Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Determining Control

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Form No : F/OSH - 03

Rev. 0


Name of Job : Department : Prepared By : Checked By :- Approved By :



Job Activity Hazard Hazard Character Current Risk Control Probability Severity Risk Action/Additional Control

Workers wear gloves and hard hat; Briefing By SHO on safety

Physical injuries caused by weight, Fatality or permanent disability or
sharp edges, hit by falling object. irreversible illness
Provide safe working procedure; Close 2 5 10 awareness. Additional control shall
supervision. be made if necessary.

Snakes & insects bites & allergies

First aid cases/medical treatment (M.C All workers at the site are required to Additional control shall be proposed
from plant might be occurred during
between 1 to 3 days) wear long safety boots.
2 2 4 when necessary.
the activities

During verification of peg points, trip / First aid cases/medical treatment (M.C All workers at the site are required to Additional control shall be proposed
fall might happen. between 1 to 3 days) wear long safety boots.
2 2 4 when necessary.

Briefing By SHO on safety

Major injury/illness (Long
absenteeism, M.C > 14 days)
Stay away from the working area. 2 4 8 awareness. Additional control shall
be made if necessary.

Minor damage (No or less Provide safe working procedure on

Physical injuries caused by swinging Additional control shall be proposed
object and property damage.
disruption, repair cost > RM1,000 proper lifting and material handling; 2 2 4 when necessary.
and < RM10,000) Provide warning signage.

Briefing By SHO on safety

Crane collapse due to unstable Fatality or permanent disability or To check outrigger and ground condition;
Unloading material ground. irreversible illness Close supervision.
2 5 10 awareness. Additional control shall
be made if necessary.

Minor damage (No or less Briefing By SHO on safety

Damage to road surface due to crane Proper use of outrigger pad; Use of
disruption, repair cost > RM1,000 supporting platform. 3 2 6 awareness. Additional control shall
and < RM10,000) be made if necessary.

Briefing By SHO on safety

Electrocution due to over head or Minor injury/illness (M.C between 5 to Wear proper gloves; Provide warning
underground live cable. 14 days) signage; Close supervision.
2 3 6 awareness. Additional control shall
be made if necessary.

Briefing By SHO on safety

Boom failure due to overloading or Fatality or permanent disability or To check on load chart and proper lifting
mishandling. irreversible illness method.
2 5 10 awareness. Additional control shall
be made if necessary.

Briefing By SHO on safety

Material falling onto public Localised damage (Repair cost > Provide warning signage; Put barrier on
vehicle/road. RM10,000 and < RM50,000) working area; Close supervision.
2 3 6 awareness. Additional control shall
be made if necessary.

Briefing By SHO on safety

Hit by falling object due to improper Fatality or permanent disability or Requirements on proper stacking
stacking. irreversible illness techniques; Close supervision.
2 5 10 awareness. Additional control shall
be made if necessary.
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Name of Job : Department : Prepared By : Checked By :- Approved By :



Job Activity Hazard Hazard Character Current Risk Control Probability Severity Risk Action/Additional Control
Provide safe working procedure; Training Briefing By SHO on safety
Body injuries while handling Major injury/illness (Long
machinery/hopper. absenteeism, M.C > 14 days).
on machinery handling; Close 2 4 8 awareness. Additional control shall
supervision. be made if necessary.
Health hazard due to tar and bitumen Near miss/ unsafe act/ unsafe Additional control shall be proposed
Heat stroke and dehydration due to
exposure. condition
Wear proper PPE; Close supervision. 3 1 3 when necessary.
Near miss/ unsafe act/ unsafe Worker wear proper PPE; Worker to take Additional control shall be proposed
Heat injuryexposure
to body dueto sunlight
to or
3 1 3
Working heating material. First aid cases/medical treatment (M.C aToshort
properwhere applicable.
insulated hand tool; Wear when necessary.
Additional control shall be proposed
Burnt injury dueinsulation hand tools or
to mishandling betweenor1 permanent
to 3 days) disability or proper PEP. PPE; Provide warning
2 2 4 Briefing By SHO on safety
when necessary.
environment and inappropriate hands tools. Fatality Wear proper
with material
flammable liquid or other combustible
irreversible illness signage/MSDS; Close
1 5 5 awareness. Additional
Briefing By SHO control shall
on safety
Struck or hit by moving object (Hand
materials. Fatality or permanent disability or To check outrigger andsupervision.
ground condition; be made if necessary.
tool or machinery). irreversible illness Road supervision.
Close site barrier/warning signage; Signal 2 5 10 awareness. Additional control shall
Briefing By SHO on safety
Physical injuries caused by traffic Minor injury/illness (M.C between 5 to be made if necessary.
collision withdue
public vehicle. 14 days)
man proper monitoring; Close 2 3 6 awareness. Additional control shall
Briefing By SHO on safety
Fall hazard to cable snap or Minor injury/illness (M.C between 5 to supervision.
To check wire rope and proper handling be made if necessary.
mishandling during lifting works. 14 days)
2 3 6 awareness. Additional
Briefing By SHO control shall
on safety
Minor injury/illness (M.C between 5 to during lifting work. be made if necessary.
Fall into loading tray.
14 days)
Training for workers; Close supervision. 2 3 6 awareness. Additional control shall
Briefing By SHO on safety
Fall into paver grader with rotating Near miss/ unsafe act/ unsafe be made if necessary.
equipment. condition
Training for workers; Close supervision. 1 5 5 awareness. Additional control shall
be made if necessary.


