Survey Report: M/V "Marina R"
Survey Report: M/V "Marina R"
Survey Report: M/V "Marina R"
Branc hes
IN ACCORDANCE with the instructions received from the West of England Insurance
Services (Luxembourg) S.A. the Undersigned surveyor on 15th April 2020 did attend on board
the vessel “MARINA R” whilst she was berthing at Tan Thuan 2 port, HoChiMinh city, Vietnam
in order to determine the probable cause, nature and extent of damage to hoisting wires of ships’
cranes Nos. 1, 2 & 3 which were found on 15th April 2020.
L.O.A : 189.99 M
Breadth : 28.49 M
Depth : 15.10 M
Deadweight : 37,785 MT
Basing on the statement of facts of Ben Line Agencies (Vietnam), we noted that:
M/V "MARINA R" loaded 20,135.32 tons of steel cargoes (HR steel coils and steel plates)
departed from Hadia port, India, in which 10,830.503 tons for HoChiMinh city and
9,304.818 tons for Hai Phong city, Vietnam.
"MARINA R" safely berthed at Tan Thuan 2 port, HoChiMinh city, Vietnam at 06:10
hours on 15th April 2020 and commenced cargo discharge at cargo hold Nos. 2, 3 & 4 at
07:30 hours the same day.
At around 08:40 hours, during discharging process, the stevedore crane’s operator
discovered that the strands in hoisting wire of crane No.2 was broken. Then the crane’s
operator reported to the foreman for checking the hoisting wires of the cranes Nos. 1, 2, 3
and 4. After checking, the crane’s operator and the foreman found signs of hoisting wire
damages with the broken strands in the hoisting wires found to crane Nos. 1, 2 & 3.
The wire ropes of crane No. 4 were observed normally.
The vessel alongside Tan Thuan 2 port, HoChiMinh city for discharging.
“MARINA R” built in 2010 in China, and presently registered in Nassau, is a single deck
all steel, bulk carrier of 24,099 gross registered tons with five cargo holds forward of the
accommodations, navigation and machinery spaces.
Cargo discharge at HoChiMinh city: 10830.503 tons (498 HR coils/10713.613 tons and 16
steel plates/116.890 tons)
We have not had a coil list of cargo in each hold but refer to the statement of foreman and
cargo stowage plan, the average weight of HR coil is about 21 to 23 tons per coil.
Quantity 99 coils 166 coils 75 coils 166 coils + 74 coils 166 coils 141 coils 887 coils +
16 plates 16 plates
At the beginning on 15th April 2020, the cargo was discharged by ship's cranes and C-
hooks. According to the stevedore and crane driver's statement, at the time of the wire
damage incident, the steel coils were discharged at the center of cargo hold Nos. 2, 3 & 4.
The discharge rate was about 2 minutes per one lift/ one coil.
Referring to the ship-shore safety checklist dated 15th April 2020, we noted that:
Equipment used in the handling cargo: C-Hooks, forklifts, belt slings, rubber pads.
The crane checklist and ship shore safety checklist: As the content of the checklist, we found
the 04 ship cranes were checked by foreman and representatives of the vessel before
commencing cargo discharge.
After finding of hoisting wire damage to the 3 ship’s cranes, the port office of Tan Thuan
2 port notified to shipmaster/ shipowner of ‘MARINA R’ through the statement of fact on
ship crane' wire ropes:
"At the same time, through our observation, these damaged hoisting wires are old
All of the above-mentioned damaged locations are outside of the place of discharge. Therefore, we
deny all responsibility in relation to the above matter and We will not pay for any expenses
incurred in connection with the above.
We will stop discharging until the new cable is replaced and safe enough to do the discharging."
After finding of hoisting wire damage to the three ship’s cranes, on 15th April 2020, the
master of ‘MARINA R’ issued a letter of protest and sent to the port office of Tan Thuan 2
Please be informed that today during discharging of coils weight 26 mts each due to negligent and
careless handling (very fast discharging) three hoisting wire have damaged of cranes No.1,2,3
(Photos attached)
On arrival stevedores were clearly instructed by ship’s staff regarding correct use of cargo gear.
Despite of that, during of negligent and careless handling by stevedores crane’s operator wire
have broken.
I, Master / Owners of Marina R, hold stevedoring company fully responsible for mentioned
damages and any delays the consequences that might have been caused therefore.
We reserve our/ Owners’ right to extend this protest at any time or place convenient
According to the instructions received from the West of England Insurance Services
(Luxembourg) S.A, on 15th & 16th April 2020, we attended on board “MARINA R” to
investigate the wire damage and noted that:
At time of our attendance, the shipmaster did not allow us to close inspect the condition of
crane No. 1 of the vessel due to safety reason.
