Product Catalog Fiso

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nortech ENERGY

Product Catalog

The FISO Nortech Transformer Winding Hot Spot Temperature

Monitoring System offers direct, real-time, and long-term monitor-
ing of power transformers, allowing smarter dynamic substation
and power grid management.


EFFICIENCY The industry’s most user-friendly
& cost-effective solution
for transformer hot-spot monitoring

Photo by ALSTOM Photo by SIEMENS


The sensor consists of a tiny GaAs semiconductor crystal bonded to
THE PRINCIPLE one end of a well-polished optical fiber.
The measurement principle is based on white light absorption/
White light launched from the monitor into the optical fiber travels
transmission by a GaAs (gallium arsenide) semiconductor. The
through to the GaAs crystal, passes through it while being partially
effects of temperature variations on this semiconductor are well
absorbed, and then is reflected back to the monitor by a mirror at
known and predictable. As the temperature of the semiconductor
the very tip of the sensor. Light reflected back to the monitor is
changes, the semiconductor’s transmission spectrum (i.e. the
coupled into an optical spectrum analyzer which then measures the
light that is not absorbed) shifts also. At any given temperature
optical power transmission versus wavelength. The position of the
there will be a wavelength at which the transmission jumps from
absorption shift is determined by the monitor using a proprietary
essentially 0% to 100% . This jump is called the absorption shift,
signal analysis algorithm and is then correlated to the temperature
and the relationship between the specific wavelength where the
of the GaAs crystal.
absorption shift takes place and temperature is predictable.

Furthermore, since the semiconductor will not change over time, all
sensors are interchangeable with no need for calibration or entry of
factors when swapping sensors. For the same reason monitors nev-
er need recalibration after they leave the factory, while used under
normal operating conditions.

 All dielectric materials & complete immunity to EMI

 No sensor or monitor recalibration required
 Thermally, chemically, and mechanically compliant with transformer environments
 Not an intensity based measurement such as with competing fluorescence decay technology
 Cost-effective 62.5µm optical fiber design with tighter bend radius than 200µm alternatives

 Reliable & Cost Effective Hot Spot Solution

 IEC Compliant EasyDisk Sensor Installation
 Leak-Free Tank Wall Optical Interface
 User-Friendly Installation and Operation
 Nortech Client PC Software Support
nortech EasyGrid


Accurate, Reliable & Cost Effective Winding Hot Spot Temperature

Monitoring Solution for Transformers and Reactors
Description Key Features
The Nortech EasyGrid is the perfect complement to your Smart  Real-time Temperature Monitoring
Grid. The fiber optic signal conditioner is designed for direct,
accurate and real-time temperature monitoring to manage and  4 to 18 Channels, 1 Analog Output / Channel
maximize your transformer performance.  Large 7" Color Touch Screen LCD (800x480)
The EasyGrid provides critical information about the level of  New Display Language Selection
thermal stress and the management of the life cycle of any
transformer or reactor. From an EHV/UHV, HVDC to a distribu-
tion transformer the cost-effective EasyGrid will meet the high-
est requirements.
A large 7" (800 x 480) Color
Touch Screen LCD Display
allows you to monitor and  Choice of 0, 8 or 16 Form-C Programmable Relays
configure up to 18 channels  4 GB Data Storage
and 16 form-C programmable
relays. The new graphical  Modbus (ASCII / RTU) Ethernet: Modbus TCP-IP*,
user interface makes it easy IEC 61850*, IEC 60870-5-104*, DNP3.0*
to customize to your needs.
 Ethernet Over Fiber Optics*
The Nortech Client software
allows full configuration and  No Calibration Required
complete monitoring of your system. View all data logging in-  Light Source Good for the Life of the Transformer
formation live on your PC without stopping the acquisition or
downloading of any file. * Optional

For over 20 years, FISO has been the leader in the Fiber-Optic Applications
White-Light Technology. The EasyGrid is using the temperature  Power Transformer Winding & Core Hot Spot
dependent band gap shift of the GaAs crystal to provide a fast
and accurate measurement. Inherent to the technology, the  Power Transformer Top & Bottom Oil
system will not drift nor require any recalibration and the mon-
itor Auto-Correct feature continuously compensates for inter-  All types of Transformers (MV, HV, EHV, UHV, HVDC)
nal temperature effects.  Reactors, Generators, Switchgear
Furthermore, internal monitor temperature data logging al-  Load Tap Changers
lows tracking of your control equipment during extreme envi-
ronmental conditions.
nortech EasyGrid

