Impromptu Speech Topics
Impromptu Speech Topics
Impromptu Speech Topics
1. Tell us about yourself, and share some unusual trait that you have
I have met a lot of you during the last moments of our freshmen year, since Mizuki
and me joined the block at our third trimester, so I didn’t have the time to properly be
close to a lot you; to know more about all of you, and for you know more about me. So
hello, my name is David Galvez, 20, and was born on December 25, 2000. The first thing
that came to mind when thinking of an unusual trait, is this toothbrushing thing that I
constantly do. So, we brush our teeth at least three times a day. So, whenever I skipped
one of those especially at night, the tendency for me is that the next day, I will double my
brushing to satisfy myself. Because it doesn’t feel right when I only brush my teeth once
after I skipped. It feels like my mouth is still dirty and smelly.
2. Speak on the best day of your life. How did you feel then and why?
Hello everyone. When we are in such celebration and joy, the tendency is for us to
automatically record the things to capture the moment and reminisce those kinds of
situation. So, I said that because the first thing that came to my mind was last year or last-
last year’s New Year’s Day celebration. Every time the new year comes, I always record
the moment, especially the fireworks, because it brings a lot of joy when I came across to
these videos. But that time was different. I did not record any thing; I just watched and
cherished that moment. I considered it as one of the best days of my life because that
moment felt very eye-opening. It helped me realize how beautiful these kind of
celebrations without the distractions of gadgets or social media, just pure enjoyment and
seizing of the moment. It made me reflect on the years that have passed, and the
challenges I surpass.
3. Tell the class about where you see your life in 10 years
10 years is a very long scope of time. There are a lot that could change, and there are
a lot that could unexpectedly happen. I think it is very ambitious to think and to stick with
the thought that after ten years I am this successful man that earns so much and is
established. Let’s face it, it’s unrealistic somehow. But I wish and I hope I will become
the person who I want me to become. Given the situation that we have today, the
pandemic and all, it is very hard to be ambitious. However, what keeps me going is this
idea that if I worked hard enough, I will be able to support my family and myself,
regardless of the situation where I’m at, without any regrets. 10 years from now, I am this
man supporting his family and himself without any regrets, because his hard work, paid-
4. An incident of your bravest act
One of my bravest acts is between me and my mother. So, there is this one time,
while preparing for dinner, my mother told me that my old teacher came over to our store
and bought poultry supplies. So, I asked who it is, and then, she continued describing
with homophobic remarks. Mind that this teacher she was describing is a hetero, he's just
more feminine. That did not settle with me so I called her out. I told her that it's wrong to
describe other people like this because it's somehow degrading. Not that because being
gay is degrading, but given the fact that he's just expressing who he is, and be labeled as
something that he's not is not right. I am not the type of person who will talk back to their
parents and be disrespectful. I stated my point as calmly as possible to make her
understand, and I hope she did. So, never be afraid to correct someone when they are
definitely wrong. It breaks this cloud of judgement to other people, and be accepting
towards the people that surrounds them.
6. What is one thing that you think will make you successful?
For me the most important factor that will definitely make everyone successful is
hard work. Along with persistence and ambition, I think hard work is what really drives
people to their own success. For example, all off these globally-famous personalities, like
Beyonce, or Taylor Swift, they are not at the top for no reason, it’s because they worked
their way to become who they are. They honed their skills, stayed all night to write these
amazing hits, practiced like robots to perfect choreographies. What I’m trying to say is
that without hard work, none of our dreams will ever happen. It doesn’t fall to the
heavens; success is like mined deep under the ground. Even if you’re rich already, money
doesn’t come, it was years of hard work. So, if we all want to be successful, I really think
that we should re-think our approach in our lives and ask, are we working hard enough?
7. Speak on a person who motivates you
My family especially my parents are my top motivators that keeps me going. They are
my heroes. They inspire me to be a hard worker, just like them. My parents are daily
wage earners, so they work generally on working days as employees. But their busy
schedule doesn’t stop them. They also manage our family’s long-time polo-barong
business, which was already around even before I was born. Every Saturday, they go to
Divisoria to deliver polo-barongs. That also doesn’t stop them. When they have time,
they also help my brother manage our poultry supplies business. My parents are great
examples of even you work hard on so many things, you can still have financial
problems. But still, it gives me this sense of responsibility and motivation that when it is
my time to provide, I will be as hard working as them and eventually live my life without
any regrets.
9. Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, do you agree with it?
It is true that we have our own way of looking at someone’s physique and making our
own different impressions on how they look. However, beauty in general is not in the eye
of the beholder, but on that person themselves. Because we need to remember that there
are no standards of beauty. We are created differently. No class, no features, no weight,
no height can tell you otherwise. If you know you’re beautiful and you tell yourself you
are beautiful, that is the only thing that matters period. No other judgement what so ever,
you’re beautiful because you’re beautiful, regardless of how other people’s opinions. If
we all follow to the standards that the society tells us to be, we’ll be just like as anyone
else. Our uniqueness is what makes us special. Beauty lies on the person themself, not
other people.
10. Describe the happiest moment in your life
Hello everyone. When we are in such celebration and joy, the tendency is for us to
automatically record the things to capture the moment and reminisce those kinds of
situation. So, I said that because the first thing that came to my mind was last year or last-
last year’s New Year’s Day celebration. Every time the new year comes, I always record
the moment, especially the fireworks, because it brings a lot of joy when I came across to
these videos. But that time was different. I did not record any thing; I just watched and
cherished that moment. I considered it as one of the best days of my life because that
moment felt very eye-opening. It helped me realize how beautiful these kind of
celebrations without the distractions of gadgets or social media, just pure enjoyment and
seizing of the moment. It made me reflect on the years that have passed, and the
challenges I surpass.
