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Hydraulic Jump

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Hydraulics Laboratory Experiment Report


Ahmed Essam Mansour

Section: "1", Monday 2-5 pm Title: Date: Hydraulic Jump 4 December, 2006

To study the force and energy conditions in a hydraulic jump

When spillways or other similar open channels are opened by the lifting of a gate, liquid passing below the gate has a high velocity and an associated high kinetic energy. Due to the erosive properties of a high velocity fluid, it may be desirable to convert the high kinetic energy (e.g. high velocity) to a high potential energy (e.g., a deeper stream). The problem then becomes one of rapidly varying the liquid depth over a short channel length. Rapidly varied flow of this type produces what is known as a hydraulic jump. A hydraulic jump can be defined as an abruptly increase in depth in the direction of flow when a change from fast to slow flow occurs in open channel. It is mainly used to dissipate energy and reduce the velocity of flow and as a mixing device, and is caused by changing the slope (free jump) or by placing a flow weir in the bed of the channel (force jump). Due to the energy losses in a hydraulic jump, the equality between energy upstream and down stream the jump can't be used in the analysis of flow, however, a force analysis of can be used.

When a free jump occurs the force on the upstream is equal to the force on the downstream. Note that forces due to shear is neglected because of the short length the jump occurs at.

The jumps formation and location is controlled by a sluice gate at the upstream and a tail gate downstream of the jump. Beside the study of hydraulic jumps, this experiment also investigated the measurement of critical depth experimentally and compares it to the theoretical calculated depths. The theoretical value is calculated from the know relation;

And the experimental value is obtained from the plot of energy of flow to its alternating depths upstream and downstream the gate. The values of d1, d2 are obtained from depth gauges on the sides of the channel apparatus, and the energy is measured by using pitot's tube.

1. The open channel flow apparatus. See the figure. B = 4 cm 2. Pitot tubes 3. Depth gauges

Allow flow in the channel and a hydraulic jump to occur by using the tail gate and take readings for: 1. d1: depth upstream of the gate 2. d2: depth downstream of the gate (upstream of the jump) 3. d3: depth downstream of the jump 4. E1 = E2: the specific energy of flow upstream and downstream of the gate. 5. E3: the specific energy of flow downstream the jump

1. The obtained experimental value of the critical depth is approximately equal to the theoretical value. 2. Force upstream the hydraulic jump exceeded the force downstream of it, and this is contrary to what was presumed in theory. The difference between the two forces is caused by the neglected effect of shear forces as the actually exist. 3. Energy losses in jump decrease as the difference in depths of fast flow (upstream) and slow flow (downstream) decreases, as the length over which the jump occurs also decrease. 4. The obtained value of critical depth dc lies between the values of d2 and d3 which assures the condition of formation of a hydraulic jump, where d2<dc (fast flow) and d3>dc (slow flow). 5. The obtained plot for E vs. d didn't asymptote a 45 degrees line, which might be caused by errors in numbers.

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