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Project Quality Plan

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Revision and Approval History

Re General Contractor Consultant Employer
Description / Approval
v. Date
Remarks Prepared Reviewed Approved Approved Approved Status

Copy Holder Name Position Location Telephone No.

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Revision # Issue Date Page No. Change Details
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1. INTRODUCTION & PURPOSE...........................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Scope of Application.......................................................................................................................................................6
1.2 Contract Particulars..........................................................................................................................................................6
1.3 Corporate and Contract Specific Quality System Documentation:.................................................................................7
1.4 Issue / Revision Control & Distribution..........................................................................................................................7
2. TERMS & DEFINITIONS.....................................................................................................................................................8
3. QUALITY POLICY, OBJECTIVE AND COMMITMENT..............................................................................................9
3.1 Project Quality Policy .....................................................................................................................................................9
3.2 The objectives for this project are listed below:............................................................................................................10
4. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM..............................................................................................................................11
4.1 General...........................................................................................................................................................................11
4.2 Interaction and Application of the Processes.................................................................................................................12
4.3 Documentation Requirements........................................................................................................................................12
4.4 Documentation Structure...............................................................................................................................................13
4.5 Documents & Records Procedure:.................................................................................................................................13
4.6 Document Numbering System.......................................................................................................................................13
4.7 Letters, Transmittal and Faxes Numbering....................................................................................................................15
4.8 Shop Drawings...............................................................................................................................................................16
4.9 Control of Quality Records............................................................................................................................................16
4.10 SOFTWARE DATA BACKUP.....................................................................................................................................17
4.11 RETENTION OFF RECORDS.....................................................................................................................................17
5. MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY................................................................................................................................18
5.1 Responsibility, Authority and Communication.............................................................................................................18
5.2 Internal communication:................................................................................................................................................22
5.3 Management Review.....................................................................................................................................................22
6. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT............................................................................................................................................23
6.1 Human Resources..........................................................................................................................................................23
6.2 Infrastructure..................................................................................................................................................................23
6.3 Work Environment........................................................................................................................................................23
7. PRODUCT REALIZATION................................................................................................................................................24
7.1 Planning of Product Realization....................................................................................................................................24
7.2 Customer Related Processes..........................................................................................................................................24
7.2.1 Clarifications on Site................................................................................................................................................25
7.2.2 Variations / Site Measurements................................................................................................................................25
7.3 Design and Development (wherever applicable)...........................................................................................................25
7.4 Purchasing......................................................................................................................................................................28
7.5 Production and Service Provision..................................................................................................................................30
7.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices.............................................................................................................32
8. MEASUREMENTS, ANALYSIS AND IMPROVEMENT...............................................................................................34
8.1 General...........................................................................................................................................................................34
8.2 Monitoring and Measurement........................................................................................................................................34
8.3 Control of Non-Conforming Product.............................................................................................................................42
8.4 Analysis of Data.............................................................................................................................................................44
8.5 Project Close Out Procedure..........................................................................................................................................45
8.6 Improvement..................................................................................................................................................................46
9. ATTACHEMENTS...............................................................................................................................................................48
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This quality plan describes COMPANY’s proposed Quality Management System as applicable to the
project titled;
As part of Employer's and COMPANY’s commitment to quality, this project is covered by this Project
Specific Quality Plan in compliance with the project specifications and relevant elements of ISO 9001:
2015 as applicable to the project.

This quality plan ensures that COMPANY has specified the policies, the objectives, established a system
of procedures to accomplish them, assigned duties, delegated authority and set up suitable inspection,
testing, examination and audit programs to verify that the requisite standards of performance and customer
(Employer) satisfaction are achieved. This quality plan is designed to accomplish and demonstrate
achievement / compliance of / to all contractual -material, equipment and services quality, performance
and workmanship requirements specified by contract and the Employer.
1.1 Scope of Application

This quality plan is overall applicable for the Project titled,

1.2 Contract Particulars

Project Title :
Contract No :
Client :
Consultant :
Contractor :
Commencement Date :
Original Contract Period :
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1.3 Corporate and Contract Specific Quality System Documentation:

The source documents for the plan are following:

Reference Documents Precedence Level

1. Agreement / Contract 1 Applicable Laws & Regulations

Agreement / Contract, Drawings &

2. ISO 9001: 2015 2
3. Employer's Drawings 3 Project Quality Plan - ISO 9001: 2015

4. Employer's Specifications 4 Inspection and Test Plan

5. Applicable Laws & Regulations 5 Method Statements

6. Corporate Procedures 6 Corporate Procedures

1.4 Issue / Revision Control & Distribution

This quality plan is prepared by the COMPANY and should be approved by Consultant for
implementation on site. It is a controlled document and the COMPANY Head Office & Site
Management controls its issue and distribution.

Revisions may be necessary to incorporate Consultant’s Instructions or as a result of site requirements

/corrective actions agreed during internal audits. The COMPANY’s Management (delegated to the
Project Manager as required) will conduct all revisions and all holders of controlled copies will be issued
latest revised copies whenever revisions are effected and approved by COMPANY . The first revision is
'0' followed by 1, 2 & 3 on subsequent revisions. The revision number is indicated on every page as can
be seen in the header. The changes/modifications are highlighted and revision number is mentioned in a
box wherever practical.
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Employer/ Client



Subcontractor/Sub-tiers Organization employed by COMPANY for executing part of

the works

Supplier Organization used by COMPANY and /or

subcontractors for supply of Services and approved


ITP Inspection and Test Plan

WIR Inspection& Test Request

RFI Request for Information ( Technical Query)

HSE Health, Safety and Environment

QMS Quality Management System

NCR Non-Conformance Report

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3.1 Project Quality Policy of COMPANY

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3.2 The objectives for this project are listed below:

100 % Compliance to Contractual Drawings &Specifications and

Contract Documents.
Ensure NCR's are limited to a minimum and if issued closed
Non Conformances
within 2weeks maximum or as agreed.
Customer Satisfaction Level - Minimum 2
Customer Satisfaction Survey midway during execution and
towards end of project
Measurement Audits are conducted as per schedule within + 4 week
Completion of all works as per approved schedule of works and
Progress Progress reports submitted within stipulated time
Material and Drawings are submitted well ahead of start of the
relevant activity
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4.1 General

COMPANY has implemented and maintains the quality management system for Project,
as detailed in this quality plan together with all applicable contractual documents referred in

This Quality Plan is established to ascertain that all construction activities are performed in
complete conformance with the approved construction drawings and all applicable standard
specifications and contractual and Legal Requirements.

The overall responsibility to maintain the PQP rests with the Quality Assurance/ Quality
Control (QA/QC) Engineer and project team. Their direct responsibility is to ensure that all
contract/client requirements for this project, together with the integral QA/QC procedures
and PQP are strictly adhered to. The powers of QA/QC Engineer, related to controlling
quality of construction, fabrication, erection, material, and test procedures, shall not be
overruled by any superintendent manager, including project manager. Any disputes or
conflicts shall be brought to the attention of the General Manager of COMPANY for

COMPANY is committed to continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS by rigorous

implementation and planned internal audits. Ongoing improvements/suggestions and
recommendations from the Consultant will be implemented.

The following will describe how COMPANY will execute the project in accordance with ISO
9001: 2015 requirements with the help of Project QA/QC Team as shown below:




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4.2 Interaction and Application of the Processes

The key processes are grouped into three main process groups –
Key Process Group (1) Management, Resources and Administration (Sections 5-6)
Key Process Group (2) Project / Construction Operations (section 7)
Key Process Group (3) Measurement, Analysis and Improvement (Section 8)

These process groups satisfy the ISO 9001:2015 requirement for processes in that they include
Management Responsibility, Provision of Resources. Product Realization and
Measurement, Analysis and Improvement.

