DRAMATIC PLAY: animal fur, animal hats/ears, animal food CGK: With modeling and support, remember and use information for a variety of purposes; ATL: Use prior
(leaves, meat, etc.) knowledge and information to assess, inform, and plan for future actions and learning.
ART: animal prints to paste, animal textures to stamp, animal PWBMD: Coordinate the use of hands, fingers and wrists to manipulate objects and perform tasks requiring precise
outlines to trace movements; ATL: Use imagination and creativity to interact with objects and materials.
WRITING: animal names and labels printed, list of the alphabet LL: Ask meaning of words; ATL: Express individuality, life experiences, and what they know and are able to do
with each letter corresponding to an animal through a variety of media.
SCIENCE & DISCOVERY: animal fossils and parts (claws, CGK: Sort and classify objects by one or more attributes (e.g., size, number); CGK: Explore objects, materials and
teeth, etc.) events in the environment.
MATH: small animal toys and families CGK: Describe and compare objects using measurable attributes (e.g., length, size, capacity and weight); CGK:
Count to solve simple addition and subtraction problems with totals smaller than 8, using concrete objects.
BLOCKS: small animal toys and cars that transport them PWBMD: Regulate reactions to external sensory stimuli in order to focus on complex tasks or activities; PWBMD:
With modeling and support, identify and follow basic safety rules.
SENSORY TABLE: feathers, grass and dirt, shark teeth, sand, CGK: Create patterns; ATL: Ask questions to seek explanations about phenomena of interest.
shells, and/or all of the above
READING/CLASSROOM LIBRARY: books about animals or LL: With modeling and support, use words acquired through conversations and shared reading experiences.
with animal characters as well as animal plush toys (Vocabulary); LL: Identify characters and major events in a story.
COMPUTERS: games involving animals (realistic or fiction) LL: Identify real-life connections between words and their use. (Vocabulary); CGK: Solve problems by planning
and carrying out a sequence of actions.
SAFE PLACE: animal-themed breathing exercises and plus toys LL: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings and ideas clearly. (Articulation); SEL: Communicate a range of
emotions in socially accepted ways.
SONGS/MUSIC/MOVEMENT: songs with animal sounds and CGK: Recreate complex ideas, events/ situations with personal adaptations; SEL: Interact with peers in more
pictures or videos with animal movement complex pretend play including planning, coordination of roles, and cooperation.
POSSIBLE CIRCLE TIME ACTIVITIES/DISCUSSIONS: LL: With modeling and support, identify the topic of an informational text that has been read aloud; CGK: Seek
animal food chains, animal features, how to take care of animals, more than one solution to a question, problem or task.
animal movement, etc.