drive elevators in terms of speed, shaft atively high rope diameter) is in such
height, traffic flow, and expectations widespread use. Approved by NAEC for CAT
of ride quality have increased Further considerations to improve
tremendously. The changing ratio of the performance of ropes are:
Approved by NAESAI for QEI
elevator car weight to payload has ◆ Less permanent elongation (fewer
given rise, in some cases, to unfavor- rope shortening processes)
cross-section and top-quality fiber i.e., the rope is less rigid and of- portant to ensure that the rope ter-
core) and fers better fatigue bending charac- mination (as for all elevator ropes) is
◆ A low price (steel and good core teristics. secured against rotation. When used
material cost money). ◆ A median price per meter for extreme shaft heights, the ropes
These requirements can clearly not all This construction is, internation- should untwist as little as possible
be fulfilled at once. Comprise is ally, the most frequently used eleva- during installation. The grooves of
called for, whereby it should be noted tor rope. However, the 8 X 19 War- the drive sheave should be inspected
at this point, the rope elongation fac- rington rope construction with when changing ropes, as these ropes
tor increasingly determines the choice natural fiber core (Figure 17) also will not adapt to a worn groove.
of rope with increasing shaft height. has a wide following due to its supe- The Drako 300 T nine-strand ele-
A six-strand rope with fiber core rior fatigue bending characteristics. vator rope was developed in 1955 as
(Figure 15) has the following benefits: It should be noted that the rope qual- probably the first elevator rope with
◆ A larger metallic cross-section, i.e., ity depends heavily upon the quality a steel-wire core (Figure 19). Its ben-
high breaking load relative to the of the fibers used to produce the efits are:
rope diameter fiber core. ◆ A very round cross-section with
◆ Relatively low permanent and An eight-strand rope with a steel- consequently low contact pres-
elastic elongation wire core offers most of the benefits sure between the rope and groove
◆ A favorable price per meter and very few of the drawbacks of ◆ A large number of thinner wires
This type of rope’s field of applica- eight-strand ropes with fiber core. with, consequently, very good fa-
tion should be in slow freight elevators Benefits include: tigue bending characteristics. In
and low-duty passenger elevators. ◆ Eight-strand ropes are rounder addition, a special arrangement of
The use of this type of rope should be than six-strand ropes. the wires in the strands and the
reconsidered for U-grooves with ◆ Eight-strand ropes with steel strands in the rope help to prevent
large undercuts or V-grooves. cores keep their round cross-sec- wire crossing and reduces the
An eight-strand rope with fiber core tion in operation and are conse- danger of internal wire breakage
(Figure 16) has the following benefits: quently suited for grooves with a invisible from the outside.
◆ Eight-strand ropes are rounder large undercut. ◆ Minimal permanent and elastic
than their six-strand counterparts, ◆ Eight-strand ropes of this type are elongation and consequently
creating more points of contact more flexible and offer good fa- good stop accuracy, even in high
between rope and groove and, tigue bending characteristics. shafts
consequently, ensuring more fa- ◆ Little or no permanent or elastic The nine-strand elevator rope is
vorable contact pressure condi- elongation the best solution as a suspension
tions. ◆ Low rope diameter reduction rope for all elevator installations with
◆ They have a slightly more de- under load and over time large shaft heights and for traction-
formable cross-section, i.e., the ◆ High breaking load relative to di- drive elevators with many deflection
rope adjusts more easily to ameter
sheaves. It is important to ensure
slightly worn grooves. The eight-strand rope offers an
that the rope termination is secured
◆ Eight-strand ropes have thinner easy maintenance solution for high-
against rotation. When used for ex-
wires than six-strand ropes of the duty elevators and is preferably used
treme shaft heights, the ropes should
same construction and diameter, for rope lengths of 50-100 m. It is im-
untwist as little as possible during
installation. It is expedient for a work satisfactorily depends on the running and consistent rope lengths.