Process (1) - Management, Resources and Administration covers all the management
activities of planning, implementing and managing the system and determining and
providing those resources needed to operate the system effectively and assure product/service

Process (1) enables Process (2) - Project/Construction Operations to take place in a

planned and systematic way in order to comply with contract/project requirements and
eventually Employer satisfaction and realization of payments. Process (2) covers all those
elements of product and service realization, those activities pertinent to the quality
management system which take place during the planning, purchasing, design, fabrication
and installation of the product or service and related testing and commissioning works.

Process (3) - Measurement, Analysis and Improvement measures and monitors the
effectiveness of Process (1) and Process (2) and provides feedback to those processes for

4.3 Documentation Requirements

The project quality management is documented by this quality plan and associated project
procedures as may be developed, together with the quality procedures and project specific
method statements that will be developed for the project.

4.4 Documentation Structure

The following three levels of documentation will be utilized and maintained to satisfy the
requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and to ensure adequate control of the processes.

Level I Quality Plan

Level II Project Specific Procedures
Level III Inspection and Test Plans
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Method Statements

4.5 Documents & Records Procedure:

Document Controller will ensure that valid issues of documents related to the project are
available and used in the execution of the work, and that obsolete documents are promptly
removed from all points of use. Distribution is controlled and is detailed in the Document
Distribution Matrix.

A Valid document register indicating contract documents as received from Consultant will be
Any obsolete document is either destroyed or if need to be retained - these are clearly marked
All documents will be uniquely numbered as explained in 4.6 Forms within a procedure are
numbered with a prefix FM after the project code. For example “PQP-01” is the Project
Quality Plan and a form belonging to this procedure/plan is numbered as “FM-01-10” -
Document Distribution Matrix.

4.6 Document Numbering System

COMPANY proposed numbering system for quality related documents are explained below.
However, COMPANY to follow Consultant procedures for document numbering.
a) Project documents have been categorized with abbreviations as under.
Table 1 - Category of Documents and Project Code
Description of Document Abbreviation
1 Project Specific Procedures FSP
9 Method Statement MS
3 Inspection and Test Plan ITP
4 Quality Check-Sheets QC
5 Forms FM
6 Project Code xxx

b) Unique series has been allocated for various project management / control activities.
These are reproduced as under:

Table 2 — Project Activity Series (to be developed as required)

Series No. Project Activities

0100 Project Management
0200 Engineering and Design Control (if applicable)
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0300 Material, Procurement and Subcontracting

0400 Quality Management
0500 Health, Safety and Environment Management
1000 Civil Method Statements
0600 Sub Contractor Method Statements

The numbering system for all documents described above is a simple alpha-numeric system
giving the category of the document, the project reference, the serial number (3 digits for
Procedures and an extended digit for related Forms and Quality Check-Sheets) within the
Procedure/Activity Series.

Table 3 - Numbering System

The Consultant/ System will be followed

a. All documents will have full reference to the Project/Contract Agreement Number (if
given by Consultant) and will have the document number, revision number and date
on which the document was made.

b. The first submission will have a Revision Number '0' and subsequent submissions will
be followed by A, B, C and so on.

c. Revisions/Changes will be indicated with a vertical line in the left margin. Brief
details necessitating the revision will be indicated in the revision history block on the
first page.

d. Status of submission and approval will be updated every time a submission is made
and /Consultant comments are received.

e. The Document Controller will issue a monthly status report on submissions/approval.

Follow up on submissions will be done by COMPANY’ Project Manager.

f. Approval category legends as approved and implemented by COMPANY will

becomplied with. The Approval/Status Codes for shop drawings, product data
including material submittal, catalogue data, sample and other documents shall be as
shown in the following table:
Table - 4: Approval Legends for shop drawings, material submittal,
Catalogue data, sampleand other documents etc.

Approval Code Explanation

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Accepted:Construction /fabrication may proceed, no discrepancies

have been identified

Accepted subject to comments:Construction /fabrication may proceed

B provided submittal complies with Consultant’s comments and upgrade
the submittal in status A.

Incorporate comments, re-submit before proceeding

C Construction /fabrication shall not proceed; required revisions and re-
submittal shall be made incorporating comments of the Consultant.

D Not accepted / Rejected

4.7 Letters, Transmittal and Faxes Numbering

The letter, transmittal and fax numbering system will be as agreed with
Consultant.COMPANY Project Manager together with the Site Secretary/Document
Controller is responsible for control of all documents and informing all affected

Incoming / Outgoing Mail

All incoming mail/correspondence are stamped to indicate date of receipt. COMPANY
Project Manager then reviews and indicates further distribution (to HO and relevant
subcontractors) and action by others.

Project Specific Correspondence is logged in 'Incoming Mail Register'.

The secretary/document controller will track and ensure that COMPANY’ Project Manager
will respond to /Consultant Correspondence while on the other hand remind him of the
pending responses to outstanding correspondence.

4.8 Shop Drawings

All shop drawings will be uniquely numbered with indication of latest revisions as per the
agreed drawing numbering system. COMPANY’s engineering requirements on Engineering
Document Numbering will be complied with. Wherever practical, the changes themselves are
indicated by clouding and placing the revision number in a triangle beside the cloud. Drawing
submittal and approval status is tracked using the Drawing Submittal and Approval Log.
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'As Built' Drawings

All shop drawings shall be in status “A” before proceeding to as built. As built mark ups
are continuously marked during execution by the Surveyor or Project Engineers. After
incorporation of these as built mark ups in the drawings, the 'AS BUILT' drawings will be
submitted for approval by the Main Contractor in soft or hard copy form.

Comments by the Consultant will be further incorporated until the AS BUILT Drawings are
approved. “ASBUILT” drawings will be marked with a new revision number as agreed with
Consultant. Submission requirements for As Built Drawings as indicated in the Contract will
be followed.

4.9 Control of Quality Records

The following quality records will be maintained on site: -

 Contract Specifications. Drawings+ Contract Documents (Stamped & Signed) &
 Daily, Weekly and Monthly Progress Report
 Master Construction Schedule
 Approved Quality Plan and HSE Plan
 Approved Inspection and Test Plans
 Approved Procedures / Method Statements & Check Sheets
 Signed Quality Check Sheets (Verifying Records)
 Material Test Certificates / Mill certificates,
 All Test Reports from Laboratories
 Approved Shop Drawings & As Built Drawings
 Material Approval
 Request for Information (RFI) or Technical Query
 Inspection & Test Request (WIR)
 Closed out Non Conformance Reports
 Corrective Action / Rectification Records
 Internal and Employer/Contractor Audit reports
 Calibration Reports
 All other records identified in individual procedures

Every Thursday backups are taken for these log files and data available on networking by
different departments, and these backups are kept in the head office.


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Generally these records are logically filed in sequence so as to make the final hand-over a
convenient exercise. The hand over dossier is compiled as per the contract requirements as
will be agreed with the Consultant.

COMPANY will retain all project related documents for period as specified in the Contract.


COMPANY's management is committed to implement an effective quality management

system for Project. Communication of this commitment will be done by periodic reminders of
the need and importance to meeting Employer and regulatory requirements.

COMPANY will ensure regular interactions with all project parties and shall comply with
specification requirements and approved drawings. Commitments made during meetings
will be implemented.

COMPANY quality policy has already been detailed in Section 3. Specific project objectives
have been indicated in section 3.2. These will be verified during inspections and audits.

