ELC3531 2021-22 Sem1 Assessment Rubrics

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ELC3531 Project Proposal Rubric (2021-2022)

ELC3531: Project Proposal

A-, B-, C- grades will reflect more features of A, B, C grades; with some of the features of the grades below.
B+, C+, D+ grades will reflect more features of B, C, D grades; with some of the features of the grades above.
Exceptionally outstanding work can get an A+.

A Excellent B Good C Satisfactory D Pass F Fail

Content Fulfils all task requirements Fulfils task requirements. Fulfils task requirements, Fulfils some, but not all, Does not fulfil task
(35%) convincingly. though some only partially. task requirements. requirements.

- meets Covers the topic Covers the topic well, but a Covers the topic in a Covers the topic but with a Covers the topic in a very
expectations comprehensively with no few details/explanations are general way, with a clear clear lack of details/ limited way without stating
regarding the irrelevance. missing; may contain minor lack of details/explanations explanations throughout; any rationale and/or
requirements of irrelevance. in places; may contain may contain significant details/explanations;
the task. some irrelevance. irrelevance. contains significant
irrelevance throughout.
- demonstrates
strong and valid
Develops very clear and Develops clear and strong Develops arguments that Develops arguments that Does not develop any
argumentation in
strong arguments that are arguments that are fairly may be unclear and/or are unclear, unjustified or convincing or logical
justifying the
logical, critical, persuasive logical, critical, persuasive illogical in places. Presents illogical throughout. arguments or present a
and duly supported. and supported. Presents a a product/service with some Presents a product/service sensible product/service.
Presents a well-justified reasonably justified lack of justification. with no or very little
- shows product/service showing product/service. justification.
evidence of originality, creativity and
research. sophistication.

Shows evidence of Shows evidence of good Shows evidence of some Shows evidence of limited Shows little or no evidence
thorough research, with research, with appropriate research, with most sources research, with most sources of research.
extensive use of appropriate and up-to-date sources. being appropriate and up to being not appropriate and/or
and up-to-date sources. date. up to date.

Organisation Uses a highly effective Uses an effective overall Uses an acceptable overall Uses an overall structure Does not have an overall
(15%) overall structure. structure. structure. but generally not effective. structure.

- uses an
Presents ideas logically in Presents ideas mostly Presents ideas generally Presents ideas in relation to Presents ideas in relation
relation to one another logically in relation to one logically in relation to one one another illogically at to one another frequently
overall structure.
within and between another within and between another within and between times, making it difficult for illogically, making it very
- makes clear paragraphs making it very paragraphs making it easy paragraphs, but some the reader to follow. difficult for the reader to
and logical easy for the reader to for the reader to follow. errors in this make it a little follow.
connections follow. difficult for the reader to
between ideas follow at times.

ELC3531 Project Proposal Rubric (2021-2022)
throughout the
Uses a wide range of Uses a good range of Uses a narrow range of Uses basic linking words to Uses basic linking words to
methods to connect ideas methods to connect ideas, methods to connect ideas, connect ideas, sometimes connect ideas, often
- uses different successfully. mostly successfully. mostly successfully. unsuccessfully. unsuccessfully.
methods and
devices to
connect ideas.

A Excellent B Good C Satisfactory D Pass F Fail

Language Uses a wide range of Uses a good range of Uses a limited range of Uses a very limited range of Does not use language
(35%) language structures language structures to language structures to language structures to structures successfully and
accurately to communicate communicate meaning communicate meaning, with communicate meaning, with fails to communicate
- communicates meaning clearly. clearly, with occasional a number of mistakes that many mistakes that meaning, causing the
meaning clearly minor mistakes. occasionally cause the frequently cause the reader reader extreme difficulty.
with accurate reader difficulty. difficulty.
grammar and
vocabulary. Writes in a clear, readable Writes mostly in a clear, Writes generally in a clear, Attempts to write in a clear, Fails to write in a clear,
style throughout, with readable style, with readable style, but with readable style, but with readable style, with
- writes in a appropriate use of reasonably appropriate use some inappropriate use of frequent inappropriate use inappropriate use of
clear, readable vocabulary to convey of vocabulary. vocabulary. of vocabulary. vocabulary throughout.
style. precise meaning.

Conventions Selects an attractive layout Selects an attractive layout Selects an acceptable Selects a layout that may Selects a layout that does
(15%) and formats the document and formats the document layout but formatting may not attract the reader with not attract the reader at all
very effectively with regard effectively with regard to the not be effective with regard ineffective formatting with with poor formatting with
- uses an to the use of fonts, space, use of fonts, space, colour, to the use of fonts, space, regard to the use of fonts, regard to the use of fonts,
attractive layout colour, graphics and other graphics and other related colour, graphics and other space, colour, graphics and space, colour, graphics
with effective related designs, giving it a designs. related designs. other related designs. and other related designs.
formatting. professional appeal.
- acknowledges
sources in Writes in-text citations and Writes in-text citations and In-text citations and the Writes in-text citations and In-text citations and the
appropriate the reference list accurately the reference list with reference list are generally the reference list with reference list always have
referencing throughout; in-text citations occasional minor errors; in- correct, but with some basic frequent errors; in-text errors; in-text citations
style. have excellent integration. text citations have generally errors; in-text citations have citations have weak have little or no integration.
effective integration. some effective integration. integration.

ELC3531 Oral Presentation of Project Proposal Rubric (2021-2022)

ELC3531: Oral Presentation of Project Proposal

A-, B-, C- grades will reflect more features of A, B, C grades; with some of the features of the grades below.
B+, C+, D+ grades will reflect more features of B, C, D grades; with some of the features of the grades above.
Exceptionally outstanding work can get an A+.