Number of channels 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16 or 18 Communication ports USB, RS-485, RS-422 & Ethernet (RJ45* or ST optical**)

Reading temperature range -40°C to 225°C Communication Nortech, Modbus (ASCII / RTU),
Modbus TCP-IP*, IEC 61850*,
Temperature accuracy ±1 °C Protocols
IEC 60870-5-104*, DNP3.0*.
Resolution 0.1 °C Analog Output 4-20 mA, User Configurable
Sampling rate (per channel) 500 ms Relays 8 or 16 Form-C Relays, User Configurable
Operating temperature -20°C to 70°C* Also Available without Relays
System fault relay 1 Dedicated System Fault Relay
Storage temperature -30°C to 85°C
System Status Indicator LED
Light source life Life of the Transformer
Memory 4 GB Memory & User configurable
Humidity 95% RH Non-Condensing
> 30 Years at 1 measurement/minute
Display Large 7” TFT Color display (800x480) Auto-Correct Continuous Internal Temperature Compensation
System Configuration Touch Screen Panel or USB Remote Auto-Diagnostic Light Level, Signal Level
Security Password Protection Input Power 24 VDC

Internal monitor temperature CCD, Board & System Temperature Power consumption 40W (maximum)
Available with data logging Surge Protection 4000V (IEEE C37.90.1 -2002)
* Optional ** Optional 100BASE-FX IEC61850 protocol, MM (ST) 2km (1310nm)
Environmental standards * System Temperature
Immunity standards
MIL-STD-810G Transport vibrations EN 55011 IEC 60255-22-4 IEC 61000-4-4 IEC 61000-4-11
IEC 60255-21-1 Vibration: response , endurance EN 61326 IEC 60255-22-5 IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 61000-4-18
IEC 60255-21-2 Shock IEC 60255-22-1 IEC 60255-22-6 IEC 61000-4-6
IEC 60255-21-3 Seismic test IEC 60255-22-2 IEC 61000-4-2 IEC 61000-4-8
IEC 60255-22-3 IEC 61000-4-3 IEC 61000-4-9

Ethernet TX & RX Connectors

Ordering information

FISO Technologies inc Phone +1.418.688.8065 Email

500 St-Jean-Baptiste Ave, Suite 195 Fax +1.418.688.8067 Web
Québec (Quebec) Canada G2E 5R9
DOC: MC-00240 R6 FISO Technologies Inc. reserves the right to make any changes in the specifications without prior notice.
nortech EasyGrid LT


Accurate, Reliable & Cost Effective Winding Hot Spot

Temperature Monitoring Solution for Transformers and Reactors
Description Key Features
The Nortech EasyGrid LT is a cost effective, flexible, multi-  Real-time Temperature Monitoring
channel fiber optic signal conditioner designed for direct, accu-
rate and real-time temperature monitoring.  2 to 8 Channels, 1 Analog Output / Channel
The Nortech Client Software  Large LCD Screen
allows full configuration and  0 or 8 Form-C Programmable Relays
monitoring of your system.
 Internal Memory
It is now possible to consult the  Modbus, Modbus TCP-IP*, IEC 61850*,
data logging information live on IEC 60870-5-104*, DNP3.0*
your computer without down-
loading the complete file.  No Calibration Required
The EasyGrid LT is available as a  Easy Front Panel Wiring
full-featured monitor to match  Light Source Good for the Life of the Transformer
your requirements and it offers on-board auto-diagnostic for
easier system installation.  Auto-Diagnostic & Auto-Correct
Select the relay option and use it as a fully configurable con-  Robust Design & 5 Year Warranty * Optional
troller with complete communication capabilities.