5.1 Responsibility, Authority and Communication

The project will be managed with adequate resources on site for executing contract
requirements. The Project Organization Chart details the site organization, copy of Project
Organization Chart can be found in attachments for reference. Updated organization chart may be
found at site and is maintained current by the Project Manager. Updates will be submitted to the

COMPANY's site team will be fully complemented by the Head Office support in terms of
Engineering Drawings, Procurement & Expediting, Quality Assurance, HSE Management and
Contract Administration.

The key personnel reporting and interaction is shown on the organization chart. The
responsibilities of the key personnel can be found in attachments to this plan. The formal point
of contact will be the Project Manager. The Project Manager reports directly to the General
Manager and is fully authorized to deal with all technical and commercial issues of the project.


Project Manager:

 The Project Manager is responsible for the effective control of the project.
 He will be responsible for ensuring that the work is performed in Accordance with the
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Contract specifications and within the time and costs constraints with required quality
 He shall arrange the necessary manpower, plant, machinery and material to complete
the construction activities in Accordance with the Contract requirements.
 He shall provide all support to the Quality Control Department and shall ensure that
all the inspection and corrective action requirements as instructed by the QA/QC
Engineer are carried out by the construction personnel to comply with the
 He shall be responsible person for the Completion & Handing over of the Project to
the Consultant/Client and to ensure that all relevant Certificates to this effect are
being issued by the concerned authority.

Project Engineer:

 The function of the Project Engineer is to plan and coordinate the activities of all the
members of the Project team, subcontractors and suppliers and monitors and report
status/progress of the project to the Project Manager, Managing Director/Top
Management and to the Client.

QA/QC Engineer

 The QA/QC Engineer is responsible for developing the QA/QC Plan for the project,
in compliance with the Client specification and requirements.
 He shall be responsible for ensuring that the approved QA/QC Plan is effectively
implemented in the Contract and the inspection and test results are properly
 He shall conduct audits to ensure compliance of the construction activities in
compliance with the approved Method Statements and QA/QC Plan and verify that
Quality Records are being documented accordingly.
 He shall review all modification and amendments to the QA/QC Plan.

 Shall conduct inspection; monitor the required test and record inspections and tests
made .In the inspection, the QA/QC personnel shall ensure compliance of the
construction to contract plans and specifications and the attainment of quality level as
work progresses.
 He shall coordinate with the Project Manager regarding work performance and shall
have the authority to stop work in any area where discrepancies remain uncorrected,
and shall cancel the Stop Work Order or Non-conformance certificates upon
satisfactory correction of noted deficiencies.
 Shall ensure that all material and equipment incorporated into permanent construction
are in compliance with the contract requirements; ensure that client’s approval and/or
the required factory or supplier compliance certificates have been obtained upon
delivery of available material at the project site.
 These QA/QC personnel are available full-time to ensure effective implementation of
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the QA/QC Plan.

Site Engineer:

 The Site Engineer is responsible for the actual execution of his part of the works in
coordination with the other site engineer and the subcontractor.
 Then execute his part of the work as per schedule fixed by PM/PE. Supervise and
ensure that all works executed by his team are carried out in accordance with all
project requirements.
 Perform all required inspection and test as per approved project quality plan and ITPs.
Organize and monitor site engineer’s role in execution of works.
 Initiate and forward to the quality department all inspection requests planned for next
 Ensure that only approved material are incorporated in his works. Report to the
QA/QC Department any non-conformances observed by himself or his collaborates.

Safety Engineer:

 Assist to implement the Project Health and Safety plan.

 Coordinate with the Project Manager regarding work performance and shall have the
authority to stop work in any area where discrepancies remain unsafe and shall cancel
the stop work order upon satisfactory correction of noted safety deficiencies.
 Deliver site safety induction courses for new staff and work force.
 Ensure regular site specific “Toolbox Talks” are delivered to all concerns which
include Subcontractor’s employees.
 Coordinate with Site Engineers in advising on any improvement in existing work
methods and notify any potential hazards before work starts.
 Ensure emergency procedures are developed and implemented as per Consultant’s
IMS and Client’s requirements.
 Monitor and regularly report on the health, safety and environment aspect of the
project. Report the Safety Manager regarding the project site’s health performance.
 Record and report to the Safety Manager / Project Manager any accident/incident for
inclusion in the monthly HSE Report.
 Perform regular site inspections and record/report findings. Liaise with Subcontractor
and in particular their nominated Site Supervision.
 Maintain overall good housekeeping to work sites.

Field Surveyor:

 Responsible to carry out complete survey work for project construction activities,
check all existing site levels and benchmark and prepare site survey layouts, sets all
coordinates corners, axes, profiles and their recovery, ensures that the operating grade
levels are as per drawing and specifications, monitor earthworks and ensures
systematic sequence of progress is within the specification and quality requirements.
 Controls and assures the Quantity of Earthworks, sets and check the alignment and
levels of all structures, provides level data and setting out for all pipelines, assist the
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Consulting Engineer in the measurement of executed works, liaises and shares

information with Project Engineer/Coordination Engineer, Contract Engineer, QA/QC
Material Engineer, subcontractor, etc., Ensures that all surveying instruments used are
calibrated and updated regularly.

Site Forman:

 Responsible to carry out all quality related activities in accordance to the project
quality plan. To submit all quality control procedures forms to QA/QC Engineer.
 Report any item of concern regarding quality to QA/QC engineer and/ or directly
project manager (if of any significant importance) and to submit reports (Inspection
reports, Measurement sheets etc.) approved by Consultant to QA/QC officer.


 The function of the storekeeper is to see to it that all material and supplies intended
for the project are properly controlled as far as Storage, Handling, Preservation and
protection requirement are concerns complying with the established procedures and
manufacturer’s recommendation.
 Ensure that items and supplies received in the store shall comply with requirement
stated in the Purchase Order and in the project specification.
 Adhere to QMS, Health & Safety and EMS policies and procedures. Ensure that the
quality of the material is maintained until the point of delivery/use. Maintain good
housekeeping and safe environment inside and outside the store.

Document Controller

 Responsible to control all documents filing, record keeping, revision control,

distribution control of all Contract Documents as well as quality documents.

5.2 Internal communication:

COMPANY will ensure all internal communications are effective either verbal or written
format (memo's). Copies of COMPANY correspondence will be copied to relevant personnel.
Site meetings for co-ordination and progress will be held periodically.

Prior to the commencement of major work activities, the Contractor’s Lead QA/QC Engineer
will conduct induction-training sessions. This training induction will include persons who will
conduct or be involved with a quality function. The training will include the proper use of this
Project Quality Plan, the use of the project specific procedures, the implementation of the
inspection and test plans and maintenance of quality records. Project related scope of works and
highlights would be addressed by the COMPANY's Project Manager.

5.3 Management Review

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Formal Management Reviews of the overall COMPANY Quality System are done at least
twice a year to ensure continuing suitability and effectiveness in satisfying the requirements of
contracts and the ISO 9001 standard. This review by senior management considers the
results of the internal quality and safety audits, the Client audits on sites, and the Non
Conformance's and the corrective/preventive and improvement actions are taken.

Evaluations during these reviews will form the basis of any changes in the project quality
system. This management review will be recorded either as a report or as minutes and
circulated/maintained by the Lead Quality Engineer. All recommendations and action points
arising out of this review will be acted upon within agreed times.

The review participants will include the General Manager, Project Manager, Site Engineer
and QA/QC Engineer, COMPANY's Project Manager and key site personnel as required.


COMPANY will ensure that all resources required for the successful execution of the project
are provided within time. These resources include manpower, site facilities, lifting tools and
tackles, storage space, personal protective equipment, instruments, construction equipment
and machinery.
Details of these as made in technical submissions and those committed by work schedule
and required to successfully complete the project will be mobilized to site in accordance
with the schedule requirements. All necessary resources for implementing the quality
management system on site will be provided for - sufficient personnel, document
controller and document control systems including trained auditors.