marking line to be provided on the experience of the respective rope These constructions are based on
rope as an aid for checking and, if manufacturer, and on the elevator the following requirements:
necessary, correcting rope align- installation itself. ◆ Improved lubrication
ment. The grooves of the drive Suspension Ropes for Roped ◆ An extremely round cross-section
sheave should be inspected when Hydraulic Elevators and consequently minimal contact
changing ropes, as these ropes will In the case of roped hydraulic eleva- pressure between the rope and
not adapt to a worn groove. tors, the suspension ropes only run groove
Parallel-Laid Ropes over deflection sheaves with round ◆ A large number of thin wires and,
In the rope constructions illus- grooves. The absence of a drive consequently, extremely good fa-
trated so far, the rope core and outer sheave means that, in this instance, tigue bending characteristics
strands are laid independently of liberally lubricated ropes can be ◆ The use of thicker and, conse-
each other in separate work used. Furthermore, the use of round quently, fewer ropes and tension-
processes. These ropes are durable grooves makes for higher specific ing sheaves
and relatively insensitive to loosen- rope tensile forces. The typically ◆ The use of thicker ropes with small
ing as a result of external effects due used rope constructions here are six- D/d = 30 and, consequently, the
to, for example, rope deflection. In a strand ropes with fiber cores that ability to select flexible multiple-
parallel-laid rope, the rope core and have been exposed to a particularly wire rope constructions (Figure 21)
strands are laid in a single work rigorous pre-stretching process (Fig- Rope rotation cannot be excluded,
process with the same length of lay, ure 15), and eight- and nine-strand as two tensioning sheaves are fre-
whereby the outer strands are placed ropes with a steel-wire core (Figures quently arranged side by side. This
in linear formation in a bed formed 18 and 19). The customary rope can be triggered initially by alignment
by two strands of the rope core (Fig- grade is 1770, and for ropes with a errors. Premature rope damage is
ure 20). These ropes demonstrate a steel-wire core, occasionally even possible – in particular, in the case of
high breakage force and, in some 1570 and 1570/1770. ropes with steel-wire cores. Ropes
cases, very high fatigue bending Compensating Ropes with a natural fiber core respond
characteristics in laboratory testing (Tensioned Balance Ropes) under typically low balance rope
with short rope lengths. However, For traction elevators with rated forces to changing humidity in the
they are sensitive to untwisting dur- speeds of more than 2.5 mps, ten- shaft (during construction, monsoon-
ing installation and/or due to rope sioned balance ropes are stipulated esqe climatic conditions, etc.) by
deflection, which is practically im- as a method of weight compensation marked changes in length. Artificial
possible to avoid in a 2:1 suspension and to limit compensating weight fiber cores have been shown to pro-
or in double-wrap installations. jump brought about by the safety vide a solution to the problem. Six-
The use of plastic deflection gear or the buffer. The suspension strand ropes with a high weight and
sheaves can also be highly critical and balance ropes differ fundamen- artificial fiber core are recommended
with this type of rope. Experience tally in terms of their application as balance ropes. For rope diameters
has shown that their use is unprob- conditions. The experience of past of 13-25 mm, for instance, 6 X 25
lematic for ropes of up to around 40 decades has culminated in special fillers and (for larger nominal rope
meters in length. To the extent of balance rope constructions permit- diameters) 6 X 36 Warrington/Seale
which rope lengths in excess of this ting greater rope service life, quieter constructions are used. Continued
Overspeed Governor Ropes If ropes with fiber cores are used during operation result in fast rope-
Governor ropes are essential as governor ropes in particularly tall diameter shrinkage, as grease pressed
functional elements of the overspeed buildings, preference should be given out of the fiber core equates to a loss
controller, which engages the safety to ropes with synthetic-fiber cores. of volume in it.
