Bioprospecting of Microbial ST
Bioprospecting of Microbial ST
Bioprospecting of Microbial ST
The issues of global warming, coupled with fossil fuel depletion, have undoubtedly led to renewed interest in other
sources of commercial fuels. The search for renewable fuels has motivated research into the biological degrada-
tion of lignocellulosic biomass feedstock to produce biofuels such as bioethanol, biodiesel, and biohydrogen. The
model strain for biofuel production needs the capability to utilize a high amount of substrate, transportation of sugar
through fast and deregulated pathways, ability to tolerate inhibitory compounds and end products, and increased
metabolic fluxes to produce an improved fermentation product. Engineering microbes might be a great approach to
produce biofuel from lignocellulosic biomass by exploiting metabolic pathways economically. Metabolic engineer-
ing is an advanced technology for the construction of highly effective microbial cell factories and a key component
for the next-generation bioeconomy. It has been extensively used to redirect the biosynthetic pathway to produce
desired products in several native or engineered hosts. A wide range of novel compounds has been manufactured
through engineering metabolic pathways or endogenous metabolism optimizations by metabolic engineers.
This review is focused on the potential utilization of engineered strains to produce biofuel and gives prospects for
improvement in metabolic engineering for new strain development using advanced technologies.
Keywords: CRISPER/Cas9, Lignocellulose, Fermentation, Metabolic pathways, Microbial cell factories, Model strains
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Adegboye et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2021) 14:5 Page 2 of 21
have excelled at producing biofuel through the biosyn- be biosynthesized by microorganisms [19]. The biosyn-
thesis of enzymes that act on diverse feedstocks for many thesis of advanced biofuels such as alkanes, alkenes, and
years under different processes [10]. Most strategies for aromatics by microbes will involve an extensive manip-
converting lignocellulosic biomass to biofuels require ulation of their metabolism. This review discusses the
the depolymerization of polysaccharides catalyzed by importance of model strains by metabolic engineering
the action of specific enzymes. However, one of the key as a powerful tool to enhance biofuel production from
impediments for the development of an economically lignocellulosic biomass and the challenges encompassed
feasible lignocellulose-based biofuel industry is the cost therein.
of enzymes [11, 12]. Nonetheless, intensive studies are
ongoing globally, towards increasing biofuel production Structure of lignocellulosic biomass feedstock
whilst reducing the cost of production for sustainable Lignocellulose constitutes the world’s largest bio-
industries [13–16]. Microbial strain development and fuel renewable resource. They are the major source of
improvement through genetic engineering and optimi- underutilized feedstock, and their abundance negatively
zation of fermentation parameters have augmented the affects land use. Biomass feedstock from plants is natu-
production of biofuel. Although one of the main draw- rally recalcitrant because of the complex polymer com-
backs is the method for optimizing various processes for position [20]. Lignocellulose, a complex carbohydrate
maximal yield, the incorporation of process engineering, polymer on a dry matter basis, comprises about 40–50%
fermentation technology, enzyme engineering, and meta- cellulose [(C6H10O5)n], 20–40% hemicellulose [(C5H8O4)
bolic engineering has helped the industry tremendously. m], 18–25% lignin [(C9H10O3(OCH3)0.9–1.7)x] and other
The advent of metabolic engineering and the increase extractable components [21]. The relative abundances of
in the number of whole-genome sequenced organisms these three fractions are significant factors to be consid-
has contributed to improvement in the manipulation ered for probable energy production. Each component
of microbial metabolic pathways and the production of has a definite function in lignocellulose. Strength and
numerous essential chemicals for the production of bio- flexibility are provided by cellulose, while hemicellulose
fuel [17, 18]. The manipulation and evolution of differ- acts as a link between lignin and cellulose fibers (Fig. 1).
ent pathway enzymes also serve as a platform to increase Apart from keeping cellulose and hemicellulose fibers
the number and types of bioactive compounds that can glued together, lignin also gives structural support.
Cellulose is an unbranched crystalline biopolymer cellulose and hemicellulose, which, when hydrolyzed,
made up of several repeating glucose units linked by gives rise to fermentable sugars such as glucose, galac-
β-1,4 glycosidic bonds [22]. Cellulose has a molecular tose, etc. which serves as a carbon source for the pro-
weight of 1621,406 g/mol. It is biosynthesized and found liferation of microbes involved in biofuel production.
in the cell wall of plants joined by hydrogen bonding and Based on their structure and function, cellulases can
van der Waals forces. Cellulose is insoluble in most sol- be categorized into three types; (i) endoglucanases, (ii)
vents due to the strong hydrogen bonds and its fibrous exoglucanases, also known as cellobiohydrolases, and
nature [23]. Cellulose occurs in both crystalline and (iii) β-glucosidases, also called cellobiases [27]. These
amorphous forms. In its crystalline form, the fibers are enzymes work in unison to hydrolyze cellulose in the cell
packed very tightly and practically inaccessible to enzy- wall of plants. Endoglucanases act by randomly attack-
matic degradation. ing the internal sites of the amorphous part of cellulose,
Hemicellulose is a heteropolymer of several kinds of thereby paving the way for cellobiohydrolase action on
sugars (xylose, arabinose, rhamnose, galactose, and man- the crystalline region of cellulose hydrolyzing it to cel-
nose). It may contain uronic acids, which are sugar acids lobiose [30–32]. The synergistic action of endoglucanase
known as d-glucuronic, d-galacturonic, and methylga- and cellobiohydrolase produces cellobiose, which is then
lacturonic acids [24]. It is a short, amorphous, and highly cleaved by β-glucosidases to glucose molecules. Microbes
branched polymer and its backbone chain comprises then utilize the energy stored in glucose converting it
mainly xylan β (1 → 4) linkages [25]. Xylan is the pre- to hydrocarbon fuel through transforming the sunlight
dominant component in hemicellulose, but its composi- energy to chemical energy [33, 34]. The activities of the
tion varies from one feedstock to another. The molecular different cellulases are governed by their functional prop-
weight of hemicellulosic biomass is about 30,000 g/mol erties, which have been extensively reviewed by Obeng
or less. et al. [27]. Table 1 describes the various functional prop-
Lignin is a three-dimensional aromatic polymer of erties of the three groups of cellulases.