6.1 Human Resources

COMPANY will ensure that only competent personnel with sufficient

qualifications/experience and/or training will be utilized on the project site. COMPANY will
ensure that all proposed key personnel/senior positions are competent to lead this project and
generally comply with the Client requirements.

Regular training sessions following the initial induction training will be conducted on site to
keep and update the personnel of contract and technical requirements. The Project
Manager/QA/QC Engineer/HSE Officer will identify training needs on site. Necessary
training for any specialized activity shall be provided to personnel as applicable. Any other
training for specialist operations on site will be provided.

6.2 Infrastructure
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All equipment deployed on site will be fit for use on site. Authority requirements/Legal
requirements/Employer requirements for vehicles, lifting equipment and tackles will be
complied with.

6.3 Work Environment

Proper infrastructure, Safety Tools and Tackles, necessary rest/ablution facilities and other
requirement to provide a safe and sustainable conducive work environment will be provided.
Necessary safety procedures and relevant contract requirements will be posted at pertinent
All the Project Safety requirements will be proactively implemented onsite, to ensure safe
working environment and to successful execution of the project without fatalities, lost time
accidents and lost time in accordance with the Project Specific HSE Plan.

7.1 Planning of Product Realization

The project will be executed strictly in accordance with the contract specifications and
drawings, approved procedures and schedules. COMPANY's Planning Package/ Schedule
will be submitted separately. COMPANY reporting formats if any will be utilized. Only
approved material will be utilized in the project. Sub-Contractors as approved by
COMPANYand Consultant will be utilized on site.

The whole process of Project/Construction operations can be split as:

 Contract review - which is done at tender stage and immediately after award

 Design Control – Residual engineering and design and shop drawings for
the works will be submitted to the Consultant for approval. Specific design
process will cover the areas where the COMPANY will conduct any value
engineering and design development that is within the scope of work of the

 Purchasing Control - use of approved material and Sub-contractors and

store control. Specific requirements related to sustainable material/products
should be observed and implemented wherever possible.

 Inspection and Testing - including receiving inspection, in process

inspections and testing, inspections at vendor premises (if required) and

 Handover/Close Out.

Contract Review Procedure

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Method Statements will be submitted to ensure planning of the detailed construction activities
including specification requirements, equipment, and possible hazards and control measures
which need to be in place for a safe operation.

7.2 Customer Related Processes

COMPANY has reviewed the contractual requirements in detail at tender, the time of post-
tender negotiations and on award of contract. All addenda and bulletins issued during tender
period, post tender clarifications and other queries are all retained as contractual documents.

Where requirements are not clear, the Client will be contacted and clarifications will be
sought. Records are kept of all reviews and any exchange of correspondence on contractual
requirements is filed as evidence of contract review.

The post award contract review is done in COMPANY's Head Office and attended by the
General Manager, the Lead QA/QC Engineer and the Project Manager.

7.2.1 Clarifications on Site

Any clarifications on drawings, scope of works, contractual requirements or technical queries

are assessed by means of “Request for Information” or "Technical Query". All RFIs or TQs
are treated as contractual documents and will form part of the final hand over documentation.
Consultant’s responses will be copied to relevant departments/personnel.

7.2.2 Variations / Site Measurements

The Variation Procedure as described in the Contract Agreement and agreed with
Client/Consultant will be followed. All instructions constituting variations whether through
issue of new/revised drawings RFIs or other changes will be properly documented and

7.3 Design and Development (wherever applicable)

Residual Engineering and Design as applicable to COMPANY scope of work will be

developed as follows:

7.3.1 Design and Development Planning Necessary meetings will be conducted with Client and respective

Subcontractor and other relevant participants to agree on the review
stages, deliverables and submission schedule.
Responsibilities of each of the members of the design team will be
established. In general these responsibilities are summarized below: -
No. Member Responsibilities
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1 COMPANY Approval of Deliverables, Design Computations

&Responding to Clarifications
2 COMPANY Compile Design Deliverables. Review for
completeness all design documents. Review for
contractual compliance. Submit documents to
Contractor / Employer for approval. Participate as
applicable in Design Review / Verification /
Validation Meetings Design Management Strategy

COMPANY has in the contract document specified scope of works including general
requirements and design/performance criteria for various portions of the work.

COMPANY will input these requirements along with other information from drawings,
proprietary information and specifications and apply applicable/relevant codes and standards
to complete the residual engineering and design, which will be delivered in the form of
drawings and specifications including computations wherever required.

Detailed design will be carried out, as applicable, as per applicable codes and standards,
especially considering ease of construction, availability of material locally, ease of
maintenance, economics, reliability and sustainability.

Regular meetings are envisaged where design review and technical discussions will be carried
out/information exchanged to ensure the design programme is executed in accordance with
agreed milestones for deliverables.

All design documents/drawings will be checked and reviewed by authorized personnel within
the COMPANY and submitted for approval of the Consultant. All design changes will be
recorded and all necessary records/changes/instructions will be maintained. Design will be
validated against User requirements by means of tests and commissioning/handover.

7.3.2 Design and Development Inputs design inputs for this project could be grouped as under: -
a) Contract drawings/concept drawings as received from Consultant.
b) Contract Specifications
c) Contract Agreement/Contract Conditions - General and Particular
d) Proprietary information of other relevant services
e) Authority/Main Client Requirements and Changes requested by Employer.
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Page : - 24 - The above design inputs shall be reviewed for adequacy and any unclear
item or ambiguity will be clarified with Consultant.

7.3.3 Design and Development Outputs Design Outputs will be in the form of the drawings and sketches. A list of
deliverables will be agreed which will be the basis for comparing the
progress of design works. Necessary formats agreed with and the output documents will be submitted to
the Client for approval. COMPANY will ensure that the design output documents will satisfy the input
requirements, provide adequate specifications for purchasing, installation
and servicing, provide acceptance criteria and specify safety requirements as

7.3.4 Design and Development Review Reviews may take the form of meetings, or submittal and all design review
meetings will be recorded. It is understood that design activities/process
status will be discussed during the progress meetings. Review will identify any bottlenecks in the design process, identify solutions
and will evaluate the ability of the design process to meet requirements.

7.3.5 Design and Development Verification Design Verification will take the form of approval from the Client and any
meetings held for the purpose as in 7.3.4 above. Methods used for verification include; 1) performing alternative calculations,

2) review of design output documents as discussed in 7.3.3 and 3) comparing
design specification with similar proven design specification. All design verification documents will be recorded and maintained, including
results for any tests and demonstrations. Results of any verification that necessitates changes in other already

reviewed/approved/issued documents will be highlighted and subject
documents will be reissued and resubmitted for Client approval.

7.3.6 Design and Development Validation

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i. Design Validation verifies that User's needs are met. This will be
achieved by ensuring completed works are checked, tested,
commissioned and Employer/User Departments/Authorities have
accepted the works.

ii. For the nature of the construction industry the design validation
documents will be final inspection reports, snag lists if any, testing
and commissioning reports; and the provisional and final acceptance

7.3.7 Design Changes All design changes necessitated either as a result of design review;

verification, validation, Client instructions, changes in law/regulations, etc.
will be recorded. Affected documents will be modified appropriately and
documented, reviewed and approved in accordance with 7.3.1-7.3.6. All
design changes will be recorded and maintained.

