Effect of Ultrafiltered Milk On The Rheological and Microstructure Properties of Cream Cheese Acid Gels
Effect of Ultrafiltered Milk On The Rheological and Microstructure Properties of Cream Cheese Acid Gels
Effect of Ultrafiltered Milk On The Rheological and Microstructure Properties of Cream Cheese Acid Gels
The addition of ultrafiltered (UF) milk retentate is known to impact milk properties during mozzarella and cheddar cheese
production, but the effect during cream cheese production is less well understood. Little is known about the impact of UF
retentate on the intermediate stages of manufacture, such as protein assembly and the formation of hydrated acid gel struc-
tures. Here, milk prepared for cream cheese manufacture using a concentration factor of 2.5 or 5 had a similar particle size
distribution to unconcentrated cheese milk after homogenization but increased viscosity and a slower rate of acidification,
which could be altered by increasing starter culture concentration. The acid gels formed contained more protein and fat,
resulting in a higher storage modulus, firmness, and viscosity. A denser microstructure was observed in acid gels formed
with UF retentate addition, and quantitative two- or three-dimensional analysis of confocal images found a greater volume
percentage of protein and fat, decreased porosity, and increased coalescence of fat. The mobility of water, as assessed by
proton nuclear magnetic resonance, was reduced in the dense UF gel networks. Water movement was partially obstructed,
although diffusion was possible between interconnected serum pores. These insights improve our understanding of acid gel
formation. They can be used by manufacturers to further optimize the early and intermediate stages of cream cheese produc-
tion when using concentrated milk to reduce acid whey production and lay the foundation for larger pilot scale studies of
intermediate and final cream cheese structure.
Food and Bioprocess Technology
and sensory properties of the final cream cheese product are and to identify possible process optimizations that may be
altered, with an increase of 50% in cheese viscosity or the relevant to the initial stages of cream cheese production
presence of a bitter flavor (Covacevich & Kosikowski, 1977; including milk concentration and acid gel formation with
Salhab, 1999). Less is known about the effect of addition of UF retentate addition.
UF retentate and the concentration factor on the intermedi-
ate stages of manufacture and how UF preparations alter
the fundamental properties and structuring of ingredients
Materials and Methods
during processing.
In the early stages of cream cheese production, the pro-
Preparation of Milk for Cream Cheese Production
tein and fat molecules within the standardized milk prepara-
tion assemble to form a structure known as an acid gel, in
Skim bovine milk (3.7% protein, 0.1% fat, w/v, pasteurized
a process induced by lactic acid–producing bacteria, or the
and homogenized) and double cream (1.6% protein, 56% fat,
addition of acids (e.g., lactic acid or hydrochloric acid). This
w/v, pasteurized) were purchased from local supermarkets
process stage is critical, as the network structure formed
(Woolworths, VIC, Australia). Skim milk was ultrafiltered
can affect subsequent processability (Brighenti et al., 2018;
using a bench-scale cross-flow cell (SEPA Cell, Sterlitech
Ong et al., 2020). The structure formed also rearranges into
Corporation, Kent, WA, USA) and polyethersulfone (PES)
a characteristic corpuscular cluster in the following process
flat sheet membranes (190 × 140 mm, 10 kDa MWCO,
steps, affecting the final product structure and performance
Microdyn-Nadir, Wiesbaden, Germany). The milk was ultra-
(Ong et al., 2018, 2020).
filtered to a volumetric concentration factor (VCF) of 2.5×
The impact of UF concentration factor on the structure of
and 5×, where the VCF is defined as:
the acid-gel network and its fundamental properties, includ-
ing the protein and fat density, the crosslinking of the protein Vt
network, structure hydration, and water motility is unclear.
Vt − Vp (1)
The role of water in the protein network is particularly inter-
esting, as the use of UF retentate increases the concentration and Vt is the total feed volume and Vp is the permeate
of protein, fat, and minerals without the accompanying water volume.
from milk, altering the balance between the solids content The ultrafiltration experiments were conducted in a batch
and water during processing. Adjustments to cream cheese mode. The milk was circulated by a positive displacement
processing conditions, such as fermentation or whey separa- pump (Hydra-Cell, Wanner Engineering, MN, USA) fitted
tion conditions that are required with the use of UF retentate, with an inverter (E510(IP66), TECO, Melbourne, VIC, Aus-
are also not documented in the literature. In other dairy sys- in−1 (cross-flow velocity of
tralia) at a flow rate of 3.2 L m
tems with a different composition, such as yoghurt, a higher 0.43 ± 0.01 m s−1) and a transmembrane pressure of a ~4 bar
concentration of starter culture is required for effective acidi- and maintained at 50 °C by passing through a water bath. A
fication after addition of UF retentate (Gupta, 2016). Adjust- processing volume of 1.5 L was used to make VCF2.5 and
ments in rennet coagulation temperature or coagulation time 2 L used to make VCF5 retentate with a filtration time of
have also been reported as necessary to improve the qual- ~3 h and ~5 h, respectively. The membrane was cleaned-in-
ity of curd during the production of cheddar cheese with place (CIP) at 50 °C after each run. The cleaning process
addition of UF retentate (Green, 1987; Ong et al., 2013). A consisted of three steps: (1) circulation of sodium hydroxide
greater understanding of the changes induced by addition of solution (~pH 11) for 30 min; (2) circulation of hydrochloric
UF retentate during cream cheese production and the fac- acid (~pH 3) for 30 min; (3) a repeat step (1) following the
tors controlling the fundamental properties of the acid gel process described by the manufacturer and in the literature
structure, including the impact of protein concentration, total (Koh et al., 2013; Sterlitech Corporation, 2022).
solids, and calcium elevated by addition of UF retentate, will Approximately ~650 mL of milk, defined as cream
potentially improve acid gel formation and may provide a cheese milk, was prepared for each batch of the experi-
route for further optimization of cream cheese production. ment by combining the cream with skim milk or retentate
In this study, UF concentration factors of 2.5× and 5× to a protein to a fat ratio of ~0.23 ± 0.02. Fat standard-
were selected to assess the impact of UF retentate addition ized cream cheese milk (CCM) prepared from skim milk
on milk preparations and acid gel formation with a focus concentrated by 1×, 2.5×, and 5× is referred to as CCM1,
on the intermediate stages of cream cheese production. The CCM2.5, and CCM5, respectively. The cheese milk was
study aims to provide greater insights into the behavior of heated to ~60 °C in a water bath and passed through a pre-
the initial milk ingredients and their interaction and assem- warmed Panda homogenizer (NS1001L 2 K, GEA Australia,
bly during the formation of acid gels. A further aim was to Thomastown, VIC, Australia) with the pressure (first stage)
assess the characteristics and properties of acid gels formed
Food and Bioprocess Technology
at 15 MPa. After the first pass, the sample was immediately rate of 7 mL min−1 were used in tune modes 1 and 2, respec-
homogenized a second time with a lower pressure of 5 MPa. tively. The instrument was calibrated for calcium (Ca) and
A total of 9 batches of CCM (three replicates of CCM1, zinc (Zn) using a mixed 8-point calibration curve (0, 10,
CCM2.5, and CCM5, respectively) were prepared randomly 50, 100, 250, 500, 2000, and 3000 ppb) from a stock multi-
on different days. After homogenization and pasteurization element calibration standard-2A (Agilent Technologies).