device when an overspeed situation However, in this case, these should Artificial fibers such as polypropy-
is detected. The governor rope runs be subjected to rigorous pre-stretch- lene (PP), which is popularly used for
in the molded groove of the governor ing in order to limit their elongation crane ropes and cable-car ropes, are
wheel. When the safety device is in operation. This is particularly im- also used for elevator cables. Ropes
triggered, force is transmitted by fric- portant given that governor ropes with this type of core are frequently
tion between the rope and groove. must be pre-tensioned, and that the involved where groove wear takes
Consequently, the amount of rope tensioning path is limited. In the U.S., place on the sheave with a hardness
lubrication plays a significant role. In a certain proportion of governor of below 200 HB. Despite the many
recent years, increasingly stringent ropes of strength class IRON are still benefits, it must be borne in mind
demands have been made on break- encountered. The nominal tensile that fiber cores for elevator ropes
ing forces, which are increased as a strength stipulated for the outer wires with diameters of 7 mm and below
result of larger rope diameters, in these 700 N/mm2 ropes is due to made of natural fibers cannot always
higher rope grades or the use of full- the brass brake shoes used in some be manufactured to an adequate de-
steel constructions. speed governors. If steel ropes with gree of diameter accuracy, no matter
Generally, traditional six-strand higher rope grades were used in this how meticulously produced. How-
rope constructions with fiber cores case, there would presumably be a ever, fiber cores made of polypropy-
are used as governor ropes; in most risk of excessively fast wear of the lene offer the benefit of immunity to
cases, 6 X 19 Warrington ropes with gripping components. rotting in humid environments and
fiber cores (Figure 15). These are Rope Cores volume change caused by moisture
generally ropes with a diameter of 6 Depending on the intended appli- absorption. The drawbacks of the PP
mm or 6.5 mm in rope grades 1770 cation, two different core types are core are its high elastic elongation
and, in some cases, even 1960. How- used in elevator ropes: fiber cores and associated increased risk of rope
ever, EN 81 excludes rope grade 1960 made of natural or synthetic fibers, impressions created in sheaves.
for use in suspension ropes but allows and steel wire cores. In elevator ropes, For governor ropes and balance
it for governor ropes. With increas- fiber cores made of natural or synthetic ropes in installations involving long
ing shaft heights and, consequently, fibers are used. Natural fibers – gen- rope lengths – in particular in envi-
rope lengths, the degree of rope erally sisal – are the most widespread ronments with high levels of humid-
strength required also increases. for application in ropes. Due to their ity – chemical fiber cores would be
This results in the use of governor
flexibility, ropes with fiber cores are the preferred choice. Natural fibers
ropes with rope diameters between
able to adjust up to a certain extent absorb moisture, making the core
d = 8mm and 10 mm, and in some
to the relevant groove shape. The thicker and the rope shorter. Where
cases up to 13 mm with an 8 X 19
benefits of fiber cores are: longer governor-rope lengths are used,
Warrington or 8 X 19 Seale with in-
◆ Resistance to contact pressure the height at which the tensioning
dependent wire-rope core construc-
◆ Relatively low elastic rope elonga- pulley has to be fitted is not sufficient
tion (Figure 18).
tion to compensate for excessive rope
Some overspeed controllers do
◆ Low deformability stretch. Polyamide fibers have pro-
not decelerate the governor rope by
The drawbacks are: duced excellent results as fiber cores
blocking the governor wheel, but by
◆ Good yarn qualities (i.e., thin, even for ropes running in round grooves
means of closing brake shoes. The
yarns) are expensive and not easy due to their resistance to pressure.
governor rope required for this design
to come by. However, they come at a relatively
must not have excessively fine wires
◆ The material absorbs moisture from high price. Figure 22 provides a com-
or strands. Although most of the
the ambient air. parison of the various fiber materials
above-described rope constructions
◆ Rotting is a possibility. available for fiber cores in elevator
have proven successful on many dif-
Fiber core can store lubricant. Its ropes. Special controls are imposed
ferent overspeed governor designs,
ability to absorb high quantities of on the evenness of the core and
determining the correct type of rope
grease can become a drawback. amount of lubrication. The influence
construction to be used should lie
Storing too much lubricant during of the rope core on the service life of
with the overspeed governor manu-
manufacture and giving off too much ropes is frequently underestimated.
a right-hand helix. As a result of In round grooves, Lang-lay ropes takes place with the first load cycles
twist due to load, a torque created by achieve greater bending resistance after hanging, prior to commission-
the attempt of the elevator rope to than do ordinary-lay ropes. However, ing. This means that the permanent
reverse the laying status under tor- they are more sensitive to diagonal rope elongation (permanent rope
sional load, elevator installations pull and have more stringent demands stretch) that accompanies compaction
used to frequently be equipped with in terms of installation. Steps must of the rope structure is reduced, min-
right- and left-hand-lay ropes in be taken when hanging the ropes imizing the amount of work involved
pairs. This allowed compensation of freely in the shaft to prevent untwist- in shortening the ropes after only a
the forces acting on the guide rails of ing, as otherwise the wires will work short period of use.
