Dbms Ques & Ans-1
Dbms Ques & Ans-1
Dbms Ques & Ans-1
View Level
View 1 View 2 View n
II Logical level : It describes what data stored in database, and the relationships among
the data.
(a) It is next-higher level of abstraction. Here whole Database is divided into small simple
(b) Users at this level need not be aware of the physical-level complexity used to implement
the simple structures.
(c) Here the aim is ease of use.
(d) Generally, database administrators (DBAs) work at logical level of abstraction.
I. View level : Application programs hide details of data types. Views can also
hide information (e.g. salary) for security purposes.
(a) It is the highest level of abstraction.
(b) It describes only a part of the whole Database for particular group of users.
(c) This view hides all complexity.
(d) It exists only to simplify user interaction with system.
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The system may provide many views for the whole system
b.We can convert any weak entity set to a strong entity set by simply adding appropriate
attributes. Why, then do we have weak entity sets?
A2(c) In a total design constraint, each higher-level entity must belong to a lower-level entity set.
The same need not be true in a partial design constraint. For instance, some employees may
belong to no work-team.
(i).πname(PERSON πeno(PERSON)-πeno(OWNER))
(ii). πname(((πeno(OWNER σmake=’maruti’(VEHICLE))
πeno(OWNER σmake≠’maruti’(VEHICLE)) PERSON)
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c. Given the relations R(A,B,C) and S(C,D,E,F) give an expression in tuple relational calculus that
is equivalent to each of the following :
(i) ∏A,B,C(R)
(ii) σE=10(S)
Q.4a. Explain the purpose of the integrity constraint, in the SQL create table statement, relating
to foreign keys.
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b.Compute the closure of the following set F of functional dependencies for relation schema
R = (A, B, C, D, E)
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List the candidate keys for R.
c.Given relation R(W,X,Y,Z) and set of functional dependencies G = {Z→W, Y→XZ, XW→Y},
where G is a minimal cover:
(i) Decompose R into a set of relations in Third Normal Form.
(ii) Is your decomposition in part (i) also in Boyce Codd Normal Form? Explain
your answer.
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Q.6a. Define and differentiate between ordered indexing and hashing. Give illustrative examples.
A6 a)Ordered indexing : To gain fast random access to records in a file, we can use an index structure.
Each index structure is associated with a particular search key. An ordered indeed stores the values of the
search keys in sorted order and associates with each search key records that contain it. The records in the
indexed file may themselves be stored in some sorted order. A file may have several indices on different
search keys.
Hashing: It also provides a way of constructing indices. In hashing, the address of the disk lock
containing a desired record directly is computed by a function on the search key value of the record.
Differentiate between ordered indexing and hashing : Ordered indexing is stored in sorted order while
in Hashing search keys are distributed uniformly across “buckets” using ‘hash function’.
b.What is indexed sequential file organization? What are the applications of this organization?
How are indexes implemented in the case of multiple keys?
A6 b) Static Hashing has the number of primary pages in the directory fixed. Thus, when a bucket is full,
we need an overflow bucket to store any additional records that hash to the full bucket. This can be done
with a link to an overflow page, or a linked list of overflow pages. The linked list can be separate for each
bucket, or the same for all buckets that overflow. When searching for a record, the original bucket is
accessed first, then the overflow buckets. Provided there are many keys that hash to the same bucket,
locating a record may require accessing multiple pages on disk, which greatly degrades performance.
The problem of lengthy searching of overflow buckets is solved by Dynamic Hashing. In Dynamic
Hashing the size of the directory grows with the number of collisions to accommodate new records and
avoid long overflow page chains. Extendible and Linear Hashing are two dynamic hashing techniques.
An index file can be used to effectively overcome the problem of storing and to speed up the key search
as well. The simplest indexing structure is the single-level one: a file whose records are pairs key-pointer
is the position in the data file of the record with the given key. Only a subset of data records, evenly
spaced along the data file, are indexed, so to mark intervals of data records.
A key search then proceeds as follows : the search key is compared with the index ones to find the highest
index key points onward, until the search key is matched or until the record pointed by the next index
entry is reached. In spite of the double file access (index + data) needed by this kind of search, the
decrease in access time with respect to a sequential file is significant.