(at 65 °C in a water bath for 30 min), the CCM was cooled The milk sample was diluted with purified water (Direct-Q
to 4 °C and stored until needed. CCM samples were divided UV Water Purification System, Merck, VIC, Australia), and
into three portions and inoculated with 0.05% (w/v), 0.1% 0.1-mL diluted sample was transferred into an Eppendorf
(w/v), or 0.2% (w/v) direct vat set (DVS) starter culture con- tube and dried in the oven at 100 °C for ~4 h. An aliquot of
taining Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris and Lactococcus 50 µL 65% (v/v) H NO3 (Suprapur, Merck, Bayswater, VIC,
lactis subsp. lactis (R-704, Chr. Hansen, Melbourne, VIC, Australia) was then mixed with a dried pellet for digestion
Australia) in a random order for rheological, textural, and at 95 °C for 30 min using a thermomixer. After digestion,
microstructural analysis. These steps of acid gel formation the sample was added with 950-µL purified water to 1 mL
form the first part of the cream cheese production processes, and centrifuged at 20,000 g for 30 min. A hundred micro-
which is outlined in Supplementary information (SI) Fig. 1. liter of supernatant was then taken out and mixed with 900
All samples were used within 1 week. µL purified water in a 1.5-mL tube and used for injection.
Measurements were performed in duplicate, and the isotope
Chemical Analysis of Milk Samples and Acid Whey Ca was selected for analysis.
The total solids of the milk samples were determined by Particle Size Analysis by Laser Diffraction
oven-drying at ~100 °C for 16 h. The Babcock method was
used to analyze fat content and nitrogen content determined The size distribution of suspended solids in the cheese milk
using a LECO TruMac CNS analyzer (LECO Corporation, was obtained using a Mastersizer 3000 (Malvern Panalytical
St. Joseph, MI, USA). The protein value was then deter- Ltd, Worcestershire, UK). Pure water was used as a dis-
mined by multiplying the nitrogen content by 6.38. All persant (refractive index: 1.333). The refractive indices for
measurements were performed in duplicate for each sample cheese milk samples were set to be 1.460 and 1.458 at 466
and averaged for further analysis. nm and 633 nm, respectively, and the absorption coefficients
The soluble protein concentration in the acid whey was 1.7 × 1 0−5 at 466 nm and 0.5 × 10−5 at 633 nm (Michalski
determined using a Bradford protein assay. The concen- et al., 2001), with a laser obscuration of ~5% and stirring
trated dye reagent (Bio-Rad Protein Assay Kit II, Bio-Rad speed of 2400 rpm. The measurements were repeated in trip-
Laboratories, Gladesville, NSW, Australia) was diluted with licate for each sample and averaged for analysis.
deionized water at a ratio of 1:4, and the diluted solution was
filtrated before use. An aliquot of 50-µL sample solution Rheological and Textural Measurement
was mixed with 2.5-mL dye solution and was incubated at
room temperature for at least 5 min before the measurement. Flow Properties of Cream Cheese Milk
Samples were transferred into micro-cuvettes with a 10-mm
path length and were analyzed at 595 nm using a NanoDrop The flow curve of CCM was determined using an HR-2 Dis-
Spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Wilmington, covery Hybrid Rheometer (TA Instruments, New Castle, DE,
DE, USA). Bovine serum albumin (Bio-Rad) was used as USA) with a cone plate geometry (angle: 2°). The measuring
standard. Measurements were performed in duplicate for gap was set at 100 µm and the interval time between each
each sample and averaged for further analysis. shear rate was set to 120 s to give enough time for the sample
The fat content in acid whey was determined using the to equilibrate (Mezger, 2014). The shear rate ranged from 0.1
method described by Nguyen et al. (2014). Triolein (T-7140, s−1 to 100 s−1 with 5 data points collected per decade. The
Sigma-Aldrich, NSW, Australia) was used as the standard temperature was controlled at 31 °C to match the fermenta-
solution, which was dissolved in isopropanol with a concen- tion temperature. Each sample was analyzed in duplicate.
tration ranging from 0.25–4 mg mL−1. Each sample was ana-
lyzed in duplicate, and the values were averaged for analysis. Gelation Dynamics of Cream Cheese Milk
Total calcium was determined using inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometry (Agilent Technologies 8900 The storage modulus (G′) was recorded during the gela-
Series ICP-QQQ-MS, Mulgrave, VIC, Australia). Two tune tion process using the same rheometer with a standard
modes were used for elemental analysis. Helium (He) colli- concentric cylinder tool. The milk sample (50 mL) was
sion gas at a flow rate of 5 mL m in−1 and a combination of inoculated with R-704 mesophilic starter culture (Chr.
nitrous oxide (15%) and hydrogen reaction gases at a flow Hansen) at a concentration of 0.05%, (w/v), 0.1%, (w/v),
Food and Bioprocess Technology
or 0.2% (w/v). A 20 mL aliquot of the sample was then Acid Whey Separation by Centrifugation
put into the cup and a solvent trap was used to reduce
evaporation. Measurement parameters were set as below: The acid gel was heated and centrifuged to separate the acid
shear strain, 0.1%; frequency, 0.8 Hz; temperature, 31 °C. whey. Approximately 1 g acid gel was weighed into a 1.5-mL
An aliquot of 20 mL of sample was also transferred to a Eppendorf tube on an electronic balance (Mettler Toledo).
50 mL sterile container and incubated in a water bath (31 Each sample was prepared in triplicate. The sample tubes
°C) to monitor changes in pH in parallel to the gelation were then heated at 70 °C with a mixing speed of 500 rpm for
experiment. A pH meter (SevenCompact, Mettler Toledo, 10 min in a Thermomixer (Thermomixer comfort, Eppendorf,
Melbourne, VIC, Australia) with a glass electrode (IJ-44C, Hamburg, Germany), followed by centrifugation at 5000 g for
Ionode, Tennyson, QLD, Australia) was used to record 10 min at room temperature. The acid whey separated from
the pH value every 2.5 min until the pH value dropped to the curd after centrifugation was removed from the tube with
4.6. The gelation time (Tgel) and gelation pH (pHgel) were a pipette tip. The percentage of whey released was calculated
arbitrarily defined as the time and pH when the increase based on the remaining mass in the tube, and each sample was
in G’ surpassed 1 Pa from the baseline. analyzed in triplicate (Ong et al., 2018).
Sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophore-
Gel Firmness Measurement sis (SDS-PAGE) was conducted to analyze the whey proteins
in the acid whey. The reagent and equipment used were from
The gel firmness was determined using a texture analyzer Thermo Fisher Scientific Australia unless specified other-
(Stable Micro Systems, Godalming, England), and a 5-mm wise. Acid whey diluted with pure water and mixed with a
cylindrical probe. Cheese milk (50 mL) inoculated with the sample buffer (4× Bolt™) and a reducing agent (10× Bolt™)
starter culture was transferred to a cylindrical container (70 was heated at 95 °C for 5 min and loaded into a protein gel
mL, Thermo Fisher Scientific) and incubated at 31 °C in (12-well, Bolt™ 4–12% Bis–Tris Plus Gels). The gel was
parallel with the dynamic gelation measurement. All sam- accommodated in a Mini Gel tank connected to a PowerEase
ples were analyzed immediately at the end of fermentation power supply. The running condition for the gel was set at
at pH 4.6. The measuring parameters were: contact force, 150 V for 50 min. After destaining, the gel image was cap-
0.5 g; test speed, 1 mm s−1; measuring depth, 30 mm. The tured and processed using the ChemiDoc™ MP Imaging
maximum force shown in the force-distance curve was used System (Bio-Rad).