7.4 Purchasing

Material and Subcontractors to be used in the works shall be first submitted for Client
approval. Consideration will be given on quality, delivery, reliability, sustainability, price,
and service. Criteria for selection of Subcontractors and Suppliers/Vendors besides complying
with Specifications and legal/local Authority registrations are; organizational structure,
prior experience, Quality and HSE systems, past performance, previous experience with
Client and Departments/Authorities, compliance with sustainability requirements, current
workload and adequate expertise/experience in the particular service shall be considered and
complied with. Where there are proprietary items and the above criteria cannot be adhered to,
Client would be placed on the actual picture with details during submission for approval.
Material approval and deliveries will be tracked and reported in progress reports. Material is
purchased only from the approved sources. Material requisitions are sent from site, detailing
the requirements. All material to be permanently incorporated into the project will be
subjected to receiving checks by civil Inspectors / Project Manager and Storekeeper see


 The QA/QC Engineer is responsible for delegating a trained and experienced

personnel qualified at receiving and performing inspections of materials.
 Store keeper is responsible for receiving goods, materials from the suppliers/
 Store Keeper is required to take the delivery notes, transfer voucher, reference to
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the Local purchase order, certificate of Origin (in case of goods of foreign origin)
 Store Keeper prepares a “Daily Material Report” which he sends to the QA/QC
department coupled with the delivery documents.
 QA/QC Inspector visits the store and checks the material as per the Daily Material
Report and collect random samples.
 QA/QC Engineer prepares a material inspection request on the MIR Form. And
attaches the delivery documents and sends samples to Consultant for approval.
 The MIRs are recorded in daily MIR log to keep a track of Material Inspections.
 One copy of approved MIR is sent to the Subcontractor/Supplier (in case it is
related to them) and the status is recorded in the daily MIR log.
 Store Keeper sends a Monthly Report of all the materials received to the QA/QC
Engineer who after analysis of the monthly report presents the analysis to the
Project Manager for the purposes of cost control and one copy to Consultant as
part of monthly QA/QC report.
 Records of Approved Materials are kept in files as per document control
 A computerized log is maintained for all the material on network by the QA/QC
department for the purposes of easy reference to all concerned.


In case the Material is received at the Sub-contractors/Suppliers site store, it is the

responsibility of the Subcontractor’s QA/QC Inspector to inspect the material and delivery
documents and prepare the MIR and submit the MIR to COMPANY QA/QC Department,
the procedure for Inspection is adopted in the same manner as detailed above, with
coordination of the subcontractor to facilitate the material Inspection.

Validation of Subcontracted Activities (out sourced processes)


Any materials where validation of process is required to be verified at the supplier’s premises
i.e. verification of fabrication process and or testing at supplier’s premises is required shall be
carried out in the following manner.

1. COMPANY shall notify in writing to the Consultant regarding the supplier premises’
visit requirements as per the contract at least 2 days before the intended
inspection/verification date.
2. COMPANY shall make arrangements for the Consultant’s visit to the supplier
3. All testing/inspection and or verifications shall be witnessed by the Consultant
4. A signed report by all parties shall be produced, by COMPANY and submitted to
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Consultant for their approval.

5. The subsequent test results (where applicable) shall be submitted for Consultant’s
approval as per the project procedures.
6. Only after approval by Consultant material shall be ordered/delivered to site.

All Sub- Contractors used in the project are subjected to the same project quality assurance
requirements as applicable to COMPANY. Subcontract agreements are made on a back-to-back
basis, thus making all Sub-Contractors bound to the main contract requirements.

7.5 Production and Service Provision

COMPANY understands the critical operations involved during the construction works. As
such, coordination, use of dated and approved drawings, and strict compliance to safety
and sustainability requirements and approved method statement will be ensured.

7.5.1.A Control of Production and Service

The construction activities shall be controlled by the use of this Quality Plan, HSE Plan,
Master Construction Schedule, Inspection and Test Plans, Project Specific
Procedures/Method Statements and Check Sheets together with the contract drawings and

Familiarity and knowledge of contract specifications/drawings and strict adherence

together with the regular interaction/monitoring/in-process inspections will ensure that work
is executed to contract requirements.

The COMPANY's Project Manager/Site Agent together with his site team will ensure that
the work is executed in line with the relevant procedures, suitable equipment are used and
the work is monitored at various stages as required by specifications and identified in the
Inspection and Test Plans and relevant procedures.

Inspection will be done using calibrated instruments at predefined inspection times as per the
Inspection and Test Plans.

Contract Requirements on planning, progress reporting, and construction management will be

complied with.

Work Progress is monitored on a daily/weekly basis and progress reporting is done as per
contract requirements. Suitable actions shall be taken to accelerate progress and avoid
slippages. Where required, the schedules will be modified as agreed with the Consultant.
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7.5.1.B Service Provision & Operation and Servicing Manual

COMPANY will provide Servicing/Maintenance as agreed in the contract. The mandatory

maintenance period after receipt of provisional acceptance (and before final acceptance) is an
example of servicing. All subcontract arrangements for executing works reflect the
maintenance clause so as to ensure servicing/product warranty is guaranteed. Records of the
correspondence with relevant Sub-Contractors during this stage are maintained and retained
in the COMPANY's Head Office.

All Operational/Servicing Manual and Spare List and Spares as required for the project (as
may be applicable to the Contract), will be submitted to Consultant for approval
sufficiently in advance of completion and hand over stage. Consultant comments will be
incorporated and all submissions will be done accordingly. Training (if any) of Employer
Personnel shall be provided as per contract requirements as may be required and as applicable.

7.5.2 Validation of Processes

Mock-ups, factory tests, performance tests and procedures/method statements approved by

Client will cover specialized work activities and work will be done accordingly. Project
Specific Procedures will be developed for work activity where absence would affect quality
of work. This will be coordinated with the Consultant. Examples are mock up samples,
erection presentations, etc.

7.5.3 Product Identification and Traceability

The product is visually identifiable as to the status of work and the numbering as indicated in
the approved drawings and the Employer preferred numbering system.

Incoming material are correctly identified and stored. Most of the construction materials are
identifiable by means of labels and packaging by the manufacturer/supplier. Where not
available, material will be suitably identified by using coloured markers and or tags. All
material coming out of store shall be either traceable by marking/labels, store records, test
certificate, etc.

Reinforcing Steel/piping/cables (if applicable) will be traceable by maintaining the

Manufacturer’s Certificates. Testing will be done as per specification requirements. Mill
certificates and steel tags on bundles of steel are used to establish quality of steel received on
site. Where fabrication is done off site, necessary inspections will be done as per instructions
of Client. In any case off site-fabricated items, these will have the necessary quality
documents on steel certificates and final delivery notes.

7.5.4 Customer Property

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Free Issue Material issued by client will be properly identified, checked, stored and
handled in full compliance with requirements. These items will be checked for correctness
before being accepted for use on site. Any missing items will be indicated to Client. Any
surplus material at the end of construction will be returned to Client.

Any material obtained from dismantling/demolition will be considered as Employer’s

property and will be returned/disposed off as per Client’s instructions and contract

Care will be taken of Employer property by complying with all safety and security
requirements. COMPANY understands the confidentiality of drawings and the property
contained therein and will only exchange information as required for the project.

7.5.5 Preservation of Product

Suitable actions are initiated on site to ensure material to be used in the project are handled
and stored in accordance with manufacturer's instructions/good engineering practice, so as to
avoid damage to material. Any specific contract requirements on storage and handling
will be followed.

Material received on site for permanent incorporation in the project, are subject to Receiving
Inspection by respective Engineer/Construction Manager and Storekeeper. Presence of
COMPANY will be as per contract requirements and as indicated in the ITP's. Acceptable
material are listed on the Site Receipts and logged into the database. Store data is continuously
updated on receipt and issue to site.

