Assessment On Factors That Affect Tax Collection in Tepi Town Merchant's Yeki Woreda, Sheka Zone, South West Ethiopia
Assessment On Factors That Affect Tax Collection in Tepi Town Merchant's Yeki Woreda, Sheka Zone, South West Ethiopia
Assessment On Factors That Affect Tax Collection in Tepi Town Merchant's Yeki Woreda, Sheka Zone, South West Ethiopia
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Alemu Bekele
Mizan-Tepi University
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tional J
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Re Accounting Research
ISSN: 2472-114X
Research Article
Assessment on Factors that Affect Tax Collection in Tepi Town Merchant’s Yeki
Woreda, Sheka Zone, South West Ethiopia
Alemu Bekele Eticha*, Dawit Wendimu
Department of Statistics, College of Natural and Computational Science, Mizan-Tepi University, Tepi, Ethiopia
Background: Taxation is a system of raising money to finance government. Without taxes funds and government
services could not exist. In most developing countries, like Ethiopia, the revenue generated by the government is
quite less than the expenditures spent. This low revenue yield of taxation can only be attributed to the fact that tax
provisions are not properly enforced. Thus the main objective of this study is to investigate factors of tax problems
in taxpayers in Tepi town.
Methods: The community based cross-sectional study design was conducted on 118 merchants that randomly selected
from Tepi Town. All the vital information was gathered from selected tax payers by structured questionnaire. The
data was organized and analyzed by IBM SPSS 20. Moreover, a Binary logistic regression was used to identify the
potential determinants of tax collection problem.
Results: Out of 118 tax payers 14.4% were said that they had not faced tax collection problems and 85.6% were said
that they have tax collection problems. From the total, 36 female tax payers 5(4.2%) of them were reported that they
had not tax payment problem while 31(26.3%) of them were had faced tax payment problem. Similarly, from the
total 82 male tax payers 12 (10.2%) of them were said they had not faced tax collection problem but 70(59.3%) of
them were said they had faced tax collection problem. The result of Chi-square of independence revealed, service
satisfaction, cash register machine use, pay amount, and duration of time liability had p-value 0.001, 0.045, 0.001
and 0.000 respectively which is less than level of significance 0.05. So this indicated the significant relationship that
found between these variables and tax gathering system. The logistic regression revealed that service satisfaction, pay
amount and time liability were the major factor that affects tax collection system in Tepi town.
Conclusions: Based on results, about 85.6% of merchants in Tepi town were had complain on their taxation. The
identified significant factors of these merchants are service satisfaction, pay amount estimate and time liable to pay
the taxes. The study suggested to Tepi town Economic developmental office must adopt a comprehensive strategy
that satisfy the tax payers and adequate pay estimate that depend on profit of the merchants.
Keywords: Tax payment; Tepi town; Logistic regression; Factors of taxation; Problem of taxation
*Correspondence to: Alemu Bekele Eticha, Department of Statistics, College of Natural and Computational Science, Mizan-Tepi University, Tepi,
Ethiopia, E-mail:
Received: January 24, 2021; Accepted: August 10, 2021; Published: August 17, 2021
Citation: Eticha AB, Wendimu D (2021) Assessment on Factors that Affect Tax Collection in Tepi Town Merchant’s Yeki Woreda, Sheka Zone, South
West Ethiopia . Int J Account Res 9:220.
Copyright: © 2021 Eticha AB, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
on recalcitrant taxpayers. Tax administration, covers a wide area adopt a comprehensive strategy, and minimize the observed tax
of study, encompassing aspects such as registration of taxpayers, administration problems to increase tax revenue. Similar approach
assessments, returns processing, collection, and audits [2]. Tax can be replicate in identifying the problems in tax assessment and
administration therefore, should aim at improving on laws collection procedures of revenue administrations in other towns.
regarding the registration, assessment, collection revenue, and
exploiting fully taxation potential of a country [3]. MATERIALS AND METHODS
In most developing countries, like Ethiopia, the revenue generated
Description of the study area
by the government is quite less than the expenditures spent. This
low revenue yield of taxation can only be attributed to the fact The study was conducted in Tepi town which is located in the Yeki
that tax provisions are not properly enforced either on account Woreda, Sheka Zone, Southern Nation Nationality and People’s
of the inability of administration or on account of straight (SNNPR) Region at 611 km distance from Addis Ababa (the capital
forward collusion between the tax administration and taxpayers. city of Ethiopia) toward south west direction of the country and
In Ethiopia, tax is administered at federal or central and regional this study will conduct to tax payer merchants in case of Tepi town.
levels. The constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia (FRDE) has separated the tax revenue to be collected by Study population: In this study the target population is merchants
federal government, state or regional government and jointly by those who have financial account in the in Tepi town revenue
the federal and state government (Proclamation No33/1992). office. The total populations are 1706 and the sample was selected
from these taxpayers.
