MODULE 2 Notes Reporting Research
MODULE 2 Notes Reporting Research
MODULE 2 Notes Reporting Research
The main function of Research is, directly and indirectly, to improve the quality of human life.
2. gathers information on subjects or phenomena people lack or have little knowledge about.
4. also develops and evaluates methodologies that test concepts, practices and theories.
5. obtains knowledge for practical purposes like solving problems on population explosion, drug
addiction, juvenile delinquency, and the likes.
6. provides hard facts which serve as bases for planning, decision making, project implementation,
Characteristics of Research
Research involves gathering new data from primary or first-hand or using existing data for a new
According to Calmorin and Calmorin (2007), there are 7 characteristics of research, namely:
relies on practical experience without the benefit of the scientific knowledge or theory.
Scientific studies are conducted in an orderly manner so the researchers have confidence on
the results. Logical examination of the procedures used in the research enables the
researcher to draw valid conclusions. Thus, the logic of valid research makes it important for
3. Cyclical – Research is cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends with a problem.
For instance, a researcher who completes his study states his findings and draws up his
4. Analytical – Research utilizes proven empirical data and analytical procedures in gathering the
A higher level of confidence must be established. For instance, 1.0 % or 5.0 % level of significance.
Based on these levels of confidence, the researchers are confidently precise in their
Systematic procedures and methods are used to ensure objectivity and appropriateness of
the study.
For instance, the experimental study has two variables pr bivariate. The researcher uses
two-group design. The variables are control group and experimental group and t-test is used
For example, the specific research problem – “Is there a significant difference on the yield of
Kappaphycus cultured in Estancia, Iloilo using hanging method and lantay method?” The control group is
hanging method and the lantay method, experimental group. Using t-test, if the results show significant
difference on the yield of Kappaphycus, hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. If insignificant difference
exists, thus, the null hypothesis is accepted. Hence, the study is methodical.
7. Replicability – The research designs and procedures are replicated, but to different subjects and
For instance, the subjects of the study are from teacher education students in SUCs (State
Universities and Colleges) of Region VI (Western Visayas) and can be replicated to teacher-
education students in SUCs of Region VII (Central Visayas). For experimental design, the
study can replicated by using different raw materials, i.e., seaweed ice cream from
Eucheuma and can be replicated by using seaweed ice cream from Gracilaria.
Another example is luncheon meat from milkfish bone mean can be replicated by using
goatfish bone meal into luncheon meat. Similarities and differences of replicated researches
can be compared to enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results.
The more replications of researches the more valid and conclusive the results would be.
Objectives of research?
Trends of Research
Short term or pot boiling research or cross sectional research – conducted within 1 – 3 years
Is a person who has an inquisitive mind. One who is not satisfied until he has achieved his goal.
His primary goal is to explore and gain an understanding of human behavior and social life and