as the gel firmness value (Ong et al., 2010). The measure-
ments were repeated three times on different surface areas Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM)
of the sample and averaged for analysis. of Cream Cheese Milk and Acid Gel
Temperature Sweep and Flow Curve Analysis of Cream Images of cheese milk and gel samples were taken using a
Cheese Acid Gel confocal microscope (Leica SP8, Leica Microsystems, Hei-
delberg, Germany). Nile red and Fast green FCF (both from
The temperature sweep and flow curve were performed fol- Sigma-Aldrich), prepared respectively in dimethyl sulfoxide
lowing the methods described by (Ong et al., 2018) with (DMSO) and distilled water to 1 mg mL−1 as a stock solu-
some modifications. Temperature sweep tests for acid gel tion, were used for the staining of a fat globule and protein.
were conducted using a flat parallel plate with the gap set To stabilize milk particles for better observation under
at 1.5 mm. The temperature sweep ranged from 20–90 °C, CLSM, agarose (Standard Molecular Biology Grade Aga-
with an increment of 5 °C in 90 s. The strain and frequency rose, Scientifix, Melbourne, VIC, Australia) at a concentra-
values were set at 0.1% and 0.8 Hz for the analysis. A cone tion of 0.5% (w/v) in water was prepared and boiled before
plate (angle: 2°) was used for the flow curve analysis with use. The cheese milk sample (0.5 mL) was first stained with
the gap set at 1 mm. The shear rate increased logarithmi- 10 µL Nile red and 10 µL fast green FCF in an Eppendorf
cally from 0.1 to 100 s−1 with 5 data points recorded per tube. An aliquot of a 50 µL stained milk sample was then
decade. The interval time at each shear rate was set to 60 s mixed with the 200 µL agarose solution that had been cooled
to allow the sample to equilibrate. The acid gel was stirred down to ~45 °C. The mixture was vortexed for ~3 s and an
gently with a spatula and placed in the fridge at 4 °C for ~1 h aliquot of ~5 µL was pipetted on a cavity slide and imme-
before measurement on the rheometer set to 70 °C. A solvent diately sealed with a coverslip before the sample solidified
trap was used to reduce evaporation and measurements were (Ong et al., 2010).
performed in duplicate.
Food and Bioprocess Technology
A slice of gel (~5 mm × 5 mm × 2 mm, L × W × H) was cut The volume of the particle size (4/3* 𝜋r3 ) was further
with a surgical blade and put on a glass slide for staining. calculated and used to construct a volume-based size distri-
Nile red and Fast green FCF were diluted with pure water to bution. Three images were analyzed for each sample.
0.1 mg m L−1 and added into the gel sample sequentially. The
samples were immediately analyzed within 2 h of preparation. NMR Measurements
The CLSM images were taken with a 63× oil immersion objec-
tive at 2× or 4× digital magnification. The emission filters for Cheese milk was inoculated with 0.05% (w/v) starter cul-
Nile red and fast green were set at 520–590 nm and 660–750 nm, ture. An aliquot of a ~0.5 mL inoculated sample was trans-
respectively (Ong et al., 2010). Two-dimensional (2D) and three- ferred into a 3-mm micro-NMR tube using a syringe, and
dimensional (3D) images were collected for further analysis. an aliquot of a 20 mL sample was transferred to a 50-mL
container. Both the micro-NMR tube and the container were
Image Analysis of CLSM Images put in a waterbath at 31 °C for fermentation, and the pH of
the cheese milk in the container was monitored using a pH
The analysis of fat and protein content was conducted with meter. Once the pH of the sample in the container dropped to
3D images (92.3 (x) × 92.3 (y) × 8.95 (z) µm), which were 4.6, the micro-NMR tube was transferred to a fridge at 4 °C
constructed from 30 layers of 2D images. Two sets of 3D for NMR measurement. The micro-NMR tube containing the
image data were collected for each sample. Images were acid gel was then inserted into a standard 5-mm NMR tube
first deconvolved with Huygens software (Scientific Volume filled with deuterated chloroform for NMR measurement.
Imaging B.V., Hilversum, Netherlands) to reduce noise and All measurements were carried out on a Bruker Avance III
improve contrast and resolution. Fat and protein channels 600 spectrometer using a TCI cryoprobe fitted with a single-
were background subtracted at an intensity level of 30, and axis field-gradient (Gz) (Bruker BioSpin GmbH, Germany)
then the images were deconvolved with CLME algorithm at 20 °C. Standard RF pulse sequences (t1ir, cpmg and
for 40 iterations. The deconvolved images were further pro- stegp1s, Bruker pulse sequence library) of inversion recover
cessed in Imaris software (Bitplane, South Windsor, CT, (IR), Carr-Purcel-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG), and pulsed-filed
USA) for surface segmentation. The fat channel was manu- gradient stimulated echo (PFG-STE) were used for measur-
ally thresholded based on “background subtraction (local ing longitudinal relaxation time (T1), transverse relaxation
contrast)” to account for less even intensity of the fat parti- time (T2), and translational diffusion coefficient of water
cles. The green channel, which was homogenous, was thres- (Dw) in cream cheese acid gel, respectively. Specifically, the
holded by “absolute intensity.” The volume of the unstained IR sequence was collected with 16 variable delays (τ), rang-
area was obtained by subtracting the fat and protein surface ing from 50 ms to 25 s; the CPMG sequence was recorded
volume from the total volume. The porosity was defined as with 18 echo delays (τ) varied from 4.8 to 242 ms, and, for
the unstained volume divided by the total volume. the PFG-STE sequence, 32 datapoints were collected with
Analysis of fat particle size distribution in 2D images an effective duration (δ e) of 1.273 ms, a diffusion delay
(92.3 (x) × 92.3 (y) µm) was performed using the public (Δ) of 100 ms and the gradient strength ranging from 2.87
domain software ImageJ (version 1.58a, National Institutes of to 54.44 G cm−1. All measurements for CCM1, CCM2.5,
Health, Bethesda, MD, USA). The 2D micrographs were split and CCM5 acid gels were performed in duplicate with the
into grayscale channels, in which the red (fat) channel was samples prepared independently. In addition, the diffusion
of interest and applied with deconvolution using the plugin coefficient of deionized water was also measured as a ref-
Iterative Deconvolve 3D. The deconvolved images were erence. All data were processed using TOPSPIN (Version
then further processed with “unsharp mask” and “median” 3.6, Bruker BioSpin) with 1H chemical shifts referenced to
filters in ImageJ to sharpen and enhance edges. Afterward, CDCl3 at 7.24 ppm and analyzed using the T1/T2 relaxation
the images were thresholded automatedly using the “Mean” module within TOPSPIN. Longitudinal relaxation time (T1),
thresholding algorithm, and a watershed was performed to transverse relaxation time (T2), and translational diffusion
separate connected fat particles. After setting the scale, the coefficient of water (Dw) were determined by the following
“analyze particles” function was used to obtain the counts equations:
and fat particle area. Based on stereology, the average cross- ( ( ))
sectional area of fat globule ( s ) approaches the value of 2/3 𝜏
I(𝜏) = I0 1 − 2A exp − (3)
𝜋r2 (Fullman, 1953), where r is the sphere size of the particle. T1
Thus, the r can be obtained by the equation below:
( ( ))
√ 𝜏
I(𝜏) = I0 exp − (4)
r= T2
Food and Bioprocess Technology
volume, and protein and fat contents in the whey. The con- Total solids (% w/w) 20.7 ± 0.3a 33.5 ± 0.7b 42.2 ± 0.4c
centration factor was set as the whole plot factor, and the Calcium (mg 100 90 ± 17a 139 ± 19a 194 ± 28b
inoculation concentration was set as the subplot factor. A
pH 6.74 ± 0.02a 6.71 ± 0.02a 6.70 ± 0.07a
general linear model in Minitab (Minitab Inc., State Col-
lege, PA, USA) was used to analyze significant differences Milk was concentrated by ultrafiltration and VCF1 (skim milk), VCF2.5
between factor level means, and a mixed-effects model was and VCF5 represent the volumetric concentration factor of 1, 2.5, and 5,
used for pairwise comparisons (Kowalski et al., 2007). One- respectively. Cheese milk was milk prepared with a standardized protein
to a fat ratio for cream cheese making using skim milk (VCF1), or UF
way ANOVA (analysis of variance) was used in all other retentate VCF2.5 or VCF5. Values are presented as the mean ± standard
statistical analyses with a significance level (p-value) set at deviation (n = 3). Means that do not share a letter in a row are signifi-
0.05. Data plotting was conducted using Origin 2019 soft- cantly different (P < 0.05)
ware (OriginLab Corporation, Northampton, MA, USA).