Handling/Storage will be done as recommended by Manufacturers/Suppliers or as per good

engineering practices so as to avoid and minimize damage to material. Necessary preservation
activities will be done, such as storage under controlled conditions of temperature for sensitive
material and shaded/ventilated areas for volatile material.

Deliveries of construction material to site are unloaded as close to the point of use as possible.
This is done to prevent damage and avoid double handling.

7.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices

All instruments/equipment affecting quality (e.g. Survey Instrument) to be used on site will be
listed and identified with unique COMPANY's identification numbers. The Calibration Status
is identified by availability of calibration certificates. Calibration is done once a year or earlier
if an error is reported.

Calibration Frequency for all instruments will be one year. However calibration
Checks/accuracy Checks will be done before actual measurement of any characteristic. Any
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instrument showing errors will be sent back to Client's HO for calibration. Any
measurements done with such instruments will be validated once again using calibrated

The instruments and measuring equipment are stored in such a way as to avoid damage and
alter the calibrated status. Users of all instruments and equipment are responsible to Check
that the instruments they are using are calibrated and accurate. Initial Checks are generally
done to ensure accuracy. Instruments/Equipment used by Sub-COMPANYs on site will be
subjected to the same control.

Copies of the Calibration Certificates will be available on site; Originals are filed with the
COMPANY's or Subcontractor’s QA Department.


8.1 General

COMPANY will plan and implement the monitoring, measurement, analysis and
improvement processes to demonstrate conformity with the contract requirements, process
performance objectives, conformity of the planned quality management system, and for the
continuous improvement of the quality management system.

The monitoring, measurement, and the analysis are indicated below -

 Customer Satisfaction - use of the Customer Satisfaction Survey
Questionnaire at least once during the project duration.
 Internal Audit - to Check compliance and effectiveness of the quality
management system and processes
 Monitoring and Measurement of the Processes (Employer level)
 Monitoring and Measurement of the Product (Inspection and Testing) - use of
Inspection and Test Plans
 Control of Non Conformances and Non conforming product
 Analysis of data

While the improvement processes include –

 Corrective Action
 Preventive Action
 Continual Improvement

All the above processes are described in greater detail below.

8.2 Monitoring and Measurement

8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction

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COMPANY will seek Consultant/ response on the satisfaction achieved and Check whether
COMPANY has satisfied their requirements/expectations. A questionnaire will be circulated,
and Consultant/ response will be analysed and weak areas indicated will be highlighted to
senior management and site management. Necessary actions will be taken to improve upon
the weak areas indicated. Customer satisfaction survey (frequency) will be conducted at
least once in the project, preferably at end of project.

8.2.2 Internal Audit

As part of the continuous monitoring of the effectiveness of the Quality System, periodic
internal audits will be carried out by trained internal auditors from COMPANY.

The findings will be available to the Project Manager and COMPANY's Senior
Management and all improvement actions and follow up will be done by the COMPANY's
Project Manager.

Internal audits are divided into four stages:

Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV


Internal audits are “Audit Program” During audit, “Audit Report” is

planned after is prepared at least evidence is prepared as per
every 6 months but one week before collected as per section 5.3 by the
frequency may be audit, approved, section 5.2 by the QAM after
changed as per and distributed to concerned auditor. completing all
requirements. all concerned. planned activities.

Internal auditor QE assigns each Audit observations Within a week, it is

prior to audits auditor the specific are documented on distributed to all
performs review of PQP elements or “Corrective Action concerned as per
PQP documents functional Request” forms distribution list
and prepares their departments to and are mutually mentioned in
checklists, if audit. agreed. section 5.4.

Each auditor Non-compliances,

prepares his/her if identified by the
own working auditor, are all
documents treated as “NC”
required for only.
performing audit.
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The documents used by the auditors to facilitate the auditor’s investigation and to
document and report results are Audit Program, Checklists (prepared by the Auditors, if
required) for evaluating PQP elements, Forms for reporting audit observations (i.e.,
Corrective Action Requests, CAR), ISO 9001:2015 Standards, and Writing Instruments


While executing the audit, the auditors seek objective evidence demonstrating whether
audited activities comply with the requirements of the documented PQP. These evidences
are collected through the following means:

 Interviews,
 Examination of documents,
 Observation of activities, and
 Conditions in the areas concerned.

Clues suggesting non-conformities are noted if they seem significant, even though not
covered by checklists, and are investigated. Each noncompliance noted during the day is
documented on the CAR form within the next two to three working days. QAM or the
concerned auditor fills out only first part of the form, describing the noted non-
compliance. All the non-conformities are marked as NC only.


All audit observations are properly documented. After all activities have been audited, the
Quality Engineer in consultation with the audit team reviews all of their observations to
determine which are to be reported as non-conformities. When any non-compliance is
found, it is brought to the attention and discussed with the concerned area head. The audit
team ensures that all the non-conformities are documented in a clear, concise manner and
are supported by evidence.

The results of the audit are recorded in the “Audit Report”, and are brought to the
attention of the personnel having responsibility in the area audited. The audit report is
prepared by Quality Engineer who is responsible for its accuracy and completeness. The
audit report contains the following items:

 Scope and objectives of the audit.

 Details of the audit program.
 Identification of the audit team members, Audi tee’s representative, and audit dates.
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 Descriptions of non-conformities.
 Audit team’s judgment of the extent of the Audi tee’s compliance with the applicable
quality system standard and related documentation.
 The system’s ability to achieve defined quality objectives and conclusions on
effectiveness and efficiency.


The audit report is issued within a week after the completion of the audit and is
distributed to the concerned department for taking corrective or preventive action or other
purposes. If it cannot be issued within a week, the reasons for the delay are documented
and are forwarded to the auditee and Quality Engineer and a revised issue date is


Noncompliance, if Auditor documents Auditee signs it Auditor maintains

any, is identified it on the CAR and agrees a target “CAR Log” sheet
by the Auditor. form. date to close the and gives CAR
NC. form to auditee.

Auditor follows up Auditee O Auditor reviews it Auditee

the action(s) taken implements CA k and if finds OK, investigates root
and checks the within agreed due allows auditee to cause(s) and
effectiveness. date. proceed. proposes CA.

Ok Not Not
ok ok

If the CA is A new target date Auditor receives

effective, Auditor is agreed upon and the closed CAR
closes out the CAR the same cycle is from Auditee and
form. repeated. updates log sheet.


Quality Engineer retains all records generated and used in the implementation of this
procedure for a minimum period of three years.

8.2.3 Monitoring and Measurement of Processes

Effectiveness of processes will be checked against the pre-planned performance objectives set
for the processes during internal audits. The performance objectives for processes have
been documented on corporate level and achievement or otherwise will be used to Check
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effectiveness of the processes.

8.2.4 Monitoring and Measurement of Product (Inspection & Testing)

The inspection and testing activities are conducted as indicated in the Inspection and Test Plan
(ITP). Necessary co-ordination will be done with the Consultant.

8.2.5 Laboratory / Testing

Approved Independent Testing Laboratory will be utilized for all third party investigations
and testing requirements of the project. All procedures and reporting formats including
personnel will be subject to Consultant/ approval.

The respective Engineer together with Project Manager will ensure necessary coordination with
the Independent Testing Laboratory. They will ensure adequate quantities of representative
samples of material are secured and delivered, design mixes of concrete/screed and other
material would be submitted for approval prior to use onsite. The testing laboratory would be
advised in advance prior to carrying out any operations that will require testing.