12. Actions speak louder than words, how do you see it?
For me, it means that actions do what they are aimed to, but words are not always
committed to actions and there is no assurance if the words will be completed or not. It
means that what someone does actually, matters more than the words they say. It’s nature
somehow gives insight to their character and truthfulness.
15. People say the biggest challenge in life is discovering who you are, do you agree?
Yes, I agree. I think that is what life is really about. It is the search for your purpose.
Sometimes I feel envious of inanimate objects like chairs and pillows, because even if
these things are not alive, at least those things are already serving their purpose. Or even
a caterpillar. A caterpillar knows that its purpose is to eat and grow and eventually turn
into a butterfly. Humans doesn’t have that instant idea about our purpose. It is for us to
16. When you are in a room full of people, do you mostly feel happy or lonely?
It depends on who I am with in the room. For example, with strangers, of course I
would feel lonely because of the lack of familiarity. But there are times that I could be
really sad and lonely even if I’m with my closest friends, because I believe that being in a
room full of people does not equate to connectivity with all of them. It is very normal,
and we should not invalidate our feelings because it’s natural and it happens, and it’s
okay. No one should feel to be obligated to be happy just because there are a lot of people
that surrounds you. We’re humans. Stuff like this happens.
24. Talk about a name / nickname you have and how you got it.
I don’t know if any of you know this about be, but the real pronunciation of my name
is DA-vid not DAY-vid. The story started when I first started attending school. I was in
kinder, and my teacher wanted everyone to introduce ourselves in front of the class.
When it was my turn to introduce, I got really scared and shy, so I just stood there and
said nothing. So, my teacher told me that I can whisper my name to her ear, and then
she’ll introduce me, so I did, I said my name. I think she misheard my pronunciation,
that’s why she introduced me as DAY-vid. Same thing happened to me when I was in
grade 1. New school, so I really have to introduce myself. Again, I got really shy, so I
whispered my name to my teacher. Ms. Chua, our adviser that time, was our English
teacher. So, I think since she was an English teacher, other than introducing me as DA-
vid, she introduced me again as DAY-vid. Then from that day until now, I use the
pronunciation DAY-vid anywhere but in our house.
29. The difference between “I” and “me” in the English language.
Sometimes we unconsciously misuse these words and interchange them. We
sometimes use the other word to “sound formal” but we really aren’t. Based on my
understanding, “I” is a first-person singular pronoun that is used as the subject of a
sentence or clause, for example, I want to go swimming. You don’t say “Me want to go
swimming”, some people use this form to “sound cute”, but I only find it annoying and
cringey sometimes. Anyway, “Me” on the other hand, is used as an object. So, for
example, the speech was written by me. I think there is confusion sometimes because I
and me both pertains to the first-person perspective.
30. You can make someone feel special by...
When I am doing this for example to the person that I like, I start by thinking about
the things that for me makes me feel special. With that thought in my head, I could easily
think of things that could make this person special. The most effective way to feel
someone special is by accepting them for who they are, without any judgements. This is
not limited to a person you like; you can make someone else special. I think being
accepted as who you are is one of the things that could easily make someone special. We
all tend to be hard on ourselves, and force ourselves to fit with the standards given by our
37. Ask your teacher one inspirational quote then explain it briefly.
39. What is the most unforgettable sentence that someone has said to you? Why?
It is very heart-breaking for someone to tell you that maybe you don’t fit to become
what you dream become. My dream school is Polytechnic University of the Philippines
(PUP). Ever since I got to this field, PUP was the school I always wanted to be a part of.
But life doesn’t go as planned most of the time. In my friend group, five of us took the
exam, only me failed the entrance exams. It was very heart-breaking for me. Eventually,
my mother knew I was sad was crying all day because of the results so she went to my
room to “comfort me.” She begins to console me, and then she proceeded with this
statement. “Baka hindi ka lang talaga pang accountancy.” Today, when I look back it
seems like it’s not much big of a deal, but that time for me is very hard, and for someone
to tell you that you experience this hardship is maybe because you don’t fit to be in that
course anyway was depressing. I think it is very important that we should me mindful of
the words that will come out to our mouth, because even though we mean no harm,
sometimes those advices cause greater sadness.
45. Real wealth is not measured in money or possessions. Agree / Disagree. Why?
49. Are you a pet lover? (Whether your answer is Yes/ No, explain further)
50. What makes you feel more comfortable? Sunny or rainy days? Why?
51. How do you deal with someone who is giving you false accusations?
Prove those people wrong
53. Describe the present government with only 3 adjectives and why.
This administration is a complete failure and you can’t tell me otherwise. I would
describe the government as irresponsible, incomparable, disappointing. Irresponsible
because rather than focusing on plans to be free on this pandemic, they focus on so many
unnecessary things. If maybe the administration became more responsible and actually
serve its purpose, there is a possibility that we become free of this pandemic, and if not at
least not as worse as today. And whenever things go wrong, they blame it to the people.
Disappointing because our country was given so many opportunities, and so many plans
to solve the pandemic, but the administration continues to do the wrong thing and
disregard the concerns of the people. Again, when things go wrong, they blame it to the
people. Incomparable, because there is nothing as disappointing than this administration.
54. Describe the person/ place / thing that makes you happy and why?
My children/my cats