Surveyor’s comments:
As statement of the foreman, we noted that: At 09:30 hours on 16th April 2020, shipmaster
requested Tan Thuan 2 port to check wire ropes condition of crane No.1 and accepted to
use the crane No.1 for discharging.
However, during discharging at cargo hold No. 2 by ship’s crane No. 1, the hoisting wire
rope broken at about 18:00 hours on 16th April 2020. It is owing to unsafe conditions, the
port office did not agree to continue using ship's crane No.1 for cargo handling. After that,
the cargo in hold No. 2 & 3 were discharged by shore cranes.
The hoisting wire rope of crane No.2 was broken some strands.
Manufacture: TTS
The hoisting wire rope of crane No.3 was broken some strands
Manufacture: TTS
Crane No.3 - the section broken wire strands were found inside the crane housing. The
local strand fracrture was temporary warpped with ropes
We checked the control systems in the housing Nos.2 & 3 in no-load mode: the state of
normal operation.
The machinery in control system of a crane includes all electrical control equipment,
motors, hydraulic oil pumps, winches, control gear, etc.
Part of the machinery and hydraulic systems of a crane: motors, hydraulic oil pumps, drum
winch of crane Nos. 2 & 3
4.1 The wire rope is subject to damage due to mechanical wear, bending fatigue breaks,
corrosion damage, tensile overload breaks, and shear breaks. These causes can be
triggered by lack of lubrication, poor unreeling procedures, excessive abrasion, difficulty
with the sheaves, environmental damage, as well as other impact stresses. In this case, the
damaged to wire rope may have been by one or all of contributory factors as follows:
Corrosion and wire failure due to Infrequent application of wire rope grease and/ or
incorrect grease used to lubricate wire ropes.
External wire strands showing signs of wear and broken to three cranes.
In the process of loading and unloading for a time, the wire ropes were repeatedly going
up and down, this operation makes the wires experiences fatigue over time.
Surveyor’s comments:
Since the shipmaster did not allow our surveyor to review or copy any ship documents, the
planned maintenance system (PMS) and cargo gear records of the vessel “MARINA R’.
Hence, we do not know whether the frequent and detailed inspections for damage to cargo
gears are carried out, that all wires are greased thoroughly at regular intervals and that
wires are always replaced when necessary by the ship crews or not.
Based on our site-survey on 15th & 16th April 2020, we noted that there are some pre-
existing wire damages on ship’s crane Nos. 1, 2 & 3, such as wire fractures, broken
strands, insufficient lubrication .etc..
We noted the hoisting wire on ship’s crane No. 3 was replaced in April 2019.
Last hoisting wire replacement printed on the trunk of ship’s crane No.3 – April 2019
4.2 The wire rope is subject to damage due to negligence of crane’s operators
Negligence may be mentioned is due to foreman and crane drivers have not checked the
condition of the cable cranes carefully before handling.
Surveyor’s comments:
The vessel ‘MARINA R” commenced discharge at 07:30 hours on 15th April 2020.
The wire damages were found at about 08:40 hours on 15th April 2020.
Average weight each coil was checked in the range from 21 to 23 tons.
According to the stevedore and crane driver's statement, at the time of the wire damage
being found, the steel coils were discharged at the center of cargo hold Nos. 2, 3 & 4. The
cranes were not used to pull or drag cargo from the wings and ends of the holds.
We have not had any evidence of negligence or carless of the crane’s operators.
The plate on the side of the jib shows a S.W.L for hook work of 30 tons
and a S.W.L for grab work of 25 tons.
4.3 Conclusion
Based on our site-survey on 15th & 16th April 2020, we considered that there were the pre-
existing wire damages on ship’s crane Nos. 1, 2 & 3 before the vessel arrival at Tan Thuan
2 port on 15th April 2020.
At 20:30 hours on 16th April 2020, the vessel completed discharge and she left
HoChiMinh city at 20:40 hours the same day bound for Hai Phong port, Vietnam. She
arrived at Hai Phong port at 18:00 hours on 19th April 2020.
Upon the vessel arrival at Haiphong port, we dispatched surveyor to attend on board again
to check the working condition of ship's cranes as well as the replacement of damaged
wires. Nevertheless, we could not get the Master’s approval for our further survey.
We noted that the vessel discharged cargo by shore’s cranes at Hai Phong port.
This report is issued to the best of our ability and without prejudice to liability.