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Q.7 a. What is meant by heuristic optimization? Discuss the main heuristics that are applied
during query optimization.
A7 a) In heuristic optimization, heuristics are used to reduce the cost of optimization instead of analyzing
the number of different plans to find out the optimal plan. For example. A analyzing optimizer would use
the rule ‘perform selection operation as early as possible’ without finding out whether the cost is reduced
by this transformation.
Heuristics approach usually helps to reduce the cost but not always. The heuristics that are applied during
query optimization are :
• Pushes the selection and projection operations down the query tree
• Left-deep join trees- convenient for pipelined evaluation
• Non-left-deep join trees
b. How does a query tree represent a relational algebra expression? Discuss any three rules for
query optimization, giving example as to when should each rule be applied.
A7 b) A query tree is a tree structure that corresponds to a relational algebra expression. It represents the
input relations as leaf nodes of the tree, and represents the relational algebra operations as internal nodes.
An execution of the query tree consists of executing an internal node operation whenever its operands are
available and then replacing that internal node by the relation that results from executing the operation.
The execution terminates when the root node is executed and produces the result relation for the query.
For example, the query tree for the relational algebra expression
∏ E_No=(σp_No=’DB2003’ (Assigned_To):
∏ E_No
• If a selection condition c involves only those attributes A 1, A2……An in the projection list, the two
operations can be commuted:
∏ A1, A2, ……An(sc(R)≡sc(R)≡ sc(∏A1, A2, ……An(R))…))
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A8 b) A deadlock is a problem of mutual waiting. One transaction has a resource that another
transaction needs, and a second transaction holds a resource that the first transaction needs. To
control deadlocks, most DBMS use a time-out policy. The concurrency control manager aborts (with a
ROLLBACK statement) any transaction waiting for more than a specified time.
c.How does the two phase protocol ensure serializability in database schedules?
A8c) A transaction is said to follow the two-phase locking protocol if all locking operations precede the
first unlock operation in the transaction. Such transaction can be divided into two phases: and
expanding or growing (first) phase and a shrinking (second) phase. The two-phase locking protocol
ensures serializability in database schedules. Consider any transaction. The point in the schedule where
the transaction has obtained its final lock (the end of its growing phase) is called the lock point of the
transaction. Now, transactions can be ordered according to their lock points – this ordering is, in fact, a
serializability ordering for the transactions.
A9 a) Shadow paging – In the shadow page scheme, the database is considered to be made up of
logical units of storage called pages. The shadow paging scheme uses two page tables for transaction
that is going to modify the database. The original page table is called the shadow page table and the
transaction addressed the database using another page table known as the current page table. In case
of a system crash, before the transaction commits, the shadow page table and the corresponding
blocks containing the old database, which was assumed to be in a consistent state, will continue to be
accessible. The recovery from system crash is relatively inexpensive, is an advantage of this scheme.
The main disadvantages of the shadow scheme are: (1) the problem of scattering, and (2) the original
version of the changed blocks pointed to by the shadow page table have to be returned to the pool of
free blocks.
Log Based Recovery Method: The system log, which is usually written on stable storage, contains the
redundant data required to recover from volatile storage failures and also from errors discovered by
the transaction or the database system. System log is also called as log and has sometimes been called
the DBMS journal. In case of system crash the log is processed from the beginning to the point where
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system crashes. All the transaction, those have been recorded their-of-transaction marker, will be
committed otherwise rolled back. The simplicity and easier to use the main advantages of this method.
The disadvantage are : (1) inefficient for the application, which have large volume of information, (2) in
case of system crash with loss of volatile information, the log information collected in buffers will also
be lost and transaction that had been completed for some period to the system crash may be missing
their respective end-of-transaction markers in the log; if such transactions are rolled back then likely to
be partially undone.
A9 b) In a large on-line database system there could be hundreds of transactions handled per minute.
The log for this type of database contains a very large volume of information. A scheme called
checkpoint is used to limit the volume of log information that has to be handled and processed in the
event of a system failure involving the loss of volatile information. The checkpoint scheme is an
additional component of the logging scheme. A checkpoint operation, performed periodically, copies
log information onto stable storage. For all transactions active at checkpoint, their identifiers and their
database modification actions, which at that time are reflected only in the database buffers, will be
propagated to the appropriate storage.