For over 20 years, FISO has been the leader in Fiber-Optic Applications
White-Light Technology. The EasyGrid LT is using the tempera-  Power Transformer Winding & Core Hot Spot
ture dependent band gap shift of the GaAs crystal to provide a
fast and accurate measurement. Inherent to the technology,  Power Transformer Top & Bottom Oil
the system will not drift nor require any recalibration and the  All types of Transformers (MV, HV, EHV, UHV, HVDC)
monitor Auto-Correct feature continuously compensates for
internal temperature effects.  Reactors, Generators, Switchgear
Furthermore, internal monitor temperature data logging al-  Load Tap Changers
lows tracking of your control equipment during extreme envi-
ronmental conditions.
nortech EasyGrid LT

Number of channels 2, 4, 6 or 8 Communication ports USB, RS-485, RS-422 & Ethernet (RJ45)*

Reading temperature range -40 °C to 225 °C Communication Protocols Nortech, Modbus (ASCII / RTU),
Modbus TCP-IP*, IEC 61850*,
Temperature accuracy ±1 °C
IEC 60870-5-104*, DNP3.0*.
Resolution 0.1 °C Analog Output 4 -20 mA, User Configurable
Sampling rate (per channel) 500 ms Relays 8 Form-C Relays, User Configurable
Operating temperature -20°C to 60°C Also Available without Relays
System fault relay 1 Dedicated System Fault Relay
Storage temperature -30°C to 85°C
System Status Indicator LED
Light source life Life of the Transformer
Memory > 1 .8 Years at 1 Measurement / 1 Min.
Humidity 95% RH Non-Condensing > 9 Years at 1 Measurement / 5 Min.
Display Large LCD Auto-Correct Continuous Internal Temperature Compensation
Internal monitor temperature CCD, Board & System Temperature Auto-Diagnostic Light Level, Signal Level
Available with data logging
Input Power 24 VDC
Power consumption 15W (maximum)
Immunity standards
Surge Protection 4000V (IEEE C37.90.1 -2002)
EN 55011 IEC 60255-22-6 IEC 61000-4-9
EN 61326 IEC 61000-4-2 IEC 61000-4-11
* Optional
IEC 60255-22-1 IEC 61000-4-3 IEC 61000-4-18
IEC 60255-22-2 IEC 61000-4-4 IEC 60255-5 / IEC 61180-1 Environmental standards
IEC 60255-22-3 IEC 61000-4-5 IEEE C37.90.1 burst disturbance MIL-STD-810G Transport vibrations
IEC 60255-22-4 IEC 61000-4-6 IEEE C37.90.1 Fast Transient IEC 60255-21-1 Vibration: response , endurance
IEC 60255-22-5 IEC 61000-4-8 IEEE C37.90 Dielectric strength IEC 60255-21-2 Shock
(RS-485 circuit only) IEC 60255-21-3 Seismic test

Ordering Information

FISO Technologies inc Phone +1.418.688.8065 Email

500 St-Jean-Baptiste Ave, Suite 195 Fax +1.418.688.8067 Web
Québec (Quebec) Canada G2E 5R9
DOC: MC-00252 R4 FISO Technologies Inc. reserves the right to make any changes in the specifications without prior notice.
nortech TPT-62



Robust & Cost effective Fiber Optic Sensor

for Energy Temperature Monitoring solutions
Description Key Features
The FISO heavy duty TPT-62 fiber optic temperature sensor is  Robust Design
specifically designed for permanent installation in oil-filled
transformers. It clearly demonstrates FISO’s experience and  -40°C to 225°C
leading edge technology in direct winding temperature meas-  NomexTM EasyDisk (Patent Pending)
 Direct Contact
Offered at no extra cost, the  RFI/EMI Immune
EasyDisk allows quick and secured
spacer instrumentation without any  High Dielectric Constant
 No Calibration Required
It ensures optimal sensor tip posi-
tioning on the conductor to allow
reliable and accurate temperature
measurements. The EasyDisk pro-
vides the best protection during all transformer manufacturing
steps including winding compression.
The Nomex EasyDisk also locks the PTFE Spiral-Wrap sheath-  Power Transformer Winding & Core Hot Spot
ing in the spacer to ease optical cable routing.  Power Transformer Top & Bottom Oil
The TPT-62 double PTFE oil permeable sheathing, with trans-  All types of Transformers (MV, HV, EHV, UHV, HVDC)
versal slits, is designed to withstand installation stresses, harsh  Reactors, Generators, Switchgear
testing conditions such as kerosene vapour, heat runs and in-
duced vibration during the overall lifetime of the transformer.  Load Tap Changers

The TPT-62 can be used with all Nortech 62.5µm monitors

(Sentinel II, EasyGrid, EasyGrid LT). Neither the signal condi-
tioner nor the TPT will require any calibration for the life of the
nortech TPT-62

