Introduction UF in Dairy Industry Main areas Categories Advantages & Disadvantages Cheese quality Studies on UF in Dairy Products Conclusion
contains water, lactose, soluble minerals, nonprotein nitrogen and water-soluble vitamins
contains proteins, fat and colloidal salts increased in proportion.
UF in Dairy Industry
Most commonly used membrane technology in dairy industry (together with reverse osmosis) Most widely used membrane technology in cheese industry In 2001, >450 000 t of cheese produced
UF in Dairy Industry
UF in Dairy Industry
Application of whey ultrafiltration in the dairy industry started with the separation and concentration of whey proteins from whey in 1972. The application of ultrafiltration in cheese processing started in 1983 for production of cottage cheese and soft varieties
Low concentration factor ultrafiltration Medium concentration factor ultrafiltration High concentration factor ultrafiltration
protein-standardized milk
seasonal variations in milk
Advantages of UF
increases yield (16 to 20% increase in cheese) reduces production costs (reduction of the quantity of coagulant used by 80%) new cheese varieties allows the manufacture of curd in such a way that less, or even no, syneresis occurs
Disadvantages of UF
Fouling is the limiting factor in all applications of membrane filtration of milk The amount of deposition on the membrane must be minimized, because the flux decreases and the selectivity of the seperation is affected Different fouling mechanisms: adsorption, pore blocking, cake layer formation, and depth fouling.
Properties of UF retentates
Buffering capacity
The buffering affect of pH 6.7 UF retentates leads to higher numbers of lactic starter bacteria in curd and resulting cheese
Rheological behaviour
The viscosity of UF retentates increases markedly with an increase in their protein content
Cheese quality
texture defects of UF cheeses are caused by the higher content of Ca salts if UF retentates of pH 6.7 are used for making cheese mineralization of the drained curd (total Ca and repartitioning of Ca between the casein matrix and the soluble phase) play an essential role in the rheology of the cheese variety. The mineral content may be adjusted.
Cheese quality
Cheese quality
characteristics such as melting behaviour, shredding ability, viscosity and strachability became important when cheese is used as ingredient. meltability of processed cheeses manufactured from Cheddar cheese base made from ultrafiltered milk is lower than that from regular Cheddar
Erdem, Y.K., 2000 used fluorescent probe binding method to explain the changes on the surface of milk protein caused by ultrafiltration. Raw skimmilk samples were concentrated 2-fold and 3-fold by ultrafiltration. The hydrophobicity of the surface sites of milk proteins in retentates and unconcentrated milk was examined. It was found that the number of surface hydrophobic sites and afinity to the hydrophobic/fluorescent marker decreased with ultrafiltration. This study suggests that the renneting pattern for milk is changed by this modification and can be one of the main reasons for some problems in hard cheese manufacturing from retentate.
UF has been used widely in dairy industry since 1970s, and in cheese manufacture since 1980s. Several studies has been held on various aspects of UF applications in dairy industry. UF increases yield and lowers production costs in dairy processing.