest. Investment Alternatives Wide varieties of investment avenues
are now available in India. An investor can himself select the best avenue after
studying the merits and demerits of different avenues. Even financial advertising,
newspaper supplements on financial matters and investment journals offer guidance
to investors in the selection of suitable investment avenues.
Problem of the Study:
Salaried people often fallaciously believe that they do not need any financial
planning as their income and expenses are regular. In the areas of investment
pattern of investors and individuals in various financial and physical investment
avenues like bank deposits, real estate, and assets like gold and silver, it becomes all
the more important to study and analyse by adopting advanced research in the
preferences and level of investment towards various investment avenues available to
the salaried employees.
Scope and Significance of the Study:
The study survey was conducted with the help of a well-structured questionnaire
consisting of relevant questions. The focus was on understanding the preference of
investors with regard to investment avenues, their educational qualifications and
investment awareness level. The responses help in analysing the profile and investing
habits of the investor and factors influencing the investor. This study will help the
salaried class employees to plan investment towards maximizing the returns.
Limitations of the Study:
Though the research study has designed carefully, it is subjected to the following
1. The study is limited to South Coimbatore city only and therefore the results cannot
be generalized.
2. The study has been restricted to few respondents due to the time constraints.
3. The study being primary one, the accuracy and reliability of data depends upon
the information provided by the respondents.
4. The respondents’ views and opinion may hold good for the time being and may
vary in future.
The authors define research methodology as "the strategy or architectural design by
which the researcher maps out an approach to problem-finding or problem-solving."
Research Design.
Sampling Design
The survey is not taken from the entire population. Where only a few units of
population under the study are considered for analysis, it is called as sampling. As for
the present study, the population size is infinite; the adoption of sampling method
was inevitable. The sampling plan consists of sample unit, sample size and sampling
The sample unit refers to the respondents who are to be surveyed. The Sampling
Unit may be Geographical, Construction Unit, Social unit or it may be an individual.
The size of this study comprises of the individual Salaried Employees in Coimbatore.
It included the Employees of various Industries.
The sample size refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe to
constitute a sample. A sample of 220 respondents has taken for the study.
Questionnaires provide a relatively cheap, quick and efficient way of obtaining large amounts of
information from a large sample of people.
Review of Literature:
The study on investment pattern and the factors influencing investment decisions of
an individual (Ajinkya Kumawat, 2020 )finds that the research and interpretation
done on the basis of data analysis clearly indicate that age, income and Education are
primary factors that affects the Decision of investment of a particular individual.
The study on the investment pattern of investors towards mutual fund in the
Ludhiana city (Praveen Kaur, Radhika Jinda, 2019) finds that mutual fund industry has
still tonStruggle to gain more investors. Financial literacy Among females and youths
will definitely bring huge Success to this industry. For that reason the Government is
looking to provide financial studies at The school level. Adults who are already
investing in Mutual funds should not withdraw from the same as They attain
experience in the field.
The study a study of investment pattern of central government Employees after the
implementation of sixth pay ( PROF. SAMITA KHER)finds that bank realize that
technology has become a strategic resource for achieving competitive Advantage and
sustainable business growth. Technology tools and solution like data warehousing
and data mining will enable banks to get Customer insight, which would have been
impossible a few years ago. Through this study it was found that employees are
ready to work or accept the challenges With advanced technology.
The study saving and investment pattern of youth in Mumbai (SIDHANT LODAYA,
UDAYVEER SINGH SEKHON, SOHAM KAPADIA, 2020)finds that for the investment
companies join the advertising campaigns the target audience should be the youth
Who is able to save but not invest. For the youth seek more information by utilising
the online resources and nancial Newspapers.
The study investment pattern among Working women with special Reference to
eranad taluk in Malappuram district,kerala(DR. M SARAVANAN , ANEES BABU, 2018)
finds that the study is conducted to delve in to the income, savings and investments
habits of working women. A special Attention has been attributed to the investment
pattern of working women in ernad taluk of malappuram district, Kerala."
The study a study of investment pattern of a common man (DIVYA VERMA, DR.
DEEPAK SAHNI2020) finds that investment is process of saving money to meet the
future Needs. After analyzing the papers it is been observed that People want to save
money but many of them are not aware About the other investment avenues like
equities, bonds, Mutual funds etc. As they don’t have enough financial Knowledge
about risk and return, they preferred the Traditional modes of investment like gold,
bank deposits or Investment in land,. Investment of salaried class people Depend on
age and they make investment in order to get Regular return and to avoid tax
A study on middle income persons investment Pattern in tirunelveli city (Arumugha
Kani.A 2016) finds that the study shows how different factors and Instruments have
different risks returns and tax Consideration while taking investment decision and
are Of diverse natures.
Karan Sabharwal (2016) has studied the saving habits of undergraduate and post
graduate students in the universities of Delhi/NCR. The study was done to know the
general behavior of students towards savings and their preference towards various
saving methods. For this purpose, personal survey method was used for data
collection. The study nds that although many students realize the importance of
saving money and have a positive attitude towards the same, the amount that they
are actually able to save is very little due to self-control problems and wanting to live
in the present. Studies showed that saving habits can be developed through
nancial literacy and policies can be framed to encourage saving habits among
Zainal Azhar, Juliza, Nor Azilah, Amirul Syafiq (2017) have studied the level of
investment awareness among the youth and various factors affecting the same. The
primary data was collected by sending 120 questionnaires among young adults
around Selangor, Malaysia. The studies show that many respondents felt that the
general awareness on investment still seems to be lacking. The results of the study
also indicate that two factors, namely nancial literacy and personal interest played
a major role in affecting the investment awareness of the younger generation and
inuencing their decision to invest in some specic nancial instruments.
Mr. Sudarshana Saikia has studied the savings and investment pattern of selected
college going students belonging to the age-group of 7-25 years in the city of
Mumbai who have just begun to earn. The study also looks into the basic nancial
literacy amongst the youth; how they go about educating themselves, and how do
they look at risk, returns and various modes of investments and what determines the
same. Primary data was collected using a survey method. The information generated
during data collection was both qualitative and quantitative. The study nds that
safety and security, which were always important reasons for investment, are still
inuential in determining the direction of investment. returns on investment was
the most considered factor followed by risk. The study shows that young investors
were aware about the investment options but were not sure about how to go about
it in newer ways.
Prof. CA Yogesh P Patel, Prof. CS Charul Y Patel studied the behavioural pattern of
investment among the salaried people working in private sector and the difference in
perception of an individual related to various investment alternatives. It also aims to
provide an insight into factors considered for an appropriate investment. Primary
and Secondary data was collected for the research. A questionnaire was framed
consisting of 20 closed end questions and open- end questions covering the personal
and demographic prole, the awareness related to methods, modes, reasons of
saving and investment and other related data were collected. The study nds that
the reason why youngsters want to invest id to multiply their savings and get
maximum tax rebate. It shows that youngsters are no more interested in traditional
investments to play safe but at the same time they take calculated risk by investing in
mutual funds which is the most favoured form of investment.
A study of investment pattern of indian women (Ayushi Modi,2015 ) finds that the
primary purpose which drives women to save is uncertainty regarding future
situations or unpredictable future Emergencies. From the analysis it can be
concluded that, women (higher income group) deploy most of their money in fixed
Deposits, then in share, debentures and bonds and least in futures and options