Temperature Range -40°C to 225°C RF &EMI Susceptibility Completely Immune

Resolution 0.1°C Chemical Resistance Compatible with Most Aggressive Chemicals

such as Hot Kerosene Vapor
Accuracy ±1°C
Tip Termination EasyDisk Ø 18.55 mm (Standard)
Fiber Type 62.5 µm Silica Fiber MiniDisk Ø 6.2 mm (Optional)
Cable Sheathing Double PTFE Sheathing Bare Tip / No Disk (Optional)
 0.85 mm PTFE Cable with Slits Glued Tip / No Disk (Optional)
for Oil Permeability
 3.15 mm PTFE Spiral Wrap Sensor Certification
Available Sensor Length 2 to 15 Meters (1m Increment) ASTM D-3426
ASTM D-149
Connector Type ST Connector


EasyDisk (Standard) MiniDisk (Optional) Bare/Glued Tip (Optional)

TPT-62 Ordering Information Knockout Punch Kit for Spacers


FISO Technologies inc Phone +1.418.688.8065 Email

500 St-Jean-Baptiste Ave, Suite 195 Fax +1.418.688.8067 Web
Québec (Quebec) Canada G2E 5R9
DOC: MC-00236 R6 FISO Technologies Inc. reserves the right to make any changes in the specifications without prior notice.
nortech EasyThrough


ST-ST Sealed Fiber Optic Mating

for Oil Filled Transformer Applications
Description Key Features
The Fiso EasyThrough is designed to be installed on the oil  Long Term Reliability, 316L Stainless Steel
filled transformer tank wall or any other sealed environment.
 Leakproof
Its simple and proven design efficiently conveys optical signals  Support Vacuum or Pressure
between a Nortech monitor and fiber optic temperature sen-  Maximum Pressure 20 BAR / 2000 kPA / 290 PSI
sors for reliable and accurate measurements.
 Glass to Metal Bonding
This ST-ST fiber optic connector will sustain temperature up to  No O-Ring
200°C and pressure of 20 BAR / 2000 kPa / 290 PSI.
 Chemically Resistant
The EasyThrough, made out of 316L stainless steel, offers long  Quick and Easy Installation
term reliability and excellent chemical resistance to oil, kero-
sene, humidity, etc. FISO’s EasyThrough is manufactured using
a glass to metal solder bonding technology which ensures that
no oil can possibly leak from the feedthrough over time.
The 3/8 NPT ANSI EasyThrough can easily be mounted on the  Oil filled Transformers
EasyPlate or directly on the tank wall.
 Sealed Environments
nortech EasyThrough

Temperature Range -40°C to 200°C

Maximum Pressure 20 BAR / 2000 kPA / 290 PSI

Thread 3/8 NPT
60° Thread Angle
Taper Angle of 1°47’
Truncation of Root and Crest are Flat
ANSI / ASME B1.20.1
Material 316L Stainless Steel

Connector Type ST Connector

Ordering Code SEN-EST (62.5m)

NOR-EST (200m)

FISO Technologies inc Phone +1.418.688.8065 Email

500 St-Jean-Baptiste Ave, Suite 195 Fax +1.418.688.8067 Web
Québec (Quebec) Canada G2E 5R9
DOC: MC-00142 R12 FISO Technologies Inc. reserves the right to make any changes in the specifications without prior notice.
nortech EasyPlate


Tank Wall Plate Specifically Designed

For Oil Filled Transformer Applications
Description Key Features
The FISO EasyPlate is designed to be installed on the tank wall  Long Term Reliability
of oil filled transformers.
 Leak-proof
FISO’s EasyPlate is a stainless steel customized circular plate  316L Stainless Steel
that completes the integration of Nortech’s fiber optic direct  Up to 18 EasyThroughs
winding temperature measurement and monitoring system.
 Trouble Free Installation
Specifically designed to mate with FISO’s optical EasyThrough,
the 316L stainless steel EasyPlate is mounted on the trans-
former tank wall by bolting or welding it on. An optional
EasyRing is offered to ease installation on rough surfaces.

The 3/8’’ NPT ANSI EasyThrough can be easily mounted on the

EasyPlate, one per hole, allowing the optical signal to pass
through the tank wall.