the car and counterweight resulting loose and result in premature rope Experienced elevator rope manu-
from the twist due to load. However, damage. The degree to which Lang-lay facturers use suitable measures to
as these forces are only small rela- ropes are accepted differs widely achieve a pre-stretching effect dur-
tive to those generally absorbed by around the world. For example, while ing production by applying around
the guide rails, in modern elevator they are given equal status in the 30% of the rope breaking force. More
installations, priority is given to the U.K., in Germany, their use is subject intensive pre-stretching calls for a
requirement that all suspension ropes to certain provisos. separate work process. ISO 4344 re-
be as nearly identical as possible, Lang- or Regular-Lay Rope? stricts the maximum tensile force
i.e., should always originate from the An inferior-quality or carelessly applied during pre-stretching to 55%
same source of manufacture. The mounted Lang-lay rope entails a of the minimum breaking force.
mixed use of left- and right-hand-lay substantially greater hazard poten- The most notable effect is achieved
ropes, which can only be produced tial than an inferior-quality, ordi- when pre-stretching eight-strand
using separate manufacturing nary-lay rope. An elevator company ropes with natural fiber cores. Here,
processes, has generally been aban- aiming to change over to Lang-lay 0.2% permanent rope elongation can
doned. In drum-driven elevators, the ropes should ensure that it chooses a be achieved, as the strands become
drum pitch must be selected to design that has been thoroughly (permanently) more deeply embed-
match the direction of rope lay, i.e., tried and tested over a number of ded in the fiber core. In the case of
“right-lay rope – left-hand drum.” years. Also, close examination of the ropes with steel-wire cores, the effect
Regular (Ordinary) Lay and Lang Lay traction sheave grooves must take of pre-stretching on permanent
In the same way as the strands in place when considering the replace- elongation is relatively low. In addi-
the rope, the wires in the strands can ment of Lang-lay with ordinary-lay tion, the pre-stretching effect is par-
be laid in left- or right-lay wires. rope on an existing installation. The tially lost due to handling of pre-
Regular or ordinary lay is used to de- ordinary lay wires running in a differ- stretched full-steel ropes during the
scribe a different lay direction for the ent direction can wear the grooves if hanging process.
outer strands in the rope and the they have been imprinted by the Rope Diameter
wires in the outer strands. If the wires Lang-lay rope. Table 1 indicates the most com-
in the strand and the strands in the Preformed Ropes monly used rope diameters in Europe,
rope have the same lay direction, this is In preformed ropes, the inner ten- the USA and Japan (East Asia). For
described as Lang lay. In regular-lay sions of the wires used in the strands certain European countries, the most
ropes, the visible outer wires approxi- and the strands used in the rope are commonly used suspension-rope
mately follow the direction of the reduced, with the result that when diameters are additionally marked in
rope axis. In Lang-lay ropes, the vis- the rope binder is removed, pre-formed each case. Beyond this, 24-mm
ible outer wires are inclined at a ropes do not spring open. This sub- ropes are also used in the high-rise
steep angle to the rope axis. stantially simplifies the processes of sector. Although rope diameters
Ordinary-lay ropes are hard-wearing cutting to length and installing. Pre- smaller than 8 mm are not covered
and easy to mount. They have only a formed ropes are also known as by the current version of EN 81-1,
slight tendency to untwist when low-tension or low-twist ropes. Pre- elevator installations using 6.5- and
hanging freely in the shaft. Their elastic formed elevator ropes have become 6-mm ropes already exist. In the fu-
elongation is lower than it is in the the standard design in Europe. ture, it will be possible to use suspen-
case of Lang-lay ropes. These bene- Pre-Stretching sion ropes of just 5 mm and 4 mm