The revenue of the Ethiopian government comes from different
sources such as tax public borrowing, sales of public assets, and Sampling techniques: The cross-sectional study design conducted
transfer payments. The main purpose of generating revenue from on 118 tax payer merchants that selected with simple random
these various sources is to finance government expenditure. These sampling from 1706 sample frame. Because each individual is
public expenditures are meant for public goods and services that chosen entirely by chance and each member of the populations
are very essential for the development and wellbeing of the society. have an equal chance of being included in the sample.
Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority (ERCA) focuses on Study variables: The interest variable is the tax collection problem
those people and vehicles that may involve in the act of bringing that categorized as the tax payer faced problem or did not faced
into or taking out of goods, which customs duty and taxes are not any problem on tax collection. The independent variables were:
paid and whose importation or exportation are prohibited by law. education level of merchant, income of merchant, satisfaction level
Taxes levied by central and regional government consist of direct of the merchant, tax use awareness, willing to pay tax, Cash register
and indirect taxes. Direct taxes are taxes including employment machine use, business type, tax category, pay amount annually, and
income taxes, business income tax while indirect taxes are mainly duration to pay tax.
composed of value added tax (VAT) and excise taxes. The law has
classified the business income tax payers on business profit on to METHODS OF DATA ANALYSIS
three major categories with respect to their legal personality and
annual turnover as category A, B and C. Category "A", category "B" Descriptive statistics
and category "C" taxpayers are classified as follows [5]. Category “A”
taxpayers are composed of two groups. The first group comprises Descriptive statistics is a part of statistics that deal with methods
of those taxpayers whose annual turnover for a single tax year is and techniques of organizing, summarizing, presenting, reporting
500,000 or more. In addition, any company incorporated under and arranging the data without making generalization beyond the
the laws of Ethiopia is a category “A” taxpayer irrespective of data. It summarizes mass of the numerical data in to meaningful
their annual turnover. Category “B” taxpayers are those taxpayers form by using various statistical techniques such as tables, charts,
with annual turnover greater than 100,000 but less than 500,000 graphs, and so on.
Ethiopian. All taxpayers with annual turnover income less than
100,000 Ethiopian Birr are grouped as category C taxpayers Birr. Chi-square Test
According to Mekonnen, A., Deneke, Z. and Reda E, tax The test is used to test the association between two variables. Test of
assessment and collection problems on taxpayers were problem association we apply to know the relationship between dependent
for system connection due to this many taxpayers does not get and independent variables [6]. The Chi-square is given by:
(O − E ij )
the service as they came to the tax office and there is lack of tax 2
n m
χ = ∑∑
2 ij
knowledge by taxpayers. Due to this, delay in tax payment, do (1)
not pay the proper amount they should pay and negligence are i =1 j E ij
taken by taxpayers as solution to escape from payment of taxes.
Hence, proper assessment and collection of tax is one of the factors Where: m = number of column
that enable the government to achieve its goals programs. Besides, O ij = number of occurrence in the cell
it reduces the country’s dependability on the foreign loan and
E ij = expected value of i th =row and j th =column
donations. This study is focus on tax collection problem in Tepi
Town. n = number of row
The findings of this study will contribute in enhancing the X2 cal = chi-square test of statistics
taxation or revenue of the town and the government at large by
P-value is the smallest level of the test for which the null hypothesis
uncovering the core problems on the tax assessment and collection
(Ho) is rejected. That is when p-value greater than the significance
activities so as to enabling them to put their effort to trump over
level, Ho is not rejected.
the observed problems. Thus, the government would be able to
The test X2cal with X2α(c-1) (r-1)…. tabulated value. commonly used 0.05. That is the large p-value indicates good fit.
Where, X ki =independent variables in the model Hypothesis Test: Ho: [ β j = 0] vs. H1: β j ≠ 0
π = probability of success; 1–π = the probability of failure Decision: Reject Ho if Z 2 >= Z2α (v) or the corresponding P-value of
each variables less than significance level α.