Name of Job : Department : Prepared By : Checked By :- Approved By :


Job Activity Hazard Hazard Character Current Risk Control Probability Severity Risk Action/Additional Control
Minor damage (No or less Close supervision; Proper cover and
Material falling onto public Additional control shall be
disruption, repair cost > RM1,000 close the road while unloading 2 2 4 proposed when necessary.
vehicle/live lane/roads.
Working and < RM10,000) material.
Communication interrupted by Near miss/ unsafe act/ unsafe Training to workers use proper hand Additional control shall be
environment and Minor damage (No or less 3 1 3 proposed when necessary.
noisy condition. condition signal where
with material. Traffic collision with public disruption, repair cost > RM1,000
To wear visibility vest and
2 2 4
Additional control shall be
vehicle. lifting interrupted by
Material Near clothing;
Training Close supervision. proposed
Additional when necessary.
and <miss/ unsafe act/ unsafe
RM10,000) to workers proper lifting
2 1 2 Briefing
shall be
on safety
Sudden condition.
injuries on hand due to condition
First aid cases/medical treatment techniques and
Provide safe to provide
working slingman.
procedure; proposed
3 2 6 awareness. Additional control
vibration using jackhammer. (M.C between 1 to 3 days) Training on hand tool handling. shall be made if necessary.
Form No : F/OSH - 03
Rev. 0


Name of Job : Department : Prepared By : Checked By :- Approved By :



Job Activity Hazard Hazard Character Current Risk Control Probability Severity Risk Action/Additional Control

Workers wear gloves and hard hat; Briefing By SHO on safety

Physical injuries caused by weight, Fatality or permanent disability or
sharp edges, hit by falling object. irreversible illness
Provide safe working procedure; Close 2 5 10 awareness. Additional control shall
supervision. be made if necessary.

Snakes & insects bites & allergies

First aid cases/medical treatment (M.C All workers at the site are required to Additional control shall be proposed
from plant might be occurred during
between 1 to 3 days) wear long safety boots.
2 2 4 when necessary.
the activities

During verification of peg points, trip / First aid cases/medical treatment (M.C All workers at the site are required to Additional control shall be proposed
fall might happen. between 1 to 3 days) wear long safety boots.
2 2 4 when necessary.

Briefing By SHO on safety

Major injury/illness (Long
absenteeism, M.C > 14 days)
Stay away from the working area. 2 4 8 awareness. Additional control shall
be made if necessary.

Minor damage (No or less Provide safe working procedure on

Physical injuries caused by swinging Additional control shall be proposed
object and property damage.
disruption, repair cost > RM1,000 proper lifting and material handling; 2 2 4 when necessary.
and < RM10,000) Provide warning signage.

Briefing By SHO on safety

Crane collapse due to unstable Fatality or permanent disability or To check outrigger and ground condition;
Unloading material ground. irreversible illness Close supervision.
2 5 10 awareness. Additional control shall
be made if necessary.

Minor damage (No or less Briefing By SHO on safety

Damage to road surface due to crane Proper use of outrigger pad; Use of
disruption, repair cost > RM1,000 supporting platform. 3 2 6 awareness. Additional control shall
and < RM10,000) be made if necessary.

Briefing By SHO on safety

Electrocution due to over head or Minor injury/illness (M.C between 5 to Wear proper gloves; Provide warning
underground live cable. 14 days) signage; Close supervision.
2 3 6 awareness. Additional control shall
be made if necessary.

Briefing By SHO on safety

Boom failure due to overloading or Fatality or permanent disability or To check on load chart and proper lifting
mishandling. irreversible illness method.
2 5 10 awareness. Additional control shall
be made if necessary.