fits mean that the majority of eleva- Elevator ropes are pre-stretched (such as the Drako STX series) operated
tor manufacturers exclusively use in order to induce compaction of the on the basis of a separate approval
ordinary-lay ropes. rope structure, which otherwise only certificate from a Notified Body. The
methods of pressing or rolling. The drop out. The dead rope end has to – Safety Part 5: Stranded Ropes for Lifts
[3] ISO 4344 (published 2004), Steel Wire Ropes
neatness of the finished connection be secured with a rope grip in com- for Lifts – Minimum Requirements
makes this type of termination a fa- pliance with EN 13411-5 (formerly [4] DIN 50150, Conversion Table for Vickers
Hardness, Brinell Hardness, Rockwell Hard-
vored option in open-design applica- DIN 1142). It is not admissible for
ness and Tensile Strength, December 1976,
tions such as hotels. They are also both ends of the rope (end under Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin
popular where space is at a premium load and dead end) to be terminated [5] EN 81-1/1998, Safety Rules for the Con-
struction and Installation of Lifts – Part 1:
– for instance, car arrangements together with this type of socket. Electric Lifts
with piggyback suspension. Swaged Wire-Rope Grips [6] TRA 003, Technical Rules for Elevators –
Calculation of Traction Sheaves, September
terminations generally have to be European Lift Standard DIN EN 1981, Verein der Technischen
secured against rotation. The insert 81 permits the termination of ropes Überwachungsvereine e. V., Essen
[7] DIN EN 81, Safety Rules for the Construction
depth of the rope in swaged termina- with “three suitable” wire-rope grips. and Installation of Lifts – Particular Applica-
tions (and, consequently, the swag- The use of wire-rope grips should be tions for Passenger and Goods Passenger
ing length) is decisive to functional rejected for use in applications of Lifts Part 1: Electric Lifts, October 1986
[8] EN 12385 – Part 1 (published 2003), Steel
safety. By looking through the in- such high safety relevance as lifts. In Wire Ropes. Safety – Part 1: General Re-
spection hole provided at the end of this regard, EN 81-1 urgently requires quirements
[9] ASME A17.1 Safety Code for Elevators and
the insert path, a check can be made revision. The fact that the U.K. (the Escalators. The American Society of Mechani-
to ensure that the end of the rope is only country in which this type of cal Engineers, New York
inserted sufficiently far enough into end termination is still in widespread [10] EN 13411 – Part 4 (2002), Terminations for
Steel Wire Ropes. Safety – Part 4: Metal and
the sleeve. use for elevators) has prohibited its Resin Sockets.
For terminations of this kind not use in new installations makes the [11] DIN 3093, Wrought Aluminium Alloy Fer-
rules; Parts 1 and 2, December 1988, Beuth
specified by a standard, a type ap- urgent need for revision all the more Verlag GmbH, Berlin
proval certificate issued by a Notified evident. Even more telling is the re- [12] EN 13411 – Part 3 (2003), Terminations for
Body is required in accordance with quirement according to DIN 1142/EN Steel Wire Ropes. Safety – Part 3: Ferrules
and Ferrule-Securing
EN 81 for a specific elevator applica- 13411, Part 5 that the rope diameters [14] EN 13411 – Part 1 (2002), Terminations for
tion to verify that the system offers of interest to elevator constructors Steel Wire Ropes. Safety – Part 1: Thimbles
for Steel Wire Rope Slings
the same degree of safety in combi- must be fitted with at least four grips. [15] DIN 15315, Wire Rope Grips for Elevators,
nation with the designated ropes as The main problem inherent in ter- May 1983, Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin
one of the regulated types of end ter- [16] EN 13411 – Part 7 (2004), Terminations for
mination using wire-rope grips is the
Steel Wire Ropes. Safety – Part 7: Symmetric
mination. necessity for regular retightening of Wedge Socket
Wedge Sockets the clamping screws. In addition, it is [17] DIN 1142, Wire Rope Grips for Rope Termi-
nations, January 1982, Beuth Verlag GmbH,
The symmetrical wedge socket not possible to exclude the possibil- Berlin