p-hydroxyphenylpropanoid units coupled together by Since hemicellulose is a heteropolymer consisting of
C–C and C–O–C links [25, 26]. It is hydrophobic and is a complex polysaccharide matrix composed of mono-
firmly bound to the two other carbohydrate polymers. meric sugars and sugar acids linked together by β 1,4-
Lignin is made up of three phenolic monomers of phe- and β1,3-glycosidic bonds, a combination of exo and
nyl propionic alcohol namely, p-coumaryl, coniferyl, and endo-enzymes are required to completely cleave the
sinapyl [24]. It contains methoxyl, phenolic, hydroxyl, internal bonds and set the monomeric sugars free [35,
and terminal aldehyde groups in the side chain and 36]. Hemicellulose is degraded by enzymes that act on
partially soluble in most organic solvents. The average xylan, degrading it to lower molecular weight oligosac-
molecular weight of lignin is about 20,000 [23]. Because charides. The first of these enzymes is endo β-1,4 xyla-
of the diversity of the lignocellulose component and their nase (E.C., which cleaves β-1,4 xylosidic bonds in
recalcitrance, its complete hydrolysis into monomers is xylan to xylo-oligosaccharides which is then converted
catalyzed by several enzymes. The complete utilization to xylose, The other enzyme xylan β-1,4 xylosidase oth-
of these components would play an important part in the erwise known as xylan β-1,4 xylosidase (E.C.,
economic effectiveness of the lignocellulose in biofuel cleaves xylobiose and smaller xylo-oligosaccharides to
processes. xylose (Fig. 2). These hemicellulose degrading enzymes
are produced by bacterial and fungal species. For exam-
Lignocelluloytic enzymes involved in polysaccharide ple, endo β-1,4 xylanase of the CAZy family (GH5, GH7,
biomass hydrolysis GH8, GH10, GH11, and GH43) are synthesized by fungi
Lignocellulosic biomass is the predominant and cost- such as the Trichoderma longibrachiatum, Aspergillus
effective renewable natural resource globally employed niger, and Ustilago maydis [36–38].
for biofuel production as a result of its high cellulose con- Most of the xylanases fall under the GH10 and GH11
tent [27]. Nonetheless, due to the recalcitrance nature of families, which differ in their substrate specificity, with
lignocellulose, its depolymerization is hindered. Ligno- GH10 having a wider specificity than GH11 endoxyla-
cellulases such as cellulases, hemicellulases, pectinases, nase family [42–44]. Other hemicellulolytic enzymes
as well as lignases and polysaccharide oxygenases, are that work in synergism with the xylanase include
required to completely breakdown lignocellulose. These β-mannanases and arabinofuranosidases, which play key
hydrolytic enzymes stimulate plant cell wall extension roles in the cleavage of hemicelluloses composed of man-
indirectly by decreasing the size and viscosity of matrix nan or arabinofuranosyl facilitating the catalytic action of
polymers, potentially augmenting the action of wall loos- xylanase on xylan [45]. Bhardwaj et al. [46] recently gave
ening agents [28, 29]. The cell wall of plants comprises an extensive review of microbial xylanases, highlighting
Adegboye et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2021) 14:5 Page 4 of 21
Endoglucanases EC Breaks internal linkages of cellulose They possess short loops that stick along [27, 39]
molecules, producing cellobiose and cellulose chains to yield long-chain
possesses rapid dissociation capacity oligomers
Exoglucanases or Cellobiohydrolases, EC Cleave the same glycosidic bond from They possess long loops and attracted [27, 39, 40]
terminal ends of cellulose molecules, to crystalline sites along cellulose
producing cellobiose microfibril chains and produce mainly
It exists in two forms based on the part
of the oligosaccharide chain that is
attacked. The reducing end and non-
reducing end of cellobiohydrolase
β-glucosidases or cellobiases EC Cleaves cellobiose into two glucose It has a solid structure with the function- [22, 27, 41]
molecules ing site within a pocket which permits
the entry of disaccharides. It has 2
forms which catalyze hydrolysis either
from the reducing chain ends or the
non-reducing chain ends
the different families as well as its synthesis and applica- Hydrolases come in two forms depending on if the cleav-
tions in an emerging bioeconomy. age occurs within the molecule or at the terminal end.
Apart from cellulose and hemicellulose, lignocellulosic Endopolygalacturonase (EC hydrolyzes
biomass also contains little proportion of polysaccha- homogalacturonan in pectic acid and oligomers by
rides called pectin, which accounts for about 5% of total releasing digalacturonic and galacturonic acid units
dry weight and is often found as a major component of from their reducing ends, while exopolygalacturonase
agricultural wastes [47]. Pectin is composed of α-1,4-d- (EC acts on the reducing end of galacturonyl-
galacturonic acid linkages. These linkages are hydro- oligomers produced by endopolygalacturonase, cleaving
lyzed by three different types of pectinases: hydrolases, the α1,4-glycosidic bonds and subsequently releasing
lyases, and esterase based on their mode of action [48]. galacturonic acid from the non-reducing end [47, 49].
Adegboye et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2021) 14:5 Page 5 of 21
Esterase (EC on the other hand, catalyzes the bonds [54]. Since the AnLPMO15g also yielded reduc-
degradation of the methyl ester bonds in pectin by a de- ing sugars with xylan as a substrate, it has the potential
esterification process, resulting in the production of pec- to act not only on β-1,6 glycosidic bonds found in cellu-
tic acid [48]. Hence, it is also called pectin methylesterase lose but also the β-1,4 xylosidic bonds in xylan. From the
[50]. Lastly, lyase catalyzes the breakdown of pectin by study of Du et al. [54], we can understand clearly that the
an elimination reaction, which leads to the formation of synergistic effect of the LPMOs such as AnLPMO15g in
unsaturated galacturonates and methyl galacturonates increasing the yield of reducing sugars, is dependent on
[48]. the type of substrate used. This is an important factor to
Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) play be taken into consideration when selecting LPMOs for
essential roles in the bioconversion of recalcitrant poly- biofuel production. Extensive reviews on the mechanism
saccharides such as chitin and cellulose [51–53], which is of action of LPMOs in lignocellulosic biomass degrada-
required for biofuel production. They belong to a group tion have been recently published [51, 54, 57, 64].
of copper-dependent oxygenase that split polysaccha-
rides into monomeric units [54]. LPMOs were first iden- Fermentation of lignocellulosic biomass for biofuel
tified in fungi as far back as 1990 during a bioprospecting production
study, as a cellulose-degrading hydrolase [55–57]. It was Bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass feedstock to
initially placed in the glycoside hydrolase family GH61 biofuel is gaining significant prominence globally. Bio-
and CBM33 in the CAZy database of carbohydrate-active conversion of lignocellulose to biofuels entails four main
enzymes [58], but the name later changed to polysaccha- processes: (1) the pretreatment process, which can be
ride monooxygenases (PMOs) in 2011 and subsequently physical, chemical, or both that involves depolymerizing
LPMO [57, 59–63]. Thermoascus aurantiacus, a cellulase the biomass partially, (2) the enzymatic process, which
in the GH61 family, was first confirmed as having the involves cleaving polysaccharides to simple sugars by the
ability to hydrolyze lignocellulosic biomass leading to the actions of glycan-depolymerizing enzymes, (3) the fer-
re-classification from GH61 to AA9 family, and CBM33 mentation process which involves converting the sugars
to AA10 family of LPMOs [54, 61, 64]. Some enzymes to bioethanol, and (4) lastly, the distillation process which
have recently been found to degrade hemicellulose sub- involves separating the bioethanol from water and resid-
strates in addition to cello-oligosaccharide substrates [54, ual solids [69].
