KJROCKER'S Native Ads Guide v2 Updated

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KJ ​Rocker’s 
Native Ads Guide


What Is Native Advertising 4 

What Offers to Promote. 5 

Testing Your Traffic 8 

Submit at least 10 ad copies to ensure approval 8 

Segregate your campaigns by OS & device type 8 

How to Create Native Ads That Will Not Get Rejected 9 

1# Work on your landing page 11 
- - - - X 11 
2# Avoid prohibited practices 12 
- - - - X 12 
3# Creatives should be engaging but not manipulative 13 
- - - - X 13 
4# Do not upload identical ads 13 

What Kind Of Landing Pages To Use 15 

1#The “Blogvertorial” 15 
- - - - X 15 
#2: The good old classic Advertorial 18 
- - - - X 18 
#3: The Classic Pre-sell Page 22 
- - - - X 22 
#4: The Video Sales Letter 28 
- - - - X 28 
#5 : The Sponsored Blogvertorial  
- - - - X 31 
#6 : The Action Opt-in Page  
- - - - X 35 
#7 : The Affiliate Review Page  
- - - - X 39 

Making Your Campaigns Successful 43 

How to get best treatment from Affiliate managers and Ad network 

account managers 44 

Resources 44 

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AdPlexity 44 
Tracking 45 
Hosting 45 
Forums 45 
Coaching 45 

Make $$$$$ 45 

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Native Advertising 

What Is Native Advertising 

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Native advertising is the use of paid ads that match the look, 
feel and function of the media format in which they appear. 
Native ads are often found in social media feeds, or as 
recommended content on a web page. Unlike display ads or banner 
ads, native ads don't really look like ads. 

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Native Advertising is all about storytelling, Helping your customers to make 
complex decisions less complicated or technical issues less technical, Through 
storytelling . 

What Offers to Promote.  
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Native Advertising is not a 
traffic source where you 
would want to promote email 
submit offers, you would be 
better off with E-commerce 
offers, products or pay per 
sale offers; where you can 
get a better payout, that of 

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at least $25+.. Usually evergreen niches like Health, make money 
online, insurance , Lead generation investment and high ticket 
offers like that work well.  

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Get a dedicated account manager for Native Ads account with only $500 Deposit  


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Testing Your Traffic 

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Let creatives run for 50,000 impressions each before cutting 
them. If you cut targets too quickly you risk losing the 
momentum of the campaign, some of your ads will have weaker 
CTR's but will gain most of the traffic. 

Submit at least 10 ad copies to ensure approval 

- - - - X
Some tier 1 publishers won't like your ad, it could be 100% 
compliant and still won't get approved. Whilst other ads could 
get approved, by being more aggressive. It's better to submit 
several ads to ensure they get approved. 

Segregate your campaigns by OS & device type 

- - - - X

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We always separate campaigns by android, ios, desktop, tablets. 
This way you can set different bids. Sometimes android traffic 
tends to be cheaper, why pay more for the click?  

How to Create Native Ads That Will Not Get Rejected 

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Native ads are meant to spark interest. Catchy pictures, 
engaging and somewhat provocative titles – all these are 
indispensable elements of a native ad. However, in the pursuit 
of higher CTRs many tend to overdo it and step over what’s 
considered good practice. And while outright click-baiting is a 
definite no-no, there are some other, less apparent, reasons why 
your creative may be rejected by an ad network. 
I’ve asked ​MGID​, one of the leading content distribution 
networks out there, to share their policies on creatives and 
give some advice to those who are only considering running their 
first native ad campaigns. The recommendations below are based 
on some of the most common mistakes made by affiliates which 
lead to their ads being rejected. These recommendations are 
applicable to other networks and will be useful to anyone 
relying on native advertising for traffic acquisition.  

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It’s actually easier than it seems to create an ad that will 

both grab readers’ attention and comply with the creative 
guidelines. The rules laid out below are pretty straightforward, 
yet it’s important that you stick to them to avoid your ad being 

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1# ​Work on your landing page 

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Make sure that: 
● There’s  no  obscene  or  vulgar  language  in  the  name  of 
the website or the URL; 
● You  do  not  promise  any  reward  for  the  purchased  goods 
or services; 
● Your  landing  page  does  not  spread  any  malware  or 
contain any automatically loading elements; 
● Your  landing  page  does  not  contain  nudity,  sex  scenes, 
vulgar or suggestive images; 