One EasyPlate can fit as many as 18 EasyThroughs. Each NPT

hole is numbered on each side of the EasyPlate. The resulting Applications
setup is completely leak-proof and provides long term reliabil-
ity.  Oil filled Transformers
 Sealed Environments
nortech EasyPlate

Diameter 224 mm (8.82 in) EasyThrough Holes 1 to 18

Thickness 12 mm (0.47 in) EasyThrough Thread 3/8’’ NPT Pipe Thread

Ordering Code SEN-ESP2-A-SS-XX
Material 316L Stainless Steel
XX = # of FeedThrough Holes
Bolts 8 x SS M8 HEX Head (Not Included)

Optional EasyCover

Optional EasyRing

FISO Technologies inc Phone +1.418.688.8065 Email

500 St-Jean-Baptiste Ave, Suite 195 Fax +1.418.688.8067 Web
Québec (Quebec) Canada G2E 5R9
DOC: MC-00141 R11 FISO Technologies Inc. reserves the right to make any changes in the specifications without prior notice.
nortech CFO-C12

62.5µm Multimode
ST-ST External Extension Cable

Robust & Cost Effective 62.5 micron External Extension

for Energy Temperature Monitoring Solutions
Description Key Features
The FISO External Extension Cable provides a very robust and  Pure silica fiber 62.5 micron
cost effective link between the transformer tank wall plate and
the Fiber Optic Monitor.  ST-ST connectors
The Extension Cable uses a multimode 62.5 micron pure silica  PC Polish
fiber built with a chemically and thermally resistant 3mm O.D.  Robust Design
Polyurethane outer jacket. It is designed to support a tempera-
ture range of - 55°C to 85°C.  -55˚C to 85˚C
 Compatible with all Nortech 62.5µm components
The FISO CFO-C12 is terminated with PC polished ST connect-
ors with strain relief at both ends.

Specifically designed to mate with the Nortech system and its

accessories like the EasyThrough, the patch cord can be placed
in harsh environments without compromising performance.

 Power Transformer Winding & Core Hot Spot
 Power Transformer Top & Bottom oil
 All types of Transformers (MV, HV, EHV, UHV, HVDC)
 Reactors, Generators, Switchgear
 Load Tap Changers
nortech CFO-C12

Fiber Type 62.5 µm Silica Fiber

Cable diameter 3 mm O.D.

Cable Sheathing Polyurethane

Reinforcement Kevlar
Connector Type ST-ST Connectors
PC Polish

Temperature Range -55˚C to 85˚C

Standard Lengths 3, 6, 8, 10, 15 meters

Available Extension Length Up to 1 000 meters (Custom)


CFO-C12 Ordering Information

FISO Technologies inc Phone +1.418.688.8065 Email

500 St-Jean-Baptiste Ave, Suite 195 Fax +1.418.688.8067 Web
Québec (Quebec) Canada G2E 5R9
DOC: MC-00241 R5 FISO Technologies Inc. reserves the right to make any changes in the specifications without prior notice.
FISO Technologies Inc., a leading developer and
manufacturer of fiber optic sensors and signal conditioners,
is worldly recognized for its unparalleled range of fiber optic solu-
tions. Besides being extremely small, thus minimally invasive, the ad-
vantages of fiber optic sensors are that they are highly precise, intrinsically safe
and immune to radio frequencies, electromagnetic interferences and microwave radia-
tions. The secret to FISO’s position as a leader in its field of expertise relies on the use of leading-
edge technology, combined with the quality of its technical expertise, a team of experienced engineers
and technicians, its product development capabilities, the highly controlled and optimised manufacturing pro-
cesses and facilities, overseen by stringent Quality Control based on industry regulations and best practices . This allows
FISO to meet the needs of every client, whatever challenging or demanding environments they work in.

Founded in 1994, FISO is part of the Roctest Group, a Nova Metrix company. Its products are sold in more than 75 countries
through a network of representatives and distributors. Since 2003, FISO Technologies meets the requirements of the
ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003 certifications. The company is assessed and certified by the BSI Group and strictly applies
its quality policy day after day.

FISO is the largest fiber optic sensor company in the world with hundreds of thousands of sensors
shipped annually and continuing to grow year after year.

FISO Technologies inc.

500 St-Jean-Baptiste Ave, Suite 195
Québec (Quebec) Canada G2E 5R9

T : +1-418-688-8065
MC-00254 R3

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