65]. In the case of bacterial enzymes in the AA10 fam- The pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass and reduc-
ily, they act on cellulose and chitin unlike the AA9 fam- tion in the cost of the hydrolysis step are major draw-
ily, which acts on cellulose and hemicellulose. LPMOs backs to the improvement of biofuel production [70,
of the AA9 family were identified in several strains of 71]. The pretreatment process could either be by physi-
fungi, including T. terrestris, Neurospora crassa, Podos- cal, chemical, or biological means. However, no single
pora anserine, Aspergillus nidulans, Myceliophthora method is efficient. Thus, a combination of chemical and
thermophila, and Sporotrichum pulyverolentum [54, 64, biological treatment is often used to obtain higher yields
66–68]. of reducing sugar. Compared to other pretreatment pro-
The catalytic action of LPMO from Aspergillus nidu- cesses, biological pretreatment is found to be less expen-
lans on the oxidative degradation of different types of sive and operates under a mild condition. It requires the
polysaccharides was studied by Jagadeeswaran et al. [68]. use of microorganisms to effectively degrade lignocel-
An AA9 LPMO in A. nidulans the AN3046 was found to lulosic feedstocks using different metabolic pathways,
be very active in the degradation of cellulose and hemi- directed by the actions of hydrolyzing enzymes such as
cellulose xyloglucan, which also had a synergistic effect manganese peroxidases (EC, lignin peroxidases
with some sorghum stover degrading hydrolases as it (EC, and laccases or white-rot fungi [72–75],
resulted in approximately 1.25-fold increase in glucose with the removal of lignin.
yield compared to sole treatment with endoglucanase Actinobacteria are an essential group of microorgan-
EglA [68]. In another study, an LPMO from Aspergil- isms known for their ability to degrade several substrates
83–85]. Streptomyces spp. are recognized for their meta- chemicals used for pretreatment on the environment
bolic potentials, especially in the biosynthesis of antibi- when been disposed of and the difficulties involved in
otics, and their capability to degrade a range of distinct recycling, the chemical pretreatment method is not fre-
compounds such as lignocellulose, keratin, pectin, xylan, quently used alone [93–95]. The chemical pretreatment
cellulose, lignin, chitin as well as styrene [5, 75, 86]. Ade- could be either acidic or alkaline. The flowchart for the
gboye et al. [5] identified two new strains of Streptomyces production of bioethanol is presented (Fig. 3).
(NWU339 and NWU49) isolated from maize rhizosphere The use of acidic treatment is not recommended due
soil, with the ability to utilize starch, xylan, and cellulose to its toxicity to the microorganisms used in the fer-
as substrates which could be used for biofuel production. mentation process, and possibly corrosion to the fer-
The hydrolytic enzymes synthesized by Streptomyces mentation vessels. Nevertheless, some researchers have
fulvissimus CKS7 (amylase, cellulases (Carboxymethyl reported appreciable yield of reducing sugars at concen-
cellulase-CMCase and Avicelase), pectinase and xylanase trations < 4.0 wt % and temperatures of 120–210 °C. Lu
[87], effectively hydrolyzed horsetail waste resulting in et al. [96] obtained a yield of 77% xylose and 8.4% glu-
maximum yield of bioethanol from the fermentation pro- cose from the enzymatic degradation of corn stover fol-
cess with Saccharomyces cerevisiae [87]. lowing pretreatment with H 2SO4 (2%) at 120 °C for just
Apart from microbes, cellulolytic enzymes can be 43 min, which was regarded as the optimum conditions
obtained from insects such as termites. In recent times, for pretreatment [96, 97]. Whereas, Bhandari et al. [98]
wood-eating termites have received much interest as a obtained a higher yield of xylose and glucose (78.7%
valuable source of cellulolytic enzymes, which are useful and 18.7%) with 1.47 wt % H2SO4 at 155 °C for 31 min,
for biofuel production [88]. The Cohnella genus of bac- and 78.1% xylose and 14.5% glucose yield at 182 °C for
teria is known for its high cellulolytic activities in differ- 36 min, respectively [98]. In a related study using olive
ent habitats, including the gut of termites. It was recently tree biomass, pretreatment with 1% H2SO4 at 180 °C gave
confirmed as been part of the cellulolytic microbiome a maximum overall yield of 75% of total sugar [99]. From
associated with wood-eating termites and was identi- the foregoing, it is evident that the yield obtained from
fied in the intestinal tracts of three Neotropical termites enzymatic saccharification after pretreatment with the
Nasutitermes aquilinus, N. corniger, and Cortaritermes acid varied in terms of three factors, namely concentra-
fulviceps [88]. These wood-eating termites are essential tion of the acid, time of exposure, and temperature used
as they have an efficient lignocellulolytic digestion sys- with good yield obtained at a temperature of 120–182 °C.
tem that could be harnessed for the advancement of the The use of sulfuric acid in the pretreatment step aids
current bioconversion mechanisms of lignocellulosic in the solubilization of hemicellulose into monomers
biomass for the production of useful bioproducts [89]. which increases the digestibility of cellulose by hydrolytic
β-glucosidases have been reported mainly in the salivary enzymes [92, 100].
glands and midgut of most Nasutitermes sp., and xyla- Alkaline pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass is usu-
nases belonging to the GH10 and GH11 families isolated ally performed with NaOH at low temperature and pres-
and recombinantly expressed from Nasutitermes sp. as sure. It is most preferred to acidic pretreatment due to a
well as Globitermes brachycerastes bacterial symbionts, reduction in the loss of carbohydrates during hydrolysis
respectively [90, 91]. Thus, termites should be consid- [92, 97, 101]. It is known to expel acetyl groups, thereby
ered as biological models for bioprocessing of cellulosic enhancing hydrolysis in the subsequent step and inhibit
biomass [91]. Moreover, there is a need to utilize the furfural formation [97], subsequently removing lignin
advancement in omic technologies to identify key genes and hemicellulose. Alkaline pretreatment is most suitable
required for cellulolytic enzyme synthesis, which could for agricultural wastes like wheat straw which enhances
be utilized for bioengineering of useful microbial strains the digestibility of cellulose without degrading both
for biofuel production. hemicellulose and acid treatment [92]. The use of alkali
Although biological pretreatment is regarded as the pretreatment along with microbial hydrolysis of the pre-
most effective delignification approach, factors such as treated biomass [32], has recently been shown to pre-
particle size, moisture content, biomass type as well as serve polysaccharides while significantly removing lignin
the nature of the microorganism could hamper the pre- as was evident in wheat straw pretreated with 10% NaOH
treatment process [92]. Moreover, the biological pretreat- which resulted in 72.67% yield of cellulose and removal
ment of lignocellulosic biomass is relatively slow and can of 69.5% lignin [32, 102]. Moreover, total reducing sugars
take several days before it is fully hydrolyzed. The chemi- (83.68%) were recovered after alkaline pretreatment of
cal pretreatment offers many potentials as it increases the wheat straw and microbial hydrolysis of cellulose and
the porosity of the biomass as well as solid separation hemicellulose [32]. In many cases, the combination of
[71, 93]. Nevertheless, due to the harmful effect of the biological and chemical pretreatments is more effective
Adegboye et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2021) 14:5 Page 7 of 21
and requires less rigorous pretreatment conditions to and fermentation (SSF), or the production of cellulase, as
efficiently hydrolyze the feedstock [103]. well as the enzymatic reaction and fermentation, occur
After the hydrolysis of the feedstock by the various simultaneously in the same bioreactor, a process called
enzymes [cellulase (endoglucanase, exoglucanase, and β consolidated bioprocessing (CBP). These fermentation
glucosidase), hemicellulase (β-1, 4- xylanase, β-1,4 xylosi- methods are frequently used for bioethanol production,
dase), pectinases (hydrolase-endopolygalacturonase and with increased yields obtained. However, each has its
exopolygalacturonase, Lyase-polygalacturonate Lyase advantages and drawbacks.
