Possitive Test Cases

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Test cases for Pen

Possitive Test cases

1)Verify if we are able to hold the pen comfortably.

2)Verify if you are able to write smoothly.

3)Verify that the pen is not making any sound while writing.
4)Verify the quality of the material used for pen.
5)Verify if the company name or pen name is visible clearly in the body.
6)Verify the ink flow. It should not overflow nor get a break either.
7)Verify if the pen color or text written on the pen is not getting removed easily.
8)Verify if any other refill fits in the pens or not.

9)Verify that the pen doesn't have sharp edges or corners.

10)Verify whether the width of the line drawn by the pen is as per the expectations or not.
11)Verify whether if any other refill fits in the pen or not.
12)Verify that the length and the diameter of the pen are as per the specifications.
13)Verify the color of the outer body of the pen. It should be as per the specifications.
14)Verify that any information displayed on the pen should be legible and clearly visible.

15)Verify if the pen is with a cap or without a cap

16)Verify the color of the ink on the pen
17)Verify the type of pen, whether it is a ballpoint pen, ink pen, or gel pen.
18)Verify that the user is able to write clearly over different types of papers.
19)Verify the surfaces over which the pen is able to write smoothly apart from paper e.g. cardboard, rubber surface, etc.
20)Verify if the pen can support multiple refills or not.
21)Check how fast the user can write with the pen over supported surfaces.

Negative Test cases

1)Verify the functioning of a pen when a user tries to write on unsupported surfaces like glass, plastic, wood, etc.
2)Verify the effect of oil and other liquids on the text written with a pen.
3)Drop the pen from some height (Table height) in the upside-down position. Verify if you are able to write with this pen.
4)Put the pen in water and then try to write. Verify if you are able to write with this pen. The pen can get wet because of the w
Test cases for Pen

dboard, rubber surface, etc.

s, plastic, wood, etc.

e able to write with this pen.

pen can get wet because of the water spill on the table or during the rainy season.

Test Scenario ID Test Scenario Test Case ID Test case Description

Verify the login Enter a valid

Functionality of Swag lab username &
TS_001 login page TC_001 valid password

Verify the login

Functionality of Swag lab Enter a valid username &
TS_001 login page TC_002 invalid password

Verify the login

Functionality of Swag lab Enter an invalid username &
TS_001 login page TC_003 valid password

Verify the login Enter an

Functionality of Swag lab invalid username&
TS_001 login page TC_004 invalid password
Test cases for "Swag Labs" Login Page

Test Steps Precondition Test Data Post Condition

1.Enter valid username User should able

2.Enter valid password Valid URL username:standard_user to see the
3.Click on Login button Test data password:secret_sauce inventory page

1.Enter valid username Error message

2.Enter invalid password Valid URL username:standard_user "invalid username
3.Click on Login button Test data password:secret_sauces or password

1.Enter invalid username Error message

2.Enter valid password Valid URL username:standard_users "invalid username
3.Click on Login button Test data password:secret_sauce or password

1.Enter invalid username Error message

2.Enter invalid password Valid URL username:standard_users "invalid username
3.Click on Login button Test data password:secret_sauces or password
Expected Result Actual Result Status(Pass/Fail Comments

Successful Login Pass No comments

A popup message box

show an error "invalid
username/password Pass No comments

A popup message box

show an error "invalid
username/password Pass No comments

A popup message box

show an error "invalid
username/password Pass No comments

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