described by EN 13411, Part 7[16] ity that extreme rope vibrations [18] EN 13411 – Part 5 (2003), Terminations for
Steel Wire Ropes. Safety – Part 5: U-bolt
(formerly DIN 15315[15]) is com- could cause concealed rope damage
Wire Rope Grips
monly seen in Germany, the U.K., at the first rope grip adjacent to the [19] EN 13411 – Part 6 (2003), Terminations for
Italy and Japan (Figure 23). To secure free rope length. Temporarily short- Steel Wire Ropes. Safety – Part 6: Asymmet-
ric Wedge Socket
the dead end of the ropes, only a grip ening a rope using a wire rope grip is [20] Czitary, E., Seilschwebebahnen [Cable pul-
in compliance with EN 13411, Part an extremely hazardous exercise leys], Springer Verlag, Vienna, 1951
[21] Wyss, Th., Stahldrahtseile der Transport-
5[18] (formerly DIN 1142[17]) may be that should be avoided without fail:
und Förderanlagen (Steel Wire Ropes in
used. as the parts of the rope at which a Transport and Conveyor Systems)
The asymmetrical wedge socket, wire grip has previously been located Schweizer Druck- und Verlagshaus AG,
Zürich 1956
in compliance with EN 13411, Part subsequently run over sheaves, there [22] TRA 102, Technische Regeln für Aufzüge –
6[19] (Figure 23) offers advantages in is a high likelihood of the rope frac- Prüfung von Aufzugsanlagen, (Technical
Rules Governing Lifts – Inspection of Lift
terms of rope guidance but has the turing prematurely at these points.
Systems) April 1981, Verein der Technis-
drawback of a relatively bulky de- Even if rope grips are fixed onto the chen Überwachungsvereine e. V., Essen
sign. This can generally be compen- rope as an aid to installation, this [23] DIN 15020, Principles Relating to Rope Dri-
ves Sheet 2, Monitoring of Rope Installa-
sated through the use of long eye should only be done at areas of the tions, April 1974, Beuth Verlag GmbH,
bolts in staggered formation. Cau- rope that do not later run over rope Berlin
[24] ISO 4309, Wire Ropes for Lifting Appli-
tion is called for in situations where sheaves. ances – Code of Practice for Examination
slack is created. Unlike the symmet- Bibliography: and Discard, 1990
[1] EN 10016, Non-Alloy Steel Rods for Draw- [25] EN 12385 – 3 (2003), Steel Wire Ropes –
rical wedge socket, with this socket ing and/or Cold Rolling Safety – Part 3: Information for Use and
type, it is possible for the wedge to [2] EN 12385 – Part 5 (2003), Steel Wire Ropes Maintenance
1. How many strands does the simplest elevator rope 6. What are overspeed governor ropes, in addition to
have? being triggers for the safety device?
a. Three. a. Mostly traditional six-strand rope constructions
b. Four. with fiber cores.
c. Five. b. Ropes for which no lubrication is required.
d. Six. c. Very fast-running ropes.
d. All of the above.
2. How many strands does the most frequently used ele-
vator rope have today? 7. What are typical fiber-core materials?
a. Three. a. Sisal.
b. Six. b. Polypropylene.
c. Eight. c. Polyamide.
d. Nine. d. All of the above.
3. Which requirements can not be complied with when 8. What is particularly important when installing steel-
using full-steel ropes? core ropes?
a. Less permanent elongation. a. Preventing rope rotation.
b. Less elastic elongation. b. Saving ropes from heat.
c. Better sound. c. Keeping ropes from touching each other.
d. Longer rope service life. d. Removing ropes from magnetic fields.
4. What is the application field of six-strand elevator 9. How do the visible outer wires lie in a regular-lay rope?
ropes? a. Approximately vertical to the rope axis.
a. High-duty elevators. b. In a steep angle to the rope axis.
b. Low-duty elevators. c. Approximately in line with the rope axis.
c. Slow freight elevators. d. In several directions.
d. A and b.
e. B and c. 10. Which rope terminations are detachable?
a. Metal socketing.
5. What is the application field of eight-strand elevator b. Aluminum ferrule.
ropes with steel-wire cores? c. Swaged terminal.
a. High-duty elevators. d. Symmetric wedge socket.
b. Elevators with rope lengths between 50 m and
100 m.
c. A and b.
d. None of the above.
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