β0 = intercept; βk= the coefficients of independent variable
The general model is simplified to: RESULTS
Logit (π i ) = log = β 0 + β1 X 1i + β 2 X 2 i + + β k X ki Descriptive statistics Results
1− π
Where, π i = y = 1 is the probability of success and 1–πi = probability The main purpose of this section is to interpret the results on tax
of failure collection problem of tax payers. The descriptive statistics was
employed to describe the tax collection problem of tax payers.
Odds Ratio: Logistic regressions work with odds so it is necessary to
πi From Table 1, out of 36 female respondent 5(4.2%) of them were
define both odds and odds ratio. The odds are simply odd = reported that they had no tax payment problem while 31(26.3%)
1 − πi
π1 of them were had faced tax collection problem. Similarly, from the
In 2 × 2 tables, within row 1 the odds of success are Odds1 = , and
1 − π1 total 82 male respondents 12 (10.2%) of them were said they had
π2 no faced tax collection problem but 70(59.3%) of them were said
Within row 2 the odds of success equals Odds 2 = they had faced tax collection problem.
1 − π2
π1 Out of 8 total number age group less than 20 respondent 1(0.9%)
odds1 1 − π1
The ratio of the odds from the two rows,=
Πi = of them were said they had not faced tax collection problem and
oods 2 π2
7(5.9%) of them were said that they had faced tax collection
1 − π2
problem, from 15 total number of age group between 21-30
Пi (Odds ratio) is the ratio of two odds; whereas the relative risk is respondents 3(2.5%) of them were said that they had not faced
a ratio of two probabilities tax collection problem and 12(10.2%) of them were said that they
Model adequacy check had faced tax collection problem, from 38 total number of age
group between 31-40 respondents 7(5.9%) of them were said that
The Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit statistic measures the they had not faced tax collection problem and 31(26.3%) of them
correspondence between the actual and predicted values of were said that they had faced tax collection problem, from 29 total
the dependent variable [4]. It also commonly used to assess the number of age group between 41-50 respondents 2(1.7%) of them
goodness of fit of a model and allows for any number of explanatory were said they had not faced tax collection problem and 27(22.9%)
variables, which may be continuous or categorical. It is given by: of them were said that they had faced tax collection problem and
(Oi − Ei ) 2 out of the total 28 age group above 50 respondents 4(3.4%)
Cˆ = ∑
i =1 mi ∗ πˆ i (1 − πˆ i )
of them were said they had not faced tax collection problem and
24(20.3%) of them were said that they had faced tax collection
Where, Oi =observed value; Ei =Expected value; mi = number of problem.
observation and π= average predicted risk for ith group
Out of 16 total number of illiterate education level respondents
Hypothesis: H0: The model is good fit Or H1: The model is poor fit 3(2.6%) of them were said they had not faced tax collection
Decision rule: do not reject H0 if p-value is greater than α-value problem and 13(11%) of them were said that they had faced tax
collection problem, from 25 total number of elementary school respondents 4(3.4%) of them were said that they had not faced tax
respondents 5(4.2%) of them were said they had not faced tax collection problem, and 14(11.9%) of them were said that they had
collection problem and 20(17%) of them were said that they had faced tax collection problem. The remaining 100 respondents of
faced tax collection problem, from 23 total number of high school tax awareness are yes group and from those 13(11%) of them were
completed respondents 3(2.5%) of them were said they had not said that they had not faced tax collection problem and 87(73.7%)
faced tax collection problem and 20(17%) of them were said that of them were said that they had faced tax collection problem.
they had faced tax collection problem, from 20 total number of
Out of total 118 cash register machine respondents of 16(13.6%)
vocational certificate and Diploma respondents 3(2.5%) of them
of them are no group and 1(0.9%) of yes group were said that they
were said they had not faced tax collection problem and 17(14.4%)
had not faced tax collection problem. The remaining respondents
of them were said that they had faced tax collection problem, and
of cash register machine 72(61%) of no group and 29(24.5%) of
out of 34 degree and above respondents 3(2.5%) of them were said
them were said that they had faced tax collection problem.
they had not faced tax collection and 31(26.3%) of them were said
that they had faced tax collection problem. The percentage of get adequate training about the machine
respondents of 0% and 0.9% were said that they had not faced tax
out of 29 total number of average income level less than 50,000
collection problem. The remaining of get adequate training about
respondents 5(4.2%) of them were said they had not faced tax
the machine respondents 10.2% and 14.4% were said that they
collection problem and 24(20.4%) of them were said that they
had faced tax collection problem.
