Ridge Regression is a type of linear regression that is used when the data
suffers from multicollinearity (i.e., when the independent variables are highly
correlated). It adds a penalty (or regularization) to the linear regression model
to prevent overfitting and to handle cases where the standard linear regression
fails to give reliable predictions.
How does it help prevent overfitting in a linear regression model?
Applications of Perceptron
1. Binary Classification Tasks: The Perceptron is primarily
used for binary classification problems, such as
determining whether an email is spam or not.
2. Logic Gates Implementation: The Perceptron can
replicate basic logic gates like AND and OR by training it
with appropriate inputs and outputs.
3. Image Recognition: In image processing, the Perceptron
can be applied for simple image recognition tasks, such
as distinguishing between two classes of images (e.g.,
cats vs. dogs).
Conditions for Convergence
The Perceptron algorithm converges to an optimal solution
under specific conditions:
1. Linearly Separable Data: The data must be linearly
separable, meaning there exists a straight line (or
hyperplane in higher dimensions) that can perfectly
separate the classes.
2. Sufficiently Small Learning Rate: The learning rate must
be appropriate; too large may cause oscillations and
prevent convergence, while too small may slow down
3. Finite Number of Iterations: The algorithm should have
a finite number of iterations to ensure it eventually
reaches a solution.
Limitations of the Perceptron Model
1. Linear Separability Requirement: The most significant
limitation is that it only works well with linearly
separable data. If classes cannot be separated by a
straight line, the Perceptron will fail to converge.
2. Binary Classification Only: The original Perceptron
model is designed for binary classification tasks and does
not directly handle multi-class problems without
3. Sensitivity to Outliers: The model can be sensitive to
outliers in training data, which can skew weight
adjustments and affect performance.
4. Limited Complexity: As a single-layer network, it cannot
capture complex relationships in data compared to
multi-layer neural networks.
5. No Probabilistic Output: Unlike logistic regression,
which provides probabilities for class membership, the
Perceptron only gives binary outputs without any
measure of uncertainty.
Predicts continuous
Purpose outcomes Predicts binary outcomes
Probabilities between 0
Output Continuous values and 1