A Excellent B Good C Satisfactory D Pass F Fail

Content Fulfils all task requirements Fulfils task requirements. Fulfils task requirements, Fulfils some, but not all, Does not fulfil task
(20%) convincingly. though some only partially. task requirements. requirements.

- meets Covers the topic Covers the topic well, but a Covers the topic in a Covers the topic but with a Covers the topic in a very
expectations comprehensively with no few details/explanations are general way, with a clear clear lack of details/ limited way without stating
regarding the irrelevance. missing; may contain minor lack of details/explanations explanations throughout; any rationale and/or
requirements of irrelevance. in places; may contain may contain significant details/explanations;
the task. some irrelevance. irrelevance. contains significant
irrelevance throughout.
- demonstrates
strong and valid
Develops very clear and Develops clear and strong Develops arguments that Develops arguments that Does not develop any
argumentation in
strong arguments that are arguments that are fairly may be unclear and/or are unclear, unjustified or convincing or logical
justifying the
logical, critical, persuasive logical, critical, persuasive illogical in places. Presents illogical throughout. arguments or present a
and duly supported. and supported. Presents a a product/service with some Presents a product/service sensible product/service.
Presents a well-justified reasonably justified lack of justification. with no or very little
- adjusts the product/service showing product/service. justification.
substance of the originality, creativity and
proposal to sophistication.
make it
accessible to a
Shows evidence of Shows evidence of good Shows evidence of some Shows evidence of limited Shows little or no evidence
- shows thorough research, with research, with appropriate research, with most sources research, with most sources of research.
evidence of extensive use of appropriate and up-to-date sources. being appropriate and up to being not appropriate and/or
research. and up-to-date sources. date. up to date.

Delivery Presents ideas and support Presents ideas and support Presents ideas and support Presents ideas but support Does not present ideas in
(30%) for them clearly and in a for them in a mostly logical for them but not always for them is generally weak. a logical way; transitions
logical way. Uses transitions way. Uses transitions clearly and logically. Uses Uses basic transitions are lacking between ideas;
- signals clear between ideas effectively. between ideas mostly basic transitions between between ideas but most of the presentation is
and logical effectively. ideas effectively. sometimes not effectively. unclear.

ELC3531 Oral Presentation of Project Proposal Rubric (2021-2022)
Maintains eye contact with Maintains eye contact with Maintains eye contact with Makes eye contact with the Makes little or no eye
between ideas
the audience; shows the audience; generally the audience most of the audience some of the time contact with the audience;
throughout the
confidence through effective shows confidence through time; shows some lack of but more would be better; shows uneasiness through
use of posture and/or appropriate use of posture confidence with occasional shows a lack of confidence distracting posture and/or
- makes gestures. and/or gestures. distracting posture and/or with some examples of gestures.
effective use of gestures. distracting posture and/or
verbal and non- gestures.
techniques to Uses visual aids very Uses visual aids effectively Uses visual aids adequately Uses visual aids rather Does not use visual aids
interact with the effectively to enhance the to enhance the but not effectively. ineffectively. effectively at all.
audience. presentation. presentation.
[if applicable]
- uses visual
aids such as

A Excellent B Good C Satisfactory D Pass F Fail

Language Uses a wide range of Uses a good range of Uses a limited range of Uses a very limited range of Does not use language
(20%) language structures and language structures and language structures and language structures and structures or vocabulary
vocabulary accurately to vocabulary to communicate vocabulary to communicate vocabulary to communicate successfully and fails to
- communicates communicate meaning meaning clearly, with meaning, with some basic meaning, with many basic communicate meaning,
meaning clearly clearly. occasional minor mistakes. mistakes that occasionally mistakes that frequently causing the listener
with accurate cause the listener difficulty. cause the listener difficulty. extreme difficulty.
grammar and
Speaks in a business style Speaks mostly in a Speaks mostly in a Occasionally speaks in a Does not speak in a
appropriate to
throughout, in a tone business style, in a tone business style but can be business style but mostly business style. Tone is
spoken business
appropriate to the topic and mostly appropriate to the too formal or informal at does not. Tone may be inappropriate to the topic
setting. topic and setting. times. Tone may inappropriate to the topic and setting.
- adjusts the occasionally be and setting.
language of the inappropriate to the topic
proposal to and setting.
make it
accessible to a

ELC3531 Oral Presentation of Project Proposal Rubric (2021-2022)
Pronunciation Communicates meaning Communicates meaning Communicates meaning Mostly communicates Does not always
and Fluency clearly through accurate clearly through generally through generally accurate meaning through some communicate meaning.
(30%) pronunciation and accurate pronunciation and pronunciation and accurate pronunciation and Uses pronunciation with a
appropriate use of speed, appropriate use of speed, appropriate use of speed, appropriate use of speed, lack of accuracy and
- communicates volume, stress, rhythm, volume, stress, rhythm, volume, stress, rhythm, volume, stress, rhythm, inappropriate use of speed,
meaning clearly pauses and intonation. pauses and intonation; pauses and intonation; pauses and intonation; volume, stress, rhythm,
with accurate though listeners may have though listeners may have listeners have difficulty pauses and intonation;
pronunciation. occasional difficulty difficulty understanding understanding some words which cause confusion.
understanding a few words some words or phrases. and phrases and longer
- speaks fluently, or phrases. stretches of speech.
allowing for
ease of

Speaks fluently with no Speaks fluently with few Speaks generally fluently, Speaks with a lack of Speaks largely
inappropriate hesitations or inappropriate hesitations or though there are occasional fluency and with several incomprehensibly due to
pauses. pauses. inappropriate long inappropriate long frequent inappropriate long
hesitations and/or pauses. hesitations and/or pauses. hesitations and pauses.

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