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● Your  landing  page  does  not  contain  any  emblems  or 
logos  of  ministries  and  other  authorities  (e.g.  the 
Ministry  of  Health),  as  well  as  companies  that  were 
not involved in manufacturing the product; 
● Your  landing  page  is  not  showing  any  actual  practicing 
doctors  promoting  health  and  beauty  products  or 
● The  landing  page  is  not  showing  any  local  or 
international  celebrities,  media  personalities, 
musicians,  models  or  scientists  promoting  the  product, 
who are not in any way connected with the product; 
● Your  landing  page  does  not  copy  the  design  of  other 
websites like Cosmopolitan or Instagram; 
● The  product  or  service  you  promote  is  legal.  This  is 
something  that  will  be  determined  by  the  legal 
compliance department; 
● What  you  promote  is  not  a  Ponzi  scheme  or  any  other 
kind of financial pyramid; 
● You hold a license, where one is required; 
● Landing  pages  are  not  showing  any  scenes  of  murder, 
violence, blood or other graphic images; 
● There’s  no  prohibited  content  hidden  behind  spoilers 
or otherwise concealed in the page code; 
● Sponsored content is clearly labeled 

2#​ Avoid prohibited practices 

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Do  not  cloak.    The  importance  of  this  point  cannot  be 
stressed  enough.  It’s  always  better  to  try  and  discuss  and 
negotiate  with  MGID’s  manager  about  what’s  acceptable  and  what’s 
not  than  wasting  time  setting  up  a  campaign  that  will eventually 
be rejected and facing other sanctions​.

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3#​ Creatives should be engaging but not manipulative 

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Make sure that: 

● Your  creatives  are  of  good  quality.  Avoid  poor  design 
or low image quality; 
● The images are properly cropped and centered; 
● Your  creatives  don’t  look  cheesy  and  do  not  contain 
any repulsive images; 
● Sufficient  attention  is  paid  to  details:  your  images 
should  make  logical  sense  and  be  consistent  with  the 
● There’s  no  smoking,  drinking,  cruelty  or  racism  in  the 
● Your  title  is  a  complete  message.  Do  not  end  the 
sentence  with  an  ellipsis  trying  to  intrigue  your 
readers  and  get  them  to  click  –  use  an  original  and 
engaging title instead; 
● Your  title  does  not  contain  false  or  misleading 
● Where  the  ad  is  in  a  foreign  language,  it  should  be 
well  translated.  MGID  accepts  ads  in  57  different 
languages  and  uses  the  services  of  native  speakers  to 
check  if  the  level  of  the  respective  language.  The 
better  the  language,  the  sooner  the  ad  will  be 

4#​ Do not upload identical ads 

- - - - X 

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Seeking  good  ad  and  landing  page  combinations  and  analyzing 
different  angles  are  part  and  parcel  of  the  testing  process.  At 
the  same  time,  copying  active  creatives  within  the  same  GEO  and 
categories doesn’t help the performance marketers to earn more. 
To  avoid  this,  MGID  launched  an  automated  image  de-duplication, 
which  prevents  two  identical  ads  from  appearing  in  one  and  the 
same widget. Its purpose is threefold: 
● it ensures the diversity of ads shown to users; 
● it  doesn’t  spoil  user  experience  and  keeps  publishers 
● it allows you to continuously conduct A/B testing. 
URL  de-duplicator  prevents  two  ads  with  the  same  link  from 
appearing  in  the  same  widget,  pretty  much  serving  the  same 
purpose as the image duplicator. 
It’s  important  to  remember  that  the  idea  behind  testing  is  to 
employ  approaches  that  use  some  common  as  well  as  some different 
criteria  and  features.  Uploading  ads  with  completely  identical 
parameters makes no sense and won’t get you anywhere.   
Final  word  of  advice  –  it’s  always  a  good  idea  to  read  the 
network’s  creative  guidelines 
(​https://www.mgid.com/creative-guidelines​)  prior  to  starting 
your  campaign.  If  unsure,  you  can  always  contact  your  company 
rep  for  advice  and  clarifications.  Following  the  guidelines  is 
your first step on the path to native advertising success. 
If  you  are  new  to  native  and  want  to  give  it  a  try,  MGID  is 
great  place  to  start.  Follow  this  link  and  get  a  $100  bonus  on 
your first $500 deposit:​ ​http://www.kjrocker.com/goto/mgid.php 

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What Kind Of Landing Pages To Use 

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1#The “Blogvertorial” 
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You’ve probably heard of the a
​ dvertorial​. An advertorial is a 
landing page that’s designed to look like an organic news story. 
The “blogvertorial” (a made-up name) is similar, but there are 
two main differences: 

Difference #1:​ ​Most advertorials that are successful on 

Native Ad Networks are designed to look like news articles. 

