Certificate of Motor Insurance: Signedonbehalfof Aviva Insura Nce Limite D (Authorise D Insure RS)
Certificate of Motor Insurance: Signedonbehalfof Aviva Insura Nce Limite D (Authorise D Insure RS)
Certificate of Motor Insurance: Signedonbehalfof Aviva Insura Nce Limite D (Authorise D Insure RS)
(a) Use for hiring of the vehicle, the carriage of passengers or goods for payment, the carriage of goods or property which
does not belong to you as a courier or for takeaway or fast food delivery.
(b) Use for any competitions, trial, performance test, race or trial of speed, including off road events whether between motor
vehicles or otherwise, and irrespective of whether this takes place on any circuit or track, formed or otherwise and
regardless of any statutory authorisation of any such event.
(c) Use to secure the release of a motor vehicle, which has been seized by, or on behalf of, any government or public
IMPOUNDED VEHICLES: This Short Term Insurance Certificate cannot be used for the purpose of recovering an impounded
I hereby certify that the Policy to which this Certificate relates satisfies the requirements of the relevant Law applicable in
Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, the Island of Guernsey, the Island of Jersey and the Island of Alderney.
Signed on behalf of
Aviva Insurance Limited (Authorised Insurers)
Authorised Signatory
Colm Holmes
Global CEO General Insurance
NOTE: For full details of the insurance cover reference should be made to the policy.
ADVICE TO THIRD PARTIES: Nothing contained in this Certificate affects your right as a Third Party to make a claim.
Any query relating to this insurance or any alteration should be referred to the Agent through whom the Insurance is arranged
or the Aviva Office - address obtainable from the policy.
The number under the heading 'CERTIFICATE NUMBER' should be quoted in all correspondence.
TRANSFER OF INTEREST This Certificate is not transferable.
Aviva Insurance Limited. Registered in Scotland Number 2116.
Registered Office: Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH.
Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential
Regulation Authority
To whom it may concern
This insurance Certificate provides evidence that motor insurance operates in the United Kingdom for the dates shown and
this cover extends to and include the compulsory insurance requirements of:
a. any member country of the European Union
b. Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia and Switzerland
La présente attestation est faite pour servir et valoir ce que de droit
Cette attestation d'assurance apporte la preuve que l'assurance automobile est valable au Royaume-Uni aux dates indiquées
et que cette couverture est étendue pour inclure les conditions obligatoires d'assurance de:
a. Tous les autres pays membres de l'Union européenne
b. Andorre, I `Islande, le Liechtenstein, la Norvége, la Serbie et la Suisse
An alle, die es angeht
Dieses Versicherungszertifikat ist der Nachweis, dass die Kraftfahrzeugversicherung im Vereinigten Königreich an den gezeigten
Daten gültig ist, und diese Deckung erfasst auch die Pflichtversicherungsvorschriften in:
a. Jedem anderen Mitgliedsstaat der Europäischen Union
b. Andorra, Island, Liechtenstein, Norwegen, Serbien und der Schweiz
A quien corresponda
Este Certificado de Seguro provee evidencia que seguro de automóvil opera en el Reino Unido para las fechas que aparecen y
esta cobertura se extiende para incluir los requerimientos de seguro obligatorios de:
a. Cualquier otro país miembro de la Unión Europea
b. Andorra, Islandia, Liechtenstein, Noruega, Serbia y Suiza
A chiunque possa interessare
Questo Certificato di Assicurazione costituisce la prova dell'esistenza dell'assicurazione automobilistica nel Regno Unito per le
date indicate e che la copertura é estesa in modo da includere i requisiti assicurativi obbligatori di:
a. Qualsiasi altro Paese facente parte dell'Unione Europea
b. Andorra, Islanda, Liechtenstein, Norvegia, Serbia e Svizzera
Aviva Insurance Limited.
Registered in Scotland Number 2116. Registered Office Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH.
Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial C onduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority
Your Schedule
Our Ref: 43022141 Produced On: 9 February 2024 at 07:44 AM
Your policy starts on 14 February 2024 at 06:00
Peugeot 308 S
Registration Mark Cc
KR57OTD 1560
Excess £250.00
Persons entitled to drive Adam john Jervis Date Of Birth: 06/10/1983 Licence:
Limitations as to use Use for social, domestic and pleasure purposes and business use by the Policyholder
excluding the carriage of passengers or goods for hire or reward.
RAC Motor Legal Expenses Cover - included. Refer to the separate RAC Motor Legal Expenses Policy Terms and Conditions
for further information.
If the information in this Schedule is incorrect or does not meet your requirements, please tell us at once.
You are reminded of the need to notify any facts that we would take into account in our assessment or acceptance of this
insurance. Failure to disclose all relevant facts may invalidate your policy, or result in your policy not operating fully. You
should keep a written record of any information you give to us.