Inter IKEA Group Financial Summary FY229135
Inter IKEA Group Financial Summary FY229135
Inter IKEA Group Financial Summary FY229135
Financial Summary
The war in Ukraine has also affected the IKEA business and customers.
IKEA retail operations in Russia have stopped and Inter IKEA Group
continues to scale down its presence with full consideration for the many
co-workers, partners and suppliers who have made IKEA successful there
for several years.
Inter IKEA Group recorded total revenues
Services to
of EUR 27.6 billion (EUR 25.6 billion in FY21), customers Chile
including wholesale sales to IKEA retailers,
franchise fees and retail sales from the IKEA FY22 IKEA retail sales billion website
Delft store. Net profit is EUR 0.7 billion
(EUR 1.4 billion in FY21).
231,000 225,000
everyone to contribute and collaborate.
easy and affordable. These include a focus on
saving energy, water and waste, prolonging The franchisor has the responsibility to
FY22 IKEA co-workers FY21 IKEA co-workers
the life of products, and healthy and delicious continuously develop the IKEA Concept and around the world around the world
alternative food options. ensure its implementation in new and existing
markets. Franchisees provide valuable input
based on consumer and market insights.
More IKEA facts & figures for FY22 can be found on
This diagram shows a simplified overview of key organisations in the IKEA franchise
system and value chain (excluding subsidiaries). The IKEA retail business operates in
62 markets through a franchise system. Market information is accurate as of 31 August
2022. For more detailed information, please visit or
Inter IKEA Holding B.V. is the holding company Franchise brand development, sustainability, people and
of the Inter IKEA Group. Inter IKEA Holding B.V. Franchise consists of Inter IKEA Systems environment, market potential and expansion.
is based in the Netherlands where the group B.V., based in the Netherlands, and its IKEA Marketing & Communication AB develops
management of Inter IKEA Group is located. subsidiaries, including IKEA Marketing & and creates IKEA communication content.
Inter IKEA Group has three core businesses: Communication AB. Inter IKEA Systems B.V.
Franchise, Range and Supply. The core is the worldwide IKEA franchisor and the Range
businesses work together with franchisees owner of the IKEA Concept (which includes Range includes IKEA of Sweden AB, based
and suppliers to co-create the IKEA offer the IKEA brand). Inter IKEA Systems B.V. in Sweden, and related businesses. It is
and franchise system. Inter IKEA Group aims continuously develops the IKEA Concept and responsible for designing and developing the
to provide the best possible conditions for ensures its successful implementation in overall IKEA product range, including home
implementing and operating the IKEA Concept, new and existing markets. This enables IKEA furnishings, food and packaging solutions,
and to create a strong platform for growth. to remain forward-looking in areas such as under assignment of Inter IKEA Systems B.V.
Supply includes IKEA Supply AG, IKEA
Inter IKEA Industry AB, IKEA Components AB and
Holding B.V.
related businesses. IKEA Supply AG, based
in Switzerland, has received the assignment
from Inter IKEA Systems B.V. to source and
Franchise Range Supply distribute IKEA products to IKEA franchisees.
Most IKEA products (89%) are sourced from
Systems B.V. Sweden AB Supply AG Industry AB external suppliers across the globe. IKEA
Supply AG manages and operates the IKEA
supply chain together with its wholesale
Overview of Inter IKEA Group
Our operating income in FY22 was affected by the later stages of
the Covid-19 pandemic. This caused severe disruptions, delays and
#!% !%
congestions in supply chains, and elevated purchase prices and
transport costs. The war in Ukraine worsened these disruptions. %" $
The Inter IKEA Group consolidated income statement shows a !" #
simplified overview of this year’s financial performance.
#!#$ !"!
After financial income and expense, and income taxes, the net !! $
income of EUR 710 million was substantially lower compared to FY21.
!$! !!$%
This is the result of increased purchase prices and transport costs
which were partly absorbed to limit sales price increases to the IKEA ! #
franchisees as much as possible.
Sales of goods
Sales of goods refers to wholesale sales of IKEA products to IKEA
franchisees. Inter IKEA Group owns and operates one IKEA store in & $"
Delft, the Netherlands. IKEA Delft’s retail sales are also included in
this line item. Sales of goods are up following the necessary price
increases on the goods sold to the franchisees and offset the effect #
of lower volumes. Unlike in FY21, we were no longer able to absorb
the continuous increase in purchasing and transport costs.