Briefing By SHO on safety

Material falling onto public Localised damage (Repair cost > Provide warning signage; Put barrier on
vehicle/road. RM10,000 and < RM50,000) working area; Close supervision.
2 3 6 awareness. Additional control shall
be made if necessary.

Briefing By SHO on safety

Hit by falling object due to improper Fatality or permanent disability or Requirements on proper stacking
stacking. irreversible illness techniques; Close supervision.
2 5 10 awareness. Additional control shall
be made if necessary.
Page 6/29


Name of Job : Department : Prepared By : Checked By :- Approved By :



Job Activity Hazard Hazard Character Current Risk Control Probability Severity Risk Action/Additional Control
Provide safe working procedure; Training Briefing By SHO on safety
Body injuries while handling Major injury/illness (Long
machinery/hopper. absenteeism, M.C > 14 days).
on machinery handling; Close 2 4 8 awareness. Additional control shall
supervision. be made if necessary.
Health hazard due to tar and bitumen Near miss/ unsafe act/ unsafe Additional control shall be proposed
Heat stroke and dehydration due to
exposure. condition
Wear proper PPE; Close supervision. 3 1 3 when necessary.
Near miss/ unsafe act/ unsafe Worker wear proper PPE; Worker to take Additional control shall be proposed
Heat injuryexposure
to body dueto sunlight
to or
3 1 3
Working heating material. First aid cases/medical treatment (M.C aToshort
properwhere applicable.
insulated hand tool; Wear when necessary.
Additional control shall be proposed
Burnt injury dueinsulation hand tools or
to mishandling betweenor1 permanent
to 3 days) disability or proper PEP. PPE; Provide warning
2 2 4 Briefing By SHO on safety
when necessary.
environment and inappropriate hands tools. Fatality Wear proper
with material
flammable liquid or other combustible
irreversible illness signage/MSDS; Close
1 5 5 awareness. Additional
Briefing By SHO control shall
on safety
Struck or hit by moving object (Hand
materials. Fatality or permanent disability or To check outrigger andsupervision.
ground condition; be made if necessary.
tool or machinery). irreversible illness Road supervision.
Close site barrier/warning signage; Signal 2 5 10 awareness. Additional control shall
Briefing By SHO on safety
Physical injuries caused by traffic Minor injury/illness (M.C between 5 to be made if necessary.
collision withdue
public vehicle. 14 days)
man proper monitoring; Close 2 3 6 awareness. Additional control shall
Briefing By SHO on safety
Fall hazard to cable snap or Minor injury/illness (M.C between 5 to supervision.
To check wire rope and proper handling be made if necessary.
mishandling during lifting works. 14 days)
2 3 6 awareness. Additional
Briefing By SHO control shall
on safety
Minor injury/illness (M.C between 5 to during lifting work. be made if necessary.
Fall into loading tray.
14 days)
Training for workers; Close supervision. 2 3 6 awareness. Additional control shall
Briefing By SHO on safety
Fall into paver grader with rotating Near miss/ unsafe act/ unsafe be made if necessary.
equipment. condition
Training for workers; Close supervision. 1 5 5 awareness. Additional control shall
be made if necessary.


Name of Job : Department : Prepared By : Checked By :- Approved By :


Job Activity Hazard Hazard Character Current Risk Control Probability Severity Risk Action/Additional Control
Minor damage (No or less Close supervision; Proper cover and
Material falling onto public Additional control shall be
disruption, repair cost > RM1,000 close the road while unloading 2 2 4 proposed when necessary.
vehicle/live lane/roads.
Working and < RM10,000) material.
Communication interrupted by Near miss/ unsafe act/ unsafe Training to workers use proper hand Additional control shall be
environment and Minor damage (No or less 3 1 3 proposed when necessary.
noisy condition. condition signal where
with material. Traffic collision with public disruption, repair cost > RM1,000
To wear visibility vest and
2 2 4
Additional control shall be
vehicle. lifting interrupted by
Material Near clothing;
Training Close supervision. proposed
Additional when necessary.
and <miss/ unsafe act/ unsafe
RM10,000) to workers proper lifting
2 1 2 Briefing
shall be
on safety
Sudden condition.
injuries on hand due to condition
First aid cases/medical treatment techniques and
Provide safe to provide
working slingman.
procedure; proposed
3 2 6 awareness. Additional control
vibration using jackhammer. (M.C between 1 to 3 days) Training on hand tool handling. shall be made if necessary.

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