~476 mg 100 mL−1 (VCF5) after concentration, similar to
the increases previously noted for VCF5 retentate (~450
Results and Discussion mg 100 m L −1) (Luo et al., 2015), as colloid calcium is
retained, while soluble calcium passes through the mem-
Properties of UF‑Concentrated Milk brane in the permeate.
Homogenization was equally effective on CCM1,
Cheese milk with varying levels of UF retentate was pre- CCM2.5, and CCM5 milk preparations, producing a similar
pared by combining skim milk or skim milk concentrated particle size distribution, despite the ~1.5- to 2-fold differ-
2.5- or 5-fold (volumetric concentration factor (VCF) 2.5 ences in total solids (Fig. 1a). The volume-weighted mean
or 5) with cream, producing CCM1, CCM2.5, and CCM5 diameter (D[4, 3]) was also similar between preparations
(Table 1). CCM2.5 and CCM5 had significantly higher and a characteristic of milk used for cream cheese produc-
concentrations of protein, fat, total solids, and calcium tion (1.14 ± 0.2 µm, 1.38 ± 0.26 µm, and 1.43 ± 0.29 µm
than CCM1 but retained the same target protein to a fat for CCM1, CCM2.5, and CCM5, respectively, P > 0.05).
ratio (0.21–0.24), which is needed for the production of Standard homogenization conditions were likely effective
double-fat cream cheese with a final fat and protein con- due to the similar protein to a fat ratio for all milk treatments
tent of ~33% and ~7.5%, respectively (Brighenti et al., (Table 1), as reductions in this ratio (~0.58–0.08) are known
2018). Milk pH was similar between preparations. The UF to result in larger particle sizes (Tomas et al., 1994).
process was typical of prior studies; whey proteins were All three homogenized preparations contained char-
retained in the UF retentate for VCF2.5 and VCF5, with acteristic homogenization clusters, where particles con-
no protein bands visible in the permeate using SDS-PAGE tain both fat and casein proteins (Ogden et al., 1976; Ong
(results not shown) and only ~0.02–0.04% non-protein et al., 2018), indicated by the white circles in Fig. 1b–d,
nitrogen (NPN) detected in the permeate. The protein where the particle size was consistent with measurements
content of skim milk, which was slightly lower than indi- by laser diffraction (Fig. 1a). The significance of these
cated by the manufacturer’s label (3.4%, w/v vs. ~3.7%, clusters is that they form one of the building blocks that
w/v), increased to 8.2% (w/v) in VCF2.5 and 14.3% in assemble to generate the network structure during the later
VCF5, consistent with past reports of ~13–15% for VCF5 stages of acid gel formation, so their consistency is impor-
(Erdem, 2005; Marella et al., 2015). The calcium con- tant for potentially generating similar microstructure. As
tent also increased to ~261 mg 100 mL−1 (VCF2.5) and expected, CCM5 had the highest density of particles,
Food and Bioprocess Technology
Fig. 1 Properties of UF-concentrated milk CCM2.5 () and CCM5 and protein stained by Fast Green FCF appears green. The scale bars
() compared to CCM1 (■). Particle size distribution (a), representa- are 10 µm in length. White circles indicate protein-fat clusters. Error
tive CLSM images of b CCM1, c CCM2.5, d CCM5 and apparent vis- bars in (a) and (e) indicate standard deviation of the mean (n = 3)
cosity (e). The fat in CLSM images stained by Nile red appears red,
followed by CCM2.5. This difference in the particle num- production, where the pipe is 5 to 6.5 cm in diameter, and
ber is also important for microstructure generation, as it the flow rate ranges from 1350–13,500 L h−1 (Ong et al.,
is expected to impact the density and interconnectivity of 2018).
the network formed. A further physical change induced by concentration of
CCM5 had the highest viscosity as a function of a shear the milk preparations is a reduction in thermal conductiv-
rate, followed by CCM2.5 and CCM1. At 1 s−1, the viscosity ity, which is determined by milk composition. The higher
of CCM5 was ~10-fold and ~16-fold higher than the viscos- solids and fat content and reduced water content of UF
ity measured for CCM2.5 and CCM1, respectively. CCM5 cheese milk will reduce thermal conductivity (k) by ~7–13%
was also less shear thinning (Fig. 1e). This difference in to 0.50 W m−1 K−1 and 0.47 W m−1 K−1 for CCM2.5 and
viscosity was expected due to the higher protein and fat con- CCM5, respectively, at 25 °C, compared to 0.54 Wm−1 K−1
tent in UF containing preparations (Table 1), which reduces for CCM1 (Munir et al., 2016). This leads to a lower heat
inter-particle distance, increases particle interactions, and transfer coefficient (h), which is proportional to the thermal
contributes to higher viscosity (Bienvenue et al., 2003). The conductivity k (h = 3.66 k/d, where d is the diameter of the
high viscosity of this concentrated cheese milk can poten- pipe as described by Sparrow et al. (2013)) under laminar
tially affect pump performance, requiring additional checks flow through a pipe at a uniform wall temperature, resulting
and optimization of the viscosity range at manufacturing in a less-effective heat transfer. For example, heating CCM5
scale. The shear range examined here (0.1–100 s−1) includes preparations in a 2-m-long double pipe heat exchanger
the estimated shear of 4–75 s−1 relevant to cream cheese between 40 and ~73 °C, assuming a 15 Lh−1 flowrate, is
Food and Bioprocess Technology
predicted to heat the milk 1 °C less than unconcentrated buffering capacity of the milk, and these preparations took
milk preparations. While the thermal conductivity of the UF ~1.8 and ~3 times longer to reach pH 4.6 (i.e., greater TpH4.6;
preparations is higher than that of the existing 56% double- Fig. 2) using the same starter concentration (0.05% w/v;
fat cream product, the impact for the reduced heat transfer Table 2). Milk proteins, soluble minerals, and colloidal cal-
should be considered, together with changes in viscosity, cium phosphate (CCP) are the main components affecting
when optimizing processing of CCM milk preparations. the buffering capacity of milk (Salaün et al., 2005). Though
The UF concentrated milk preparations produced using a large proportion of soluble minerals is lost in the perme-
the bench scale filtration unit allow the effect of milk con- ate, the retention of milk proteins and CCP leads to a greater
centration (CCM1, CCM2.5, and CCM5) to be examined in buffering capacity in the UF retentate compared with the
the early stages of cream cheese production, when an acid unconcentrated skim milk (Salaün et al., 2005).
gel is formed. This study next focused on the production of The UF retentate also significantly increased the storage
these acid gels and characterization of their fundamental modulus of the gel, G′pH4.6, which increased ~ 5-fold for
physico-chemical properties. CCM2.5 and ~10-fold for CCM5 (Fig. 2; P < 0.01, Table 2).