Blogvertorials are designed to look like organic blog posts. 
They are also often written in a traditional blog format, such 
as a “listicle” (list of tips/tricks) or a testimonial review. 

Difference #2:​ ​Most Native Ad advertisers host their 

advertorials on a domain that is separate from their main site. 

Almost all blogvertorials are shown on the main domain. (One 

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thing to keep in mind is that many advertorials are affiliates 
running lead generation campaigns). 
Here’s a blogvertorial from Hello Fresh, a healthy food delivery 

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Adbeat estimates that Hello Fresh has spent over $599.2K on 
Native Ad Networks over the previous six months. Most of that 

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traffic was sent to blogvertorial landing pages. This likely 
means that this style of landing page is working well for Hello 

#2: The good old classic Advertorial 

- - - - X 
The advertorial is still alive and well.​ ​Many Native advertisers 
who do lead generation for mortgage financing, credit card debt 
products, or auto insurance have success with advertorials on 
Native Ad Networks. You’ll often see that many advertisers in 
related markets tend to use advertorials that are quite similar. 
For example, here are two similarly styled advertorials for 
mortgage refinance offers: 

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Both of these pages have a very comparable feel. They both also 
include a v
​ ery s
​ imilar “How Much Is Your Mortgage” box in the 
right-hand sidebar. 
Insurance advertisers also send Native Ad traffic to 
advertorials. You’ve probably seen Native ads that look like 
these over the past few months: 

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These ads send traffic to lead generation advertorials. Here is 

one of the current best performers for this market on Native 

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One thing to keep in mind is that the FTC is getting stricter 

about what they’ll allow advertisers to design regarding their 
advertorials. This means that Native Ad Networks might change 
their terms of service to prohibit advertisers from using 
certain claims, designs, and properly label their advertorials. 
In other words, what’s allowed today might not be allowed 
tomorrow. Most affiliates use cloaking with Advertorials.  

#3: The Classic Pre-sell Page 
- - - - X 

Back in 2013-2014, the word “pre-sell” found its way back to the 
internet marketing lexicon. It became quite popular to send 
traffic to pages that pre-sold a prospect to click through a 
longer sales page.  
For example, back in 2014, ForceFactor sent traffic to a 
pre-sell page for their testosterone booster: 

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That was in 2014. 

Now it’s 2018.  

And guess what? 

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Pre-sell pages that look like the one above are less prevalent 
but are still around on Native Ads. They even work for 
advertisers in the same markets. 
For example, Adbeat shows that Nugenix (another testosterone 
boosting supplement) is running Native Ad Networks traffic to 
this landing page: 

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Both of these pages send prospects to a long form sales letter. 

Other companies like The Motley Fool (an advertiser that sells 
newsletter subscriptions) have tested pre-sell landing pages on 
Native Ad Networks: 

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The pre-sell page, advertorial, and blogvertorial are all very 
similar in style and function. They work so well because they 
all pre-sell the message while triggering fewer 
“I’m-Being-Sold-To” alarms. 

#4: The Video Sales Letter  
- - - - X 

The video sales letter (VSL) is about as classic of a landing 

page as you can get. 

However, we’re seeing fewer and fewer large advertisers using 
VSLs on Native Ad Networks. Some of the larger direct response 
advertisers like The Motley Fool, large supplement companies, 
and Agora subsidiaries are still seeing amazing results with 
them, though. 
Here is a screenshot of a VSL that The Motley Fool is currently 

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You’ll notice that most successful VSLs on Native Ad Networks 

use a combination of live action video and PowerPoint slides. It 
seems like having a 100% PowerPoint slide VSL is less effective 
on Display than it has been in the past. 
Here is a VSL for an energy supplement that starts right out the 
gate with a live-action video in the style of a TV news story: 

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Something else that’s pretty smart–but very few advertisers are 

testing–is the pre-sell VSL. This is simply a short video on a 
pre-sell page with text that tries to convince the user to click 
through and watch an even longer VSL. 
Here is an example: This direct response advertiser sends 
traffic to a pre-sell VSL. There are links on the page that lead 
that traffic to an even longer VSL. 

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#5 : The Sponsored Blogvertorial  


The Sponsored Blogvertorial is the exact same thing as the 

traditional blogvertorial, only the advertiser has placed it on 
a third party website. 
What’s the real difference? 

This provides even more credibility. 