and Polymethylgalacturonate Lyase, esterase and lytic The SHF provides optimum working conditions for
polysaccharide monooxygenase)] as discussed above, hydrolysis and fermentation, which occurs in separate
the carbohydrate components (cellulose and hemicel- vessels at different temperatures and enables the recy-
lulose) become fermentable. This attribute makes lig- cling of the yeast used in fermentation [92]. Besides, it
nocellulosic biomass an attractive feedstock for biofuel permits a continuous run of the fermentation process.
production [104]. Through the process of fermentation, Hydrolysis by cellulase occurs efficiently at a tempera-
the hydrosylate obtained after removal of lignin in the ture range of 45–50 °C, while fermentation by microbes
pretreatment stage and hydrolysis is converted to biofuel. occurs at temperatures of 30–37 °C, resulting in ethanol
Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is the preferred choice production [92, 104–106]. Nevertheless, the end prod-
of microorganism for fermentation of sugars to bioetha- ucts (glucose and cellobiose) inhibit the activity of the
nol due to its ability to tolerate high ethanol concentra- cellulase enzyme and require more time to run the pro-
tions and inhibitors produced during the fermentation cess [92, 97]. β-glucosidase is inhibited by glucose, which
process. elevates the level of cellobiose. Cellobiose subsequently
The fermentation process for ethanol production could inhibits cellulase, thereby reducing its efficiency [106,
occur in three ways; it could be run separately imme- 107]. Furthermore, SHF is a two-step process that incurs
diately after the hydrolysis step, which is regarded as additional cost, and it is time-consuming.
separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) [104], or The SSF is the most preferred fermentation method for
the saccharification takes place simultaneously with fer- bioethanol production from lignocellulose as the pro-
mentation, described as simultaneous saccharification cesses of enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation occurs
Adegboye et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2021) 14:5 Page 8 of 21
within the same bioreactor, thereby reducing the cost of to separate the bioethanol from the fermentation broth
production, improving ethanol yield, as well as reducing to obtain the final pure bioethanol separating it from the
the risks of contamination and enzyme inhibition by the fermentation broth. The amount of bioethanol produced
end products of hydrolysis [92, 108]. This is made pos- from the fermentation process depends mainly on the
sible because before the inhibitory concentrations of the number of sugars produced during pretreatment and for
end products are reached, the glucose and cellobiose hydrolysis efficiency [116, 117].
produced are simultaneously fermented to high-energy– The fermentation process for biofuel production is
density ethanol molecules [109]. Besides, different lig- often expensive; hence, effort needs to be made to seek
nocellulosic substrates could be used under various alternative means of making the process cost-effective.
pretreatment conditions that result in increased product One such way is to reduce production cost through high
yield within a short period [109]. SSF can be conducted solids loading as a result of reduced water uptake and
using fermenting thermophilic bacterial strains and yeast downstream processing cost, and this ultimately helps to
cells such as Candida acidothermophilum and Kluyvero- reduce environmental pollution [118]. Some difficulties
myces marxianus without compromising the optimal arise because of the high loading of lignocellulose solids,
temperature of hydrolysis [109]. for instance, inhibition of enzymes by end products. This
Mihajlovski et al. [87] obtained a high yield of bioetha- can be overcome through the application of fed-batch
nol from the SSF of rye bran using crude enzymes pro- processes [108, 119]. The success of this kind of process
duced by Streptomyces fulvissimus CKS7. A maximum can be measured by the total yield of bioethanol pro-
reducing sugar yield of 2.55 mg ml−1 was obtained using duced (volume of ethanol produced per dry weight of raw
horsetail as substrate after 72 h of hydrolysis followed by material) and the level of ethanol concentration in the
fermentation with waste brewer’s yeast S. cerevisiae [87]. fermentation batch [119].
Despite the maximal yield of ethanol obtained through
SSF of hexoses, there is a drawback in the fermentation Strains for biofuel production
of pentoses, which are omitted when only a hexose fer- The successful production of biofuel from lignocellulosic
menting strain such as S. cerevisiae is used that makes it biomass depends mainly on finding and exploiting a suit-
necessary to use a pentose-fermenting strain in a sepa- able microorganism for the whole fermentation process
rate bioreactor after pretreatment, to complete the fer- [120]. The ideal strain for biofuel production should be
mentation process [109]. Both SHF and SSF require the able to completely utilize the pentose-rich and hexose
introduction of enzymes for hydrolysis. containing sugars produced from lignocellulosic bio-
In the case of CBP fermentation, a microbial consortia mass feedstock, and that can survive the inhibitory com-
biocatalyst strategy is used by combining a cellulolytic pounds that are generated during the pretreatment step.
strain capable of hydrolyzing hemicellulosic biomass Most of the organisms employed for fermentation are not
to fermentable sugars, and a second strain that makes able to utilize pentose sugars, and those that can ferment
use of the cellulosic sugars for its growth and converts it are inhibited by end products and by-product forma-
them to biofuel products during the fermentation pro- tion [121, 122].
cess using its natural or engineered metabolic pathways Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zymomonas mobilis are
[110]. Unlike the SHF and SSF, in the CBP, the three the best-known alcohol fermenting microbes with the
stages of enzyme synthesis, hydrolysis of lignocellulosic ability to ferment hexose sugars and sucrose into ethanol
biomass, and fermentation occur concurrently in the but are inhibited by end products [123, 124]. Moreover,
same bioreactor. This reduces the cost of biofuel produc- pentose-fermenting organisms, Pichia stipitis, Candida
tion as a result of less complicated feedstock processing, shehatae, and Pachysolen tannophilus [125], are also
less energy expended, and higher conversion efficiencies inhibited by end products [123, 126]. Even though fila-
[111]. However, before the CBP approach can be used, mentous fungi can withstand inhibitory compounds,
it requires microorganisms capable of producing a func- their high generation time and lower yields and produc-
tional cellulase system while generating ethanol at high tivities make them unattractive candidates for biofuel
returns and concentrations [112]. In this regard, bacte- production [125]. Thus, a microorganism that is inhibited
ria such as Clostridium thermocellum and fungi such as by end products, and that also takes more time to hydro-
Neurospora crassa, Fusarium oxysporum, S. cerevisiae, lyze the lignocellulosic biomass is not appropriate for
and Paecilomyces sp. [104], come in handy for biofuel industrial-scale production of biofuel [15].