This increase can be attributed to increased interactions
Acid Gel Formation between particles in the network (Lucey et al., 1997) due to
the higher concentration of both protein, fat, and total sol-
An acid gel was formed from each of the CCM1, CCM2.5, ids in these acid gels (Table 1). These observations confirm
and CCM5 milk preparations by fermentation, generating that the concentrated cream cheese milk studied here has
a key intermediate within the production of cream cheese. an increase in storage modulus like other rennet-coagulated
The UF retentate in the CCM2.5 and CCM5 increased the
Fig. 2 Changes in pH () and storage modulus (G′) () as a func- 0.05% (w/v). The graphs of samples with 0.1% (w/v) and 0.2% (w/v)
tion of time during the acidification of CCM1 (a), CCM2.5 (b), and starter culture can be found in the SI Figs. 2 and 3. Curves are repre-
CCM5 (c), where all samples had a starter culture concentration of sentative of three separate experiments
Food and Bioprocess Technology
CCM1 0.05 129 ± 10a 5.24 ± 0.09b 221 ± 4d 287 ± 66c 0.383 ± 0.013b 4.96 ± 0.06a
0.1 86 ± 10bcd 5.21 ± 0.13b 161 ± 9e 274 ± 61c 0.390 ± 0.011b 4.99 ± 0.03a
0.2 53 ± 9 cd 5.22 ± 0.14b 116 ± 4e 293 ± 65c 0.400 ± 0.007a 4.98 ± 0.07a
CCM2.5 0.05 118 ± 25ab 5.55 ± 0.2ab 348 ± 8c 1281 ± 159b 0.314 ± 0.008de 4.90 ± 0.09a
0.1 88 ± 21abcd 5.47 ± 0.18ab 299 ± 10c 1348 ± 254b 0.320 ± 0.006 cd 4.91 ± 0.08a
0.2 53 ± 12 cd 5.48 ± 0.17ab 230 ± 8d 1417 ± 200b 0.327 ± 0.004c 4.93 ± 0.05a
CCM5 0.05 96 ± 27abc 5.81 ± 0.36a 663 ± 27a 3116 ± 150a 0.290 ± 0.002f 4.92 ± 0.04a
0.1 70 ± 8bcd 5.61 ± 0.16ab 468 ± 23b 2778 ± 262a 0.297 ± 0.002ef 4.87 ± 0.03a
0.2 46 ± 6d 5.59 ± 0.14ab 351 ± 36c 2800 ± 485a 0.298 ± 0.004def 4.84 ± 0.02a
Values are the mean ± standard deviation (n = 3). Means that do not share a letter in a column are significantly different (P < 0.05)
UF concentrates of varying composition in previous studies < 0.05, Table 2). This was coincident with a decrease in the
(Dussault-Chouinard et al., 2019). time taken for the milk to reach a pH of 4.6 by ~50–60%
The time taken for the onset of gelation, Tgel, was not (Table 2). Despite these changes, the faster acidification did
significantly different between milk preparations with the not alter the stiffness, or G′pH 4.6, of the gel. This is in con-
same starter concentration despite the difference in total trast to studies of skim milk yoghurt gels, where faster acidi-
solids (Fig. 2, P > 0.05, Table 2), perhaps due to the high fication (4% cf 0.5% (w/w) starter culture) led to a stiffer gel
variability in Tgel observed for some concentrated samples. network (Lee & Lucey, 2004). Unlike the yoghurt gels, fat
The pH at the onset of gelation ( pH gel) for CCM1 was is a key determinant of gel stiffness in the acid gels formed
~5.2, close to the value obtained for acidified skim milk here. The presence of high concentrations of fat (~13–31%;
(pHgel ~5.30) (Kristo et al., 2011); this pH increased to Table 1) in the gel network likely limits the influence of
~5.5–5.7 for the UF cheese milk (Table 2), although the starter culture concentration on the rearrangement of casein
variability was relatively large. The most significant dif- here. As expected, p Hgel was not altered, as this is known
ference in pHgel was observed between CCM5 (with 0.05% to depend on the neutralization of net repulsive charge on
(w/v) starter culture) and CCM1. The large variability of casein micelles, which is not typically affected by different
Tgel, as well as pHgel, for UF treatments is likely a result concentrations of starter culture.
of the lower volume of milk and starter culture used at These experiments show that concentrated cream cheese
small scale. milk (CCM2.5 and CCM5) can be used to make acid gels
The local maximum for the loss tangent (tan δmax) at ~ with a higher storage modulus (G′pH4.6). While such gels are
pH 4.8–5.0, observed in all milk preparations (Table 2), slower to reach pH 4.6, the productivity of the acidification
was lower for CCM acid gels prepared from UF retentate process can be increased by using a higher concentration of
compared to CCM1 (Table 2). This difference suggests the starter culture, without significantly affecting the stiffness,
rearrangement of casein in the UF-concentrated milk prepa- or G′pH4.6, of the gel.
rations during gelation may be less than in the control, as the
presence of tan δmax has been ascribed to the loosening of
casein-casein bonds during solubilization of colloidal cal- Acid Gel Firmness and Viscosity
cium phosphate (CCP) in yogurt (Lee & Lucey, 2004) and
may indicate differences in casein interactions in the acid The firmness of the acid gels formed by the CCM1, CCM2.5,
gels studied here, although the higher number of protein and and CCM5 milk preparations after fermentation was further
fat particles may also play a role. The pH at which the tan assessed using a penetration test. This test involves large
δmax occurred was similar (Table 2). deformations leading to gel disruption, imitating the forces
The effect of the starter culture concentration (0.05% involved in the handling of gels during food processing
(w/v), 0.1% (w/v), or 0.2% (w/v)) on acidification and gel (Angioloni & Collar, 2009).
properties was examined to determine whether a higher con- UF concentration significantly increased gel firmness (P
centration of starter culture could be used to speed the rate < 0.01), as shown in Fig. 3a, resulting in a ~4- and 8-fold
of acidification without altering the stiffness of the gel. An increase in gel firmness for CCM2.5 and CCM5, respec-
increase in starter culture concentration from 0.05% (w/v) to tively. This elevated firmness can again be attributed to
0.2% (w/v) significantly decreased Tgel for all milk prepara- the higher concentration of protein, fat, and total solids in
tions, approximately halving the time for gel formation (P these gels (Table 1), making these structures more resistant
Food and Bioprocess Technology
Fig. 3 Acid gel properties for CCM1, CCM2.5 and CCM5 acid gels. CCM2.5 () and CCM5 () acid gels as a function of temperature
Gel firmness as a function of skim milk concentration factor in cream (b) and shear rate (c). All samples had a starter culture concentration
cheese acid gels inoculated with 0.05% (w/v) (■), 0.1% (w/v) (◇) of 0.05% (w/v). Error bars represent the standard deviation of the
and 2% (w/v) ( ) starter culture (a). The viscosity of CCM1 (■), mean (n = 3)
to physical deformation. A higher concentration of starter a number of features, which were most evident for CCM5,
culture did not alter the gel firmness (P > 0.05, Fig. 3a), where the solids content was highest. These were a decline
consistent with the similar G′pH4.6 measured for these gels in viscosity with increasing temperature due to increased
(Table 2). The consistency between gel textural properties hydrophobic interactions and decreased casein voluminosity,
measured by penetration and small deformation (G′pH4.6), as which are thought to lead to whey expulsion (Lucey et al.,
in other studies (Angioloni & Collar, 2009) also indicates 1997), a drop in viscosity at ~40 °C due to fat liquefaction
both methods are effective for monitoring gel strength for and a slight increase in viscosity at temperatures > 75 °C
intermediates formed during cream cheese production. due to the formation of denatured whey protein clusters and
The viscosity of the acid gels was measured as a function whey-casein aggregates, which increase interactions within
of temperature and a shear rate as heat treatment and shear the gel (Lucey et al., 1999). These features indicate that a
forces are essential components of effective acid whey sepa- standard heating temperature of ~70 °C can potentially be
ration during cream cheese production (Ong et al., 2018). used for whey separation for these acid gels, as the fat will
All three acid gels displayed similar temperature sweep be liquid and viscosity will be relatively low.