had faced tax collection problem, from 41 total number of average
income level between 50,000-250,000 respondents 5(4.2%) of The percentage of signature to tax identification respondents of
them were said they had not faced tax collection problem and 2.5% and 11.9% of them were said that they had not faced tax
36(30.5%) of them were said that they had faced tax collection collection problem. The remaining respondents of signature to tax
problem, from 17 total number of income level between 250,000- identification 4.2% and 81.3% of them were said that they had
500,000 respondents 4(3.4%) of them were said they had not faced faced tax collection problem.
tax collection problem and 13(11%) of them were said that they
Out of 118 total respondents for their category 25.4% of them
had faced tax collection problem, from 22 total number of income
are category A, 26.3% of them are category B and 48.3% of them
level between 500,000-1,000,000 respondents 1(0.9%) of them
are category C tax payers and from those categories 2.5%, 3.4%
were said they had not faced tax collection problem and 21(17.7%)
and 8.2% of them were said that they had not faced tax collection
of them were said that they had faced tax collection problem and
problem respectively. The remaining respondents of tax categories
out of 9 total number of income level above million respondents
such as category A, category B and category C of tax payers 22.9%,
2(1.7%) of them were said they had not faced tax collection
22.9% and 39.8% of them were said that they had faced tax
problem and 7(5.9%) of them were said that they had faced tax
collection problem respectively.
collection problem.
The percentage of payment amount they should respondents of
From total of 15 not pay tax annually respondents 4(3.4%) of them
59.3% of them were not pay and 40.7% were says pay amount
were said they had not faced tax collection problem and 11(9.3%)
they should, from not pay amount they should group 3.4% and
of them were said that they had faced tax collection problem and
from those pay amount they should group 11% of them were said
out of 103 total pay tax annually 13(11%) of them were said they
that they had not faced tax problem. The remaining respondents
had not faced tax collection problem and 90(76.3%) of them were
of not pay amount they should 55.9% and pay amount they should
said that they had faced tax collection problem.
group 29.7% of them were said that they had faced tax collection
From the above table 4.1 business types such as hotel and problem.
restaurant, clinic, trader, games and others is 1.7%, 0%, 5.9%,
The percentage of duration of time liability respondents of 4.2%
1.7% and 5.1% of them were said they had not faced tax collection
and 10.2% of them were said that they had not faced tax collection
problem respectively. The remaining respondents of business type
problem. The remaining respondents of duration of time liability
such as hotel and restaurant, clinic, trader, games and others is
for 66.9% and 18.6% of them were said that they had faced tax
5.8%, 9.3%, 26.3%, 14.4% and 28.8% of them were said that they
collection problem (Table 1).
had faced tax collection problem respectively.
Out of 118 tax payer respondents 93(78.8%) of them were not Chi square test of association for tax payers
satisfied to tax collection service, from those 93 respondents
From Table 2, we seen the independent variables (service
8(6.8%) of them were said they had not faced tax collection problem
satisfaction, cash register machine, pay amount you should, and
and 85(72%) of them were said that they had faced tax collection
duration of time liability) have p-value (0.001, 0.045, 0.001 and
problem. The remaining, 25 respondents were says satisfied to the
0.000) respectively which is less than level of significance (0.05
service, from those 25 respondents 9(7.6%) of them were said they
respectively). So we conclude that there is strong relationship
had not faced tax collection problem and 16(13.6%) of them were
between the independent variables and tax collection problem of
said that they had faced tax collection problem.
tax payers (dependent variable) (Table 2).
The percentage of level of service satisfaction such as very satisfied,
moderately satisfied and low satisfaction categories is 2.5%, 1.7% Binary Logistic Regression
and 3.4% of them were said they had not faced tax collection
From the Table 3, the sig value=0.00 is less than the test statistics
problem respectively. The remaining respondents level of service
α=0.05 we reject the null hypothesis and conclude as the overall
satisfaction such as very satisfied, moderately satisfied and low
model is significantly different from zero. This means that at least
is 1.7%, 7.6% and 4.2% of them were said they had faced tax
not one of the explanatory variable are excluded from the model,
collection problem respectively. Out of 18 tax awareness no group
the response variable is equal to 0.000 which is constant (Table 3).