8.2.6 Field Inspection Coordination Procedure Inspection Activities and Attendance

COMPANY will provide a set of Inspection and Test Plans together with Check Sheets for
recording the inspection. Each of these Inspection and Test Plans indicate the various
inspections and testing activity, the relevant specification/acceptance criteria and the QC Check-
Sheet (verifying document) required for the inspection documentation.

The Inspection and Test Plans specify a symbol for each control/inspection required level
and the respective Site Engineer would raise the WIR for all HOLD activities. Additionally it
is understood that the Employer has the right to witness at any moment the ongoing
construction activities, as per contract agreement. Definition of Symbols

H = Hold Point

COMPANY is obliged to perform the inspection/test and to verify that the results are
acceptable according to required specifications, the relevant inspection/test report/quality
control Check-Sheet will be signed off; and ensure Client is given sufficient notice and is
obliged to conduct/verify the inspection. Unless waived by Client HOLD activities cannot be
processed further after successful completion of this activity.
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W = Witness Point

The Client is requested in writing to witness an inspection or test but not obliged to witness
the inspection/test that will be performed by others; in case of attendance, the witnessing
party will sign the relevant inspection/test report/QC form if the results are acceptable.

R = Record Review / Review Point

The Consultant/ is requested by COMPANY to review documents issued such as inspection

reports, mill certificates, etc.

S = Surveillance

COMPANY may perform daily random inspections, monitoring the relevant results, on
construction activities/processes as indicated in the description of item to be inspected.

I = Inspection

Daily Inspections by COMPANY's QA/QC person in-charge as work progresses.

A = Approval

The party involved is requested to give approval on the relevant item.

All the controls and tests that involve Client are to be performed jointly with the Client
relevant Inspector. The test/inspection report will be issued by the COMPANY and be
reviewed/approved by Consultant as applicable. Inspection Request (WIR)

All those activities related to any inspection/test/report and classified as Hold (H) / Witness
(W) will be carried out through three essential steps which are:

 Call for inspection

 Inspection
 Result of Inspection (Test Report / QC Check-Sheet)

Calling for inspection will be done by the use of “WIR" – Work Inspection Request,
which is a written Request for Approval of work activities that are classified as HOLD
and/or WITNESS points in the Inspection and Test Plan.

Surveillance inspections on ongoing supporting activities like formwork, ongoing

excavations, cable pulling will not be covered by WIR. These activities could be indicated in
the Daily Site Report/Daily Schedule of Works.
Inspections & Testing activities shall be carried out as per the following:
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In Process Inspections will be carried out as per the Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) for
each activity. Inspection and Test Plans should be read as an integral part of this Quality
Plan for Project 5999.
In process inspections will be carried out in three phases:
1. Preventive Inspection
2. Preparatory Inspection
3. Follow up Inspection.


It is responsibility of Quality Assurance and Control Department generally and especially

of QA/QC Engineer to perform Preventive Inspections.
 On daily basis generally, to review the site activities and conform that QA/QC
procedures are being followed.
 Especially before start of any new activity on site.
Main Points to be checked:
 It is responsibility of the Site Management to coordinate with QA/QC Department
before issuing any Work Notification.
 It is responsibility of the QA/QC Engineers, while performing the preventive
Inspections to check at least the following points, however, the checklist for
preventive inspection may vary as per the site requirements and due to the nature
of works.
 Available workshop drawings are stamped as “Approved for Construction”.
 An approved Method Statement is available with the site staff.
 Review the relevant Contractual Specifications and contract requirements for the
particular activity.
 Material is approved.
 Approval of preceding activity is available.
 Approvals from M.E.P Subcontractors are obtained on coordination issues as
per the nature of the work.
 Any NCR is open on the same location or for the same activity.
 Previous work / activity is approved.
 Once the QA/QC Engineer perform the preventive Inspection and a satisfactory
report is submitted to the Consultant, QA/QC Engineer includes the same in the
daily QA/QC Report.

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QA/QC Engineer is responsible for coordinating all inspection activities as per the
relevant Inspection and Test Plan prepared in line with the contract requirements, with
the Consultant for obtaining their approvals for proceeds after performing preparatory

 It is responsibility of the concerned Construction Manager/Project Engineer to

prepare a Request for Inspection of Works (WIR) in line with the Project progress
 In the same manner subcontractors are also responsible to prepare the WIR and
send it to the relevant Construction Manager for securing the signatures for the
purposes of coordination of works.
 Relevant PE then sends WIR to the QA/QC Department, QA/QC department
records it in the daily WIR activity log, assigns a unique sequential number to the
WIR, records the time, date, location and level to be inspected in the log, and
submits it to Consultant for inspection as a soft copy.
 QA/QC Manager assigns daily inspection activities to the QA/QC engineers, as
per the daily WIR log to check the quality of works before Consultant inspection.
And coordinates with Consultant for facilitating inspections.
 After receiving the WIRs back from Consultant, status is recorded in the WIR log
and the WIRs are sent to the concerned Construction Manager/Project Engineer
for their records.
 One copy of WIRs are kept with the QA/QC department and filed with the cover
page of daily WIR log in the files. These files are maintained for the project
handing over.


 Follow up Inspections are done to review comments either made during the stage
of Preventive Inspection performed by QA/QC Engineer, and Consultant’s
comments noted on WIRs:
 Follow up inspection is done for any comments, made by the QA/QC engineer
while performing the Preventive Inspection, and comments of the follow-up
inspections should be recorded on the same check sheet for the preventive
 Follow up inspections will be done to rectify and close the comments made on
WIR by Consultant’s until it attains status “A”.

Inspection by special authorities (if any)

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It is duty of the Project Manager and Construction Manager/ Project Engineers to

facilitate all the inspections by local authorities such as civil defence etc.

Final Inspection at the time of Handover

QA/QC Engineer and Construction Team are jointly and severally responsible for
coordinating and facilitating with Consultant for final inspections, preparing snag lists
and providing copies of all the test and inspection results and documents and obtaining
clearances from Consultant.


All tests shall be carried out as per the Inspection & Test Plan and as per the project
requirements and or on the request of Consultant.

The records of all tests shall be presented to Consultant for their review and approval.

A copy of the test results shall be maintained and submitted at the final handing over
stage to client as the project records.

8.3 Control of Non-Conforming Product

The COMPANY will ensure that any non-conformance or non-conformity is controlled, acted
upon and documented as necessary and resolved. All COMPANYs' employees are
encouraged to highlight any non-conforming activity or product to their immediate

Non-conformance might be identified and initiated by the COMPANY and/or Client during:

a) Material/equipment inspection at vendor or supplier premises or

material receiving inspection.
b) Site works inspection or daily / routine surveillance and
c) Internal Quality Audit by COMPANY and
d) External-Third Party Quality Audit (as may be applicable)

Depending upon the nature of non-conformance, any non-conforming work identified on

site (by either party) is rectified as per agreed corrective action. Actions include:

A. Repair/rework to drawings & specifications.

B. Reject if non-conforming product is beyond repair.
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C. Accept as is when further rectification may result in serious functional


a) Non-Conformance related to Material

Material non-conformance found during the inspection at vendor/supplier premises are not
delivered to site until the corrections/corrective actions as agreed are completed and verified.

Material non-conformance found during the incoming material receiving inspection stage is
kept isolated from use or in quarantined area, labelling the item if necessary. The
concerned Supplier or the Purchasing Department is then intimated to resolve the non-
conformance and propose necessary corrections/corrective actions. For major material these
corrections/corrective actions shall be discussed and agreed with Client. Generally
immediate replacements/rectifications and resolutions are provided.