curves, although the complex viscosity was higher for the All CCM acid gels displayed shear-thinning behavior
more concentrated preparations CCM2.5 and CCM5 (~4- when the flow properties were evaluated at 70 °C (Fig. 3c).
and 8-fold higher at 70 °C), where the greater number of As expected, the gels formed from CCM2.5 and CCM5 UF
molecules is expected to lead to increased molecular interac- acid gel were more viscous. The viscosity of the CCM1 acid
tion and a more viscous gel (Fig. 3b). The curves contained gels was ~10-fold lower than observed previously, possibly
Food and Bioprocess Technology
due to different processing conditions (e.g., formulation and produced a similar volume of whey, consistent with their
homogenization pressures) (Ong et al., 2018). The differ- similar mechanical properties (Fig. 4a, Table 2, and Fig. 3).
ence in viscosity between acid gels is expected to alter the Previously, a higher degree of spontaneous whey separation
flow properties of the acid gels; while all are expected to has been observed in yogurt with a lower concentration of
have laminar flow, the Reynolds numbers are estimated to starter culture (1.93% w/w vs. 1.69% w/w whey separation
be ~1124, ~393, and ~137, respectively (assuming a flow for 0.5% w/w and 4% w/w starter culture, respectively (Lee
rate of 1350 L h−1 and a diameter of 5 cm) (Madlener et al., & Lucey, 2004)), but the solid concentrations were signifi-
2009). An elevated viscosity can also increase fouling during cantly lower than those tested here (10.7% vs. ~20–42%
heat treatment, as observed previously in other milk prepara- here), potentially explaining these differences.
tions with added carrageenan (Prakash et al., 2010). A higher concentration of protein was present in the
whey produced from the concentrated gels, with ~2-fold and
Acid Whey Analysis ~4-fold greater protein occurring for the CCM2.5 and CCM5
acid gels, respectively (Fig. 4b), reflecting the higher protein
The volume and composition of acid whey generated from concentrations in these preparations (Table 1). Whey pro-
the acid gels were assessed next, as reduced production of tein α-lactalbumin (α-LA) increased 1.4-fold and 2.1-fold,
acid whey is a potential advantage of acid gels made from respectively, and β-lactoglobulin (β-LG) 1.6-fold and 2.1-
UF-concentrated milk and high-fat cream. The concentrated fold, respectively, as measured by SDS-PAGE densitometric
gels CCM2.5 and CCM5 produced ~40% and ~61% less analysis (Fig. 4d). The relative intensities of β-LG and α-LA
acid whey, respectively (Fig. 4a), showing the potential (~2.9:1) reflected the proportions found in bovine milk (Ng-
advantage of these preparations. Further optimization of Kwai-Hang & Kroeker, 1984) and were similar for acid whey
the centrifugation conditions, including speed and duration, expelled from all preparations. A higher concentration of fat
may be required to achieve the ideal moisture content for was also present in the acid whey separated from CCM2.5
further processing to make cream cheese. Using standard and CCM5 acid gels, reflecting the higher concentration of
conditions, the CCM5 gels generated ~22% acid whey, fat in these concentrated samples (Fig. 4c, Table 1). The
which is higher than the target value of ~7–16% (Brighenti total protein and fat loss to the acid whey were estimated to
et al., 2018; Ong et al., 2018), suggesting a shorter cen- be ~0.15 g per 100 g cheese milk for CCM1; this value was
trifugation or lower speed will be optimal. Concentrated slightly lower at ~0.12 g per 100 g of cheese milk for UF
gels made with a higher concentration of starter culture treatments; the gels made from UF-concentrated milk had a
Fig. 4 The percentage of acid whey (a) and the protein (b) and fat (c) of acid whey separated from CCM1, CCM2.5, and CCM5 acid gels
content in acid whey as a function of skim milk concentration factor (d). Lanes 1, 4, and 7: 0.05% (w/v) starter inoculation concentra-
in cream cheese acid gels inoculated with a concentration of 0.05% tion. Lanes 2, 5, and 8: 0.1% (w/v) starter inoculation concentration.
(w/v) (■), 0.1% (w/v) (◇), and 2% (w/v) ( ) starter culture. Error Lanes 3, 6, and 9: 0.2% (w/v) starter inoculation concentration. α-LA:
bars represent the standard deviation of the mean (n = 3). SDS-PAGE α-lactalbumin, β-LG: β-lactoglobulin
Food and Bioprocess Technology
higher concentration of protein and fat but a lower volume of fat network with the fewest pores, while the CCM1 control
acid whey, leading to similar levels of overall loss. It is also was less dense and more porous, as shown in the 2D gel
worth noting that the concentration of whey proteins in the cross-sections (Fig. 5a–c), where the pores appear as dark
acid whey is relatively low compared to the concentration of unstained areas. These structural differences can be attrib-
whey protein in unconcentrated milk or UF retentate, where uted to the higher concentration of protein, fat, and total
whey proteins account for ~20% of the total protein. This solids in UF-concentrated samples (Table 1), noted also in
very low whey protein content is likely the result of multi- the greater number of particles in Fig. 1, which also led to
ple heat treatments made during the cream cheese process- higher G′pH4.6 and gel firmness (Table 2, Fig. 3). Similar
ing, e.g., homogenization, batch pasteurization, and heating differences in the structure were also observed for the CCM
of acid gel, which lead to the whey protein being captured samples in the 3D cross-sections reconstructed from imaging
within the acid gel. The reduction of acid whey expulsion deeper into each acid gel sample (Fig. 5d–f).
in the production of UF-concentrated acid gels for cream Fat particles appeared integrated within the protein net-
cheese offers potentially valuable environmental benefits, as work, a characteristic of the acid gels formed during cream
this can reduce water and energy consumption and emissions cheese production (Ong et al., 2018, 2020). One notable
associated with whey treatment. difference between samples was the large fat particles also
visible within the CCM5 gel (Fig. 5c), which were not com-
Microstructure Analysis of Cream Cheese Acid Gel monly present in the other gels nor observed in the CCM5
milk preparation (Fig. 1b–d) where protein and fat clusters
The microstructure of the acid gels prepared from CCM1, were visible. These large droplets may form in the concen-
CCM2.5, and CCM5 was assessed by CLSM (Fig. 5), as this trated milk preparations during cold storage or during pas-
technique can provide key insights into the formation of gel teurization. The formation of fat crystals during cold storage
structure, which can influence gel properties. The structure can promote coalescence, as these crystals can impair the
of the CCM2.5 and CCM5 gels, including the protein net- interfacial layer surrounding the fat (Lopez et al., 2007).