production (ethanol and butanol) using CBP approach The ideal strain can either be a natural cellulolytic
[113–115]. biofuel-producing microbe or an engineered indus-
After the fermentation process, the product obtained trial strain conferred with the gene(s) to produce bio-
needs to undergo the purification process and distillation fuel [120]. The ideal strain needs some attributes to use
Adegboye et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2021) 14:5 Page 9 of 21
high amounts of substrates such as the ability to attain Good tolerance to inhibitors and end products
high cell mass growth and biofuel production rates in One crucial issue that has to be overcome to reach an
biomass-derived hydrolysates [127], the ability to use a optimum yield of biofuel production is to enhance toler-
wide range of pentose and hexose sugars withstand high ance of strains to inhibitory compounds, metabolic inter-
temperatures and low pH [127, 128], as well as to exhibit mediates, and the desired end products [140]. Examples
good tolerance to inhibitors and end products. This strain of toxic compounds present in lignocellulosic hydrolysate
should also have high metabolic fluxes and biosynthesize include furan derivatives, weak organic acids, and phe-
single fermentation products for sugar transport through nols. As microbial cell growth is important to increase
fast and deregulated pathways. It is easier and more eco- biofuel production, engineering robust strains with high
nomical to operate and control a bioreactor at extremely tolerance to inhibitors is imperative. During microbial
high temperatures. Operating high temperatures also fermentation for biofuel production, the accumulation of
advances reaction rates, viscosities of culture broth, and end products and by-products can negatively affect the
decreases the risk of contamination during production. growth of microbes, thus impeding the level of produc-
Also, the ability to adapt to lower pH can help lessen the tion. Consequently, it is imperative to advance tolerance
rate of contamination from many interfering microbes to inhibitors when engineering strains for biofuel pro-
[128]. All these attributes must be put into considera- duction [140, 141].
tion by the metabolic engineers when trying to develop The engineering of strains to have special features such
the most suitable microbe for large scale production of as high tolerance level to inhibitory compounds is cru-
biofuel. cial in accomplishing high productivity and sustainable
industry. This can be achieved through rational and evo-
High substrate utilization ability lutionary engineering [142]. Rational engineering entails
The model microbe used for biofuel production must direct manipulation of known genetic components such
be able to hydrolyze lignocellulosic biomass substrate as transcriptional regulators, transporters, and pathway
and produce the desired end products at a high amount enzymes identified [140], because of previous knowl-
under industrial conditions. For a strain to use a high edge of the mechanisms of toxicity and tolerance. Whilst
amount of lignocellulosic sugars, several attributes must evolutionary engineering involves indirect manipulation
be put into perspective. Primarily, the strain must be able through adaptation or mutagenesis resulting in the evo-
to achieve a high cell mass growth index in a short time lution of strains, high-throughput screening is used in
and recovery of biofuel from the biomass-derived hydro- the selection of strains with high tolerance level [143].
lysates that could contain inhibitory substances such as The factors involved in producing enhanced toler-
aromatic compounds, acetate, and aldehydes [128]. Fur- ance strains are explicated through using systematic bio-
thermore, the ability to use a wide range of sugars such as logical techniques, endowing parental strains, and other
pentose, hexose, and disaccharides is of great importance native strains with the desired tolerance phenotype by
in biofuel production. Finding microbes that can achieve genetic exploitations of uncovered target factors [140].
such desirable traits can be either through screening or To demonstrate the potential for improving tolerance
incorporation of such genes [129, 130]. of microbial strains, Atsumi et al. [144] serially trans-
Several groups have reported the use of Saccharomyces ferred cultures of E. coli for enrichment in isobutanol
cerevisiae and Escherichia coli as engineered industrial to obtain tolerant strains. After five rounds of culture
strains [131–135]. Most industrial strains do not metab- transfer, an engineered (mutant) strain displayed 2.0%
olize other sugars in the presence of glucose because of (w/v) isobutanol tolerance, whereas the wild type E.coli
carbon catabolite repression [136–138], which serves strain (JCL16) lacked tolerance since 1.5% (w/v) isobu-
as a limitation for their use with substrates such as lig- tanol inhibited its activity [144]. Furthermore, tolerance
nocellulose. Sievert et al. [137] reported the solution to improvement strategies such as global transcription
this restriction by engineering E. coli strains with a point machinery engineering can be used [144]. Most meta-
mutation in a transcriptional activator for catabolic oper- bolic engineering research involving biofuel production
ons, thus leading to catabolic activation independence emphasizes enhancing the catalytic effectiveness of a sole
of the catabolite repression control [138]. Alternatively, reaction. Alper et al. [143] developed a global transcrip-
introducing transporters together with gene expression tion machinery engineering (gTME) system to enhance
encoding for the utilization of other sugars have also alle- glucose/ethanol tolerance in S. cerevisiae. This method
viated glucose repression and facilitated co-fermentation entailed reprogramming gene transcription to obtain
[139] This approach had been proven by engineering E. cellular phenotypes vital for the technological approach.
coli and yeasts to co-metabolize several combinations of Transcription factor Spt15p was subjected to muta-
sugars [136]. tion which brought about a rise in tolerance and more
Adegboye et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2021) 14:5 Page 10 of 21
effective glucose conversion to bioethanol. The result- given biochemical reaction namely (i) enzymatic activ-
ing phenotype was from the combination of three differ- ity of the catalyzing enzyme (ii) characteristics of the
ent mutations in the Spt15 gene containing Phe177Ser, enzyme (iii) the effects of substrates and metabolites on
Tyr195His, and Lys218Arg [143]. Therefore, gTME can the enzymatic activity. The enzymatic activity exhibited
provide a channel to complex phenotypic traits that are by a strain is due to gene expression, translation, and
not readily accessible by conventional approaches. This post-translational protein modifications. The enzyme
was recently confirmed by El-Rotail et al. [145] who traits are usually specific for a given biological system
designed SPT15 mutagenesis library of Saccharomy- under research. However, in situations where the heter-
ces cerevisiae using the gTME approach. The authors ologous enzymes are introduced to redirect metabolic
obtained a novel mutant of S. cerevisiae with a higher fluxes, it becomes imperative to study the traits of the
tolerance to ethanol stress when treated with 3% M
nCl2 heterologous enzyme in comparison to other enzymes
in place of the widely used mixture of error-prone (Ep- having interaction with the same metabolite pools [146].
PCR) reaction with MgCl2. and yielded the highest etha- Feedback regulation was imposed on the system by
nol production. the concentration of metabolites and properties of the
enzymes which serve important functions in the meta-
High metabolic fluxes bolic fluxes [153].
One of the constraints experienced by engineered micro-
bial cell factories includes metabolic imbalance as a result Bioprospecting for native strains with the gene of interest
of nutrients depletion, metabolite accumulation, evolu- Extensive research has shown that several microbes
tionary pressure, genetic instability, or other stress factors belonging to the class fungi, yeast, and bacteria can
[146]. It is of tremendous importance when developing exhibit cellulolytic activity [24, 154]. Today, the process of
the model strain to be equipped with a sensor-regulator bioethanol production exploits cellulolytic enzymes from
system that will allow the cell to adjust metabolically in microbes with some strains having established industrial
response to the surrounding changes [146]. Metabolic applications, a high conversion rate of glucose to ethanol
fluxes have been greatly manipulated by metabolic engi- and tolerance to end products, and other inhibitory com-
neers to improve the model strain abilities in the produc- pounds [6, 155]. However, during their evolution, some
tion of biofuel [147, 148]. of these organisms have not been exposed to the condi-
Approaches such as fed-batch cultures, mutagenesis, tions obtainable under industrial settings that typically
and optimal control of the metabolic pathways have been arise in the industrial processing of feedstock to biofuel.
developed to cope with the balance between cell density Screening for a particular trait is one of the most effec-
and product formation and to enhance the cost-effec- tive ways of discovering novel enzymes applicable to the
tiveness of industrial fermentation [146]. With the aid industry [156]. Native strains produce diverse extracellu-
of metabolite-responsive transcriptional factors [146], lar and intracellular enzymes naturally that could exhibit
metabolic engineers can now engineer cell factories to activities of industrial importance. One of the common
realize self-adaptation for biotechnological applications. methods used for finding these strains is bioprospecting.
