Audit Checklist
Audit Checklist
Audit Checklist
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Electrical Safety
YES NO N/A 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Is access to electrical panels clear and not obstructed? Are all electrical switches & circuit breakers identified? If not, list the locations of those that are not on the back of this sheet. Are all electrical receptacles and cover plates in good condition? Are electrical cords and plugs in good condition? Check for damaged insulation, cut cords, splices, and tape wrapped around the cord - none of which should be present. Are only fused power strip extension cords, surge protectors, used (all 3 pins on the plug)? Does all electrical equipment in the area appear to be in good condition? NOTE: Remove any defective equipment from service immediately!
YES NO N/A 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. Are the emergency showers, eyewash stations, and fire extinguishers accessible? Are aisles clear and unobstructed to permit ready access out of the area in case of fire or another emergency? Are flammable storage cabinets located out of hallways and exit paths? Are corrosives stored only on the lowest shelves? Are flammables, acids, and bases all stored separately from each other? Are all refrigerators labeled to indicate whether or not they are safe for the storage of flammables? Are all non-explosion proof refrigerators entirely free of flammables? Are all chemicals labeled to indicate their contents? Are all chemical containers labeled to indicate any hazard which may be present, i.e. TOXIC, CORROSIVE, FLAMMABLE, etc.? Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for ALL products in the laboratory? Are food products, including beverages of any sort, kept out of the laboratory work environment at all times? During the survey, were all staff wearing the appropriate lab clothing? (No open toed shoes, no shorts)
YES NO N/A 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Oil Level OK Battery, Radiator, Brake and Windshield Washer Fluid Levels OK Battery Terminals, Air Filter OK Tires - Condition Good Rubber Hoses, Belts - (Fan, Generator, Alternator) OK Doors, Mirrors, Windshield and other Glass In Good Condition Head Lights, Signal Lights, Brake Lights, and Other Lights OK Windshield Wiper Blades, Arms and Motor Operation OK Safety Belt for Each Passenger Horn Works Other Items OK - (Defroster, Mechanical Condition, Paint, etc.) Safety Equipment - (Bumper Jack, Lug Wrench, Flares, 5 lb. ABC Extinguisher, Bungee Cords and/or Equipment needed to secure loads) Mileage and Maintenance Log Used Please explain all "No" responses and their locations on the Safety Audit Checklist Attachment Page. Be as specific as possible. All No responses require corrective actions. List actions taken to eliminate or correct the hazard, and list the person responsible for follow-up. Corrective action may require work orders; assistance from the VCUHS Safety Office or Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS); and/or staff training. List any comments made by staff in your area, or your own observations, which may help reduce accidents.
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