Edt 317 Movement Dance Lesson Plan
Edt 317 Movement Dance Lesson Plan
Edt 317 Movement Dance Lesson Plan
Two- Three Assessed Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data Academic Language:
Instructional Objective(s): The to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and Animals, dance, movement
student will be able to... skill?)
SWBAT use dance as a medium The teacher will record on a checklist whether or not each
to express the movements that student participates in the dance video by making Procedural steps:
animals make through the movement with their bodies, as well as whether or not they 1. The teacher will begin with the class discussion
guidance of a video. call out the animal name along with the video. preassessment.
SWBAT understand a request in 2. Students will watch the video of a dance-along with
the form of a video to mimic an animal movements, and dance-along to it as a
animal dance movement through whole group. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
watching a video. v=CT86Dl442jA
3. The teacher will ask students to call out the name of
the animal as they dance.
4. The teacher will observe and record data as
students dance and show animal movements.
Students with visual impairments can stand closer to the Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on
screen or if possible, have their own device with the video materials.)
playing so that they can view it easier. Video (link above)
The teacher can provide adapted movements for students
with limited mobility.
Safety Considerations: Adult Roles:
Students must provide adequate The teacher will lead the assessments, play the video,
space for movements so that they supervise students
do not hit one another while Additional adults in the room can supervise children for
dancing. safety while dancing and provide accommodations to
students with limited or different mobility.