work, was dense. CCM5 contained the densest protein and Fusion of fat droplets could also occur during pasteurization,
Fig. 5 Representative 2D (a–c) and 3D reconstructed (d–f) CLSM images CCM5 represent fat standardized cream cheese milk prepared from skim
of acid gels made from CCM1 (a, d), CCM2.5 (b, e), and CCM5 (c, f), milk, 2.5- and 5-fold UF retentate, respectively. White arrows indicate
where the starter culture concentration was 0.05% (w/v) for all samples. serum pores, and the white circles indicate fat globules
Fat stained by Nile red appears red, and protein stained by Fast Green
FCF appears green. Scale bars are 10 µm in length. CCM1, CCM2.5, and
Food and Bioprocess Technology
as the casein pesudomembranes could be disrupted when The 3D CLSM images were used to assess the volume
preparations are heated (65 °C, 30 min) (Darling & Butcher, percentage of fat and protein, which increased significantly
1978). Acid fermentation destabilizes casein proteins that as a function of UF concentration, with CCM2.5 having a
can coat fat droplets, but this process is less likely to lead higher volume than CCM1 and CCM5 having the highest
to fat coalescence, as the fermentation process is relatively volume for these components (P < 0.01, Fig. 6b and c),
static, and the chances of rupture of the fat globule mem- with an approximate 2-fold increase across the concentra-
branes are minimal. This hypothesis is supported by the find- tion range. Conversely, porosity decreased significantly with
ings by Lopez et al. (2017), who found the size of the fat UF concentration (P < 0.01, Fig. 6d), with an approximate
droplets of the milk emulsion (20% fat (w/w), pH 6.7) did 2-fold decrease across the concentration range. There was a
not change after acidification to pH 4.6 in ~12 h. correlation between the volume of fat measured on the basis
Stereology was used to estimate the particle size of fat of dry weight for CCM samples and the volume determined
droplets in acid gels from 2D images using ImageJ (Fig. 6). by image analysis (SI Fig. 4, 0.896). The volume of protein
This method was selected due to the close-packed nature of also correlated well with protein concentration (SI Fig. 4,
the fat within the concentrated UF acid gels, which makes the 0.934), but the imaged volume of the protein phase was ~6–7
separation of fat droplets by segmentation difficult to perform times greater than the actual measured protein concentra-
when using 3D images. While the distribution of the fat drop- tion, which could be attributed to the hydration of the milk
let sizes determined by ImageJ analysis of 2D images was proteins. This illustrates the limitation of applying image
similar for the three acid gels (Fig. 6a), larger droplets were analysis to determine composition, although analysis of fat
also detected in CCM5 samples (Fig. 6a insert). The major- is more reliable. In another study on the agarose-canola oil
ity of fat droplets were estimated to be 0.5–10 µm in diam- gels, with much lower oil concentrations (1–11%), the vol-
eter, but more droplets with 5–13 µm in diameter were found ume of the canola oil phase analyzed by image analysis also
in CCM5, consistent with visual observation of the size of closely matched the experimental concentration (Mhaske
these droplets in CLSM images (Fig. 5). The D[4, 3] diameter et al., 2019) and the distinct boundary between fat and water
also increased from ~2.2 µm for CCM1 and CCM2.5 gels to components may allow better assessment of fat volume.
~3.2 µm for CCM 5 samples (P < 0.05). These data suggest
that the aggregation and the coalescence of fat were greater NMR Relaxation Times and Self‑Diffusion Coefficient
during the preparation of the high-fat CCM5 acid gel. This of the Water Component
hypothesis is supported by previous observations of renneted
coagulated UF retentate, where a high-fat content leads to a The mobility of water within the CCM gels was assessed by
gel with larger fat globules (Ong et al., 2010). proton NMR relaxometry, as this method can provide further
Fig. 6 Particle size distribution obtained from image analysis of 2D a volume basis and the porosity of CCM acid gels (d) as a function
CLSM images of CCM1 (■), CCM2.5 (), and CCM5 () acid of skim milk concentration factor obtained from the analysis of 3D
gels where the starter culture concentration was 0.05% (w/v) for all CLSM images. CCM1, CCM2.5, and CCM5 represent fat standard-
samples (a). The insert highlights the volume density differences ized cream cheese milk prepared from skim milk, 2.5- and 5-fold UF
between fat droplets for CCM1, CCM2.5, and CCM5 gels within the retentate, respectively
size range of 5–13 µm. The percentage of fat (b) and protein (c) on
Food and Bioprocess Technology
insight into the microstructure of the gels, as the relation- consistent here, but the values of T 1 were higher, which
ship between volume concentration factor, or solid content could be due to the lower protein content in the gels and
and the diffusion of water within such gels is not completely higher field strength, 600 MHz, used in this study.
understood. Two characteristic NMR parameters of a water A slight deviation from a monoexponential decay was
component, the T1 (longitudinal relaxation time) and T2 observed for T2 here, possibly reflecting the presence of dif-
(transverse relaxation time), can be readily measured, and ferent forms of water (e.g., free water and bound water) in
their values strongly correlate with water mobility (Roefs & milk gels, as reported previously by Tellier et al. (1993). This
Vliet, 1989). Generally, longer 1H T1 or T2 times correspond previous study also observed a single T2 in renneted skim milk,
to greater water mobility (Kuo et al., 2001). as occurred here, which is likely the result of the fast exchange
The proton NMR spectra of cream cheese acid gels used between different proton components in the gels. The decrease
in the present study are shown in Fig. 7a–c. The intensity of in T2 as a function of the solid content also indicates water
a water signal at 4.94–4.98 ppm decreased, while the inten- mobility decreases in CCM2.5 and CCM5 acid gels.
sity of the acyl chains of the fat between 0.94 and 2.34 ppm The self-diffusion coefficient of water (Dw) was measured
increased, as the volume concentration factor increased in as a further measure of the state of a water component within
CCM1 to CCM5 acid gels. These spectral characteristics are the three acid gels. As expected, the Dw of cream cheese
consistent with visual and quantitative observations of solid acid gels (Fig. 7f) was lower than that of free water (2.09
density in CLSM images (Figs. 5 and 6). × 10−9 m2 s−1 at 20 °C), reflecting reduced diffusion in all
A decrease of 1H water relaxation time was observed in gels compared to free water. The value of Dw also decreased
CCM acid gels as a function of volume concentration fac- with the concentration factor, exhibiting a linear decay with
tor (Fig. 7 d and e) or as a function of total solid content solid content (SI Fig. 5), indicating reduced mobility in the
between 20 and 42.5% (SI Fig. 5), a trend that was most acid gels made from UF retentate. This decrease accorded
apparent for T2. This observation extends our understanding with the observation of the microstructure, where fewer and
of water mobility in acid dairy gels across a wider range of smaller serum pores were present in the UF acid gels, in
solid contents with lower mobility occurring for acid gels which water molecule movement was restricted (Fig. 5).