From Table 4 , the result of Omnibus tests of model confidents From table 5, Cox & Snell R2 indicated that 38.3% of the
had a chi-square value of 57.029 at 26 degrees of freedom, which effectiveness of tax collection problem tax payers is explained by
was highly significant at alpha =0.05. Meaning, model coefficients the independent variables. In addition to this, Nagelkerke’s R2
of chi-square test is highly significant, which shows that the indicated that 68.2% of the dependent variable is explained by
independent variables predict the dependent variables well and the the independent variables (Table 5). From the above table of 6,
model was a good fit (Table 4). Hosmer and Lemeshow Test p value 0.599 is greater than 0.05,
therefore we concluded that the model is good fit the data (Table 6).
Table 2: Chi square test of association between the problem and explanatory variables, 2019.
Variables Chi square Value Degree of freedom Asymp.sig(2-sided)
Level of education 1.779 4 .776
Average annual income 3.680 4 .451
Pay tax annually 2.095 1 .148
Business type 2.845 4 .584
Service satisfaction 11.994 1 .001
Level of satisfaction 1.572 2 .456
Tax awareness 1.052 1 .305
Cash register machine 4.000 1 .045
Adequate training .690 1 .406
Signature to tax Identification 3.711 1 .054
Category of tax payers .984 2 .611
Pay amount you 10.544 1 .001
Duration of time liability 16.898 1 .000
Table 6: Hosmer and Lemeshow test of binary logistic regression model for tax payers.
Step Chi-square df Sig.
1 6.435 8 .599
From Table 7, showed that allows to correctly classifying 58.8% statistics, df, level of SIG, odds & CI for individual odds. It is
of the subjects where the predicted event (tax collection problem) important to test the significance of individual variables by using
was observed. This is known as the sensitivity of prediction, the P Wald’s statistics and p-value (0.05) correspondently. The level of
(correct/ event did occur), that is, the percentage of occurrences education, satisfaction level, machine use, type of tax and amount
correctly predicted. We also see that this rule allows us to correctly of tax pay are significant factors (Table 8).
classify 97.0% of the subjects where the predicted event was not
observed. This is known as the specificity of prediction, the P Interpretations
(correct event did not occur). Overall Percentage- This gives the
The estimated odds of tax service satisfaction (satisfied group) e β
overall percent of cases that are correctly predicted by the full
=2.032 times more likely than the estimated odds of tax satisfaction
model. Overall, our predictions were correct for an overall success
(not satisfied) for tax collection problem on tax payers.
rate of 91.5 (Table 7).
The estimated odds of pay amount you should (pay amount they
The Table 8, showed, the coefficient, standard error, Wald’s
Table 8: Results from Binary Logistic Regression Analysis for tax payer’s data, 2019.
should group) is e β = 16.074 times more likely than the estimated DISCUSSIONS
odds of pay amount you should (not pay amount they should) for
tax collection problem on tax payers. Under this section the discussion is made. According to Tumescent,
factors that affect tax collection problem on tax payers in Debre
The estimated odds of time liability adequate is e β =9.650 times Tabor town were; level education, business sector, tax knowledge,
more likely than the estimated odds of not time liability adequate cash register machine, level of support from tax officers, sufficient
for tax collection problem on tax payers. number and qualified tax officer personnel, any training relevant
The estimated odds using cash register machine is e β =0.010 to duty and responsibility of tax officer and tax officers provide
times less likely than the estimated odds of not using cash register regular information to tax payers. In this research paper the service
machine for tax collection problem on tax payers. satisfaction, pay amount, cash register machine and time liability
adequate were the significant factors to tax collection challenge.
The general binary logistic regression model is. The education level is similar to the study by Tumescent.
Log it =β 1x1 + β 2 x 2 + β 3 x3 + β 4 x 4 Another study done by Mekonnen, A., Deneke, Z. and Reda E,
1− π on tax assessment and collection problems on taxpayers in Addis
Where x1, x2, x3 and x4 are the fitted independent variables such Ababa city were point out that, system connection due to this many
as (service satisfaction, pay amount they should and time-liability taxpayers does not get the service as they came to the tax office
adequate respectively) and there is lack of tax knowledge by taxpayers. Due to this, delay
π in tax payment, do not pay the proper amount they should pay
Logit ( = 4.956( service satisfaction) + 2.777( pay amount they should ) +
1−π and negligence are taken by taxpayers as solution to escape from
4.374(timeliability adequate respectively ) − 4.591(cash register machine). payment of taxes. The paper is not confirmed this result because