Inter IKEA Group Financial Summary FY21 3
Inter IKEA Group Financial Summary FY21 3
Inter IKEA Group Financial Summary FY21 3
Financial Summary
This document summarises Inter IKEA Group’s financial performance Another challenge in FY21 was the steep global rise in transport and
for financial year 2021 (FY21). FY21 is the period from 1 September raw material prices. This created additional costs for the whole IKEA
2020 to 31 August 2021. Since Inter IKEA Group’s financial performance value chain.
is very closely connected to the retail sales performance of our
franchisees, we begin the financial summary there. Inter IKEA Group recorded total revenues of EUR 25.6 billion, including
wholesale sales to IKEA retailers, franchise fees and retail sales from
In FY21, the continuing effects of the global pandemic forced a large the IKEA Delft store, and a net profit of EUR 1.4 billion for FY21.
number of IKEA stores to shut. Some were closed for even longer
periods in FY21 compared to FY20. When most stores re-opened in
late spring, customers returned and in FY21 IKEA stores welcomed €41.3 €39.6 €41.9
775 million visitors. This is below FY20 (825 million visits), causing
a store sales decline of 8%.
Despite lower store sales, total retail sales for FY21 were 5.8% higher FY20 FY21
FY21 resulted in total IKEA retail sales of EUR 41.9 billion (including
sales of IKEA products, food and services by IKEA franchisees)
compared to EUR 39.6 billion in FY20. 26%
Products sold
billion website
products that we have yet to recover from. We expect this will continue Services to
far into FY22. Across the IKEA value chain, great efforts will continue to
be made to keep our most popular products in stock. 775 million store visits
FY21 IKEA retail sales and two new markets entered
217,000 225,000
The franchisor has the responsibility to
FY21 also saw the last worldwide publication of
the iconic IKEA catalogue after 70 years. Moving
continuously develop the IKEA Concept
FY20 IKEA co-workers FY21 IKEA co-workers
beyond the catalogue allows us to focus our and ensure its implementation in new around the world around the world
time and resources on a better omnichannel and existing markets. Franchisees provide
experience for IKEA customers.
valuable input based on consumer and
market insights.
More IKEA facts & figures for FY21 can be found on
This diagram shows a simplified overview of key organisations in the IKEA franchise
system and value chain (excluding subsidiaries) The IKEA retail business operates in
61 markets through a franchise system. This infographic shows a simplified overview.
Market information is accurate as of 31 August 2021. For more detailed information,
please visit or
Supply includes IKEA Supply AG, IKEA
Industry AB, IKEA Components AB and
related businesses. Inter IKEA Systems
Inter IKEA B.V. assigns IKEA Supply AG to source and
Holding B.V.
distribute IKEA products to IKEA franchisees.
The global pandemic affected our operating income in FY21. The Franchise fees 1,273 1,162
biggest cause was the steep increase in transport and raw material
Other income 60 64
prices in the second half of the financial year. The full impact of this
can be seen in the increased costs of goods sold which reflects the Total revenues 25,615 23,613
cost of sourcing, handling and distribution of IKEA products.
Costs of goods sold 21,137 18,860
After financial income and expense, and income taxes, net income
of EUR 1,433 million was substantially lower compared to FY20. The Gross profit 4,478 4,753
Inter IKEA Group consolidated income statement shows a simplified
Operational cost 2,622 2,529
overview of this year’s financial performance.
Total operating income 1,856 2,224
Sales of goods
Sales of goods refers to wholesale sales of IKEA products to IKEA Financial income and expense -151 -201
franchisees. Inter IKEA Group also owns and operates one IKEA store
Result before tax 1,705 2,023
in Delft, the Netherlands. IKEA Delft’s retail sales are also included in
this line item. Income taxes -272 -295
As IKEA franchisees’ retail sales increased in FY21, Inter IKEA Group Results from the sale of entities - 3
wholesale sales went up as well. However, the global transport crisis
challenged us to keep IKEA stores well-supplied throughout Net income 1,433 1,731
the year.
sell the IKEA product range and operate purchasing costs in FY21. LOKALT is a vibrant collection of handmade
IKEA stores and other sales channels. textiles and ceramics where local traditions
In addition, transport costs went up due meet traditional handicraft. It is the result
of a collaboration with contemporary local
As retail sales increased in FY21, franchise to the limited availability of containers
designers and social entrepreneurs in Jordan,
fee income rose accordingly. and carriers as a result of the pandemic. Thailand and India. Every cushion cover, rug,
To support low prices to customers in basket and bowl creates equality, inclusion
Other income accordance with our affordability ambition, and livelihoods in regions where it is most
Other income mainly consists of income from needed. LOKALT is a collection from IKEA
Inter IKEA Group did not increase wholesale
Social Entrepreneurship, which aims to create
selling the IKEA catalogue (final edition) and prices to the IKEA franchisees, which led to a long-term job opportunities and livelihoods for
other marketing materials created for IKEA lower gross margin. vulnerable groups in a business partnership.
