Chap 11

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Unit # 11 Transport and

1 marks questions:
*J2012/Q3.d(i) *N2013/Q3.a *J2016/Q5.c(i)
*J2017/Q2.a(ii) *N2017/Q4.b(i) *N2018/Q4.b(i)

2 marks question:
*J2014/Q3.a(iii) *J2014/Q3.c(i) *J2015/Q4.c(i)
*J2016/Q5.c(ii) *J2017/Q2.a(i,iii) *N2017/Q4.b(ii)
*N2018/Q4.a(ii).c(i) *N19/Q4.a(i,iii).c(ii) *J2020/Q1.b(ii)

3 marks question:
*J2014/Q3.b *N2014/Q5.a(i-ii) *J2015/Q1.c
*J2015/Q4.b(i) *N2018/Q4.a(I,iii) *N2019/Q4.b(i)
4 marks questions:
*J2012/Q3.d(ii) *N2013/Q3.b *J2014/Q3.c(ii)
*J2015/Q4.b(ii).c(ii) *J2017/Q2.a(iv) *N2017/Q4.b(iii)
*N2018/Q4.b(ii).c(ii) *N19/Q4.b(i).c(iii) *J2020/Q1.b(iii)

5 marks question:

6 marks questions:
*N2011/Q4.c *J2014/Q3.d *N2014/Q5.b
*J2015/Q1.d *J2017/Q3.d *N2017/Q4.d
*N2017/Q5.d *N2018/Q4.d *N2019/Q4.d
*J2020/Q1.d *N2020/Q2.d

General advice
 Be precise and accurate in your answers.
 Use the subject specific vocabulary that is required for this subject.
Geography is a technical subject and the specialist language that is used
reflects this.
 Answers should not be generalised statements, they should be informed
by the physical and human environment and issues of Pakistan.
You have to answer three questions in 1½ hours.
Try to keep to these timings:
• About 10 mins for each part (d) question
• About 4 to 5 mins for each part of question that asks you to explain
• About 6 to 8 mins for all the parts of the question that use resources
• About 3 to 4 mins for all the parts of the question that ask you to write down
 You must answer all the parts of the three questions you choose.
 Do not answer more than three questions as you will not gain any
 Look quickly through all parts of the questions before you make a
decision. Don’t base your decision on the first
 question.
 Make sure you include your own knowledge, understanding and relevant
 You could answer the questions in the order you are most confident, but
be careful of the number of marks each
 question is worth. Try to base your choice of questions on how well you
can answer the high mark parts (i.e., part (d)
 questions and the questions that ask you to explain, rather than low mark
 If you finish early, re-read and check your answers, adding more relevant
knowledge, examples and ideas if you can
 remember them.

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