31% Taxation
In FY22, the Inter IKEA Group tax charge was EUR 221 million – equal to
23.7% of pre-tax income, compared to 16.0% in FY21. The effective tax
Staff and Bought services Depreciation/ Other operating
rate increased significantly following low profit in IKEA Supply AG based
travel costs amortisation expenses
in Switzerland, which in turn was due to the high cost of goods and low
gross margin.
FY22 operational cost per category
Inter IKEA Group’s total tax contribution amounted to EUR 1,996 million
Operational cost
and mainly consisted of corporate income tax, custom duties, VAT and
Operational cost includes co-worker costs, utilities, rent and other costs
payroll taxes. Read more in the Inter IKEA Group Tax Report FY22.
related to day-to-day operations.
improve the IKEA value chain and the (online) IKEA sales experience. Other 26
VAT 764
In June 2022, Inter IKEA Group decided to scale down business and 695
operations in Russia and Belarus after nearly a four-month pause. Payroll 437
This means that the franchise agreement with the local franchisee is
terminated and that the IKEA Industry business in Russia has reduced
Taxes incurred FY22 Taxes collected FY22
its workforce and started the process of finding new ownership for all
Taxes incurred FY21 Taxes collected FY21
its factories. The import and export of IKEA products to and from Russia
and Belarus has stopped and the offices in Moscow and Minsk will close FY22/FY21 total tax contribution by type of tax in million EUR
Most Inter IKEA Group balance sheet positions have not changed
significantly compared to 31 August 2021. Inventories and
)#&) )'!!
receivables were the exceptions. Here we see the increased cost of
raw materials and transport reflected in the value of inventories and !&ףר !' "
receivables from franchisees. Our equity ratio went down from 47% "עש "%!
to 40% due to increased working capital.
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The consolidated balance sheet shows an overview of Inter IKEA &")$ #'%"
Group’s assets, equity and what is due to suppliers, partners and
&) & %(#!
other organisations.
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Intangible fixed assets
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In general terms, fixed assets are business property intended for
long-term use. Intangible fixed assets are assets that lack physical " !
Most Inter IKEA Group intangible fixed assets are trademark rights !"$ "%%
and other intellectual property rights. Inter IKEA Group purchased
%%## %$")
these rights in 2012. The purchase price of EUR 11.8 billion is spread
over 45 years since a positive return is expected for a long period. )!( %& (
Inter IKEA Group owns several offices and distribution centres, the A dividend of EUR 850 million will be distributed to Interogo Holding
IKEA Delft store, the IKEA Hotell, the IKEA Museum and around 42 AG. This will be funded from the EUR 710 million profit achieved during
factories. Most of the factories are in Europe. The majority produce FY22, with the remaining EUR 140 million to be withdrawn from equity.
IKEA furniture, while two manufacture components, such as screws
and wooden dowels used to assemble IKEA furniture. Provisions are money set aside for pension commitments, deferred
taxes and claims.
The process of finding new ownership for the factories in Russia has
started and is expected to be finalised in FY23. Liabilities are money owed to others. Most Inter IKEA Group non-
current liabilities, which are due over a long period of time, consist of a
Inventories and receivables loan from Interogo Holding AG. Current liabilities are short-term loans,
Inventories mostly consist of IKEA products in warehouses and in money due to suppliers and the current portion of long-term loans
transit. Inventory levels went up from unusually low levels in FY21 from Interogo Holding AG. Due to the build-up of inventory during
following Covid-related supply chain disruptions. Significant efforts FY22, our trade payables as well as the short-term loans payable to
were made in FY22 to replenish inventory to the level we need in order Interogo Holding AG have increased.
to better serve our customers.
Note to reader: the included abbreviated financial statements are an abridged version of the consolidated financial statements of Inter IKEA Holding B.V. as included in the Annual Report for the
financial year 2022. An unqualified auditor’s report dated 31 October 2022 was issued on these financial statements. Inter IKEA Holding B.V.’s consolidated financial statements, from which these
abbreviated financial statements have been derived, have been prepared in accordance with Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code.
and may in no way be copied or reproduced without the consent of Inter IKEA Systems B.V.
IKEA Systems B.V. All copyrights in the pictures used in this document are owned by Inter IKEA Systems B.V.
© Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2022. The IKEA logo and the IKEA wordmark are registered trademarks of Inter
Inter IKEA
Inter IKEA Group Inter IKEA Group Inter IKEA Holding B.V.
Financial Summary Tax Report Holding B.V. List of subsidiaries
Annual report FY22
FY22 FY22 FY22
Inter IKEA Group Financial Summary FY22 Inter IKEA Group Tax Report FY22 Inter IKEA Group Inter IKEA Group List
Annual Report FY22 of subsidiaries FY22