We identified the millions of enthusiastic
gamers across the world as a truly cross-
Cost of goods sold demographic group who have long been
Cost of goods sold describes the total
accumulated costs to manufacture and
15.8% 13.0% overlooked from a life-at-home perspective.
So to design the new IKEA gaming range
gross profit % gross profit % we teamed up with Republic of Gamers to
distribute products. The cost of goods in FY20 in FY21
create the perfect gaming setup solutions and
sold relates to both wholesale and Delft comfortable ergonomic furniture, including all
store sales. the accessories, for a high-performance gaming
experience at affordable prices.
In FY21 the Inter IKEA Group tax charge was EUR 272 million – equal
to 16.0% of pre-tax income, compared to 14.6% in FY20. This resulted
from lower supply chain profitability due to increased raw material
prices and transport costs.
Staff and Bought services Depreciation/ Other operating Inter IKEA Group’s total tax contribution amounted to EUR 1,916
travel costs amortisation expenses
million and mainly consisted of corporate income tax, custom duties,
VAT and payroll taxes.
FY21 operational cost per category
Operational cost
Operational cost includes co-worker costs, utilities, rent and other
costs related to day-to-day operations. This total went up slightly in Corporate
income tax
FY21 to EUR 2,622 million.
Customs 377
The consolidated balance sheet shows an overview of Inter IKEA Inventories 3,752 3,661
Group’s assets, equity and what is due to suppliers, partners and
Receivables 5,831 5,276
other organisations.
Cash and cash equivalents 160 225
Intangible fixed assets
In general terms, fixed assets are business property intended for Total current assets 9,743 9,162
long-term use. Intangible fixed assets are assets that lack physical
Total assets 21,407 21,107
form like patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual
property. Intangible fixed assets form much of Inter IKEA Group’s
overall assets.
Group equity 10,115 9,541
Most Inter IKEA Group intangible fixed assets are trademark rights
and other intellectual property rights. Inter IKEA Group purchased Provisions 255 322
these rights for EUR 11.8 billion in 2012. As a positive return is
Non-current liabilities 5,429 5,979
expected for a long period, these costs are spread over a period of
45 years. Current liabilities 5,608 5,265
Inter IKEA Group owns several offices and distribution centres, the Provisions are money set aside for pension commitments, deferred
IKEA Delft store, the IKEA Hotell and IKEA Museum, and around 42 taxes and claims. Liabilities are money owed to others. Most Inter
factories. Most of the factories are in Europe. The majority produce IKEA Group non-current liabilities, which are due over a long period
IKEA furniture, while two manufacture components, such as screws of time, consist of a loan from Interogo Holding AG (a non-controlling
and wooden dowels used to assemble IKEA furniture. shareholder). Current liabilities are short-term loans, money due to
suppliers and the current portion of long-term loans from Interogo
Inventories and receivables Holding AG.
Inventories mostly consist of IKEA products in warehouses. Inventory
levels went down in FY20 and remained low during FY21. Transport
constraints in combination with high customer demand created a
challenge to replenish inventory to a desired level.
Note to reader: the included abbreviated financial statements are an abridged version of the consolidated financial statements of Inter IKEA Holding B.V. as included in the Annual Report for the
financial year 2021. An unqualified auditor’s report dated 28 October 2021 was issued on these financial statements. Inter IKEA Holding B.V.’s consolidated financial statements, from which these
abbreviated financial statements have been derived, have been prepared in accordance with Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code.
IKEA Facts & Figures FY21 Inter IKEA Group Financial Inter IKEA Inter IKEA Group Inter IKEA Group Tax IKEA Sustainability Report
Summary FY21 Group Annual List of subsidiaries Report FY21
Report FY21 FY21
The IKEA logo and the IKEA wordmark are registered trademarks of Inter IKEA Systems B.V. All copyrights in the pictures used in this document are owned by Inter IKEA
Systems B.V. and may in no way be copied or reproduced without the consent of Inter IKEA Systems B.V.