This could be achieved by revamping the transcriptional Bioprospecting involves screening native strains isolated
regulatory networks and aiding the cell to independently from diverse sources for novel and functional enzymes
regulate pathway expression and modify the metabolic which might be relevant. These microorganisms are iso-
activity to the changing environment [139, 146, 149, 150]. lated from different environments and are explored for
Alternatively, the dynamic control theory could be used their ability to utilize certain substrates for biofuel pro-
to maximize pathway efficiency [146, 151]. Xu et al. [152] duction [157]. Consequently, the selection of the best
used this approach by engineering naturally occurring candidate is based on the high production of the desired
transcriptional regulator FapR to control the fatty acids end products. Another approach is probing the genome
biosynthetic pathway in E. coli. Fatty acid production contents of environmental samples through metagenom-
is significantly developed by optimum control of gene ics. The use of probes and primers specific to target cer-
expression resulting in balanced metabolism between the tain gene(s) of industrial importance [158, 159].
growth of cells and the formation of products. Applica- The main drawback of this approach is that it is quali-
tion of metabolic control enables the engineered strain tative: the metabolic perspective cannot be quantified
to dynamically control pathway expression and balanced because isolation and culturing of the microbe cannot
the metabolic activity of key enzymes based on the intra- be achieved [159]. Analyzing the genetic make-up of the
cellular level activities. strains helps in the prospecting of potential microorgan-
Insight into the complex regulation of metabolic fluxes isms very quickly, which facilitates the evaluation of the
can be known through the function of three factors in a proteome of the microbes and to determine if the isolate
Adegboye et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2021) 14:5 Page 11 of 21
possesses the gene(s) of interest. Besides, the bioprospec- make them tolerant to high concentrations of end prod-
tion of genes of interest by metagenomic strategies allows ucts and other inhibitory substances by removing the
the identification of uncultured microorganisms [160, normal regulatory genes and enzymes associated with
161]. the metabolic pathway. The ultimate goal is to develop
Bioprospecting contributes significantly to the a robust fermentation process that facilitates the high
advancement of biofuel production. For instance, the iso- production of the desired product(s) with little or no
lation of extremophiles from exotic locations leading to bottleneck.
successive extraction of interesting enzymes. Using such For metabolic engineering of the strain to be regarded
microorganisms is advantageous in the sense that they as being successful, the whole process must be cost-
can produce special enzymes that can withstand different effective on a large scale. To achieve this, researchers
industrial conditions such as high temperature, salinity, had to develop novel techniques such as whole-genome
and pressure [162]. One of the major benefits of exploit- sequencing, bioinformatics, systems biology, proteom-
ing enzymes from hyperthermophiles is the reduction ics, and metabolomics. All these techniques have signifi-
of contaminants from the operating system. Besides, cantly assisted researchers in enhancing the applications
high temperatures also result in very low viscosity and of metabolic engineering over the past years. These have
increase the solubility of substrates, ultimately leading helped in developing novel engineered strains that can
to high yields as a result of favorable displacement of the carry out high-throughput performance using renewable
equilibrium in endothermic reactions [159]. The success- feedstocks such as lignocellulose, rationalizing produc-
ful use of native strains to produce biofuel entails having tion cost even more.
a better insight into their physiology under various con- Production of higher octane hydrocarbons which are
ditions and subsequent strain improvements. substitutes to ethanol such as 1-butanol, isobutanol, and
isopentanol, with improved fuel qualities, are biosyn-
Process of fermentation using metabolic engineered thesized through engineering fermentative pathways,
strains non-fermentative keto acid pathways, and isoprenoid
The lignocellulosic biomass can be fermented by sev- pathways [170–172]. Amongst higher alcohols, fatty-
eral microbes [116, 126] but the complete utilization of acid-derived and isoprenoids-derived biofuel from
lignocellulosic biomass for the production of biofuel is microorganisms have also been suggested as superior
impeded by the lack of model strains that could effec- fuel alternates. Several native isolates and their metabolic
tively degrade both pentose and hexose sugars to glucose pathways have been investigated comprehensively to
[25]. An ideal industrial strain sustainable for commercial improve yield, titer, productivity and to reduce the cost of
production of biofuel should use a wide variety of sub- production using various strategies [173–178]. The appli-
strates, produce a higher yield of end products, tolerate cation of genetic and metabolic engineering approaches
high levels of end and by-products, and high tempera- have led to significant advancement by improving exist-
ture, should be able to withstand inhibitory compounds ing applications and also opening up new possibilities
and have high cellulolytic activity [163–165]. Moreover, [179, 180]. These approaches have improved the physiol-
microbial hosts should exhibit sturdiness against stresses ogy of the potential producers of biofuel, enabling high
and toxic chemicals, and scale-up, and actual commer- and cost-effective production. Due to different mecha-
cialization of advanced biofuels. nisms of action within the hosts, it would be difficult to
Metabolic engineering has been used to modify native ascertain a conventional approach that will work for the
strains increasing the production of biofuels. The pro- different types of biofuels obtained from diverse meta-
duction of biofuel has been developed from a variety of bolic pathways [181, 182]. Heavy reliance on fossil fuel
biomass feedstocks (from starch-based to lignocellulose) and the effect of global warming can be reduced by pro-
by engineering or developing the metabolic pathways of viding environmental-friendly energy to power automo-
diverse microbial hosts [166–168]. The concept of meta- biles and other industrial appliances.
bolic engineering with the aid of recombinant DNA tech- Most of these difficulties can be addressed by tailoring
nology, brought about the improvement of biosynthesis the redesigned metabolic system of each microorganism
of desired products by the exploitation of biosynthetic to suit the end product in other to advance yield and pro-
pathways, transport systems, and regulatory functions ductivity, and ultimately reduce operating cost [180]. A
of the cell [169]. Genetic engineering employed the use successful outcome from genetic engineering can trans-
of classical mutagenesis and selection and recombinant late to effective land use and biodiversity. For instance,
methods for the over-expression of the desired end prod- the maximum production of biofuel from lignocellulosic
uct during the process of fermentation associated with biomass feedstock corresponds to an equal saving in land
pathways. Strains are engineered in the laboratory to usage because fewer raw materials are needed. Metabolic
Adegboye et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2021) 14:5 Page 12 of 21
engineering of microorganisms to make use of various optimized or redesigned to advance effectiveness. More-
feedstocks effectively can as well sustain native flora by over, practical or theoretical yields are calculated based
decreasing the need for requiring non-native plants on biosynthetic pathways and levels of productivity. The
[183]. unavailability of genetic engineering platforms for native
Metabolic pathways can be engineered to biosynthe- isolates, coupled with challenges in the optimization of
size new products that can replace fossil fuel including the metabolic pathways, and balancing the redox state in
long octane numbers short-chain, branched-chain, and engineered strains are major drawbacks to the develop-
cyclic alcohols, alkanes, alkenes, esters, and aromat- ment of low-cost industrial processes for the conversion
ics compounds. Understanding the need for superior of lignocellulosic biomass feedstocks into biofuel [19,
fuel is of importance to develop strains that will pro- 103]. The engineering of biosynthesis pathways in native
duce alternate biofuel with useful applications [19]. One strains can bring about an increase in biofuel formation.