Non-conforming material is not used incorporated in the project site, unless allowed/agreed
with and approved by the Client with full traceability for a positive recall if needed.

b) Non-Conformance identified during site works inspection or daily / routine

surveillance and during Testing and Commissioning

Non-Conformance issued by Client:

Once the corrective and preventive actions are agreed and coordinated with Project
Manager/Site Agent internally and with Consultant, they will be implemented at site.
Corrective actions shall be completed soonest but not later than two weeks unless otherwise
justified. As soon as the agreed corrective and preventive actions are completed and verified,
the Non-conformance will be closed.

Non-Conformance issued by Client:

A Non-conformance report may be received from the Client as a result of an audit or due to
non-conformance detected during site works inspection or daily/routine surveillance or
during Testing and Commissioning. After receiving a Non Conformance Report
(NCR).COMPANY's Project Manager together with the Site Agent will review the Non
Conformance, discuss with Consultant, and agree on the immediate corrective action to
rectify the Non Conformance and a preventive action to prevent recurrence.

COMPANY will write the Corrective/Preventive Action on the NCR and meet the Client and
forward a copy of the NCR with proposed corrective and preventive actions.

On review and approval by Client, the corrective actions will be completed and offered for
re-inspection and then closed as applicable. The non-conforming work shall be put on
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HOLD until the Client accepts the corrective action.

Records of rectification necessary to close out a Non Conformance are kept. Actions taken are
recorded on the Non Conformance Report. After disposition of NCR, the COMPANY
will be requested to verify the same.

All NCR's shall be registered in the NCR Log/Register.

c) Non-Conformance identified during Quality Audit

Non-conformance identified during Internal, Second Party and External - Third Party Quality
Audits will be reviewed and appropriate corrective/preventive actions will be proposed.
Once the Auditor agrees the corrective/preventive actions, these actions will be implemented
and Auditors will be requested to close the NCR's after submission of appropriate evidence of

8.4 Analysis of Data

8.4.1 Weekly Quality Report (Internal to COMPANY)

The Construction Manager in coordination with the Document Controller will prepare and
submit on a weekly basis a report to the Project Manager and Project Coordinator, indicating
issues detailed below:

a) Personnel on Site
b) Updated Status of Quality Documentation Submittal and approval status with
Highlights of Changes during the week.
c) Status of Request for Inspection.
d) Updated Status of Technical Query/Request for Information including
e) Updated Status of Quality Control Reports and Quality Check-Sheets issued.
f) Non-Conformance Log and Close-Out Details.
g) Rejections during Receiving Inspections.
h) Details of any test failures (from Test Laboratories).
i) Updated Cube Compressive Strength Register.
j) List of Instruments and Calibration Status.
k) Summary Status of Internal Audits and Non Conformances if any.
l) Schedule of Tests/Number conducted and Cumulative.
m) Status of Punch Lists if any.
n) On-going Corrective and Preventive Actions.
o) Quality Meetings Summary and list of outstanding actions if any.
p) Training conducted if any.
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q) Any other issues.

8.4.2 Monthly Quality Report

A monthly quality report will be submitted to the Consultant using the same contents as
above in the weekly report. Cut off date for the monthly report will follow the same as
progress reporting as agreed with the Consultant during execution.

8.4.3 Statistical Analysis

Statistical Analysis for concrete cube strengths will be done to monitor variations in
strengths and to ensure timely corrective actions are taken should there be any large variations
or trends. Quality Statistics and Progress Measurements statistics, Statistics on concrete
strength are examples of the use of statistics.

8.4.4 Construction Quality Dossier

The COMPANY in mutual consultation with Consultant/ on site will prepare a construction
quality dossier/project handover dossier for all the relevant QA/QC records certifying the
conformance of works to contract specifications. This will include the AS BUILT Drawings
and the Servicing/Operation & Maintenance Manual & Spares List and all other QA/QC
records as per contract requirements

8.5 Project Close Out Procedure

1. Once the contractual works are finished for all major items, Project Engineer requests
for initial handing over inspection to QA/QC department.
2. Upon receipt of such request QA/QC Department reviews the following:
 Status of WIRs with respect to the works submitted for handover
 Status of NCRs related to those works
 Status of design changes (if any)
 Status of applicable tests
 Any other requirements specified in contract documents or according to the
nature of the project.
3. A summary status of above records is attached to the initial handover request and if
found satisfactory, submitted to Consultant for their inspection and approval.
4. During the joint inspection by Consultant, list of sang items is prepared.
5. Once the list of snags is received from Consultant, it is reviewed and verified with
COMPANY list of snag items.
6. Any discrepancy, if noted, is discussed and resolved with the Consultant.
7. Final sang list is presented to the project manager for his review and signatures.
8. Final and signed by all parties snag list is distributed among the concerned
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construction staff to attend the snags.


1. Contractual deliverables may include the followings:

a. QA/QC Documents
b. Technical Deliverables
c. MEP deliverables
d. As Built Drawings
e. Operations & Maintenance Manuals
2. The list of deliverables to be prepared by QA/QC Department with the help of
technical department at the initial handing over stage and shall be submitted for the
Consultant’s approval.
3. After approval of Consultant, this list is distributed to all concerned.
4. And dossiers are prepared for the review and approval of the Consultant.
5. After successful submission and approval taking over certificate is requested.

8.4.6 Progress and Quantities Data

Progress Reporting will be done on daily/weekly and monthly basis as per contract
requirements. Any corrective actions to arrest slippages will be auctioned as agreed in

8.4.7 Safety, Health and Environment (HSE) Data

Project HSE Plan covers all aspects of HSE control on site. All reporting required shall be
as per the HSE Plan and Employer’s HSE contractual documents.

8.6 Improvement

COMPANY will strive to continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management
system through the use of the audit results, analysis of data as indicated above, and
undertaking corrective and preventive actions resulting from management review decisions
and/or COMPANY instructions/audits.

8.5.1 Corrective and Preventive Action (See section 8.3)

Corrective action for defective work is started as soon as it is practically possible after
approval of proposed corrective action from the COMPANY. The corrective actions taken are
recorded on the Non Conformance report and/or the relevant Check sheets or by a letter.

The Lead QA/QC Engineer will ensure all agreed corrective actions have been completed
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and related Non Conformance Reports closed out.

The COMPANY's Project Manager is responsible to initiate suitable preventive action to

ensure the Non Conformances do not repeat. Preventive actions like project documentation,
method statements and Job Hazard Analysis together with the control measures required are
already documented. Compliance with these will ensure that potential non-conformities and
accidents will be prevented from occurring.

All corrective/preventive actions will be reviewed during the Management Review of

the Project Quality System.


9.1 Description of Documents Doc. # Rev.

Project Organization Chart 00
List of Method Statements CVL/MST/001 00
ARC/MST/001 00
. MEP/MST/001 00
Note: Each method statement will be submitted with respective ITP, QCP& RA where


Minutes of Meeting FM -01 0

Materials Approval Request (MAR) FM -02 0

Drawing / Document Transmittal Form (DTF) FM -03 0

Inspection / Test Request FM -04 0
Inspection Request Log FM -05 0
Change Request FM -06 0
Request For Information FM -07 0
Confirmation of Verbal Instruction FM -08 0
Contract Trend Notice FM -09 0
Trend Notice Register FM -10 0
Non- Conformance Report FM -11 0
Corrective Action Request FM -12 0
Monthly Quality Report FM -13 0
Concrete Order Form FM -14 0
Document Distribution Sheet FM -15 0
Material Verification Record FM -16 0
Measuring Devices register FM-17 0
Excavation of Structures FM -18 0
Check Sheet- Concrete Record FM -19 0
 Concrete Pour Record FM -20 0
 Inspection Schedule FM -21 0
ITP Format ITP 0
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Method Statement Format MS 0

Internal Audit Plan FM-22

* * * End Of PQP Document ***

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