PSY102-011 Practice Questions Exam 2 Answers

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PSY102-011 Exam 2 Practice Questions Answers

1. Answer: B) blind spot.
2. Answer: D) absolute threshold.
3. Answer: A) Weber's law.
4. Answer: C) numbers or symbols have colours
5. Answer: B) gate control model
6. Answer: A) symmetry
7. Answer: D) interposition
8. Answer: D) sense receptors
9. Answer: C) Dream protection theory.
10. Answer: C) activity during periods of wakefulness.
11. Answer: A) NREM sleep
12. Answer: B) Déjà vu
13. Answer: C) fish food
14. Answer: A) acquisition
15. Answer: B) stimulus generalization.
16. Answer: A) negative reinforcement
17. Answer: D) Variable ratio
18. Answer: C) higher-order conditioning.

Short Answer Practice Questions

1. In Donald Broadbent’s filter theory of attention, attention acts as a filter by creating a bottleneck
through which information passes. Describe the steps of how this was tested using the dichotic listening
task and what did the initial results show? (2 marks) How did Anne Treisman then show that this filter is
leaky using shadowing? (2 marks) In the Cocktail Party Effect, what is the highly relevant stimulus
outside of our attention that participants are likely to pay attention to? (1 mark)
In the dichotic listening task, two different audio recordings were played in each ear. Participants were
asked to attend to one ear and ignore the other ear. (1 mark) The initial results showed that participants
did not process the information from the ignored ear. (1 mark). Participants were asked to repeat the
information from the attended ear out loud using shadowing (1 mark), and some of the words from the
ignored ear were said. (1 mark) The participant will pay attention to their name (1 mark)

2. What is the definition of preparedness in relation to phobias? (1 mark) Give an example of a phobia we
might be more likely to develop according to preparedness. (1 mark) Describe the three ways that
conditioned taste aversions differ from what is typically shown with classical conditioning. (3 marks)
In preparedness, we are evolutionarily predisposed to be more afraid of certain things. (1 mark) An
example could be: snakes, spiders, heights, the dark. (1 mark) Taste aversions typically develops after
only one trial (or pairing) whereas classical conditioning requires many trials. (1 mark). The delay
between the conditioned stimulus (food) and the unconditioned stimulus (illness) can be very long (take
hours), whereas the delay between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus is short in
classical conditioning. (1 mark) In conditioned taste aversions, there is a lack of stimulus generalization
(very specific), whereas classical conditioning can show stimulus generalization. (1 mark)

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