Certificate of Motor Insurance: 1. Policyholder Cover Note No: TCV-MOT-9739743
Certificate of Motor Insurance: 1. Policyholder Cover Note No: TCV-MOT-9739743
Certificate of Motor Insurance: 1. Policyholder Cover Note No: TCV-MOT-9739743
If any person for the purpose 1. Policyholder Cover Note No: TCV-MOT-9739743
of obtaining the grant of any
licence to himself/herself or
any other person knowingly
Name: MR JAGJEEWAN SINGH LARD Effective Date: 11/03/2022 16:00
makes any false statement, or Address: 75 ST Leonard’s Street Expiry Date: 12/03/2022 16:00
for the purpose of obtaining Address:
the issue of a certificate of Address: London Issue Date: 07/03/2022 15:51
insurance or of a certificate of Postcode: E3 3BS
security under the relevant law
applicable in Great Britain, 2. Vehicle(s) Insured
Northern Ireland, the Isle of
Man, the Island of Guernsey,
the Island of Jersey and the Registration: VE67EFM
Island of Alderney, makes any Vehicle Details: RANGE ROVER EVOQUE
false statement or withholds Cover: Fully Comprehensive
any material information,
he/she shall be liable to a fine
or to imprisonment or to both. Having applied for the insurance of the motor vehicle(s) described above the insurance
is hereby held in force in the terms of the Company's usual form of Policy applicable
thereto, provided always that the Company shall on giving notice in writing to the last
known address of the Policyholder be entitled to cancel this insurance immediately and a
If you wish to cancel the policy proportionate part of the premium will be charged for the time this insurance has been in
you must return the certificate.
Due to the short term nature of force.
this policy, there will be no
return of premium. 3. Persons or classes of persons entitled to drive
Those specified below, provided that the person driving, holds a licence to drive the
vehicle or has held and is not disqualified from or prohibited by law from holding or
Advice to Third Parties - obtaining such a licence, and observes the regulatory requirements of such licence.
Nothing contained in this
Name: Mr Jagjeewan Singh Lard
certificate affects your rights
as a Third Party to make a
claim. 4. Limitations as to use
Use for social domestic and pleasure purposes and use in person by the Policyholder in
connection with their business or profession.
Emergency Tel. Contacts
Impounded Vehicles: This Short Term Insurance certificate cannot be used for the
purpose of recovering an impounded vehicle.
I hereby certify that the policy to which this certificate relates satisfies the requirements
of the relevant law applicable in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, the Island
of Guernsey, the Island of Jersey and the Island of Alderney.
For and on behalf of Granite Underwriting Insurance Company Limited, Level 3, Ocean
Village Business Centre, 23 Ocean Village Promenade, Gibraltar.
Chris Lathey
Managing Director
Note: For full details of the insurance cover reference should be made to the policy.
Granite Underwriting Insurance Company. Level 3, Ocean Village Business Centre, 23 Ocean Village Promenade, Gibraltar
Registered Number 85963 Gibraltar. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Foreign Use
This certificate of motor insurance takes the place of an International Motor Insurance Card
(Green Card) and is evidence that the insurance extends to include the compulsory motor
insurance requirements of:
It is a condition of your policy that after any loss, damage or accident full details of the incident are
reported to our claims representatives, Prospect Legal Ltd, Retreat Offices, London Road, Polhill,
Sevenoaks, Kent, TN14 7AA as soon as reasonably possible or by telephoning them on 0845-092700,
please quote your insurance policy number.
It is a condition of your policy that any increased costs resulting from your delay in reporting
any incident to us will be your responsibility.
We aim to provide a first-class service. However, should you have any cause for complaint please
contact your broker who administers the insurance on your behalf. However, if you are still not happy
with the way the matter is dealt with, please write to the Chief Executive of Granite Underwriting
Insurance Company Ltd, Level 3, Ocean Village Business Centre, 23 Ocean Village, Promenade,
If after having made your complaint you are still unhappy you may be able to refer your complaint to the
Financial Conduct Ombudsman Scheme, 183 Marsh Wall, London, E14 9SR.
These procedures do not affect your right to take legal action if necessary.
Granite Underwriting Insurance Company. Level 3, Ocean Village Business Centre, 23 Ocean Village Promenade, Gibraltar
Registered Number 85963 Gibraltar. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.