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Here’s an excellent example of a sponsored blogvertorial on the 
BusinessInsider from FundRise, a platform for crowdfunded real 
estate investments: 

Here’s another blogvertorial that’s appeared on BusinessInsider. 

This blogvertorial is about hoodies from the American Giant 
clothing startup: 

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Here’s another example for the BlueApron food delivery service: 

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The downside to these third party pages is that the content and 
ads might distract the prospect from the content in the 
blogvertorial. However, it may be worth the trade-off for the 
credibility it lends to the offer. 
Imagine If I publish an article on Shoemoney.com and then 
promote that page on native ads promoting my ​private coaching​..  

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#6 : The Action Opt-in Page  


Have you noticed anything missing from this guide? 

Squeeze pages. 

Very few advertisers run traffic to squeeze pages on Display.  

Why is this?  
The reason is unclear.  

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It’s likely that they aren’t profitable on Native or that most 
networks have changed their policies and no longer allow squeeze 
However, the good news is that there is something similar and 
even more effective. I refer to them as “action opt-in” pages.  
An action opt-in page is simply a page where users must actually 
do​ something instead of just clicking through or entering their 
email address. 
For example, users might be asked to take a quiz. Quiz pages can 
be considered the latest “fad” in landing pages. However, many 
advertisers have begun using quizzes for a good reason: they 
Quiz pages allow you to tailor your sales funnel to the specific 
needs of your prospects. This increases the chances of 
conversion. Plus, they’ve ​invested​ time in taking the quiz or 
completing an action. This makes it easier for them to tell 
themselves that they should continue since they’ve already gone 
so far. 
Another action opt-in is a “tool” page. 

Here’s a great example from InstantCheckmate: 

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InstantCheckmate has been using variations of this landing page 

for ​years​ on display. 
It works because it immediately gives people something to do. 

You’ll also see that Ancestry​.com​ uses a similar landing page: 

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Another example is just about any site for online games. 

Pladium–currently the biggest spender on Taboola–sends traffic 
to this very simple page that lets users create their user 

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#7 : The Affiliate Review Page  
“Top 10” affiliate review pages have been around forever. Some 
advertisers continue to use variations of them on Native Ad 
Networks . Almost all affiliate review pages are for credit card 
Here is an example of a LendingTree affiliate review page: 

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Here’s a more “old school” affiliate page for dating websites: 

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Affiliate review pages continue to work on Native Ad Networks, 
However, you must have a compelling enough page, and the 
commission must be high enough to cover advertising costs. This 
is probably why almost all $1m+ affiliates promote ​personal 
finance products​ on Native. Credit card offers and mortgage lead 
generation offers usually have excellent payouts. 

Making Your Campaigns Successful  

- - - - X
Now That you have your Whitelist from your affiliate manager, 
the next step is to start running traffic and filtering out 
widget ids and create lists. On the next page are the 4 most 
important lists you should be building. 

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How to get best treatment from Affiliate managers and Ad network 

account managers 
- - - - X
Flatter your Account Managers and Affiliate Managers by sending 
out occasional gifts/Seasonal greeting cards or personalized 
presents. If you can't do that, a nice appreciation letter or an 
email is a great idea too! H​ere is one​ I sent out to netdna for 
their help long time ago.. Do the same with your traffic 
networks, affiliate networks and Industry influencers and you 
will get the best treatment. Here are a few scenarios gifts/ 
letters can help you ..  
1. To get best offers from networks  
2. To get best landing pages from networks  

3. To get away with deposit limits from Ad networks  

4. To get best quality traffic from traffic networks  

And many more …   

- - - - X

AdPlexity is the number one tool for spying on Native Ads, ​Use 
this Link ​ to Get Adplexity Native Ads for only $160 / Month 
Instead of $249, Its my affiliate link but it also gives you a 

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huge discount so you save money while I will make some money 


You can Use ​Voluum​ or You can use ​Bemob​ , Similar to Voluum just 
their pricing is less.   
Alternatively You can use ​AdsBridge​ ..  


Host your landing pages with the best host, with perfect 
customer service Check out ​Liquid Web Discount code here  


You can join ​Stack That Money here​ the best affiliate marketing 
forum at the moment. ( I am inactive for a while now as I am 
busy with my own campaigns ) or You can also ​Join Affletes 
Forum​, Brand new forum available..  


Still confused about how or where to start? Want to improve your 

ROI? ​Schedule a strategy call with me here​ ..  

Make $$$$$  

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I have put lots of time and energy writing this guide, Please 
complete this survey to let me know your feedback by ​clicking 
here​ .  

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