from more concentrated preparations. Previously, T1 values The Dw data reported in this study also suggest that the
have been found to decrease from 1.273 s to 0.936 s (meas- relationship between Dw and solid content may not be lin-
ured at 25 °C at a low field strength of 42.5 MHz), when ear for the entire range of solid concentrations. Here, the
fat and nonfat milk solids were added to increase solids in intercept of the linear fit with y-axis (solid content at 0, SI
the manufacture of yogurt (Yu et al., 2016). The trend was Fig. 5) gives a Dw of 1.87 × 10−9 m2 s−1, which is lower than
Fig. 7 The mobility of water in cream cheese acid gels. 1H NMR ficient Dw (f) of the water component in cream cheese acid gels as a
spectra of cream cheese acid gels CCM1 (c), CCM2.5 (b), and CCM5 function of skim milk concentration factor. Values are expressed as
(a). The insert in (c) shows a signal arising from the acyl chains of the mean ± the standard deviation (n = 2)
fat. The T1 (d), T2 (e) relaxation time and water self-diffusion coef-
Food and Bioprocess Technology
that of free water. This suggests the linearity observed might are below those observed (~2.1–1.9 × 1 0−9 m2 s−1 at 25 °C)
not extend to very low concentrations of solids. This linear- for casein dispersions with a similar protein content to the
ity may be valid, however, for dairy products with solids acid gels examined here (3–7%) (Table 1) (Gottwald et al.,
between 3–50% based on observations for milk protein mix- 2005; Mariette et al., 2002) where the protein is expected to
tures and cream cheese that have displayed lower water self- be similarly hydrated. The close packing of protein and fat
diffusion with higher dry matter (Métais et al., 2004; Møller aggregates within the acid gels (Fig. 5) will lead to obstruc-
et al., 2012). Dry matter is also known to be the main factor tion. The addition of fat, for instance, can change Dw from
affecting diffusion in cream cheese (Møller et al. (2012). The ~1.3 × 1 0−9 m2 s−1 to ~0.8 × 1 0−9 m2 s−1 (at 20 °C) when the
value of Dw of CCM acid gels observed here is higher than solid content is increased from ~17% in fat-free UF retentate
observed previously for cream cheese with a similar solid to 51% in fat-containing counterparts (Métais et al., 2004),
content, which has been reported to vary between ~0.85 and illustrating the impact of increased solid content.
1.1 × 1 0−9 m2 s−1 at 25 °C (Møller et al., 2012). A further The estimated root mean square displacement, (2Dw Δ)1/2,
decrease in water mobility can, therefore, be expected, as is ~14–17 µm for the diffusion time (Δ) of 100 ms used in
these acid gels are further processed into the final cream the present study, which is larger than the pore size of the
cheese product, where factors such as the presence of food gels observed from the 2D CLSM images (Fig. 5). This sug-
hydrocolloids lower Dw. gests the water molecules are not restricted to move within
Obstruction, where large molecules reduce diffusion, may a single serum pore but are able to move through the chan-
be the primary factor reducing the movement of water in the nels and interconnected serum pores that are expected to be
UF acid gels observed here. Obstruction is one of the two fac- present within the 3D gel network. The significance of this
tors proposed by Mariette et al. (2002) to influence water diffu- finding is that this particular structure could facilitate the
sion in dairy dispersions and gels. Hydration, which influences transport of water and other aqueous solutes (e.g., lactose
water-protein interactions, can also restrict water movement, and lactic acid) throughout the gel matrix, which is criti-
reducing diffusion and lowering Dw. The changes in Dw cal for acid whey separation and could also impact sensory
observed here cannot be attributed to the effect of hydration properties of the final cheese.
alone, however, as the values of Dw (1.0–1.4 × 10−9 m2 s−1)
Fig. 8 Schematic representation of the effect of UF retentate addi- of cheese milk standardization, homogenization and coagulation are
tion on the structure of acid-induced gels compared to standard cream shown left to right
cheese formulation using a mixture of skim milk and cream; the stages
Food and Bioprocess Technology
Differences in Milk and Acid Gel Structure Formed significant reduction in porosity (~2-fold). The increase in
from Skim Milk or Addition of UF Retentate solids within UF acid gels, at the expense of water, reduced
diffusion. Water molecules were still able to move between
A schematic illustration (Fig. 8) highlights the differences interconnected serum pores but experienced some obstruc-
introduced to the structure of acid-coagulated gels with tion in UF acid gels. These physicochemical changes in gel
addition of UF retentate. Cream cheese milk is formulated density led to changes in physical properties, including an
by standardizing skim milk or retentate with cream to a increase in gel storage modulus (up to ~10-fold), gel firm-
protein to a fat ratio of ~0.21–0.24 (Fig. 8a and d). When ness (up to ~ 8-fold), and viscosity (up to ~ 8-fold at 70 °C).
UF retentate is used, there is a higher concentration of fat In general, addition of UF retentate is expected to lower ther-
and protein (Fig. 8d). Homogenization is equally effective, mal conductivity, increase milk and acid gel viscosity, and
and clusters of protein and fat can be observed in all cream increase the propensity for fouling. Small process changes
cheese milk samples (Fig. 8b and e). After fermentation, the may, therefore, be needed at either pilot or manufacturing
acid gel produced from UF retentate shows a denser struc- scale to optimize heat exchange, pumping, and cleaning dur-
ture, with fewer serum pores and a lower porosity (Fig. 8f). ing cream cheese production. These insights increase our
This leads to a reduced diffusion coefficient for water, as the understanding of how addition of UF retentate alters the
dense structure of interconnected fat and protein particles structure and properties of acid gels will assist the future
obstructs passage (Fig. 8f), although water molecules are development and optimization of cream cheese processes
still able to pass through the serum pores. In contrast, the for reduced production of acid whey.
acid gels made from skim milk have a porous protein-fat net-
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
work structure (Fig. 8c), where water diffuses faster than in tary material available at https://d oi.o rg/1 0.1 007/s 11947-0 22-0 2991-1.
the UF acid gel but is reduced relative to a casein dispersion.
The UF acid gel also displays noticeably larger fat globules Acknowledgements The authors thank Dr. Katherine Ganio and Dr.
(Fig. 8f), which is attributed to the higher concentration of Swati Varshney from the Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Facility at
The Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute at The Uni-
fat and greater coalescence of fat during processing. These versity of Melbourne for conducting the calcium analysis. The authors
differences in the microstructure (Fig. 8), together with the also thank the Advance Microscopy Facility (AMF), The Biological
higher storage modulus of the acid gels (Fig. 2), may also Optical Microscopy Platform (BOMP) at The Bio21 Molecular Sci-
alter the subsequent processing steps and the final texture ence and Biotechnology Institute for access to equipment. Prof. Sally
Gras and Dr. Lydia Ong are supported by The Dairy Innovation Hub.
of the cream cheese. While the use of a bench scale mem-
brane filtration unit limited the volume of milk concentrate Author Contribution Qihui Wu: conceptualization, methodology,
produced in the current study, future studies at a larger pilot investigation, data curation, formal analysis, visualization, writing–
scale could seek to examine the link between the intermedi- original draft. Lydia Ong: conceptualization, methodology, validation,
visualization, writing, review, editing, and supervision. Shenggen
ate stages of acid gel formation and the structure of the final Yao: methodology, data curation, visualization, formal analysis, writ-
cream cheese product. ing, review, and editing. Sandra Kentish: writing, review, editing, and
supervision. Sally Gras: conceptualization, resources, validation, visu-
alization, writing, review, editing, and supervision.
Conclusion Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by CAUL and
its Member Institutions.
This study highlights how the addition of UF retentate
influences the behavior of milk preparations used for cream Data Availability The datasets generated during and/or analyzed dur-
ing the current study are available from the corresponding author on
cheese making. While homogenization was effective with reasonable request.
2.5× and 5× concentrated milk and similar characteristic
homogenization clusters were observed in all prepara- Declarations
tions, milk viscosity increased with the use of UF reten-
tate. Changes to the buffering capacity reduced the rates Competing Interests The authors declare no competing interests.
of acidification, but this could be addressed by increasing
starter culture concentration. Ingredient assembly produced Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
characteristic protein networks, in which the fat was well tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
integrated. The increased number of protein and fat particles as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
from the solids in UF cheese milk led to a denser protein and provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
fat network, where greater bonding between protein and fat were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
is expected to occur. There was a greater concentration of otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
protein in these acid gels (~1.7- to 2.5-fold), greater vol- the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
ume of protein and fat by image analysis (~2-fold) and a permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
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