of the major shortcomings in these processes is how to For instance, the engineering of electron metabolism in
enhance carbon assimilation in the metabolic pathways Clostridium thermocellum increased bioethanol pro-
and then control the fluxes of these pathways to bio- duction [184]. Several metabolic engineered strains of
synthesize product(s) interest either by natural or engi- microbes have been used successfully for biofuel produc-
neered pathways [183]. Many of these desired products tion (Table 2).
are sought after because of their outstanding qualities for Through the manipulation of the genetics and meta-
more specialized applications. Nevertheless, while some bolic pathways of microorganism, scientists have been
of these compounds or their precursors can be biosyn- able to enhance the production of specific metabolites
thesized from diverse metabolic pathways that exist natu- which have been used successfully in the production of
rally in microorganisms, these pathways often need to be biofuel and other products. For instance, Zymomonas
mobilis a well-known indigenous producer of bioetha- transketolase and transaldolase activities [203]. There-
nol can only efficiently utilize hexose sugar (glucose) fore, an open reading frame that encodes transaldo-
converting it to bioethanol compared to Saccharomy- lase tal gene on E. coli was synthesized using PCR and
ces cerevisiae but not from pentose sugars. This is a subsequently subcloned using a Z mobilis enolase pro-
major drawback in its utilization for biofuel production moter by PCR- mediated overlap extension. Likewise,
from lignocellulose biomasses which are rich in pentose a transketolase gene (tktA) was synthesized from E coli
sugars. Zymomonas mobilis lacks a complete pentose W3110 genomic DNA and subcloned immediately
phosphate pathway due to the absence of transaldolase downstream of the transaldolase homolog translation
activity [203] Z. mobilis uses the Entner–Doudoroff (ED) codon giving rise to an operon that encodes the non-
pathway which is more efficient than the Embden–Mey- oxidative part of the pentose phosphate pathway [203].
erhof–Parnas (EMP) pathway utilized by S. cerevisiae The xylose assimilation and pentose phosphate pathway
with less use of ATP [204] To circumvent this challenge, operons constructed were concurrently transferred into
a metabolic engineering approach was used to enable Z mobilis CP4 using a Z mobilis pACYC184. The recom-
Z. mobilis to utilize pentose sugar by introduction and binant Z mobilis CP4 (pZB5) grew on xylose containing
expression of genes encoding the enzymes xylose isomer- medium and produced a yield of 86% and 94% ethanol
ase, xylulokinase, transaldolase and transketolase which from xylose and glucose respectively [203]. Recently an
created a complete metabolic pathway for the conversion improved strain of Z. mobilis TMY-HFPX was devel-
of xylose to important intermediates of the EMP pathway oped containing an operon with several genes xylA/
(glyceraldehyde -3-phosphate and fructose-6-phosphate) xlyB/tktA/talB for the utilization of xylose, the metB/
leading to bioethanol production (Fig. 4). yfdZ operon for lysine and methionine biosynthesis,
The xylose fermenting strain of Z. mobilis was con- the thioesterase gene tesA which improves free fatty
structed by cloning Escherichia coli xylA and xylB genes acid biosynthesis for higher ethanol tolerance, a proton-
using a potent Z. mobilis glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate buffering peptide operon for acid stress tolerance, and a
promoter by PCR-mediated overlap extension [203]. Z small heat shock protein operon for heat stress tolerance
mobilis was transformed with the xylose assimilation [205]. This strain gave a theoretical yield of 90% ethanol
operon obtained but the transformants still could not from the utilization of xylose as the carbon source [205]
utilize xylose in the medium due to lack of sufficient Metabolic engineering has also been used to enhance
biofuel production abilities of several other microorgan- enhanced bioethanol production by improving tolerance
isms, including Bacillus subtilis for ethanol production, to acetic acid. This strain was chosen out of the several
Clostridium for butanol production as well as E.coil. B. variants obtained from culturing a previously engineered
subtilis strain BS35 was designed by obstructing the lac- S. cerevisiae strain possessing the xylose-isomerase path-
tate dehydrogenase gene via chromosomal insertion of way XUSE developed by PTN Hoang, Ko et al. [209].
the Z. mobilis pyruvate decarboxylase gene and alcohol This served as the parental strain and was cultured with
dehydrogenase II gene controlled by the ldh native pro- the adapted XUSAE57 strains in yeast synthetic com-
moter [204, 206]. Although the strain yielded ethanol and plete media (YSC) containing 20 g/L xylose, incubated
butanediol, compared to the wild type, the transformed aerobically at 30 °C for 1.5 days for preculture and sub-
strain had reduced cell growth and glucose utilization sequently in fresh YSC medium containing 20 g/L xylose
up to 60–70%. Nevertheless, further manipulation of the and 0–5 g/L acetic acid with an initial pH of 5 [198]. This
BS35 to BS36 (BS35 ΔalsS) resulted in 89% theoretical resulted in a twofold increase in ethanol production, in
yield of ethanol, and by inactivation of alsS through chro- addition to a twofold increase in xylose utilization in con-
mosomal integration of E. coli transhydrogenase gene, a trast to the XUSE strain in the presence of 4 g/L of ace-
new strain BS37 (BS35 ΔalsS udhA+) capable of produc- tic acid [198]. Besides, the improved XUSAE57 strain till
ing 8.9 gL−1 ethanol was obtained [206]. date, has the highest amount ethanol produced from the
Klebsiella pneumoniae HR526 a high yielding bioconversion of glucose and xylose from lignocellulose
2,3-butanediol producing strain was engineered by Chen hydrosylate). Metabolic engineering of useful microbial
et al. [191] for the production of 2-butanol. The authors strains will definitely have a great impact on the biofuel
extended the 2,3-butanediol synthesis pathway of the industry in the nearest future. This will, however, require
bacterium and introduced diol dehydratases and alcohol identification of useful strains and having a mechanistic
dehydrogenases. Optimization of the pathway and engi- understanding of the various metabolic pathways that
neering of the diol dehydratase via protein engineering can be harnessed for better biofuel production.
resulted in an increased yield of 2-butanol (1030 mg/L).
In another study, metabolic engineering of cellulolytic Future prospects
Clostridium cellulovorans with the genes for aldehyde/ Microbial metabolic engineering is not an easy task,
alcohol dehydrogenase (adhE2) and an artificial elec- especially for the identification of efficient strains, but it
tron carrier methyl viologen (MV) was carried out by is indispensable for the advancement of the biofuel pro-
Yang et al. [194], in a bid to directly produce ethanol and duction industries. The important metabolic pathways
n-butanol at a higher rate from cellulose. The adhE2 gene must be well understood, and the relevant enzymes iden-
from Clostridium acetobutylicum was fully expressed tified. The limiting regions of pathways are being iden-
in C. cellulovorans which led to the production of con- tified by metabolic engineers and synthetic biologists
siderable quantities of n-butanol (1.42 g/L) and ethanol using different approaches [204, 210–212]. The process
(1.60 g/L) from the crystalline cellulose [194]. C. cellu- of metabolic engineering for enhancing recombinant
lovorans is a very useful bacterium for metabolic engi- protein expression keeps on evolving and becoming
neering due to its ability to utilize several substrates and sophisticated. Industrial microbes have been modified or
also possesses numerous cellulosomal genes [194, 207]. designed to improve recombinant metabolite productiv-
Recently Bao et al. [208] went a step further to introduce ity while saving time and money [204, 213, 214].
two extra aldehyde/alcohol dehydrogenases encoded by Advanced technologies such as clustered regularly
bdhB, adhE1 in addition to adhE2 used by Yang et al. interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/Cas9 is
[194] from C. acetobutylicum into C. cellulovorans. Co- being used to accelerate genetic engineering of microbes
expression of either adhE1 or adhE2 with bdhB genes as it permits rapid and efficient editing of the genome
failed to improve the yield of butanol possibly due to the by replacing 20-nucleotide sequences of a chimeric sin-
limiting factor of NADPH in C. cellulovorans [194]. The gle-guide RNA (sgRNA) complementary to the target
highest yield of butanol was obtained only by the strain sequence of interest [215]. Immediately, the Cas9-sgRNA
overexpressing adhE2 (4.0 g/L) which was 181.69% times complex binds to the target DNA sequence, the endonu-
higher than the amount recorded by Yang et al. [194]. clease activity of the CRISPR-associated protein (Cas9
Acetic acid is known to disrupt the efficiency of microbes protein) cleaves the DNA [215]. This hastens metabolic
such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae during the fermenta- engineering of proteins and editing of useful genes that
tion process, thereby reducing their bioconversion abil- could enhance tolerance to inhibitors, or promote utili-
ity of lignocellulosic biomass to produce biofuel. This zation of different substrates used for biofuel production.
recently led Ko et al. [198] to engineer a high xylose uti- The mechanism and major components of the Streptococ-
lizing strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae XUSAE57 for cus pyogenes Type II CRISPR-Cas9 system have been well
Adegboye et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2021) 14:5 Page 15 of 21
characterized. It consists of a Cas9 protein with endo- Staphylococcus, and Streptomyces [215]. With this
nuclease activity which is guided by two types of small technology, several genetically modified microorgan-
RNAs, a target-recognizing CRISPR RNA (crRNA) which isms with high biofuel-producing abilities have been
binds the target DNA and guides cleavage, and auxiliary obtained.
non-coding trans-activating crRNAs (tracrRNAs) which The CRISPR/Cas 9 system was recently used to
base-pairs with the crRNA and permits the formation engineer a dual-operon-based synthetic pathway in
of Cas9-crRNA complex [216–219]. Genes relevant to the genome of Escherichia coli strain MG1655, which
biofuel-producing bacterial strains could be edited for produced 5.4 g/L n-butanol in a medium contain-
better performances, novel genes inserted, or unwanted ing glucose as the carbon source and subsequently
genes deleted or knocked out. For the activation of spe- repeated in an ethanologenic strain of E. coli strain
cific genes, CRISPR activation (CRISPRa) system is used. SSK42 to produce butanol from xylose using a redox-
In this case, the dCas9 is fused to transcription activators balanced pathway by Abdelaal et al. [227]. A synthetic
such as RNA Polymerase ɯ subunit present in bacterium butanol cassette was integrated into the genome of E.
such as Escherichia coli. To knockout unwanted genes coli strain SSK42 through CRISPR/Cas9 system after
another approach known as CRISPR interference (CRIS- removal of the gene encoding endogenous ethanol
PRi) which has an inactivated endonuclease activity, is production. The newly engineered strain ASA02, gen-
utilized. A catalytically dead Cas9 (dCas9) forms a com- erated 4.32 g/L butanol in fed-batch fermentation pro-
plex with sgRNA which inhibits RNA polymerase result- cess [227]. Clostridium saccharoperbutylacetonicum
ing in the blockage of transcription. This arises due to the N1-4 a recognized hyperbutanol-producing strain was
binding of the dCas9–sgRNA complex to the upstream edited by targeting two important genes: pta and buk,
region of the target gene sequence. Besides, the nuclease- which encodes for acetate and butyrate production
deactivated Cas9 possessing only DNA-binding function [228]. Increased butanol production, higher yield, and
guided by sgRNA, has revealed the potential to control selectivity of mutants in the batch fermentation were
regulatory functions in gene expression [220–222]. The obtained, but this was dependent on the fermentation
CRISPR–Cas9 technology is naturally used by prokary- medium used. The highest butanol yield in the batch
otes as a defensive mechanism against foreign nucleic fermentation process was obtained in the P2 medium
acids from viruses or any foreign DNA. Thus, using the with a yield of 19.0 g/liter [228]. The efficiency was
CRISPRa and CRISPRi gene-editing technologies, the improved using the PJ23119 promoter to guide RNA
expression of endogenous genes can be either up-regu- (gRNA) expression [228]. In another study, Wasels
lated or down-regulated, making it easier for researchers et al. [229] designed a dual plasmid-inducible CRISPR/
to effectively study the function of genes relevant to met- Cas9 genome editing tool for the solventogenic strain
abolic pathways required for biofuel production. Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824, which led to
CRISPR-Cas 9 is revolutionizing the science of mutants that produced an isopropanol–butanol–etha-
genetic engineering, and metabolic engineering. Its nol mixture. Despite the benefits derived from the
utilization in genome editing has surpassed that of pre- CRIPSER/Cas9 system in recent times, it requires much
vious tools such as zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) and expertise and is still in its nascent stage in metabolic
transcription-activator-like effector nucleases (TAL- engineering, especially in the developing countries.
ENs) previously applied for the genetic manipulation of Advances in high-throughput technologies such as
bacteria [223, 224]. It is now widely used as a genome- proteomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics are
editing tool since it is based on RNA–DNA recogni- increasingly been used to understand how specific genes
tion using highly specific 20-nucleotides guide RNA for are expressed and the role they play in metabolic path-
directing the Cas9 towards the specific site [201]. The ways associated with biofuel production by lignocellulose
versatility of the CRISPR/Cas9 technology is shown degrading microorganisms [230, 231]. Computational
by the ease with which it is engineered to enhance the tools are often used to obtain a mechanistic understand-
simultaneous targeting of multiple genes for develop- ing of the information derived from these advanced
ing potent strains [224, 225]. Several biofuels and other technologies. The use of principal component analysis
commercial products have been produced by the use proteomics-guided engineering led to an improvement
of CRISPR-based methods [201, 226]. The CRISPR/ in the production of two terpenes by more than 40% via
Cas9 systems have been employed in the manipulation the heterologous mevalonate pathway in E. coli [231].
of genes in several bacterial cells belonging to the gen- These computational tools and advanced technologies
era Bacillus, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, Escheri- should be fully harnessed for the screening and metabolic
chia coli, Lactobacillus,Mycobacterium, Pseudomonas,
Adegboye et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2021) 14:5 Page 16 of 21
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